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Everyday Use-Alice Walker(《祖母的日常用品》爱丽丝.沃克)原版辅导教学问题

Everyday Use-Alice Walker(《祖母的日常用品》爱丽丝.沃克)原版辅导教学问题
Everyday Use-Alice Walker(《祖母的日常用品》爱丽丝.沃克)原版辅导教学问题

Everyday Use

Alice Walker

I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves, anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house.

Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: She will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister had held life always in the palm of one hand, that “no” is a word the world never learned to say to her.



You?ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has “made it” is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage. (A pleasant surprise, of course: What would they do if parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other?) On TV mother and child embrace and smile into each other?s faces. Sometimes the mother and father weep; the child wraps them in her arms and leans across the table to tell how she would not have made it without their help. I have seen these programs.

Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a dark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny Carson who shakes my hand and tells me what a fine girl I have. Then we are on the stage, and Dee is embracing me with tears in her eyes. She pins on my dress a large orchid, even though she had told me once that she thinks orchids are tacky flowers.



In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a

sledgehammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall. But of course all this does not show on television. I am the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like an uncooked barley pancake. My hair glistens in the hot bright lights. Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.

But that is a mistake. I know even before I wake up. Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue? Who can even imagine me looking a strange white man in the eye? It seems to me I have talked to them always with one foot raised in flight, with my head turned in whichever way is farthest from them. Dee, though. She would always look anyone in the eye. Hesitation was no part of her nature.



“How do I look, Mama?” Maggie says, showing just enough of her thin body enveloped in pink skirt and red blouse for me to know she?s there, almost hidden by the door.

“Come out into the yard,” I say.

Have you ever seen a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car, sidle up to someone who is ignorant enough to be kind to him? That is the way my Maggie walks. She has been like this, chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house to the ground.

Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure. She?s a woman now, though sometimes I forget. How long ago was it that the other house burned? Ten, twelve years? Sometimes I can still hear the flames and feel Maggie?s arms sticking to me, her hair smoking and her dress falling off her in little black papery flakes. Her eyes seemed stretched open, blazed open by the flames reflected in them. And Dee. I see her standing off under the sweet gum tree she used to dig gum out of, a look of concentration on her face as she watched the last dingy gray board of the house fall in toward the red-hot brick chimney. Why don?t you do a dance around the ashes? I?d wanted to ask her. She had hated the house that much.



I used to think she hated Maggie, too. But that was before we raised the money, the church and me, to send her to Augusta to school. She used to read to us without pity, forcing words, lies, other

folks? habits, whole lives upon us two, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice. She washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn?t necessarily need to know. Pressed us to her with the serious ways she read, to shove us away at just the moment, like dimwits, we seemed about to understand.

Dee wanted nice things. A yellow organdy dress to wear to her graduation from high school; black pumps to match a green suit she?d made from an ol d suit somebody gave me. She was determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts. Her eyelids would not flicker for minutes at a time. Often I fought off the temptation to shake her. At sixteen she had a style of her own: and knew what style was.


I never had an education myself. After second grade the school closed down. Don?t ask me why: In 1927 colored asked fewer questions than they do now. Sometimes Maggie reads to me. She stumbles along good-naturedly but can?t see well. She knows she is not bright. Like good looks and money, quickness passed her by. She will marry John Thomas (who has mossy teeth in an earnest face), and then I?ll be free to sit here and I guess just sing church songs to myself. Although I never was a good singer. Never could carry a tune. I was always better at a man?s job. I used to love to milk till I was hooked in the side in ?49. Cows are soothing and slow and don?t bother you, unless you try to milk them the wrong way.

I have deliberately turned my back on the house. It is three rooms, just like the one that burned, except the roof is tin; they don?t make shingle roofs anymore. There are no real windows, just some holes cut in the sides, like the port-holes in a ship, but not round and not square, with rawhide holding the shutters up on the outside. This house is in a pasture, too, like the other one. No doubt when Dee sees it she will want to tear it down. She wrote me once that no matter where we “choose” to live, she will manage to come see us. But she will never bri ng her friends. Maggie and I thought about this and Maggie asked me, “Mama, when did Dee ever have any friends?”



She had a few. Furtive boys in pink shirts hanging about on washday after school. Nervous girls who never laughed. Impressed with her, they worshiped the well-turned phrase, the cute shape, the scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in lye. She read to them.

When she was courting Jimmy T, she didn?t have much time to pay to us but turned all her faultfinding power on him. He flew to marry a cheap city girl from a family of ignorant, flashy people. She hardly had time to recompose herself.

When she comes, I will meet—but there they are!

Maggie attempts to make a dash for the house, in her shuffling way, but I stay her with my hand. “Come back here,” I say. And she stops and tries to dig a well in the sand with her toe.

It is hard to see them clearly through the strong sun. But even the first glimpse of leg out of the car tells me it is Dee. Her feet were always neat looking, as if God himself shaped them with a certain style. From the other side of the car comes a short, stocky man. Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chin like a kinky mule tail. I hear Maggie suck in her breath. “Uhnnnh” is what it sounds like. Like when you see the wriggling end of a snake just in front of your foot on the road. “Uhnnnh.”



Dee next. A dress down to the ground, in this hot weather. A dress so loud it hurts my eyes. There are yellows and oranges enough to throw back the light of the sun. I feel my whole face warming from the heat waves it throws out. Earrings gold, too, and hanging down to her shoulders. Bracelets dangling and making noises when she moves her arm up to shake the folds of the dress out of her armpits. The dress is loose and flows, and as she walks closer, I like it. I hear Maggie go “Uhnnnh” again. It is her sister?s hair. It stands straight up like the wool on a sheep. It is black as night and around the edges are two long pigtails that rope about like small lizards disappearing behind her ears.

“Wa-su-zo-Tean-o!” she says, coming on in that g liding way the dress makes her move. The short, stocky fellow with the hair to his navel is all grinning, and he follows up with “Asalamalakim,1 my mother and sister!” He moves to hug Maggie but she falls back, right up against the back of my chair. I feel her trembling there, and when I look up I see the perspiration falling off her chin.



“Don?t get up,” says Dee. Since I am stout, it takes something of a push. You can see me trying to move a second or two before I make it. She turns, showing white heels through her sandals, and

goes back to the car. Out she peeks next with a Polaroid. She stoops down quickly and lines up picture after picture of me sitting there in front of the house with Maggie cowering behind me. She never takes a shot without making sure the house is included. When a cow comes nibbling around in the edge of the yard, she snaps it and me and Maggie and the house. Then she puts the Polaroid in the back seat of the car and comes up and kisses me on the forehead.

Meanwhile, Asalamalakim is going through motions with Maggie?s hand. Maggie?s hand is as limp as a fish, and probably as cold, despite the sweat, and she keeps trying to pull it back. It looks like Asalamalakim wants to shake hands but wants to do it fancy. Or maybe he don?t know how people shake hands. Anyhow, he soon gives up on Maggie.

“Well,” I say. “Dee.”

“No, Mama,” she says. “Not …Dee,? Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo!”



“What happened to …Dee??” I wanted to know.

“She?s dead,” Wangero said. “I couldn?t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me.”

“You know as well as me you w as named after your aunt Dicie,” I said. Dicie is my sister. She named Dee. We called her “Big Dee” after Dee was born.

“But who was she named after?” asked Wangero.

“I guess after Grandma Dee,” I said.

“And who was she named after?” asked Wangero.

“Her mother,” I said, and saw Wangero was getting tired. “That?s about as far back as I can trace

it,” I said. Though, in fact, I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil War through the branches.

“Well,” said Asalamalakim, “there you are.”

“Uhnnnh,” I heard Maggie say.


“There I was not,” I said, “before …Dicie? cropped up in our family, so why should I try to trace it that far back?”

He just stood there grinning, looking down on me like somebody inspecting a Model A car. Every once in a while he and Wangero sent eye signals over my head.

“How do you pronounce this name?” I asked.

“You don?t have to call me by it if you don?t want to,” said Wangero.

“Why shouldn?t I?” I asked. “If that?s what you want us to call you, we?ll call you.”

“I know it might sound awkward at first,” said Wangero.

“I?ll get used to it,” I said. “Ream it out again.”

Well, soon we got the name out of the way. Asalamalakim had a name twice as long and three times as hard. After I tripped over it two or three times, he told me to just call him Hakim-a-barber.

I wanted to ask him was he a barber, but I didn?t really think he was, so I didn?t ask.



“You must belong to those beef-cattle peoples down the road,” I said. They said “Asalamalakim”

when they met you, too, but they didn?t shake hands. Always too busy: feeding the cattle, fixing the fences, putting up salt-lick shelters, throwing down hay. When the white folks poisoned some of the herd, the men stayed up all night with rifles in their hands. I walked a mile and a half just to see the sight.

Hakim-a-barber said, “I accept some of their doctrines, but farming and raising cattle is not my style.” (They didn?t tell me, and I didn?t ask, whether Wangero—Dee—had really gone and married him.)

We sat down to eat and right away he said he didn?t eat collards, and pork was unclean. Wangero, though, went on through the chitlins and corn bread, the greens, and everything else. She talked a blue streak over the sweet potatoes. Everything delighted her. Even the fact that we still used the benches her daddy made for the table when we couldn?t afford to buy chairs.



“Oh, Mama!” she cried. Then turned to Hakim-a-barber. “I never knew how lovely these benches are. You can feel the rump prints,” she said, running her hands underneath her and along the bench. Then she gave a sigh, and her hand closed over Grandma Dee?s butter dish. “That?s it!” she said. “I knew there was something I wanted to ask you if I could have.” She jumped up from the table and went over in the corner where the churn stood, the milk in it clabber2 by now. She looked at the churn and looked at it.

“This churn top is what I need,” she said. “Didn?t Uncle Buddy whittle it out of a tree you all used to have?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Uh huh,” she said happily. “And I want the dasher,3 too.”

“Uncle Buddy whittle that, too?” asked the barber.

Dee (Wangero) looked up at me.

“Aunt Dee?s first husband whittled the dash,” said Maggie so low you almost couldn?t hear her.

“His name was Henry, but they called him Stash.”



“Maggie?s brain is like an elephant?s,” Wangero said, laughing. “I can use the churn top as a centerpiece for the alcove table,” she said, sliding a plate over the churn, “and I?ll think of something artistic to do with the dasher.”

When she finished wrapping the dasher, the handle stuck out. I took it for a moment in my hands. You didn?t even have to look close to see where hands pushing the dasher up and down to make butter had left a kind of sink in the wood. In fact, there were a lot of small sinks; you could see where thumbs and fingers had sunk into the wood. It was beautiful light-yellow wood, from a tree that grew in the yard where Big Dee and Stash had lived.

After dinner Dee (Wangero) went to the trunk at the foot of my bed and started rifling through it. Maggie hung back in the kitchen over the dishpan. Out came Wangero with two quilts. They had been pieced by Grandma Dee, and then Big Dee and me had hung them on the quilt frames on the front porch and quilted them. One was in the Lone Star pattern. The other was Walk Around the Mountain. In both of them were scraps of dresses Grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago. Bits and pieces of Grandpa Jarrell?s paisley shirts. And one teeny faded blue piece, about the size of a penny matchbox, that was from Great Grandpa Ezra?s uniform that he wore in the Civil War.



“Mama,” Wangero said sweet as a bird. “Can I have these old quilts?”

I heard something fall in the kitchen, and a minute later the kitchen door slammed.

“Why don?t you take one or two of the others?” I asked. “These old things was just done by me and Big Dee from some tops your grandma pieced befor e she died.”

“No,” said Wangero. “I don?t want those. They are stitched around the borders by machine.”

“That?ll make them last better,” I said.

“That?s not the point,” said Wangero. “These are all pieces of dresses Grandma used to wear. She did a ll this stitching by hand. Imagine!” She held the quilts securely in her arms, stroking them.


“Some of the pieces, like those lavender ones, come from old clothes her mother handed down to her,” I said, moving up to touch the quilts. Dee (Wangero) mo ved back just enough so that I couldn?t reach the quilts. They already belonged to her.

“Imagine!” she breathed again, clutching them closely to her bosom.

“The truth is,” I said, “I promised to give them quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John T homas.”

She gasped like a bee had stung her.

“Maggie can?t appreciate these quilts!” she said. “She?d probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use.”

“I reckon she would,” I said. “God knows I been saving ?em for long enough with nobody using ?em. I hope she will!” I didn?t want to bring up how I had offered Dee (Wangero) a quilt when she went away to college. Then she had told me they were old-fashioned, out of style.



“But they?re priceless!” she was saying now, furiously; for she has a temper. “Maggie would put them on the bed and in five years they?d be in rags. Less than that!”“She can always make some more,” I said. “Maggie knows how to quilt.”

D ee (Wangero) looked at me with hatred. “You just will not understand. The point is these quilts, these quilts!”

“Well,” I said, stumped. “What would you do with them?”

“Hang them,” she said. As if that was the only thing you could do with quilts.

Maggie by now was standing in the door. I could almost hear the sound her feet made as they scraped over each other.

“She can have them, Mama,” she said, like somebody used to never winning anything or having anything reserved for her. “I can ?member Grandma Dee without the quilts.”



I looked at her hard. She had filled her bottom lip with checkerberry snuff, and it gave her face a kind of dopey, hangdog look. It was Grandma Dee and Big Dee who taught her how to quilt herself. She stood there with her scarred hands hidden in the folds of her skirt. She looked at her sister with something like fear, but she wasn?t mad at her. This was Maggie?s portion. This was the way she knew God to work.

When I looked at her like that, something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet. Just like when I?m in church and the spirit of God touches me and I get happy and shout. I did something I never had done before: hugged Maggie to me, then dragged her on into the room, snatched the quilts out of Miss Wangero?s hands, and dumped them into Maggie?s lap. Maggie just sat there on my bed with her mouth open.

“Take one or two of the others,” I said to Dee.

But she turned without a word and went out to Hakim-a-barber.



“You just don?t understand,” she said, as Maggie and I came out to the car.

“What don?t I understand?” I wanted to know.

“Your heritage,” she said. And then she turned to Maggie, kissed her, and said, “You ought to try to make something of yourself, too, Maggie. It?s really a new day for us. But from the way you and Mama still live, you?d never know it.”

She put on some sunglasses that hid everything above the tip of her nose and her chin.

Maggie smiled, maybe at the sunglasses. But a real smile, not scared. After we watched the car dust settle, I asked Maggie to bring me a dip of snuff. And then the two of us sat there just enjoying, until it was time to go in the house and go to bed.


Making Meanings

Everyday Use

Reading Check

a. According to Mama, how is Dee different from her and from Maggie?

b. How would Maggie and Dee use the quilts differently?

c. When she was a child, something terrible happened to Maggie. What was it?

d. How did the mother choose to resolve the conflict over the quilts?

e. Find the passage in the text that explains the title .

First Thoughts

1. Which character did you side with in the conflict over the quilts, and why?

Shaping Interpretations

2. What do you think is the source of the conflict in this story? Consider:

3. Dee is re ferred to as the child who has “made it.” What do you think that means, and what signs tell you that she has “made it”?

4. Use a diagram like the one on the right to compare and contrast Dee and Maggie. What is the

most significant thing they have in common? What is their most compelling difference?

5. Near the end of the story, Dee accuses Mama of not understanding their African American heritage. Do you agree or disagree with Dee, and why?

6. Has any character changed by the end of the story? Go back to the text and find details to support your answer.

7. Why do you think Alice Walker dedicated her story “For Your Grandmama”?

Extending the Text

8. What do you think each of these three women will be doing ten years after the story ends?

9. This story takes place in a very particular setting and a very particular culture. Talk about whether or not the problems faced by this family could be experienced by any family, anywhere.

Challenging the Text

10. Do you think Alice Walker chose the right narrator for her story? How would the story differ if Dee or Maggie were telling it, instead of Mama? (What would we know that we don?t know now?)

来源网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a12016505.html,/books/Elements_of_Lit_Cours e4/Collection%201/Everyday%20Use%20p4.htm


长篇小说:《商州》《浮躁》《妊娠》《美穴地》《废都》《白夜》《土门》《高老庄》《州河》《黑氏》《怀念狼》《秦腔》《高兴》《情劫》中短篇小说集:《兵娃》《姐妹本纪》《早晨的歌》《山地笔记》《野火集》《腊月·正月》《小月前本》《新时期文学名著丛书贾平凹卷》《天狗》《故里》《商州散记》《晚唱》《贾平凹获奖中篇小说集》《贾平凹自选集》散文集:《月迹》《爱的踪迹》《心迹》《贾平凹散文自选集》《坐佛》《朋友》其他:自传体长篇《我是农民》诗集:《空白》,《平凹文论集》相关评论:《学活着》《造一座房子住梦》《平凹与三毛》获奖情况:《腊月·正月》获中国作协第3届全国优秀中篇小说奖;《满月儿》获1978年全国优秀短篇小说奖;《浮躁》于1988年获美国飞马文学奖;《废都》1997年获法国女评委外国文学奖;《秦腔》于2008年获第七届茅盾文学奖2006年4月获得华语文学传媒盛典第四届年度杰出作家;曾获得全国文学大奖三次,“华语文学传媒大奖·二00五年度杰出作家”及美国美孚飞马文学奖,法国费米那文学奖、法兰西文学艺术最高荣誉和“红楼梦”文学奖。以英、法、德、俄、日、韩、越等文字翻译出版了二十种版本。 一、历史感强,能够以细微的社会现象体现大的历史变迁;具有浓厚的西北地方风情,能够体现出西北地区(关中地区)语言、风俗、人群性格等特点;具有很强的批判性,对于国民性的披露、讽刺非常深刻,有很强的现实性;在结构布局上,有明显受中国传统章回体小说影响的痕迹,擅长以点带面,不断扩大故事的脉络。 二、贾平凹散文最大的成就,是儿童文学散文,他的其他散文,都不同程度地受到儿童文学散文的影响。在儿童文学散文的创作中,贾平凹取得了如下一些特色: 1、小说式写法,充满童心,酿造意境童心和意境,都是贾平凹刻意的追求。2、留空计白,温淳含蓄。3、雅淡自然,讲究气韵。4、语言简朴,多用口语平凹散文的语言,主要是口语。贾平凹的成人散文,除了儿童文学散文的特色外,还有一些特色。一是取材自由,关注日常生活。他的散文题材,几乎没有什么限制和禁区,什么都可以写,这跟他的专业作家身份和名士风度的追求有关。关注日常生活,随意作文,伸手拈来便是题材,在“雅淡”的旗帜下面,一切平常事物,无奇、无趣、无味、无深刻的思想,都可以作出解释,罗致进散文里。二是文体自由,近似杂记。 三、贾平凹的散文内容浩瀚,五彩缤纷,从抒写的内容和笔调去看,可以归成五类:第一类是情绪小品,以抒写某种特定的情绪为主,如《大洼地一夜》就是代表;第二类是场景小品,以写各类场景为主,如《静虚村记》、《黄土高原》等;第三类是人物小品,粗线条勾画人物为主,如《摸鱼捉鳖的人》、《在米脂》等;第四类是随笔,综论人生,针砭世情,如《人病》、《牌玩》等;最后一类是风物小品,描摹风俗,记述玩物,如《陕西小吃小识录》、《玩物铭》等。贾平凹于传统的散文写作中,取了个大突破—凡对社会、人生的独特体察、个人内心情绪(爱与恨),或偶尔感悟到的某些哲理等,都呈现文中。那份坦诚、不摆架子、不高调等性格,亦是他赢得读者的方法之一。在他文中,不难发现贾平凹的赤子之心,于现今复杂的社会里的确难寻。而且,贾平凹对美感的追求,于字里行间清晰易见。他不单只在乎自我领略,亦愿把这审美路径向读者介绍及实践。贾平凹在他最新的长篇小说《高老庄》后记里,夫子自道地说:我是失却了一部分我最初的读者,他们的离去令我难过而又高兴。”这是实话,也是明摆着的事实;老贾又说,“我得改造我的读者,征服他们而吸引他们。”这也许仍将是事实,然对于我而言,我却更愿相信:强弩之末的贾平凹已无法通过征服来吸引我了,虽然我仍将是他的读者。但这在某种程度上其实是在看一位曾被认为是最具有天赋、最有特色的大作家如何一步步地走火入魔——这也许是一桩如同英雄末路、美人迟暮般的残忍快事。


秦皇岛汤河公园 在城市化和城市扩张过程中,自然河道的渠化和硬化以及“美化”运动在中国大小城市中方兴未艾,这是一种悲哀,我们完全可以有更明智的城市河流改造和利用方式。如何在城市化过程中保留自然河流的绿色与蓝色基底,最少量地改变原有地形和植被以及历史遗留的人文痕迹,同时满足城市人的休闲活动需要,创造一种当代人的景观体验空间。方案在完全保留原有河流生态廊道的绿色基底上,引入一条以钢为材料的红色飘带。它整合了包括漫步、环境解释系统、乡土植物标本种植、灯光等功能和设施需要,用最少的干预,获得都市人对绿色环境的最大需求。 基本信息 类别:城市公园与绿地 规模:20公顷建成:2006年7月地点:河北省秦皇岛市汤河两岸特色:秦皇岛是中国北方著名滨海旅游城市,汤河位于秦皇岛市区西部,因其上游有汤泉而得名。本项目位于海港区西北,汤河的下游河段两岸,北起北环路海阳桥、南至黄河道港城大街桥,该段长约1公里左右,设计范围总面积约20公顷。汤河为典型的山溪性河流,源短流急,场地的下游有一防潮蓄水闸,建于60-70年代,拦蓄上游来水并向市 建设过程 汤河公园位于海港区西部,南临河北大街,东临汤河,总面积64000平方米。1992年建园时,完成了拆迁、土地平整、水管铺设等基础工作,栽植各种乔灌木6456株、草坪7300平方米,摆放盆花5000余盆,汤河公园初具规模。1995年,重新维修了汤河公园解放纪念碑,新建了公园大门。1997年修建汤河公园花圃。1999年又投资34万元,兴建占地2000平方米的牡丹园,栽植30多个品种的牡丹2000株,铺设园路510平方米,播草18912平方米,栽植紫叶小檗、小叶黄杨10000余株,挖土方700立方米。2000年,结合“营造城市森林”活动,完成了汤河公园的续建,拆除实体围墙364米,安装了欧式仿古护栏和园门,点缀了彩色灯饰,改造了园南侧绿地5000平方米,栽植金叶女贞3500株,各种花卉1980盆,修复门前路面300平方米;拆除公园办公用房300平方米,改造周围绿地,建成了1000平方米的月季园,栽植月季3500株,铺设园路400平方米;组织发动社会各界在园北侧纪念碑周围栽植了“二十一世纪纪念林”,栽植各种乔灌木2575株,改造绿地5000平方米,播种草坪5000平方米;配合实施“全民健身工程”,在园东侧设置安装“健身走廊”2套,满足了周围居民健身娱乐的需求。2002年投资634万元,对汤河公园进行了全面规划,改造面积50000平方米。通过挖土成湖,积土成山,增设各种游园设施,把汤河公园建成了开放式游园。2003年对汤河公园又进行了亮化。目前,汤河公园已形成休闲绿地景观区、水景区、观赏花卉区、文化服务区、纪念区、雕塑小品区等六大功能区,园内流水潺潺,荷香阵阵,翠柏苍松,画栋雕梁,成为广大市民娱乐、休闲的绝好去处。 绿林中的红飘带 汤河幽波,菖蒲护岸,狼尾菱角竞相迎;轻踏月光,高塔寻踪,蛙响蝉鸣皆有情。长桥平卧,栈道依林,七进八出绕轻音;火红邀云,水漾泛舟,品茗呷酒入画境。

Everyday Use-Alice Walker(《祖母的日常用品》爱丽丝.沃克)原版辅导教学问题

Everyday Use Alice Walker I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves, anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house. Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: She will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister had held life always in the palm of one hand, that “no” is a word the world never learned to say to her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 You?ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has “made it” is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage. (A pleasant surprise, of course: What would they do if parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other?) On TV mother and child embrace and smile into each other?s faces. Sometimes the mother and father weep; the child wraps them in her arms and leans across the table to tell how she would not have made it without their help. I have seen these programs. Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a dark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny Carson who shakes my hand and tells me what a fine girl I have. Then we are on the stage, and Dee is embracing me with tears in her eyes. She pins on my dress a large orchid, even though she had told me once that she thinks orchids are tacky flowers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a


影视鉴赏 影视概说 1 【单选题】(A)属于纪实感很强的电影。 A、《三峡好人》 B、《英雄》 C、《小时代》 D 、《杜拉拉升职记》2 【单选题】(B)类电影尤其具有“窗户”功能。 A 、幻想风格 B、现实风格 C、惊悚风格 D 、喜剧风格3 【判断题】从某种角度上来说,贾樟柯的电影具有社会活化石的作用。(V) 4 【判断题】电影可以说就是我们的生活,已经成为了我们生活的一部分。(V) 电影就是我们的生活 1 【单选题】关于电影《摇尾狗》,下列说法错误的是(D)。 A、影片内容是总统如何利用影像的力量影响公众 B、这是一部美国电影 C、影片反思了影像与现实间的关系 D、影片采用了纪实的表现方式 2 【单选题】理论家波德里亚认为电影与现实的关系不包括(A)。 A、影像以符号的形式包围着现实 B、影像是现实的反映 C、影像掩盖真实的不在场 D、影像掩盖和篡改现实 3 【判断题】《西蒙妮》讲述的是导演通过电脑技术虚拟出一位完美男主角的故事。(X)4 【判断题】电影就像镜子,因为我们会把电影里的人生和自己进行比较。(V) “影像文化”及其革命性意义 【单选题】根据麦克卢汉提出的“一切媒体都是人体延伸”的观点,电影是人类(A)的延伸。

A、想象 B、触觉 C、视觉 D、听觉 2 【判断题】电影所代表的形象思维,会与逻辑思维相互对立并互补。所以一般形象思维比较好的人逻辑思维就比较差。(X) 3 【判断题】好莱坞电影中“奇观化”法则指的是电影要表现出现实生活中难得一见的东西。(V)4 【判断题】电影具有艺术特质,但不完全等同于艺术的产物,其还会受到技术、市场规律等影响。(V) 影视文化的负面价值 1 【单选题】面对当今的电影,我们应该反思和批判的是(D)。 A、意识形态欺骗性 B、电影的平面化、单面化问题 C、媒体的强势话语霸权 D 、以上都对 2 【单选题】关于“摄影机如自来水”,下列说法有误的是(B)。 A、它是电影理论史上非常有名的一句话。 B、这句话主要是强调摄影师对电影创作的重要性。 C、由法国电影理论家阿斯特吕克提出。 D、意思是运用摄影机语言漂亮流畅地表达思想,叙述故事。 3 【单选题】只有电影(A)的时候,电影才开始被看成是艺术的。 A、有自己的语言方式 B、具有戏剧性 C、被社会大众接受 D 、成为全方位的欣赏 4 【单选题】根据库勒的“游戏冲动说”,能够缓和感性和理性冲动间矛盾的游戏是(B)。 A、阅读和体验 B、艺术创造 C、社会交往 D、辩证思维 5 【多选题】电影中属于文学性的是(BCD)。 A、舞蹈设计 B、对话设计


杨红樱的作品_杨红樱作品好词好句 杨红樱,女,四川成都人。四川省作协副主席,1982年就职于成都某杂志社。18岁开始当小学老师,19岁开始童话创作。下面是小编为你带来的杨红樱作品好词好句,欢迎阅读。 好词: 布满乌云千山万水不分昼夜狂风暴雨 急流险滩茫茫大雪崇山峻岭高耸入云 阴森可怕毫不犹豫有去无还千钧神力 怪声怪气万丈深渊粉身碎骨不顾一切 疲惫不堪奋不顾身千辛万苦重见光明 高不可攀奄奄一息安详颤动 抚摸笑盈盈崇高五彩缤纷 金鸡啼鸣五彩光芒 好句: 1、树叶儿停止颤动,周围又是一片寂静。 2、美丽的红宫学校是一所坐落在郊外的寄宿学校,六年级女生孟小乔是这学期到这里来上学的。有一天,一阵龙卷风过后,学校里来了一位披披肩,打紫色伞的女老师。她的教学方式令学生们欣喜若狂;她把学生们带到荒野地里,给他们的;不快乐;举行特别的葬礼,她到学生家中去侦察,谁的家长是;爱心杀手;,上晚课时,她让学生去;童心城堡;找回属于自已的童年……这个神秘的女老师是谁?莫

非是消失了的仙女蜜儿,又回到了孟小乔身边? 3、戴安有着迷一样的身世。她与未婚的妈妈相依为命,她的爸爸只出现在她的想象里,性格倔强的戴安为了不受人欺负,还要把她妈妈与自已保护得好好的,硬把自已变成一个粗野强悍的假小子。直到有一天一个陌生男人的出现,搅乱了她和妈妈平静的生活……这是一部描写少女成长的心理小说,温情和幽默仍是杨红樱作品惯穿始终的基调,她一如既往地用做母亲、做老师的经验与感情,在作品中渗透对孩子的“爱情教育”,强化孩子的“性别意识”,对戴安性别角色错位的行为和心理进行了精彩细腻的描写。 4、鼹鼠妈妈讲故事——鼹鼠妈妈有许多孩子,她一心想把她的孩子,都教育成具有优良品质的好孩子。孩子还小,听不懂大道理,但她知道孩子都喜欢听故事。鼹鼠妈妈就把一个一个的道理,融进一个一个的故事里,让她的孩子听着故事,快快乐乐地做乖娃娃。 5、骆驼爸爸是位知识渊博的爸爸,别看他的脑袋小,他脊上那座又高又大的驼峰里面,装着无穷无尽的知识与智慧。骆驼爸爸还非常会讲故事,他讲的故事一会儿在天上,一会儿在地下,一会儿在森林,一会儿在海洋……每一个故事里面,都藏着一个知识让孩子们听着故事,轻轻松松做聪明娃娃。 6、在猎人的小木屋里,秃尾巴狼发现了一条美丽的狐猩尾巴,于是狼的身上就有了一条尾巴,从此不再叫狼,叫狼狐。狼在狼狐的挑唆下,胡作非为,干了许多坏事,也遭到了许多报应。狐狸尾巴没给狼的生活带来幸福,反而使她的罪恶感日益加重。狼最终舍弃了美


贾平凹简介 贾平凹,1952年2月21日生于陕西省商洛市丹凤县棣花镇,毕业于西北大学中文系,当代作家。 1974年开始发表作品。1975年毕业于西北大学中文系。毕业后从事过几年文学编辑工作,任陕西人民出版社文艺编辑、《长安》文学月刊编辑。 新时期伊始,文学界普遍还在“救救孩子”的呼喊中抚摸伤痛、控诉罪恶时,贾平凹却以一个山地青年天真的眼睛发现了爱和美。他的《满月儿》、《果林里》宛如林中月下吹奏着一支清新动人的柳笛,因而引起评论界的注意。 1982年后就职西安市文联,专职作家,从事专业创作。任全国政协委员,陕西省作家协会主席,西安市人大代表。 继《山地笔记》之后,贾平凹的一些探索性作品如《鬼城》、《二月杏》等在1982-1983年引起争鸣,1984年关注改革的商州系列又引起评论界的积极反响。 1985年是贾平凹创作颇丰的一年。同时,思想解放与改革开放的良好环境也使文艺研究的观念热、方法热渐成高潮。西方文艺思潮的大量输入与引鉴,各种自然学科、人文学科的交叉与整合,都促进了研究理论方法的更新、主体思维空间的开阔。 1990年代,贾平凹的小说创作开始从对社会政治、历史文化层面的关注转入生命本体层面的思考与探求。 1992年创刊《美文》。 1993年《废都》创作完成之后,倔强的贾平凹并未消沉下去。《白夜》、《土门》、《高老庄》、《怀念狼》是他基于现实生活而创作的小说作品。 2003年,先后担任西安建筑科技大学人文学院院长、文学院院长。 2005年,获得鲁迅文学奖。 2011年凭借《古炉》,获得施耐庵文学奖。 2012年,获得朱自清散文奖。 2013年中德作家论坛开启首日,贾平凹分享了他的故事。贾平凹说,磁铁只对螺丝帽、铁钉起作用,不对石头、木块起作用,文学也同样。“我从来没有考虑过读者,越考虑,书越卖不动。” 2015年,获得首届“丝绸之路木垒菜籽沟乡村文学艺术奖”。 2016年12月,中国作家协会第九届全国委员会副主席。

选修 影视鉴赏课后答案

尔雅网课15年影视鉴赏课后答案1 电影具有“窗户”功能,尤其是()类电影。 ? A 幻想风格 ? B 喜剧风格 ? C 惊悚风格 ? D 现实风格 2 电影就是我们的生活,已经成为我们生活的一部分。() ? ? 3 某种角度上,贾樟柯的电影具有社会活化石的作用。() ? ? 4 以下哪一部电影属于纪实感很强的电影?() ? A 《杜拉拉升职记》 ? B 《英雄》 ? C 《三峡好人》 ? D 《小时代》

电影就是我们的生活 1 下列关于电影《摇尾狗》说法不正确的是()。 ?A、这是一部美国电影 ?B、影片采用了纪实的表现方式 ?C、影片反思了影像与现实间的关系 ?D、影片内容是总统如何利用影像的力量影响公众 我的答案:B 2 下列关于电影与现实关系的说法中,不属于理论家波德里亚观点的是()。 ?A、影像是现实的反映 ?B、影像掩盖和篡改现实 ?C、影像掩盖真实的不在场 ?D、影像以符号的形式包围着现实 我的答案:D 3 电影像镜子,是因为我们把电影里的人生和自己进行比较。() 我的答案:√ 4 电影《西蒙妮》讲述了一个导演通过电脑技术虚拟出了一位完美男主角的故事。()我的答案:× 电影就是我们的生活 1 根据麦克卢汉“一切媒介都是人体延伸”说,电影是人类()的延伸。 ? A 视觉 ? B 听觉 ? C 想象 ? D 触觉

2 电影具有艺术的特质,但不完全是艺术的产物,它还受技术、市场规律等影响。() ? ? 3 美国好莱坞电影的“奇观化”法则指电影要表现出现实生活当中难得一见的东西。() ? ? 4 电影所代表的形象思维,它与逻辑思维相互对立和互补,因此一般形象思维好的人逻辑思维则比较差。() ? ? 影视文化的负面价值 1 电影中不属于文学性的是()。 ? A 人物关系设计 ? B 对话设计 ? C 舞蹈设计 ? D 故事设计 2


杨红樱作品读后感3篇 导语:杨红樱作品读后感怎么写?以下是本人精心为大家整理的关于杨红樱作品读后感的范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读。 杨红樱作品读后感(一) 这也是杨红缨作家的著作,《男生日记》是这本书的续集。这是杨红缨在女儿上六年级时写的,这是她献给她的女儿和所有小学生的书。 这本书的主人公是冉冬阳。她是一个善解人意,情感丰富的小学六年级女生,她既不漂亮也不聪明,却是那种男生、女生、男老师、女老师都喜欢的女孩。 冉冬阳的朋友很多,她的朋友如果遇到了困难,她只要有能力,就帮助他(她),不像我们班的男生女生,人家向他们求助,想都不想就一口回绝:“管我什么事?”就是班干部,哪怕是知心朋友也不会帮上忙。 六年级的新学期开学了,可是冉冬阳的好朋友梅小雅没有来,原来她妈妈怕她在这个学校里太不起眼,考不上重点中学,就把她转到了另一所普通学校,因为每所学校都有重点中学的保送名额。冉冬阳去了梅小雅家,知道她妈妈下岗了,家里很穷,就和梅小雅想出主意让她妈妈开一家小百货商店,但梅小雅的妈妈没有开店的资金。冉冬阳就找吴缅想办法,和吴缅凑出了自己的压岁钱,共有1000元钱,可是还不够,她就想办法取得父母的支持凑足了5000元钱,给

梅小雅妈妈送去。梅小雅的妈妈终于开起了小百货商店,梅小雅也勇敢地担负起生活的重任,帮妈妈做一起做生意。在梅小雅的交往中,冉冬阳品尝到了生活的艰辛,体验了坚强。 莫欣儿也是冉冬阳的知心朋友,是一个十分聪慧的女孩,她为挽救父母的婚姻,努力去做人见人爱的乖乖女。虽然,最终她还是不能挽回这一切,不过,在冉冬阳的不断安慰下,她的心情很快地好了起来。 杨红樱作品读后感(二) 马小跳是杨红樱虚构的一个艺术形象,但任何一个被广泛认同的艺术形象能在显示生活中找到他的影子,它就像生活在你身边的一个同学或一个朋友。马小跳这个人物形象,实际上是一个大众,人人都熟悉的男孩性格集体,作者在马小跳身上表现出的天真,无邪,自由快乐的天性,所以马小跳能走进千家万户,能跳进孩子们的心里,就因为他是真正的孩子。 马小跳在书中是一个淘气包,身上有这样那样的缺点,每天错误不断,但他诚实,勇敢,快乐,有爱心,还有幽默感。 在《淘气包马小跳》这么多本书中,而我最喜欢《开甲壳虫车的女校长》。 这本书的内容是讲马小跳、唐飞、张达、毛超四人又迟到了,这三个人都是马小跳的铁哥们,都是那种天真可爱的类型。他们还常出祸,这次他们迟到让班主任很生气,让老


贾平凹,原名贾平娃。著有自传体长篇《我是农民》。 其他、诗集与关评论 自传体长篇《我是农民》 《空白》,《平凹文论集》《学着活》《造一座房子住梦》《平凹与三毛》 贾平凹(wā),原名贾平娃,中国当代著名作家。1952年出生,陕西省丹凤县棣花镇人,1975年毕业于西北大学中文系,1974年开始发表作品。著有小说集《贾平凹获奖中篇小说集》、《贾平凹自选集》,长篇小说《商州》、《白夜》,自传体长篇《我是农民》等。全国政协委员,陕西省作家协会主席,西安市人大代表。中国当代著名作家,西北大学中文系毕业后任陕西人民出版社文艺编辑、《长安》文学月刊编辑,现为中国作家协会主席团委员、陕西省作家协会主席、西安市文联主席、西安市作协名誉主席、西安建筑科技大学人文学院院长、《美文》杂志主编,中国海洋大学驻校作家等。贾平凹是我国当代文坛屈指可数的文学奇才,被誉为“鬼才”。他是当代中国一位最具叛逆性、创造精神和广泛影响的作家,也是当代中国可以进入世界文学史册的为数不多的著名文学家之一。《腊月·正月》获中国作协第3届全国优秀中篇小说奖;《满月》获1978年全国优秀短篇小说奖;《废都》获1997年法国费米娜文学奖;《浮躁》获1987年美国美孚飞马文学奖,最近获得由法国文化交流部颁发的“法兰西共和国文学艺术荣誉奖”;《秦腔》获第七届茅盾文学奖。 作品《我不是个好儿子》、《月迹》、《落叶》入选中学教材。2010年11月15日,第五届“中国作家富豪榜”重磅发布!贾平凹荣登作家富豪榜第25位, 引发广泛关注。 代表作

他从1973年开始发表作品,1982年后从事专业创作,目前已出版的 作品版本达300余种。著有长篇小说《商州》、《妊娠》、《逛山》、《油月亮》、《浮躁》、《废都》、《白夜》、《土门》、《病相报告》、《怀念狼》、《秦腔》、《高兴》、《古炉》等;中短篇小说集《山地笔记》、《小月前本》、《腊月·正月》、《天狗》、《黒氏》、《美穴地》、《饺子馆》、《艺术家韩起祥》、《兵娃》《丑石》等;散文集《月迹》、《心迹》、《爱的踪迹》、《走山东》、《商州三录》、《说话》、《坐佛》等;诗集《空白》以及《平凹文论集》,《太阳路》等。 作品特点 贾平凹的作品主要以独特的视角准确而深刻地表现了二十世纪末到二十一世纪初,中国在三十年来的现代化进程中痛苦而悲壮的社会转型,不仅完整地复原和再现 了现实生活中芸芸众生的生存本相,而且在一种原生态叙事中,深入当代中国人的心灵世界,突现了中华民族在现代化的全球语境中所遭遇的空前尴尬。他以中国传 统美的表现方式,真实地表达了现代中国人的生活与情绪,为中国文学的民族化和走向世界做出了突出贡献。 贾平凹的文 学作品极富想象力,通俗中有真情,平淡中见悲悯,寄托深远,笔力丰富,不仅在我国拥有广大的读者群,而且还超越了国界,得到不同民族文化背景的专家学者和 广大读者的广泛认同。特别是在文学语言的民族化方面,他在继承传统的同时,开创了新的传统,在新汉语写作实践中取得了巨大成就。

俞孔坚 再生设计秦皇岛海滨景观带生态修复工程

项目通过多种再生设计方法,将一个严重侵蚀、退化、过度开发的海滩生态修复成一个广受欢迎的场所,展示了景观设计师如何运用专业知识和技能,通过生态设计,很好地重建自然与人之间的和谐关系。 项目位于河北省秦皇岛市渤海海岸,长6.4km,面积为60hm 2。整个场地的生态环境状况遭到了严重的破坏:沙滩被严重地侵蚀,植被退化,一片荒芜杂乱;原来的盲目开发破坏了海边湿地,使之满目疮痍。项目旨在恢复受损的自然环境,向游客和当地居民重现景观之美,并将已退化的海滩重塑为生态健康且风光宜人的景观。整个场地分为三个区域: 一区:将建设木栈道作为生态修复策略木栈道位于多风的海岸,绵延5km长,分布有沙丘以及各种适应多样场地环境的植物群落:它们 包括湿地的香蒲(Typha angustifolia ) 群落、沙丘草本群落、以及紫穗槐灌木丛(Amorpha fruiticosa ),柽柳林(Tamarix chinensis )、刺槐林(Robinia pseudoacacia )和旱柳(Salix matsudana )。长期以来,海岸线被废弃、侵蚀和荒芜,让游客和居民难以靠近。方案巧妙地设计了一条随海岸线蜿蜒的木栈道,将不同的植物群落连接在一起。木栈道不仅让游客在途中体验不同的植物群落,也作为一种土 壤保护设施,保护海岸线免受海风、海浪的侵蚀。因为采用了生态友好的玻璃纤维基础,木栈道能“漂浮”在沙丘和湿地之上。玻璃纤维基础是特别预制的容器,根据土壤状况可以事先填满沙子,也可以中空。这种创新的专利技术(设计师发明并拥有专利)不仅比传统建筑方法在自然环境中安装木 再生设计 A Regenerative Surgery 秦皇岛海滨景观带生态修复工程 The Beach Restoration of Qinghuangdao City 图01 区位图以及沿岸三个区域的再生设计策略,以防止土壤侵蚀,恢复植被,修复受损的海岸线,并通过相关的教育设施引导人们重新认识湿地。 Fig.01 Site plan and regenerative design strategies for three sections along the shore: to stop soil erosion, renew dying vegetation, rehabilitate the damaged shoreline, and recover a wetland through an integrated education facility. 图02 新的散步道(图片下方)与原有场所条件(图片上方)的对比:再生设计策略减轻了海滩的腐蚀,由玻璃纤维制作的装置沿散步道分布,让游客可体验不同的植物群落 Fig.02 The boardwalk now (bottom) in comparison with the existing site conditions (top): The regenerative design strategy mitigates beach erosion and helps recover the dying vegetation through careful installation using "floating" bases made of fiberglass.图03 在7个节点上设置的观景台。观景台已成为旅游景点,供游客休憩,同时还提供环境科普教育。 Fig.03 One of the pavilions carefully sited at one of seven strategic points for scenic views has become an attraction and resting place for tourists while offering environmental education.图04 湿地博物馆是湿地的一部分,受当地渔船在海上集体抛锚使船在风浪中保持稳定的启发,设计师设计了组合式的建筑及环境,让港湾的海风穿过建筑,为游客驱散盛夏的炎热。 Fig.04 The Wetland Museum was designed as an integral part of the wetland; its interlocking form was inspired by the fishing boats anchoring ashore against the wind and waves to keep stable, while enjoying the breeze from the ocean. 图01

The summary of everyday use by Alice walker

Class:英语09-1 Name:包红梅Number:200920801033 The summary of everyday use by Alice walker Everyday use for grandmama is an essay by Alice Walker, Who was born in America, 1944. Alice Walker, an American author and poet, most of whose writing portrays the lives of poor, oppressed African American women in early 1900s.the Color Purple which won the Pulitzer Prize of fiction and The American Book Award. She was also active in the moments for civil war and women’s rights. The short story everyday use, from the collection In Love and Trouble was published in 1973.Alice Walker conceptually expresses her wariness of the Black Power Movement. During the mid-1960’, young black African Americans proclaimed they would shake off their current lifestyle and began to celebrate African culture by exotic names and ethnic appeal. In this story Walker’s attitude is that for the culture heritage, they should not reflect it on purpose, instead it should be treated as a kind of lifestyle. It is a narrative fiction story, about the different attitudes of three black women in a family to Africa-American heritage. The mother, Mrs. Johnson, who is a less educated worker but intelligent and upright, works in a church and raises money to support one of her two daughters, Dee, to school. Dee is a beautiful, smart, brave but selfish, bad temper and arrogant girl. On contrast, her little sister, Maggie, is a homely girl who had scars on her face. Totally different from Dee, Maggie is a timid, shy, inferior but easy-going, kind and generous girl. Mrs. Johnson is proud of Dee and also she loves Maggie. The story begins in a day when Dee visits her mother’s house and Mrs. Johnson and Maggie waiting for her. They find Dee has changed a lot than before, for she changes her name to a long African name which is very different to pronounce so does her dress. to their surprise she also changes her attitude toward ,everything she used to hate very much. She asks for many things from her mother which she regards as the symbolic of the African culture. But later she focuses on two pairs of old quilts made by their grandmamma which Maggie also wants to have. Dee wants to hang them up, but Maggie thinks it can remind her of her grandmamma. After a long time discussion, their mother gives the quilts to Maggie. The story ends happily with Mrs. Johnson and M aggie still enjoying their simple but happy life. But Dee goes away disappointly. From the story, we can see the author’s deep respect of their culture, and her attitude towards their culture is that the cultural relic heritage should be regarded as a kind of lifestyle not a study. The story is well-knit, and make readers imaginable .The plot and the end are favorable just as you wish to have. Though the story is very long, you will not feel bored, for the funny and plain words used. By reading her story, readers can feel excited and have a sense of happiness, since they can realize their dream through their continuous struggle.


贾平凹最新长篇小说《老生》简介 贾平凹 最新长篇小说 《老生》主要讲的是什么内容呢?下面一起来看看! 贾平凹最新长篇小说 老生 作者 贾平凹 出版社 人民文学 出版社 出版时间 2014-9-1 推荐 《老生》是茅盾文学奖作家贾平凹的最新长篇小说,作品以老生常谈的叙述 方式记录了中国近代的百年历史。故事 发生在陕西南部的山村里, 从二十世纪初一直写到今天, 是现代中国的成长 缩影。书中的灵魂人物老生,是一个在葬礼上唱丧歌的职业歌者,他身在两界、 长生不死,他超越了现世人生的局限,见证、记录了几代人的命运辗转和时代变 迁。老生是一个不可或缺的精神主线,把四个不同时间、不同地点发生的故事连 缀成一部大作。 《老生》是在中国的土地上生长的中国故事,用中国的方式来记 录百年的中国史。 内容 《老生》以老生常谈的叙述方式记录了中国近代的百年历史。故事发生在陕 西南部的山村里,从二十世纪初一直写到今天,是现代中国的成长缩影。书中的 灵魂人物老生,是一个在葬礼上唱丧歌的职业歌者,他身在两界、长生不死,他 超越了现世人生的局限,见证、记录了几代人的命运辗转和时代变迁。老生是一 个不可或缺的精神主线, 把四个不同时间、 不同地点发生的故事连缀成一部大作。

另外,小说在写作手法上也有所探索和创新,用解读《山海经》的方式来推 进历史,具有很强的空间感。在小说中,《山海经》与主体故事是灵魂相依的关 系:《山海经》表面是描绘远古中国的山川地理,一座山一座山地写,各地山上 鸟兽貌异神似,真实意图在描绘记录整个中国,其旨在人;《老生》亦是如此, 一个村一个村、一个人一个人、一个时代一个时代地写,无论怎样沧海桑田、流 转变化,本质都是一样,是写这个国家、和这个国家人的命运。《老生》是在中 国的土地上生长的中国故事,用中国的方式来记录百年的中国史。 作者 贾平凹, 一九五二年古历二月二十一日出生于陕西南部的丹凤县棣花村。 父 亲是乡村教师, 母亲是农民。 文化大革命中, 家庭遭受毁灭性摧残, 沦为“ 可教子女”。一九七二年以偶然的机遇,进入西北大学学习汉语言文学。 此后,一直生活在西安,从事文学编辑兼写作。出版的主要作品:《浮躁》《废 都》《白夜》《土门》《高老庄》《怀念狼》《秦腔》《高兴》《古炉》《带灯》 等。以英、法、德、俄、日、韩、越等文字翻译出版了二十余种版本。曾获全国 文学奖多次,及美国美孚飞马文学奖,法国费米那文学奖。2008 年,《秦腔》 获得第七届茅盾文学奖。2013 年,贾平凹获得法国政府授予的“法兰西文 学艺术骑士勋章”,2014 年,《带灯》入选中央电视台“中国好书 ”。 部分章节 又一个腊月,王世贞老是腰疼,老黑说这得补肾,陪王世贞去清风驿吃钱钱 肉。 清风驿在正阳镇的最西边,虽说是一个村子,阵势却比正阳镇还大,驿街两 条,店铺应有尽有。清风驿的驴多,驴肉的生意红火,尤其做驴鞭,煮熟后用四 十八种调料腌泡一月,然后切成片儿煎炒或者凉拌,因为切片后形状如铜钱,外 圆中方,所以叫钱钱肉。卖钱钱肉的店有六家,为了招揽顾客,宣传钱钱肉壮阳 功效,都是柜台上放一个酒坛,不加盖,里边泡一根完整的驴鞭,这驴鞭就直愣 愣立戳出坛口。 王世贞是冲着闫记店去的, 但不巧的是闫掌柜在头一天死了, 家里正办丧事, 王世贞就去了德发店。德发店掌柜见是王世贞来了,特意拉出一头公驴来,在木 架子里固定了,又拉出一头小母驴绕着公驴转,公驴的鞭就挺出来,割鞭人便从 后边用铲刀猛地一戳,铲割下来,以证明他家的钱钱肉是活鞭做的,还说,男人 吃了女人受不了,女人吃了男人受不了,男女都吃了炕受不了。这些举动传到闫 记店,闫记店的人就撇嘴。我那时正被请去要唱阴歌,闫记店的掌柜给我说:歌 师,你尽了本事给我哥开歌路,王世贞肯定会过来看的。 开歌路是唱阴歌前必须要做的仪式, 由我在十字路口燃起一堆火, 拜天拜地 之后,我就不是我了,我是歌师,我是神职,无尽的力量进入我的身体,看见了

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