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106 follow ['f?l?u] vt. 跟随, 沿行, 遵循, 追求vi. 跟随, 接着

100 accord [?'k?:d] vt. 给与, 使一致vi. 相符合

68 leave [li:v] vt. 离开, 剩下, 遗忘, 委托, 丢弃vi. 出发, 离开, 生叶

66 spend [spend] vt. 花费, 浪费, 度过, 消耗, 消磨vi. 花费, 用尽

63 exercise ['eks?saiz] vt. 运用, 练习, 运动vi. 练习, 锻炼

62 bring [bri?]vt. 带来, 产生, 促使, 提出vi. 生产

57 experience [ik'spi?ri?ns] vt. 经历, 经验, 体验

55 decide [di'said] v. 决定, 判决

54 blood [bl?d] vt. 使出血, 用血涂

47 company ['k?mp?ni] vt. 陪伴vi. 交往

45 worry ['w?ri] vt. 使烦恼, 使焦虑, 使苦恼, 困扰, 折磨, 撕咬vi. 烦恼, 担心

45 forget [f?'get] vt. 忘记, 忽略, 忘vi. 忘记

44 underline ['?nd?lain] vt. 在...下面划线, 作...的衬里, 强调

43 break [breik] vt. 打破, 弄破, 弄坏, 破坏, 违反, 打断, 削弱, 放弃

42 happen ['h?p?n] vi. 发生, 发生, 恰巧

41 encourage [in'k?rid?] vt. 鼓励, 支持, 激励

41 cause [k?:z] vt. 引起, 使产生, 使遭受

39 lose [lu:z] vt. 遗失, 损失, 丢失, 使失去, 错过, 浪费, 迷失, 使迷路, 输去, 使沉溺于

vi. 受损失, 失败

39 rise [raiz] vi. 升起, 起身, 起立, 上升, 上涨, 增长, 高耸, 起义, 浮现vt. 使飞起

37 seem [si:m] vi. 象是, 似乎

37 throw [θr?u] vt. 投, 掷, 抛, 发射, 摔下, 匆匆穿上(或脱下), 抛弃, 摆脱vi. 丢, 掷, 抛

36 catch [k?t?] vt. 捕捉, 赶上, 感染, 听清楚vi. 抓住, 燃着

32 include [in'klu:d] vt. 包括, 把...算入, 包住

32 create [kri:'eit] vt. 创造, 建造, 引起, 任命

31 protect [pr?'tekt] vt. 防卫, 保护, 警戒

31 improve [im'pru:v] vt. 改良, 提高...的价值, 改善, 利用vi. 变得更好, 增加

29 remember [ri'memb?] vt. 记得, 回忆起, 记住, 铭记, 纪念vi. 记得

27 allow [?'lau] vt. 允许, 同意给予, 承认vi. 容许, 猜想

27 explain [ik'splein] v. 解释, 说明

26 reach [ri:t?] vt. 到达, 达到, 伸出, 延伸, 影响vi. 达到, 延伸, 伸出手, 传到

25 discover [dis'k?v?] vt. 发现, 找到, 暴露vi. 发现

24 increase [in'kri:s] vt. 增加, 加大vi. 增加, 繁殖

24 celebrate ['selibreit] v. 庆祝, 祝贺, 举行

22 prepare [pri'p??] vt. 准备, 筹备, 使在思想上有准备, 制造, 调制vi. 预备

22 avoid [?'v?id] vt. 避免, 防止, 撤消

22 wonder ['w?nd?] vt. 惊奇, 想知道vi. 惊讶, 怀疑

21 describe [di'skraib] vt. 描述, 描绘, 画

21 clothe [kl?ue] vt. 给...穿衣, 盖上, 赋予

21 arrive [?'raiv] vi. 到达, 抵达

21 practice ['pr?ktis] v. 实践, 实行, 练习, 实习, 业务

20 bear [be?(r)] vt. 忍受, 支承, 产生, 怀有, 通过卖空使跌价vi. 忍受, 结果实, 压挤, 行进19 agree [?'gri:] vi. 同意, 赞成, 应允, 适合vt. 承认, 认定, 同意

19 trouble ['tr?bl] vt. 困扰, 麻烦, 使烦恼, 折磨vi. 烦恼, 费心

19 continue [k?n'tinju:] vi. 继续, 延续, 延长vt. 使继续, 使延长

18 suggest [s?g'd?est] vt. 提议, 建议, 促成, 暗示, 启发, 使人想起

18 deal [di:l] vi. 处理, 应付, 做生意vt. 分配, 发牌, 给予

18 control [k?n'tr?ul] vt. 控制, 操纵, 抑制

18 disappear [.dis?'pi?] vi. 消失, 不见

17 expect [iks'pekt] vt. 预期, 盼望, 期待

17 serve [s?:v] vt. 可作...用, 服务, 经历, 招待, 供应, 送交, 对待vi. 服务, 服役, 侍应, 适合,

有用, 开球

17 influence ['influ?ns] vt. 影响, 改变

16 excite [ik'sait] vt. 刺激, 使兴奋, 激励

16 raise [reiz] vt. 升起, 举起, 唤起, 提高, 使出现, 使复活, 提出, 筹集, 饲养

16 fail [feil] vi. 失败, 缺乏, 中断, 衰退, 失灵vt. 忘记, 使...失望, 缺乏, 不及格

16 invent [in'vent] vt. 发明, 创作, 虚构

16 donate ['d?uneit] v. 捐赠

16 unite [ju:'nait] vi. 联合, 接合, 混合vt. 使联合, 统一, 使粘合, 使结合

15 solve [s?lv] vt. 解决, 付给, 溶解vt. 求解vi. 求解

14 pull [pul] vt. 拉, 拖, 拔, 牵, 撕开, 吸引vi. 拉, 拖, 拔, 有吸引力

14 manage ['m?nid?] vi. 处理vt. 管理, 控制, 维持, 达成, 经营, 运用

14 burn [b?:n] vt. 烧, 烧毁, 烧伤vi. 燃烧, 发热, 烧毁

14 provide [pr?'vaid] vt. 提供, 供应, 规定, 预备vi. 作准备, 抚养, 规定

14 receive [ri'si:v] vt. 收到, 接到, 得到, 接待, 迎接, 承受vi. 收到, 会客

14 lie [lai] vi. 躺着, 说谎, 位于, 展现, 存在, 停泊vt. 谎骗

14 refer [ri'f?:] vt. 提交, 归诸于, 把...提交, 使求助于vi. 提到, 涉及, 查阅, 查询, 咨询

13 imagine [i'm?d?in] vt. 想像, 设想, 猜测vi. 想像起来

13 cover ['k?v?] vt. 覆盖, 掩饰, 保护, 掩护, 包括vi. 覆盖

13 treat [tri:t] vt. 视为, 对待, 论述, 治疗, 款待vi. 讨论, 谈判

13 depend [di'pend] vi. 靠, 视...而定, 信赖

13 fill [fil] vt. 装满, 填充, 弥漫, 供给, 满足, 供应vi. 充满, 变得沉重

13 attract [?'tr?kt] vt. 吸引, 诱惑vi. 有吸引力

12 lift [lift] vt. 升高, 提高, 鼓舞, 清偿, 空运, 举起, 剽窃vi. 升起, 消散, 耸立

12 fear [fi?] v. 害怕, 恐惧, 为...担心, 敬畏

12 prefer [pri'f?:] vt. 宁可, 较喜欢, 提出,给予优先权, 优先偿还, 提出

12 hit [hit] vt. 打, 打击, 碰撞, 打中, 袭击, 偶然碰上vi. 打, 打中, 打击, 碰撞, 偶然碰

上;击中; 找到;

12 require [ri'kwai?] vt. 需要, 命令, 要求

12 appear [?'pi?] vi. 出现, 显得, 来到

12 borrow ['b?r?u] vt. 借, 借入, 借用vi. 借

12 interview ['int?vju:] vt. 接见, 对...进行面谈(试)

11 stick [stik] vt. 插进, 刺入, 钉住, 伸出, 粘贴, 停止vi. 粘住, 停留, 坚持, 陷住, 伸出

11 organize ['?:g?naiz] vt. 组织, 有机化, 给予生机vi. 组织起来

10 except [ik'sept] vt. 除, 除外vi. 反对

10 explore [ik'spl?:] v. 探险, 探测, 探究

10 shut [??t] vt. 关上, 闭起, 幽禁, 合拢, 轧住vi. 关上, 停止营业

10 bite [bait] v. 咬, 刺痛, 穿透

10 succeed [s?k'si:d] vi. 成功, 继承, 继续vt. 继承, 接替

10 reduce [ri'dju:s] vt. 减少, 分解, 降低, 使衰退, 把...分解, 把...归纳vi. 减少, 减肥, 缩小

9 attack [?'t?k] vt. 攻击, 抨击, 动手干vi. 攻击

8 struggle ['str?gl] vi. 努力, 奋斗, 挣扎

8 destroy [di'str?i] vt. 破坏, 毁坏, 消灭

5 appreciate [?'pri:?ieit] vt. 赏识, 鉴别, 为...而感激, 领会, 欣赏vi. 增值, 涨价

5 remain [ri'mein] vi. 保持, 逗留, 剩余, 停留, 居住, 继续

5 embarrass [im'b?r?s] vt. 使困窘, 使局促不安, 阻碍

5 announce [?'nauns] vt. 宣布, 声称, 显示, 预告vi. 当报幕员, 宣布参加竞选5 release [ri'li:s] vt. 释放, 解除, 放松, 豁免, 免除, 发布, 放弃, 让与

5 expose [ik'sp?uz] vt. 使暴露, 使曝光, 揭穿, 陈列,暴露, 露置

5 praise [preiz] vt. 称赞, 赞美vi. 赞扬, 表扬

4 remind [ri'maind] vt. 提醒, 使想起

4 evaluate [i'v?ljueit] vt. 评估, 评价, 赋值

4 bump [b?mp] vt. 碰撞vi. 撞, 颠簸而行

3 treasure ['tre??] vt. 珍爱, 重视, 秘藏

3 reserve [ri'z?:v] vt. 保留, 保存, 预订, 延期, 推迟

3 discourage [dis'k?rid?] vt. 使气馁, 阻碍

2 concentrate ['k?ns?ntreit] v. 集中, 专心

2 replace [ri'pleis] vt. 代替, 替换, 放回, 归还

2 compete [k?m'pi:t] vi. 竞争, 对抗

2 overcome [.?uv?'k?m] vt. 战胜, 克服, 胜过vi. 得胜

2 boast [b?ust] vi. 吹牛, 自夸vt. 夸口说, 自恃有

2 confuse [k?n'fju:z] vt. 使混乱, 使狼狈, 使困惑, 混淆

2 poison ['p?izn] vt. 毒害, 毒杀, 使中毒vi. 放毒, 下毒

2 suppose [s?'p?uz] vt. 推想, 假设, 以为, 想像, 假定vi. 料想

2 cultivate ['k?ltiveit] vt. 培养, 耕作

1 relieve [ri'li:v] vt. 减轻, 救济, 解除, 使免除

1 inquire [in'kwai?] v. 询问, 问明, 查究

1 recommend [.rek?'mend] vt. 推荐, 介绍, 劝告, 使受欢迎, 托付, 建议


人教版中考英语专项训练动词短语知识点(大全) 一、动词 1.–Oh, no! I can't find my mobile phone! —Well, where you last put it? A. have B. do C. did 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查动词的时态辨析。句意:-哦,我找不到我的手机了。-哦,你上次放在哪儿了?描述过去放在哪儿的,用一般过去时态。一般过去时的疑问句,在前加助动词did,后用动词原形。故选C。 2.Not having __________ her daughter abroad for a long time, the mother was very worried. A. heard of B. heard from C. learned from 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:很长时间没有国外女儿的……,妈妈很担心。A.听说; B.收到……来信;C.向……学习,结合句意选B。 【点评】考查动词短语词义。 3._________your dream, and then you will make it come true one day. A. Look up B. Keep away from C. Take back D. Stick to 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:坚持你的梦想,你总有一天会实现它。Look up查阅;Keep away from远离;Take back取回,拿回;Stick to坚持。根据句意,故答案为D。 【点评】考查短语动词。注意掌握掌握短语动词的意义和用法。 4.— I hope you can stick with your dream no matter what happens. —Thank you. I will never give it up. A. continue with B. keep in touch with C. agree with 【答案】 A 【解析】【答案】A 【分析】句意—无论发生什么,我希望你能坚持你的梦想。—谢谢你。我不会放弃的。continue with”继续;坚持“;keep in touch with”保持联系“;agree with”同意“。可知选A。【点评】考查动词词组的辨析


中考英语考点归纳(全) [短语、词组归纳] 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1. ............................................................................ look at… 看…,look like… 看上去像,look after…照料… 2. listen to …听 ... 3. welcome to…欢迎到.... 4. say hello to …向.... 问好 5. speak to…对... 说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。 二、动词+副词 动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A. 动词(vt.)+副词 1. put on 穿上 2. take off 脱下 3. write down 记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前 面。 B. 动词(vi)+副词。 1. come on 赶快 2. get up 起床 3. go home 回家 4. come in 进来 5. sit down 坐下6 . stand up 起立 此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1. close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4. be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopp ing 9.watch TV/games 10. play games [介词短语聚焦] 介词+名词/代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将初中常用的介词短语按用法进行归类。 1. ................................................................................................. in+语言/颜色/衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着.................................................. 。 2. .................................................................................... in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade 等,表示在排/队/班级/年级"等。 3. in the morning/afternoon/ evening/ 表示在上午/下午/傍晚"等一段时间。 4. in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示在书桌/铅笔盒/卧室里” 5. in the tree表示在树上(非树本身所有)” on the tree表示在树上(为树本身所有)” 6. in the wall表示在墙上(凹陷进去)” on the wall表示在墙上(指墙的表面)” 7. at work (在工作)/at school (上学)/at home (在家)应注意此类短语中无the。 & at +时刻表示钟点。 9. like this/that表示方式,意为像...... 这/那样” 10. of短语表示所属关系。 11. behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名词等,表示方位、处所。


look短语look for寻找;look after照顾;look over查看;look forward to渴望,向往,to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语;look at看着;look up抬头看,在…查找;look up to尊敬;look down upon瞧不起;look like看起来像;look as if/though看起来好像;look through透过……看,翻阅,浏览;look into调查;look out当心;look out of往…外看look about [around]环顾四周look back 回顾,回想look on旁观, 看作,当作(与as 连用) put短语put off推迟,put on穿上;上演;put away把…暂时收起来,储存……备用;put up举起,建造,张贴;put out扑灭;put down写下;放下;put aside把…搁在一边;put back放回put…into把…放入put one’s heart into全神贯注 turn短语turn down把音量开小一点;拒绝;turn up把音量开大一点;出现;turn round/around回头;turn over 翻开;翻转;turn to朝向;变成;求助于;turn…into…把…变成…;turn into变成;turn out结果证明是;turn away 把脸转过去turn to sb转向某人turn out结果是turn on 打开(电灯等) turn off 关(电灯等) turn over (使)翻过来turn against背叛turn back折回,往回走turn around旋转,转过身来 call短语call at拜访,后接地点;call on拜访,后接被拜访的对象;号召;call back回电话;call in 叫来;call up打电话,使回忆起;call for叫某人同往某处,要求;call off取消 be短语be friendly/kind to对…友好;be fed up with对…厌烦;be different from与…不同;be afraid of害怕;be popular with受…欢迎;be fond of喜欢,爱好;be interested in对…感兴趣;be surprised at对…惊讶;be satisfied/content/pleased with对…满意;be proud of对…感到自豪;be strict with对某人严格;be strict in 对某事严格;be good to对…有好处;be good at擅长于…;be sure of/about对…有把握;be divided into被分成;be made up of由…构成;be angry with对某人生气;be busy with忙于;be full of/filled with装满了;be late for…迟到;be covered with覆盖着;be familiar with对…熟悉;be familiar to对某人来说是熟悉的;be famous/known for因…著名;be famous/known as作为…有名 get短语get on/along (well) with与某人相处(融洽),在…进展(顺利);get up起床;get on上车(船、飞机、马);get off下车(船、飞机、马);get back回去;get back to回到;get away离开,逃脱;get down 下来;get home到家;get into进入,陷入;get out (of) (从…)出去;get to到达get together聚会;get in收割get through通过,度过,完成get hold of获得,取得get over越过,恢复,克服get ready for为…作准备get up起床get used to习惯于


(英语)中考英语动词专项训练及答案 一、动词 1.—How many _______doctors are there in your hospital, David? —_______them _______over one hundred. A. woman, The number of, is B. women, A number of, are C. woman, A number of, is D. women, The number of, is 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——戴维,在你们医院有多少女医生?——有100多名。空一,根据be动词are,可知是可数名词复数,woman的复数形式为women;空二,根据over one hundred,可知此处表示数量,固定搭配the number of,……的数量,空三,主语是the number of…,谓语用第三人称单数is。故选D。 【点评】考查不规则可数名词的复数和短语辨析。注意掌握常见的不规则可数名词复数的变形,注意the number of…,……的数量,a number of...,大量的……。 2.My elder brother my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire. A. took off B. kicked off C. carried out D. put out 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的哥哥脱掉了我的湿的运动鞋,让我坐在炉火旁.took off脱掉.kicked off踢开.carried out进行,执行.put out扑灭.根据题干后半句made me sit by the fire让我坐在炉火旁.可推知前半句意思为我的哥哥脱掉了我的湿的运动鞋.结合选项只有A符合题意.故选A. 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 3.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 4.—Mm…Your pizza______ so nice.——Thanks! Would you like to try some? A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——嗯……你的比萨闻起来真香。——谢谢,要试一些吗?A. smells闻起来;B. feels感觉,摸起来;C. sounds听起来;D. tastes品尝,尝起来。食物要么闻到香味,要么尝到味道,根据语境,这里是闻到,故选A。


马上就要中考了,祝大家中考都考上一个理想的高中!欢迎同学们下载,希望能帮助到你们! 2020最新中考英语知识点总结 一、必背知识点总结: 1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with sb 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) 11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么

12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 14 at the beginning of …………的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 23 be angry with sb 生某人的气 24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高 26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害


中考常考的动词短语 1. come in 进来 come on 来吧加油赶快 come out 出版 come over 顺便来 come true 实现 come from 来自 come up with 提出找出 2.cut down 削减;砍倒 cut up 切碎 cut off 切断切下来 3. fall down倒下跌倒 fall off 从…掉下来 fall asleep 睡觉入睡 fall behind 落后输给某人 fall into 落入陷入 fall in love with 爱上… 4.give up doing 放弃give in 上交; 屈服give out 发放give away 赠送 5.get up 起床get on 上车 get off 下车get to 到达 get back 取回get over 克服(困难)get out 出去get together 相聚 get married 结婚get on/along with 相处 6.hand in 上交hand out 发放分发 hand up 举手shake hands 握手 7.go home 回家go back 回去 go out 外出go over 仔细检查go off 发出响声go to bed 入睡 go on doing/ to do 继续go for a walk 散步 8.have a rest休息 have a cold/a cough / a headache/ a fever / a toothache / a stomachache 患感冒/咳嗽/头疼/发烧/牙疼/胃疼 have trouble/difficulties/problems/fun doing 做…有麻烦/困难/问题/愉快 have a good / great time 过得愉快9.look at 看一看look after 照顾 look like 长得像look for 寻找 look out 小心look over 仔细检查 look up 查阅look through 浏览 look forward to doing 盼望期望 10.make sure 确信 make faces 做鬼脸 make mistakes (a mistake) 犯错误 make a noise 吵闹 make a decision 做决定 make phone calls 打电话 make up one’s mind 下决心 make friends with sb. 交朋友 11.set off 出发动身启程 set up建立 set out 出发动身(同set off) 12. do one’s best 尽最大努力 do one’s homework 做作业 do well in 擅长 do the chore 做家务 do exercises 做运动 13.put on 穿上put off 推迟 put up 粘贴举起put out 扑灭 put away 把…收好put down 放下;写下 14. take out 取出take care of 照顾 take away 拿走take after 长得像 take place 发生take notes 记笔记 take photos 照相take part in 参加 take pride in 对…感到自豪/骄傲 take off 脱下;飞机起飞 15.think about 考虑 think of 想起;认为 think over 仔细考虑 16.hear of (间接)听说 hear about 听说 hear from 收到…的来信 17.write down 写下write to sb给某人写信


初中常用动词短语大全 1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at 善于,擅长于 4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with 被……复盖 6)be ready for 为……作好准备 7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 8)be interested in 对……感到有趣 9)be born 出生 10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着 11)be able to do sth. 能够做…… 12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……) 13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气 14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意) 15)be famous for 以……而著名 16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求 17)be from 来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了 19)be worried 担忧 20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with 被……所覆盖…… 22)be in (great) need of (很)需要 23)be in trouble 处于困境中24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做…… 25)be late for ……迟到 26)be made of (from) 由……制成 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28)be free 空闲的,有空 29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床 30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……) 由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 31)come back 回来 32)come down 下来 33)come in 进入,进来 34)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 35)come out出来 36)come out of 从……出来 37)come up 上来 38)come from 来自…… 39)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业40)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读 41)do one's best 尽力


第一部分语言知识与能力 第一章英语语言知识 二、语音(Speech Sounds)P78 1、语音分类 发音方式发音部位 VL - 清浊音(voiceless consonant)VD - 浊辅音(voiced consonant) 2、音系学(phonology)P79 (1)同化规则(assimilation Rule) progressive assimilation 顺同化(前面带偏后面)worked regressive assimilation 逆同化(后面带偏前面)newspaper reciprocal/double assimilation 互相同化did you (2)音节(syllable)tea chi-na im-pos-si-ble 重音(stress)声调(tone) (3)语音变化(vocal variety) liaison 连读pick it up plosion 爆破音 plosion loss 失去爆破sit down ;incomplete plosion 不完全爆破ask ed nasal plosion 鼻腔爆破button ;lateral plosion 舌边爆破little 三、形态学(Morphology) 1、morpheme 词素重点!P87 (1)free morpheme 自由词素dog ;bound morpheme 黏着词素moonwalk (2)root 词根;affix 词缀(prefix 前缀、suffix 后缀);stem 词干friend-ships (3)inflectional affix 屈折词缀-s,-ing,-ed不同形式 (4)derivational affix 派生词缀改变词性和意义 2、(1)inflection 屈折变化-s,-ing,-ed不同形式 (2)word-formation 词的形成:compounding 复合法through-out


初中英语常见动词短语归纳A)动词+ 介词 agree with同意......的意见(想法);符合 base on以......(为)根据 listen to听...... get to到达...... fall off (从......)掉下 help ... with ...帮助(某人)做(某事) knock at /on敲(门、窗) laugh at嘲笑 learn ... from ...向......学习 live on继续存在;靠......生活

look after照顾,照看 look at看;观看 look for寻找 look like看起来像 pay for (sth.)付钱;支付 point at指示;指向 point to指向...... prefer to ...宁愿(选择);更喜欢 quarrel with (和某人)吵架 regard ... as ...把......当作......;当作 stop ... from阻止......做...... talk about说话;谈话;谈论

talk with与......交谈 think about考虑 think of认为;想起 B)动词+ 副词 ask for请求;询问 carry on坚持下去;继续下去 cut down砍倒 clean up清除;收拾干净 come down下来;落 come along来;随同 come in进来 come on来吧;跟着来;赶快

come out出来;出现;(花)开;发(芽) come over过来;顺便来访 drop off放下(某物);下车 eat up吃光;吃完 fall behind落在......后面;输给别人 fall down跌倒;从......落下 find out查出(真相) get back回来;取回 get down下来;落下;把......取下来 get off下来;从......下来 get on上(车) get up起床


(英语)中考英语专题汇编英语动词(一)及解析 一、动词 1.— That mountain in Guilin ________ an elephant. — So it does. It's amazing! A. looks up B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:“桂林的那座山看起来像一只大象。”“是的,真令人惊奇。”look like 看起来像;look up查询;look for寻找;look after照料。根据句意故选B。 【点评】考查短语动词辨析。 2.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 3.—Three-D printing technology could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours. ——It amazing. It's my first time to get to know the news. A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一一3D打印技术可以用于在24小时内建一座房子。一一听起来令人惊异。这是我第一次知道这个消息.A.看起来;B.闻起来;C.听起来;D.尝起来。这是一则有关3D打印的消息,是通过听觉感受到的。故选C。 4.- Who your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? – My neighbor, a warm-hearted woman. A. put on B. looked after C. gave up D. turned off 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析。句意:当你外出度假时,谁照顾你的宠物狗?-----我的邻居,一个热心的女人。A.穿,张贴;B.照顾;C.放弃;D.关。结合句意可知选B。


2020中考英语精华知识点全汇总! 一.英语语法重点与难点 1、as…as…结构: You’re a boy as good as Tom.=You’re as good a boy as Tom. 你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。 2、 (1)too…to与so…that sb. can’t…的句型转换:前者为简单句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较: The man was too angry to be able to speak. The man was so angry that he wasn’t able to speak. (2) too…to…与not enough to句型的转换: He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married. The book is too difficult for me to read.= The book is not easy enough for me to read. 3、形容词原级表示比较级含义:

约翰不象迈克那么笨。 John is not so stupid as Mike. John is less stupid than Mike. John is cleverer than Mike. 4、用比较级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. John is the tallest boy in the class. 5、the more….. the more….表示“越……越……”: The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is. The more food you eat, the fatter you are. 6、 more and more….表示“越来……越……”: More and more students realized the importance of a foreign language. Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 二.中考考点—词组


中考英语常见动词短语及练习 1. break相关短语 break down出故障,坏了 My car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上,我的车出故障了。 break out爆发 A big fire broke out last night. 昨晚发生了火灾。 break into 闯入,破门而入 Someone broke into the room and stole a lot of things. 有人闯进了这个房间,偷了很多东西。break up 打碎,分手 Break up the chocolate and melt it. 把巧克力打碎然后融化。 They broke up. 他们分手了。 2. call相关短语 call up打电话 Don’t call me up at night. 不要在晚上给我打电话。 call out大喊 The boy is calling out in the room. 那个男孩正在房间里大喊。 call on 拜访某人 We call on our relatives and friends during the Spring Festival. 春节期间我们会走亲访友。call at 拜访某地 They called at Mr. Brown’s office last week. 上周他们去拜访了布朗先生的办公室。 call for 要求 This job calls for great patience. 这份工作要求足够的耐心。 call off 取消 They have to call off the flight because of the fog. 由于大雾,他们不得不取消本次航班。 相关短语 n下跌,落,降,传下来 一些鸟从树上落下来拣谷物吃。 n进来 请进! t出版,开花 当春天到来的时候,许多花都开了。 My father’s novel came out last month. 我爸爸的小说上个月出版了。 过来,快点 过来!我的孩子,我要给你一些好吃的东西。 g一道来,赶快 你可以随同我一起去参加他的晚会。 r走过来 我们经常在散步的时候顺便拜访朋友。 p走近 The cat came up and caught the mouse. 这只猫走了过来,抓住了那只老鼠。 k回来 你什么时候回来? m来自 他们俩都来自日本。 提出 是谁想出这个好办法的? 苏醒 The boy came to himself after the doctor’s hard work.


动词专项练习 一、单项选择 1. Judy ______ the Great Wall twice, and now she still ______ to go there. A.went to; wanted B.goes to; wants C.has gone to; wants D.has been to; wants 2. --- “Excuse me. Look at the sign: NO SMOKING!” ---“Sorry, I ____ it.” A.don't see B.didn't see C.haven't seen D.won't see 3. Tom has worked here ______ two years ago. A.for B.at C.in D.since 4. I ____ you for a long time. Where ____ you ____ ? A.didn't see; did; go B.didn't see; have; gone C.haven't seen; have; been D.haven't seen; have; gone 5. Peter's mother died three years ago. She ____ for three years. A.died B.was dead C.has been dead D.has dies 6. There ____ a parents’ meeting tomorrow afternoon. A.are B.will have C.is going to be D. is 7. --- “Where's Li Lei? ” ---“He ______ his sports shoes in the room. He ______ football with his friends. ” A.is putting on; is playing B.puts on; will play C.is putting on; will play D.put on; played 8. Three quarters of the world's books and newspapers ______ in English. A.are writing B.is written C.is writing D.are written 9. Our school will hold a sports meeting if it ______ tomorrow. A.isn't rain B.rains C.won't rain D.doesn't rain 10. Granny Wang told the little children that the sun ______ in the east. A.has risen B.rose C.rises D.rise


中考英语常见动词短语 1. break相关短语 break down出故障,坏了 My car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上,我的车出故障了。 break out爆发 A big fire broke out last night. 昨晚发生了火灾。 break into 闯入,破门而入 Someone broke into the room and stole a lot of things. 有人闯进了这个房间,偷了很多东西。break up 打碎,分手 Break up the chocolate and melt it. 把巧克力打碎然后融化。 They broke up. 他们分手了。 2. call相关短语 call up打电话 Don’t call me up at night. 不要在晚上给我打电话。 call out大喊 The boy is calling out in the room. 那个男孩正在房间里大喊。 call on 拜访某人 We call on our relatives and friends during the Spring Festival. 春节期间我们会走亲访友。 call at 拜访某地 They called at Mr. Brown’s office last week. 上周他们去拜访了布朗先生的办公室。 call for 要求 This job calls for great patience. 这份工作要求足够的耐心。 call off 取消 They have to call off the flight because of the fog. 由于大雾,他们不得不取消本次航班。 3. come相关短语 come down下跌,落,降,传下来 The birds come down from the tree to pick some corns. 一些鸟从树上落下来拣谷物吃。come in进来 Come in, please. 请进! come out出版,开花 A lot of flowers come out when spring comes. 当春天到来的时候,许多花都开了。 My father’s novel came out last month. 我爸爸的小说上个月出版了。 come on过来,快点 Come on, my boy! I will give you something delicious to eat. 过来!我的孩子,我要给你一些好吃的东西。 come along一道来,赶快 You can come along to his party with me. 你可以随同我一起去参加他的晚会。 come over走过来 We often come over to our friends when we go out for a walk. 我们经常在散步的时候顺便拜访朋友。 come up走近 The cat came up and caught the mouse. 这只猫走了过来,抓住了那只老鼠。 come back回来 When will you come back? 你什么时候回来? come from来自 Both of them come from Japan. 他们俩都来自日本。 come up with 提出 Who has come up with this good idea? 是谁想出这个好办法的? come to oneself 苏醒 The boy came to himself after the doctor’s hard work. come true 实现 The Chinese hundred years’ dream of hosting the Olympic has come true at last. 中国人民百年奥运梦想最后终于实现了。 come about 发生 How did this come about? 这是怎么回事? come across 偶遇,碰到 I came across my teacher in the street. 在街上我偶遇了我的老师。


初中中考英语知识点考点总结 一.修饰比较级时常见的错误 1. more不可修饰比较级,但much可以用来加强比较级,意为"……的多,更……" He looks more younger than I. (×) He looks much younger than I. (√ ) 2. 比较的对象或范围出现错误。 1)The weather of Beijing is colder than Shanghai. (×) (比较的对象应该是上海的天气,而不是上海) The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai. (√) 2)China is larger than any country in Asia. (×)(出现了逻辑上的错误: 中国就是亚洲国家,应当排除在外。) China is larger than any country in Africa. (√)中国比非洲的任何国家都大。 China is larger than any other country in Asia. (√)中国比亚洲的任何(其他的)国家都大。 特别提示 Than后面接代词时,一般要用主格,但在口语中也可使用宾格。如果than后是一个句子,则不可使用宾格。 He works harder than me. He works harder than I do. 二.形容词的比较级 用于两者比较,表示"比…更…":

"A+系动词+形容词比较级+than+ B,e.g. I am two years older than my little sister. "A+谓语动词+副词比较级+than+ B:e.g. She gets to school earlier than the other students. "比较级+and+比较级",这种结构表示事物本身程度的逐渐增长,意为"越来越…"。 eg. In spring the days are getting longer and longer. "the+比较级…the+比较级",表示一方的程度随着另一方的程度的增长而增长,表示"越…,越…"。 eg. The mort you practice using English,the better you'll learn it 你英语练得越多,就会学得越好。 "A十动词十the+比较级+of短语(比较范围)",这种结构表示"两者中更……的那一个"。当比较双方只出现一方(没有than及其后面的部分),且句中含有of the two……时,比较级前要加the. eg. Penny is the taller of the two girls. The larger of the two houses belongs to Mr. Black. 表示两者程度不同的其他方式 可用more than(多于……), not more than(不多于……), less than(少于……), not less than(不少于……), less+形容词+ than(不如……)等。We haven't got more than one hour left right now. It is less cold today than it was yesterday. "not+比较级 +than"与"no+比较级+than" 这两个结构表达的意思完全不同: 前者往往表示"一方不比另一方……",后者往往表示"前者和后者一样都不…";

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