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嫌隙 rift 嫌憎悻悻bitterly 憎恶hate


别扭 awkward 不快 unpleasant 不爽 accurate 心烦 upset 厌烦tired 烦闷 anguish 难受 uncomfortable 讨厌 hate 烦扰bother 窝火窝囊 feel vexed 熬心 boil

heart 懊恼 update 憋闷 feel oppressed 憋气 feel

suffocated 涔涔 oozes 窝心 sweet 糟心


担心 worry 担忧 worry 发愁 worry 犯愁 worry 愁闷

gloomy 穷愁 poor and distress 殷忧 yin worry 忧心忡忡worried 郁郁寡欢 unhappy 愁眉不展 worried 忧心如

焚 distraught


压抑 depression 郁闷 depressed 沉郁 depressed 阴郁 gloomy 抑郁寡欢 melancholy

自尊 self-respect (尊重自己,不向别人卑躬屈节)

无能感 unimportant 自惭形秽 ashamed of 自馁

骄傲 proud(1、自以为了不起,看不起别人


得意 proud 高傲 arrogant 狂妄 presumptuous 体面 decent 优越感 superiority 自大 arrogant 自负 conceited 自豪

proud 怏然自足 discontented 自得contented then self 自满 complacent 自恃 count on

委屈 wronged(收到不应该有的职责或待遇,心里难过)

抱屈 feel wrong 冤枉 wrong

着急 anxious(急躁不安)

浮躁 impetuous 急切 urgent 急躁 irritable 焦急 anxious 焦虑anxiety 心急 impatient 心急火燎 edgy 心急如焚 anxious 心切eager 焦心焦躁 impatient 焦灼 anxious 情急desperate 心焦 an

xious 归心似箭 eager to go home 急不择言 anxious not to choose

words 急不可耐 impatient 不知所措 loss


恐慌 panic 意乱 distracted 烦乱 upset 纷扰 turbulence 方寸大

乱 inch chaos 坐立不安 restless 七上八下 sixes and

sevens 心乱如麻 be terribly upset 神魂

颠倒 captivated 火烧火燎抓耳挠腮 scratching

(羞愧) ashamed 感到羞耻或惭愧,不好意思

惭愧 ashamed 丢脸 shame 丢人 lose face 丢丑 lose face 害羞 shy

可耻 shameful 亏心愧疚 guilt 腼腆 shy 难看

ugly 难堪

embarrassed 怕羞 shy 羞耻 shame 羞辱 humiliation 抱愧 feel

ashamed 害臊 ashamed 无地自容 shame 羞人羞涩 shy


悔悟 regret 忏悔 repent 后悔 regret 悔恨 remorse 失悔 loss

of regret 痛悔 contrite 追悔 regret 自怨自艾 self-pity

(抱歉) sorry 心中不安,觉得对不住别人

过意不去 sorry 内疚 guilty conscience 负疚 guilty 歉疚 guilty

惊奇 surprise(觉得很奇怪)

吃惊 surprise 好奇 curious 惊讶 surprised 震惊 shock 诧异


警觉 vigilance(对危险或者情况变化den敏锐的感觉)

警惕 alert

疑惑 doubt(心里不明白,不相信)

怀疑 suspected 可疑 suspicious 疑忌 jealous

为难 difficult 困惑 confused 茫然 loss 迷惑 confuse 迷惘 lost 无所适从 loss

彷徨 wandering

同情 sympathy(对于别人的遭遇在感情上发生共鸣)

感动 moving 恻隐之心 compassion 可惜 unfortunately

惋惜 regret 可怜 poor 怜惜 take pity on 怜悯 mercy 哀怜 pity 心疼 distressed 痛惜 deplored

满意 satisfaction(满足自己的愿望,符合自己的心意)

宜人 pleasant 惬意 comfortable 顺心 liking

如愿 to do so 遂愿 liking 遂心 critical care

随心 heart 圆满 complete

敬佩 admire(敬重佩佩服)

心悦诚服 convinced 赞佩 admiration 佩服 admire

赞赏 appreciation 赞美 praise 赞叹 praise

尊重 respect 尊敬 respect 敬重 esteem

敬仰 respect 敬慕 admiration 钦敬 admire

景仰 admired 崇敬 respect

感激 grateful(因对方的好疑惑帮助而对其产生好感)

涕零 feel grateful 谢天谢地 thank goodness

感恩戴德 deeply grateful 没齿难忘 will never forget

思念 miss(想念)

怀念 miss 牵挂 care 挂念 miss

想念 miss 渴慕 longing 怀恋 nostalgia 牵肠挂肚 worrying about 贪恋 hate to leave 魂牵梦萦 dreaming


轻视 contempt 藐视 deny 蔑视 disdain

鄙夷 disdain 鄙视 contempt 侮蔑 contempt

期望 expect(对未来的事物或者人的前途有所希望和等待)

期待 expect 向往 yearn 期求 on demand

望穿秋水 for ages 殷切 strong

失望 disappointment(1.感到没有希望失去信心。2.因为希望为实现而不愉快)

悲观 pessimistic 沮丧 depression 茫然 loss

失落感 sense of loss 无望 hopeless 心寒 chilling 失意 frustration 懊丧 depressed 怅然 sense of loss

惆怅 melancholy 寒心 chilling 落魄 objection

垂头丧气 dejected 空洞 empty 走投无路 desperation

麻木 numb 大失所望greatly disappointed

心灰意冷disheartened 自暴自弃 low self-esteem

孤独 lonely(单身无靠,感到寂寞)

孤单 alone 孤立 isolated 寂寞 lonely 孤寂 lonely 落寞 lonely


乐观optimistic 气急败坏utterly discomfited 亲切cordial

头痛 headache 头疼 headache 无奈 helpless

心虚 different 幸运 lucky 孤寂 lonely 忘乎所以 carried away 销魂 ecstasy 愚蠢 silly 感人肺腑 touching 动人心弦 touching


烦躁irritability 苦闷depressed 苦恼distressed

纳闷 wonder 怅惘 wistful 愁苦 anxiety

闷倦 nausea tired 恼人 annoying 忧烦 worry

忧闷 depressed 厌弃 rejected

百抓挠心 scratching heart

焦躁 impatient 愁眉紧锁 knitted brows furrowed

惊喜pleasantly surprised 受宠若惊 flattered 清爽 fresh 欣幸 fortunate 一悲一喜 a sad one hi

悲喜交集 mixed feelings of grief and joy

羞怯 shy 哀思 grief 哀怨 sad

悲愤 grief and indignation 悲郁 sad depression 仇怨 hatred

愤恨 resentment 愤懑 anger 感愤 a sense of anger

惊疑 alarmed 愧痛 ashamed pain 恼恨 hate

威惧 apprehensive 疑虑 doubt 忧愤 anger

忧惧 fear 怨愤 discontent 爱莫能助敬

畏 awe

黯然神伤 feel depressed 缠绵悱恻 full of pathos

捶胸顿足 wringing

敬畏 fear 虔诚 sincere

平静 calm(心情没有不安或者动荡)

安宁 peaceful 安然 safely 安详 serene

安心 relieved 安慰 comfort 淡漠 indifferent

淡然 indifferent 放心 rest assured 冷静 cool

默然 indifferently 漠视 disregard 宁静 tranquil

轻松 easily 踏实 practical 坦然 calm

心安理得 peace of mind 心静 calm 心平气和 calm

镇定 stabilization 镇静 sedation 宽慰 comfort

索然无味 dull 塌心 fallen heart 泰然 calm

闲适 leisure 自在 free 不动神色 fixed


不露声色quietly 冷若冰霜frosty 麻木不仁


高昂 high(情绪向上高起)

紧张 nervous 鼓舞 inspire 振作 cheer

振奋 inspire 激昂 excited 激动 excitement

昂扬 high-spirited 激越 intense 冲动 impulse

亢奋 excitement 忘情 immersed 朝气蓬勃 vibrant

精力旺盛 energetic 情绪高涨 mood 荡气回肠 soul-stirring

高歌猛进advance triumphantly 精神焕发spirits 慷慨激昂 impassioned

低落 low(情绪下降)

消沉 low 心灰意冷 disheartened 心灰意懒 rely under all


黯淡 dim 颓废 decadent 颓靡 fall

颓丧 dejected 萎靡 deserting our ideas

沉重 heavy(分量大,程度深)

沉甸甸 heavy


筋疲力尽 exhausted 心不在焉 absent-minded

哀而不伤 sad without injury 心甘情愿 willingly

肝脑涂地 take a shot 豪放不羁 uninhibited

桀骜不驯 rebellious 狂奴故态 so mad slave state

豪情壮志 lofty sentiments and aspirations

眉高眼低 low eye high brow 有恃无恐 emboldened 肆无忌惮 unscrupulous气馁


放松 relax 解气 vent 气馁 be discourage 丧气 disheartened 扫兴 disappointment 扬眉吐气 proud

消气 cool down 泄劲 slack off 泄气 discouraged 厌倦 weary 宽心 magnanimous 如释重负 relieved 释然 relieved 吐气 blow off steam 翻江倒海 badly 不能自已 not their own 不上不下 flattening

煞风景 unpleasant 转悲为喜 turn sorrow to joy


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