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Part A

On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球).They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.

Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope(绳子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量).It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand.

After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men's basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.

At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometers from London!

1. Three men flew in balloon ________.

A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers

B. to another city

C. to visit Poland

D. more than a century ago

2. The metal box was used for ________.

A. carrying the bags of sand

B. keeping drinking-water

C. carrying ropes of the basket

D. changing weight

3. When the balloon went up higher, ________.

A. the temperature of the balloon began to fall

B. They saw the sun go down

C. They made a hole in the basket with their knives

D. They could see a black hole on the ground

4. The balloon landed ________.

A. in London

B. on the sea

C. on a lake

D. in a foreign country

5. Which of the following is NOT true?________

A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose.

B. The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket.

C. When they pulled the box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up.

D. The three men had to land because they felt cold.

Part B

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)

A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons

but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all travel together.

Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home, the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.

Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.

6. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.

A. a motor car

B. a motor home

C. a motorbike

D. a big truck

7. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.

A. sold their old house

B. moved to their g randparents’ house

C. built a new place for a van

D. sold their second car

8. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.

A. a baby

B. much money

C. more than two children

D. interest in vans

9. Americans usually use motor homer____________.

A. to travel with all the family members of holiday

B. to do some shopping with all the family members

C. to visit their grandparents at weekends

D. to drive their children to school every day

10. Motor homes have become popular because___________.

A. they can take people to another city when people are free

B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays

C. some people think motor homes are cheap

D. big families can put more things in motor homes


Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind 1 your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only 2 seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带), a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “ 3 am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I 4 to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She 5 in a car accident and now was on her way for 6 .

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to 7 that Kathy would not be able to 8 herself. I considered 9 to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too 10 to offer a service to a 11 . But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more 12 than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and 13 she was uncomfortable to accept, she 14 as I expected. We became

closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart 15 , and the 16 was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached 17 my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love 18 flows beyond human borders and removes the fears that keep us 19 . When we 20 to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

1. A. losing B. changing C. taking D. giving

2. A. comfortable B. suitable C. available D. favorable

3. A. No problem B. No way C. Nowhere D. No doubt

4. A. decided B. wanted C. regretted D. promised

5. A. was B. would be C. used to be D. had been

6. A. treatment B. travel C. pleasure D. business

7. A. know B. say C. realize D. recognize

8. A. eat B. feed C. choose D. support

9. A. offering B. needing C. stopping D. trying

10. A. impolite B. far C. close D. fast

11. A. girl B. neighbor C. passenger D. stranger

12. A. unusual B. direct C. important D. shameful

13. A. when B. although C. since D. as

14. A. refused B. wondered C. cried D. did

15. A. had warmed B. had jumped C. had broken D. had cheered

16. A. life B. money C. time D. energy

17. A. below B. through C. across D. beyond

18. A. seldom B. never C. hardly D. sometimes

19. A. separate B. independent C. silent D. upset

20. A. happen B. stretch C. wait D. continue


阅读1.A 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B

6.B 7.D 8. C 9.A 10. B

完形1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ACBAA 11~15 DCBDA 16~20 CDDAB


. 阅读理解: (A) Dreams may be more important than sleep. Some people don’t need much sleep. B ut we all need to dream, scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are li ke old films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer i s worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer. Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They could have been th inking about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can’t reme mber the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly from memory. Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at working when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and st ill wake up tired. 1. It may be less important to sleep than to _______. A. think B. dream C. work D. study 2. Dreams and films are usually ______. A. very long B. in color C. about work D. very sad 3. The people often dream about their work because _______. A. they are tired in the daytime B. they are not interested in their work C. they may be thinking about their work at all D. they have too much work to do 4. The main idea of the story is that _______. A. people need to dream B. people like to sleep C. dreams are like films D. we always remember dreams 5. The title for the story could be ______. A. Terrible dreams B. The longest sleep C. Memory D. Dreams (B) All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea. In China, for example, tea is always served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in teahouses. They prefer their tea plain, with nothing else in it. Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving


初中英语阅读完形填空100篇(八) 71 Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son 1 to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and was killed in action there.Soon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always 2 food and clothes.And on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was 3 dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was 4 in a tree not far away. Sarya was so 5 that she nearly took her own life. Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government(政府) could help her but she 6 . It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldn't 7 asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to write a letter to God(神), asking for 8 . She wished God to give her 100 rubles (卢布), so she could buy some food for herself. When she 9 writing it, she found she had no 10 . She had to put the 11 at a crossing. 12 the next morning a policeman found the letter. He read it to his comrades.They were all so 13 that they gathered some rubles and sent them to the poor old woman. At first Granny Sarya was happy. But after she 14 the money, she became 15 and said, “I'm told that all things that are touched by the policeman will be only a half left!” 1. A. sent B. ran away C. was sent D. escaped 2. A. worried about B. pleased with C. thinking about D. hearing of 3. A. known B. found C. told D. fallen 4. A. put B. hanged C. shown D. hung 5. A. sad B. happy C. tired D. clever 6. A. succeeded B. failed C. won D. lost 7. A. go B. fall C. get D. help 8. A. coats B. food C. houses D. help 9. A. ended B. started C. finished D. enjoyed 10.A. stamp B. money C. pen D. paper 11.A. food B. letter C. coat D. rubles 12.A. Badly B. Carefully C. Luckily D. Wonderfully 13.A. excited B. moved C. amazed D. surprised 14.A. saw B. received C. gave D. counted 15.A. angry B. thankful C. helpful D. worried 72 When it was over 20 years ago, I first met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster. During the war (战争) I was studying at school in the north of England. My 1 had just returned to London, and there were not 2 schools left for children. My father had to go from one school to another, trying to 3 them to take me as a pupil. We had 4 to all the schools near our home, but no one would take me. 5 , we went to a school about five kilometers 6 form home. The headmaster kept us waiting for at least 7 . I could hear boys playing on the playground outside.

最新小学小升初英语阅读试题含答案【解析】 (17)

最新小学小升初英语阅读试题含答案【解析】 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文并填空。 Teacher : Boys and girls, it is goingto be Children's Day this Friday. Let's have a party in our classroom from 2:00 to 4:00. Children: Hooray! Miss Li:What are you going to bring? A: I'm going to bring some snacks. B:I'm going to some sweets and balloons C:I'm going to bring some drinks from home. Teacher:Great! I'm going to bring some apples. What are we going to do at the party? D: Let's play some interesting games. Teacher: Good!Who are you going to invite(邀请)? Children:We are going to invite our parents. the afternoon;in our classroom;With snacks and drinks;Come and have fun! 【解析】【分析】(1)根据表格内容,关键词Date是日期的含义,再结合短文内容it is goingto be Children's Day this Friday.得知应该填写六月一日。因为六月一日是儿童节。故填写1st June (Friday)。 (2)根据表格中关键词Time,是时间的含义,结合短文内容Let's have a party in our classroom from 2:00 to 4:00.故填写2 to 4 , in the afternoon。 (3)根据表格中关键词Place,是地点的含义,结合短文内容Let's have a party in our classroom from 2:00 to 4:00.故填写in our classroom。 (4)根据表格内容,分析此处应当填写携带物品,故填写With snacks and drinks。 (5)根据表格内容分析,此处填写聚会的邀请目的和意义。欢迎参与并且玩得尽兴。故填写Come and have fun。 【点评】考查同学的阅读能力。同学平时要多记与节日有关的单词。 2.阅读理解阅读理解 Hi, I am Susan. I am from the U. K. But now I'm studying(学习) in China. I'm going to do many things in the winter holiday. First, I'm going to finish my homework. Then I'm going to take a trip. I'm going to Beijing. It's snowy in Beijing. There is white snow everywhere. So I'm going to make a


八年级英语阅读理解试题及答案讲解01 A meteorite (陨石) almost hit an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain when he was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in the past 26 ye ars in Britain. The meteorite weighed (重量) one kilo, and might be over four thousand million (百万) years old. “I hear the big noise in the air. I looked up and saw the tops of the trees coming and going,” he said. “I didn't know what it was.” Meteorites are small things from the small planets in space. About 3,500 meteorite s may fall on earth every year, but only very few are found. Mr. Pettifer's meteorite is the fifth to fall in Britain since the Second World War. Mr. Pettifer is glad. “When you think about it coming from so far away, it really is something strange.” 1. The meteorite was Mr Pettifer when it fell down. A. close to B. far from C. hitting D. coming to 2. The meteorite was already years old. A. 40,000,000,000 B. 40,000,000 C. 400,000,000 D. 4,000,000,000 3. Mr. Pettifer found the tops of the trees coming and going because . A. the trees were afraid B. the fast falling meteorite kept the tree tops moving C. it was going to rain D. the moving was made by wind 4. people see a meteorite fall although they visit the earth often each year. A. Quite a few B. some C. Few D. Many


2017.01.18寒假八年级英语完形与阅读理解 完形填空 Jim was a worker.One of his feet was bigger than___1__.He couldn’t__2____the right shoes___3___ his feet.One day his friend Mike said to him“___4___don’t you go to a shoemaker?A good shoemaker can____5__you the right shoes.”__6____Jim went to the shoemaker near Mike’s home,very soon the shoemaker finished the work.Jim___7___the shoes and wasn’t happy.He___8___the shoemaker,“You aren’t a__9____shoemaker!I wanted you to make me one shoe bigger than the other,___10___you made me one shoe smaller than the other.” ()1.A.other B.the other C.another D.that one ()2.A.see B.look for C.find D.find out ()3.A.for B.with C.on D.of ()4.A.When B.Where C.How D.Why ()5.A.make B.pass C.do D.give ()6.A.Then B.But C.So D.Because ()7.A.saw B.watched C.found D.looked at ()8.A.said B.said to C.spoke D.talked ()9.A.good B.bad C.right D.kind ()10.A.then B.and C.but D.so .阅读理解 A. Peter is thirteen years old.He is in Grade Two this year.He likes to play football and watch football matches.And he often reads newspapers.He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football match.Now Peter is having lunch.He is listening to the radio,too.He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football match on TV at four this afternoon.He wants to watch it very much.But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons.He thinks hard and finds a way. “Hello,Mrs.Black,”Peter says to his teacher on the telephone,“Peter is ill in bed.He wants to ask for half a day’s leave(请半天假).” “Oh,I’m sorry to hear that.”says Mrs.Black,“But who’s that?” “It’s my father,Mrs.Black.” ()1.Peter is a______. A.middle school student B.Young Pioneer C.worker D.teacher ()2.Peter will be in______next year. A.Grade Two B.Grade Three C.Grade One D.school ()3.Peter often reads news newspaper because_______. A.he likes to read news B.he likes to read stories ..C.he want to know when and where a football match will be D.his father wants him to read them ()4.Peter wants to ask for half a day’s leave because_______. A.his father is ill in bed B.he wants to watch the football match C.he doesn’t like to have English or Chinese lessons D.he is ill in bed ()5.Where sentence(句子)is right? A.Mrs.Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor B.Peter likes to watch TV at four in the afternoon. C.Peter is a stupid(笨的)boy. D.Peter isn’t an honest(诚实的)boy. B Mr.Smith works in an office.He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest.Every evening,when he comes back from his office,he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early.But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper.She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep. One day the man felt terrible and couldn’t go to work.He decided to go to see a doctor.And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him.Before her husband said what was the matter with him,the woman had told the doctor all and the man understand why.He wrote out a prescription(处方).And when Mr Smith


初中英语阅读完形填空100篇(十) 91 a a . 1 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 . , 6_ , " ? ? 7 ?" (沉默) a , (难过), 8 . ", ?" (鼓励地). , 9 . " a 10 , . ," (信心). 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 92 I I . . , I a , I a . I .

I , , . I , I 1 I . I a a (方向), . I ’t , I a 2 . a 3 . I 4 . , 5 (迷惑) (熟悉) I . 6 . I 7 . . a , 8 . I , I 9 . a (侦探). “?” I 10 . “ 11 . ?” I . “ a 12 ,” . “ , a 13 . ! , 14 , I a .” ’s 15 I a I , I ! 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 11. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D.

13. A. B. C. D. 14. A. B. C. D. 15. A. B. C. D. 93 . 1 ? . 2 . ? ! 3 . 4 (书呆子). , 5 , 6 . 7 . (压力) 8 , 9 10 . , ’t 11 . 12 13 . ’s a , 14 _ , a a 15 . a , , ? 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. ’s C. D. ’s 9. A. B. C. D.


小升初英语阅读专项练习 一.The students were having their chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, "What's water?" No one.Miss Li asked again,"Why don't you answer my question? Didn't I tell you what water is like? Just then a boy put up his hand and said,"Miss Li,you told us that water has no color and no smell.But where to find such kind of water?The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell."Most of the children agreed With him."I'm sorry,children."said the teacher,"Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier.That's a problem." 1.The students were having their _______ class. A.English B.Chinese C.chemistry D.math 2.Miss Li was telling the children what ______ was like. A.water B.air C.earth D.weather 3.A boy said,"The water in the river behind my house is always ___." A.white B.black C.clean D.clear 4.Most of the children _______ the boy. A.agreed with B.wrote to C.heard from D.sent for 5.The water in the river has color and smell because it is getting ____. A.more and more B.less and less C.cleaner and cleaner D.dirtier and dirtier 二.Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They comehere to work. Jim comes here to study.He is in No.5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isn't late for school. He studies hard. He can read English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, mend something or do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.。


八年级英语阅读理解专项练习题 A One day a rich man and a businessman met in a restaurant. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the rich man tasted it, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came into his eyes. The businessman asked him why he was crying. The rich man didn’t want to tell the truth and he told a lie,“Sir, I had a brother who was killed last year. I was thinking of his death, and that made me cry.”The businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. He also burned his mouth so much that he had tears in his eyes. The rich man noticed it and asked the businessman,“Sir, why do you cry?”The businessman, who now saw that the rich man had cheated him, answered,“Oh, I’m crying because you were not killed together with your brother. I) 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)(5分) ( )76.The rich man didn’t tell the truth. ( )77.Though the rich man burned the mouth, he shouldn’t have told the lie. ( )78.The rich man had a brother who was burned. ( )79.The businessman believed the rich man’s story at first. ( )80.The businessman’s answer showed that he was very happy. II) 根据短文内容将下列句子排序.(5分) 81.They ordered the soup and the soup was so hot that the rich man burned his mouth first. 82.The businessman also burned his mouth and he was not happy. 83.A rich man and a businessman had lunch in the same restaurant. 84.The rich man told a lie about his brother’s death. 85.The businessman realized(意识到) that the rich man cheated him at last. ______ _______ _____ _______ _______ B School kids Say Goodbye to Their Flying Friends Jin Jun and his classmates at Shanghai Nanyang Middle School are not very happy to be back from holiday. Not because they hate studying, but because some of their best friends on campus(校园)are gone: pigeons. More than 100 pigeons used to(过去常常) fly around campus every day, making students smile during break time. But now, the birds are gone. Where? Now they’re all locked up in a bird cage. Bird flu(流感) has landed in Shanghai, and expert are afraid the pigeons might spread(传播)the disease if they keep flying around. For safety, the school also asks students to stay away from the cage. “I feel sad for those birds. They’re my best friends,” said Jin, a Junior 3 student. “Last term I would bring corn to feed them, but I can’t do that any more. I hope bird flu will end soon so I can play with the pigeons again.”Nanyang Middle School is not the only one to take pigeons off campus. Students in Beijjng Fengtai Experimental Primary School also gave their pigeons to the local health department (当地卫生部门)on February 3. Their pigeons are special birds. In 1999, students found two injured pigeons and gave them a home. To get money for bird food, the kids sold rubbish paper They took good care of the birds,


外研版英语八年级下册阅读理解、完形填空试题及答案 根据短文内容和所给首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式,使短文意思通顺、完整。 The roads of today are crowded with cars, buses, motorbikes and other vehicles(车辆). The crowding has increased in recent years. There are more and more a1happening. Every day many road users are injured or killed. What should we do? There is no choice but pay more a 2to the dangers on the road. A 3there are many traffic signs and traffic lights, people still don ’knowt what they mean and can’tremember how to p 4themselves. In towns and cities where the crowding is the greatest, pedestrians(行人) are the ones with the highest risk. Our bodies aren’ t metal or plastic. To be hit carby aor bus certainly means injury, or death. So while crossing the streets, we must be c 5enough to follow the traffic rules. Whether the crossings have lights or not, be sure to watch the vehicles on the road b6crossing. Cross only when you know it is s7to do so, not because the light is green for you. Rushing a 8the street anywhere you like is a dangerous act. You might cross the road safely a thousand times, but it takes only one accident to put you down. Please remember not to get other road users to be in danger because of your careless behaviors such as walking side by side, using the mobile phone w9driving and breaking red lights. Careless road users are the greatest danger on the road. Do not let y 10be one of them. 1. accidents 2. attention 3. Although 4. protect 5.careful 6. before 7. safe 8. across 9. while10. yourself Friendship One day, I saw a boy from my class walking home from school. He was rather new to us and I 1 knew him. His name was Kyle. It 2 he was carrying all his books. I thought, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?" I saw several children running 3 him. They 4at him, pushing all his books out of his arms and knocking him down, so he 5 onto the ground. His glasses went flying, and I saw6 land in the grass. He looked up and I saw he was very7 . My heart went out to him. So, I ran over to him as he crawled( 爬行 ) around looking for his glasses. As I handed him his8 , I said, "Those children should learn how to be9 ." He looked at me and said, "Hey, thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. I helped him 10 his books, and asked him11 he lived. To my12 , he lived near me, so we decided to walk home together. I asked him if he wanted to play football on13with me and my friends. He said "Yes." The next day Kyle had a good time with us,14 the more I got to know him, the more I liked him , so did my friends. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best 15 . Later Kyle went to Georgetown University, and I was in Duke. But that couldn't change our friendship, the miles apart(分开 ) would never be a problem. ( ) 1. A. really B. hardly C. already D. usually ( ) 2. A. said B. showed C. seemed D. believed ( ) 3. A. towards B. before C. opposite D. past ( ) 4. A. smiled B. pointed at C. looked D. laughed

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