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Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge


The snow scene of the west lake has enjoyed very positive praise from peo ple, especially the view of “melting snow at broken bridge”. Why is it called as “malting snow on the broken bridge”, there are many different sayings. One of them is that it snows almost every winter in Hangzhou and when the sun comes out after snowfall, the snow on the sunny side of the bridge melts first, while the snow on the shady side still lingers. Looked at a distance or from a nearby hill, the bridge appears to be broken. It is a favorite stopover for you. Especially on fine winter days after a snow, you may stand on the bridge to feast your eyes on the snow scene far and near. Distant hills, clad in white, grow more enchanting. The famous Chinese folk

story “The Tale of White Snake” brings the broken bridge some romance












六米,(孔环) 单孔净跨六点一米,年前曾经大修,但古朴淡雅的风貌基本未变。桥东堍有康熙御题景碑亭,亭侧建水榭,题额“云水光中”,青瓦朱栏,飞檐翘角,与桥,亭构成西湖东北隅一幅古典风格的画图。明画家李流芳《西湖卧游图题跋--断桥春望》称:“往时至湖上,从断桥一望魂销欲死。还谓所知,湖之潋滟熹微,大约如晨光之着树,明月之入庐。盖山水映发,他处即有澄波巨浸,不及也。”由此观之,断桥观瞻,可得湖山之神髓,岂独残
































Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge

Though the name of the bridge dates back to poems in Tang Dynasty, the bridge became famous because of one of the best-known love stories in Chinese folklore.

According to the legend of White Snake, the beautiful girl who was actually a white snake met Xu Xian on the bridge in the rain and they fell in love with each other and an umbrella they used became the symbol of their love. The bridge was also the scene where they made up after a long series of ups and downs.

Thanks to the love story between the human and the immortal, the broken bridge attracts numerous visitors and has its legendary reputation spread far and wide all over China. Many people believe the bridge is the number one place for people in love.

Rain or shine, you can enjoy the lake views from the bridge in all seasons.

The seasonal scenery changes at the bridge itself are equally breathtaking, especially when the snow begins melting in sunshine in the winter.

Once in a fine day after a snowfall, standing on the bridge and looking toward the northwest at the Solitary Hill and Ge Hill, one can see the hills and buildings covered with snow and the lake and hills look crystal clear. Although the snowy beauty of the scenery is a little bit chilly and lonely, many people regard it better than noisy greens and reds in other seasons and they believe the Broken Bridge fully deserves the top position it has enjoyed for hundreds of years as the best one of the Ten Westlake Scenic Spots.

Presumably, the West Lake in a fine day is no better than in rain, in rain no better than in moonlight, in moonlight no better than in snow. Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge provides a proof to justify the vivid description. 断桥残雪断桥,今位于白堤东端。在西湖古今诸多大小桥梁中,她的名气最大。据说,早在唐朝,断桥就已建成,时人张祜《题杭州孤山寺》诗中就有“断桥”一词。明人汪珂玉《西子湖拾翠余谈》有一段评说西湖胜景的妙语:“西湖之胜,晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如月湖,月湖不如雪湖......能真正领山水之绝者,尘世有几


Material:Solids used by man kind to produce items which constitute the support for his living environment Characteristics of materials ◆Have certain compositions; ◆Can be processed; ◆With certain shape and color; ◆Can be used and reused or recycled. ◆特点: ?具有一定的成分和配比; ?可成型加工; ?保持一定形状和外观; ?具有使用价值并可回收再利用。 材料性能的决定因素 ◆组成材料的各元素的原子结构, ◆原子间的相互作用、相互结合, ◆原子或分子在空间的排列分布和运动规律, ◆原子集合体的形貌特征。 Classification of materials ◆Atomic structures ◆Nature of chemical bonds: ?Metallic bond 金属键 ?Ionic bond 离子键 ?Covalent bond 共价键 ?Secondary bond 次价键 ?Van der Waals bond 范德华力 ?Hydrogen bond 氢键 Classification: ◆metals and their alloys:- metallic bonding ◆Organic polymers: Covalent bonding & secondary bonding ◆Ceramics:Ionic bonding & covalent bonding


介绍浙江断桥残雪的导游词 断桥残雪是西湖上著名的景色,以冬雪时远观桥面若隐若现于湖 面而称著。下面是小编收集整理的5篇介绍浙江断桥残雪的导游词范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 断桥残雪的导游词范文(一) 在白堤的尽头,到了断桥,全长1公里的白堤就由此而“断”了。 断桥的名字最早取于唐代,宋代称宝祜桥,元代又叫段家知,以 前是座苔藓斑斑的古老石桥。我们现在看到的这座桥虽然是座很普通 的石拱桥,但它的名字和《白蛇传》故事联系在一起,因而成了西湖 中最出名的一座桥。 讲到这里,我看到有的朋友已经在仔细观察,或许你们马上会问:这座桥根本没有断,为什么要取名“断桥”呢?这个问题就让我来解答吧。断桥是著名的西湖十景之一,由于断桥所处的位置背城面山,处 于北里湖和外湖的分水点,视野开阔,是冬天观赏西湖雪景最好的地方。每当瑞雪初晴,桥的阳面已经冰消雪化,而桥的阴面却还是白雪 皑皑,远远望去,桥身似断非断,“断桥残雪”就因此得名。还有, 断桥又是白堤的终点,从平湖秋月而来的白堤到此中断。讲到这里, 或许大家已经明白,原来是“堤断桥不断”。 断桥残雪的导游词范文(二) 各位游客: 大家好,今天为大家介绍的是断桥残雪。 上有天堂,下有苏杭。今天一点一点接近着这享有盛誉的地方。 初入西湖,没有太多的人,有的是一片蓝蓝的天,静静的湖。天 公做美,能让我饶有兴致的游览西子。 出发地——涌金桥,第一个映入眼帘的是金牛出水。西湖自古以 来就有金牛湖的别称,今天看到了这个别称的发源。金牛出水的背后 藏着一个美丽的故事,相传在汉代,西湖底有金牛潜伏,每逢湖水干 涸之时,金牛即涌现,吐水将湖注满。当地官吏为讨皇上欢心,命百 姓车干湖水。水干之时果见金牛,官吏们争先恐后下湖捉牛,金牛昂 首怒吼,张嘴吐水,顷刻之间,官吏们全部被淹没。从那以后西湖水


Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15 vice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Since Hangzhou was set up as a county capital in Qin Dynasty, it has a history of more than 2200 years as a city. It used to be the capital of Wuyue State (during the Five-Dynasty-Ten-State Era in Chinese history) and South Song Dynasty; that made Hangzhou one of the seven ancient capitals in China.When Marco Polo came to Hangzhou in the 13th century, he praised it to be “the most beautiful city in the world". There is a popular saying: "Above there is heaven, below there are Hangzhou and Suzhou." Hangzhou is renowned as “Paradise on Earth”, “Cultural State”, “Home of Silk”, “Tea Capital”, “Town of Fish and Rice”.

武汉理工大学 大学英语2 作业二

武汉理工大学大学英语(2)-作业二 一、单项选择题(每题有且只有1个正确答案) 1、You didn’t understand what I said , for you to me just now. A. wouldn’t listen B. weren’t listening C. hadn’t listen D. haven’t listened 2、— Have you known each other for long? — Not very long , we started to work in the company. A. after B. before C.

when D. since 3、Come on , I want to tell you a secret now.But you must it from other people. A. remain B. keep C. leave D. prevent 4、It has been ten years since the Labour Party came into ______ in that country. A. control B. force

C. power D. charge 5、 China is a wonderful place and there is ______ to see and enjoy. A. a lot of B. many C. much D. many more 6、How strange it is the children are so quiet! A. whether


杭州西湖断桥的传说故事_杭州西湖的传说 西湖断桥,最早叫段家桥。很早以前,西湖白沙堤,从孤山蜿蜿蜒蜒到这里,只有一 座无名小木桥,与湖岸紧紧相连。游人要到孤山去游玩,都要经过这座小木桥,日晒雨淋,桥板经常要烂断,游人十分不便。桥旁有一间简陋的茅舍,住着—对姓段的夫妇。两人心 地善良,手脚勤快,男的在湖里捕鱼为生,女的在门口摆个酒摊,卖家酿土酒。因酒味不佳,顾客很少上门,生意清淡。 一天,日落西山,夫妇俩刚要关门,来了一个衣衫褴褛的白发老人,说是远道而来, 身无分文,要求留宿—夜。段家夫妇见他年老可怜,热情地留他住下,还烧了一条刚从西 湖里捕来的鲤鱼,打上一碗家酿土酒,款待老人。老人也不客气,一连饮了三大碗,便倒 在床上,呼呼入睡。第二天早晨白发老人临别时,说道:“谢谢你们好心款待,我这里有 酒药三颗,可帮助你们酿得好酒。”说罢,取出三颗红红的酒药,告别而去。 段家夫妇将老人的三颗酒药放在酿酒缸里,酿出来的酒,颜色猩红,甜醇无比,香气 袭人。从此,天天顾客盈门,段家猩红酒名扬杭城,生意一天比一天兴隆。段家夫妇拆了 茅舍,盖起了酒楼。他们为了感谢白发老人,积蓄了一笔钱,准备好好答谢他。 岁月流逝,一晃三年。这年冬天,西湖大雪,白发老人冒雪来到段家酒楼。夫妇俩一 见恩人来到,喜出望外,留老人长住他家。然而老人第二天便要告别。临别之时,段家夫 妇取出三百两银子送给老人。老人笑着推辞说:“谢谢你们夫妇—片好心,我这孤单老人,要这么多银钱何用?你们还是用在最要紧的地方吧”说罢,便踏雪向小桥走去。段家夫妇 站在门口相送,只见老人刚跨上小木桥,脚下一滑,桥板断了,老人也跌进了湖里。夫妇 俩急忙跑去相救,忽见白发老人立于湖面,如履平地,微笑着向他们挥挥手,漂然而去。 段家夫妇这才知道,白发老人不是凡人。想起老人临别说的话,使用那笔银钱在原来 的小木桥处,造起了一座高高的青石拱桥,还在桥头建了一座亭子。从此,游西湖的人, 再不怕路滑桥断了。乡亲父老怀念段家夫妇行善造桥的好事,便把这桥称为段家桥。后来,因为“段”、“断”同音,便被称为断桥。 使西湖最声名远扬的大概就属许仙和白娘子动人的爱情故事了,白娘子原本是山野中 修炼的一条小白蛇,有一天,小白蛇被一个捕蛇老人抓住了,差一点遭遇杀身之祸,幸亏 被一个小牧童所救。 经过一千七百年的修炼,白娘子终于化做人形,经观音大士指点,来到杭州西湖寻找 前世救命恩人小牧童… 清明佳节,烟雨蒙蒙,观音大士说“有缘千里来相会,须往西湖高处寻”。在杭州西 湖的断桥上,白娘子终于找到了前世的救命恩人许仙,以身相许,结为夫妻。在经历水漫


目录 断桥断桥,今位于白堤东端。在西湖古今诸多大小桥梁中,名气最大。据说,早在唐朝,断桥就已建成,诗人张祜《题杭州孤山寺》诗中就有“断桥”一词。明人汪珂玉《西子湖拾翠余谈》有一段评说西湖胜景的妙语:“西湖之胜,晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如月湖,月湖不如雪湖......能真正领山水之绝者,尘世有几人哉!”地处江南的杭州,每年雪期短促,大雪天更是罕见。一旦银妆素裹,便会营造出与常时,常景迥然不同的雪湖胜 况。 Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge Introduction The snow scene of the west lake has enjoyed very positive praise from peo ple, especially the view of “melting snow at broken bridge”. Why is it called as “malting snow on the broken bridge”, there are many different sayings. One of them is that it snows almost every winter in Hangzhou and when the sun comes out after snowfall, the snow on the sunny side of the bridge melts first, while the snow on the shady side still lingers. Looked at a distance or from a nearby hill, the bridge appears to be broken. It is a favorite stopover for you. Especially on fine winter days after a snow, you may stand on the bridge to feast your eyes on the snow scene far and near. Distant hills, clad in white, grow more enchanting. The famous Chinese folk

武汉理工大学 基础英语 2002

武汉理工大学2002年研究生入学考试题 课程代号619 课程名称基础英语 Section One: Reading Comprehension (30) Direction: In this section there are four reading passages followed by 25 multiple-choice questions. Read them and write your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Education was of primary importance to the English colonists and was conducted at home as well as in established schools. Regardless of geographic location or finances, most Americans learned to read and compute numbers. For many, the Bible and other religious tracts were their only books; however, the excellent language contai ned in such works usually made them good primers. Many families owned one or more of Shakespeare’s works, a copy of John Bunyan’s classic A Pilgrim’s Progress, and sometimes collections of Engli sh literary essays, poems, or hi storical speeches. In 1647 the Massachusetts School Law required every town at least 50 households to maintain a grammar school. The law was the first to mandate public education in America. In the middle colonies at the time, schools were often dependent on religious societies, such as the Quakers and other private organizations. In the South, families employed private tutors or relied on the clergy to conduct education. At the outset, most elementary schools were for boys, but school s for girls were established in the eighteenth century in most cities and large towns. In spite of the informal atmosphere of most American schools, the literacy rate in the colonies of mid-eighteenth century America was equal to or higher than in most European countries. Before the American Revolution, nine colleges had been founded, including Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, the College of New Jersey (now Princeton), Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth, and Kings College (later Columbia University). By 1720 the natural sciences and modern languages were being taught, as well as courses in practical subjects such as mechanics and agriculture. At the end of the 18th century, medical schools were established at the College of Philadelphia and at King’s College. 1. Which of the following words best describes the English colonists’ attitude toward education? (A) Indifference (B) Distrustful (C) Enthusiastic (D) Casual 2. According to the passage, most Americans learned how to _____. (A) write (B) read (C) farm (D) speak a foreign language 3. According to the passage, all of the following sometimes substituted for school books EXCEPT ______. (A) historical speeches (B) works of Shakespeare (C) literary essays (D) biographies 4. According to the passage, the Massachusetts School Law applied to every town with how many households? (A)Less than 50 (B)Exactly 50 (C)Fifty or more (D)Fifteen 5. According to the passage, the middle colonies often depended upon which group to provide education? (A)Private organizations (C)Established primary schools (B)Colleges (D)Businesses 6. According to the passage, who often conducted education in the South? (A)Public school teachers (B)Doctors (C)Clergy (D)Politicians 7. How well educated were Americans in comparison to most European countries? (A) Much worse (B)The same or better (C)Far better (D)Less or equal 8. According to the passage, all the following subjects are mentioned as being taught in colleges in the 1700s EXPECT


英文介绍杭州西湖 Introduction pierce the scenic West Lake in Hangzhou, south of the Five Dock Yunqi, the Hollywood landscape of wooded hills, Bamboo-shaded, streams Ding Dong. very cool. Penny Yunxi one kilometer long track flanked by Bamboo-shaded, meandering paths depth murmur Qingxi according trails, Jiao graceful blend of birds from the forest out, and the whole environment was quiet cool and downtown, particularly Health and fitness feel relaxed. Shuangxin excitement. 杭州西湖风景简介 位于五云山南麓的云栖坞里,为林木茂盛的山坞景观,翠竹成荫,溪流叮咚,清凉无比。长一公里的云栖竹径,两旁翠竹成荫,小径蜿蜒深入,潺潺清溪依径而下,娇婉动听的鸟声自林中传出,整个环境幽静清凉,与闹市相比,格外使人感到恰适轻松,爽心悦目。 мy. !ove糇回答采纳率:42.6%2008-09-19 16:24 West Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers. The whole lake is divided into 5 sections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu Hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound. The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese


2012考研初试成绩已经公布,接下来就是复试,其中的英语口语可以说是让很多英语不是很好的学生发怵, 针对这种情况,武理同起点考研在校研究生团队结合往年的辅导经验,总结了一下考研英语口语复试中常见的 问题及应对策略,希望能给正在准备复试的同学有所帮助。 首先必有的一个环节就是自我介绍,考生可以提前背一些自认为最容易把握的模板,并把自己的特色加在 8 里面,这将会为你在老师心中的印象加分不少。其实,把一种模板掌握得很熟练,足矣。 在自我介绍完了,老师就会开始问你问题这里列出一些常见的问题,可以认真准备。注意在准备的过程中, 要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱。回答这些常见的看起 来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。 传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、"What can you tell me about yourself?" ("关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?") This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations. 这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历 史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。 The following is a good example of a positive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best." 下面是一个积极正面回答的好例子:"在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。 大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更 重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完 美对我很重要。" 2、"What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?"("在毕业以后5年内你想做些


有关描写西湖断桥的作文 西湖有一景点——断桥,那么,以下是小编给大家整理收集的有关描写西湖断桥的作文,供大家阅读参考。 篇一:有关描写西湖断桥的作文 西湖上有座断桥,断桥有一个美丽的传说,相传白娘子和许仙就相识在美丽的断桥。 小野鸭跟着妈妈慕名到西湖来过冬。这一天,小野鸭跟着妈妈游到断桥洞底下,看到断桥周围美丽的景色,高兴地叫了起来:“嘎嘎嘎,多好看哪!”这时,不知哪儿有一只小野鸭也在开心地叫:“嘎嘎嘎,多好看哪!”小野鸭惊奇地问:“你是谁?你在哪儿?”那只看不见的小野鸭也在问:“你是谁?你在哪儿?” 小野鸭奇怪极了,他问妈妈:“断桥下面藏着一只小野鸭吧?他在学我说话哩。”妈妈笑着说:“孩子,跟我来!” 野鸭妈妈带着小野鸭走上岸。她捡起一块石头,用力地扔进河里,河水被激起一圈圈波纹。波纹碰到河岸,又一圈圈地荡回来。 野鸭妈妈说:“孩子,你的叫声就像这水的波纹。水的波纹碰到河岸又荡回来。你在桥洞里叫,声音的波纹碰到桥洞的石壁,也要返回来。这样,你就听到自己的声音啦。”小野鸭开心得手舞足蹈,说:“妈妈,我现在明白了,这就

是回声吧!”妈妈笑着点点头。 小野鸭又游到断桥洞下,嘎嘎地叫个不停。桥洞里立刻响起一片嘎嘎的回声。小野鸭快活地说:“多好玩啊!” 篇二:有关描写西湖断桥的作文 我的家乡在杭州,那里有一处著名的风景,叫断桥。 断桥位于西湖白堤的东端,背靠宝石山,面向杭州城,是外湖和北里湖的分水点。 春天,站在断桥上,向西湖边望去,看到白堤两边的柳树发芽了,长长地柳条,像少女的辫子,一阵微风吹来,便随风摇曳。有些柳条还垂挂在湖面上,如同蜻蜓点水般轻巧。桃花开了,有些欣然怒放,有的像一个害羞的小姑娘,藏在树叶地下。有的含苞欲放,他们像春天的使者,告诉大家春天已经到来。 夏天,站在断桥上向两旁看,看到北里湖的荷花,有的绽开了笑脸,有的藏在荷叶底下,像在跟游人玩捉迷藏呢!粉色的荷花在碧绿的荷叶衬托下,更加美丽。游人们坐在游船上,欣赏这美丽的风景呢! 秋天,荷叶、荷花都枯萎了,站在断桥上,远远望去,北里湖上一片黄色,好像铺上了一层黄色的毯子。湖上有许多野鸭在悠闲地游泳,它们好像也被西湖这美丽的风景吸引住了。 冬天,下起了鹅毛大雪,西湖上一片雪白,像是盖上了

武汉理工大学研究生 英语口语考试 unit3 music

Music Do you think music makes you smarter and healthier? I think music can make us smarter and healthier. Studies show that music has a strong effect on our mood levels and emotions, and also on how we think and our general intelligence.Music can make people calmer and more relaxed. The music we listen to can have a profound effect on our test scores and our ability to quickly process information.And it can help students to integrate both sides of the brain for more efficient learning and reduce errors.If we’ve ever played an instrument, studies show that we’re already ahead of the curve. Playing an instrument is a great way to test out our creative thinking and push our brain to process information in a new way. I think music can make us smarter and healthier. Music plays a significant role in our life, it can make you relaxed, give you inspiration, and make your life colorful. Studies show that music has a strong effect on our mood level and emotions, and also on how we think and our general intelligence. The music we listen to can have a profound effect on our test scores and our ability to quickly process information. Music can help me concentrate. When I am feeling anxious or stressed , a piece of good music can bring me a pleasant feeling and good mood, I will be better to equipped to concentrate and focus my attention on a fairly lengthy task. Music can be a great pick-me-up for when you are stressed. Tuning in to one of your favourite songs can be incredibly soothing and help to reduce anxiety. Music can help increase endurance , listening to certain music could actually help you run faster. The best choices for exercise are up-beat songs that match the tempo of your running stride and which can have a metronomic effect on the body, enabling you to run for longer. Music can actually have a significant positive impact on patients with long-term illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory conditions.Numerous trials have shown that music can help lower heart rate, blood pressure and help relieve pain, anxiety and improve patient quality of life. If you’ve ever played an instrument, studies show that you’re already ahead of the curve. Playing an instrument is a great way to test out your creative thinking and push your brain to process information in a new way. Some other activities that make people smarter and healthier. I think regular exercise can make people healthier, smarter and happier. Working out regularly may make us stronger and reduce the risk of illness. It can also lessen the possibility that you’ll lose brain function as you age. And exercise can help us to deal with stress in our studies, relationships or any area of life, because exercise is a form of stress itself and helps condition our body to deal with it. Even a little exercise can also make us calmer and more relaxed. And our brain is able work faster and more efficiently after exercise.

大学英语(2)武汉理工大学 在线作业

大学英语(2)在线作业 一、单选(共计100分,每题2.5分) 1、I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt B he can do a good job of it. A. whether B. what C. when D. what 2、Winning or losing is temporary, but friendship D . A. expects B. lives C. Remains D. Lasts 3、He didn’t B and so he failed the examination. A. work enough hard B. work hard enough C. hard work enough D. hard enough work 4、With everything she needed A ,she went out of the shop,with her hands full of shopping bags. A. bought B. to buy C. buying

D. buy 5、—This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? — B . A. You’re wrong B. I don’t think so, I’m afraid C. Not at all D. No, that’s not real 6、You can, A the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today. A. when B. where C. though D. because 7、The self-important manager didn’t seem to B much importance to my advice. A. apply B. attach C. judge D. consider 8、The buildings and the landscape are well D . A. combined B. alternated

武汉理工大学研究生 英语口语考试 unit5 culture

What do you suggest us to do to protect chinese culture in relation to chinese language? 高浩:hey guys。我昨晚上网的时候发现了一篇很有趣的文章,它的标题是2014 年度中国语言生活状况报告发布,讲的是中国的语言文化现状及其他的重要性。读到这篇文章之前我都不敢相信语言文化在我们中国传统文化中占据着如此重要的地位。 高浩:Hey,guys! Last night, I found an interesting article when I was surfing the internet. Its item is Annual Report Of Chinese Language Life In 2014,it talks about the importance and present situation of Chinese language culture. Not until I read this article did I believe that language culture occupy such an important place in our Chinese traditional culture. 王凡:语言文化在我们社会发展中当然起着非常重要的作用。一些成语和谚语就反应了古代人的智慧,如勤能补拙,而当下的一些流行语如世界那么大,我想去看看,则反映当代人的一些生活状态。除了普通话以外,一些能够代表当地特色文化的方言也很具有研究价值。 王凡:The language culture do plays an important role in Chinese social development. Some Idiom and Proverb reflect the wisdom of ancient people, like Diligence redeems stupidity, and some popular words recently ,like so big is the world that I can`t forbidden myself to walk around,can totally present Contemporary people`s living style. In addition to Mandarin, some dialects which can stand for the local characteristic culture have too much value for us. 张家强:我很同意你们的观点,但是我也了解到随着时间的流逝,一些方言正逐渐流失和被遗忘,还有很多国人越来越不注重汉语的学习. 张家强:I can`t agree with you any more .But I also learn that with time going by, some dialects is being lose and forgotten, and many Chinese people are ignoring the importance of learning Chinese . 许斌:我也注意到了这种现象。语言文化是中国文化一个重要的方面,我们应该保护语言文化。对此大家有什么好的建议吗? 许斌:I also have noticed this appearance. The language culture is very important part of our Chinese culture, we should try our best to protect them from being lose. And do you have any good ideas for this? 张家强:政府应作一个好的领导者,政府应当制定一些相应的法律法规来保护和促进中国语言文化的发展,让我们的保护语言文化的行动有一个好的方向和准则。张家强:In the protection of Chinese traditional culture,the government should be a good leader and commander. Some law should be made to protect and help the development of Chinese language culture. Only with the guide of the government can we make a contribution to the language culture.

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