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【推荐】关于自然资源的英语作文-范文word版 (1页)

【推荐】关于自然资源的英语作文-范文word版 (1页)



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为大家整理的《高中英语作文大全:Movie Sequels》的文章,供大家学习参考。

Today, we can see many excellent movies, when the movie gets popular and makes a lot of money, the producers will sense the business potential, they will be very happy to declare that the movie’s sequel comes out soon. When the audience go to the cinema to see the sequel, they will be always disappointed, because it is not as good as the first one, the plot seems to separate from the last one, they feel being cheated. I am very fond of watching movie, I will be very excited when I see the excellent movie, but when the producers make the sequel, I feel so worried, it is kind of ruining the movie. Some movies just don’t need sequels, the ending is perfect in the first one. If the producers continue to make the sequels, they must make sure the plot is logical and acceptable.



一、看现象,讲道理 1.世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法。 During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion. As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it. Here are the reasons I want to mention. It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street. First of all, volunteer work should always benefit people who need help. Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help. On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others. Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature. In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams. Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society. In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked. The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country? 2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。 你的文章必须包括以下内容: 你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 Version 1: A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.


How to introduce a place in English 一、可以考虑从以下几个方面着手: 1.location (位置) 2.area (面积) 3.surroundings (周边环境) 4.transport ( 交通) 5.population(人口) 6.history (历史) 7.places of interest (名胜) 8.something special (特色) 二、常用句式和语言: 1. location(位置) 1). Our school lies near /behind / in front of / by the side of…/ between / among… 2). There stands an old temple near the river. 3). Our city is located in…, 4). The city stretches itself lazily along….. 2. area (面积) 1). The size of our city is …square kilometers; 2). Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers / has an area of … 3). Tiananmen Square, with / covering an area of…, is the largest square in the world. 4). Our school , which takes up… thousand square meters, is very large in size. 3. surroundings (周边环境) 1). The beautiful town is located /situated on the west of the lake / to the west of the mountain / in the west of the province. 2). West of the city stands a tall building. 3). Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river on the east. 4. transport ( 交通) 1). It is very convenient for you to come to our city… 2). The best way to experience…is to take a bus tour. 3). It takes …(time) to take a bus from…to… 4). …is only a few bus stops from downtown. 5). …is within easy reach. 5. population(人口) 1). Japan has a small population of… 2). China is a developing country, with a population of 1.3 billion. 3). The population of our city is increasing year by year. 4). Eighty percent of the population here are farmers… 6. history (历史) 1). China has a history of over 5000 years. 2). Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 3). Built in the16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history. 7. places of interest (名胜) 1). The places around our city are rich in natural resources. 2). The city, known as…, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. 3). The city is well-known / famous for its…/as… 4). The city is home/birthplace to … 5). …is a must-see for tourists, as… 6). The city offers visitors a moment’s rest from the busy city. 7) You are sure to have a wonderful time in… 8) Few visitors leave the city feeling disappointed. 9) Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, which has many places of interest, among which is the Opera House. 10) A walk around …is a feast for the mind as well as the eye.

保护环境英语作文- 保护自然资源

保护环境英语作文- 保护自然资源 ★以下是###英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《保护环境英语作文- 保护自然资源》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 Preserving Natural Resources Thrdugh the changes'in the ways Of making a living in a family over several gen,erations, man has been warned against waste of natural resources and emphasizing the urgent need to preserve these resources. Ever since man appeared on the earth, man's survival has been heavily relied on nature. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes fromm'notate, ranging from the food we eat, the water we drink, to the wood which is tm'ned into furniture.With the development of technology and population growth, the amount and range of materials used has increased at an alarming rate.However, natural resources are not inexhaustible. Some reserves are already on the brink of exhaustion and there is no hope of replacing them. The widespread water shortage is an example in point. If man continued to squander natural resources with no thought for the future, the later generations would be in danger. It is up to us to take effective measures before the situation gets out of hand. 保护自然资源 经过几代人谋生方式的变化,人类已经得到警告,要反对浪费自然资源,急需保护这些资源。 自从人类在地球上出现以来,人类的生存就一直依赖自然。我们日常生活所用的一切,从吃的东西、喝的水到做家具的木材,几乎都


Young People Should Have Ideals To different people, the word "ideal" may mean different things. To some, it may mean success and fame in their career; to others, a peaceful life. Very often, we have ideals for the "self" and no ideal for society, let alone the people of the world. Is it a sound attitude toward life? In my opinion, a youth should have ideals. But it is more important that these ideals are not merely centered on the "self". They should be also the ideals of the majority of people. Then you would get strength and confidence toward life for you are striving for the benefits of your fellowmen. The setting up of an idea does not merely mean to go without doing anything. Real and concrete action should be taken. For us students, the most important thing to do is to study diligently. We study hard not to become bookworms, but to make us well-equipped and well-prepared for the pursuit of our ideals. Sometimes, in striving toward our ideas, we may encounter certain difficulties and failures. But we should not give up or lose hope, for as long as we try, there is always a way out.


作文类型及例文 一、看现象,讲道理 1.世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法。 During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion. As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it. Here are the reasons I want to mention. It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street. First of all, volunteer work should always benefit people who need help. Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help. On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others. Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature. In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams. Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society. In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked. The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country? 2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。(09年高考题) 你的文章必须包括以下内容: 你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 V ersion 1: A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition. 二、标题作文 1.以“诚实是美德”(Honesty Is a Virtue)为题写一篇短文。短文的内容需包括: 1. 列举社会上的某些不诚实行为


[标签:标题] 篇一:英语比较作文范文4篇 英语比较作文范文4篇 City Life and Suburban Life 1.最近几年越来越多的人迁往近郊居住 2.城市生活和近郊生活各有特点 3.比较起来,我喜欢的是… (1)In recent years more and more homes are being pushed outwards as the activities of business, government and pleasure tend to be concentrated in the centers of the cities. (2)Although most people are reluctant to move to the outskirts of the cities, I feel like living in the suburbs. (3)It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason people can’t bear to part with city life. (4)But the cost for the privilege of living in the city is also high. (5)Just think of the places where we live, full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the roar of buses and lorries day and night, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. (6)Besides, as the housing problem in the central city gets more serious, people have to pay high rents for very tiny flats which I would certainly disdain to live in. (7)In contrast, living near the countryside one can enjoy the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the quiet, peaceful surroundings—the essentials of a healthy life. (8)Nothing can be compared, as the pace of modern life is getting quicker, with the first cock crow, the twittering of birds at dawn, and sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and green fields. (9)Although living in the suburbs you may suffer a little discomfort brought about by the necessity of traveling miles to work every day, the situation will change soon as many highways and subways are being constructed. (10)The new suburban life is fast becoming a predominant pattern of living in most cities; and with the development of traffic and the perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life. Newspaper as a Better Source of News 1.现在许多人都从电视上得知天下事 2.但我认为报纸是获取消息的更好来源 3.其理由是… (1)For most of us today, television has become our main source of daily news. (2)This is unfortunate, however, because for several reasons newspapers should be regarded as a better source. (3)It is true that television news can vividly bring into our living rooms dramatic events of singular importance, such as space launchings, natural disasters, wars and so on, but it can not cover important stories in the depth they may deserve because of its time limitation. (4)On the contrary, print news excels in its ability to devote as much space to a story as it sees fit, though it can not compete with television visually. (5)Besides, television is essentially a passive medium. (6)Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sit in front of the tube and “let it happen”. (7)But a newspaper reader can select what he is interested in, skip what he

自然资源Natural Resources英语作文.doc

自然资源Natural Resources英语作文 Natural Resources Nature has provided us with many kinds of resources. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from Nature. The food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our houses, the materials to make bikes we ride, etc. all come originally from Nature. People have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of years. With the development of technology and the increase of the population, the amount and range of materials taken has increased. It is estimated that this tread will continue in the years to come. However, natural resources are not in exhaustible. Some resources are already nearly used up. For example, the end of the world’s fuel is already within sight. Such an essential daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the world. We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by Nature. We must learn to conserve what remains. 【参考译文】

【优质】大学英语作文范文-word范文模板 (2页)

【优质】大学英语作文范文-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 大学英语作文范文 1. 成功的四个步骤 four steps to a successful four steps to a successful the first time in life? then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. dress properly. while everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. if you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. for businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that armani suit. it is no work. a few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. take a bath before dating. and if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. watch your manner. you're no prince of the scotland nor cinderella in the legend. proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. and do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. and your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by st. loy!" after the nun in chaucer. be a little sensitive than merely innocent. do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. for there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy. finally, wish you good luck. may you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“dress properly....if you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.for businessman orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。


中考英语作文常见类型解析及范文- 旅游与介绍地方中考高频率话题,出题形式灵活。 典型例句: 1. Last Sunday(Saturday,…),it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,) 2. I got up very early (late)。After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus ,… 3. We enjoyed ourselves。 4. We forgot the time. We didn"t come back until 5 o"clock。 5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy。 6. I thought I would never forget this trip。 7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。 8. We visited a lot of places of interest。 9. We had a good time there。 10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap。 例文:中考学习小组中考必备! 1、(四川自贡)北京将迎来的奥运会,请以主人的身份向外国朋友介绍一下北京和北京几个著名的景 点。根据以下提示写一篇短文。 1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市; 2.北京有许多名胜古迹; 3.紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一; 4.故宫非常漂亮和著名; 5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方 6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。 注:⑴字数80左右。⑵请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑。 ⑶参考词汇:紫禁城The Forbidden City 故宫The Summer Palace 天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 参考作文: Beijing is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them. The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors. It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it. The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too. The Great Wall is also a wonderful place to go. And Tian" anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk. I hope you will enjoy your staying in Beijing.


英文地址写法 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 四、姓名方面: 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。 例如:刘刚,可写成GangLiu,也可写成LiuGang。


The environment is everything around us,for example,air,water,animals,plants,buildings and so on.They all affect us in many ways and closely related to our lives.People can't live without the environment. Everybody needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day.We burn coal to keep warm,and we use wood to make paper.As a result,we become the part of the environment. The environment has been getting wores and wores for many years.We have been upgrading our living standard, meanwhile the environment has been polluted.Somke form factory chimneys pollutesthe air.Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly.Animals are homeless because the forcests are decreasing every minute.Streets are crowded with people and vehicles.The environment painful for us to live in it now.So it's time to solve those problems. Fortunately,it isn't too late to correct our mistake.People are coming to realiza the importance of the environment.We have begun to try our best to improve https://www.doczj.com/doc/159889902.html,ws are being made dealing with air, water and noise pollution.The river be bright,the sky will be clear,the flowers will be beautiful,and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty.We believe that we wil be able to save our environment and live in a better world 环境围绕我们身边,例如:空气、水、动物、建筑等。它们从各个方面影响着我们的生活,与我们的生活密切相关,人们离开环境就无法生存。每人每天都要呼吸、喝水和吃东西。我们少煤取暖、用木材造纸。结果,我们也成为环境的一部分。 很多年以来,环境日益恶化。我们在提高生活水平的同时,也在导致环境污染。从工厂烟囱里冒出来的烟污染空气;机器和引擎经常发出恼人的噪音。因为森林每分钟都在减少,使动物们无家可归。街道上挤满了人和车辆。环境在我们的生活中是最重要的,但是现在它已经让人们讨厌。所以,该是解决这些问题的时候了。 幸运的是,现在改正错误还不晚。人们意识到环境的重要性。我们已经开始尽力改善环境。法律也开始涉及到空气、水和噪音等问题。将来,河流会更清澈,天空会更晴朗,花朵会更鲜艳,阳光会更灿烂、更温暖。保护环境会使我们生活在一个更加美好的世界中。 Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A. In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing. it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us. How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.

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