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《英语报刊阅读》课程教学大纲 课程编码:30614003 学分:2 总学时:36 说明 【课程性质】 英语报刊阅读是全日制英语专业本科高年级阶段的一门专业任意选修课,开设时间为第五学期。 【教学目的】 1. 通过为学生提供一定数量的英美报刊阅读,使学生了解国际重大时事,获得最新信息,增加国际知识,提高独立阅读的能力。 2.通过课堂讲授,使学生了解世界主流英文报刊,了解英文报刊阅读常识,提高对信息分析、判断的能力。 3.通过课堂讲授与课后练习,提高学生阅读报刊文章并进行摘要写作的能力。 【教学任务】 此课程教学旨在使学生大致了解英美等英语国家报刊的基本特点,初步掌握阅读英语报刊的技能,学会运用各种工具书和各方面的知识,了解英语报刊的内容和实质,进而在提高学生语言能力的同时提高综合能力和知识水平。 【教学内容】 英语报刊阅读主要包括英语国家报刊简介、英语报刊中的术语、新闻的写作等报刊知识以及报刊文章选读,所选的文章主要来源于国内的21st Century 、China Daily 以及美国《读者文摘》、《今日美国》、《时代周刊》及《新闻周刊》等报刊以及部分互联网文章。选材注重思想性和代表性及学生的实际英语水平。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则:在《英美报刊阅读》课程当中,强调学生思维能力的培养,我们要有意识地思维能力的培养有机地融合在英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关知识课程的教学中。要努力为学生创造发表个人见解的机会,对不同的意见和看法要采取鼓励和宽容的态度。 教学方法:以讲授为主,辅以学生查阅相关资料,探究式学习。 【先修课程要求】 可以在第一、二、三、四学期开设了基础英语,以及第二,三学期的英语阅读课的基础上开设此课程。


课程名称:英语新闻讲义 任课老师: 国际交流学院 对外汉语2011级1班

UNIT 1 CHIRSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR WILL STOP PRINTING DAILY V ACABULARY Harbinger/?hɑ?.b?n.d???/ Witch hazels are the harbinger of spring. Is this news a harbinger of good days to come? n.先驱,预告者,通示(…即将来到)者 vt. To signal the approach of; presage(often something unpleasant). Batter/?b?t.??/ Their idealism has been battered. The movie took a battering from critics. v.strike repeatedly with hard blows;to repeat violence and assault v. censure, criticize, or defeat severely or thoroughly. Circulation 循环、流通、传播、发行量Newsprint 新闻纸 Freelance A freelance journalist. I work freelance from home. A journalist who freelances. a.independent or uncommitted in politics or personal life ad. Earn one’s living in such a way n. vi. Bureau[?bj??r??] Even-handed a.fair and impartial in treatment or judgement ad. Even-handedly n. Even-handedness Baron 男爵、巨头、贵族 PHRASES Pick up readers through sensational, so-called.. Yellow Journalism Nationally distributed newspaper Prove a harbinger of A steep rise in the cost of Weekday print edition Distinguish itself by The trend of the day USEFUL EXPRESSION Abandon its weekday print edition,choosing instead to put daily news on it’s … It’s the first nationally distributed newspaper to make such a move… “……”said XXX,who added that …… Eddy wanted a paper that would distinguish itself by providing even-handed news when the trend of the day was to pick up readers through sensational, so called “yellow journalism”whose art was perfected by warring [adj.] newspaper barons like Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph. It’s motto is “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind”


商务英语阅读技巧:文章标题的阅读 在句法结构上,报刊标题通常具有以下特征: 1. 省略定冠词the和不定冠词a / an,如: Company Expects to Take A Charge in Fourth Period 公司预计在第四季度向国家申请贷款 标题中Fourth Period前省略了定冠词the。但是其中Take A Charge为一固定词组,所以a不能省略。 注意:1) 在不定冠词表示“一个”概念时,必须保留。比如:Japan: A Model for What Not to Do 日本:避免不应有失误出现的典范 2) 当词组a few, a little和a half等在标题中出现时,不定冠词不省略,如:Retiring with a half million? Not bad for a teacher 退休时会拥有50万美元?对一位教师来说已很可观 2. 除非会造成误解,否则均省略动词形式to be,如: Accurate forecasts beneficial to economy 这则标题中forecasts后面省略了系动词to be,即are。 3. 用现在时表示过去,如: Mc Donald's Settles Lawsuit over Burn from Coffee 麦当劳有限公司了结了一宗由咖啡烫伤而引起的法律诉讼 4.用不定式形式表示将来,如: American General to Buy Franklin Life for $1.7 Billion 美国通用公司将以17亿美元收购Franklin Life公司 有时也可用现在时表示将来,如: Jeep Hopes to Be Sedan Producer in Future 吉普公司可望将来成为轿车生产厂家 5.用过去分词表示被动语态,如:


Reading handout for lesson 1 Part 1 Part 1.1 :Vocabulary Chess Basketball Board games Sports Swimming Tennis Cards Dancing Weightlifting Skiing Yoga Shopping Exercise Having fun PartyingKarate Poker Puzzles Kick boxing Hiking Sharing Chatting Part 1.2: Practice3

Part 2:Reading 1.Read the following text and then look at the questions on the next page. The value of friendship Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above everything else. Children aged between 12 and 15 were asked what was important to them. Their answers included possessions such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships with people. The teenagers questioned said that friends were the most important to them, more even than family, or boyfriends and girlfriends. We wanted to find out more about the results of this research so we asked our readers what they thought about the value of friendship. Here are some examples of what they said about their friends: Ben, 15: Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some time on my own. But after that, the first thing I do is meet up with my friends. After playing football for a while, or skateboarding, I usually feel much happier again. Rory, 13: When I moved to a village in the countryside, I thought that it would be the end of my friendships. But my old friends have kept in touch and they come and visit in the holidays. There's a lake nearby, so we often go sailing, water-skiing or windsurfing. And I have made some new friends here too, at school, and since I joined the rugby club. Carlos, 11: Last year, I broke my arm on a skiing holiday. Unfortunately, it was my left arm and I am lefthanded. My school friends all helped and copied their notes for me. It seems that our readers value their friendships very highly. From what they told us, they spend a lot of time with their friends, just hanging out, or sharing hobbies and interests. They seem to need their friends for advice, help, chats, and for having fun. Clearly, friends make each other feel better. Looking at what our readers told us, the results of the recent research are not really surprising. 2.Try to answer this question yourself first, before reading the explanation. Choose the best answer from the letters a-d. To teenagers, money is ... a)not important. b)as important as computer gadgets. c)as important as relationships with people. d)less important than friendships. 3.Look at the questions in Exercise 4, without reading the answer options. Underline the question words (e.g. where, when, what) and the key words in each of the questions (1-3) and sentence stems (4-5). 4.Now answer these multiple-choice questions. Choose the appropriate letter a, b, c or d. i.Why are Ben, Rory and Carlos mentioned in the article? A.They know why teenagers value friendship. B.They gave information about themselves. C.They read magazines, D.They are teenage boys.


The characteristics of English News Headlines Number: Name:

The characteristics of English News Headlines Abstract: the news headline is an important part of English news, because the title is the readers to get as much information as possible in the shortest possible time language media, plays a unique role in the news. For the reader, read the headline is the first step of reading English newspapers. English news headlines are numerous and varied, but has its internal rules and characteristics, has its own unique title words, grammar and rhetoric. This paper examines some of the characteristics of English news headlines from the vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric in three aspects: simple, general, ellipsis, fresh, interesting. Language learning is a process of practice, for English learners, reading English newspaper is a shortcut to modern English pulse. The news headline is the first step of reading newspaper readers learn English, and many readers initially reading English newspaper, the problem the first encounter is the title. Just started reading English newspaper readers generally encountered such a problem: the title words realize, you don't understand or not fully understand. Because the newspaper headlines are simple, elliptical, humorous, not only to the main content of highly summarized news, play a role in the finishing touch, but also for the fascinating to try to put the title winning new innovation and full of color, make the reader "fall in love at first sight". 1.vocabulary Brief summary is one of the major features of news headlines, in order to achieve this objective, the English news headlines are widely used terms, abbreviations and the so-called "small" (Midget Words). 1.1 NOUN Making "noun has the very strong expressive function, but also has extensive grammar tolerance (Grammaticality). It can act as a variety of part of speech, syntactic concept can be expressed by simple structure form complete." Noun (gerund, including compound nouns) can be widely used for word type caption or replace the adjectives (noun reduplication), phrases and clauses. (1)with the noun word type caption Entrepreneurs(创业者发迹史) Wineswomanship(妇女酗酒问题) (2) the noun reduplication Miracle Rescue (神奇般获救) Taiwan’s UN Entry Proposal Opposed (台湾进入联合国提议遭到反对)


英文报刊阅读小技巧 报刊是人们了解国内外大事的窗口,尤其是在社会经济文化迅速发展,国际交流日益频繁的今天,报刊的作用就更为突出。在我国,越来越多的读者想利用英文报刊了解国内外时事,开拓视野,增长知识。如何快速而准确地获得英文报刊的信息,已成为广大读者急需解决的问题。为此,本文着重谈谈阅读英文报刊时需注意的几个方面。 首先,必须掌握英文报刊标题的语言特点。标题是新闻报道的点睛之笔,通常以鲜明的黑体大字在文章的抢眼处标出,它既要扣住全文要点,突出中心,又要新颖醒目,其作用不可忽视。但对不少读者来说,首先碰到的问题是:不少标题奇特,无法一看就懂。究竟是什么东西妨碍顺利阅读和准确理解标题呢?原因在于新闻报道作为一种独特的文体,它的文法和用词与一般的书面英语有很大的区别。这一点在标题的使用上显得尤为突出。因此,对英语学习者来说,掌握标题的语言特点,是读懂标题的关键。新闻报道标题的主要特点是短而精,力求删繁就简,具体表现在两个方面:一是省略某些语法功能的虚词;二是标题的时态有其特定的习惯用法。归纳起来,其语言特点见之于下: 1.在不发生歧义的情况下,冠词往往被省略。例如: Boy,7,killed by Ejection From Cockpit of Navy Jet(The Washington Post)Standard English:A Boy,7,killed by Ejection From the Cockpit of a Navy Jet Chinese Population Is Put at 1.3 Billion(International Herald Tribune)Standard English:The Chinese Population Is Put at 1.3 Billion 2.系动词经常被省略。例如: Joblessness Still a Problem(China Daily) Standard English:Joblessness Is Still a Problem Forecast of Mexican quake accurate,but ignored(Science News)Standard English:The Forecast of Mexican quake is accurate,but it is ignored 3.连词、代词、引导词也会省略。例如: Kings,sheiks rap USSR,US(China Daily) Standard English:Kings and sheiks rap USSR and US Anne and baby are well(South China Morning Post) Standard English:Anne and her baby are well Far fewer pitclosures and job losses likely than rumored(The Times)

高中英语教学案例分析 高二报刊阅读

高中英语教学案例分析——社会主义核心价值观进课堂 高二英语报纸阅读课 李玮艳 摘要:文章分析了高中英语教学中的报纸阅读课教学及如何在课堂中融合社会主义核心价值观的问题,在课堂教学中利用了文本材料的高时效性和语言知识的介绍,旨在提高学生的学习效率和提升学生语言素养。 关键词:高中英语教学;案例分析;社会主义核心价值观 一、教材分析 上海学生英文报(Shanghai Students' Post)是面向广大中学师生英语学习的辅导类报纸,它紧扣上海地区英语二期课改的教学大纲,在内容上具有很强的时效性,因此在平时教学中的使用率是很高的。这堂课选取的文本是2017年3月21日上海学生英文报的头版文章:The Music of Language. 改文章的执笔者是特约撰稿人Larry White,他就时下很热门的节目《朗读者》引发的阅读热给出了自己的见解和思考。 该课旨在拓宽学生的视野,在英语语言欣赏方面给他们一些建议和方向,同时训练他们对文章信息准确地捕捉和概括,并当堂给学生一次实际运用语言表达自己观点的机会,让阅读理解和口头表达两种能力在一堂课上得到结合,提高学生的能力。同时教师在课堂上将引导学生就相关内容进行结合社会主义核心价值观的思考,将德育渗透进课堂中。 二、学情分析 授课对象为高中二年级学生,他们对英语的认知较高一阶段有了进一步的发展,逐渐形成了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,也具有一定的英语思维和表达能力。不论是口头还是书面,平时都有一些语言表达的训练,让学生们学习将现实生活中的思考与语言学习结合起来,学会用英语表达自己的观点和见解。但是班级中学生的学习能力和表现毕竟还是会参差不齐,因此在课堂教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,既要运用鲜活真实的语言资料调动学生的积极性,也要有学术专业的知识内容让学生们有所学习领悟,同时在互动中实现教学任务和目标。 三、教学目标 1. 理解文章的内容和结构以及作者的意图和观点。 2. 理解和学会应用文章中涉及的相关词汇。(例如convey, rhythm, be awakened to, tackle, imitate等)


教学点: 年级: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 《英语报刊阅读》试题(错误!未找到引用源。) Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao ’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.

经贸专业英语报刊阅读教程 第一课 Good policy, and bad

Good policy, and bad Some mitigation policies are effective, some are efficient, and some are neither Dec 3rd 2009 | from the print edition GREENHOUSE-GAS emissions targets can be implemented through three sorts of policy instruments—regulation, carbon-pricing and subsidies. Governments generally like regulation (because it appears to be cost-free), economists like carbon prices (because they are efficient) and businesses like subsidies (because they get the handouts). Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarely designed to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay the bills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not their energy-efficiency. The same goes for appliances, most of which do not use enough energy to affect consumers' choices. Small regulatory changes (see box, next page) can cut energy consumption without distorting the market much. According to McKinsey, around one-third of the required greenhouse-gas reductions will actually save money. Two-thirds, however, will not. They can be achieved only if companies invest in more expensive, cleaner technology. That will happen only if governments require them to do so, or tax dirty products and processes (through a carbon price), or subsidise clean ones. In this special report ?Getting warmer ?Is it worth it? ?The green slump ??Good policy, and bad ?Vampires on a diet ?Cap and tirade ?Who cares? ? A long game ?Closing the gaps ?What needs to change ?Unpacking the problem Sources & acknowledgementsReprints Related topics ?China ?Solar energy


一、简短小词(名词&动词) 英语新闻标题总是力求用有限的字数 来表达新闻的内容,为此,在措词上尤其要狠下功夫,选词尽可能经简达意、简短明了,偏爱选用那些短小精悍或字母最少的动词。因为短小易懂、形象生动的措词不仅能增强新闻的简洁性和可读性,而且还能节省版面篇幅。如表示“破坏”或“损坏”一词意义的动词,标题一般不用damage,而用一些较之简短的词,如hit、harm、hurt、ruin或wreck等。又如表示“放弃”这一概念的动词,标题一般不用abandon,而用drop、give up、quit、skip或yield等,表示“爆炸”之类的动词意义时,一般不用explode,而用blast、crash、ram或smash等词。简而言之,英语新闻标题大都喜欢选用字形短小、音节不多而意义又比较广泛的词。 动词: aid=assist(帮助,援助) alter=change or modify(改变) ask=inquire(询问)

assail=denounce(谴责) axe=dismiss or reduce(解雇,减少) ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止) bar=prevent(防止,阻止) bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露) blast=explode(爆炸) begin=commence(开始) bid=attempt(努力) bilk=cheat(欺骗) bolt=desert or abandon(放弃) boost=increase, promote ,push forward(增加,提高) check=examine(检查) claim=cause the death of ...(夺去……的生命) clash=disagree strongly(发生分歧,争议) curb=control or restrict(控制) dip=decline or decrease(下降) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评)


高中英语英语报刊阅读教学 一、精选报刊,充分引导,明确学习方向 市面上的英语报刊有很多,我们要根据学生不同的的学习程度和教材的要求选择,帮助学生明确学习方向,有针对性地改善自己的学习方法,从而为有效的阅读学习做好铺垫。在阅读课的初步阶段,可以引导学生读一些简短有趣的材料,给其营造一个轻松的阅读环境,比如校园大新闻、开心驿站、我说你猜、运动休闲等。然后,在学生已经融入阅读的时候,为其选择能够看得懂的,差不多能理解中心意思的报刊,让他们在原有的基础上掌握一些文化知识。接着,就可以考虑那些与学习内容相似的报刊,让学生的课堂学习与之完美衔接的同时,进一步拓展他们的视野。较后,要分析学生的学习程度,选择难易适合的刊物,比如《疯狂英语》《时代周刊》《中国日报》都不错,教师可以事先精选一些优秀片段,课上通过多媒体展示给学生。此外,在让学生阅读的时候,我们要做好充分的引导,激发他们阅读的兴趣,让其享受到阅读的乐趣。有的文章因为有知识背景,学生在阅读的时候会很吃力,一时半会融入不了,这时候,我们就可以在旁为学生做一些介绍或者内容的简介,帮助其顺畅地阅读,比如《学英语》上有一篇“TreasureIsland”,学生对小说不了解,我就借助多媒体向其展示了相关内容,这不仅激发了学生的兴趣,而且还优化了阅读过程。 二、合理强化,适当讲解,归纳提高升华 对于学生阅读的训练,不能一直停留在表面的引导启发,我们要有计划地进行强化训练,限时训练,理解训练,让学生在不断练习中自我总结,归纳经验,提高能力,升华理解,较终达到高考的要求并且有所超越。在课堂上,要周期性地针对教学内容给学生限时训练,一方面,训练其阅读速度和重点把握能力;另一方面,锻炼其思维能力,在了解大意的基础上,能够迅速解答相应问题。比如,学生在读到一篇标题为“HarryPot?ter’sfilmtoopen2daysearly”的文章时,我就先引导他们根据文章题目和插图去猜测了解文章大意,辅助正文阅读。然后,指导学生快速看问题,了解文章的具体内容。较后,让学生带着前面得到的信息阅读文章,进行细化了解,并在规定时间内完成题目,检测自己的阅读能力。考虑到报刊中的语言表达都很自然、地道,难免会出现复杂的长难句,夹杂很多的语法难点,这时候,就要教学生如何破解,将它们化长为短,抓住关键词,找主干,划修饰,由繁变易,读懂意思,消除阅读中的“拦路虎”。此外,我们还要注重学生的输


Steve Jobs’ magic in product Class 7 于晓滢Unit 2 Steve Jobs, a myth in technological product, spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy to use products. Steve Jobs experienced a wayward youth. After dropping out of college, he traveled to India, then became Buddhist, and experienced psychedelic drugs. But as he said. “A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences, so they don’t have enough dots to connect and they end up with very linear solutions”. So he was grateful for those wrong he did because they help him to grow up and become stronger. In retrospect, Mr Jobs was a man ahead of his time during his first stint at Apple and his emphasis on design and ease of use gave him the edge later on although computing was dominated by technique in early years. He thought that technology alone is not enough and it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with humanities, that yields the results that make our hearts sing. Challenging the magic of computing into products that reshaped music, telecom and media, Mr Jobs put a ding in the universe as he said when he was young.


英语报刊阅读课教学模式 英语课堂教学是一种多层次、多功能、综 合运用各种感官的活动,是教与学双向作用的复 杂而又细致的过程。在这个过程中,如何激发学 生的学习动机,调动学生的学习积极性,是我们 在教学中应该考虑也必须解决好的问题。要解决 这一问题,课堂教学模式就显得特别重要,宗旨 是建立以学生为中心的课堂模式。 《二十一世纪学生英文报》是我国第一份面向中学生的英语时事周报,它以时事文化为主,安排了校园热点、文化知识、休闲阅读等内容,文字浅显地道,文章短小精悍,兼具时效性、知识性和趣味性,适合学生的理解和接受能力。报刊阅读课是辽宁省实验中学北校英语教学的一个特色,我创建的“报刊阅读”模式以阅读报刊为载体,利用课堂四十分钟的教学将其分解为联系教材的导入环节作为阅读的铺垫;报刊阅读作为核心环节学生带着问题进行有目的的阅读,然后师生一起解读,获取信息并解决重点突破难点,这是报刊阅读的主要环节;最后是总结提升,主要体现学以致用。下面就报刊教学和大家进行探讨。 (一)理论依据 阅读是人们获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的最主要途径。人的70% 以上的知识都是通过阅读所获得。“阅读使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人精确。”(Reading makes a full man; conference makes a ready man; and writing makes an exact man.)阅读和表达(讨论交流、谈话、写作等)是人们终身学习和发展的基础。自主性阅读与表达的能力是学生实现个性发展必不可少的最基本素质。 英语自主性阅读,能给学生足够的语言“感知”和“体验”;能给他们足够的语言“输入”,以促进他们的语言知识的巩固和学习;能实实在在地给他们以


学号:9112103013 院系:外国语学院 成绩:西安翻译学院XI’AN FANYI UNIVERSITY 高职高专毕业论文 题目:游戏在儿童英语教学中的应用 专业:英语教育 班级:9112103 姓名:刘丹 指导教师:刘丹青 2012 年 3 月

阅读英语报刊对英语学习的好处 刘丹 (西安翻译学院外国语学院 710105) 摘要:英语学习是一个理论与实践的过程,是一个不断积累与运用的过程。然而,只有通过大量的阅读,才能获得最大的实践量,才能灵活自如的运用。英语报刊代表着英语最新的发展趋势,许多新的词汇和短语往往最先出现在报刊之中,由于报刊选材广泛,内容丰富,贴近学生的生活,有利于培养学生的学习兴趣和激发学生的学习动力。学生通过读英语报刊不仅可以了解国内外的大事,而且可以提高阅读能力,在增加知识面的同时也开阔了视野。同时,掌握一定的阅读方法,往往可以有效的进行阅读,达到事倍功半的效果。 关键词:学生英语学习英语报刊阅读 Reading English newspapers and periodicals on the benefits of learning English Abstract:Englisn learning is a process of combining theories and practices, and also a process of gradually accumulation and operation.nevertheless,only through reading a large number of English materials can we achieve the maximal practices so that we can use English flexibly at last .English newspapers represents the latest trent of English development. In general, a great deal of new vocabularies and phrases initially appears in newspapers, it's wide range in choosing materials and richful content, which are closely related to students' life, made it possible to cultivate students' interest and motivation of English learning. By reading newspapers, students will have access to the current affairs from home and abroad, besides, through which they will gain an improvement in reading ability, enrich their knowledge, and broaden their horizon as well. What’s more, if we master some reading skills, we can read newspapers more effectively with less effort.

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