当前位置:文档之家› 洛阳一外小升初真题




Section One B asic English(共40分)


1.Juice is a kind of healthy drink. It comes from fruit or _________.

2.The daughter or the son of your aunt is your _________.

3. 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held in Brazil from June 12th to July 13th. The World Cup is held every __________ years.

4. June 5th,2014 is World Environment Day. The theme of China is Fight ________ Pollution.

5. GDP of china has been the second largest one in tne world. GDP means Gross Domestic ____.


( )1.Tom never comes to school late, _________ he?

A. does

B. is

C. doesn’t

D. isn’t

( ) 2. ----Hello! ____________________?

----Yes, Speaking.

A. Are you John?

B. Who is John?

C. Is that John?

D. Who is that? ( )3. I saw the movie IRON MAN3 last month. It is ________ than IRON MAN2.

A. exciting

B. excited

C. more exciting

D. more excited

( )4.It took me _____________ to finish my homework yesterday.

A. one and a half hour

B. one and half hour

C. one and a half hours

D. one and half an hour

( )5.What did your uncle do _________ the farm ________ the morning of MAY DAY?

A. on, on

B.on, in

C. in, on

D. in, in

( )6.Lucy is _________American girl. But ________ little girl can speak Chinese very well.

A. a, the

B. an, the D. the, the D.an, a

( )7.Where is the rain from? It is from the __________.

A. water

B. cloud

C. sun

D. snow

( )8. I like a cake __________ some strawberries and some hiwi fruit.



C. on

D. with

( )9.----Would you like some drinks?

----No, ______________.

A. Thanks


C. I won’t

D. I don’t

( )10. ________ cute a puppy this is!

A. What

B. How

C. What a

D. How a

( )11. The next day of Children’s Day is a Chinese traditional Festival this year. It is called __________ Festival.

A. Father’s Day

B. Dragon Boat

C. Mid-autumn

D. Mother’s Day

( )12. Nowadays more and more people like to buy things through ________ at home. It is much cheaper and easier.

A. telephone

B. television

C. internet

D. friends

( )13. SPIDERMAN 2 is a __________ fiction film. Children love to watch it.

A. action

B. comic

C. cartoon

D. Science

( )14. MO Y AN won the NOBEL Prize in literature in 2012. We are _______ of him.

A. loved

B. pride

C. proud

D. Like

( )15. Sand Storm is the biggest air pollution in Beijing. We must do something to _______

the environment.


B. saves

C. changing

D. improving

Section Two Reading and Writing (共45 分)


A strange man liked eating poisonous snakes very much. It didn’t matter if a poisonous snake bit him.

One day, the strange man w_______ walking in the street when a dog ran out and bit him. Nothing happened to him, but the dog died right away. The man took the d______ dog home and cooked. At this t______, his friend came to v_________ him and had meal w_____ him. While the strange man was enjoying his meal, his friend got ill and fell d_______ to the ground. The strange man

s_____ him to the hospital at o______ and the doctor said it was clear that too m_______ poison had been in the man’s blood.Finally his f_______ was saved.


1.Joy puts heart into a man. _________________________________________________

2.Where there is a will,there is a way. __________________________________________

3.One is never too old to learn. __________________________________________

4. A real man never goes back on his words. _______________________________________

5.A slow sparrow should make an early start. _______________________________________

6.Fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something.


7.Such kindness of warm sun, can’t be repaid by grass.________________________________

8.One boy is a boy, two boy half a boy, three boys no boy.


9.There’s no smoke without fire. _________________________________________________

五、补全对话。选出最佳选项,将字母编号填入空白横线上,其中有两个多余选项。(10分)W: Where are you going in your winter holidays?

M: I’m going to the Northeast for a week.

W: It is rather cold there. ___________________________________

M: I’ll go skiing in a real world of ice and snow.

W: ______________. My sister and I are going to Hainan. ______________________________ M: Oh yeah? __________________________

W: Just for five days.

M: _______________________.

A.I enjoy playing with snow.

B.How long are you staying?

C.Have a good time.

D.How soon are you leaving?

E.What are you going to do there?

F.I like sunbathing on the white beach.

G.That sounds interesting!


An old man ____1____ David comes from America. He is 74 years old. But he looks younger than he really is. He likes wearing his colorful hood when he goes out.

Eight years ____2____, he came to Zhuhai to teach English at a Foreign Language School.


外国语考试题 一、填空(每题4分,共40分) 3用循环小数表示,小数点后第2012位上的数字是。 1、2 7 2、有一个数,被3除余2,被4除余1,那么这个数除以12余。 3、一个真分数的分子和分母相差102,若这个分数的分子和分母都 1,这个真分数是。 加上23,所得的新分数约分后得 4 4、4时10分,时针和分针的夹角是度。 5、从1开始2012个连续自然数的积的末尾有个连续的零。 11,如果从甲筐取出7.5千克放入乙6、有两筐苹果,甲筐占总数的 20 3,甲筐原来有千克苹果。 筐,这时乙筐占总数的 5 7、一个三角形的三个内角之比为1:2:3,则这个三角形是三角形。 1 8、蕾蕾读一本252页的书,已读的页数等于还没有读过页数的2 2倍,蕾蕾读过页。 9、2个篮球的价钱可以买6个排球,6个足球的价钱可以买3个篮球,买排球、足球、网球各1个的价钱可以买1个篮球,那么,买1个篮球的价钱可以买个网球。 10、某班有60人,他们着装白色或黑色上衣,黑色或蓝色裤子,其中有12人穿白色上衣蓝裤子,有34人穿黑裤子,29人穿黑上衣,那么穿黑上衣黑裤子的有人?

二、计算题(每题5分,共20分) 1、0.125×7.37+8 1×3.63-12.5×0.1 2、1174 ×(232-43)+1211÷21 17 3、713131 4268161674 ??-+÷? ??? 4、345345345345246123123123123? 三、应用题(每题8分,共40分) 1、果果和妈妈一起去超市,买洗漱用品花了总钱数的5 1 多100元,买小食品花了余下的3 1少20元,又买了一个600元的饮水机,正好花完所带的钱,果果妈妈一共带了多少钱? 2、甲、乙两人同时从山脚开始爬山,到达山顶后就立即下山,他们两人的下山的速度是各自上山速度的1.5倍。而且甲比乙速度快,甲到达山顶时,乙离山顶180米,当乙到达山顶时,甲恰好下到半山腰,那么山脚到山顶多少米?


洛阳市2021年小升初语文期末试卷B卷 一、基础知识积累与运用 (共13题;共26分) 1. (2分)下列加下划线的字读音全部正确的一项是()。 A . 澎(pén)湃砌(qì)成描(miáo)写 B . 扭(liǔ)头晌(shǎng)午譬(bì)如 C . 需(xū)要膝(xī)盖蹭(cèng)饭 D . 刹(shà)那凋(diāo)零啼(tí)叫 2. (2分)(2019·韶山) 给划线的字选择正确的解释。() 碧水东流至此回 A . 返回 B . 回旋 3. (2分) (2019五上·浙江期末) 下列句子中字词的解释,有误的一项是() A . 身向榆关那畔行。(榆关:山海关。) B . 敏而好学,不耻下问。(耻:以……为耻。) C . 王孙自可留。(王孙:王子的孙子。) D . 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。(莫:不要。) 4. (2分)两位小朋友一起走路去上学,走到一半时,小红看到路边的花很美,想去摘下来玩。这时小兰想上前制止她,怎样说小红才会听劝呢?() A . 喂,这花不可以摘。 B . 破坏鬼,这花怎么可以摘呢? C . 小红,请不要摘这朵花,好吗?花儿也是有生命的。 5. (2分)下列各项中,与例句修辞手法相同的一项是() 例句:巨浪伸出双臂把我猛地托起。

A . 你常常会看见许多鲜嫩的笋,成群地从土里探出头来。 B . 三月的桃花水,是春天的竖琴。 C . 我们怎能忘记老师的谆谆教诲? D . 夜晚飞机怎么能安全飞行呢?原来人们从蝙蝠身上得到了启示。 6. (2分)把下面的词语填到句子中,正确的一项是()。 ①一天夜晚,他在______的小路上散步,听到断断续续的钢琴声。 ②明朗的月光照着古朴的小镇,让这里的夜色显得分外的______。 ③在那极富个性的嘴角和眼神里,悄然流露出______、淡雅的微笑。 ④哀悼仪式开始了,烈士墓前一片______。 A . 幽静宁静恬静肃静 B . 宁静恬静肃静幽静 C . 恬静肃静幽静宁静 D . 恬静幽静肃静宁静 7. (2分)对下面句子理解正确的一项是()。 “我踏着一块块方砖跳,跳房子,等母亲回来。我看着天看着云彩走,等母亲回来……” A . 从这句话可以看出“我”是一个很会玩耍的孩子。 B . 从这句话可以看出“我”在耐心等待母亲忙完。 C . 这句话表达了“我”等待时“焦急又兴奋”的情感。 D . 从这句话可以看出“我”当时等待时的开心。 8. (2分)“破釜沉舟”这个成语出于哪次战争?() A . 赤壁之战 B . 长平之战


2014小升初洛阳二外英语真题 一、单项选择。从每小题4个答案中选出一个最佳答案,并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共计15分)()1. He _____ to his parents. A. not often writes B. isn’t often write C. don’t often write D. doesn’t often write ()2. ---Jill: “Is Sam ready to go out?” . ---Carol: “Yes, he _____ on his coat.” A. put B. is put C. is putting D. puts ()3. They’re old friends. He ___ her for years. They went to the same school. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. knew ()4. ---Joe: “Where is Terry? He’s late.”---Bob: “Don’t worry. I expect _____ here soon.” A. he’s B. he’ll C. he’ll be D. he is going ()5. Your idea is _____ mine. A. better than B. as better as C. more good than D. best of ()6. ______ very cloudy today. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain. A. They are B. There are C. It’s D. There is ()7. Sue: “_____ do you see her?”Mark: “Twice a week.” A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much ()8. Jack remembered to post the letter, _______? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. didn’t Jack remember D. didn’t he ()9. Where are Sam and Joe? I can’t see ______ people in the room. A. a. B. any. C. some. D. much. ()10. Which of these is a sentence? A. Eating lunch B. In the kitchen C. He playing the piano D. The soup is cold. ()11. Which sentence matches the picture? A. The table is in the kitchen. B. I like turkey sandwiches. C. The man is making a big sandwich. D. The old man checks kid’s homework. ()12. Which of the following is a complete (完整的) sentence? A. Smiled every morning when Jeanie gets up. B. Every morning when Jeanie smiling gets up. C. When Jeanie gets up every morning smiling. D. Every morning when Jeanie gets up, she smiles. ()13. ----Is there any chicken left from dinner last night? ---- ____________ A. No, I ate it for lunch. B. I didn’t go out last night. C. No, there is only a little bit left. D. Last night we left the chicken. ()14. Waiter: Would you like to see a menu? __________________ A. I see him eating. B. Yes, please. C. No, I don’t really like it. D. You have lobster here. ()15. Which sentence in the following paragraph should be removed because it is not related? 下面一段话中哪个句子与主题无关? Maria really likes the first day of school. She likes to see friends that she hasn’t seen all summer. A B Thanksgiving is fun because there is always a parade at school before that day. She likes to look C through her new books to see what she will be studying that year. D 二、划分音节。(每小题1分,共计5分)判断下列单词所含的音节数,并将答案填在答题卡相应位置。 Example: animal 3 1. zebra ________ 2. lion _______ 3. walrus _______ 4. alligator _______ 5. butterfly ________ 三、选词填空。请从方框中选出适当的词语充当下列各句的主语。其中有两个词语是多余的。请将答案写在答题卡 1 ______________ looked for nectar in the flower. 2 ______________ has lots of clothes in it. 一


2017年河南洛阳小升初英语真题 Ⅰ.找出下列每组中与其他三个不同类的单词。(10 分) 1. A. three B. six C. second D. fifteen 2. A. tomato B. melon C. mango D. lemon 3. A. mouse B. bug C. lion D. bunny 4. A. truck B. boat C. bus D. van 5. A. Monday B. July C. August D. March 6. A. gold B. brown C. orange D. big 7. A. stone B. rock C. rug D. pebble 8. A. funny B. happy C. sad D. mad 9. A. jog B. tennis C. hike D. swim 10. A. sister B. brother C. cousin D. sibling Ⅱ. 请从 A、B、C、D、E 五幅图片中找出与所给单词读音押韵的选项。(5分) 11.tell 12.fall 13.tear 14.duck 15.funny A B C D E _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ Ⅲ. 请从方框中为下列问题选择最合适的回答。(5分) 16.What should you say when you get a gift A. Are you OK from someone? 17.Letting someone use something you are B. Sorry using is called“______.” 18.What do you say when you ask for C. Thank you! something? ______ 19.If someone is having a bad day and you D. Please! see them upset, you ask “______?” 20.If you make someone else upset or sad, you say “______!” E. Sharing. Ⅳ.请选出最合适的选项。(10 分) 21. I ran ____ to the bus stop. A. slow B. fastly C. quickly D. hurry 22. There is a ____ painting on the wall. A. nicely B. beautiful C. interested D.my 23. The air was____ , so I put on a long-sleeved shirt. A. cool B. cold C. freezing D. clean 24. Be careful! The water on the stove is ____________! A. warm B. hot C. boiling D. burning 25. Do you like to __________ songs ? A. sing B. sings C. singing D. sang 26. Jimmy has ________ into the pool. A. jumps B. jumping C. jumped D. jump 27. The duck enjoys ________ corn. A. to eat B. eaten C. eat D. eating


洛阳市2021版小升初语文期末试卷C卷 一、积累与运用 (共10题;共25分) 1. (1分)我会写。 cóng yǒu 树________ ________前朋________ 没________ gēshēn 唱________ 大________ ________体________浅 2. (2分)下列句子中画线字或词解释错误的一项是() A . 在天底下,一碧(青绿色)千里,而并不茫茫(广阔;深远;空旷)。 B . 蒙汉情深何(哪里)忍别,天涯(天边)碧草话斜阳。 C . 走了许久,远远地望见了一条迂回(回旋,盘绕的),盘绕的明如玻璃的带子——河! D . 草原上行车十分洒脱(言谈举止等自然,不拘束。),只要方向不错,怎么走都可以。 3. (2分)福州乌山的琵琶亭有一副对联,上联是“一弹流水一弹月”,下面最适合当下联的一句是() A . 二分明月万梅花 B . 一味清凉月上时 C . 半人江风半人云 D . 三月细雨春妩媚 4. (2分)下面句子没有语病的一句是() A . 生活有多广阔,语文就有多广阔,不仅要在课堂上学语文,还要在生活中学语文。 B . 目前,不少群众的法制观念比较薄弱,确实需要大大提高。 C . 通过语文综合性实践活动,使我们开拓了视野,增强了能力。 D . 一进入体育场,大家就看到了五颜六色的旗子和欢呼声。

5. (1分)根据语境,在横线上填上恰当的成语。 我爱足球,从小便与足球结下了________。我迷恋C罗那令人________的脚法,我忘不了世界杯上那一幕幕________的射门场面。我崇拜的球星进球了,我________;我钟爱的球队失球了,我________。足球,成了我生命中的一部分。 6. (2分)下面属于词的一项是() A . 《题西林壁》 B . 《忆江南》 C . 《望洞庭》 D . 《独坐敬亭山》 7. (2分)判断下面的句子是否属于比喻句。 秋风吹落了泛黄的树叶。() 8. (5分)解释下面词语的意思,并造句。 (1)走马观花。 意思:________ 造句:________ (2)自愧弗如。 意思:________ 造句:________ (3)声泪俱下。 意思:________ 造句:________ (4)不以为然。 意思:________


成都市实验外国语学校小升初综合素质评价数学试题 (总分:120分,考试时间:90分钟) 一、计算题(直接写出计算结果,每小题2分,共20分) 1. 801-154= 2. =4131- 3. =÷?33 16 4. 8.5+(4.4-1.4)×17= 5. =874361-+ 6. =÷4 1111514- 7. =24 525.6: 8. 1.25×0.8×2.5×0.7= 9. =?214312.0413)+-( 10. =?÷?13 561035411383)+( 二、填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 11.在下面式子中的横线里填上合适的运算符号,使等式成立。 14.7 [(1.6+1.9)×1.4]=3 12.一件商品,对原价打八折和打六折的销售价相差14元,那么这件商品的原价是 元。 13.班内搞活动,班长将168块巧克力,210支铅笔,252个笔记本分成相同的份数,并且都没有余数,那么最多可以分成 份。 14.一个两位数,将它的十位数字和个位数字对调,得到的数比原来的数打27,这样的两位数是 。 15.有一个分数,如果分子增加2,这个分数就等于21,如果分母增加1,这个分数就等于7 3,这个分数是 。 16.下面的算式是按一定的规律排列的:4+2,5+8,6+14,7+12,……,那么其和最接近120的算式是 。 17.小林喝了一杯牛奶的51,然后加满水,又喝了一杯的3 1,再到满水后又喝了半杯,又加满水,最后把一杯都喝了,小林喝的牛奶和水的比是 。 18.若3 1776>>x ,x 为整数,则这样的x 有 个。 19.老师让同学们计算AB.C+D.E 时(A 、B 、C 、D 、E 是1~9的数字),马小虎把D.E 中的小数点看漏了,得到错误结果37.6;马大虎把加好看成了乘号,得到错误的结果339,那么,正确的计算结果应该是 。 20.一个六面都是红色的正方体,最少要切 刀,才能得到180个各个面都不是红色的正方体。 三、计算下列各题(能用简便方法的要用简便方法,要有主要步骤,每小题4分,共24分) 21.(1+2+3+4+…+999+1000)-(2+4+6+8+…+996+998)


河南省洛阳市小升初语文全真模拟试卷4B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧! 一、积累和运用(40分) (共6题;共40分) 1. (8分)找出下列字的特点填空。 (1)“咳嗽、呕吐、唠叨、嘀咕”我发现组成这些词的字都是________字旁,我还能写出几个这样的 词:________、________、________、________。 (2)“谚语、谣言、告诫、辩论”组成这些词的字都是________字旁,说明跟________有关。“谚”字查字典应查________部,再查________画。 2. (4分)把下面本单元的四字词语补充完整. 炎________ ________孙 ________ ________图强 ________ ________小巷华夏________ ________ ________ ________大地世界________ ________ 3. (2分)下列词语中划线字的读音,没有错误的一组是() A . 病菌(jūn)惩(chěng)罚舌苔(tāi)拾(shè)级而上 B . 琴弦(xián)似(sì)乎方框(kuàng)相形见绌(chù) C . 镊(niè)子棱(líng)角花骨(gū)朵作业簿(bù) D . 朦胧(méng)榛(zhēn)子证券(juàn)简明扼(è)要 4. (2分)下列词语中有错别字的一项是()。 A . 锻炼 B . 甜蜜 C . 概括

D . 厨窗 5. (8.0分)按要求完成练习 (1)我爱广玉兰的幽香与纯洁。(改成反问句、改成双重否定句) (2)春天来了,花儿开了,树上的小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫着。(改成拟人句) (3)天目湖的水真清啊,________。(把句子写具体) (4)大家都称赞爸爸办事很武断,从不犹豫。(修改病句,在原句上改) (5)缩句。 一个不朽的共产主义战士的光辉形象,将永远铭刻在我们心上。 (6)仿写句子。 临近毕业,让我们给老师和同学送去最真挚的祝福。如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一片海洋;如果一朵花代表一个祝福,我送你________;如果,________,我送你________。 6. (16分)(2019·浙江模拟) 按课文内容填空。 (1)虽与之俱学,________。 (2)在逃去如飞的日子里,在________的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有________罢了,只有________罢了。 (3) ________,万事成蹉跎。 (4)不只是树,人也是一样,在不确定中生活的人,能________,会锻炼出________。 二、阅读与理解(30分) (共2题;共30分) 7. (16.0分)阅读短文,完成练习。 “建筑奇才”——螺 螺是一位单身住宅建筑家,螺壳就是它精心设计的单身住房。①我们知道,其他建筑师盖的房子都是固定在一个地方不能随意搬动的,但螺的住房不同,它既小又轻,负在房主人背上可以四处移动,十分方便。因此,螺不必为回家的问题而操心。②螺类动物的外壳虽然都呈螺旋状,但在外形上却有很大区别,有像宝塔的,有像圆锥的,有像纺锤的,有像陀螺的,还有像盘子或越南式草帽的,更有像双锥的。有些螺长得圆溜溜的,看上去跟皮球或鸡


英语试卷 I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分) (1-7小题)找出每题中含有与划线单词相同元音的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A ()1. up A. blue B. mother C. basket ()2. warm A. short B. farm C. half ()3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth ()4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer ()5. rain A. ran B. they C. have ()6. sea A. be B. bread C. have ()7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late (8-10小题)请找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()8. A. david B. boy C. child ()9. A. new york B. state C. city ()10. A. computer B. microsoft C. keyboard (11-13小题)请找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up! C. The boy with a ball in his hand. ()12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is! ()13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind. (14-30小题)请选出最合适填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()14. He _____ to his teacher now. A. speak B. is speaking C. speak ()15. My dog always ______ with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs ()16. We _____ to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins ()17. I’m going to _____ trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting ()18. --- Do you like French Fries? ---No, I __________. A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t ()19. I wonder how many children ________going on the school field trip this month. A. are B. have C. is ()20. Every morning I go to school _______ car. A. for B. by C. in ()21. Mr. Bai built a house by __________. A. him B. herself C. himself ()22. ___ a bottle of soda on the teacher’s desk. A. There have B. There are C. There is ()23. This film is ________ than the last one. A. best B. good C. better ()24. Is there _______fruit in the cupboard? A. lot B. any C. some ()25. Amanda can ________all night long! A. dancing B. to dance C. dance ()26. It’s the telephone box _________ the market. A. in front of B. in front C. on the front ()27. I ___ go to the seaside at the weekend. A. very like B. often C. like much ()28. The doughnuts are really delicious, ______? A. don’t they B. are they C. aren’t they ()29. Please _________ the salt. A. pass me B. pass to me C. passing me ()30. My mom is ______English teacher. She reads English for ____ hour every day. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a (31-35小题)请找出每小题中不正确的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()31. How are you doing? A. Very well, thank you. B. I feel great! C. It’s fine today. ()32. Sorry! I took your umbrella by mistake. A. Oh, you need to be careful next time. B. Tha t’s OK. C. Never mind. This happens. ()33. Hi, John! I’d like you to meet my friend, Jack. A. Hi, Jack! How do you do? B. Nice to meet you, Jack! C. What’s his name? ()34. Can you help me carry this bag? It’s too heavy! A. No problem! B. No, I can’t C. I’m so sorry, but I am really busy right now. Can you wait a minute? ()35. It’s a nice day, isn’t it? A. Of course it is. Everybody can see that. Why do you even ask?


2016年洛阳市第一外国语学校小升初试卷本试题满分150分,考试时间150分钟。考生务必填写清楚班级、姓名、学号。将答案填写在相应位置上,考试结束后上交。 一、找出下列每组词中划线部分字母或字母组合发音不同的单词(10分); ()1.A.dear B.pear C.hear D.near ()2.A.sweater B.heavy C.ready D.jeans ()3.A.this B.these C.there D.thank ()4.A.word B.horse C.forty D.fork ()5.A.cook B.food C.good D.foot ()6.A.want B.watch C.hand D.what ()7.A.else B.next C.behind D.pet ()8.A.side B.bite C.kite D.little ()9.A.sock B.some C.top D.fox ()10.A.ugly B.number https://www.doczj.com/doc/138377622.html,e D.cup 二、将世界著名建筑与其所在的国家配对(10分); ()1.Leaning Tower of Piss A.Malaysia ()2.Sydney Opera House B.Italy ()3.Buchingham Palace C.India ()4.The White House D.The UK ()https://www.doczj.com/doc/138377622.html, Tour Eiffel E.China ()6.Petronas Tower F.Australia ()7.Taj Mahal G.Russia

()8.The Moscow Kremlin H.Egypt ()9.The Palace Museum I.The USA ()10.The Pyramids J.France 三、找出下列句子对应的答句(10分); ()1.What’s the weather like today? A.My uncle ()2.How are you doing? B.It’s fine. ()3.What’s your father? C.Every two months ()4.What’s your favorite book? D.Two kilometers. ()5.What is your cousin going to do this weekend? E.To see the movie ZOOTOPIA ()6.How often do you go to see a movie? F.At the end of the week. ()7.When is your sisiter’s birthday? G.Two kilograms. ()8.How heavy is this bag of peanuts? H.THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS ()9.Whom does your nephew talk with? I.A businessman. ()10.How far is it from here to the sports centre? J.Not bad. 四、用所给词的正确形式填空(10分); 1.It’s ________(sun).Let’s go to play football. 2.Where_______(be)you yesterday afternoon? 3.Tony’s office is on the_______(nine)floor. 4.Jack is much_______(fat)than Nick. 5.There’s somebody______(hide)behind the door. 6.Please write a short message about your pet at_______(little)80 words. 7.More and more________(visit)come to China every year.


洛阳市小升初语文期末试题A卷 一、基础知识积累与运用 (共13题;共26分) 1. (2分)给句子中下划线的字选择正确的解释。 (1)以为世无足复为鼓琴者。() A . 能达到一定的重量或长度标准 B . 脚 C . 值得 (2)伯牙破琴绝弦。() A . 断 B . 尽,穷尽 C . 极,极端的 D . 一定的,肯定的 (3)今乃掉尾而斗。() A . 减损,消失 B . 摇摆 C . 遗失,遗漏 D . 落下 2. (2分)(2018·浙江模拟) 下面没有错别字的一组是() A . 走头无路蜂拥而至美不胜收 B . 一版三眼再接再厉宾致如归 C . 刻不容缓淋漓尽致豪情满怀 D . 天涯海角余音绕粱见微知著

3. (2分)(2019·安徽模拟) 给下面加下划线的字选择正确的解释。 独在异乡为异客() A . 有分别,不相同 B . 另外的,别的 C . 惊奇,奇怪 D . 分开 4. (2分)选择恰当的词语填空。 文物鉴定家通过()得出结论,这幅画是宋代作品。 A . 欣赏 B . 观赏 C . 鉴赏 5. (2分)下列哪部作品不是冰心写的?() A . 《繁星》 B . 《春水》 C . 《飞鸟集》 D . 《寄小读者》。 6. (2分)结合课文和资料,下列对作者详写闰土少年时、中年时的外貌的目的说法错误的是()。 【资料一】虽然我一见便知道是闰土,但又不是我这记忆上的闰土了。他身材增加了一倍;先前的紫色的圆脸,已经变作灰黄,而且加A了很深的皱纹;眼睛也像他父亲一样,周围都肿得通红,这我知道,在海边种地的人,终日吹着海风.大抵是这样的。他头上是一顶破毡帽,身上只一件极薄的棉衣,浑身瑟索着;手里提着一个纸包和一支长烟管,那手也不是我所记得的红活圆实的手。却又粗又笨而且开裂,像是松树皮了。选目《故乡》【资料二】1911年辛亥革命以后,军阀官僚和帝国主义统治中国,他们掌握着中国的政治、经济、军事命脉。这双重的压迫,使中国的广大民众日益贫困,尤其是农民,不仅生活饥寒交迫而且毫无人权。《故乡》的创作背景


2016年洛阳小升初二外真题卷 I. 基础试题(共40分,每小题1分) ( )1. I ___. I didn’t hear you come in.A. was sleeping B. slept C. sleeped ( )2. ____ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. A. / B. The C. A ( )3. --- _____ the dog please, will you? --- OK, I will walk him after I finish this TV show. A. Walks B. Walking C. Walk ( )4. I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ___ at 6 am tomorrow morning. A. leaves B. is leaving C. leave ( )5. You _____ her, did you? A. didn’t tell B. haven’t told C. tell ( )6. The cookies are ____ by some birds. A. eat B. ate C. eaten ( )7. It looks like it _____ rain. A. should B. might C. must ( )8. He is six feet ______. A. high B. tall C. big ( )9. When you cross the road, you have to be more ______. A. care B. careful C. carefully ( )10. Steve helps put out fires. He is a ______. A. fireworker B. fireman C. superman ( )11. I jog in the park every day. The underlined word “jog” means ___. A. run B. jump C. walk ( )12. Wow, you dance very well. Where did you learn to ____ like that? A. make B. do C. move ( )13. A _____ is used to remove dust around the house. A. dustbin B. duster C. dusty ( )14. The son of my father’s sister is my _____. A. cousin B. brother C. nephew ( )15. Yoko and Yoke are from Japan. They are _____


洛阳市2021版小升初语文升学考试试卷A卷 一、基础扫描(40分) (共9题;共40分) 1. (3分)多音字组词 系:jì________、xì________ 校:xiào________、jiào________ 假:jiǎ________、jià________ 2. (5分) (2018四上·吉水月考) 看拼音写词语。 bówùfèi téng fèng xìyǐn bì ________________________________ sōu suǒchù jiǎo xuǎn zéwājué ________________________________ 3. (3分)给划线字选择正确的读音 演奏________(còu zòu)呢________喃(ne ní) 凝________神(níng yí)瞬________间(sùn shùn) 猎________人(liè lèi)眼馋________(cán chán) 缓________慢(huǎn yuán)归拢________(lǒng ròng) 4. (3分)我会选字填空。(只填序号) ①青②情③清④请⑤晴 Ⅰ今天,________空万里,小________蛙心________特别好,它在荷叶上唱歌,小鱼________来小虾当听众,它们边听边在________澈的河水里游来游去。 ①在②再 Ⅱ小朋友________一起做完作业________回家。 5. (5分) (2017四上·麒麟期末) 把下列成语补充完整。

应接不________ ________费心机屏息________视________所当然 耀武扬________ 欣喜若________ 随________而安神清气________ 6. (9分)当军师,扭乾坤。(选做题) 赛场如战场,瞬息万变。如果你是齐威王的军师,在比赛的第一场就发现了问题,且你知道齐威王每个等级的马都比田忌的快一点,你会怎样及时调整,帮助齐威王赢得赛马的胜利?请写下你的安排和结果。 田忌 ________:________ 齐威王 下等马(败)上等马(胜) 上等马________ ________等马________ 中等马________ ________等马________ 7. (6分)课文内容精彩回放。 我看见过________的大海,玩赏过________的西湖,却从没看见过漓江这样的水。漓江的水真________啊,静得________;漓江的水真________啊,清得可以________;漓江的水真________啊,绿得仿佛那是________。 8. (3分)照样子,写句子。 例:要是早一分钟,就能赶上绿灯了。 (1)要是________,就________。 (2)虫子爬。虫子________。 9. (3分)根据情境完成练习。 同学们正在一起说什么呢?原来他们在谈论假期中看过的动画片。 小东:我最喜欢看《哪吒》这部动画片,里面的人物________给我留下了深刻的印象。特别是“________”的情节最吸引我。 小玲:我喜欢看《熊出没》这部动画片,里面的________。 小刚:我推荐大家看看《________》这部动画片,里面的________ 二、阅读体验(30分) (共3题;共30分)


2015洛阳二外小升初英语试卷 I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分) (1—7小题)找出每组单词中含有与给出单词相同元音的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A 1. up A. blue B. mather C. basket 2. warm A. short B. farm C. half 3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth 4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer 5. rain A. ran B. they C. have 6. sea A. be B. bread C. have 7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late (8—10小题)找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 8. A. divide B. boy C. child 9. A. new york B. state C. city 10. A. computer B. Microsoft C. keyboand (11—13小题)找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up ! C. The boy with a ball in his hand. 12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is ! 13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind.(14—30小题)选出最适合填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 14. He to his teacher now. A. speaks B. is speaking C. speak 15. My dog always with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs 16. We to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins 17. I’m going to trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting 18. Do you like French fries?No , I . A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t 19. I wonder how many children going on the school field trip this month. A. are B. have C. is

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