当前位置:文档之家› 2015年洛阳二外小升初真题




I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分)


例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A

1. up A. blue B. mather C. basket

2. warm A. short B. farm C. half

3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth

4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer

5. rain A. ran B. they C. have

6. sea A. be B. bread C. have

7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late


8. A. divide B. boy C. child

9. A. new york B. state C. city

10. A. computer B. Microsoft C. keyboand


11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up ! C. The boy with a ball in his hand.

12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is !

13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind.


14. He to his teacher now.

A. speaks

B. is speaking

C. speak

15. My dog always with me on the beach.

A. run

B. is running

C. runs

16. We to learn English last month.

A. began

B. begin

C. begins

17. I’m going to trees in the garden.

A. will plant

B. plant

C. planting

18. Do you like French fries? No , I .

A. don’t like

B. am not

C. don’t

19. I wonder how many children going on the school field trip this month.

A. are

B. have

C. i s

20. Every morning I go to school car.

A. for

B. by

C. in

21. Mr. Bai built a house by .

A. him

B. heself

C. himself

22. a bottle of soda on the teacher’s desk.

A. There have

B. There are

C. There is

23. This film is than the last one.

A. best

B. good

C. better

24. Is there fruit in the cupboard?

A. lot

B. any

C. some

25. Amanda can all night long !

A. dancing

B. to dance

C. dance

26. It’s the telephone box the market.

A. in front of

B. in front

C. on the front

27. I go to the seaside at the weekend.

A. very like

B. often

C. like much

28. The doughnuts are really delicious, ?

A. don’t they

B. are they

C. aren’t they

29. Please the salt.

A. pass me

B. pass to me

C. passing me

30. My mom is English teacher, She reads English for hour every day.

A. a, an

B. an, an

C. an a


31. How are you doing?

A. Very will, thank you.

B. I feel great!

C. It’s fine today.

32. Sorry! I took your umbrella by mistake.

A. Oh, you need to be careful next time.

B. Thank’s ok.

C. Never mind. This happens.

33. Hi, John! I’d like you to meet my friend, Jack!

A. Hi, Jake! How do you do?

B. Nice to meet you, Jake.

C. What’s his name?

34. Can you help me carry this bag? It’s too heavy!

A. No problem!

B. No, I can’t.

C. I’m so sorry, but I am really busy right now. Can you wait a minute?.

35. It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

A. Of course it is, Everybody can see that. Why do you even ask?

B. Yes, it is! It will be great to take a walk. Will you join me?

C. Sure! I do enjoy reading in the park on a day like this. How about


36. I will talk with my brother. 37. My teacher is very smart.

38. I wanted to relax on the weekend.

39. I felt sick because I ate too much food.

40. My mother was mad at me for not finishing my work. 41. I had to jog five miles.

42. I wore a cap to the baseball game.

43. We had to leave through the back door.

44. The young mother is holding the infant in her arms. 45. The bunny in my yard looked very cute.

II. 阅读理解(共53分)


图中有四个角色分别标注了A 、B 、C 、D ,请观察图片内容判断1-10小题中每句话所表述的意思可能是图片中那个人物或动物的内心活动,并把该角色的字母序号填写在答题卡相应位置,每小题1分。

1. Oh ,man! The sun is killing me. I should have put on some sunscreen, not just the hat.

2. The water feels so cool, It keeps me from changing in to a “hotdog”!

3. My friend looks so tired, Maybe I should share my apple with him.

4. Hum… What’s the puppy doing in the water? He looks so silly. Anyway, it is good that he is bothering the fish instead of chasing me.

5. Too bad I forgot to bring my backpack, Now I am so thirsty.

6. The fish look yummy! If only I can swim…

7. Come on! Bite! What are you waiting for?

8. Ha-ha! Got it! Can this day be better?

9. I thought I would get some good luck out here in the boat. But…

10. This is so much more fun tha n guarding the house and fighting the cat.


Good Neighbors

After school one winter day, Jack’s mother told him to go out play in the snow. “Put on your coat and your hat and your mittens ,” his mother said. “You can build a snowman before your father comes home.”

“T’m going to need a carrot for the nose,” Jack said, “And I’ll need some thing for the snowman’s hat and face.”

Jack got a bucket and collected everything he needed to decorate his snowman, His mother promised she would watch him build the snowman from the window.

Outside, in his front yard , Jack started with a very small ball of snow, He got on his knees and rolled the snow into a big ball. At another window, someone else was watching Jack play, It was his new neighbor Naoko. Naoko asked her mother if she could go outside and help Jack build his snowman.

“It’s very cold outside, Are sure you want to go out and play?” her mother asked. “Yes, Mother!” Naoko said, “I will wear my coat and my hat and my mittens.” Naoko’s mother helped her put on her wi nter clothes and promised to watch her from the window.

Naoko ran outside to Jack’s yard and asked if she could help him finish his snowman. “Yes, please help me,” Jack said, “My father will be home from work very soon.” “Okay. What can I do?” Naoko asked.

“I build my snowman’s body with two snowballs. I need to roll one more for my snowman’s head.”

“But snowman only have two snowballs, One is for body and one is for the head,” Naoko said.

“No, snowman always have three snowballs,” Jack said, “I don’t thing k I need you to help me after all.”

Jack picked up some snow and made it into a small snowball, He got on his knees and rolled the snow away from Naoko to make the snowman’s head.

Naoko walked into her own yard and began to build her own snowman, She rolled two big balls of snow and put them on top each other. When she finished that she took off her hat and scarf and decorated the snow man. Lastly, she found some sticks (树枝) and pinecones (松果) and made her snowman’s eyes and mouth and arms. Her mother clapped from

the window.

Jack made a hat for his snowman with his bucket, He used his mother’s sewing buttons for the eyes and mouth, Lastly, he added a carrot for the snowma n’s nose, After he finished, Jack’s mother smiled and pointed, His father was driving up the street.

Suddenly, a terrible thing happened. The head fell off Jack’s snowman and crashed to the ground!

“Oh! No! my snowman fell apart,” Jack said, “and my father is almost home!”

Naoko heard Jack’s cry and ran over to his yard to see what the problem was.

“I’ll help you roll another snowball,” Naoko said, “If we do it together we can finish it before your dad gets home.”

Together, Jack and Naoko rolled another snowball. Then they lifted it up onto the snowman’s body and decorated it with the carrot and bucket and buttons.

“We finished it just in time,” Jack said, “Thank you for your help.”

“You’re welcome, I like your snowman better,” Naoko said, “Mine doesn’t ha ve a nose.”

Jack walked over to look at Naoko’s snowman, He loved the pinecone eyes and mouth and the sticks for arms, but he know it wasn’t finished. Jack ran back to his snowman and pulled the carrot out. He broke it into two pieces and gave half to Naoko.

“Hurry,” Jack said, “Your snowman needs a nose and your father is driving up the street too.”

“Thank you!” Naoko said.

“You’re welcome,” Jack said, “I think our snowman make good neighbors.”(11—15小题)为文中划线的单词选择正确的英文解释,并将字母标号填写在答题卡相应位置,每小题1分。

11. mittens A. person who lives next door to you

12. bucket B. warm coverings for hands

13. decorate C. to add something beautiful

14. yard D. a container with a handle to hold water

15. neighbor E. an area of land around a house


16. Who are Jack and Naoko?

A. They are classmates.

B. They are brother and sister.

C. They are new neighbors

17. Altogether, how many snowballs did Naoko and Jack roll to make their snowman?

A. 6

B. 5

C. 4

18. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Jack didn’t want Naoko’s help because she had different ideas about snowman

B. Snowman always have three snowballs.

C. Naoko decorated her snowman with her hat, scarf and mittens.

19. Which of the snowman below do you think was made by Jack?

20. Which of the snowman below do you think was made by Naoko?


21. Naoko’s mom saw Naoko build a

snowman from the window.

22. Jack helped Naoko with her

snowman, too.

23. Jack loved the button eyes of

Naoko’s snowman.

24. The two snowman each had half a

carrot as a nose.

25. Jack and Naoko were friendly to

each other at last.


How They Grow

How dose a butterfly Grow? It

starts our as a tiny egg, It becomes

a caterpillar, It eats of leaves, It

grows and grows. Then it goes inside

a cocoon, At last, It comes out,

It’s a butterfly!

How does a frog grow? It stats out

as a tiny egg in the water. The egg

grows into a tadpole, It keeps

changing, It eats tiny plants,


grows and grows, At last, it hops

out of the pond. It’s a frog.

How does a fwer grow? It starts out as a

seed. Sun and Rain help the seed grow, roots

grow into the ground. The plant grows and

grows, At last, a bud opens, It’s a flower!

Now you know how they grow!



34. Do you know how a chicken grows? Please write about it.



提示词:chicken,egg,chick, grass, vegetables, bug,worms,

hen, rooster


Spider Webs

All spiders spin webs, That’s

because help spiders. Webs help spiders

do three things, Webs help spiders hold

eggs, Webs help spiders hide, Webs help

spiders catch food.

Webs help spiders hold eggs. Man y

spiders like to lay their eggs in their webs. The webs

help keep their eggs together. Webs help keep their

eggs safe.

Webs help spider hide. Most spiders are dark, They are brown, grey, or black. But spider webs are light, They are white and cloudy, Whe n spiders hide in their webs, they are harder to see.

Webs help spiders catch food. Spider webs are sticky, When a bug flies into the web, it gets stuck. It tries to get out, But it can’t. It is trapped, Spiders can tell that the bug is trapped, That’s b ecause spiders feel the web move, And the spider is hungry, The spider goes to get the bugs.

As you can see, Webs help spiders hold eggs, Webs help spiders hide, Webs help spiders catch, Without webs, Spiders would not be able to live like they do. Spiders need their webs to survive.


35. This passage is mostly about .

A. spider colors

B. spider webs

C. spider eggs

36. Why do spiders spin webs?

a. Because spiders lay their eggs in their webs to keep the eggs safe.

b. Because the webs make spiders look dark.

c. Because spiders use their webs to catch their foo


d. Because the webs are good places for spiders to hid


A. a.b.c.d

B. a.b.c

C. a.c.d

37. How does a spider webs catch a bug?

A. The web can wrap the bug up.

B. the webs can tie up the bug.

C. The bug that flies into the web gets stuck, because the web is sticky.

38. How can spiders tell when something is trapped in their web?

A. They hear it.

B. They smell it.

C. They feel it.

39. As used in the last sentence of the passage, the word “survive”means 。

A. 隐藏

B. 生存

C. 捕食





Beautiful hands

“Oh, miss Roberts(罗伯茨小姐)!When ugly hands Mary(玛丽) has!” said Daisy(黛西), as she walked home from school with her teacher.

“In my opinion, Daisy, Mary’s hands are the prettiest in the class.”

“Why, Miss Roberts, they are as red and hard as carrots, How would they look if she w ere to try to play on a piano? ” Daisy said.

Miss Roberts took Daisy’s hands in hers, and said, “Your hands are very sofa and white, Daisy---just the hands to look beautiful on a piano; but they lack one beauty that Mary’s hands have, Shall I tell you wh at the difference is?”

“Yes, please, Miss Roberts.”

“Well, Daisy, Mary’s hands are always busy. They wash dishes, they make fires, and they help to wash clothes, too. They sweep, and clean, and make clothes. They are always trying to help her poor, hard-working mother.”

“Besides, they wash and dress younger children in her family. They even find time to bathe the head of the little girl who is in the next house to theirs.”

“I shall never think Mary’s hands are ugly any more, Miss Roberts.”

“I am g lad to hear you say that, Daisy, I must tell you that they are beautiful because they do their work gladly and cheerfully.”

“Oh, Miss Roberts! I feel so ashamed (羞耻的) of myself, and so sorry,”said Daisy, looking into her teacher’s face with tears in her eyes.

“Then, my dear, show your sorrow by deeds of kindness, The good alone are really beautiful.”

IV. 思维拓展(共17分)


1. It’s raining cats and dogs, so .

A. watch out for falling animals.

B. make sure you take an umbrella.

C. keep your pets outside.

2. Gerry is as sick as a dog, so be should .

A. got to see vet.

B. go to a hospital

C. get a new dog.

3. Sandra killed two birds with one stone by going to Paris, She practiced her French before her exam and she .

A. got better at speaking French

B. read a book on French history

C. also went to her fri end’s wedding

4. We realized the man was a wolf in sheep’s clothing when be .

A. was smoking a cigarette in a bar.

B. was holding the door for an old lady.

C. was caught by the police.

5. After Julie let the cat out of the bag .

A. everybody laughed.

B. we all know it

C. they ran after it.

6. Julie is quiet as a mouse, Are you sure ?

A. mice are really that quiet

B. she is making some noise

C. she’s in her room.


1. When my dad celebrated his 31st birthday, I was 8 years old. Now, my dad is twice(两倍) the I am, What’s my age now?

8. A bottle of juice sells at the price of 1 yuan, The juice is worth 0.9 yuan more than the bottle ~, How much does an empty bottle cost?

9. Can you add operations to the formula to make it correct?

8 4 2 9 = 25

40 when you add 4 numbers on each side of the triangle.




11. Mr. and Mrs. Bing have 7 daughters, each of their daughters has a brother, How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Bing have?

12. What’s the next number?



2014小升初洛阳二外英语真题 一、单项选择。从每小题4个答案中选出一个最佳答案,并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共计15分)()1. He _____ to his parents. A. not often writes B. isn’t often write C. don’t often write D. doesn’t often write ()2. ---Jill: “Is Sam ready to go out?” . ---Carol: “Yes, he _____ on his coat.” A. put B. is put C. is putting D. puts ()3. They’re old friends. He ___ her for years. They went to the same school. A. knows B. has known C. is knowing D. knew ()4. ---Joe: “Where is Terry? He’s late.”---Bob: “Don’t worry. I expect _____ here soon.” A. he’s B. he’ll C. he’ll be D. he is going ()5. Your idea is _____ mine. A. better than B. as better as C. more good than D. best of ()6. ______ very cloudy today. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain. A. They are B. There are C. It’s D. There is ()7. Sue: “_____ do you see her?”Mark: “Twice a week.” A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much ()8. Jack remembered to post the letter, _______? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. didn’t Jack remember D. didn’t he ()9. Where are Sam and Joe? I can’t see ______ people in the room. A. a. B. any. C. some. D. much. ()10. Which of these is a sentence? A. Eating lunch B. In the kitchen C. He playing the piano D. The soup is cold. ()11. Which sentence matches the picture? A. The table is in the kitchen. B. I like turkey sandwiches. C. The man is making a big sandwich. D. The old man checks kid’s homework. ()12. Which of the following is a complete (完整的) sentence? A. Smiled every morning when Jeanie gets up. B. Every morning when Jeanie smiling gets up. C. When Jeanie gets up every morning smiling. D. Every morning when Jeanie gets up, she smiles. ()13. ----Is there any chicken left from dinner last night? ---- ____________ A. No, I ate it for lunch. B. I didn’t go out last night. C. No, there is only a little bit left. D. Last night we left the chicken. ()14. Waiter: Would you like to see a menu? __________________ A. I see him eating. B. Yes, please. C. No, I don’t really like it. D. You have lobster here. ()15. Which sentence in the following paragraph should be removed because it is not related? 下面一段话中哪个句子与主题无关? Maria really likes the first day of school. She likes to see friends that she hasn’t seen all summer. A B Thanksgiving is fun because there is always a parade at school before that day. She likes to look C through her new books to see what she will be studying that year. D 二、划分音节。(每小题1分,共计5分)判断下列单词所含的音节数,并将答案填在答题卡相应位置。 Example: animal 3 1. zebra ________ 2. lion _______ 3. walrus _______ 4. alligator _______ 5. butterfly ________ 三、选词填空。请从方框中选出适当的词语充当下列各句的主语。其中有两个词语是多余的。请将答案写在答题卡 1 ______________ looked for nectar in the flower. 2 ______________ has lots of clothes in it. 一


2016年洛阳市第二外国语学校小升初试卷 Name:_____________________ Marks:____________________ 本试题满分150分,考试时间150分钟。考生务必填写清楚班级、姓名、学号。将答案填写在相应位置上,考试结束后上交。 I. 基础试题(共40分,每小题1分) ( )1. I ___. I didn’t he ar you come in. A. was sleeping B. slept C. sleeped ( )2. ____ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. A. / B. The C. A ( )3. --- _____ the dog please, will you? --- OK, I will walk him after I finish this TV show. A. Walks B. Walking C. Walk ( )4. I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ___ at 6 am tomorrow morning. A. leaves B. is leaving C. leave ( )5. You _____ her, did you? A. didn’t tell B. haven’t told C. tell ( )6. The cookies are ____ by some birds. A. eat B. ate C. eaten ( )7. It looks like it _____ rain. A. should B. might C. must ( )8. He is six feet ______. A. high B. tall C. big ( )9. When you cross the road, you have to be more ______. A. care B. careful C. carefully ( )10. Steve helps put out fires. He is a ______. A. fireworker B. fireman C. superman ( )11. I jog in the park every day. The underlined word “jog” means ___. A. run B. jump C. walk ( )12. Wow, you dance very well. Where did you learn to ____ like that? A. make B. do C. move


2016年洛阳小升初二外真题卷 I. 基础试题(共40分,每小题1分) ( )1. I ___. I didn’t hear you come in.A. was sleeping B. slept C. sleeped ( )2. ____ Chinese is a difficult language to learn. A. / B. The C. A ( )3. --- _____ the dog please, will you? --- OK, I will walk him after I finish this TV show. A. Walks B. Walking C. Walk ( )4. I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ___ at 6 am tomorrow morning. A. leaves B. is leaving C. leave ( )5. You _____ her, did you? A. didn’t tell B. haven’t told C. tell ( )6. The cookies are ____ by some birds. A. eat B. ate C. eaten ( )7. It looks like it _____ rain. A. should B. might C. must ( )8. He is six feet ______. A. high B. tall C. big ( )9. When you cross the road, you have to be more ______. A. care B. careful C. carefully ( )10. Steve helps put out fires. He is a ______. A. fireworker B. fireman C. superman ( )11. I jog in the park every day. The underlined word “jog” means ___. A. run B. jump C. walk ( )12. Wow, you dance very well. Where did you learn to ____ like that? A. make B. do C. move ( )13. A _____ is used to remove dust around the house. A. dustbin B. duster C. dusty ( )14. The son of my father’s sister is my _____. A. cousin B. brother C. nephew ( )15. Yoko and Yoke are from Japan. They are _____


2015洛阳二外小升初英语试卷 I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分) (1—7小题)找出每组单词中含有与给出单词相同元音的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A 1. up A. blue B. mather C. basket 2. warm A. short B. farm C. half 3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth 4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer 5. rain A. ran B. they C. have 6. sea A. be B. bread C. have 7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late (8—10小题)找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 8. A. divide B. boy C. child 9. A. new york B. state C. city 10. A. computer B. Microsoft C. keyboand (11—13小题)找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up ! C. The boy with a ball in his hand. 12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is ! 13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind.(14—30小题)选出最适合填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置 14. He to his teacher now. A. speaks B. is speaking C. speak 15. My dog always with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs 16. We to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins 17. I’m going to trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting 18. Do you like French fries?No , I . A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t 19. I wonder how many children going on the school field trip this month. A. are B. have C. is


英语试卷 I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分) (1-7小题)找出每题中含有与划线单词相同元音的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A ()1. up A. blue B. mother C. basket ()2. warm A. short B. farm C. half ()3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth ()4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer ()5. rain A. ran B. they C. have ()6. sea A. be B. bread C. have ()7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late (8-10小题)请找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()8. A. david B. boy C. child ()9. A. new york B. state C. city ()10. A. computer B. microsoft C. keyboard (11-13小题)请找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up! C. The boy with a ball in his hand. ()12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is! ()13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind. (14-30小题)请选出最合适填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()14. He _____ to his teacher now. A. speak B. is speaking C. speak ()15. My dog always ______ with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs ()16. We _____ to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins ()17. I’m going to _____ trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting ()18. --- Do you like French Fries? ---No, I __________. A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t ()19. I wonder how many children ________going on the school field trip this month. A. are B. have C. is ()20. Every morning I go to school _______ car. A. for B. by C. in ()21. Mr. Bai built a house by __________. A. him B. herself C. himself ()22. ___ a bottle of soda on the teacher’s desk. A. There have B. There are C. There is ()23. This film is ________ than the last one. A. best B. good C. better ()24. Is there _______fruit in the cupboard? A. lot B. any C. some ()25. Amanda can ________all night long! A. dancing B. to dance C. dance ()26. It’s the telephone box _________ the market. A. in front of B. in front C. on the front ()27. I ___ go to the seaside at the weekend. A. very like B. often C. like much ()28. The doughnuts are really delicious, ______? A. don’t they B. are they C. aren’t they ()29. Please _________ the salt. A. pass me B. pass to me C. passing me ()30. My mom is ______English teacher. She reads English for ____ hour every day. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a (31-35小题)请找出每小题中不正确的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。 ()31. How are you doing? A. Very well, thank you. B. I feel great! C. It’s fine today. ()32. Sorry! I took your umbrella by mistake. A. Oh, you need to be careful next time. B. Tha t’s OK. C. Never mind. This happens. ()33. Hi, John! I’d like you to meet my friend, Jack. A. Hi, Jack! How do you do? B. Nice to meet you, Jack! C. What’s his name? ()34. Can you help me carry this bag? It’s too heavy! A. No problem! B. No, I can’t C. I’m so sorry, but I am really busy right now. Can you wait a minute? ()35. It’s a nice day, isn’t it? A. Of course it is. Everybody can see that. Why do you even ask?


洛阳二外小升初试题 一、在下列每组单词画线部分发音中,有一个发音与其他三个不同,请选出不同的那个并将字母 标号填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5分,共计2.5分) ()1.A.think B.thank C.these D.three ()2.A.good B.food C.too D.room ()3.A.bread B.head C.heavyD.clean ()4.A.English B.shine C.young D.singer ()5.A.excise B.whose C.horse D.those 二、单项选择。下列每小题有四个答案,请选出最佳答案并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题 () C.an,the,a D.an,a,the () 7.Twowomenaredoingshopping.Onespends$10morethantheother,andtheyspend$40 alltogether.Howmuchdoeseachofthemspend?A.$25and$50 B.$50and$15 C.$15and$25 D.$45and$25 ()8.Inwhichmonthdopeoplespeakleast? A.January B.Febuary C.March D.Apirl ()9.Thereare49birdsandhares.Abirdhastwolegsandaharehasfour. Nowthereare100legsinall.Howmanybirdsandhowmanyhares?

A.35birdsand12hares B.43birdsand3hares C.51birdsand4hares D.46birdsand2hares ()10.There_______aTVsetandfoursofasinthesittingroom? A.be B.are C.is D.being 三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题0.5分,共计2.5分) 1.Bothofthemcanspeakverygood___________.(Japan) 2.Mostoftheboyslike___________(swim)insummer. 3.Theyarefromthreedifferent___________.(country) 五、5分) Thereisaverythindoginthestreet,too.Theboysaystoit,“Comehere,gooddog.Iamgoingtogiv eyousomebread.”Thedogisveryhungryandgoestotheboy.Buttheboydoesn’tgiveitanybread.He kicks(踢)thedog.Itrunsaway,andtheboylaughs. ThenMr.Whitecomesoutofhishomeandsaystotheboy,“Iamgoingtogiveonedollar.” Theboyishappyandsays,“Yes.” “Comehere,”Mr.Whitesays.Theboygoestohim,butMr.Whitedoesn’tgivehimanydollars.Heh itshimwithastick(棍子). Theboycriesandsays,“Whydoyouhitme”Idon’taskyouforanymoney.” “No,”Mr.Whitesays.“Andthedogdoesn’taskyouforanybread,butyoukickit.” ()1.Theboylikesplayingwithdogs.


英语试卷 一、在下列每组单词画线部分发音中,有一个发 音与其他三个不同,请选出不同的那个并将字母标号 填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5分,共计2.5分)()1. A. think B. thank C. these D. three ()2. A. good B. food C. too D. room ()3. A. bread B. head C. heavy D. clean ()4. A. English B. shine C. young D. singer ()5. A. excise B. whose C. horse D. those 二、单项选择。下列每小题有四个答案,请选出 最佳答案并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题0.5 分,共计5分) ( b )1. Where are _______? A. the teachers’ rooms B. the teacher’s room C. the room of the teachers D. the teachers’s room ( c )2.——Are these your rulers? ——No, _______aren’t. _______ are there. A. they, Their B. their, Us C. they, Ours D. them, Our ( B )3.——Is she your mother or teacher? ——_______. A. Yes, she is B. My teacher C. Yes, she is my mother D. No, she isn’t ( A )4.——Is Lily a girl’s name? ——Yes,_______. ——Thank you. ——_______. A.all right, That’s all right B.all right, That’s right C.that’s all right, All right D.that’s right, That’s all right ( A )5. _______ is the blouse? _______knows?


洛阳市二外2011 招生试卷 一、写出下列单词划线部分读音。 1、school ( ) 2、talked ( ) 3、apples( ) 4、shirt( ) 5 、sharp( ) 二、拼读音标,填入正确的单词。 1、China is a great [ 'k?ntri ]. 2、He can speak both English and [t?ai'ni:z]. 3、 [ 'evriw?n ] in his class enjoys listening to music . 4、Jack is going to buy some beautiful [kl?uez] and shoes for his birthday . 5、Can you still [ri'memb?] the happy days we had together ? 三、每组单词的划线部分有几种发音,分别用A(一种)、B(两种)、C(三种) 、D(四种 )表示。( )1、son over got stop ( )2、short English shirt fish ( )3、with mouth think there ( )4、football good food book ( )5、friend piece tie science ( )6、forty morning short before ( )7、blow down know flower ( )8、ask orange catch match ( )9、tea really head breakfast ( )10. still sure usually blouse 四、按要求转换词类 1、much 比较级 2、nine序数词 3、teach 过去式 4、police复数 5、swim现在分词 6、give 反义词 7、rain形容词 8、cross介词 五、选择正确答案并将字母填入题前括号内。 ( )1、— do you have a PE lesson ?


2017 年小升初英语(二外卷)试题 考试时间:100 分钟总分:150 分 Ⅰ.找出下列每组中与其他三个不同类的单词。(10 分) 1. A. three B. six C. second D. fifteen 2. A. tomato B. melon C. mango D. lemon 3. A. mouse B. bug C. lion D. bunny 4. A. truck B. boat C. bus D. van 5. A. Monday B. July C. August D. March 6. A. gold B. brown C. orange D. big 7. A. stone B. rock C. rug D. pebble 8. A. funny B. happy C. sad D. mad 9. A. jog B. tennis C. hike D. swim 10. A. sister B. brother C. cousin D. sibling Ⅱ. 请从A、B、C、D、E 五幅图片中找出与所给单词读音押韵的选项。( 5分) 11.tell 12.fall 13.tear 14.duck 15.funny A B C D E _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ Ⅲ. 请从方框中为下列问题选择最合适的回答。(5分) 16.What should you say when you get a gift A. Are you OK from someone? 17.Letting someone use something you are B. Sorry using is called“______.” 18.What do you say when you ask for C. Thank you!something? ______ 19.If someone is having a bad day and you D. Please! see them upset, you ask “______?” 20.If you make someone else upset or sad, you say “______!” E. Sharing. Ⅳ.请选出最合适的选项。(10 分) 21. I ran ____ to the bus stop. A. slow B. fastly C. quickly D. hurry 22. There is a ____ painting on the wall. A. nicely B. beautiful C. interested D.my 23. The air was____ , so I put on a long-sleeved shirt. A. cool B. cold C. freezing D. clean


2017 年小升初英语(二外卷)试题 考试时间:100分钟总分:150 分 Ⅰ。找出下列每组中与其她三个不同类得单词。(10 分) 1。A. three B、sixC、second D。 fifteen 2。A。 tomato B、melon C。mango D。 lemon 3、A、 mouseB、 bug C、 lion D、 bunny 4。A。 truck?B. boat?C、 bus?D。van 5、A. Monday B. July C、 August?D。 March 6、A、gold B。 brown C、orange?D、big 7。 A. stone?B. rock C。 rug?D、pebble 8。A、 funny B。 happy C、sad D. mad9。A、jog B. tennisC、hikeD、 swim 10。A。sisterB. brother C、cousin D。sibling Ⅱ. 请从A、B、C、D、E 五幅图片中找出与所给单词读音押韵得选项。(5分) 11。tell12、fall13.tear14、duck 15。funny A?B C D E _______________________ ________ _______ Ⅲ. 请从方框中为下列问题选择最合适得回答。(5分) 16.Whatshould you say when you get a gift A。Are you OK from someone? 17、Letting someone usesomething youare B、 Sorry using is called“______。" 18。What do you say whenyou ask for C、Thank you! something?______ 19.If someone is having a bad day and youD。 Please!see them upset, you ask “______?" 20、If you make someone else upset or sad, you say “______!” E。 Sharing、Ⅳ、请选出最合适得选项。(10 分)


There is a very thin dog in the street, too. The boy says to it, “Come here, good dog. I am going to give you some bread.” The dog is very hungry and goes to the boy. But the boy doesn’t give it any bread. He kicks (踢) the dog. It runs away, and the boy laughs. Then Mr. White comes out of his home and says to the boy, “ I am going to give one dollar.”The boy is happy and says, “Yes.” “Come here, ” Mr. White says. The boy goes to him, but Mr. White doesn’t give him any dollars. He hits him with a stick (棍子). The boy cries and says, “Why do you hit me” I don’t ask you for any money.”“No,” Mr. White says. “ And the dog doesn’t ask you for any bread, but you kick it.”()1. The boy likes playing with dogs. ()2. Mr. White is happy when he sees the boy kicks the dog. ()3. Mr. White is a kind man who loves pets. ()4. Mr. White is rich, and he has a lot of money. ()5. Mr. White just wants to teach the boy a lesson. 阅卷人得分 六、阅读理解, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将每小题字母标号填入题前括号内。(共计5 分) Toms likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.” So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh, your cat eats it.” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper. Tom is not happy. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs (称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “ My fish weights one kilo (公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?” ()1. What does Tom’s wife do with the fish? A. she eats the fish before Tom comes back B. she asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her C. she cooks the fish for Tom D. she eats the fish herself ()2. Tom weighs _______ in the shop. A. his wife B. the fish C. the cat D. the fish and cat ()3. How much fish does Tom often buy? A. One kilo B. Two kilo C. Three kilo D. four kilo ()4. Tom knows that _______. A. the cat eats the fish B. his wife eats the fish C. his wife and friends eat the fish D. his wife and the cat eat the fish ()5. From this story, we can see that _______. A. Tom is kind B. Tom is silly


洛阳市第二外国语学校2011初一招生试卷 写出下列单词划线部分读音。 1、school ( ) 2、talked ( ) 3、apples( ) 4、shirt( ) 5 、sharp( ) 二、拼读音标,填入正确的单词。 1、China is a great [ 'k?ntri ]. 2、He can speak both English and [t?ai'ni:z]. 3、[ 'evriw?n ] in his class enjoys listening to music . 4、Jack is going to buy some beautiful [kl?uez] and shoes for his birthday . 5、Can you still [ri'memb?] the happy days we had together ? 三、每组单词的划线部分有几种发音,分别用A(一种)、B(两种)、C(三种) 、D(四种)表示。 ( )1、son over got stop ( )2、short English shirt fish ( )3、with mouth think there ( )4、football good food book ( )5、friend piece tie science ( )6、forty morning short before ( )7、blow down know flower ( )8、ask orange catch match ( )9、tea really head breakfast ( )10. still sure usually blouse 四、按要求转换词类 1、much 比较级 2、nine序数词 3、teach 过去式 4、police复数 5、swim现在分词 6、give 反义词 7、rain形容词8、cross介词 五、选择正确答案并将字母填入题前括号内。 ( )1、—do you have a PE lesson ? -----Every 3 days . A.How far B.How long C.When D. How often ( )2、I have plan to study in the Untited States . A .a two-year B.a two-years C.a two year D .a ( )3、father is a music teacher . A.Lucy and Lily?s B.Lucy?s and Lily C.Lucy and Lily D. Lucy …s and Lily?s ( )4、 a clock and two beds in the bedroom . A.Ther is B.Have C,There are D.Has ( )5、The pair of socks very beautiful . A. is looking B.look C.looks D.are looking ( )6、Would you like to join us ? A. Yes ,I? love to B.Yes ,please C.No, I don?t like D. No, I am not ( )7. are all in Class Three . A.He,I and you B.I, you and he C.You , he and I D.He ,you and I

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