当前位置:文档之家› 常用交通规则用英语





100个交通规则专用英语单词汇总 ? 1. 交通规则 traffic regulation ? 2. 路标 guide post ? 3. 里程碑 milestone ? 4. 停车标志 mark car stop ? 5. 红绿灯 traffic light ? 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light ?7. 红灯 red light ?8. 绿灯 green light ?9. 黄灯 amber light ?10. 交通岗 traffic post ?11. 岗亭 police box ?12. 交通警 traffic police ?13. 打手势 pantomime ?14. 单行线 single line ?15. 双白线 double white lines ?16. 双程线 dual carriage-way ?17. 斑马线 zebra stripes ?18. 划路线机traffic line marker ?19. 交通干线artery traffic ?20. 车行道 carriage-way ?21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary ?22. 双车道 two-way traffic ?23. 自行车通行cyclists only ?24. 单行道 one way only ?25. 窄路 narrow road ?26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet ?27. 陡坡 steep hill ?28. 不平整路rough road ?29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road ?30. 连续弯路winding road ?31. 之字路 double bend road ?32. 之字公路switch back road ?33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade ?34. 道路交叉点road junction ?35. 十字路 cross road ?36. 左转 turn left ?37. 右转 turn right ?38. 靠左 keep left ?39. 靠右 keep right

地面的交通规则 The Traffic Regulations On the Ground-初中英语作文

地面的交通规则 The Traffic Regulations On the Ground- 初中英语作文 Nowadays,smartphonehasbeenpartofourlife.Wecanseepeoplelowin gdowntheirheadsandplayingsmartphonesallthetime.Whenpeoplear ewalkingonthestreet,thetrafficregulationsarenolongertheirfi rstconcern.Itissodangerousforthemtokeeptheirattentiononthep hone.Dutchofficersfiguredoutanewruletoletpeoplerealizethetr afficlights.Ontheground,thetrafficlightcanbeseen.Whatasmart idea.Whenpeoplearewatchingsmartphones,theycanseethelights,t oo.Atthesametime,weneedtothinkabouttheproblemthatwhetherour lifeiscontrolledbythetechnology. 如今,智能手机已成为我们生活的一部分。随处可见的人在低头玩手机。当人们走在大街上时,交通规则已经不再是他们关心的首要问题。大家都把注意力放在手机上是很危险的。荷兰官员想出了一个新规则来让人们看到到交通信号灯。在地面就可以看到红绿灯。这是一个非常棒的主意。人们在看手机的时候也能看到灯光。不过,与此同时,我们也需要思考一下科技是否控制了我们的生活。 1 ——文章来源网络,仅供参考


中考话题英语作文:遵守交通规则 导语:在红绿灯前,不仅仅是遵守交通规则,关爱生命,还是一个思想素质问题。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! It is very important for us to know about the traffic rules. Everyone knows that red light means ‘stop’ and you are not allowed to go. You can walk across the road safely when green light is on. One more thing is yellow light. Some people always forget it. Usually when the green light off, yellow light will be on, please be careful because red light will be on in a few seconds. So you must wait for a while patiently. Here are some useful suggestions for following traffic rules. Firstly, we should follow the traffic lights and cannot break the traffic rules. Secondly, we had better remember the principle “slowly, look left and right side, go across finally”. Last but not least, (最后一条也是最重要的一条)do not forget that it is rather dangerous to play on the street. If everybody follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life in


交通安全工程专业英语词汇 1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯 red light 8 绿灯 green light 9 黄灯 amber light 10 交通岗 traffic post 11 岗亭 police box 12 交通警 traffic police 13 打手势 pantomime 14 单行线 single line 15 双白线 double white lines 16 双程线dual carriage-way 17 斑马线 zebra stripes 18 划路线机 traffic line marker 19 交通干线 artery traffic 20 车行道 carriage-way 21 辅助车道 lane auxiliary

22 双车道 two-way traffic 23 自行车通行 cyclists only 24 单行道 one way only 25 窄路 narrow road 26 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet 27 陡坡 steep hill 28 不平整路 rough road 29 弯路 curve road ; bend road 30 连续弯路 winding road 31 之字路 double bend road 32 之字公路 switch back road 33 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 34 道路交叉点 road junction 35 十字路 cross road 36 左转 turn left 37 右转 turn right 38 靠左 keep left 39 靠右 keep right 40 慢驶 slow 41 速度 speed 42 超速 excessive speed 43 速度限制 speed limit


Good Morning Sir/Madam 先生/女士早晨好 Good Afternoon 午安 How are you?你好么 Do you speak English?你讲英语吗? I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语 Please speak slowly. 请慢慢讲 Would you mind speak louder please?请讲大声一些 Do you wear glasses?你有戴眼镜么? I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜 Do you live at same address?你住在上述地址么? Do you have any medical problem?你的健康有问题么? Do you have any question?你有什么问题么? You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志 Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名 Are you ready now?你准备好了么? Turn on the engine (car)。点火 Let"s go. 现在开始 Right turn. 右转 Left turn. 左转 Go straight/keep moving straight. 直行 First street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转 Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转 Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转


A few days ago, Paul Walker, one of the Fast and Furious leading actors, was dead in a traffic accident. He was only forty years old. The seventh Fast and Furious has not been completed. We are shocked and sad. This incident reminds us that we must be careful when we are on the road. Every year more than one million people died in traffic accidents in the world. That’s a big number. We must obey the traffic rules. If you have a car, you should do the following things. First, when you are learning to drive, don't expect to get the driving license in a short time. You should spend a lot of time to practice. Second, don't run a red light. Especially when the green light turns to yellow light, you should stop. Don’t race at this moment because this is very dangerous. Third, don’t make a phone call while driving. Even if you have a Bluetooth headset, don't call because it will distract your attention. Forth, the most important thing is not driving after drinking. Sometimes people will join a party. If you know you will drink, you should not drive a car to reach there. You can let other people drive you or take a taxi. Of cause, there are a lot of other traffic rules to obey. Don’t feel it is boring. This is responsible for yourself and your family.

作文 有关交通安全的英语作文

20.交通问题 越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文(80字左右) 内容包含: 遵守交通规则,如走人行道/过斑马线。 别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球。 劝父母不能酒后驾车。 你可以适当增加内容,让短文通顺,过渡自然。 参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道zebra-crossing 斑马线 注:第一段已给出,不计入总数 ★范文 With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.

Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra –crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc. We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks


Transportation(Air,Ocean,Land)交通运输(空、海、陆)(1) 1.accelerate加速;促进;前进 2.aircraft飞机;飞行器;航空器 3.arrival到达;抵达 4.buckle up系安全带 5.cargo货物 6.convertible敞篷车 7.crash landing迫降 8.delay担搁;延迟 9.forbid禁止 10.ground crew地勤人员 11.jaywalk不遵守交通规则穿越马路;闯红灯 https://www.doczj.com/doc/1213966013.html,unch发射;开始 13.navigate航行;驾驶 14.pilot飞行员 15.route路径;路线 16.seat belt安全带 17.subway地铁(注意区分highway,freeway,metro) 18.taxicab计程车 19.transit运输;通过 20.vehicle交通工具;车辆

Transportation(Air,Ocean,Land)交通运输(空、海、陆)(2) 1.acrophobia恐高症 2.airliner大型客机 3.aviation飞行;航空学 4.cabin小屋;客舱;机舱 https://www.doczj.com/doc/1213966013.html,muter通勤者 6.conveyance运输;交通工具 7.crossroads十字路口 8.ferry渡轮 9.freight货运;货物 10.intersection十字路口 11.jeopardy风险;危险;危难 12.life vest救生衣 13.pedestrian行人;步行者 14.restriction限制;约束 15.runway飞机跑道 16.shortcut近路;捷径 17.take off起飞 18.timetable时间表;时刻表 19.transport运输;交通工具;运输系 20.via经由;借由

小学英语知识点总结:交通工具及 “规则”

小学英语知识点总结:交通工具及“规则” 一、介词规则 (一)by条款:骑车、乘(驾)车、乘船、乘飞机可以使用介词by。 1、by后跟“光棍“名词,即名词不加任何修饰。如:by bike/bus/car/train/ship/boat/plane。 如:She is going to the Great Wall (长城) by car/ bus. 2、by ship可用by sea表示;by plane可以用by air表示。如: a. How long does it take by ship/sea? b. They often come back by plane/air.(二)in/on条款:步行、骑车、乘车、乘船、乘飞机可以使用介词in/on。 1.步行只可用onfoot。(注意:步行不用byfoot)如:SometimesIgotoschoolonfoot. 2.骑自行车须用介词on:on a/ one“s bike。 3.乘车、乘船、乘飞机可用in也可用on:in/ on a bus/train/ship/boat/plane。 4.乘坐小汽车应使用in a car,不用on a car。 条款说明(一) 1. “by +名词“短语,多可以用in/on短语替换来表示“骑、乘“之意。如:a. His father goes to work by bike.→His father goes to work on a bike.b.Theygototherailwaystation(火车站)bycar.→Theygototherailwaystatio nin a car. 2. by sea,by air是一种比较随便的口语结构,故合宜用in短语和on短语 进行改写。即: by sea不可用in/on the sea替换;by air不可用in/on the air替换。 二、动词规则


2021中考英语作文热门话题:有关交通安全 越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文(80字左右) 内容包含: 遵守交通规则,如走人行道/过斑马线。 别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球。 劝父母不能酒后驾车。 你可以适当增加内容,让短文通顺,过渡自然。 参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra-crossing 斑马线 注:第一段已给出,不计入总数 范文 With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents. Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don't play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc. We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks. 1/ 1


小学英语单词总汇 英语三年级(上册)三会单词 Unit 1 pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔pencil-case 铅笔盒ruler 尺子eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔book 书bag 书包sharpener 卷笔刀school 学校 Unit 2 head 头face 脸nose 鼻子mouth 嘴eye 眼睛ear 耳朵arm 胳膊finger 手指leg腿foot 脚body 身体 Unit3 red 红色的yellow 黄色的green 绿色的blue 蓝色的purple 紫色的white 白色的black 黑色的orange 橙色的pink 粉色的brown 棕色的 Unit4 cat 猫dog 狗monkey 猴子panda 熊猫rabbit 兔子duck 鸭子pig 猪bird 鸟bear 熊elephant 大象mouse 老鼠squirrel 松鼠 Unit 5 cake 蛋糕bread 面包hot dog 热狗hamburger 汉堡包chicken 鸡肉French fries 榨薯条Coke 可乐juice 果汁milk 牛奶water 水tea 茶coffee 咖啡 Unit 6 one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十doll 玩具娃娃boat 小船ball 球kite 风筝balloon 气球car 小汽车plane 飞机

英语三年级(下册)三会单词 Unit1 boy 男孩girl 女孩teacher 教师student 学生this 这个my 我的friend 朋友I’m=I am 我是nice 好的;愉快的good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好meet 遇见;碰见goodbye 再见too 也;太 Unit 2 father 父亲;爸爸dad 爸爸(口语)mother 母亲;妈妈mom 妈妈(口语)man男人woman 女人grandmother (外)祖母grandma (口语)(外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父grandpa (口语)(外)祖父sister 姐妹brother 兄弟let’s=let us 让我们great 太好了really 真地;确切地and 和;并且how 多么;怎么样 Unit 3 eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十how many 多少can 能够;可以look at 看;瞧 Unit 4 peach 桃pear 梨orange 橙子watermelon 西瓜apple 苹果banana 香蕉strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄like 喜欢some 一些;某些thanks 多谢 Unit 5 bus 公共汽车bike 自行车taxi 出租车jeep 吉普车desk 课桌chair 椅子walkman 随身听lamp 台灯your 你的;你们的zoo 动物园Unit 6 small 小的big 大的long 长的short


页眉内容 20.交通问题 越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来了很多问题,如塞车和车祸,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文(80字左右) 内容包含: 遵守交通规则,如走人行道/过斑马线。 别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球。 劝父母不能酒后驾车。 你可以适当增加内容,让短文通顺,过渡自然。 参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra-crossing 斑马线 注:第一段已给出,不计入总数 ★范文 With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents. Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc. We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks 2


词汇:有关交通的英语词汇 交通规则traffic regulation 路标guide post 里程碑milestone 红绿灯traffic light 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light 红灯red light 绿灯green light 黄灯amber light 交通岗traffic post 岗亭police box 交通警traffic police 打手势pantomime 单行线single line 双白线double white lines 双程线dual carriage-way 斑马线zebra stripes 划路线机traffic line marker 交通干线artery traffic 车行道carriage-way 辅助车道lane auxiliary 双车道two-way traffic 自行车通行cyclists only 单行道one way only 窄道narrow road 潮湿路滑slippery when wet 陡坡steep hill 不平整路rough road 弯路curve road; bend road 连续弯路winding road 之字路double bend road 之字公路switch back road 下坡危险dangerous down grade 道路交叉点road junction 十字路cross road 左转turn left 右转turn right 靠左keep left 靠右keep right 慢驶slow 速度speed 超速excessive speed 速度限制speed limit 恢复速度resume speed 禁止通行no through traffic 让车道passing bay 回路loop 安全岛safety island 停车处parking place


Do you have any idea as for how many people lost their lives in traffic accidents in a year? No idea about that? Ok, I’ll tell you. 100,000 lives! Only in China. This is to say, every 5 minutes, one man lost his life. One hundred thousand people die because of traffic accidents! One hundred thousand lives mean one hundred thousand damaged families. Why does traffic accident happen? D o we have traffic regulations? Sure, we have enough regulations. But still accidents happe n. Figures show 80% of deaths in traffic accidents is the result of traffic regulation violati on, by pedestrians and non-motor vehicle riders! Next time when you are on the street, lo ok around you and see if ignorance of regulations happens. Although more and more peo ple realized the importance of the rules, still many ignore them. Accidents happen also be cause motor vehicle drivers ignore the rules. Some drive too fast. Some have no driving l icense. Some drive after drinking or even after being drunk. Every one on the globe kno ws red light is stop. However, in China, this just depends. Depends on what? Depends on where, depends on who and depends on when. Red means pass where no police on guar d; red means pass where it is far away from city center. Red means pass to some high g overnment officials; red means pass to some people who think they have plenty of money; red mans pass to some pedestrians who are brave enough to think they can beat the met al vehicle. Red means pass when it is off work hours; red means pass when there is no inspecti ons from high officials and red means pass when you drank much alcohol. Is it so diffic ult to observe traffic regulations? No! Never! Nothing in the world is so simple as to obs erve traffic regulations: STOP WHEN IT IS RED AND PASS WHEN IT IS GREEN!


关于学生遵守交通规则的英语作文 To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful! Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you: 1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths. 2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage); 3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before. 4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded. 5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside. 6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑. 7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near. 8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails. 9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars. 10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults. 11. Allowed the railings across the road. These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ... Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland’s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times!


1. 交通规则traffic regulation 2. 路标guide post 3. 里程碑milestone 4. 停车标志mark car stop 5. 红绿灯traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯red light 8. 绿灯green light 9. 黄灯amber light 10. 交通岗traffic post 11. 岗亭police box 12. 交通警traffic police 13. 打手势pantomime 14. 单行线single line 15. 双白线double white lines 16. 双程线dual carriage-way 17. 斑马线zebra stripes 18. 划路线机traffic line marker 19. 交通干线artery traffic 20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary 22. 双车道two-way traffic 23. 自行车通行cyclists only 24. 单行道one way only 25. 窄路narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet 27. 陡坡steep hill 28. 不平整路rough road 29. 弯路curve road bend road 30. 连续弯路winding road 31. 之字路double bend road 32. 之字公路switch back road 33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点road junction 35. 十字路cross road 36. 左转turn left 37. 右转turn right 38. 靠左keep left 39. 靠右keep right 40. 慢驶slow 41. 速度speed 42. 超速excessive speed 43. 速度限制speed limit 44. 恢复速度resume speed 45. 禁止通行no through traffic 46. 此路不通blocked 47. 不准驶入no entry 48. 不准超越keep in line no overhead 49. 不准掉头no turns 50. 让车道passing bay 51. 回路loop 52. 安全岛safety island 53. 停车处parking place 54. 停私人车private car park 55. 只停公用车public car only 56. 不准停车restricted stop 57. 不准滞留restricted waiting 58. 临街停车parking on-street 59. 街外停车parking off-street 60. 街外卸车loading off-street 61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当心牲畜caution animals 63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥hump bridge 65. 火车栅level crossing 66. 修路road works 67. 医院hospital 68. 儿童children 69. 学校school 70. 寂静地带silent zone 71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends 72. 交通管理traffic control 73. 人山人海crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people 75. 交通拥挤traffic jam 76. 水泄不通overwhelm 77. 顺挤extrusion direct 78. 冲挤extrusion impact 79. 推挤shoved 80. 挨身轻推nudging 81. 让路give way 82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian 83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences 84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license 85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving 86. 粗心驾车careless driving 87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor 88. 无证驾驶driving without license 89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent 90. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance 91. 未挂学字牌driving without a "L" plate 92. 安全第一safety first 93. 轻微碰撞slight impact 94. 迎面相撞head-on collision 95. 相撞collided 96. 连环撞 a chain collision 97. 撞车crash 98. 辗过run over 99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver 100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement

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