当前位置:文档之家› 如何选择新SAT词汇书







无论新旧SAT考试,词汇对于大部分中国学生来讲是备考过程中最为基础但也非常重要的一个部分。因此,当能对所有的新SAT词汇较为熟悉的时候,这对拿一个较为满意的新SAT 成绩奠定了基础。那么,在备考中应该用什么样的单词书?


在SAT由旧到新的变革中,首当其冲的便是词汇。新SAT取消了老SAT在单句或者双句中考查单词的句子填空(sentence completion)部分。


The executive was faulted for acting______,for implementing sweeping changes without fully considering what the consequences might be.






这种考查偏词、怪词的题目在新SAT考试中不再出现。取而代之的是考查:Relevant Words in Context,High-Utility Academic Words and Phrases,Words in Context Questions,即文中的相关词汇、高实用性学术词汇、文中词汇题。


一、Relevant Words in Context文中相关词汇


二、High-Utility Academic Words and Phrases高实用性学术词

新SAT官方指南对高实用性学术词汇的定义是:This type of vocabulary is the kind that you can find in a wide range of challenging readings across a range of subjects.也就是说高实用性学术词汇是一种在很多学科的阅读中能够经常出现同时会让很多学生对文章的理解带来挑战



在小说类的文学体裁中,你会读到:The main character is trying to restrain his emotions.这句话的意思是主人公极力去“控制”他自己的情绪。restrain在这句话中是控制的意思。

而在社科类文章中,我们会读到这么一句话:How embargoes can be used to restrain,or limit, trade among the nations?即禁运是如何用来“限制”国家间的贸易?restrain在这句话中是限制的意思。


同时,高实用性学术词汇在日常对话用语中往往是不常见的,也就是说新SAT考查的词汇不会包括日常对话词汇,而且选词会非常的正式,书面化。不过,选词正式并不等同于选词过于学术,或者是说所考查的词汇仅局限于某一个或某几个学科。比如atomic mass,ductile,isotope等。这些过于学术词汇相对高实用性学术词汇而言应用性并没有达到后者的广度,因此不在新SAT考查的范围之内。当然,新SAT不考并不代表这些词汇不重要。学生也应准备充足的学科词汇,为后期的大学学习扫清词汇上的障碍。

三、Words in Context Questions文中词汇题


1.在语境中理解词汇(interpreting words and phrases in context)

A number of questions on the Reading Test will require you to figure out the precise meaning of a given word or phrase based on how it's used in a particular passage.


2.从修辞上分析词汇选项(analyzing word choice rhetorically) Analyzing Word Choice questions focus less on definitions and more on the rhetoric impact that particular words,phrases,and language patterns(such as repetition)have on the meaning style, and tone of a passage.Ask you to figure out how the author's particular choice of a word,phrase, or pattern of words or phrases influences the meaning,tone,and style of a passage.


3.有效使用语言(making effective use of language)

该题型在文法(Writing and Language Test)部分中考查。该类型涉及的考点比较多,包括:判断原文表达是否冗余,并选择最简洁的表达;在给定的语境中选择最准确恰当的表达;根据文章特点,选择最确切的词;简化冗余的句子。













在考试中词汇题可能会出现三种情况:1. 原文单词很简单,但选项中的单词较难2. 原文单词难度中等,但考察的并不是单词字面意思,而是需要结合上下文对其进行释义3. 原文单词较难,选项中的单词也难。 新SAT阅读词汇题答题技巧 在阅读考试中遇到了词汇题目,如果题干和选项中有个别单词不认识,就可以运用排除法或推测法等答题技巧;如果题干和选项中大多数词都不认识,就要在平时多多积累,努力扩大词汇量,因为词汇题的出现比例较高,一般每篇(或每对)文章会出两道词汇题。下面将通过一道阅读词汇题目来为大家讲解答题技巧和步骤。 新SAT阅读词汇题真题讲解 Passage 1 is adapted from Nicholas Carr, “Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires B rains.” ?2010 by Condé Nast. Passage 2 is from Steven Pinker,“Mind over Mass Media.” ?2010 by The New York Times Company. Passage 1 … We know that the human brain is highly plastic; neurons and synapses change as circumstances change. When we adapt to a new cultural phenomenon, including the use of a new medium, we end up with a different brain, says Michael Merzenich, a pioneer of the field of neuroplasticity. That means our online habits continue to reverberate in the workings of our brain cells even

SAT真题单词系列 一词多义 列表

目录 一、SAT考题中出现过的词 (2) 二、补充词汇 (19)

一、SAT考题中出现过的词 accommodate 1提供住宿 2使适应 例 ~ yourself to the new school administer 1管理 2 分配(药) afford 1买得起 2 give aggressive 1好战好斗的 2积极进取的 arrest=contain=check

2阻止 appeal 1请求, 呼吁 例 an appeal for help 2吸引力 例 Martial arts movies appeal to many people. applaud 1 鼓掌 2 赞美 appoint 1 任命,委任 2 提供家具,设备等 appropriate 1合适的 2 占用 attack

1 攻击 2 批评 belie 1 掩饰 例 Sometimes, wearing some make‐up can belie a lady’s age. 2 证明…为假 例 The fact belied his statement. bent 1弯曲的 2爱好,倾向 byzantine 1拜占庭的 2复杂的 bouyance 1浮力 2欢乐

celebrate 1庆祝 2赞美 champion 1 冠军 2 support (v) compromise 1妥协让步 2 危害 circulate 1循环 2出版发行 culture 1文化 2 培养[生物学用语] currency 1货币

新 SAT 常用数学词汇

新SAT常用数学词汇 作者:王宜涵 朗播新SAT词汇讲师,参与朗播网托福、雅思、新SAT等多款产品的研发与教学,负责朗播新SAT八千词汇书编纂以及新SAT在线练习阅读产品。教授过从初中至研究生不同年龄层次的学生,熟悉不同年龄层次以及不同水平学生。 根据新SAT官方指南上数学部分的新增要求以及今年3月份新SAT首考学生的反馈,新SAT数学部分的题目长度有了明显增加,这对于母语非英语的考生来说是一个不小的挑战。老SAT数学平均每题的单词量在27个左右,而新SAT数学平均每题的单词量在51个左右,题目的词数几乎翻了一番,但是考试时间并没有因此延长,而且增加了对从现实生活中抽象出数学公式的考查,对以往做数学有很大优势的中国学生来说,过去的优势将不再那么明显。同学们在提高阅读部分的阅读速度以外,同时也要提高数学部分的阅读速度以及汲取关键信息点的能力。新SAT官方指南对单个数学题目所用时间有一个清晰的要求:在非计算器部分,每个题目需要在 1.25分钟以内完成,而在使用计算器部分,每个题目需要在1.5分钟内完成。 因此,在备考新SAT的过程中,学生对新SAT数学所涉及到的知识点的词汇一定要达到读一遍能够知晓词汇的意思,并且能够理解题目大意的程度。下面依据新SAT官方指南数学部分上的要求,分类整理了新SAT数学常考的高频词汇。 代数核心(Heart of Algebra) 涉及一次方程和不等式,线性函数与函数图像等。 1.有关方程和不等式 algebraic term代数项 like terms,similar terms同类项 numerical coefficient数字系数 literal coefficient字母系数 inequality不等式 triangle inequality三角不等式 range值域 original equation原方程 linear equation with one unknown一元一次等式 linear inequality with one unknown一元一次不等式 equivalent equation同解方程 linear equation线性方程


?Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh winter would have had --- consequences for them. ?(A) preventive ?(B) regressive ?(C) catastrophic ?(D) unforeseen ?(E) moderate ?Johnson’s writing is considered ------- and ------- because it is filled with obscure references and baffling digressions. ?(A) deceiving ….ingenuous ?(B) arcane ….abstruse ?(C) spare ….didactic ?(D) lucid ….definitive ?(E) concise ….esoteric ? 3.A painter’s ability to render a likeness is both ___ a nd acquired; the artist blends natural abilities with worldly experience in the creation of his or her art. ? A anticipated ? B overt ? C aesthetic ? D ubiquitous ? E innate ? 4. A judicious biography must be ----- representation that depicts both the strengths and the weaknesses of the subject, avoiding the two extremes of ---- and indictment. ? A a polarized … vindication ? B an imaginative … discernment ? C a holistic … censure ? D a complimentary … animosity ? E an equitable … eulogy ?Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this ------- with her private -------. ?(A) selfishness ….inattention

SAT 单词必备!

turmoil骚动, 混乱confusion uneventful 无重大事件的, 平凡的riot 暴乱, 骚动 bloodshed 流血 splendor 光彩, 壮观, 杰出legislator 立法者 fatuous愚昧的, 昏庸的 sagacious有洞察力的, 有远见的forthcoming 即将来临的 ignoble 不光彩的 assurance确信assure确保notwithstanding 虽然;尽管illustrious杰出的illusion entitle给...权利(或资格) applicable可适用的 perplex困惑 reputation 名誉,名声 revile怒斥 proponent支持者 substantial坚固的,实质的 exalt 晋升exactly sketchy 粗略的 vilify诽谤,辱骂 dismiss 解散,解雇 dichotomous 分成两个 praise赞扬 pristine质朴的 castigate 严惩 prevail获胜 distraction娱乐,分心的事物 falter 支吾, 蹒跚踉跄 boon恩惠,实惠 calamity 灾难 alter改变 waver动摇,颤摆 diversion转换,转移diverse 多样的embody具体表达, 使具体化 hoard 储藏 garner 储存 compile 编译,编辑 disperse分散,散开 intimidate胁迫threat 威胁pedantic书生气的 fortuitous偶然的,幸运的assiduous 勤勉的, 刻苦的unflagging 不屈不挠的 bolster支持 heedless不注意的heedful注意的expedite加速,派出expeditious 迅速的 excess 过渡,剩余 polarity 极性 harbinger先驱,预兆 vestige 遗迹,痕迹 proposal提议,建议property 资产scurrilous嘴损的 chary仔细的,谨慎的 candid公正的,坦白的 fervid热心的 merely仅仅,只 mandatory命令的,强制的comprehensive全面的 grant同意 adversary敌人enemy nominal名义上的, 有名无实的disregard漠视regard compulsory必需的 sorrow哀怨,哀伤frost gospel 福音 poignant 令人痛苦的 sublime庄严的,崇高的 stifling 沉闷的stifle窒息melodious音调优美的 exhilarate使快乐 redoubtable可怕的,勇敢的 cynical愤世嫉俗的 keen非常敏感的 innate天生的 inert 不活泼的,惰性的 erratic 不稳定的 rigid强硬的 malleable 有延展性的flexible 可伸展的 insipid平淡的 impetuous 猛烈的impulsive 猛烈的serene平静的pacific 和平的redoubtable可怕的 transmutation变形,变化


SAT阅读词汇题三大关键技巧 自新SAT考试问世以来,针对词汇知识的考察摒弃了以往老SAT偏向晦涩词汇 (seldom-used words)的传统,而是专攻“高实用性”词汇(high-utility academic words and phrases),即在阅读理解的词汇题中,考查学生从上下文语境中分析某个常用词特定意义的能力,而非检验考生的词汇量是否涵盖到某些生僻少用的难词。考点词汇的特征是:多为简单词汇,但词性、词义用法多元化。这类语境词汇题(words in context)在每篇阅读文章中占2个左右,即每套阅读考题一般出现10个左右的词汇题。以下是词汇题最典型的的两种提问方式: As used in line **, **** most nearly means In line **, **** is closest in meaning to 下面采用OG中的例题,给大家介绍三类突破词汇题的关键技巧: I. 平行关系: 阅读文章中,出现用and连接的并列句,前后分句彼此间为“平行关系”。如词汇题所考的单词存在于这样的句子里,则可到与之平行的另一分句中,寻找含义对等的词,来推断考点词汇的意义。无论是SAT的阅读考试还是语法考试,平行关系都是重要考点。 例:OG T2/P2/14 14. As used in line 6,“embraced” mostnearly means [A] lovingly held. [B] readilyadopted.

[C] eagerly hugged. [D]reluctantlyused. Some argue that because the free markets allow for personal choice,they are already ethical. Others have acceptedthe ethical critique and embraced corporatesocial responsibility. But before we can label any market outcome as “immoral”,or sneer at economists who try to put a price on being ethical, we need to beclear on what we are talking about. Key: B 本题考点词汇embrace在and之后的一个分句中充当谓语成分,则根据平行关系,找到前一个分句中的谓语accepted,因此,需匹配含以上表示“接受”的选项,B中的adopted最吻合,故为答案。 值得一提的是,如果考点是单个的单词,比较常见的情况是四个选项也都是单个单词,而如果像本题这样在四个备选动词基础上,额外增加了修饰性的副词,则可根据这些修饰成分的含义来排除干扰项。如本题D中出现了reluctantly,这显然与我们已经判断出来的考点含义不吻合,故D排除。 以上例题为2个分句平行,OG中也出现过3各分句构成平行关系的考点: 例:OG T4/P2/13 13. In line 34, “flat” is closest inmeaning to [A] static [B] deflated [C] featureless [D] obscure It is important to remember that demographic inversion is not aproxy for population growth; it can occur in cities that are growing, those whose numbers are flat,and even in those undergoing a modest declinein size.


2017年新SAT词汇备考方法:结合真题进 行考前练习 例1 line 1: Akira came directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form- had he asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between –would Chie have been more receptive? Line 65: “We have an understanding. Please don’t judge my candidacy by the unseemliness of this proposal. I ask directly because the use of a go-between takes much time…”(选自新版SAT OG test 1 passage 1) As used in line 1 and line 65, “directly”most nearly means A) frankly B) confidently C) without mediation D) with precision 首先,此题不难看出,考察的单词和选项的单词难度大大降低,都是常规单词。 然后,很多学生会选A选项frankly. 他们认为line 1 说的是“Akria directly进来了,打破了所有的传统(go-between的传

统)”,以及line 65原文中意思是“我directly 问是因为用go-between 的方法太浪费时间”,可以推测出“directly”这里可以译为本义“直接地”,在选项中,和“frankly”(坦白地) 的最贴近。 然而,这样一思考,就进入SAT常设的陷阱了,因为在极少数的情况下,考察的单词在特定语境下,会直接是其最常见的本义。 姑且不讨论directly 和frankly并不是在词意上最一致。就是连line 1第一句中将frankly带入came directly,替换后成came frankly,也非常不到位。 况且,我们一直强调的“根据上下文逻辑”来判断,主要寻找上下文的hint(逻辑提示),即有无类比(正关系),有无对比(反关系)。根据这个逻辑,directly的对比(反关系)其实就是go-between,因为不使用go-between就是came/ ask directly。Go-between这个传统在全文的语境下,不难看出就是找媒人提亲的意思,最接近就是mediation(中介,周旋)的意思。根据directly 的对比关系是go-between,故正确答案应是C选项without mediation。 我们来看第二个例子,看看是不是同样的逻辑: 例2: Others have accepted the ethical critique and embraced corporate social responsibility. (选自新版SAT OG test2 passage 2) As used in line 6, “embraced”most nearly means


新SAT写作高分词汇总结 新SAT写作部分仍然需要一些高级的词汇来为文章增加亮点, 这看似和老SAT写作的要求一致,但是,由于新SAT写作部分题型的变化,考生需要掌握的相关词汇也会有一些不同,本文将为大家分享一下小站老师精心总结可以替换的几类高级词汇,以帮助考生提升行文效果。 》》》扩展阅读:SAT写作高分模板 一、动词: 1)支持,维护: declare:The governors have to declare for protecting property right. defend:He attempts to defend this position, justify it to his disciples who are worried that it may not be true. endorse:Aristotle could never endorse the view stated by a famous American president that the business of America is business. 2) 证明……有理: warrant:They are now of sufficient standing to warrant their entering the married state. legitimize: The parameter of this system uses Fuzzy Theory to legitimize the parameter in the handbook. substantiate:There is little scientific evidence to substantiate the claims. 3)澄清,阐明: clarify:The paper tries to clarify the role and advantage of education with English films as well as analyzes how to choose the appropriate teaching films. define:You are required to define what metaphor is. elucidate:On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet Union and China. illuminate:We hope that the discovery of the latter will further illuminate the basic structure of the universe. interpret:The major focus of this thesis is how to reasonably interpret Chinese tense in the framework of Minimalist Program. 4)反对:


SAT词汇习题详解 在SAT考试中,SAT词汇一直是大家头疼的问题,想要考试获得高分就要把词汇基础打好,不光如此,我们还要进行考前练习,边练习边记忆,下面三立小编为你带来SAT词汇习题详解,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 1、Nothing in the essay is----:every sentence contributes in an essential way to the overall meaning. A.cohesive B.querulous C.paramount D.mandatory E.superfluous 正确答案: E 解析: 题目解析:此题为冒号类题型,应用反推法。既然文章中的每句话都那么重要,那么没有一句是“多余的”,故答案选择E。 难度系数: 中 词汇积累: cohesive adj. 凝聚性的tending to cohere or stick together querulous adj.易发脾气的inclined to make whining or peevish complaints

paramount adj.最重要的of the greatest importance or significance; pre-eminent mandatory adj.强制性的obligatory; compulsory superfluous adj.多余的exceeding what is sufficient or required 2、Sally,thoroughly convinced of her own importance,often acts without----:she feels no guilt,for example,about appropirating her brother&aposs posseseeions. https://www.doczj.com/doc/18616098.html,punction B.gratification C.aplomb D.indignation E.inducement 正确答案: A 解析: 此题题意为“自以为是的Sally行为常常缺乏---”空白处应填后后文中guilt 近义的词汇:既然Sally挪用他兄弟财产他没有guilty,那么他的行为显然毫无内疚,答案选A。 难度系数: 中 词汇积累: compunction n.内疚a feeling of remorse, guilt, or regret gratification n.满足(感) the act of gratifying or the state of being gratified

SAT 2017年12月亚洲词汇题汇总及解析

2017年12月亚洲 1. As used in line 47, “broad” most nearly means: (A)large (B)open (C)general (D)tolerant Easily: by the observance of three broad and simple rules C.ADJ You use broad to describe a feeling or opinion that is shared by many people, or by people of many different kinds. 普遍的 2. As used in line 52, “end” most nearly means: (A) boundary (B) goal (C) termination (D) limit Never demand an exact finish for its own sake, but only for some practical or noble end B.N-COUNT An end is the purpose for which something is done or toward which you are working. 目的 3. As used in line 11, “form” most nearly means: (A) style (B) component (C) kind (D) method the caterpillar’s body is completely overhauled, broken down into a form of soup and rebuild into a winged adult C.N-COUNT A form of something is a type or kind of it. 种类 4. As used in line 66, “aspect” most nearly means: (A) appearance (B) nature (C) part (D) status Blackiston was convinced that some aspect of the caterpillar’s nervous system was carried over into adulthood. C.N-COUNT An aspect of something is one of the parts of its character or nature. 方面


SAT阅读词汇题真题解析 SAT阅读词汇真题解析,2016年3月5号第一次新SAT考试中的阅读部分共有8道词汇题目,一起来看看吧! 1. As used in line 17, “looser” most nearly means A. Roomier B. More informal C. More careless D. Weaker 2. As used in line 2, “common” most nearly means A. Routine B. Shared C. Standard D. Causal 3. As used in line 68, “foundation” most nearly means A. Association B. Underpinning C. Justification D. Genesis

4. As used in line 27, “standard” most nearly means A. Definitive B. Accepted C. Uniform D. Technical 5. As used in line 40, “open” most nearly means A. Porous B. Accessible C. Uncovered D. Vacant 6. As used in line 17, “sound” most nearly means A. Accurate B. Positive C. Thorough D. Firm 7. As used in line 67, “independent” most nearly means A. Random B. Separate C. Free


FREQUENTLY CONFUSED WORDS P210 1. A loose adj. 松的,宽的; 模糊的; 散漫的; 自由的; vt. 释放; 不受约束地表达; 松开; 射出(子弹、箭等); vi. 变得松散; 发射导弹; 开火; adv. 散漫地; n. 解放; 放任; 发射; B loss n. 损失,减少; 丢失,遗失; 损耗,亏损; 失败; C lose vt. 失去; 错过; 遗失; 耽搁; vi. 损失; 输掉; 走慢; 降低价值; D loosen vt. 解开或使松; 放宽,放松; 使(肠)通畅; vi. 变松或变得更松; 2 A corps n. 兵团; 特种部队; 一群人,一组人; B chore n. 零星工作(尤指家常杂务); 令人讨厌的或繁重的工作; C core n. 中心,核心,精髓; 果心,果核; [地质学]地核; [计] 磁心; vt. 去(果)核,挖去…的果心; 提取岩芯(样品); D court n. 法院,法庭; 院子,天井; 宫廷; 网球场;

vt. 招致; 设法获得; 向…献殷勤; 追求; vi. 求爱,求婚; 寻求; 3. A pour vt. 涌出; 倾,倒; vi. 涌流; 泛滥,涌出; 斟,倒;n. 倾泻; B pore n. 毛孔; 气孔; 细孔; vi. 细看; 钻研; 凝视; 4 A boar n. (未阉的)公猪; 公猪肉; 野猪; B bore vt. 令人厌烦; 钻孔; 用钻、挖或掘的方式打通; vi. 挖洞; 钻孔; 稳步前进; 挤过去; n. 使人讨厌的人[物]; 高潮; 膛径,口径; 钻子; C bohr n. 波尔;(人名) D boer adj. 布尔的; 荷裔南非人的;n. 布尔人; 5 A whether pron. 其中的哪一个;n. 可能的选择; B wither vt. 使枯萎; 使畏缩; 使衰弱;vi. 凋谢; 衰弱; 萎缩; 6.Surprisingly , bacon is a great compliment to caramel-flavored ice cream. A compliment n. 恭维; 敬意; 道贺,贺词; 致意; vt. 向…道贺; 称赞; 向…致意;

新SAT考试词汇题真题解析 语境不可忽略

新SAT考试词汇题真题解析语境不可忽略 新SAT改革后,词汇题就融入到了阅读当中去了,对词汇的考察不仅仅要结合词汇本身的意思,也要考虑到语境当中去。本文中总结了几道2016年考试真题中的词汇题,并进行解析,来加深大家对词汇题的理解。 1、2016年5月亚洲卷阅读第2题 As used in line 16, “kicks” most nearly means A) thrills. B) complaints. C) jolts. D) interests. 本题考查的单词“kick”很简单,但是选项里估计有很多同学不认识thrill(战栗,激动) 和jolt(颠簸,摇晃;震惊),这已经是做题的第一道障碍,答案选项有不认识的词;再看该词所在的完整的句子: He did not demur even when asked to fix watches, though that enterprise did spectacularly badly, and in fact earned him more kicks than kudos, for no watch he took apart ever kept time again. 我们发现demur (反对;抗辩)是生词,kick 对应的后面的单词kudos(来自希腊语,赞扬,荣誉) 也不认识,这是第二道障碍。如果词汇量足够大,认识kudos,那么答案就很容易选了。但是如果能够读懂文章,通过上下文知道主人公“他”对于修表这项事业做的并不成功,因为for后面有解释——他拆开过的表再也走不准了,那么就知道这个事业给他带来的是别人的抱怨。这样也能选出正确答案B。 2、2016年5月亚洲卷阅读第49题 As used in line 69, “betting on” most nearly means A) dabbling in. B) gambling with.


SAT词汇练习题 今天文都国际小编为大家分享一些SAT词汇练习题。同学们可以测试一下自己的水平,边复习边做题才是最优选择。 1、Nothing in the essay is----:every sentence contributes in an essential way to the overall meaning. A.cohesive B.querulous C.paramount D.mandatory E.superfluous 正确答案: E 解析: 题目解析:此题为冒号类题型,应用反推法。既然文章中的每句话都那么重要,那么没有一句是“多余的”,故答案选择E。 难度系数 : 中 词汇积累: cohesive adj. 凝聚性的 tending to cohere or stick together querulous adj.易发脾气的 inclined to make whining or peevish complaints paramount adj.最重要的 of the greatest importance or significance; pre-eminent mandatory adj.强制性的 obligatory; compulsory superfluous adj.多余的 exceeding what is sufficient or required 2、Sally,thoroughly convinced of her own importance,often acts without----:she feels no guilt,for example,about appropirating her brother&aposs posseseeions. https://www.doczj.com/doc/18616098.html,punction B.gratification


SAT词汇填空练习题分享 今天文都国际小编给大家分享一些SAT词汇填空练习题,希望对备考SAT 的同学有帮助。下面跟小编一起来看看具体内容吧! 1. Although Caroline Gordon was rigorously objective in her journalistic writing, her lively and ______ private correspondence______ a delightful capacity for biting commentary on the social scene. A. incisive…disguised B. eloquent…derided C. dispassionate…demonstrated D. exuberant…minimized 2. Representing a round world on a flat surface is impossible without some ______: the Mercator projection map shows Greenland as over ten times larger that Mexico, a country in fact only slightly smaller than Greenland. A. oversight B. simplification C. distortion D. sophistication E. superficiality 3. The highly publicized redesign of the car is essentially______: the exterior has been update, but the engine remains unchanged. A. intuitive B. cosmetic C. incoherent D. consequential E. retroactive 4. The ______ with which merchants and landowners in early-nineteenth-century Maryland

SAT阅读 词汇题汇总

SAT阅读 1.It unrolled slowly, forced to show its colors, curling and snapping back whenever one of us turned loose. The whole land was very tense until we put our four steins on Line its corners and laid the river out to run for us through the mountains 150 miles north. Lewis' hand took a pencil and marked out a small strong X in a place where some of the green bled away and the paper changed with high ground, and began to work downstream, northeast to southwest through the printed woods. I watched the hand rather than the location, for it seemed to have power over the terrain, and when it stopped for Lewis' voice to explain something, it was as though all streams everywhere quit running, hanging silently where they were to let the point be made. The pencil turned over and pretended to sketch in with the eraser an area that must have been around fifty miles long, through which the river hooked and cramped. "When they take another survey and rework the map," Lewis said, "all this in here will be blue. The dam at Aintry has already been started, and when it's finished next spring the river will back up fast. This whole valley will be under water. But right now it's wild. And I mean wild; it looks like something up in Alaska. We really ought to go up there before the real estate people get hold of it and make it over into one of their heavens." I leaned forward and concentrated down into the invisible shape he had drawn, trying to see the changes that would come, the nighttime rising of dammed water bringing a new lake up with its choice lots, its marinas and beer cans, and also trying to visualize the land as Lewis said it was at that moment, unvisited and free. I breathed in and out once, consciously; my body, particularly the back and arms, felt ready for something like this. I looked around the bar and then back into the map, picking up the river where we would enter it. A little way to the southwest the paper blanched. 19. Lewis' use of the word "heavens" (line 24) is best characterized as (A) appreciative (B) deceitful (C) tentative (D) defensive (E) ironic Attitude and tongue: exaggeration, pomposity esteem, condescension cynical, hypercritical, recognition ambivalent, ambiguous, explicit, implicit, subtle aloof, indifference, dispassionate, detachment, compassionate judicious, skeptical, na?ve irony, sarcasm, satirical

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