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Brief Discussion on the Breakin g Reason of

Heel-and-toe Section in Cardin g Machine Flat and the Solution

SUN Jianhua

(Nin g xia Hen g fen g Textile Grou p Co.,Ltd.,Nin g xia Wuzhon g,751100)

一一Abstract一The breakin g reason and solution of heel-and-toe section in cardin g machine flat were discussed. Both as p ects includin g cardin g machine and runnin g p roduction were anal y zed.Prevention and solution were p ut forward.The reasons in machiner y included seven indexed like the q ualit y of flat,q ualit y and ti g htness de g ree of flat chain,the shield p late p osition in the front and end of c y linder,p osition inconformit y in ri g ht&left and front &back of c y linder.The reasons in p roduction runnin g mana g ement as p ects included two indexes like the abrasion of lower roller and card clothin g in hi g her s p eed runnin g roller and the flat runnin g and cleanin g transmission p o-sition issue.It is considered that the ha pp enin g for the breakin g p henomenon of heel-and-toe section in cardin g machine flat can be p revented b y takin g p rocessin g measures in two as p ects like e q ui p ment mana g ement and p ro-duction runnin g mana g ement.

一一Ke y Words一Cardin g Machine,Flat,Heel-and-toe Section,Breakin g Reason,E q ui p ment Mana g ement,Run-nin g Mana g ement

一一在正常生产运转中盖板踵趾面在曲轨端面运行时,有时会突然发生断裂,有时是一根二两根,有时多根,导致盖板针布与锡林针布接针,轻者造成锡林针布损坏,重者造成锡林盖板针布两者损坏,国产盖板和锡林针布价值约1万元人民币,国外进口针布两者价值约4万人民币三盖板踵趾面断裂,不仅造成梳棉机机械事故,而且还会造成一定的经济损失,影响了企业的经济效益三此外,引起盖板盖板踵趾面断裂的一些潜在原因,也在影响梳棉机梳理工艺的正确性和梳理效果的发挥,提作者简介:孙建华(1964-),男,高级技师,sun j ianhua0912@163. com







2017年2月一一一一一一一一一一Cotton Texti le Technolo gy


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