当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟49






● You will hear three telephone c on ve r s at i on s or m e ss age s.

●Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms b el ow.

● You will hear each recording t w ice.

C on ve r s at i on O n e

● Look at the notes b el ow.

● You will hear a woman telephoning a c on f e r e n ce centre office.


Date: 21st February

Title: 1

Time: 10 a.m-4 p.m.

V enue: 2

T op ic of ext r a workshop: 3

Amount payable in advance: £ 4 per person



[解析] 本题问的是讲座地点,因此,在原文中不难找出正确答案是Central Hotel,但是要注意其后补充说明的next to the University是一个干扰项,并不是最终答案。



[解析] 题目中的extra在原文中用的是additional,如果能识别这个同义词转换,再抓住关键




[解析] 本题中的payable in advance与原文中的deposit(即订金)对应,如果能识别这个同义转述就很容易知道答案为forty pounds,但要注意的是文中出现的第一个钱数112 pounds是干扰项,不符合题干的要求。

C on ve r s at i on T wo

● Look at the form b el ow.

● You will hear a man calling a computer s upp lie r.


Customer S e r vice s

Telephone Message

Caller's name: James Firth

Client: Allen and Brown Ltd.

I tem(s) or de r ed: 1

Order no./date: HPC02345 / 12-03-02

N ote s: or de r w a s delive r e d late by the 2

a nd w a s supp lie d w ithout 3

A ction:call t o a p ologi s e a nd di s c uss 4



[解析] 本题可以用delivery作为定位词,这样就很容易找到答案,考题中的late和原文中的several days after you promised为同义转述,逻辑上紧密相关,随后在原文中出现dispatch company,就是本题的答案。



[解析] 本题可以用without作为定位词,考题中的supplied和原文中的sent是同义词转换,因此缺失的东西即为cables,电线。



[解析] 本题可以用call作为定位词,但要注意的是,考题中的call和原文中的ring是同义词转换,定位后很容易找到答案为discount,折扣。

C on ve r s at i on T h r ee

● Look at the notes b el ow.

● You will hear a recorded message about a job vac an c y.

Position: Manufacturing Administrator

Re spons i b le to: 1

Candidate s s houl d pr e f e r a b l y b e quali f ie d i n 2

The person appointed will need to be 3 in their relations with other people.

S ala r y: 4



[解析] 本题可以用qualification作为定位词,考题中的preferably和原文中的advantage为同义转述,由此可知business administration为正确答案,注意下文的excellent administrative skills和computer skills为干扰项,这些都是必须具备的技能,与考题要求不符,应排除。



[解析] 本题中空栺后方的in their relations with other people为本考题的具体限定条件,以other people作为定位词,可找到答案为flexible。



[解析] 本题中只给出一个限定词salary,所以只能以此作为定位词,不难找到正确答案为negotiable。


Section O n e

● You will hear five short recordings. Five people are talking about a problem that occ u rr e d.

● For each recording, decide what each speaker is talking ab ou t.

●Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the r ec or d i n g.

● Do not use any letter more than on ce.

● You will hear the five recordings t w ice.

A. losing a business card

B. taking the wrong equipment

C. arriving late for a meeting

D. forgetting an address

E. misunderstanding a message

F. missing a presentation

G. forgetting to make a phone call

H. taking the wrong documents



[解析] 本题不难听出,中心话题一直围绕着mistake而来,尤其是在划线句中,with引导的伴随状语从句表明所拿文件为其他客户的资料。大家不要被最后一句话干扰,那是一个附加信息,是对

mistake的后果进行表述,不应考虑在内。因此本题正确答案为H,拿错了文件(taking the wrong documents)。



[解析] 本题为推断题,中心话题一直围绕着lost opportunity的原因而来,而且原文中多处表述采用了虚拟语气,表示本该做的事情却未做,尤其是划线句子,表述如果可以则一定会在中午之前挂个电话。大家可以从虚拟句中表达的意思反推。因此本题正确答案为G,忘记挂电话(forgetting to

make a phone call)。



[解析] 本题内容并不难懂,抓住原文的关键词为time passing,末尾总结表述在到达目的地时会议已经开始,因此本题正确答案为C,开会迟到(arriving late for a meeting)。



[解析] 本题中原文提出,订货单根据记下的信息填好后,接到了查询数量(query the quantity)的电话,发现订单有误,而且划线句子为强调句式,其强调部分即为本题答案。因此,本题正确答案为E,弄错了一个信息(misunderstanding a message)。

Section T wo

● You will hear another five r ec or d i n gs.

● For each recording, decide what the speaker is d oi n g.

●Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the r ec or d i n g.

● Do not use any letter more than on ce.

● You will hear the five recordings t w ice.

A. making a complaint

B. confirming information

C. giving instructions

D. changing an arrangement

E. requesting information

F. making a recommendation

G. giving an invitation

H. requesting advice

might have somebody on their books already.

[解析] 本题中,原文一直围绕着对解决问题和改变现状的建议进行描述,且多次出现need、suggest、should等关键词汇,因此本题正确答案为F,提出建议(making a recommendation)。



[解析] 本题中,原文主要围绕介绍火车服务信息,但开头的invitations容易和G选项进行混淆,其为干扰项应排除,因此本题正确答案为C,提供指示说明(giving instructions)。



[解析] 本题中,原文主要围绕report进行评注,尤其划线句子是由in order to引导的目的状语从句,往往表达了说话者的意图观点,是提示答案的重要信息点,找到信息定位词语后不难得到答案。还要注意考题中information和原文中input的同义词转换,因此本题正确答案为E,提出得到信

息(requesting information)。



[解析] 本题中,原文逻辑线路清晰,首先提出受到邀请,而后but进行转折,提出自己的想法和请求,尤其是在划线句子中,以perhaps开头表示一种假想期望,引出提议的主旨目的内容,从而找到答案。考题中的advice和原文中的views为同义词转换,因此本题正确答案为H,请求得到建议(requesting advice)。



[解析] 本题中,原文第一句的let you know点出主旨目的,而后围绕其展开,希望对方知道已将其关于人员编制提出的推荐信递交给董事会,且已经授权允许新设一个区域经理的职位。在划线句

子中再次出现let you know,且该句中的wanted很明确的引出目的内容,很容易找到答案,因此本题正确答案为B,信息确认(confirming information)。


● You will hear a radio i n t e r vie w with JoséMartínez, the Director of Pizza Rapida, a p izz a

d eliv

e r y chain in S p ai n.

● For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

● You will hear the recording t w ice.

1. José Martinez became successful by

A.taking over a well-known competitor.

B.establishing an innovative retail business.

C.gaining a reputation for high quality.

a result of this success, he has recently been able to buy out his main competitor and today, Pizza Rapida is wellknown for producing top-quality food at reasonable prices. José is now one of the wealthiest men

A.tested samples on potential clients.

B.handed out product questionnaires.

C.assessed demand in different areas.


[解析] 本题问的是José Martínez开始提供披萨供应服务之前所做的准备都有什么。划线句前采访

者的提问内容与该题相符,定位出本题答案位置。后文回答中表述在这之前他给周围居住的青年人进行免费品尝,直到他们对pizza满意为止,这与A答案不谋而合,因此A为正确答案,即对潜在客户进行样品测试(tested samples on potential clients)。

3. According to José Martínez, the Spanish fast food business

A.is different from that of the U.S.

B.has slowed slightly in its rate of growth.

C.employs an increasing number of women.


[解析] 本题问的是西班牙快餐业的情况,从本划线句中可以看出,在起初几年中,该产业发展极其迅速,现在的发展则更加平稳。所以,本题正确答案为B,即该产业发展略有减缓(has slowed slightly in its rate of growth)。

4. José Martínez wants his trainee managers to

A.develop a competitive attitude.

B.try out some of the shop-floor jobs.

C.spend some time working abroad.


[解析] 本题问的是José Martínez培训部经理的期望。从划线句中可以看出,他不希望经理在没受到基本工作历练的前提下直接从大字就进到办公室工作。所以,本题正确答案为B,经过一些基本工作的历练(try out some of the shop-floor jobs)。

5. Jose Martínez believes that at first people invested in Pizza Rapida because they

A.were attracted by what the company offered.

B.saw that the shares were performing well.

C.thought Food companies were a safe investment.


[解析] 本题问的是José Martínez,起初投资者Pizza Rapida投资的原因,该划线句中可以看出,起初投资者投资主要是感觉披萨送货上门服务很新颖,而且对大众来说易懂且很感兴趣。注意考题中的at first与initially为同义转述,所以,本题正确答案为A,被公司提供的服务所吸引(were attracted by what the company offered)。

6. José Martínez left the first company he worked for because it

A.set the staff impossible targets.

B.offered insufficient incentives.

C.provided inadequate support.


[解析] 本题问的是José Martínez离开第一个工作公司的原因。从划线句中可以看出在José Martínez 帮助第一个公司超出年度营业目标之后对公司发放的奖金数额很失望,因此递交了辞呈离开公司。所以,本题正确答案为B,公司奖金太少(offered insufficient incentives)。

7. José Martínez finds that popular sports events

A.are good places to advertise his service.

B.raise brand awareness through team sponsorship.

C.increase public demand for his products.


[解析] 本题是对José Martínez通过流行体育赛事而发现商机的提问。从划线句中可以看出在比赛进工给球迷派送披萨,这样球迷可以边看电视边吃披萨。所以,本题正确答案为C,提高了公众对披萨的需求(increase public demand for his products)。

8. What does José Martínez plan to do in the future?

A.develop a chain of restaurants


up a franchise operation C.expand

into the frozen food market


[解析] 本题问的是José Martínez对未来的计划提问,该划线句中可以看出他正在慎重考虑制造速冻披萨和其他食品售往超市和餐厅的产业链。所以,本题正确答案为C,开拓冷冻食品市场(expand into the frozen food market)。


剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟 49 L I S TE N I N G PART O N E ● You will hear three telephone c on ve r s at i on s or m e ss age s. ●Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms b el ow. ● You will hear each recording t w ice. C on ve r s at i on O n e ● Look at the notes b el ow. ● You will hear a woman telephoning a c on f e r e n ce centre office. NOTES ABOUT S E M I NA R Date: 21st February Title: 1 Time: 10 a.m-4 p.m. V enue: 2 T op ic of ext r a workshop: 3 Amount payable in advance: £ 4 per person 2. (THE) CENTRAL HOTEL [解析] 本题问的是讲座地点,因此,在原文中不难找出正确答案是Central Hotel,但是要注意其后补充说明的next to the University是一个干扰项,并不是最终答案。 3. PROFIT MARGIN(S) [解析] 题目中的extra在原文中用的是additional,如果能识别这个同义词转换,再抓住关键 词 workshop就很容易找到答案。 4.


2019年剑桥商务英语考试BEC中级训练题及答案 1 the failure of a company to set its prices appropriately 2 a context that makes it difficult to increase prices 3 the consequences of companies trying to conceal their approach to pricing 4 the means by which a company ensured precision in the prices it offered 5 the fact that companies can learn about the effects of a price reduction 6 the first sector to price products according to how much customers were prepared to spend 7 the widespread use of rough guidelines to determine prices Getting the price right A、Chief executives need to pay more attention to pricing, according to Roberto Lippi of the Apex Group, a consultancy that offers advice on pricing strategy. He accepts that low inflation figures in many industrialised countries makes raising prices tough, but argues that this should not necessarily deter companies. He gives the example of the airlines, which, with their minimum stay requirements and massive premiums for flexibility, led the way in sorting customers into categories, based on their willingness to pay. B、The key to pricing is to avoid alienating customers. As Lippi points out, once a bad price has been


剑桥商务英语BEC模拟测试题(附答案) 一.READING PART ONE Questions 1-7 . Read these sentences and the following business index. . Which advisor each sentense (1-7) describe? . For each sentence mark one letter (A , B ,C ,D or E) on your Answer Sheet. Example The company invests a large sum of money in high technology. Answer: E 1. It is engaged in the expansion of a telecommunications line. 2. No other steel industries have such a high rating. . 3. The company is the chief holder of a British company's shares. 4. As much as forty million U. S. dollars are invested in Taiwan. 5. It has business transactions with an American company. 6. The company gets a very high interest rate from its stocks. 7. Agreements were signed between two companies about technological cooperation. A. Telecom Asia Corporation Limited (Thailand ) -It serves as international advisor in connection with the debt and equity financing for a US $3 billion telephone line expansion project in Bangkok. (Current) B. Singapore Telecom international Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) - It acquires its 50/00 interest in Cambridge Holding Ltd. ,the controlling shareholder of Cambridge Cable Ltd. of the U. K. (6/1992) C. Pohang Iron 6 Steel Co. ,Ltd. (Korea) . In connection with its ratings with Standard & Poor's and Moody's investor Services. The company obtained the highest rating of any steei company in the world. (II/1991)


bec中级考试真题及答案解析 BEC中级考试真题及答案解析 BEC(商务英语证书)是由剑桥考试委员会开设的国际商务英语考试,被广大商务人士和英语学习者追求。考试包含听力、阅读、写作和口语四个部分,涵盖了商务领域的各个方面。为了帮助考生更好地备考,本文将为大家提供一些真题及其答案解析。 一、听力部分 听力是BEC考试的首要环节,也是考生们普遍感到困难的部分。在进行听力练习时,考生应该注重提高自己的听力技能和理解能力。 在一道典型的BEC中级听力题目中,一段商务对话将被播放两次,并且还有四个选项供你选择正确答案。考生需要仔细聆听对话内容,以便正确回答问题。 例如: Question: What does Sarah suggest? A. Having a team meeting B. Submitting the report later C. Working on the report together D. Sending the report immediately

听力内容:John: Hi, Sarah. Have you finished the report for tomorrow's meeting? Sarah: No, not yet. I've been having some technical difficulties. I need more time to finalize it. John: That's unfortunate. The deadline has already been set. How about submitting it later in the day? Sarah: Well, instead of submitting it late, why don't we work on it together? I think we can finish it on time if we collaborate. Question: Sarah suggests working on the report together. 答案解析:根据对话内容,我们可以得出Sarah提议说他们一起工作来完成报告,因此选项C是正确答案。 二、阅读部分 阅读是BEC考试的另一个关键部分,它涉及到大量商务场景和实际案例。考生应该善于阅读,并且能够抓住文章的关键信息。 以下是一道典型的BEC中级阅读题目: Question: What is the main purpose of the article? A. To discuss the importance of effective communication in the workplace.


剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟48 LISTENING PART ONE ● You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. ● Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. ● You will hear each recording twice. Conversation One ● Look at the notes below. ● You will hear a woman discussing production problems with her boss. MEETING NOTES costs of 1 have increased. some of our 2 have signed exclusive contracts with provides. No time to discuss problems a 3 meeting. Product quality problems due to lack of proper trained 4 Conversation Two ● Look at the notes below. ● You will hear a woman calling a recruitment agency. ARZ RECRUITMENT Company: Fraser-Hill Position vacant: 5 Section: 6 Minimum salary: £21,400 Special requirements: Desirable: 7 Essential: 8 Conversation Three ● Look at the notes below. ● You will hear two colleagues discussing what to include in their company's newsletter. NEXT MONTH'S NEWSLETTER What to include:


2022年剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试模拟卷(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。) 单位:姓名:考号: 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Final date for application: 25th September. A. You have to apply by 25th, September. B. You can't apply before 25th, September. C. You can apply any time after 25th, September. 2.Please stand clear of the doors. A. The doors are not in use. B. Don't wait in front of the doors. C. Please use other doors. 3.Ring 96354 to place an advertisement in this magazine. A. You can write advertisement on this magazine. B. You can advertise if you ring this number. C. You can make telephone calls from her 4.Number of suggestions submitted by each sales representative. Who made the most suggestions A. Wang B. Li


剑桥商务英语第三版答案 剑桥商务英语第三版答案 【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(bec 第三版中级)module 1】txt>1.1 business topic ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式 1) vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins) regular hours正常工作时间 flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间 freelance n.自由职业 teleworking n.电子办公;在家中上班 job-share v. / n.分担工作;工作分担制 job-sharing n.分担工作 job-sharer n.与人分担工作的人 shift work 轮班工作,倒班制 temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员 consultancy n.咨询公司 specialist advice 专业咨询 hotdesking (hot-desking) n.办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共 用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑) office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长 office news办公室新闻 credit n.赞扬,功劳 managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chief executive/president) brainpower n. 智能 worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面 full-time adj. 全日制的 delegate v. 授权,分派工作 availability n. 利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),


BEC中级商务英语阅读练习题 2016年BEC中级商务英语阅读练习题 精选最地道的商务英语文章,并给出语言点,相关练习,方便大家学习商务用语,扩展商务知识,提高BEC考试阅读能力。旨在帮助要参加BEC剑桥商务英语中级考试的`同学们提高阅读能力。请大家先看以下的英文材料、回答问题,并自己进行口语Topic训练。翻页会有参考答案、译文! When I am interviewed, I am occasionallyasked: “What is the secret of business success?” If I knew the perfect answer, I would have madefar fewer mistakes over the years; in truth I suspectthere are many ingredients. Nevertheless, as an exercise, I have noted below a number ofcontributing factors that I think matter more than most. ● Work for yourself. To be self-employed can be lonely, and is likely to be hard work. Butultimately you will gain the rewards for your efforts if you are right – as long as you are lucky.You can certainly earn a handsome living working in a big bank or an accountancy firm, but youwill never achieve a spectacular capital gain, or change the world in the way that anentrepreneur can by fulfilling their dream. ● Be in the right place. History shows that growing markets, where entrepreneurs areencouraged, offer greater opportunities than places where there is stagnant demand, high taxand lots of regulation. On that basis, anyone with little to lose who is living in the west shouldemigrate to the east: it's what I advise anyone under the age of 30 to do. This is a harshverdict, and inevitably there are thousands of exceptions. But it is undeniable that far morenew millionaires and billionaires are being minted in


大学剑桥商务英语中级阅读分类模拟试卷 READING PART ONE A Salinas outlines the key qualities of good management in this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be based on facts, not opinions; that people's strengths should be exploited; and that disagreement is some times necessary. But the main point he makes is that leadership means performing well at all times and setting a good example. B In this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how businesses will change over the next few years. They analyse changes in business and society and their effects on job markets, as well as taking a look at possible strengths and weaknesses of leading economics and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrow's business world and the type of leaders that will be required. C This book is a well-researched study of the problem of leadership in global quoted companies. 160 international business leaders were asked how they added value to their companies and their answers form the main part of this book. Both managers and companies are analysed in order to show how they cope with difficult issues. A useful book for all senior managers. D 100 well-known US business leaders through this century are described in this book, which analyses how their fortunes were made and sometimes lost. The background, business career character and personal life of each individual are outlined, creating an impressive collection of biographies and an excellent reference work. 1、This is an account of one business leader's experiences. 2、This book suggests probable trends in the business world. 3、In this book you learn about the lives of business leaders from the past. 4、The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader. 5、This book looks at how large companies deal with various problem areas. 6、This book is based on interviews with business leaders. 7、This book describes both successes and failures. PART TWO Analysing the Entrepreneur The ever-increasing attraction of under-graduate courses in business studies demonstrates that many young people begin their working lives determined to be a success in business. Many of them will have ambitions of becoming bosses. (0) G. . That should be the question which all ambitious young business people ask themselves. Some graduates learn how to run a business in someone else's time, and then in their early thirties, start out on their own. That course of action is relatively common and straightforward. 8 Often, however, their business flair comes at the expense of more mundane business skills such as team building and maintaining harmony. A recent study, in which seventeen successful entrepreneurs took part in in-depth interviews, as did a similar number of chief executives, concluded that honesty and strong moral principles are important characteristics of entrepreneurs who achieve lasting success. According to the various tests and self-assessment questionnaires used in the interviews, seventy per cent of entrepreneurs have these characteristics, as opposed to only twenty-eight per cent of chief executives. 9 It would seem that most entrepreneurs deserve more credit than people generally give them. This ethical style of leadership fosters a culture in which expectations are uncompromisingly high and in which people believe they will be properly rewarded for their individual contribution. 10 Employees often complain that the worst kind of bosses are the ones who own the business, as they can be very intolerant of others who make mistakes. Entrepreneurs are passionate about their work but they have not worked their way up through the organisation and tend to lack the people management qualities that chief executives have developed over long careers. 11 Of course, it could be argued that the single-minded


剑桥商务英语试题中级考试模拟训练 剑桥商务英语试题中级考试模拟训练 The climber, get past the footprints are unfortunately, lost to forward direction is very dangerous.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的剑桥商务英语试题中级考试模拟训练,希望能给大家带来帮助! The Cash-free Society Imagine a society in which cash no longer exists, Instead, “ cash ” is electronic, as in bank-card Systems. Currency and coin are abandoned. ____ example ____ . Theft of cash would become impossible. Bank robberies and cash-register robberies would simply cease to occur ____ ( 8 ) ____ . Purse snatchings would become a thing of the past. Urban streets would become safer ____ ( 9 ) ____ . Security costs and insurance rates would fall. Property values would rise. Neighbourhoods would improve. Drug traffickers and their clients, burglars and receives of stolen property, arsonists for hire, and bribe-takers would no longer have the advantage of using untraceable currency. ____ ( 10 ) ____ These prosecutions, in turn, would inhibit further crimes. In a society devoid of physical money, a change from cash to recorded electronic money would be accompanied by a flow of previously unpaid income-tax revenues running in the tens of billions of dollars. ____ (11) ____ Cash has been the root of much social and economic evil. ____ (12)____ Eighty percent of Americans regularly use credit cards. The development of a federal system to handle the country’s 300 billion annual cash transactions in the United States electronically is within reach.


剑桥商务英语(BEC)模拟试题 一、请按照给出的汉语词义写出对应的英语词。该词的首字母已给出( 每小题0.5 分,共10 分) 1 不可避免的adj. i______ 2 可获利的;赚钱的adj. p______ 3 平行的;类似的adj. p______ 4 必要的;大体的a. e______ 5 本国的;国内的adj. d______ 6 本质;精华n. e______ 7 产生;妥协v. y______

产生v. g______ 9 关键词 k______ 10 协调;调节v. c______ 11 厌烦的;乏味的adj. t______ 12 合同;契约n. c______ 13 一样地adv. s______ 14 回顾;检查v. r______ 15 因此adv. a______

地平线n. h______ 17 多产的adj. p______ 18 收获;收割v. r______ 19 有经验的adj. e______ 20 自动的adj. a______ 二、请写出下列英语单词或术语的汉语意义( 每小题0.5 分,共10 分) 1 distribution channel ______ 2 cataloger ______

centralized system ______ 4 chief technology officer(CTO) ______ 5 consumer market ______ 6 credit card ______ 7 local store pricing ______ 8 lost sales ______ 9 mail-order operation ______ 10 mail-order pricing ______


新编剑桥商务英语中级 单词新编的 Unit 1a Teamwork toiletries:n. 化妆品厂、清洁、化妆用品公司 major brands:主导品牌 expatriate:n.侨民,放弃本国国籍的人[eks ptrieit] creative thinking:创新思维 a survival course:生存技巧培训课程 profile:n. 简介,小传,概况,侧面,侧面像,轮廓,外形[ pr ufail] simulation:n. 模拟训练,模仿[ simju lei n] go for profit:追求利润[ pr fit] behind schedule:进度落后于计划 stick to the schedule:严格按计划进行 Unit 1b Communication exceed:v. 超越,胜过,(在数量、质量上)突出、领先[ik si:d] over-estimate:vt. 过高的估计 manageable:adj. 便于管理[ mnid bl] understate:vt. 轻描淡写的说,很有节制的陈述或表达,少

说、少报(数据等)[ nd steit] seminar:n. 研讨会,讨论会,研讨小组[ semin:] management:n.(企业机关的)管理人员,(企业等的)管理、经营,(与人交往的)手腕follow-up evaluation:后续评估[i vlju ei n] complimentary ticket:免费赠送的票,优待券[ k mpli ment ri] Self-study and Exam practice have everything to do with:与…关系密切 curriculum vitae:个人简历、履历,简称CV [k rikjul m] 单词新编的 human factor:认为因素 Unit 2a Entertaining customer satisfaction form:顾客满意、情况问卷表 questionnaire:n.调查表,问卷[ kwesti n ] criterion:n.(批评、判断等的)标准、准则[krai ti ri n] → 【pl.】criteria atmosphere:n.氛围,大气,大气层,空气 attentiveness:n.殷勤、周到 value for money:n.物有所值程度,合算,花钱值得 enhance:vt. 提高,增加,加强[in h:ns]


剑桥商务英语中级(合集13篇)剑桥商务英语中级第1篇 utility noun 效用,有用 asap abbreviation for 尽快 fault noun 过错,毛病,故障 inadequate adjective 不充分/不恰当的 package noun 包裹,包 withhold verb 使停止,抑制 A4 noun A4(纸) negative noun (摄影等的)底片/负片 refund noun 偿还额,退款 alloy noun 合金 cost-effective adjective 有成本效益的,划算的 defect noun 过失,缺点 eliminate verb 排除,消除 line manager noun 生产线管理人员 mass-produce verb 大量生产 reject verb 拒绝,抵制,否决

剑桥商务英语中级第2篇 介绍: BEC2的难度介于大学英语四级和六级之间,考试时间为阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟。 准备阶段 第一天 第1天买齐教材、同步辅导和真题集,然后研究一套真题,了解每个部分的考点类型,最后找一个语言水平和自己差不多的partner。 学习阶段第2天到第12天阶段 开始学习教材,教材的课文是根据考试而出的,所以不管是风格类型、文章长度还是模式都是必须要熟悉掌握的。每天学习1到2单元,分别从词汇、句法和内容背景下手,做到牢记每个商务词汇并能运用自如,商业知识背景和文章架构了然于心,因为BEC2已经不光考你的英语,而且还考你的商务知识。这个过程可以伴随课后练习得以进行,在学完一课后,尽量用自己的话对这课进行复述,这个过程能提高你的语言水平和记忆能力。而且通过对上下文背景的熟知,你也可以增加商务知识,这样即使在考场阅读中偶尔碰到几个词、句不懂,也能应付自如。 晚上时间可以收听BBC,尽量听两遍就能听懂,因为考试听力只播放2遍。 实战阶段第12天到第26天阶段


剑桥商务英语中级4.2delegating答案 1、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] * A.in advance B.in vain C.in return(正确答案) D.in turn 2、The Spring Festival is on the way.Many shops have _______ huge posters with the word sales. [单选题] * A. put up(正确答案) B. put on C. put out D. put off 3、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] * A. happily B. nearly C. loudly(正确答案) D. hardly

4、One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but at least can help cover my living(). [单选题] * A. bills B. expenses(正确答案) C. prices D. charges 5、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] * A. 宣布 B. 发表 C. 解放 D. 庆祝(正确答案) 6、Can you give her some ______ ? [单选题] * A. advice(正确答案) B. suggestion C. advices D. suggest 7、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *


BEC中级听力全真试题及答案 BEC中级听力全真试题(附参考答案) UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Examinations in English as a Foreign Language BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE Test of Listening PART ONE Questions 1-12 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. You will hear each recording twice. * Conversation one (Questions 1-4) Look at note below. You will hear a man phoning company about an order. Lewis & Thorn Printers Telephone Message Message for: Mark HansonOliver Martin rang from (1)_____________________________________. He hasn't received the (2)__________________________________ he ordered for a (3) _____________________________ later this month .Wants to change the quantity to (4) _______________________________ --- to be ready tomorrow. Will fax details if needed. * Conversation Two (Question 5-8) Look at the notes below. You will hear a conversation between two friends about a job vacancy. Job with Alba as (5)________________________________________ Responsible for (6) ________________________________________ Must have knowledge of (7)__________________________________________________ Apply by (8)______________________________________ * Conversation Three (Questions 9-12) Look at the notes below. You will hear a telephone conversation about arranging a meeting. FINANCE MEETING Need to discuss (9)__________________________________________.Aim to produce new (10) ______________________________________________.Check that the Sales Co-ordinator and the (11)_______________________________ can come.Arrange for a (12)

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