当前位置:文档之家› 河南省周口市中英文学校2013届高三上学期第四次月考英语试题







21.Keeping a diary is ____ good habit, by which you'll make ____ great progress in writing.

A.a; a B.a; 不填C.the; a D.the; 不填

22.___ there is love, there is hope.

A.Where B.What C.There D.When

23.My parents used ________they had to get a new car for my brother.

A. which

B. all what

C. what

D. 不填

24.While building a tunnel through the mountain, ________ .

A. an underground lake was discovered

B. there was an underground lake discovered

C. a lake was discovered underground

D. the workers discovered an underground lake

25.Paper produced every year is ________ the world?s production of vehicles.

A. the three times weight of

B. three times the weight of

C. as three times heavy as

D. three times as heavier as

26.It was not until the couple arrived at the cinema ____ they found they had left the tickets in the office.

A.when B.where C.which D.that

27.________ has already been pointed out, only by correcting mistakes can you make progress.

A. It

B. As

C. That

D. What

28.The idea suddenly came to him_____ he might use the toy car to interest the boy who was crying.

A. if

B. when

C. that

D. which

29. I?ll give the ticket to _____ really wants to see the film.

A. who

B. whomever

C. whoever

D. no matter who

30.So carelessly _____ that he almost killed himself.

A. did he drive

B. he drove

C. drove he

D. he did drive

31. ---- What did she want to know, Tom?

---- She wondered _____ we could complete the experiment.

A. when was it that

B. it was when that

C. it was that when

D. when it was that

32.All the work ____, we went to see a fantastic film in the People's Cinema.A.had been done B.done

C.having done D.to be done

33.We have ____ this important responsibility for our nation,_ is a great nation of five thousand years history.

A.taken up; what B.taken on; which

C.taken up; which D.taken on; what 34.He had just climbed onto a big rock _ it came loose and sent the young man flying.

A.when B.while C.before D.as

35. ---- I?ll come to see you this afternoon. Shall I bring something to read?

---- Ok. ______.

A. You are welcome

B. By no means

C. So much the better

D. Take your time



A friend of mine was sitting in the living room one day when his cat dragged in a little “gift” in its mouth — a dead animal of some sort.Taking a closer look, he was surprised to 36 it as the bunny that 37 Mary, the young daughter of the family next door.My friend felt 38 , believing his cat had killed Mary?s bunny.My quick-thinking friend came up with a plan.39 from the cat?s mouth the dead animal, which by now was a 40 mess, he put it in the kitchen sink.With a little warm water and some shampoo, he tried to 41 the dead bunny as best he could.Then he took a hair dryer and blow-dried the bunny 42 it looked pretty good.

Finally, under the cover of darkness, he crept into the next-door garden and placed it 43 in the cage.He managed to make the bunny look very 44 there in his little box.

The next morning, my friend looked out of the window and noticed a crowd of people 45 around the rabbit hutch.Everyone seemed to be talking and pointing.My friend 46 to go over and act like any normal 47 neighbor and find out what was going on.

When he got there, Mary?s mother said to my friend, “You won?t believe this! It?s a(n)48 thing! Mary?s bunny 49 a few days ago, and we buried that little bunny right over there...”

Have you ever tried to cover up one wrongdoing with another? Covering up only makes matters 50 .

When we get caught doing something 51 , for example, we may 52 to cover it up with a lie.But just like Mary?s bunny, the result is 53 what we expected.We 54 looking foolish.We would have been better off admitting we were wrong and accepting the 55 .What do you think of it?

36.A.treat B.catch C.appreciate D.recognize 37.A.looked for B.belonged to C.got along D. resulted from 38.A.pleased B.terrible C.confused D.excited 39.A.Looking B.Removing C.Preventing D.Hearing 40.A.dirty B.lovely C.gifted D.strange 41.A.dress up B.bring up C.make up D.clean up 42.A.whenever B.though C.before D.until 43.A.carefully B.strangely C.especially D.wonderfully 44.A.serious B.accurate C.balanced D.natural 45.A.cheered B.gathered C.ran D.looked 46.A.wished B.decided C.hesitated D.meant 47.A.anxious B.discouraged C.wise D.curious 48.A.annoying B.difficult C.committed D.strange 49.A.passed away B.ran away C.set out D.went up 50.A.more B.faster C.better D.worse 51.A.exciting B.perfect C.strange D.wrong 52.A.refuse B.attempt C.promise D.pretend 53.A.often B.just C.always D.never 54.A.get down B.set out C.go through D.end up 55.A.consequences B.opportunities C.expectations D.choices

第三部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


A few years ago, I had the opportunity to play the character of Ronald McDonald for the McDonald's Corporation.

One day each month,we visited hospitals bringing a little happiness to the children there. But there were two rules placed on me during a visit. First, I could not go anywhere in the hospital without permission. And second, I could not physically touch anyone within the hospital. They did not want me to carry germs(细菌)from one patient to another. Breaking either of these rules, I was told, I could lose my job.

One day, as I was heading down a hallway and on my way home, I heard a little voice coming through a half-opened door,“Ronald,Ronald.”

I stepped in and saw a boy,about five years old, lying in his dad's arms, Mom with a nurse on the other side. I knew by the feeling in the room that the situation was grave. I asked his name. He told me it was Billy and that I did a few simple magic tricks for him. As I stepped back to say good-bye, he asked me “Ronald, would you hold me?”

At such a simple request, my heart was screaming, “Yes!”But my mind was screaming louder. “No!You are going to lose your job!”

“Hold me” was such a simple request, and yet I searched for any reasonable excuses that allowed me to leave, but none. It took me a moment to realize that in this situation, losing my job may not be the disaster I feared. Then, I picked up this little boy. He was so weak and so scared. We laughed and cried for 45 minutes. With tears in my eyes, I left them. Less than 48 hours later, I received a phone call from Billy's mom that Billy had passed away. She and her husband simply wanted to thank me for making a difference in their little boy's life.

Billy's mom told me shortly after I left the room. Billy looked at her and said, “Momma, I don't care any more if I see Santa this year because I was held by Ronald McDonald.”

For the record, McDonald's Corporation did find it out, but, given the situation,permitted me to go on with my job. I continued as Ronald for another year before leaving the corporation to share the story of Billy and how important it is to take risks.

56. The underlined wo rd “grave” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.

A. weak

B. exciting

C. interesting

D. serious

57. When Billy asked the author to hold him, at first the author ________.

A. was unwilling to do so

B. was glad to do so

C. hesitated to do so

D. hurried to do so

58. What lesson did the author draw from his experience?

A. To amuse others is enjoyable.

B. To take risks is important.

C. To break rules is necessary.

D. To be fired is not fearful.

59. We learn from the story that ________.

A.the author left the corporation because he broke the rules

B.the author left the corporation because he didn't like the rules

C.the boy was quite happy with the experience with the author

D.the boy was quite happy with Santa at Christmas


One of the keys to being successful is persistence(坚持).Once you have

determined exactly what you want to achieve, you must take active action in order to succeed.

One of the things you'll notice on your journey towards your goal are roadblocks. That is, you will come across obstacles(障碍)to discourage your progress. Actually, they are a part of life. Everyone would have every success they ever wanted if there were no obstacles. Your job is to be persistent and work through those obstacles. If you find little or no obstacles along the way, chances are that you are not really challenging yourself. And when you do reach your goal, you won't experience the feeling of "sweet success". Make your goal a challenging one!

If you take the time to study any successful person, you will learn that the vast majority of them have had more "failures" than they have had "successes". This is because successful people are persistent; the more they stumble(绊倒)and fall, the more they get right back up and get going again. On the other hand, people that don't get back up and try again, never reach success. For example, Walt Disney was turned down 302 times before he got financing for his dream of creating the "Happiest Place on Earth". Today, due to his persistence, millions of people have shared "the joy of Disney".

Having known these facts, keep in mind that you must constantly reevaluate (再评估)your circumstances and the approach you are using to reach your goal. There is no sense in being persistent at something that you are doing incorrectly! Sometimes you have to modify(修改)your approach along the way. Every time you do something you learn from it, and

therefore find a better way to do it the next time.

Today is the day to begin your journey, using consistency and persistency, towards tomorrow's successes!

60The author seems to hold the belief that .

A. challenges we come across are beneficial

B. obstacles will surely lead to someone?s success

C. the more obstacles we have, the more discouraged we feel

D. it?s rewarding to enjoy the feeling of“sweet success”

61.Which can be inferred from the text?

A. Making a practical goal will ensure your success.

B. Never giving up in face of failure may contribute to your success.

C. Having a beautiful picture will lead to your success.

D. Suffering from more failures will make you disappointed.

62.What must you reevaluate constantly?

A. Attitudes and skills.

B. Circumstances and ways.

C. Roadblocks and challenges.

D. Failures and successes.

63.What?s the text mainly about?

A. Persistence makes for success

B. Overcome obstacles

C. Challenge yourself

D. Failure is the mother of success


Britain has laws to make sure that women have the same chances as men in education, jobs and training. But it?s still unusual to find women doing dirty or heavy jobs.

Nikki Henriques is a car maintenance engineer in London. She used to be a secretary. Barty Philips, a journalist with “The Observer”, a Sunday newspaper, asked her why she wanted to work with cars.

“My first reason was independence(独立),” she said. “I also wanted to use my hands, and I like learning about how things work. Many people prefer to have a woman repair their cars, too.”

Nikki didn?t find it easy to become a car maintenance engineer. She went to a Government Skill Centre—a special sort of college where people can learn a new job for twenty weeks. “For ten weeks I was the only woman among four hundred men, and some of them were rude to me. It was also very tiring—from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon, with only 30 minutes for lunch.”

Now Nikki works free-lance, th at is, she?s self-employed, working for herself and not for a garage or a company.

Barty Phillips also spoke to Rose, who works as a general builder in Sheffield, an industrial town in the north of England. Like Nikki, Rose used to be a secretary. “I di dn?t enjoy it at all.” she said. “I wanted to do more practical work, and I wanted to be self-employed.”

Rose joined a women?s building co-operative, and she learnt her job from other people and from experience. However, many of the women in her group have been specially trained. Most of the jobs they do are improvements to buildings and general repairs.

“People often say, …Oh, women aren?t strong enough,? but I don?t think stren gth is important.” said Rose, “The important thing is to get used to doing a different sort of work.”

Rose would like more women to come into the building industry. “Everything built at the moment is a product of man?s world. If women become builders, t hey will be able to understand the production of their house and their towns.”

64. There are laws in Britain to help women _____.

A. get higher pay than men

B. enjoy more freedom than men

C. do whatever they like to do

D. have equal chances with men in education and work

65. The job of a car maintenance engineer is to _____.

A. repair cars

B. sell cars

C. make cars

D. keep cars for others

66. According to Rose, a woman wishing to be a general builder _____.

A. must be specially trained

B. should be strong enough

C. can learn her job either from others or by experience

D. must get used to doing a different sort of work

67. The best title for this passage might be _____.

A. Nikki Henriques, a car maintenance engineer

B. Rose, a General Builder in Shefield

C. Women at Work

D. British Women


How to Be a Winner

Sir Steven Redgrave

Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals

“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病). Believing my career was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it ---the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn?t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”

Karen Pickering

Swimming World Champion

“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success----you can?t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you?ll be a step closer to achieving them.”

Kirsten Best

Poet & Writer

“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can?t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repea t words such as …calm?,

…peace? or …focus?, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological tool”

68. What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?

A. Difficulties influenced his career.

B. Specialists offered him medical advice.

C. Training helped him defeat his disease.

D. He overcame the shadow of illness to win.

69. What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?

A. Her sports career.

B. Her daily happenings.

C. Her achievements.

D. Her training schedule.

70.What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?

A. Ways that help one to focus.

B. Words that help one to feel less tense.

C. Activities that turn one's attention away.

D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax.



The main cause of death and disability in the US

Stroke (中风)is the main cause of death and disability in the United States. Every 45 seconds, someone in America has a stroke._______71_________ It is the nation's third leading cause of death, ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer. The following is something more about stroke.

Definition and description of a stroke

Stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease. It affects the arteries(动脉) leading to and within the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel(血管)that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts._____72_____. So stroke forms.


The American Stroke Association has identified several factors (因素) that increase the risk of stroke. The more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance that he or she will have a stroke. Some of these you can't control, such as increasing age, family health history, race, and previous stroke. _____74_____. Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be improved with a healthcare provider's help.

Breakthroughs in treatment

________75____________.In fact about 600,000 people have strokes every year. For many years, there was no hope for those suffering a stroke. However,

recent breakthroughs have led to new treatments. For the treatments to work, the person must get to a hospital immediately.

A. When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood and oxygen it needs

B .Every 3.1 minutes, someone dies of one.

C. But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk

D.A stroke can happen to anyone at any moment

E. Risk factors of a stroke

F. Warning signs of a stroke

G .The more common kind of stroke is caused by a blood clot that blocks a

blood vessel in the brain.











Dear Mr. Li,

I?m very sorry to have missed the first two lesson this morning. I got up early as usually in the morning, but when I was ready to leave I find my bicycle?s front tyre (轮胎)flat. I wanted to take bus or taxi to school, and I didn?t have any money with me. I had to look for a place along the street to get my bicycle repairing. Unluckily, there were not any bicycle repair shops were open in the early morning. So I had to walk to school, carrying my bicycle all the way. That?s how I was late for school.

Please don?t worry with my lessons, Mr. Li. I will m ake up for it and turn to teachers for help if necessary.


Wang Hui 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)







2)地点:阳光俱乐部(the Sun Club)302房间;


参考词汇:欢送会farewell party


Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams.

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


单选:21--25 BACDB 26--30 DBCCA 31--35 DBBAC

完形:36--40 DBBBA 41--45 DDADB 46--50 BDDAD 51--55 DBDDA

阅读:56--59 DCBC 6 0--63 ABBA 6 4--67 DADC 68--70 DDC

71--75 BAECD

Dear Mr. Li,

I’m very sorry to have missed the first two lesson this morning. I got up early as

lessons usual

the morning, but when I was ready to leave I find my bicycle’s front tyre (轮胎) flat.


take ∧bus or taxi to school, and I didn’t have any money with me. I had to look for

a but

along the street to get my bicycle repairing. Unluckily, there were not any bicycle repair ∧

repaired that / which或were open in the early morning. So I had to walk to school, carrying my bicycle all That’s how I was late for school.


Please don’t worry with my lessons, Mr. Li. I will make up for it and turn to teachers for help

about / over them

if necessary.

Yours, Wang Hui

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English.

It’s a pity that you have to go back soon, so a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club at 6:00 pm this Saturday evening. We sincerely hope you will have a good time together. By the way, you may take Bus No.332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.


Li Hua


2016年上海市高考英语试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.It is satisfactory. B.It is luxurious. C.It is old﹣fashioned. D.It is disappointing. 2.(1分)A.On August 5th. B.On August 6th. C.On August 7th. D.On August 8th. 3.(1分)A.A waiter. B.A butcher. C.A porter. D.A farmer. 4.(1分)A.In a theatre. B.In a library. C.In a booking office. D.In a furniture store. 5.(1分)A.She expected to a better show. B.She could hardly find her seat. C.She wasn't interested in the show. D.She didn't get a favourable seat. 6.(1分)A.The woman often eats out for breakfast.


河南周口中英文学校18-19高三寒假功课(详解)—英语(16) 第二部分:英语知识运用〔共两节,总分值45分〕 第一节单项填空〔共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分〕 从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑21、—MrWhitedidn'tcomelastnight,didhe? —No.We________forhim.Awholenightwaswasted. A.hadwaited B.havebeenwaiting C.werewaiting D.hadbeenwaiting 22、—Ialwayslookoutwhencrossingtheroad. —You’reright.Youcan’tbetoo________. A.nervous B.careful C.hurried D.careless 23、—Whomdoyouwanttoseeatthemoment? —Theman________Mr.Li. A.youcall B.calledhimself C.calling D.iscalled 24、Tellmewhobrokethewindow. —________didit,Ididn’t. A.Who B.Whoever C.Nomatterwho D.It’sIthat 25、—Howdoyoulikethebooks? —Oh,theyarewonderful.Peopleherethink________ofthebooks. A.anumber B.agreatmany C.agreatdeal D.aplenty 26、Itisthepreventionofdisease________itssuccessfultreatmentsthathasledtotherapidin creaseoftheworld’spopulation. A.ratherthan B.notonly C.butalso D.lessthan 27、—Thankyouforyourhelp. —________.Goodluck. A.Sometimes B.Sometime C.Anytime D.Everytime 28、—Whydidhesayso? —Sorry,Idon'tunderstand________hehassaidmeans. A.allwhat B.whatall C.allthat D.thatall 29、Evenifthetreatment________,thereisstillnomagicpillforpatientsinthelatestagesofA IDs. A.does https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d16627944.html,es C.works D.helps 30、Afteralongwalk,thelittleboygothomeatlast,________. A.tiredlyandhungrily B.tiringandhungry C.tiredandhungrily D.tiredandhungry 31、“If”headded,“________enoughtime,wewouldcertainlyhavedoneitbetter.” A.given B.tobegiven C.give D.giving 32、Whentheyhadfinishedplaying,thechildrenweretoldto________allthetoystheyhadtakeno ut. A.putdown B.putoff C.putaway D.putup 33、Nothavingworkedouttheprogram,________leavetheoffice. A.sohewasforbiddento B.andhedidn'twantto C.hislittlesoncouldn'tmakehim D.hecouldn’tfreehimselfto 34、Whenshewokeup,sherealizedthatthethingsshehaddreamtaboutcouldnot________havehapp ened. A.possibly B.likely C.certainly https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d16627944.html,ually 35、—Thereisn’tanymilkleft.

2018 北京高考英语真题(含答案)

2018年高考英语真题卷(北京卷) 一、单项填空 1.(2018?北京)—Hi, I'm Peter. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around?—Hello, Peter. I'm Bob. I just _________ on Monday. A. start B. have started C. started D. had started 2.(2018?北京)_________ we don't stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone. A.Although B.While C.If D.Until 3.(2018?北京)_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. A. Travel B. Traveling C. Having traveled D. Traveled 4.(2018?北京)Susan had quit her well-paid job and _________ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year. A. is working B. was working C. has worked D. had worked 5.(2018?北京)She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit. A. which B. who C. as D. that 6.(2018?北京)During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. A. share B. to share C. having shared D. shared 7.(2018?北京)China's high-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past few years. A. are growing B. have grown C. will grow D. had grown 8.(2018?北京)In any unsafe situation, simply _________ the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. A.press B.to press


2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(试题类型:B) 英语(新课标) 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷1至13页,第II卷14至16页。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 第I卷听力部分满分30分,不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供给高校作参考。 5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10称钟的时间来回答有关小题如阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What does the man want to do? A. Take photos. B. Buy a camera. C. Help the woman. 2. What are the speakers talking about> A. A noisy night. B. Their life in town. C. A place of living. 3. Where is the man now? A. On his way. B. In a restaurant. C. At home 4. What will Celia do? A. Find a player. B. Watch a game. C. Play basketball. 5. What day is it when the conversation takes place?


厦门双十中学2016届高三(上)期中考英语试卷参考答案 听力理解 1—5 AACBC 6—10 ABCCB 11—15 ABABC 16—20 ACBAB 阅读理解 ( A ) 21—24 CDBA ( B ) 25—28 BDCA ( C ) 29—32 DBAC ( D ) 33—35 ADC 36—40 CAFGE 完形填空 41—45 BCACA 46—50 DCDBA 51—55 ABDCD 56—60 BACDB 单词拼写 61. recover 62. environmental 63. informed 64. regular 65. survival 66. block 67. dating 68. charging 69. promoted 70. response 71. targeted 72. potentially 73. sounded 74. complaints 75. appeals 短文改错 Last week we held a discussion on which we should do for our school before we graduate.The students in our what class have different suggestion.Some students thought that we can collect money to buy some books for the school suggestions think library or everything else for the schoo1.Other students argue that there’s not necessary to spend money.We can something it’s study hard and make our school feeling proud of us. feel In my opinion,we don’t have to spend money.We can do something meaningfully without money. For an meaningful example,we can do some voluntary work to beautify the school and try to get better results in the coming exams so or that our school will∧proud of us. be 书面表达(One possible version): Dear Sophia, I am glad to hear from you. To be honest, I have the same experience as you. But you have to know that procrastination is the thief of time. The following advice may help you overcome it soon. The most effective means to solve this problem is that you can make a “to do” list. For example, you can write “Finish home work before Saturday night”on your plan. If you manage to finish it, you can reward yourself. Otherwise, punish yourself. What’s more, you can find a person to remind you to finish your work efficiently from time to time. Different people have different efficient times. But it doesn’t matter what time it is. Just don’t waste time, following the schedule strictly. Last but not the least, do it now, just from now. In a word, don't spoil yourself. Although you have a long way to go, the first step is very essential. Good luck! Yours, Abby 书面表达 一、评分原则 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 4


河南省周口中英文学校2017-2018学年高一下学期 期中考试物理试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 做曲线运动的物体,在运动的过程中一定变化的物理量是()A.速率B.速度C.加速度D.加速度的大小 2. 如图所示,从同一条竖直线上两个不同点分别向右平抛两个小球P和Q,初 速度分别为、,结果它们同时落到水平面上的点处(不考虑空气阻力),下列说法中正确的是() A.一定是P先抛出的,并且 B.一定是P先抛出的,并且 C.一定是Q先抛出的,并且 D.一定是Q先抛出的,并且 3. 如果将平抛运动分解为水平方向和竖直方向上的两个直线运动,在同一坐标系中作出这两个分运动的v-t图线,如图所示,若物体平抛运动的时间大于2t1,下列说法中正确的 是() A.图线②表示水平分运动的v-t图线. B.t1时刻的合运动速度方向与初速度方向夹角为30°

C.t1时刻速度方向与水平方向夹角的正切值为1 D.2t1时刻的速度方向与初速度方向夹角为60° 4. 如图所示,不可伸长的轻绳—端拴一质量为m的小球,另—端固定在竖直平面内的O点,仅在小球重力和绳子拉力的作用下让小球绕O点在竖直面内做圆 周运动,则下列表述符合实际的是() A.在小球运动的过程中绳子的拉力大小一直不变 B.小球运动到最低点时绳子最容易断裂 C.小球运动至与圆心等高处时绳子的拉力最小 D.小球运动到最高点时绳子的拉力一定不能为零 5. 两颗人造卫星A、B绕地球做匀速圆周运动,周期之比为T A∶T B=1∶8,则轨 道半径之比和运动速率之比分别为() A.R A∶R B=4∶1,v A∶v B=1∶2B.R A∶R B=4∶1,v A∶v B=2∶1 C.R A∶R B=1∶4,v A∶v B=1∶2D.R A∶R B=1∶4,v A∶v B=2∶1 6. 一名宇航员来到一个星球上,如果该星球的质量是地球质量的一半,它的直 径也是地球直径的两倍,那么这名宇航员在该星球上所受的万有引力大小是它 在地球上所受万有引力的( ) A.0.25倍B.0.125倍C.2.0倍D.4.0倍 7. 地球表面的重力加速度为g,地球半径为R,引力常量为G,可估计地球的 平均密度为() A.B.C.D. 8. 假设地球的质量不变,而地球的半径增大到原来半径的2倍,那么从地球发射人造卫星的第一宇宙速度的大小应为原来的( ) D.2倍 A.倍B.倍 C.倍 9. 我国发射的某飞行器和神舟飞船在对接前,神舟飞船的运行轨道高度为 343km,某飞行器的运行轨道高度为350km.它们的运行轨道均视为圆,则( ) A.神舟飞船比某飞行器线速度大


绝密★启用前 2016年普通高等学校全国统一考试(北京卷) 英语 本试卷共16页,共150分。考试时间为120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题分,共分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 does the man want to borrow pencil. eraser. pen. is the woman doing now / . home. group study. does the man have for earthquake preparation candle. radio. flashlight. does the conversation most probably take place a bank. B. In a hotel. a store. will the man go for his holiday . . . 第二节(共10小题;每小题分,共15分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 , does the supermarket close on Sundays 5:00 pm. 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm.


绝密★启用前 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标Ⅱ卷) 英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷时,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框。不能答在试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 答案是B。 【2013新课标II卷】1.--I'm sorry I made a mistake! -- Nobody is perfect. A. Take your time B. You're right C. Whatever you say D. Take it easy 【答案】D 【解析】考查交际用语。根据后句“人无完人”可知,前一个人犯错误了,应叫他take it easy(放松)。 【2013新课标II卷】2. Would you like to with us to the film tonight? A. come along B. come off C. come across D. come through 【答案】A 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据句意,与我们一道去看电影,故选A。come along with…与…一道。 【2013新课标II卷】3. I was glad to meet Jenny again, I didn't want to spend all day with her.


绝密★启用前 2016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语试卷 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟, 试卷满分150分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷(第1-12页)和第II卷(第13页),全卷共13页。 所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. It is satisfactory. B. It is luxurious. C. It is old-fashioned. D. It is disappointing. 2. A. On August 5th. B. On August 6th. C. On August 7th. D. On August 8th. 3. A. A waiter. B. A butcher. C. A porter. D. A farmer. 4. A. In a theatre. B. In a library. C. In a booking office. D. In a furniture store. 5. A. She expected to a better show. B. She could hardly find her seat. C. She wasn’t interested in the show. D. She didn’t get a favourable seat. 6. A. The woman often eats out for breakfast. B. The cafeteria serves good breakfast. C. The woman doesn’t have breakfast. D. The cafeteria doesn’t serve breakfast. 7. A. Selling cucumbers. B. Planting vegetables. C. Cooking a meal. D. Picking tomatoes. 8. A. The man should work hard. B. The man should turn down the job offer. C. The man may have another chance. D. The man can apply for the job again. 9. A. It is a hot and smoggy day. B. There is a traffic jam on King Street. C. A vehicle is polluting the air. D. The man is reading a report online. 10. A. Its ending is not good enough. B. Its special effects are not satisfying. C. It deserves an award. D. It is good except for the scary part. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,


河南省周口市中英文学校2020-2021学年高一物理上学期期中试题 (全卷共3个大题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 一、选择题(每小题4分,共48分。1—8题为单选题,9—12题为多选题,多选题全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分) 1.关于时间间隔和时刻,下列说法正确的是( ) A .钟表上显示的11点15分是时刻 B .40分钟一节课,这里的40分钟指的是时刻 C .从早上8点至下午2点,这里的8点和2点指的是时间间隔 D .早上8点开始上课,这里的8点指的是时间间隔 2.如图所示,物体沿两个半径为R 的圆弧由A 运动到C ,则它的位移和路程分别为( ) A.5π 2 R ,A 指向C ;10R B. 5π2R ,A 指向C ;5π2 R C.10R ,A 指向C ;5π2R D.10R ,C 指向A ;5π 2 R 3.甲、乙两质点在同一直线上匀速运动,甲质点的速度为+4 m/s ,乙质点的速度为-5 m/s ,则以下说法正确的是( ) A .两质点运动方向相反 B .甲质点比乙质点运动得快 C .两质点之间的距离正在逐渐加大 D .两质点之间的距离可能先增大后减小 4.下列关于加速度的说法中,正确的是( ) A .加速度是表示物体速度变化快慢的物理量 B .物体运动的速度越大,加速度越大 C .v 0>0,a <0,物体做加速运动 D .v 0<0,a <0,物体做减速运动 5.蹦床是运动员在一张绷紧的弹性网上蹦跳并做出各种空中动作的运动项目.一个运动员从高处自由落下,以大小为8 m/s 的竖直速度着网,与网作用后,沿着竖直方向以大小为10 m/s 的速度弹回.已知运动员与网接触的时间为Δt =1.2 s ,那么运动员在与网接触的这段时间内加速度的大小和方向分别为( ) A .15 m/s 2 ,向上 B .15 m/s 2 ,向下 C .1.67 m/s 2,向上 D .1.67 m/s 2 ,向下 6.假设某无人机靶机以300 m/s 的速度匀速向某个目标飞来,在无人机离目标尚有一段距离时发射导弹,导弹以80 m/s 2 的加速度做匀加速直线运动,以1 200 m/s 的速度在目标位置


2013届高三英语综合试题2013.2 考试时间:120分钟分值:135分 Ⅰ语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The story happened years ago,when my daughter was still little. I was driving across the country with my daughter to 1 my husband. Since I intended to get to my destination before supper time, I drove 2 for a long time without a stop. Then after driving for many miles, I became tired and needed to stop for a break to get 3 . I found a rest area. It was mostly deserted, in a quiet area of the highway. I parked the car and carried my 4 into the restroom. When I came out I saw a middle-aged 5 wandering around. Feeling 6 about that, I asked the lady. What 7 me was: they were waiting for us! The lady told me that she and her husband wanted to see us safely back into our 8 . She explained that sometimes rest areas could be a 9 place for a young lady like me. She told me that she had a daughter almost my age, so they wanted to make sure that I got safely back on my way. I was very touched by their 10 . Being young, and probably naive to the potential 11 of rest areas, it had never occurred to me that there was any possibility of something going wrong. I 12 them for their kindness. My daughter and I continued our journey and 13 our destination safely. I never got their names but years have passed and their kindness is still not 14 . Sometimes angels come in make-up and just because you can’t see their 15 it doesn’t mean they aren’t angels. 1. A. desert B. stop C. join D. save 2. A. slowly B. quickly C. safely D. quietly 3. A. excited B. bored C. interested D. refreshed 4. A. daughter B. luggage C. license D. car 5. A. lady B. man C. couple D. angel 6. A. angry B. curious C. jealous D. terrible 7. A. surprised B. worried C. annoyed D. upset 8. A. room B. car C. area D. park 9. A. quiet B. noisy C. dangerous D. safe 10. A. devotion B. honesty C. potential D. consideration 11. A. stops B. dangers C. mistakes D. changes 12. A. forgave B. asked C. thanked D. blamed 13. A. reached B. left C. missed D. passed 14. A. seen B. forgotten C. deserted D. recognized 15. A. kindness B. safety C. faces D. wings


绝密★启封前 2016普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 英语试卷类型A 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15 B. £ 9. 18 C. £ 9. 15 答案是C。 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Having a birthday party. B. Doing some exercise. C. Getting Lydia a gift. 2. What is the woman going to do? A. Help the man. B. Take a bus. C. Get a camera. 3. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Tell Kate to stop. B. Call Kate, s friends. C. Stay away from Kate. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a wine shop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant. 5. What does the woman mean? A. Keep the window closed. B. Go out for fresh air. C. Turn on the fan. 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man going to do this summer? A. Teach a course. B. Repair his house. C. Work at a hotel. 7. How will the man use the money? A. To hire a gardener. B. To buy books. C. To pay for a boat trip.


河南省周口中英文学校2014-2015学年高一下学期第一次月考 生物试题 一、选择题(每小题2分,共70分): 1.下列叙述中属于同源染色体的是 A.一条来自父方,一条来自母方的染色体 B.由一条染色体复制而成的两条染色单体C.在减数分裂过程中联会的两条染色体 D.形状与大小一般相同的两条染色体 2.下列各项中属于性状分离的是 A.紫花豌豆自交后代全是紫花 B.白花豌豆与紫花豌豆杂交后代有白花和紫花 C.白花豌豆自交后代全是白花 D.紫花高茎豌豆自交后代有紫花和白花 3.下列关于分离现象的假说不正确的是 A.生物的性状是由遗传因子决定的 B.受精时,雌雄配子的结合是随机的 C.生殖细胞中遗传因子是成对存在的 D. 生物体在形成配子时成对的遗传因子彼此分离,分别进入不同的配子中 4.下列说法正确的是 A.表现型相同的生物,基因型一定相同 B.杂合子一般表现出显性性状 C.隐性性状是指生物体不能表现出来的性状 D. T和T,T和t,t和t都是等位基因 5.大豆的白花和紫花是一对相对性状。下列四组杂交实验中,能判断显性和隐性关系的是 ①紫花×紫花→紫花②紫花×紫花→301紫花+101白花 ③紫花×白花→紫花④紫花×白花→98紫花+102白花 A.①和② B.③和④ C.①和③ D.②和③ 6.基因分离定律的实质是 A.F2出现性状分离 B.F2性状分离比为1∶1 C.等位基因随同源染色体的分开而分离 D.测交后代性状分离比为1∶1 7.一对表现型正常的夫妇生了一个白化病患儿,预计这对 夫妇再生育一个表现型正常的孩子的概率是 A.12.5%B.75%C.25%D.50%

8.家庭多发性结肠息肉是一种显性遗传病,双亲中一个为杂合子(Ee)患病,另一个正常,那么他们子女中发病的可能性是 A.100% B.50% C.25% D.0 9.下图所示的四种遗传系谱中,能确定为常染色体隐性遗传的是 10、下列细胞中,不含有同源染色体的是 A.有丝分裂中期的细胞 B.有丝分裂末期的细胞 C.初级精母细胞 D.次级精母细胞 11、人的体细胞中有46条染色体,则人的初级精母细胞中有四分体 A.23对 B.46个 C.23个 D.46对 12、图中横坐标表示细胞分裂过程,纵坐标表示染色体或DNA数,能表示减数分裂过程中DNA和染色体变化的曲线分别是 A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.④③ 13、减数分裂过程中,染色体数目的减半发生在 A.减数第一次分裂 B.减数第二次分裂 C.减数分裂间期 D.两次分裂过程中 14、下列过程发生在减数分裂的不同时期,正确的顺序是①联会②同源染色体分离③四分体形成④着丝点分裂⑤四分体排列在赤道板上⑥染色体复制 A.①②③④⑤⑥ B.⑥①③⑤②④ C.⑥③①⑤④② D.①⑥③⑤②④ 15、进行有性生殖的高等动物的三个生理过程如下图所示,则①②③分别为 A.有丝分裂、减数分裂、受精作用 B.有丝分裂、受精作用、减数分裂 C.受精作用、减数分裂、有丝分裂 D.减数分裂、受精作用、有丝分裂 16、下面关于高等动物减数分裂形成配子及受精作用的描述,其中正确的是


2013 年北京高考英语试题 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,共7.5 分) 听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 例:What is the man going to rend? A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book 答案是A 1. What room does the man want? A. Sinple B. Double C. Twin 2. What will the man buy? A. Vegetables B. Meat C. Bread 3. What does the man plan to do? A. Go fishing B. Go jogging C. Go camping 4. How much is the change? A. $8 B. $ 42 C. $50 5. What’s the weather like this afternoon? 第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,共15 分) 听下面4 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6 至7 题。 6. When will the woman go to see the movie? A. Friday. B. Saturday C. Sunday 7. Where will the woman sit for the movie? A. In the front. B. In the middle C. At the back 听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。 8. When will the two speakers meet? A. On the 13th B. On the 14th C. On the 15th 9. What is the man doing? A. Persuading the woman to accept his suggestion. B. Making an apology to the woman. C. Inviting the woman to lunch. 听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。 10. Where are the two speakers? A. In the library. B. In the café. C. In the classroom

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