当前位置:文档之家› 40个有趣的英语字谜题目教程文件






1. what letter is an animal? 哪个字母是一个动物?

2. What letter stands for the ocean? 哪个字母代表海洋?

3. what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题?

4. what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛?

5. what letter is a vegetable? 哪个字母是一种蔬菜?

6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的?

7. what fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远都不会是单数?

8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢?

9. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里?

10. What never asks questions but has a lot of answers?


11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"?

12. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it. What is it?


13. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it? 一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么?

14. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel. What is it? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。

15. what will you break once you say it? 什么东西你说出来就打破了它?

16. why is the libray the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑?

17. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么?

18. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars?


19. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高?

20. What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty?


21. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?


22. What has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见?

23. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?


24. What can you catch but cannot throw? 什么东西你能抓住但是不能扔掉?

25. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?


26. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 什么东西有舌头但是却不会说话?

27. What has teeth but cannot eat? 什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?

28. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?


29. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?


30. What gets larger,the more you take away? 什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大?

31. What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?


32. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


33. What do you know about the kings of France? 你对法国君主有什么了解?

34. what tree is always very sad? 什么树总是很伤心?

35. what is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest?


36. When can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用用网得到水呢?

37. Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? 为什么在四月一日愚人节人们都很累?

38. What's the poorest bank in the world? 世界上最贫穷的银行是什么?

39. What is heavier in summer than in winter? 什么东西夏天比冬天重?

40. What can pierce one's ears without a hole? 什么东西能穿透一个人的耳朵而不留下一个洞?

41. What's too much for two and just right for one? 什么东西对两个人来说太多,一个人刚刚好?

42. What three letters turn a girl into a woman? 哪三个字母把一个女孩变成了妇女?

43. What has two legs but cann't walk? 什么东西有两条腿却不能走路?

44. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to most of animals? 什么东西读起来像是一个字母,写起来是三个字母,并且所有动物都有它呢?

45. What bird lifts heavy things? 什么鸟可以举起来很重的东西?

46. What always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西永远只升不降?


1. B(Bee)

2. C(sea)

3. Y(why)

4. I(eye)

5. P(pea)豌豆

6. pepper(胡椒粉) 谜语解析:hot也有辣的意思。

7. pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同。

8. neither 谜语解析: Neither. I use a pen! 都不用,我用笔!

9. snowman(雪人)

10. dictionary (字典)

11. Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗?)

12. book(书)

13. kangaroo(袋鼠)

14. car(汽车)

15. silence(沉默)

16. It has the most stories. (story有两层意思,一个是故事,一个是楼层。)

17. They're married on the same day.(他们都在同一天结婚。)

18. wrong(错)

19. dog(狗)

20. blackboard(黑板)

21. sixth,去掉后是six。

22. Mississippi (密西西比)谜语解析:有4个i,但是因为是地名,所以看不见。

23. e 谜语解析:看这四个单词的结尾就明白了。

24. cold(感冒)谜语解析:英文中感冒为catch a cold

25. mirror(镜子)

26. shoe鞋

27. corn玉米

28. your name(你的名字)

29. keyhole(锁眼)

30. hole(洞)

31. a bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages(将得到一只送信时会敲门的鸟)

32. in the dictionary(在字典里)

33. They are all dead. (他们都死了。)

34. weeping willow(垂柳)谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树。

35. shoe(鞋)

36. When water is turned into ice.(当水变成冰的时候。)

37. Because they have just had a long March.因为他们刚度过了一个很长的三月(行军).


38. bank(河岸)bank除了银行还有河岸的意思。

39. traffic to the beach(去海滩的车流)


40. noise(噪音),voice(声音)。

41. secret(秘密)


42. age(年龄)

43. compass(圆规)

44. eye(眼睛)

45. crane(鹤)


46. age(年龄)


1.Brief introduction of Bon Jovi Bon Jovi is an American band which has been famous for hard rock and heavy mental since 1980. They have 5 initial members, but Alec quitted in 1994. Next year they revealed a new album THESE DAYS, which I think is a turning point in their works’style. After that, their music tends to be mental, soft, something like folk. Their soul lead Jon is an optimistic person, which makes the band a fresh breeze in rock field. No painful anger, no complain, no insincerely cynical view, most of their songs have positive words and energetic tunes. Furthermore, they are also good at balancing the role as stars and the role as artist. They ranked ninth on the selection “the most influential top ten bands on the world” hold by scholars in wall streets and ranked second place on the selection “the best rock bands on the world” given by people around the world. 2.Be responsible to your choice, recognize limitation is not ashamed We all tunnel through space and time with behavior and mind consciously or unconsciously to shape life. We may get a panorama of our whole life in higher dimension, which is fixed by what we did, what we met and what we chose. Life is made up by a series of choices, some we regret, and some we’re proud of. Whatever the results are, we have to take the responsibilities following on the heels of choices, to change, to receive, to celebrate or to bear. Here I want to let you realize that bearing is not a coward’s feature, and no one should be shamed for he can bear or receive what he can’t change. On the contrary, they are brave and calm. They have the courage to live with disappointments even desperate situation. It’s wise to recognize individual’s power is limitation and people shouldn’t be cheated by slogan as “nothing is impossible”. Once you tried, whatever the results turned out to be, you have been an admirable person. 3.What are real harmful animations? At the beginning of April, more than 1000 Japanese animations were banned on internet because the SARFT(广电总局) thinks that there are some extreme scenes for children. Personally, I think that’s ridicule to define animations as something only for young children. Japan has completed systems of different kind animation works for audience. Japanese make it one of their most successful industries. But in China, we have no ranking system from relevant departments, and we regard Japanese animations are sick only because they contain bloody pictures, twisted mentality and radical ideas with a broad criteria. If we look at domestically produced cartoons like happy sheep and gray wolf, you can also find much stupid unreasonable violence which hide behind the crude work and fool plot. Artistic creation should reflect the complex of human. Banning is not a proper way to solve cultural issues. What Chinese cartoon really need are creation, thoughts,


谜语始于中国古代民间,在经历了数千年的演变和发展后所浓缩出的中华智慧。而英语则是世界上最被广泛使用的第二语言,并且如今在我国也是中小学生必须学习的一门课程。 那么,当两个结合一起衍生出的英语小谜语,又会有何不同之处呢?就让我们一起来看看吧! 1、What is wind? 【谜底:Air in a hurry】 2、What's a skeleton? 【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】 3、Which letter is a drink? 【谜底:T(tea)】 4、What table is in the field? 【谜底:vegetable】 5、Which letter is an animal? 【谜底:B(bee)】 6、What is an astronomer? 【谜底:A nigh watchman with a college education.】 7、Which letter is a question? 【谜底:Y(why)】 8、What always travels on foot? 【谜底:A shoe】

9、What has teeth but cannot eat? 【谜底:A comb】10、What kind of dog never bite? 【谜底:A hot dog】11、Where can milk be best stored? 【谜底:In a cow】12、Which letter is around an island? 【谜底:C(sea)】13、What is dark but made by light? 【谜底:A shadow】14、Which letter is a part of your face? 【谜底:I(eye)】15、What wears a cap but has no head? 【谜底:A bottle】16、How many letters are in the alphabet? 【谜底:eight】17、What is never used until it's broken? 【谜底:An egg】18、Which letter is a kind of vegetable? 【谜底:P(pea)】


40个有趣的英语字谜 题目

40个有趣的英语字谜题目 1. what letter is an animal? 哪个字母是一个动物? 2. What letter stands for the ocean? 哪个字母代表海洋? 3. what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题? 4. what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 5. what letter is a vegetable? 哪个字母是一种蔬菜? 6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 7. what fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢? 9. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 10. What never asks questions but has a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却有很多答案? 11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"? 12. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it. What is it? 你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 13. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it? 一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么? 14. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel. What is it? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 15. what will you break once you say it? 什么东西你说出来就打破了它? 16. why is the libray the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? 17. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么? 18. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars? 哪个单词即使是最好的学者来念都念错?


英语小谜语 1. What table is in the field? 再猜猜这一个: 2. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name? 若猜对了,请接着往下猜: 3. What is there in your house that ought to be looked into? 4. What is that which you have never seen, heard or felt, which never existed and still has a name? 5. What changes a pear into a pearl? 6. What question can never be answered by 'Y es'? 7. What ship has two mates but no captain? 8. What is the most difficult key to turn? 9. Where can you always find money? 10. What is the surest way to double your money? 11. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? 12. What is the smallest bridge in the world? 13. Wha(本文来自第一范文网https://www.doczj.com/doc/0b14800010.html,,转载请保留此标记。)t letter makes a road broad? 14. What letter sounds like a vegetable? 15. Why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world? 16. What match can't be put in a match-box? 17. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4? 18. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I? Key: 1.V egetable 2.silence 3.mirror 4.nothing 5.the letter “l”6. Are you asleep? 7.courtship 8.a donkey 9.In the dictionary 10. Fold it. 11.In the dictionary 12.the bridge of a nose 13.letter B 14.letter P 15.Because it is killed before it is cured (烧烤待处理) 16.Football match, basketball match, etc. 17.When they make 22. 18.A map


40个有趣的英语字谜游戏字谜题目 1. what letter is an animal? 哪个字母是一个动物? 2. What letter stands for the ocean? 哪个字母代表海洋? 3. what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题? 4. what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 5. what letter is a vegetable? 哪个字母是一种蔬菜? 6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 7. what fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢? 9. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 10. What never asks questions but has a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却有很多答案?11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"? 12. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it. What is it? 你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 13. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it? 一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么?14. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel. What is it? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 15. what will you break once you say it? 什么东西你说出来就打破了它? 16. why is the libray the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? 17. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么? 18. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars? 哪个单词即使是最好的学者来念都念错? 19. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高? 20. What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? 什么东西干净的时候是黑色的,脏的时候是白色的? 21. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩6个? 22. What has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见? 23. What's the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space; the beginning of end, and the end of every place?


(分类:#Oral English) 1. Now in the age of the Internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once was. Do you think people can learn as much on the Internet as they can by reading books? Which method do you prefer? 2. It's been said that technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten or damage the quality of life. Is this statement reasonable? What problems does technology bring us? Use specific examples in your answer, please. 3. Literature is a significant part of human culture and some say it can help form aesthetic taste. However, is it necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, and other types of imaginative literature? 4. Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it when it comes. So how do you define success and how would you make the best use of it? 5. Do you agree that the people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others And please give examples to illustrate your views. 6. Most people agree that buildings represent a valuable record of the past for any society, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground which modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, should modern development be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served? 7. It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. However, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free. Do you think university education should be more open-minded and free? And what aspect of your university life should be improved? 8. In today's technological society, we're becoming busier and busier. But the primary goal of technological advancement is to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time. How do you evaluate this situation? How can we improve it? 9. Strict laws are important for the security of our society, but there are many cases of injustice based on rigid laws. Should laws be fixed or flexible? Please explain your vies with examples.


英语公告演讲课程课堂活动 教师:蒙巧 Task 1 Mid-term test(group work: a speech contest) H om ew ork:T ask1 Group work: speech contest in the 8th week I.Choose one of the following five topics to deliver a speech. II.Discuss and decide on a speaker from your group to deliver the speech. III.Marks will be awarded by your classmates. IV.The standards for grading are: a)Audibility: you must be heard b)Pace: do not speak quickly c)Pause: let it sink in d)Pitch: variety adds interest e)Pronunciation: say the word correctly f)Enunciation: say the word clearly & completely g)Fluency lecture 423 Choose one from the following five topics ①9/11 Address to the Nation ②Retirement Speech ③Nobel Prize in Literature Acceptance Speech ④I Have a Dream ⑤Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games lecture 424


40个有趣的英语字谜游戏 字谜题目 如果您需要配套电子版文档,关注说文写作,私信发送数字333即可 1. what letter is an animal? 哪个字母是一个动物? 2. What letter stands for the ocean? 哪个字母代表海洋? 3. what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题? 4. what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 5. what letter is a vegetable? 哪个字母是一种蔬菜? 6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 7. what fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 8. With which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢? 9. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 10. What never asks questions but has a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却有很多答案?11. What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"? 12. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it. What is it? 你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 13. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么? 14. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel. What is it? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 15. what will you break once you say it? 什么东西你说出来就打破了它? 16. why is the libray the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最高的建筑? 17. What do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么? 18. What word is pronounced wrong,even by the best of scholars? 哪个单词即使是最好的学者来念都念错? 19. What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动物坐着比站着高? 20. What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? 什么东西干净的时候是黑色的,脏的时候是白色的? 21. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? 哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩6个? 22. What has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见?


1. what is the longest word in the world? key:smile. 谜语解析:因为两个S隔了一里(mile) 2. what letter is an animal? key --B(Bee) 哪个字母是一个动物答案:B 3. What letter stands for the ocean? key:C(sea) 哪个字母坐落在海边?答案:C(sea) 4. what letter is a question? key:Y 哪个字母是一个问题? 英语谜语答案:Y(why) 5. what letter is your eye? key:I 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 答案:I(eye) 6. what letter is a vegetable? key:P 哪个字母是一种蔬菜答案:P(pea)豌豆 7. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? key:pepper 什么东西即使放到冰箱中也是热的? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉) 谜语解析:hot也有辣的意思8. what fruit is never found singly? key:pear 什么水果永远都不会是单数? 答案:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同 9. With which hand do you write? key:neither,i use a pen! 你用哪只手写字呢? 谜语答案:都不用,我用笔 10. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? 谜语答案:snowman(雪人) 11. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? 谜语答案:dictionary (字典) 12. What question can you never answer "Y es" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是" 谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?)Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗) 13. Y ou have it.Y ou read it.There're some pictures in it? 你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么? 谜语答案:book(书) 14. A mouse has a large pocket.What is it? 一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么? 谜语答案:a kangaroo(袋鼠) 15. It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 谜语答案:a car(汽车) 16. What gets larger,the more you take away? 什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大? 谜语答案:Ahole.洞 17. What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening? 什么走路开始用四条腿,后来用两条腿,最后用三条腿? 谜语答案:People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age. 是人,他们刚生下来的时候用四肢爬行,后来用双腿走路,老年时又不得不依靠拐杖走。


1. Should parents set limits in internet access for their teenage children? Why? Internet is dangerous if a child has unlimited freedom to use it. Because teenagers are too weak to resist the great tempt. Various online games will cost their almost all-day time. And many kinds of online movies may teach them unhealthy content such as violence. Also, long-time exposure to computer will do great harm to teenager’s eyesight. A child addicted to Internet will neglect his study completely. However, the word limit does not mean forbidding. It can’t be denied that internet is a very useful tool for learning. In this information age, computer and internet is essential. Adequate access to internet will contribute to teenagers keeping pace with this world. Also, internet is a fine entertainment for students who have study longtime and get tired. So, I think parents should set limits on but not forbid access for their teenager children. 2. Should smoking be prohibited completely in all countries? Why? Well, it’s a quite complex question. Overall, in my opinion, I think smoking should n’t be completely prohibited in all countries. Let me explain my views. We all know clearly that smoking is very harmful to the smoker’s health. Longtime smoking can lead to lung cancer and other serious health problem. Also, smoking in public situation is awful. People around the smoker, especially the children, also suffer from the damage to their health. In spite of all these bad effects mentioned above, however, I still think smoking is indeed needed in our society. For example, when people get tired or anxious, a cigarette can help to release their body as well as spirit. Also, in some social intercourse, cigarette is a essential. In my eyes, I can’t imagine what people’s life will become if smoking is completely prohibited. There may be many benefits for individuals, but the social will suffer a lot. So, I think smoking should not be prohibited. It is individual’s effort to make smoking a useful thing. 3. Agree or disagree: There is nothing that young people could teach old people. In ancient times, young people should never teach old people. Old people know much more than young because they have undergone many things in their life. They lead us to the right way. Sometimes, it’s regarded impolite for young to teach old. But that does not mean young people really have nothing to teach old people, especially in this high-developed times. Young people usually learn things fast and learn more. They always have a smart head for new things. Therefore, young people can teach the olds how to use computer and cellphone, how to dance and so on. Also, I think old people can learn younger’s passion and energetic for life. That will be a good thing. 4. Should pets be allowed in university dormitories? In my opinion, by no means should pets be allowed in dormitories. To be honest, I’ve been thinking in my mind to have a pet in my dorm. Lovely pets will bring much joy to our daily life. But I eventually did n’t do that. Why? Because it is something selfish and irresponsible. Dormitory is a place where several people live together. To a certain degree, it is a public place. We can’t just comply with our own desire while ignore other roommates’ feeling. Having a pet in dorm can be troublesome or even annoying. It may make the room dirty and even in a mess. What’s worse, some people are allergic to certain animals. Also, people’s rest can’t be guaranteed. Some people may say that we could choose a mild and little pet such as fishes. In this case, if your roommates do n’t reject, I think it is acceptable.


英语动物谜语及答案大全 猜谜是我们从小玩到大的小游戏,可以活跃我们的头脑、提高我们的记忆力,下面是小编为大家收集整理的英语猜谜语及答案动物,欢迎阅读。英语动物谜语及答案:1.What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜?(Panda 熊猫) 2.a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn’t a cat? 眼睛尾巴像只猫,但又不是猫? (Tiger 老虎) 3.I look like a horse ,but my body is covered by black and white stripes. (斑马/zebra) 4.I can run very quickly. I have antlers(鹿角)on my head. (鹿/deer) 5.I look like a dog. But people and animals are all afraid of me, because I like eating them. (狼/wlof) 6.I am not a fish but look like a large fish and live in the sea.I am a warm-blood mammal.(热血哺乳运动)(海豚/dolphin) 7.I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk. (奶牛/cow) 8.I am known for my cleverness and cunning.(狡猾)(狐狸/fox)

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