当前位置:文档之家› 新托福听力话题分类(TPO真题1-19)





托福听力功能题及态度题 功能题 在新托福听力中, function功能题占大约15%的比重。那么考生要学会识别function 功能题并把握其解题技巧。 首先我们看看功能题的典型提问方式: What is the purpose of the lecture? What does the professor imply when she says this? Why does the professor say this? What can be inferred from the student’s response? 其次我们学习下功能题的解题技巧 解答这类题目,考生需要注意重听的某句话在重听的小层次中所起到的作用。单独看这句话,可能考生无法判定它的功能。那么放在语境中,考生才能更好地把握其功能。 而在托福听力中常见的功能的分类有解释,总结,建议,鼓励,强调,纠正错误等。此外考生可以根据这些常见的功能分类,分析可能出现的考点,利用听力过程中的笔记把握重点内容。在记笔记的过程中注意把握语气、语调的升降。这些都是功能题常出现的考点。有重点地把握这些能够更好地把握功能题,并提升功能题的正确率。 态度题 在P类问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)中,态度题所占的比重相对较少。但是不可忽视其重要性。下面我们来看看托福听力中态度题的一些情况。 态度题的典型提问方式: What is the professor’s opinion of …? What can be inferred about the student when he says this?


托福考试前很多考生通过TPO练习来提高自己的托福解答能力,目前TPO也已经更新到54了,今天上海学校托福小编给为大家分享TPO54听力原文及题目答案解析,方便大家做考前练习!托福暑期班已上线,报暑期优惠多多! 托福TPO听力54原文及题目:STORY THEATER_故事剧院 Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor of her theater class. Student:So, Professor Baker, about our next assignment you talked about in class. Professor:Yes, this time you'll be in groups of three, each of you will have a chance to direct the other two in a short scene from a play you've chosen yourself. Student:Right, and, well, I've been reading about story theater, and… Professor:Ah, story theater, tell me about what you've read. Student:Well, it's a form of theater where folk or fairy tales are acted out.It was…eh, introduced, by the director Paul Sills in the 1960s.In Sills's approach, an actor both narrates, and acts out a tale.So, like someone will appear on stage, and then will start narrating a tale, about…say a king, and then the same person will immediately switch to and start acting out the role of the king, with no props or scenery. Professor:Sills, you know I actually saw his first story theater production in 1968, he did the fairy tale ‘the blue light'. Student:Really, so whatever gave him the idea to produce that? Professor:Well, as you know, back in the late 1960s, lots of people in the United States were disillusioned with the government.Sills was grappling with how to produce theater that was relevant in such times.Then he happened to read


听力对于各位托福考生来说至关重要!托福TPO听力也是托儿必刷的。小编给托福考生们带来了TPO听力44文本,希望可以帮助广大托福考生轻松备考托福。 1. Why does the student go to see the professor? A. To get his opinion about why a project she recently completed had unexpected results. B. To discuss how a topic covered in class is similar to her group’s research topic. C. To ask him for suggestions to address a problem in her research. D. To discuss the professor's concern about her group's research project. 2. In response to the professor’s question, what does the woman say about Tom and Jane? A. They are working on an assignment for another class. B. They are already observing students for the research project. C. They are dealing with a technical issue at the library. D. They are making arrangements at the library for their research project. 3. What had the group of students planned to research? A. The effect of noise on the productivity of library employees. B. The effect of changing the amount of light in the library. C. The study habits of students in the library. D. The effect that being observed while studying has on students. 4. Why does the professor mention lighting? A. To explain why production costs gradually increased over the years at


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO20听力Conversation1文本+题目+答案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO20听力Conversation1文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a library employee. Student: Excuse me, I received a letter that I am supposed to return a book that I checked out back in September, it’s called Modern Social Problems. But I am writing my senior thesis, so I thought I was allowed to keep the book for the whole academic year. Librarian: So you signed up for extended borrowing privileges? Student: Yeah. Librarian: And we are still asking you to bring the book back? Student: Uh-huh. Do I really have to? Librarian: Well, let me check the computer. The title was ... Modern Social Problems? Student: Yeah. Librarian: Eh... Ok, yeah. It’s been recalled. You can keep it all year as long as no one else requests it, but someone else has, it looks like one of the professors in the sociology department. So you have to bring it back. You can check it out again when it is returned in a couple of weeks. Student: What if the person renews it? And I really need it right now. Librarian: All of it? Or is there a certain section or chapter you are working with? Student: Well, there’s one chapter in particular I am working with, but why? Librarian: Well, we normally don’t do this, but because of the circumstances we can photocopy up to one chapter for you. Why don’t you do that for the one you are working with right now? And by the time you need the rest of the book, maybe it’ll have been returned. Student: Oh, that would be great.



新托福听力经典加试完整版 第一篇:关于鸟的迁徙的论文写作 Conversation: Student having difficulties in writing term paper ?文章回顾 男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。) 女Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。) 男student: I want to write about early bird migration.( 要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。) 女Professor: “哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。”

男 student: 想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法 etc. 女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.) 不要只是做 summary or description. 我想要看到你的special analysis. 男 student: 但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong)这就是为什么我不想用资料。 女 Professor: 你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard). 你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究 (current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory. 男 student: 我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)


托福TPO36听力文本+题目+答案+MP3音频下载 上海新航道整理! 由于托福TPO听力36文本已经很长了,此文档不包含托福听力TPO36题目+答案, 托福TPO36MP3题目+答案+音频下载,请移步:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0112160128.html,/toefl/tpotingli/596362.html 托福TPO听力1-48文本查看及下载,请移步:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0112160128.html,/toefl/tpotingli/ 更多托福TPO查看,请点击:托福TPO写作大全托福TPO口语大全托福TPO阅读大全 Conversation 1 Listen to a conversation between a student and an admission officer at City College. Student: Hi, can I ask you a few questions about starting classes during your summer session? Q1 Admission officer: Sure, ask away. It starts next week, you know. Student: Yeah, and I wanted to get some required courses out of the way, so I can, maybe I can graduate one term earlier and get out into the job market sooner. Q2 Admission officer: That sounds like a good idea. Let me pull up the summer school database on my computer here. Student: Ok. Admission officer: OK, here it is. What?s your student ID number? Student: Oh, well, the thing is, I?m no t actually admitted here. I will be starting school upstate at Hooper University in the fall, but I?m down here for the summer staying with my grandparents, …cause I have a summer job near here. Admission officer: Oh, I see. Well. Student: So I?m out of lu ck? Admission officer: Well, you would be if you were starting anywhere but Hooper, but City College has a sort of special relationship with Hooper, a full exchange agreement. So our students can take classes at Hooper, and vice versa.Q5 So if you can show me proof, eh, your admissions letter from Hooper, then I can get you into our system here and give you an ID number. Student: Oh, cool. So, um, I wanna take a math course and a science course, preferably biology, and I was also hoping to get my English Composition Course out of the way, too. Admission officer: Well, all three of those courses are offered in the summer, but you?ve got to understand that summer courses are condensed. You need longer hours and the assignments are doubled up because it?s the s ame


Conversation 1 does the student go to see the professor A To request extra time to complete an assignment B To explain why she will miss the next class C To clarify the requirements of a class assignment D To discuss the results of a lab experiment does the professor imply about the student's extended field trip A He would like to know more about the fieldwork the student did. B He was unaware of the problems the student had on the trip. C He knew that there would be problems on the trip. D He has been in similar situations himself. fact from the radio interview with an ecologist surprised the student A Global warming may be less harmful to biodiversity than oil palm cultivation. B Global warming may have benefited some species of butterflies. C Oil palm cultivation has contributed greatly to global warming. D Oil palm tree populations have suffered as a result of global warming. advantages of the oil palm do the speakers mention Click on 3 answers. A It resists damage from imported insects. B It is an easy crop to grow. C It creates a habitat for rare animal species. D It is used in a wide range of products. E It has a positive impact on communities where it is grown. does the professor tell the student about the importation of cane toads to Australia A To remind the student of a topic she studied last semester B To provide an example of a concept he is describing C To explain the purpose of the lab assignment the student will work on


托福考试听力有几道题 托福听力考试由是两个部分组成的,每个托福听力部分是由一段对话和两个讲座组成,在每个部分的考试时间上每个部分需要听的录音大约是20分钟加上答题时间是10分钟,这样每个部分则需要30分钟的时间。如果遇到托福听力加试的话,听力加试中的一个部分也是由一段对话和两个讲座组成的,则也需要30分钟。所以托福听力在没有加试的情况下是60分钟,如果遇到托福听力加试,听力考试的时间延长至90分钟。 托福听力连录音+做题一起一共有60分钟时间,每部分听力题目播放时间各20分钟左右,剩余是答题时间各10分钟左右。其中托福听力section10分钟答题时间。一个section做题时间有没有限制呢? 如果有的话多少时间? 托福听力两个section答题十分钟,每道选择题不计时。在播放听力时不计时。一般会遇上听力加试,时间和前两个section一样。 每个section10分钟答题时间,也就是说十七道题十分钟作答完成。这个时间是卡死的。做不完就懵了。 听力10分钟答题,考生要注意把握好时间,在平时模拟练习的时候自己掐一下时间。否则上场会慌。如果大家没有注意时间,后来的题目都很容易答不完。 托福听力答题时,选择答案后,自己点确认,才会跳到下一个问题。读题的时间是够够的,通常都会剩余。 托福听力题目播放的时候屏幕上会显示总共的播放进程,让你知道自己听了多少,还要听多少,有点像播放器下面的长条条似的。屏幕上有时候还会显示新给的学术名词。每放完一组就会问题,准备好继续答了你可以趁机休息一下。这是网友的托福听力section问题的经验分享。 扩展阅读:托福听力5大出题规律 一、矛盾规律 从托福听力真题可以看出,对话板块一定是建立在矛盾上的。如果没有矛盾的存在,那么就不会有对话。具体一点,比如说:男生是校队的,每周上课时间要去比赛,但是又怕耽搁课程,所以就问女生怎么办。正因为又上课和比赛这对矛盾,所以才产生了对话.所以,在做对话题的时候,你要搞清楚矛盾是什么,这样对做题又很大的帮助。 二、性别规律 在托福听力题型中,女性永远是光明正确的,男性永远是窝囊倒霉的。男生总是生活在女生的细心关怀呵护下。所以,一旦在对话题中你遇到男女对话(其


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO15听力Conversation2文本+题目+答案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO15听力Conversation2文本 Narrator: Listen to part of a conversation between a student and her biology professor. Professor: Hi, Samantha, how did your track meet go? Student: Great! I placed first in one race and third in another. Professor: Congratulations, you must practice a lot. Student: Three times a week pre-season, but now that we are competing every weekend. We practice six days a week from 3:30 to 5. Professor: Athletics places a heavy demand on your time, don’t they? Student: Yeah, but I really love competing, so… Professor: You know, I played soccer in college and my biggest challenge, and I didn’t always succeed, was getting my studying in during soccer season. Are you having a similar? Student: No. I really do make time to study, and I actually study more for this class than I do for all my other classes. But I didn’t see the grade I expected on my mid-term exam which is why I came by. Professor: Well, you didn’t do badly on the exam but I agree it did not reflect your potential. I say this because your work on the lab project was exemplary. I was so impressed with the way you handled the microscope and the samples of onion cells and, well, how careful you observed and diagramed and interpreted each stage of cell division, and I don’t think you could have done that if you hadn’t understood the chapter. I mean, it seemed you really had a good understanding of it. Student: I thought so, too. But I missed some questions about cell division on the exam. Professor: So, what happened? Student: I just sort of blanked out, I guess. I had a hard time remembering details. It was so frustrating.


Conversation 1 1.Why does the student go to see the professor A To request extra time to complete an assignment B To explain why she will miss the next class C To clarify the requirements of a class assignment D To discuss the results of a lab experiment 2.What does the professor imply about the student's extended field trip A He would like to know more about the fieldwork the student did. B He was unaware of the problems the student had on the trip. C He knew that there would be problems on the trip. D He has been in similar situations himself. 3.What fact from the radio interview with an ecologist surprised the student A Global warming may be less harmful to biodiversity than oil palm cultivation. B Global warming may have benefited some species of butterflies. C Oil palm cultivation has contributed greatly to global warming. D Oil palm tree populations have suffered as a result of global warming. 4.What advantages of the oil palm do the speakers mention Click on 3 answers. A It resists damage from imported insects. B It is an easy crop to grow. C It creates a habitat for rare animal species. D It is used in a wide range of products. E It has a positive impact on communities where it is grown. 5.Why does the professor tell the student about the importation of cane toads to Australia A To remind the student of a topic she studied last semester B To provide an example of a concept he is describing C To explain the purpose of the lab assignment the student will work on


新托福听力经典加试完整版 第一篇:关于鸟的迁徙的论文写作 Conversation: Student having difficulties in writing term paper 文章回顾 男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。) 女Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。) 男student: I want to write about early bird migration.( 要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。) 女Professor: “哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。” 男 student: 想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法 etc. 女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.) 不要只是做 summary or description. 我想要看到你的special analysis. 男 student: 但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong)这就是为什么我不想用资料。 女 Professor: 你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard). 你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究 (current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory. 男 student: 我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent) 女 Professor: That shows your thinking. (对,这样就是我们需要的思考能力) 男 student: 我想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟。I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter. 女 Professor: 如果我是你,我就不会在一份15页的论文中写这么多。(If I were you , I would not….. The paper is 15 pages…)不过,想法挺不错。建议你以后每周(in a week)都来找我,看一下他写论文的新的方向(new direction)进行得如何。 题目 问题一:Why does the student go to see the professor? 答案: C(3)he cannot find enough material in writing his paper. 问题二:How does the professor help the student?


得听力者得天下,托福听力对于考生来说至关重要!如何攻克托福听力,除了要多听,托福TPO听力也是托儿必刷的真题.今天,小编为托福考生们带来了托福TPO49听力,希望可以帮助广大托福考生轻松备考托福。 Conversation1 1.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A.The student’s difficulties locating sources for a research project B.The topic of the student’s research project C.The student’s request to visit a particular part of the library D.Procedures for requesting different editions of a book 答案:C 解析:学生的第一句话“I need to get into special collections,in particular the british literature”,通过I need to表明意图是来看图书馆中关于英国文学的书籍。而之后的全文都在讨论学生没有教授的授权,是否能借阅这些书。所以答案选C。 2.Why is the student unable to use later editions or reproductions of a book he mentions? A.The later editions contain errors. B.Professor Gray specified the use of a particular edition. C.The later editions must be requested from another library. D.Reproductions typically omit the specific material he needs. 答案:D 解析:通过工作人员的题问和学生的回答,我们能定位到这道题。考点即是师生之间的问答,而回答我们要重点记。学生说他的project需要用到文献当中的注释,而这些注释并未在复制品中体现,都被clean up了(clean up相当于D选项中的omit忽视)。所以答案选D。 3.Why is the student reluctant to contact Professor Gray?

托福听力考试主要有哪些题型 川外培训

托福听力考试主要有哪些题型 考生备考托福听力考试,首先要从托福听力的考试内容以及题型下手,那么,托福听力考试主要有哪些题型? 听力题型 所谓最大的技巧就是“反命题”,知己知彼,才能百战不殆。想要在听力部分取得高分,不仅是在刚开始接触IBT听力时,乃至当临考的冲刺阶段在做官方样题时,也一定要将ETS的出题思路和考核要点贯彻始终。 1、主旨题 一个段子的主旨往往出现在文章引言和开头处,而重复的最多往往一定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,一定要首先把握文章最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项中过于细节的往往是错误选项; 2、功能/目的题 该题型类似于主旨题,对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能去理解细节,做推断。 3、细节题 主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大

家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly,thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。 4、态度/ 推断 对话中的态度题要注意通过语气、语调、重读来推测;而由于演讲中的内容相对学术和客观,所以演讲中的态度题要注意通过形容词和副词的褒贬色彩来确定说话者的主观意图。 推断题把握一条原则:正确选项往往不是文章中的直接表述,可能通过同意互换的方式来设置陷阱,迷惑考生。 5、组织结构题/ 分类信息题 6、内容连接题/ 排序题 最后的五六两种题型都是考察考生对于全文结构的一个综合把握,是对考生能力的最高要求,但是它同样也是基于对文章主旨把握的基础之上的。要做好这两种题型,大家在最后一周一定要强化熟练自己记笔记的能力。 不是笔记越全越好,因为没有那么多时间,而且也容易遗漏新的信息;当然也不要走极端不记笔记,因为4~6分钟的课堂演讲绝对超过了人脑的瞬时记忆负荷。关于笔记大家把握三个原则:一、在确定主旨的前提下关注信号词后面的重点词(前面细节题已做介绍);二、但凡分类信息题笔记中注意记录按什么分类,以及每一类的特征;三、排序题的笔记注意表明步骤和逻辑顺序信号词后的内容。


托福TPO46听力题目+答案+MP3音频下载 上海新航道整理!下载托福TPO听力46MP3音频下载,请移步:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0112160128.html,/toefl/tpotingli/596519.html 托福听力TPO1-48大全:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0112160128.html,/toefl/tpotingli/ 更多托福TPO查看,请点击:托福TPO写作大全托福TPO口语大全托福TPO阅读大全 托福TPO46听力题目 Conversation 1 1. Why does the student go to see the woman? A To ask about events that the music house sponsors B To find out which of the common interest houses have rooms available C To find out if it would be possible for him to live in the music house D To check on the status of his application to move into the music house 2. According to the woman, why might some people not want to live in the music house? A is rarely quiet. B is not conveniently located. C All of the residents are required to participate in house activities. D All of the residents must be enrolled in a music class. 3. What does the woman imply when she mentions the jazz festival? A It was free for residents of the music house. B It was held at the music house. C Music house residents were encouraged to perform at it. D Music house residents were involved in organizing it. 4. Why does the woman mention the acceptance rate of applicants for the music house? A To the student that his application might not be approved

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