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al relations


1. news reports

2. anti-piracy mission

3. speeches


1. to train students to recognize key words and phrases in listening

2. to develop students’ ability to identify significant information in listening

3. to train students to summarize the materials through listening

teaching methods:

students’ listening; group discussion; teacher’s instruction


90 minutes


a. warming up


n. soldier who engages in irregular warfare (usually a member of a loosely organized band of soldiers which utilizes hit-and-run methods to fight the enemy)

deplete---- reduce greatly the quantity, size, power or value of (sth) 大量削减(某物)的数量﹑能力或价值; 消耗: our stock of food is greatly depleted. 我们的食物储备已消耗殆尽. * this expense has depleted our funds. 这笔花费已使我们的资金所剩无几. * a lake depleted of fish, ie with many of the fish gone 几乎


uranium ----- chemical element, a heavy grey radioactive metal used as a source of nuclear energy 铀.

disquiet: anxiety

the strength of the dollar is causing considerable disquiet on the stock exchange. 美元表现坚挺在证券交易所中引起很大的不安. ammunition: supply of bullets, bombs, etc. fired from weapons 弹药

kosovo科索沃---- 塞尔维亚共和国(serbia)东南部的一个自治省,南部与阿尔巴尼亚(albania)和马其顿(macedonia)毗邻。

serbia 和macedonia属前南斯拉夫联邦成员共和国(yugoslavia),后宣布独立,位于欧洲

kuwait state of kuwait, monarchy in northeastern arabia on the northwestern coast of the persian gulf

listening. listen to some news and fill in the missing words or phrases.

after-listening. ask individual students to give the answers. check the answers.

1. defense secretary , a radical change

2. mothers,gathered,gun control laws

3. fighting,forces,guerrillas

4. a bombhitmilitary observers

5. allayhealth risks


key words:

collision: instance of colliding; crashing

commitment: obligation, promise; act of committing

if you to do something, you promise that you will do it. (formal) we made a commitment to keep working together.

they made a commitment to peace.

eradicate: put an end to; destroy sth. completely根除, 消灭

(某事物); 结束(某事物): smallpox has almost been eradicated. 天花几乎已消灭. * attempts to eradicate crime 力图


shrug off: dismiss something as being unimportant denunciation: act of denouncing谴责; 斥责: her fierce denunciation(s) of her enemies 她对仇敌的强烈谴责.

regime: method or system of government

pluck: pluck sth. off/out: gather or remove sth. by pulling

pluck up courage to do sth: make an effort to be brave鼓起勇气: i shall have to pluck up courage and speak to her about it.

我得鼓起勇气跟她谈这件事. * he cant pluck up the courage to leave home. 他鼓不起离开家的勇气.

elite: social group considered to be the best精英; 尖子: the ruling, scientific elite 掌权的﹑科学方面的精英 * [attrib 作定语]

an elite force, regiment 精锐部队﹑团.

upsurge: - in sth.: sudden increase in sth.; upsurge of sth.: sudden rush, esp. of feeling (a) ~ (in sth) sudden increase in sth; rise 急剧增长; 上升: an upsurge in sales, costs, investments 销售额﹑费用﹑投资额的猛增. (b) ~ (of sth) sudden rush, esp of feeling 激发; (尤指感情的)突发: an upsurge of anger, enthusiasm, violence 愤怒﹑热情﹑暴力行为的爆发

breach: break or neglect (of a law, an agreement, a duty, etc)

违犯, 违反(法规﹑协议﹑职责等): a breach of loyalty, trust, protocol, etc 不忠﹑背信﹑背约等 * a breach of confidence, ie giving away a secret 泄密 * sue sb for breach of contract 控告某人违反合同 * a breach of security, ie failure to protect official secrets 破坏安全的行为(泄露政府机密).

regulators: person or thing that manages, person or thing that controls; mechanical device that adjusts or controls according to specific regulations

crack down: take severe measures

listening. listen to some brief news items. focus attention on the “wh-“ question in each news item and try to give the answer.

1. what?

to make commitments to eradicate poverty, promote democracy and education, and reverse the spread of aids.

2. which?

burma, cambodia, and laos.phnom penh----- cambodia; vientiane---- laos

3. what?

a us nuclear submarine tore through a japanese fishing vessel, sinking it within minutes.

how many?


4. what?

gun battles between israeli troops and palestinian gunmen have been raging overnight.

5. what?

some nuclear facilities have breached many health and safety laws.

more than half of the nuclear plants failed some basic tests, such as checking radiation measurements.

listen to the items again and focus on more details.

according to item1, how many world leaders attended the summit?

item3: coast guard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the rough seas.


a. news reports

haggle: argue (esp about the price, etc when agreeing upon

the terms of a sale or other transaction) 争论; (尤指)讨价还价: its not worth haggling over a few pence. 为几便士争论不休实在


maneuver: move which involves skill and dexterity; strategy (also maneuver) 策略,谋略,花招

ballot: piece of paper used in secret voting无记名投票

we should put it to a ballot. 我们应该对此进行无记名投票.

contention: contending; competition争夺; 竞争

lobby (v): -sb. for sth.: try to persuade sb. to support or oppose proposed legislation (n): entrance hall or ante-room allot: give…a share of what is available分配

the united nations security council (unsc) is one of the principal organs of the united nations and is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. its powers, outlined in the , include the establishment of operations, the establishment of , and the authorization of . its powers are exercised through ,with its current permanent home in the united nations building in new york city.

there are 15 members of the security council, consisting of 5 veto-wielding permanent members (china, france, russia,

united kingdom, and united states) and 10 elected non-permanent members with two-year terms.

the five permanent members (also known as the p5 or big 5) were drawn from the victorious powers of world war ii,also the only countries recognized as nuclear-weapon states (nws) under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty

non-permanent members

ten other members are elected by the for two-year terms starting on 1 january, with five replaced each year. the members are chosen by and confirmed by the united nations general assembly. the chooses 3 members; the , and blocs choose 2 members each; and the bloc chooses one member.

also, one of these members is an country, alternately from the asian or african bloc

listening. listen to a news report. try to summarize it and fill in some statements. ask students about the main idea after the first listening.

listen again for more details.

summary: statements:

1. 2. 3.


norway western europe and others (2)



=txt>1. oxford / commitment / academic record 2. oldest/ largest / reputation / research / science

3. first / australia / 150 years / excels

4. excellence / 17.000 / location

5. largest / 1883 / situated / 26,000

6. 1636 / eollment / 18,500/ schools

7. awards / degrees / 20,000 8. located / 135 / third


1. 2,700 languages / 7,000 dialects / regional / pronunciation

2. official / language

3. one billion / 20 percent

4. four hundred million / first / 600 million / second / foreign

5. 500,000 words / eighty percent / other

6. eighty percent / computers

7. african country / same

8. 1,000 / africa

9. spaceship / 1977 / 55 / message / the united states

c1 – (a) 2 – ( c) 3 – ( d) 4 – (b )

all right, class. today we’re going to be looking at different language learning styles. you may be surprised to find that there are different ways of going about learning languages, none of which is necessarily better than the others. researchers have identified four basic learner ―

types‖ – the communicative learner, the analytical learner, the authority-oriented learner and the concrete learner. communicative learners like to learn by watching and listening to native speakers. at home, they like to learn by watching tv

and videos. they like to learn new words by hearing them. in class, they like to learn by having conversations. now, concrete learners like to lean by playing games, by looking at pictures and videos in class, talking in pairs, and by listening

to cassettes at home and school. now, authority-oriented learners, on the other hand, like the teacher to explain everything. they like to write everything down in their notebook, and they like to have a textbook. they like to learn new words by seeing them. and finally, we have analytical learners. these learners like to learn by studying grammar. at home, they like

to learn by studying english books, and they like to study by themselves. they like to find their own mistakes. now, of course, it’s unusual for a person to be exclusively one ―type‖ rather than another. most of us are mixtures of styles. what type of learner do you think you are?

part iia3

gcse examinations students / higher education

student/ second year / high school / collegegeneral exam / school certificate

sitting univer sity entrance examinationbachelor’s degree: 3/ 4 years

master’s degree: another year or two doctorate: a further 3-7 years

well, in britain, from the ages of five to about eleven you start off at a primary school, and then from eleven to sixteen you go on to a secondary school or a comprehensive school and at sixteen you take gcse examinations. after this, some children take vocational courses or even start work. others stay on at school for another two years to take a levels. and at the age of eighteen, after a levels, they might finish their education or go on to a course of higher education at a college or university, and that’s usually for three years.

well, it depends on what state you’re in but most kids in the united states start school at about six when they go to elementary school and that goes from the first grade up to the sixth grade. some

kids go to a kindergarten the year before that. then they go on to junior high school, that’s about eleven, and that’s the seventh, eighth and ninth grades. and then they go on to

senior high school around age fourteen starting in the tenth

grade and finishing in the twelfth grade usually. some students will le ave school at sixteen and they’ll start work, but most of them stay on to graduate from high school at age eighteen. in the first year at high school or college students are

called ―freshmen‖, in the second they’re

called ―sophomores‖, in the third year we call them ―juniors‖ and in the fourth year they’re called ―seniors‖. now a lot of high school graduates then go to college or university and they do a four-year first degree course. some of them might go to junior college which is a two-year course.

education in canada is a provincial responsibility, but schools are administered by local school boards.

kindergarten is for children who are four or five years old. children begin formal full-day schooling in grade 1, when they are about six years old. they must stay in school at least until they are sixteen. however, most students continue to finish high school. some go to college or university. each year of schooling represents one grade. (the school year extends from the beginning of september to the end of june.) elementary school includes kindergarten to about grade 8. secondary school (or high school) may start in grade 8, 9, or 10 and it usually continues until grade 12.

in canada, students may go to university or to a community college. if they want to learn skills for specific job, they attend college for one or four years to get a diploma or certificate. for example, lab technicians, child-care workers, and hotel managers go to college. universities offer degree programs as well as training professions, such as law, medicine, and teaching.

universities offer three main levels of degrees. students earn a bachelor’s degree after three or four years of study. a master’s degree can take another year or two. a doctorate may take a further three to seven years to complete.

b1idioms / vocabulary / french / spelling / pronunciation

b21. f2. t 3. f

i – interviewer p – professor

i: and now we have an interview with professor j. t. lingo, professor of linguistics at chimo university, who is here to talk to us about the growing business of teaching english. good morning, professor lingo.

p: good morning.

i: i understand that teaching english is becoming ―big business‖ all around the world.

p: it seems that language schools are springing up everywhere.

i: why is that?

p: with the move toward a global economy, english has become the most widely used language in the world. it is the language of business, aviation, science and international affairs and people find that they must learn english to compete in those fields.

i: and do people find english an easy language to learn?

p: well, every language has something about it that other people find difficult to learn. english is such a hodgepodge of different languages –it’s essentially germanic but a lot of its vocabulary comes from french, and technical words stem from latin and greek. this feature makes english fairly adaptable –which is a good thing for a world language – but it causes irregularity in spelling and pronunciation.

i: english spelling baffles me, too.

p: english also has the largest vocabulary. often there are words for the same thing, one is anglo-saxon and one from the french –like ―buy‖ which is anglo-saxon and ―purchase‖ which is from the french. the french word often has more prestige.

i: anglo-saxon?

p: that’s the word for old english. the norman conquest in 1066 brought the french language to britain and helped english evolve into the english it is today.

i: is there anything else particularly difficult about english?

p: well, the idioms in informal english pose a problem for some students.

i: informal english?

p: as with any language, there are different varieties: slang, colloquial. formal, written, as well as the different dialects –british, american and canadian english.

i: and how is canadian english different from american and british?

p: canadian english is closer to american in pronunciation and idiom. some of our words and our spellings do reflect british

usage, however. we wouldn’t use the british term ―lorry‖ for truck, but we have kept the ―o-u-r‖ spellings in words such

as ―honour‖ and ―colour‖.

i: this has been very interesting. i’m afraid we’re out of time. it has been a pleasure talking to you.

part iii university life a1 i. age / foreign student populationii.

15 hrs (+2 or 3 for lab) / discussion group: 15-20 / much

smaller / informal, friendly / 2-3 hrs: 1 hr

today i’d like to give you some idea about how life at an american university or college might be different from the way it is in your country. to be sure, the student body on a u. s. campus is a pretty diverse group of people. first of all, you will find students of all ages. although most students start college at around the age of 18, you will see students in their 30s and 40s and even occasionally in their 60s and 70s. students on a u.s. campus come from a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. many students work at least part-time, some of them work full-time. many students live in dormitories on campus, some have their own apartments usually with other students, and others live at home. some colleges and universities have a very diverse student population with many racial and ethnic minorities. some schools have a fairly large foreign student population. so you can see that one meets all kinds of people on a u.s. college or university campus. now that you have some general idea of differences in the student population, i’d like to talk a few minutes about what i think an average student is and then discuss with you what a typical class might be like.

let’s begin my talking about an average student entering his or her freshman year. of course, such a person never really exists, but still it’s convenient to talk about an ―average‖ student for our

purposes. foreign students are often surprised at how poorly prepared american students are when they enter a university. actually, at very select schools the students are usually very well prepared, but at less selective schools, they may not be as well prepared as students in your country are. schools in the states simply admit a lot more students than is usual in most other countries. also, most young american university

students have not traveled in other countries and are not very

well-versed in international matters and do not know a lot about people from other countries. foreign students usually find them friendly but not very well-informed about their countries or cultures.

what kind of academic experiences will this so-

called ―average‖ student have? the average undergraduate student takes five classes a semester and is in class for 15 hours a week. if her or she takes a class that has a laboratory, this will require tow or three more hours. many introductory undergraduate classes are given in large lectures of 100 or more students. however, many of these classes will have small discussion groups of 15 to 20 students that meet once a week. in these smaller groups, a teaching assistant will lead a discussion to help classify points in the lectures. other kinds of classes – for example, language classes – will be much smaller so that students can practice language. in general, american professors are informal and friendly with their students, and, as much as possible, they expect and invite participation in the form of discussion. a large amount of reading and other work is often assigned to be done outside class, and students are expected to take full responsibility for completing these assignments and asking questions in class about those areas they don’t understand. as a rule of thumb, students spend two to three hours preparing for each hour they spend in class. american professors often encourage their students to visit them during office hours, especially if the students are having problems in the class.

a2 ii. examinations / quizzes

iii. graduate school / seminars / some area of interest / a research paper

let’s move on now to discuss student obligat ions in a typical american class. these obligations are usually set down in the course syllabus. a syllabus is generally handed out to students on the first or second class meeting. a good syllabus will give students a course outline that mentions all the topics to be covered in class. it will also contain all the assignments and the dates they should be completed by. an average university course of one semester might have three examinations or two examinations and a paper. the dates of the examinations and what the examinations will cover should be on the syllabus. if

a paper id required, the date it is due should also be in the syllabus. the professor may also decide that he or she will be giving quizzes during the semester, either announced or unannounced. for students coming from a system where there is one examination in each subject at the end of the year, all this testing can be a little surprising at first. by the by, maybe this would be a good place for me to mention the issue of attendance. another real difference in our system is out attendance policies. perhaps you come from a system where attendance is optional. generally speaking, american professors expect regular attendance and may even grade you down if you are absent a lot. all this information should be on your syllabus, along with the professor’s office number and office hours.

i have only a couple of hours left, and i’d like to use them to talk about how graduate school is somewhat different from undergraduate school. of course, it’s much more difficult to enter graduate school, and most students are highly qualified and high motivated. students in graduate school are expected to do much more independent work than those in undergraduate schools, with

regularly scheduled exams, etc. some classes will be conducted as seminars. in a seminar class, there may be no exams, but students are expected to read rather widely on topics and be prepared for thorough discussion of them in class. another possibility in graduate classes is that in addition to readings done by all students, each student may also be expected to work independently in some area of interest and later make a presentation that summarizes what her or she has learned. usually each student then goes on to write a paper on what he or she has researched to turn in to the professor for a grade.

i hope that today’s lecture has given you some idea about student life on an american campus and that you have noticed some difference between our system and yours.

b2 to make mistakes / every new thing / the language/ working outside the classroom passive / the teach / stick his neck out / more likely to be right than himself

how would you describe a good student or a bad student, sort of things they do or don’t do in the classroom?

he’s eager to experiment with every new thing that he learns, whether it be a structure of a function or a new word, he immediately starts trying to use it.

he’s interested in the mistakes he makes, he’s not afraid to make them.

he’s not simply interested in havin g it corrected and moving on?

he plays with language.

i’ve done this chapter i know this, without trying to experiment at all, without really testing himself.

he’s usually passive, he won’t speak up much in the classroom. he’ll rarely ask you why this … just sort of accepts what you give him and doesn’t do anything more with it.

… and in a test he’s the one person who’s likely to suddenly realize that he wasn’t too sure about that after all.

and peep over at his neighbor’s paper.

an alternative learning strategy.

he invariably decides that the other person is more likely to be right than himself. that’s the result of this sort of unwillingness to make mistakes and stick his neck out.

that characterizes the good or bad learner?

he’ll do more off his own bat as well, he won’t rely entirely on the teacher.

he’ll work outside the classroom as well as in it.

students who make most progress are first of all those who experiment and secondly those who read books.

part iv university campus a

2. the history department

3. the psychology department

4. the library

5. the education department

6. the philosophy department

7. the geography department

8. the sports ground 9. the foreign languages department10. the chinese department

11. the physics department12. the mathematics department13. the chemistry department

14. the clinic15. the auditorium 16. the administration building look at the map. at the bottom of the page, fine the gate (1). now locate 16. it is between the river and the lake, close to the main road. the building behind the administration is 15. where is 4? it’s on the right-hand side of the main road, close to the

river. across the main road from the library, the building by the river is 5. the first building on the left-hand side of the main road is

7. 6 is between the education and the geography. the building at the end of the main road is 12.

【篇三:step_by_step_3000_英语听力入门_词汇】rstand fatigue foxhole distracted abuse

“lose-lose” solutions attest excel reside in configuration spouse

social backgrounds race ethnic religion

pre-industrial propose criterion

physical appearance fall in love sustain


“just-right” wife physical qualities athletic

sports qualities vow

upper portion designer clothing baseball diamond fancy-dress party frizzly yearbook platonic hit it off chap trip over unit 2

constellation taurus









capricorn 摩羯座 pisces 双鱼座 aquarius 水瓶座 leo cancer 巨蟹座 aries 白羊座 gemini 双子座 sagittarius 射手座 centaur 半人马座 scorpio 天蝎座 libra 天秤座 personality survey aggressive jealous

raise the roof 喧闹,大声抱怨 a lost wallet smart

identification self-esteem observation active

express ideas

relations with other people investigate harsh 粗糙的,刺耳的democratic 民主的 depression drugs

psycho-therapy 心理(精神)疗法public education moderate tether 限度,范围 suppress 压制 manifest 显示 surly 脾气还好的cleanse 净化,纯净 vent 排出 ebb away 褪去 dump 垃圾场;倾倒uptight 紧张的,易怒的 punch 用拳猛击 unit 3


shed light onto be blessed with positive critically interact encourage involvement development cooperation performance staff

enhancement regardless of consensus bond integrity kenya master’s degree slum

prospectus leaflet discard stinking breadwinner overdose visa initially tenacity

resourcefulness bring up children overcome difficulty headmistress self-publicist pop arthritis handicap

subordinate position broom aim high concentration thrust upon threshold janitor











salutary foreman prime scatter be apt to tumble speculate indorse surplus expenditure revenue ultimate give a shot genuinely considerate delegate minion

unconditional tarnish

quality time unit 4 experience applicants

bachelor’s degree resume qualified position candidate administration dynamic mobile turnover in excess of audit

hottest jobs tissue culture genetic defect gene therapy molecule








livestock 牲畜 therapeutic 治疗的 laden 充满的 modify 修改fiddle 干涉,改变 handyman 做零活的人 daunt 沮丧 video cassette recorder vcr bear in mind

partially 部分地,偏袒地 aptitude 智能 weigh 权衡 a fund of 许多haphazard 偶然的;偶然事件 unit5

internal-combustion engine 内燃机 digital versatile disc dvd holographic 全息 toaster 面包机 diagnostics 诊断学 ambient 周边的 hijack 劫持;敲诈

bicycle motocross racer 两轮摩托车越野赛


champion trophy 奖品 donated

special olympics

handicapped youngsters feat 技艺 awesome 敬畏的 hardware 器皿 set around 无所事事 crippled 拐脚的 gesture

college student business experience real business world responsibility tuition 学费,讲授 ladder payroll 工资单 contract a list of questions give thought to 给予考虑 have a clear knowledge of success and prospects

immediate advantages 眼前的利益 long-term prospects 长期的前景 job preferences 对工作的喜爱 future happiness and contentment draw up 起草 barometer atmospheric pressure polaroid pendulum diesel fuel oil dynamite kaleidoscope harpsichord gunsmith blacksmith calendar puppet paper clip patent adhesive primer cellular phone commission authorize subscribe subscriber credit with wringer disposable diaper zipper immigrant galosh accident-prone strip merit band-aid norwegian founder theory mould 大气压计大气压力宝丽来钟摆柴油燃油炸药万花筒竖琴造枪者铁匠木偶,傀儡纸夹粘性涂料手机委员会授权 v.签署订户,签署者把。。。记入贷方绞拧机一次性尿布移民长靴橡胶套鞋事故易发的绳子优点挪威人建立者模具

astronomer 天文学家 condemn 谴责 withdraw 撤回 anatomical 解剖学的 vessel 静脉 artery 动脉 vein 血管 influential 有影响力的calculus 微积分 gravitation 重力 principle 原则,原理philosophy 哲学 unity

the roman catholic church 罗马天主教 origin 起源 species by means of 以。。。的方式 organism 生物体 evolution 进化reproduce 繁殖 microorganism 微生物 pasteurization 巴氏消毒germ 细菌 resistance 抗体 vaccination 种痘 vaccine 牛痘 device 装置 psychiatry 精神病学 sexual 性的 dispute 争论 mass 大量atomic energy 原子能

unit 6 stand raise stretch swing touch bend sideways rhythm dash hurdle javelin jamaica morocco bulgaria ethiopia cuba

soviet union czech republic happy face

men’s 110-meter hurdles world record countryman sprint lausanne adventurer

round-the-world journey human power circumnavigate globe moksha transport route

do sth under one’s steam greenwich meridian line custom-designed pedal-powered boat epic kayak

in-line skate limb amputate spy charity 站抬起伸展摇摆触摸弯腰向侧面的节奏冲撞阻碍标枪牙买加摩洛哥保加利亚埃塞俄比亚古巴前苏联捷克共和国笑脸




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