当前位置:文档之家› 英语翻译练习题20篇含解析





1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.这本新发行的杂志不仅会影响青少年对时尚的看法,还会开启健康饮食的新潮流。(Not only)


1.The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective.

2.For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own.

4.Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet.




1.考查非谓语动词和prove的用法。The method 与recommend之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,prove用作连系动词,prove(to be)+adj表示“(被)证明是……的”,语境表明事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故翻译为:The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective


For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.考查感叹句和条件状语从句。根据句意可知本句用how+adj+it is形式的感叹句,同时用if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,be involved in表示“参与”,故翻译为:How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own.

4.考查倒装。not only…but also表示“不但……而且”,注意not only 和 but also后面都有主谓结构时,如果not only位于第一分句主语之前,则该分句要部分倒装;后一个分句,即but also后面不用倒装,故翻译为:Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet.

2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



2.他将代表全班同学在新年晚会上向老师们表示真诚的感谢。(on behalf of)


3.我们付出的每一次努力未必都能成功,但是但凡值得我们做的事情都值得做好。(worth) ________________________________


一个怎样的人。(as well as)



1. He was about to turn off / shut down the computer when the / his cell / mobile phone rang. 2. On behalf of the whole class / all his classmates, he will express / show / extend sincere gratitude / thanks to the teachers at the New Year / Year’s Party.

3. Every effort that we make can / may not be successful, but whatever is worth our / us doing is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is not necessarily successful. … / Every effort that we put in is not always going to / does not always work, …

4. The book (that / which) a person is reading at present as well as his daily words and deeds / actions clearly indicates / shows / suggests what kind of person he is.


1.本题考查固定句式,be about to do sth.---when---“正要做某事,这时候”,结合所给汉语

可知用一般过去时,故答案为He was about to turn off / shut down the computer when the / his cell / mobile phone rang.

2.固定词组:on behalf of“代表---”,结合所给汉语可知主句用将来时,答案为On behalf of the whole class / all his classmates, he will express / show / extend sincere gratitude / thanks to the teachers at the New Year / Year’s Party.

3.句中使用whatever引导的主语从句和be worth doing sth.结构,结合所给汉语可知effort

后要用that引导的定语从句,故答案为Every effort that we make can / may not be successful, but whatever is worth our / us doing is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is

not necessarily successful. … / Every eff ort that we put in is not always going to / does not always work, …

4.句中使用定语从句和as well as“和---一样”结构,句子主语是as well as之前的内容,谓

语与主语一致。再结合所给汉语可知book后加定语从句,答案为The book (that / which) a person is reading at present as well as his daily words and deeds / actions clearly indicates / shows / suggests what kind of person he is.

3.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.










1. People may get overwhelmed in the face of sudden dangers, which is quite natural. / One may get at a loss when facing a sudden danger, which is quite natural.

2. How on earth can a person accomplish such a great project? / How on earth can one accomplish such a grand project?

3. Not until that moment had he ever talked about his new book with that chief editor. Not until this had he ever discussed his new book with the chief editor.

4. The situation is constantly changing. To adapt your thinking to new situations, you have to learn. / Situations are changing continually, so we must study to adapt our thinking to new situations.




1.本题的难点在于用which引导非限定性定语从句,还要注意at a loss或get overwhelmed表示“不知所措”。

2.本题的难点在于on earth表示“究竟”,用such+a+形容词+名词表示“一个如此……的东西”。

3.本题的难点在于Not until位于句首,要用部分倒装。

4.本题的难点在于用不定式作目的状语,而且还要注意ad apt…to…表示“使……适应……”。

4.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




99.那天傍晚我一走出校门就遇到了一个多年不见的小学同班同学。(No sooner)



1.Where are you planning to celebrate the New Year’s Eve this year?

97.Roads in Shanghai always get/become more crowded /hold up more traffic than usual on rainy days.

98.It was a foreigner that/who saved the man trying/who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide without considering his own safety.

99.No sooner had I left the school that early evening than I met with/bumped into/came

across/encountered a classmate of mine in primary school (whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/yea rs. 100.Whoever wants to be successful should first understand the principle that success comes from hard effort/work and persistence/perseverance


1.本题提示词为plan,除夕翻译为“New Year’s Eve”。

97.本题考查比较级,“比平时”翻译为“than usual”.

98.本题考查强调句、定语从句和非谓语的翻译。首先强调句结构“it is(was)…that/who” ;那个轻生的男子,需要处理为定语从句,翻译为“the man who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide”; 不顾“without considering”.

99.倒装句和定语从句的翻译。一…就“No sooner had sb.done sth.than sb.did sth.”; 多年不见的小学同学可以处理成定语从句,翻译为“(whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/years.”;100.本题考查主语从句和同位语的翻译,句子结构比较复杂。首先“无论谁想要成功”用主语从句“Whoever wants to be successful”。其次,“这个道理“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”这半句话涉及使用同位语从句。理清关系后,本句也并没有想象中那么复杂。

5.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.





1.Hardly had he handed in the test paper when he realized that he had forgotten to write his name on it.

2.This hospital is equipped with modern facilities and is accessible by underground.

3.In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest information and thus falling behind others. / In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid that they will not be kept updated with the latest information and thus fall behind.

4.Holding /With the belief that his efforts will pay off can’t be in vain/ won’t be wasted will be rewarded/no effort will turn out to be a waste, he achieved success in the end and after going through ups and downs.


1.考查倒装句。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):hand in“提交”,realize“意识到”,要使用hardly…when…句型,主句使用过去完成时,从句使用一般过去时,hardly位于句首时,主句使用部分倒装结构。故译为:Hardly had he handed in the test paper when he realized that he had forgotten to write his name on it.

2.考查accessible的用法。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):be equipped with modem facilities“装备了现代化的设施”,accessible“易接近的;可进入的”,此处描述的是客

观事实,应使用一般现在时。故译为:This hospital is equipped with modem facilities and is accessible by underground.

3.考查afraid的用法。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):such a rapidly changing society“这样一个快速变化的社会”,be afraid of/that“担心,害怕”,be able to

do“能够做某事”,get the latest information“得到最新资讯”,fall behind“落后”,此处描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故译为:In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest information and thus falling behind others. /In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid that they will not be kept updated with the latest information and thus fall behind.

4.考查belief的用法。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):hold/with the

belief“坚持信念”,pay off/ can’t be in vain/ won’t be wasted/ will be rewarded/no effort will turn out to be a waste“不会白费”, achieve success“取得了成功”,go through ups and downs“经历了起起伏伏”。此处描述的“信念”是客观真理,应使一般现在时或将来时,“取得成功”属于过去,应使用一般过去时。故译为:Holding /With the belief that his efforts will pay off/ can’t be in vain/ won’t be wasted/ will be rewarded/no effort will turn out to be a waste, he achieved success in the end and after going through ups and downs.

6.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.这家主题乐园受到消费者的质疑是因为它的某些规则存在“双标”的可能性。(likely) 2.令当今年轻一代感到心力交瘁的不仅是繁重的工作和生活压力,还有突如其来的二胎。(exhaust)




1.The reason why the theme park has been questioned by consumers is that there is likely to be a possibility of "double-labeling" in its some rules.

2.Not only the burden of work and life, but also the sudden second child is what makes the today's younger generation feel exhausted.

3.Moderate diet, less stay up late, more physical fitness can effectively improve the middle-aged declining health.

4.After the college entrance examination, many teachers and parents take great pains to instruct students which universities to apply for, but the students respond them with their stubbornness.




1.考查固定短语和固定句式。固定句式the reason why…is that…“……的原因是……”;固定短

语be likely to do“很可能”。结合句意可知主句为一般现在时,从句为现在完成时。故翻译为The reason why the theme park has been questioned by consumers is that there is likely to be a possibility of "double-labeling" in its some rules.。

2.考查固定短语和主谓一致。固定短语not only…but also…“不仅……而且……”;短语make sb.+形容词表示“让某人感觉……”,此处修饰人表示“令人精疲力竭的”应用-ed结尾形容词exhausted。结合句意应用一般现在时。主语为the sudden second child,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故翻译为Not only the burden of work and life, but also the sudden second child is what makes the today's younger generation feel exhausted.。

3.考查固定短语。固定短语moderate diet“适度饮食”;declining health“日益下降的身体状况”。故翻译为Moderate diet, less stay up late, more physical fitness can effectively improve the middle-aged declining health.。

4.考查固定短语。固定短语the college entrance examination “高考”;take great pains to do sth.“煞费苦心做某事”;apply for “申请”;respond sb. with “用……回应某人”。结合句意描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语均为复数名词,谓语动词用原形。故翻译为After the college entrance examination, many teachers and parents take great pains to instruct students which universities to apply for, but the students respond them with their stubbornness.。

7.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






1.Have you achieved the efforts you made to realize your little annual goal?

2.We act from love and expect nothing in return.

3.Not everyone is aware of the employment pressure of college graduates.

4.It is said that hot springs have curative effects, so they have become a tourist bathing place where people flock.


1.考查时态。根据提示,本句为现在完成时;“努力”effort,“年度小目标”little annual goal,“实现”realize,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句译为:Have you achieved the efforts you made to realize your little annual goal?

2.考查短语。根据提示,本句为一般现在时;“行动出于爱”act from love, “回报”in return,“期待”expect,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句译为:We act from love and expect nothing in return.

3.考查短语。根据提示,本句为一般现在时;“并非人人”not everyone(是三单),“知道”be aware of , “就业压力”pressure of employment,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句译为:

Not everyone is aware of the employment pressure of college graduates.

4.考查固定句型和定语从句。根据提示,本句为一般现在时;“据说”it is said that…,“温泉”hot spring,“有效”have effects,“蜂拥而至”flock,“旅游洗浴的地方”做先行词,从句中缺少地点状语用where引导定语从句,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句译为:It is said that hot springs have curative effects, so they have become a tourist bathing place where people flock.

8.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.



3.由某些如软塑料或金属等材料制成的容器,不适合用微波炉加热食物,这是常识。(It) 4.不管我们多么强烈地不认同他人观点,尊重其表达的权利和宽容他们的想法是学校应该鼓励和提倡的价值观。(no matter)


1.The new road sign seemed/seems to be preventing/stop possible car accidents (from happening)

2.The grand sight of the 70 anniversary military parade will be forever impressed on my mind. 3.It is common sense that containers made of/from certain materials, such as soft plastic or metal, are not appropriate for heating up food in the microwave.

4.No matter how strongly we (may) disagree with others’ viewpoints,respect for their right to express themselves and tolerance for/of their ideas are the values schools should encourage and promote.




1.考查固定句式。seem to do表示“似乎、好像”,并没有明显的时间状语,既可用一般现在时,也可用一般过去时,注意主语为new road sign,使用一般现在时时谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故翻译为:The new road sign seemed/seems to be preventing/stop possible car accidents (from happening)

2.考查impress的用法。be impressed on one's mind表示“铭记于心/脑海”,语境表明用一般将来时,故翻译为:The grand sight of the 70 anniversary military parade will be forever impressed on my mind.

3.考查形式主语和同位语从句。be made of/from表示“由……制成”,根据提示词可知本句用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的同位语从句,解释说明common sense的内容,从

句成分完整,用that仅起连接作用,无实义,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is common sense that containers made of/from certain materials, such as soft plastic or metal, are not appropriate for heating up food in the microwave.

4.考查让步状语从句和非谓语动词。根据句意可知本句使用No matter how引导让步状语从句,表示“不管怎样、无论如何”,disagree with表示“不认同”,respect for表示“尊重”,

right后用不定式作后置定语,表示“……的权利”,故翻译为:No matter how strongly we (may) disagree with others’ viewpoints,respect for their right to express themselves and tolerance for/of their ideas are the values schools should encourage and promote.


1.这些保存完好的历史建筑让游客们流连忘返。 (reluctant)

2.教师对学生所产生的影响对于学生的未来发展来说可能意味着成与败的区别。 (impact) 3.中国政治和经济实力的提升如此之快,学中文的外国人越来越多。 (So)



1.The well-preserved historical buildings make the tourists reluctant to leave.

2.The impact that the teachers have on future development of students may mean the difference between success and failure.

3.So fast has China's political and economic strength risen that an increasing number foreigners begin to learn Chinese.

4.Good love is that you see the whole world through one person, while bad love is that you abandon the world for one person.




1.考查“make+宾语+宾补”结构。be reluctant to表示“不愿……”,根据句意可知本句使用“make+宾语+宾补”结构,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,故翻译为:The well-preserved historical buildings make the tourists reluctant to leave.

2.考查定语从句。have impact on表示“对……有影响”,difference between A and B表示“A 和B间的不同”,根据句意可知本句使用定语从句,关系代词指代先行词impact并在从句中作have的宾语,陈述的是客观事实用一般现在时,故翻译为:The impact that the teachers have on future development of students may mean the difference between success and failure.

3.考查so…that引出的倒装。在so…that…结构中,当so+副词位于句首时,要采用部分倒装,故翻译为:So fast has China's political and economic strength risen that an increasing number foreigners begin to learn Chinese.

4.考查表语从句和while的用法。根据句意可知本句使用while表示两种情况的对比,同时使用表语从句,从句成分完整,用that仅起连接作用,无实义,故翻译为:Good love is that you see the whole world through one person, while bad love is that you abandon the world for one person.


1.我突然想起我忘记通知他们考试的时间地点了。 (occur)

2.任何能够采用新方法解决这道技术难题的人,都值得受到奖赏。 (approach)

3.我们不该等到感恩节才向那些关心和爱护我们的人表示感激,这是我们每天生活中应该做的事。 (until)

4.随着技术的发展以及电脑的普及,网络课程在多大程度上能取代传统教学方法还需拭目以待。 (extent)


1.It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to remind them of the time and place for the exam. 2.Anyone who can adopt new approaches to solving the technical problem deserves to be rewarded.

3.We shouldn’t show our gratitude to those who care about and love us until the Thanksgiving Day, which we should do in everyday life.

4.With the development of techniques and the popularity of computers. it remains to be seen to what extent the online classes can replace the traditional teaching ways.




1.考查固定句式和固定短语。固定句式It suddenly occurred to sb. that…“某人突然想起……”;固定短语forget to do sth.“忘记做某事”;remind sb. of sth.“提醒某人某事”。结合句意应用一般过去时,故翻译为It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to remind them of the time and place for the exam.。

2.考查定语从句和固定短语。本句为定语从句修饰先行词anyone,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故关系代词用who。固定短语adopt new approaches“采用新方法”;solve problem“解决问题”。且主句应用一般现在时,主语为anyone,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故翻译为Anyone who can adopt new approaches to solving the technical problem deserves to be rewarded.。

3.考查定语从句和固定短语。本句为定语从句修饰先行词those,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故关系代词用who。固定短语not…until…“直到……才……”;show gratitude“表达感激”;care about“关心”。且应用非限定性定语从句修饰上文整个句子,关系代词用which。故翻译为We shouldn’t show our gratitude to those who care about and love us until the Thanksgiving Day, which we should do in everyday life.。

4.考查固定短语和固定句式。本句为with的复合结构,表示“随着……”,固定句式it remains to be seen to…“……拭目以待”,且结合句意应用一般现在时,故翻译为With the development of techniques and the popularity of computers, it remains to be seen to what extent the online classes can replace the traditional teaching ways.。


高考英语翻译技巧与能力训练 高考英语中的翻译(中译英)题要求考生能应用所学过的语法和词汇来准确地表达思想,是一种要求相当高的考查形式。要求考生把中文的句子译成通顺的、语法结构正确的、符合英语表达习惯的英语句子,并能准确地传达中文句子中的每一个信息。该题型全面地考查学生英语词汇、语法等知识的综合运用能力,它对学生的动词时态、语态、名词的单复数、冠词、形容词、副词、介词等应用能力,还对学生的词组、句型、句子结构等进行了全面考查。翻译不仅在高考英语主观题中占不小的比例,而且翻译能力还直接影响考生在作文中的表现。 高考评分标准: 1.每题中单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误每两处扣一分;2.语法错误(包括时态错误)每处扣一分;3.译文没用所给的单词扣一分。 如何才能提高中译英水准,在高考中获得理想的分数呢?考生除了必须具备比较扎实的语言基础外,关键还在于学会总结规律,找准中译英的切入点。 一、分析句子结构、寻找合适的句型 中文必须仔细读,一定要看的就是题目给我们的关键字或关键的词组,也就是我们常说的key words。尤其是最后两句翻译句子,它们大都在句子结构上提高了难度。读什么?读出句子结构:对于简单句,辨别出主谓宾,分清定语、同位语和状语;对于并列句,记住两个语法意义上独立的分句,须由连词连接起来;对于复合句,须区分定语从句,名词性从句以及状语从句。一般来说,中译英的句型可分为三大类:1.简单句;2.并列句;3.复合句;同时我们也要注意非谓语动词及其他一些特殊结构。回顾近几年的高考试题时,也不难发现试题中考了一些特殊句式。如:It句型(近几年考得较为频繁)、倒装句、with结构。 例1: 昨天我的电脑坏了。(wrong) 解析:本题考查:1)简单句There be结构;2)wrong的用法;3)中英文表达的差异。 译句:There was something wrong with my computer yesterday. 例2: 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是互相帮助。(not…but) 解析:本题考查:1)复合句:when引导的状语从句;what引导的主语从句;2)not…but结构;3)“彼此埋怨”的英文翻译。 译句:When(we are)in difficulty/When we meet with difficulties/When we have difficulties ,what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other. 例3:我们能做什么来阻止这种疾病蔓延呢?(prevent) 分析:如果有学生没有读全中文原句的话,就很有可能看成是以前所做的“我们要做些什么来阻止这种疾病的蔓延”,而译为We should do something to prevent the spread of this disease.因为这个原因而造成扣分,就太不应该了。 译句:What can we do to prevent the spread of this disease? 例4:他很有可能通过自己的努力得到驾驶执照。(likely) 译句:He is likely to get the driving license with his own efforts. 分析:有些学生一看到有可能,就会想到自己比较熟悉的possible,想当然地翻译成It is possible that…的结构。其实,学生对likely这个key word的使用也是会的,完全能够使用be likely to do或It’s likely th at…的结构。 例5:上海近几年经历了许多变化,如今已成为世界闻名的经济中心。(go through) 分析:乍一看,学生很容易轻易下笔,Shanghai has gone through…,it has become…,这已成为很多学生的一个习惯,句子和句子中随便用逗号隔开,英语不像中文,必须要考虑到句子的结构,逗号也不能随意使用。而此句中,就要想到用并列句中的连接词and来连接两个成分。


2017考研英语翻译重难点解析:反译法 一个问题有时可以从不同的角度来解释说明。有些句子英语是从正面说的,汉语可以从反面来解释。 1)否定译成肯定。 Eg: I never passed the theatre but I thought of his last performance.每一次经过那家剧院,我都会想起他的最后一次演出。 Eg: Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.美国公民科盲日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。(双重否定) 2)肯定译成否定。 Eg: Everyone has the right to be free from hunger.人人有不挨饿的权利。 Eg: This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗、投入少数农民就可能获得高产的美国耕种方式继续下去了。 Eg: The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.把标准化测试作为抨击目标是错误的,因为在抨击这类测试时,批评者不考虑其弊病来自人们对测试不甚了解或使用不当。 定语从句翻译法 1)合译法:把定语从句放在被修饰的词语之前,从而将英语复合句翻译成汉语单句。 Eg: Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive U.S. aid.国会公布了关于接受美国援助的105个国家的****情况调查报告。 2)分译法:根据定语从句的不同情况,我们可以将其翻译成并列分句、其它从句或独立句等。 Eg: Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.任何人如果停止吸取新知识,就肯定会落后。(译为条件状语从句) The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships which require assistance of tugboats.罢工会使远洋航船不能靠岸,因为他们需要拖船的帮助。(译成原因状语从句) A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open-cut coalmine.一位地质勘探工程师对光谱进行了分析之后,发现了新的露天煤矿。(译为时间状语结构) The delivery of public services has tended to be an area where we decorate an obsolete process with technology.公共服务的提供方式已趋陈旧,这正是我们必须采用技术加以装备的领域。(译为并列分句)

成人本科学位英语 英汉互译练习及解析

1.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 2. 在建立个人网站前,先问问自己,为什么想要一网站,想要达到的目标是什么。 Before you build a personal site, ask yourself why you want one, and what you want to accomplish. 3. 在造访一个提供网站空间服务的网站时,你会看到种类繁多的方案可供选择,哪一种价位可以给你多少网络空间及多大的传输流量。 When you visit the site of a Web host,you’ll see a wide variety of plans-so much space and so much network traffic for so much money. 4. 典型的网站包括图像、文字及图片,比较精心制作的网站还有动画、影像、声音和其他额外的内容。 Web site typically contain graphics, texts and pictures, while more elaborate ones include animation,video, audio and other extras. 5. 关于网站设计,有许多是很吸引人的,也有许多则令人泄气。 There are many things about Web sites that are appealing and many that are just plain frustrating. 6. Pizza came to the U. S. with Italian immigrants; the first U. S. pizzeria opened in 1905, and pizza became one of the nation’s favourite foods after World War Ⅱ。 It is now popular worldwide. (英译汉)比萨随着意大利移民引进美国;1905年第一家美国比萨店开业了,第二次世界大战后比萨成为全美国最喜爱的食物之一。现在比萨畅销全世界。 1.这架班机正点起飞吧? Is the plane on schedule? 2.准备好机票与登机牌。 Let’s get our tickets and boarding pass ready. 3.如果有退票的,请通知我。 Please notify me if there is any cancellation. 4.请于起飞前一小进到达机场。 Please be at the airport at least one hour before departure? You’ll be late if you don’t arrive in one hour before leaving. 5.我需要提前多少天付款订票? How long in advance of the flight must I pay to confirm the booking? 6. Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。(英译汉) 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽地盘旋然后不见。 1.只要走一下就到了吗? Is it within walking distance? 2.我儿子骑在我肩上看游行。 My son rode pickaback on me to watch the parade. 3.其实我一点都不喜欢我现在的工作。 The fact of the matter is I’m not enjoying my new job at all. 4.他有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。 He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals. 5.如果我今早没忘了把油箱加满,我们不会没油的。 If I hadn’t forgotten to fill up the tank this morning,we wouldn’t be out of gas. there any charter flights?(英译汉) 有包机航班吗? 1、A:有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?


1 你什么时候要货呢?When do you want the goods? 2 货送到哪里去?Where shall we deliver the goods? 3 有没有送货地点的名片?Do you have card of delivery address. 4 你拿多点数量可以便宜点。We can lower the price, if you take more. 5 这个很便宜了,我都算批发价价格给你了。This is cheap, it is whole sale price. 6 先生(女士),等一下,我看最低能多少钱给你。 Wait a minute, Sir/ Madam, 7 这种款式没货了,这种质量和那种是一样的,价格也一样。 This style is out of stock. This one and that one are the same quality, same price. 8 还需要点别的什么东西吗?Do you want any others? 9 要好点的还是便宜的?Want goods products or cheap one? 10 你要多少米的?How long do you want? 11 算了,给你了。下次多点来关顾。OK, hope you can come again next time. 12 等一下,他去仓库拿货给你看。 Wait a minute. He is going to the warehouse to take the goods. 13 保修一年one year warranty 14 一年内是质量问题可以拿回来换。 If there is quality problem, take it back, we replace it. 15 我怎么联系你呢?How can I contact with you? 16 这个数量太少了。能不能订多点呢? Your order is too small, can you order more? 17 我有便宜点的。I have cheaper one. 18 这个一扎是50米。50 meters, a bundle 19 你要多大的?小一点的就便宜点。 What size do you want? The smaller, the cheaper. 20 拿这种就便宜点,一样大小的,牌子不同。 This one is cheaper, the same size, different brand. 21 这种款式要多少个?How many do you want of this style? 22 等一下,我上二楼拿给你。Wait a minute. I am going upstairs to take it. 23 不行,这个价格我们要亏本的。Sorry, for this price, we will lose money. 24 你还要多点吗?Do you want some more? 25 我们的仓库不远,很快就到了。Our warehouse is not far, we will arrive soon. 26 这么慢,来了没有?再不来我就走了。----很快就来了,再等三分钟。 We have been staying here for a long time. When will he come? If no, we will go. Wait more 3 minutes. 1 请问要多少卷?How many rolls do you want? 2 你的货是自己带走,还是要送? You want us to deliver goods or take by yourself? 3 是货到付款,还是现在支付? Cash on delivery (COD), or on-site payment 4 如果要送货,运费由你出。 You should pay for the cost of delivery if you want. 5 你想要买什么电器?What electronic equipment do you want to buy? 6 这个款式很畅销。This style sells very well.


1 Dogs People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep. Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family. guard 看守,看护sheepdog 牧羊犬flock 群aid 帮助 disabled 残疾人century 世纪guide dog 导盲犬dial 拨majority 大多数 狗 人们总是说狗是人类最好的朋友.几千年来,除了看家外,人类还教会了狗去做许多其他的事,例如,牧羊犬就因其可以控制数百只羊的羊群而出名. 狗用来帮助残疾人已有好几个世纪了.导盲犬可以为盲主人引路.现在,人们还教狗为残疾主人打 开电灯、开冰箱和拨电话.然而,对于大多数人来说,狗只是家里老人和孩子们的宠物和朋友. 2 Detective Work A bank robber stole a lot of money. He was caught and sent to prison, but the money was never found. When he came out of prison, they watched him to see what he would do. Here is the detective, reporting to the inspector. Yes, sir, I found Johnny . I followed him all around the town, but frankly, I couldn't make anything out of what he bought. Here's the list. shirt , heavy crowbar, box of chocolates , shovel, heavy hammer, bunch of flowers .The inspector said, Good. That helps me a lot. Do you remember how we watched him helping his neighbor, old Mrs. Judson to cover her backyard with cement? detective 侦探的侦探robber 强盗,盗贼prison 监狱 inspector 检察官frankly 坦白地,真诚地crowbar 铁撬,撬棒 shovel 铲,铁铲hammer 铁锤,锤子backyard 后院cement 水泥 侦探工作 一个盗贼从银行偷了很多钱.他被抓住送到监狱,但是钱没找到. 我发现了,先生,是的“侦探正向检察官报告:,这不.看他会做什么,他被监视,当他从监狱出来时.强尼?阿米塔基,我跟着他转遍了全镇,但坦白说,我不能从他买的东西中推断出什么.这里是清单.”衬衫、大铁撬、一盒巧克力铁铲、大铁锤、一束花. 检察官说:“好,这对我很有帮助.你还记得我们看到他是怎么帮他的邻居,贾德森老太太用水泥铺院子的吗?” 3 What is Time? (Nursery Rhyme) Time is grain for peasants. Time is wealth for workers.


论文:浅析英语翻译能力提升的障碍和策略摘要:翻译能力是英语综合能力的重要组成部分,也是英语专业学生必需具备的基本能力。要全面提升英语翻译能力,需要了解英汉两种文化的差异性,具备深厚的语言功底,掌握熟练的翻译技巧。 关键字:英语翻译能力;提升;障碍;策略 中西文化差异是影响英语翻译能力提升的重要因素,除了文化因素外,英语翻译能力的提升还受到其他因素的影响,本文将进一步的展开叙述影响英语翻译能力提升的障碍及其相应的策略。 一、影响英语翻译能力提升的障碍 1.中西文化的差异性容易造成英语翻译误会 英语翻译就是汉语和英语相互转换的过程,这个过程不仅仅是一种语言现象,也体现了跨文化现象。具体来说,中西方的文化差异体现在文化传统、生活习惯、价值观念和思维方式等方面,而这些层面的差异性往往会造成人们对同一事物有着不同的理解和解释,因此不同文化的差异性容易造成英语翻译的误会。比如,生活中最常见的信封的写法,在中国,习惯的书写顺序是国名,省、市、县、街道,最后才是收信人姓名。而在西方国家信封的书写顺序恰好相反。因此在学习英语知识的同时,需要更加注意对英语文化知识的了解和掌握。

2.语言基础知识掌握不扎实,影响了翻译的准确性 英语翻译就是英汉两种语言之间的相互转换,在转换的过程中主要涉及两个方面,首先翻译者要正确地领悟原文的意思,其次要通过译文将原文确切的表达出来,达到“信达雅”的标准。因此翻译者需要牢固地掌握英汉两种语言。但是由于多方面的因素,翻译者的语言基础知识掌握不扎实,很多翻译者的词汇量太少,经常背了忘,而又不重视巩固复习,或者死记硬背不会灵活运用,此外,语法掌握也不扎实,对一些基本的句型模棱两可,不能正确理解更不会运用。 二、提升英语翻译能力的具体策略 1.通过词汇、语法和阅读,了解中西文化之间的差异性 在英语的学习中,提高英语翻译能力,不仅要加强英语语言知识的学习,还要注重对英语文化知识的了解。具体来说,可以通过词汇、语法以及阅读等的学习获取英语文化知识。 首先,通过词汇的学习了解中西文化知识。词汇是英语语言的基本元素,掌握词汇的过程中,仅仅注重词汇正确的拼写和准确的发音是远远不够的,更主要的是学会如何恰当的运用词汇和组织词汇。因此,在背诵英语词汇意思的基础之上还需要进一步了解词汇产生的文化背景知识,尤其是了解习语、谚语和成语这一类词语的文化内涵、感情色彩以及


学习好资料欢迎下载 英语四级翻译难点及解题技巧 一、四级核心词组: 例如have difficulty/trouble (in) doing something(做某事有困难)已经考过三次,需要注意的是,in可以省略,后面要使用动词的动名词形式。 1)2006年6月87题:Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble (找到去历史博物馆的路). 解析:答案为(in) finding the way to the Museum of History,“历史博物馆”最好译为“the Museum of History”,专有名词注意大小写。 2)2009年6月87题:Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had (很难跟上班里的同学)in math and English. 解析:答案为difficulty in catching up with his classmates,此题也考察了catch up with(跟上)这一四级核心词组。

Because of noise outside, Nancy had great 题:87月6年3)2010 学习好资料欢迎下载 difficulty (集中注意力在实验上). 解析:答案为(in) focusing/concentrating on her experiment,此题亦考察focus/concentrate on(集中注意力)这一四级核心词组。 二、倒装句:考过三次,需要注意的前半句与后半句时态应前后呼应。 1)大纲样题88题:Not only (他向我收费过高), but he didn't do a good repair jo b either. 解析:答案为did he charge me too much/overcharge me,本句后半句使用了一般过去时,前半句也应使用一般过去时,not only放在句首引导倒装句。“收费过多”可译为overcharge me或charge me too much.。 2)2008年6月91题:(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. 解析:答案为Not until he had accomplished his mission,此题


中考英语翻译-英汉互译(含解析) (后附详细答案) (绝对精品试题,提高实战能力,值得下载打印背诵) 一、翻译 1.翻译下列句子 (1)Daniel needs to________ (改变他的生活方式)now. (2)Do they need to buy ________ (两千克胡萝卜)? (3)The hair clip________ (和我的粉色外套搭配). I'll take it. (4)I want to buy some presents________ (和Amy的不同). (5)She always walks a long way to school, so she________ (最需要一双鞋). (6)They visit houses and ________ (和里面的人玩游戏). (7)________ (欣赏满月)is not much fun for children. (8)The jeans look quite nice. May I________ (试穿一下)? (9)Some dogs just don’t know ________(怎样取乐). (10)Apple juice ________ (尝起来好). 2.我明白了,你是—名老师。 ________ ________ .You are a teacher. 3.根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 (1)昨天哈利上学迟到了。 Harry ________ school yesterday. (be) (2)王先生因病住院了,他的女儿正在照顾他。 Mr. Wang is ill in hospital and now his daughter ________ him. (take) (3)很多废弃物能变成像纸一样的材料。 Many waste things ________ a paper-like material. (turn)


英语小短文带翻译100字20篇 1.A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and happy day. 今天天气晴朗比较热。我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很快乐。 2.给笔友的一封信 Dear Lucy I am very glad to hear from you. Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Lei. I am eleven years old. I am tall with a pair of glasses. Now I am studying at Yuying Primary School. I am in Class One,Grade 5. I like singing and playing the piano very much. I am good at English and Chinese. 很高兴收到你的来信。现在让我介绍我自己。我叫李雷。11岁。我高个子、带眼镜。我在育英小学。我在五年级一班。我非常喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴。我数学和语文学得都很好。 3。暑假打算 I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day . I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework. 我暑假会很忙。我每天要写作业。我打算去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。我要做运动,如:打乒乓球、游泳等。我要去看爷爷奶奶并在那住一周。我要帮父母做家务。 4.自我介绍 Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity. 大家好我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长英语和数学。我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游。我也喜欢打乒乓球。我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员。最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边。白色是我的最爱。因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征。 5.A nice Sunday It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada. Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing


浅议英语翻译能力的培养 高等学校很注重培养英语专业学生的翻译能力。要具备一定的翻译能力,学生必须具有深厚的语言功底?p广博的文化知识?p熟练的翻译技巧?p正确的翻译观念和严谨的翻译态度。因此,要培养和提高英语专业学生的翻译能力,教师应该从以下几个方面入手。 一?p掌握好汉语和英语的基础知识 翻译是一个语言转换的过程。从根本上讲,这个过程要解决两个问题:一是如何深刻地理解原文;二是如何用译文确切地表达原文的意思。因此,译者要较好地掌握英语和汉语两种语言,具备较强的语言理解能力和表达能力,这是做好翻译的前提条件。 从语言学角度讲,英语和汉语之间最大的区别莫过于形合和意合的区别。英语是重形合的语言,即英语中词语或句子间的连接主要依靠连接词来完成。汉语是重意合的语言,即汉语中词语或句子间的连接主要依靠语义或句子之间的逻辑关系来完成。例如“他今天没来,母亲住院了”(Hedidnotcometodaybecausehis mother was hospitalized),在这个例子中,汉语原文在表达因果关系时,没有使用任何表示因果关系的词汇,但是读者一看就能理解。然而,在翻译成英语的时候,必须加上连接词because,否则就会出现语法错误。二?p积累广博的文化知识 翻译材料涉及面极广,学生要具备渊博的知识。具体来说,文学性的翻译需要学生具备广博的文化知识,科技翻译需要学生具备相关的专业知识。另外,学生还要掌握大量的习语和俚语,这样在翻译时才不会被句子的字面意义所迷惑。如“I decidedto sit at his feet”这句话的字面意思是“我决定坐在他的脚上”,但实际上,“sit at his feet”是一个习语,表示“拜他为师”。 三?p培养严谨的翻译态度 英语和汉语的句子结构复杂,词汇意义也复杂多变,在翻译中出现错误是难以避免的,但是教师应该让学生尽量避免错误,避免粗枝大叶,望文生义。此外,学生在翻译时还应多关注细节,如单词的拼写?p标点符号?p小词等。例如,“中国政府”应该翻译成Chinese government还是the Chinese government这


The road to Hell is paved with good intention好心办坏事 The spirit is willing, but the fresh is weak. 心有余而力不足 A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力老大徒伤悲. 爱莫能助be disobliging 活该to have it/that coming to sb. 遇到克星meet one’s waster Cats hide their claws. 知人而不知心 Grasp all. Lose all. 贪多必失 Two’s company,but three’s a crowed. 两人成伴,三人不欢背黑锅The whipping boy./ to carry the can 逼得走投无路to bring/ drive sb. to bay. 进退维谷to be caught between the Devil and deep blue sea. 出格step out of line No way is impossible to courage. 勇者无惧 The more wit, the less courage. 初生牛犊不怕虎 Nothing ventured nothing gained. 不入虎穴焉得虎子 认为…不在话下think nothing of doing sth. 采取主动take the initiative in doing sth. 激流勇进advance through the rapids.

Don’t hate the hand that fee ds you. 不要忘恩负义 Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不被人怜 To turn over a new leaf. 改过自新 吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸sour grapes 恨铁不成钢regret that one’s offspring does not live up to one’s expectations wish iron could turn into steel at once. 红颜易逝beauty fades likes a flower Care killed the cat. 忧愁伤身 To leave(sb) for behind/ in the dust 望尘莫及 Feast or famine 大起大落 To scratch one’s head/ rack one’s brain 冥思苦想 The fool wonders, the wise man asks. 愚人困惑,智者勤问 The squeaking wheel gets the oil. 无声无息,亦无所得 He who hesitates is lost. 犹豫不决错失良机 一头雾水To be in a complete fog/ to be puzzled and confused. 仁者见仁,智者见智To be all things to all men/people. 茅塞顿开click(to suddenly became clear or understand) Faith moves mountain. 精诚所至,金石为开 A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真情


英语翻译练习题20篇及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brakes. 1.网球运动在上海越来越流行了。(popular) 2.我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as…as) 3.只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。(keep) 4.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。(memory) 5.过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember) 6.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,试试救援。(despite) 【答案】 1.Tennis is getting more and more popular in Shanghai. 2.I think your suggestion is as valuable as theirs. 3.Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night. 4.A film will be made/ shot in memory of those brave fire fighters. 5.It was three days later that she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in the language lab. 6.Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue. 【解析】 【分析】 翻译题要力争做到译文的正确、准确、地道三个要求。正确就是译文没有明显的语言错误,准确是指考生能运用合适的词汇和句式完整的表述原意,地道是指译文不但无语言错误,而且用此选句符合英语习惯,意义表达生动灵活。所以,做翻译题时要综合运用词句知识,注意词汇的习惯搭配和句子时态、语态、人称和句式的选择。 1.表示“越来越……”,英语的表达方式为“比较级+and+比较级用于进行时里中。 2.表示“与……一样……”应该用“as+ adj./adv原级+as…”结构。 3.本句要注意两点:1. 动名词用作主语的用法;2. keep + sb./sth. + adj (做宾补)使……保持某种状态。 4.“为了纪念……”应选用“in the memory of”固定短语来表达。 5.解答本题要注意两点:1. 强调句型的运用;2. remember doing sth.记住做过某事。6.本句较为复杂,除了掌握despite作为介词可以接名词构成介词短语作状语外,还要注意句中谓语动词的准确选择和时态的确定,最后还要注意“实施援救”这一目的状语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________


考研英语:怎样提高翻译能力? 在英语翻译备考中,许多人总想一步登天,跨考教育英语教研室的孟老师在此着重强调,须知任何能力(包括英语翻译在内)的提升必定要经过反复练习的过程。当然,练习是有方法可循的,比如系统学习翻译的方法、原理、固定句式和译法、多学习比较优秀的译文等等。 要做好翻译其实并不是机械地在大量的词库句库中搜求配对,片面追求字面的精准,而是对信息的传达。这就要求译者不仅对源语言有准确的理解,并且对于目标语言也要有优秀的表达能力。很多时候你能明白一整段的意思,却觉得不能自如组织成书面汉语,是因为其实你的汉语表达能力也不够。 提高汉语表达能力,建议可以从经典作品的译本和各大电影字幕组的翻译作品中学习。前者的翻译作品比较严谨传神;后者则生动俏皮,富有时代气息。在学习这些资料时,并不是说某句英文只有资料里的一种翻译方法,以后碰到这句话就直接照搬照抄译文,资料只是辅助,要学习的是其中的思路和方法。 另外,不要太拘泥于所谓的翻译理论。语法和理论都是随着时代的更迭不断更新的,比如当下不断涌现出的各种新词汇,必须与时俱进。 翻译最重要的一点,就是对文章的理解,要彻底读懂文章想表达的思想,甚至尝试去体会原作者的想法,才能翻译出更贴切、更符合原文的译文。 所以,总结起来,你需要经历三个阶段: 首先,语法学好,能正确理解句子; 第二,接受系统的翻译训练,学会翻译方法; 第三,就在提高汉语能力形成地道的表达 你可以一边学习方法和原理、多加练习,一边做语言功底上的积累,才谓标本兼治的“有效”;至于“快速”,其实是你有多勤奋的问题——假设可以使你熟能生巧、从量变达到质变的那个量是一定的。 现在的你达到那个阶段了呢??? 综上就是小编给大家提供的高分技巧,技巧就是牢固的知识点和强悍的答题思路,预祝所有

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