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Conventional business wisdom is big on perfection. We are constantly exhorted to give 100 per cent – or even a mathematically impossible 110 per cent. But is this really the absolute virtue it is held up to be? Or is there a case to be made for doing a “good enough” job most of the time?

There are two well-known rules that suggest the latter is valid. The first is the Pareto Principle (or the 80-20 rule), which states that 80 per cent of consequences stem from 20 per cent of causes. The second is the law of diminishing returns, which suggests that, as you near 100 per cent, you expend proportionally more effort on the remaining work.

Graham Allcott, author of How to be a Productivity Ninja, says that people often look at tasks the wrong way – they focus on the detail of what they are doing, rather than the impact it has. “It is actually far more practical to think in terms of the 80-20 rule and focus ruthlessly on doing things that have the greatest impact.”

He also recommends that you delegate the mundane parts of tasks that anyone can do.

However, many people find this difficult because they are wedded to the idea of delivering their very best. As business psychologist Karen Moloney says: “Perfection is how they define themselves and to let anything out of their hands that isn’t 100 per cent goes against their sense of professional pride.” She says the trick is to remember it is about delivering what the business needs, not what you want to give.

People who are natural perfectionists tend to see not giving 100 per cent as a failing. But you can reframe this by telling yourself that knowing which tasks do not need 100 per cent demonstrates good judgment.

Holding on to a task or project by forever adding that extra 1 per cent can sometimes be driven by a fear of being judged on the end result. It is therefore worth reminding yourself of the Steve Jo bs quote: “Real artists ship.”

One way to avoid running up against the law of diminishing returns is to set yourself deadlines. But rather than set fake deadlines that you know can be moved, Mr Allcott recommends making yourself accountable to someone else. That way, you will shift from “I could deliver any time next week” to “I’ll look bad in front of my boss i f I don’t deliver by Tuesday”.

Perhaps the most difficult thing to deal with, however, is not your own desire to give 100 per cent but your boss’s desire to see you give 100 per cent . Again, says Ms Moloney, you need to make it about what you deliver: “Explain to your boss you can accomplish far more if you don’t dot every I and cross every T.”

However, some managers’ perfectionism is such that this appeal to reason will not wash. In this case, Mr Allcott advises a more tactical approach: “Separate tasks into the more visual, obvious things and those that are under the radar that your boss will miss.”




《如何成为高效人士》(How to be a Productivity Ninja)一书作者格雷厄姆?奥尔科特(Graham Allcott)说,人们看待工作的方式往往是错误的,他们更关注于自己做的事情,而不是这些事情会产生什么影响。“事实上,更实用的方法是,用二八法则来思考问题、集中精力去做那些能产生最大影响的事情。”


然而,许多人觉得这很困难,因为交出完美成果的理念在他们的脑海中根深蒂固。如商业心理学家卡伦?莫洛尼(Karen Moloney)所说:“完美是他们对自己的要求,让不完美的东西从自己手中出去,有损他们的职业自豪感。”她说,诀窍在于,要记住,关键是交出符合工作需要的成果,而不是你想交出的成果。


在任何工作或项目中始终追求更加完美,这或许是因为担心最后的成果得到不好的评价。因此,你应该用史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的话提醒自己:“真正的艺术家是能拿出作品的艺术家。”






No one can lay claim to so much influence on the shaping of foreign policy over the past 50 years as Henry Kissinger. In and out of office, he has been intelligently ubiquitous. Almost two decades have passed since the publication of Diplomacy, a masterly study of the subject that will long endure as a bible for all who believe that nation states remain the principal building blocks in international politics, whatever the human aspirations towards international co-operation.

Now, with On China, Kissinger has turned his mind to a subject on which he has a unique vantage point. Publishers must have drooled at the prospect of this guru from the last century writing about the rising global power of the present one, especially given his own role in helping to open it up to the world.

For Henry Kissinger, ancient China was a subtle place. That in turn led to its special resonance in the present: “In no other country,” he writes, “is it conceivable that a modern leader would initiate a major national undertaking by invoking strategic principles from a millennium-old event,” as Mao often did in discussing policy matters. And Mao “could confidently expe ct his colleagues to understand the significance of his allusions.” How could it not be so? For “Chinese language, culture, and political institutions were the hallmarks of civilization, such that even regional rivals and foreign conquerors adopted them to varying degrees as a sign of their own legitimacy.” “Strategic acumen” shaped China’s earliest international policies; and to support its central position it could call on a remarkable series of potential followers and aides.

A good example was the Chinese scholar known in the West as Confucius, who taught by citing examples to a small group of loyal and dedicated students. They reciprocated by drawing on their conversations for practical examples that could create a legacy on his behalf—forming a canon that Kissinger describes as “something akin to China’s Bible and its Constitution combined.” Whereas in the Western world “balance-of-power diplomacy was less a choice than an inevitability,” and “no religion retained sufficient authority to sustain universality,” for China foreign contacts did not form “on the basis of equality.”

Kissinger’s reflections about the Western and Chinese concepts of strategy lead him to posit a stark distinction, one in which “the Chinese ideal stressed subtlety, indirect ion, and the patient accumulation of relative advantage,” while “the Western tradition prized the decisive clash of forces.” It is a good way for Kissinger to prepare the reader for a dualistic approach to two vast philosophical and military traditions, which he begins by summarizing the key differences between the Chinese players of the board game weiqi (the Japanese go) and those favoring the contrasting game of chess. While chess is about the clash of forces, about “decisive battle” and the goal of “tota l

victory,” all of which depend on the full deployment of all the pieces of the board, weiqi is a game of relative gain, of long-range encirclement, which starts with an empty board and only ends when it “is filled by partially interlocking areas of strength.”

Teachers and practitioners of grand strategy have studied these contrasts between the two for many centuries. The principles of weiqi are echoed in the haunting text known as The Art of War, by a certain Master Sun, writing around the same time as Confucius. Kissinger quotes Sun at some length, drawing especially on his insights into the concepts of “indirect attack” and “psychological combat.”


过去50年间,在外交政策的形成方面影响最大者,莫过于亨利?基辛格(Henry Kissinger)。无论在朝还是在野,基辛格的身影无处不在,这当属明智。《大外交》(Diplomacy)一书出版至今,已近二十载。其中有一个观点:无论人类多么渴望国际合作,国家仍将是国际政治基石。在信奉这一观点的人心目中,基辛格这本研究外交的经典著作,堪称一部经久不衰的“圣经”。

如今,凭借《论中国》(On China)一书,基辛格将思想转向了另一个话题,在这个问题上,他有着独特的发言权。可以肯定,从上世纪起,出版商们就在巴望着这位大师能写一写这个当时已开始崛起、如今还在继续崛起的新兴大国,特别是考虑到基辛格的特殊身份——他帮助世界打开了中国的大门。

《论中国》一书的核心内容,讲述的是1972年美国总统理查德?尼克松(Richard Nixon)和基辛格(时任美国国家安全顾问)的中国之行,以及基辛格访问前所做的秘密准备。在书中,基辛格对中国历史进行了简单回顾,剖析了会见过的几位领导人的性格,并详细描述了会面时的细节。基辛格总结了近年来中国所取得的成就,就民主价值观(或曰普世价值)与外交实务之间的关系表达了一些总体看法,并毫不出人意料地表示:他对美国与这个世界第一人口大国合作的前景充满期待。

从很多方面来看,《论中国》是基辛格对其毕生追求的一些要务的辩解。尽管基辛格提到了美国对多元主义、民主和人权近乎宗教般的执着,但他同时辩称,这些合理关注不应妨碍对于国家利益的追求,而在40年的时间里,与中国恢复邦交一直符合美国的国家利益。此外,在谋求与中国恢复友好邦交的初始阶段,另一个额外好处(同时也的确是动机之一)就是:孤立苏联(Soviet Union)。近年来,在美国忙于处理各种国际事务之际,中国常常采取配合的姿态,比如在伊拉克战争之前,相对于美国一些讨厌的欧洲盟友,中国反而显得“更加合作”。




5月26日人事部三级口译考试真题回忆 上午口译综合能力: 篇章听力:正误判断,介绍自己父亲出生在赞比亚然后去美国读书的概况,种族隔离后父亲回赞比亚去了的事情。 单句理解选择:比较简单,记不全题目。了解的盆友都知道这个主要是各种替换+implied meaning。其中有题的选项涉及out of the question/out of question 区别,原文中是beyond reach;还有一个是讲marriage和love的关系,原句大概是Where there is marriage without love, there is love without marriage.经典句式,选项中大概是C, Marriage is not necessarily based on love比较接近。 阅读理解:其中一篇是2010 Expo中China Pavilion的介绍,第一题涉及是否largest display in history, largest pavilion in Expo;第二题问及The Crown of the East 由来,原文说是resemblance of a crown,就是形如皇冠。第三题问及建筑灵感来源,斗拱和鼎什么的;第四题问及特点包括historical achievements和modern technology video结合什么的;第五题问及馆内展出展品,问题问的是没有展出的,选项明显是A 因为清明上河图显然不是清代的,A. A Qing Dynasty painting B. The terra cottas C. bronze sculptures D. 忘掉了反正是原文提过的。 完形填空:是跟地质有关的,介绍美国犹他州的Arch是如何形成的,填词都比较简单,没有特别长的,稍难写的单词可能是mingle,最后2个空都是数字2000和less than 1. 综述:蹦极(bungee jumping)的发展历史。 从最开始的被虐女绑个绳子从树上跳下来,而追她的丈夫一命呜呼到牛津一群人的尝试再到三藩市金门大桥和埃菲尔铁塔上的蹦极到一直讲到现代人如何把它做成一个盈利性的运动项目(people would pay for it) 下午口译实务:


2019年6月全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 英语二级《口译实务》试题 Section 1: English-Chinese translation(英译汉)(50points) Passage 1 When I came here last year, it was 9 months after the agreement was signed by OPEC members and non-OPEC countries. Now we have been out of 3 years of recession. cooperation between 25 countries has helped bring back stability, having a positive impact on world economy and trade. In the past 20 months, the change in the situations is like day and night. However, it’s not the time for us to rest on the su ccess. We should continue to build a healthy and stable market. Despite the recovery, there are still factors that are out of our control: geopolitical crises, disputes between countries and natural disasters. It is important for us to handle these risks and it is crucial to the market in the short term and in the long term. We are in support of the Paris Agreement, which is the most important document about climate change and sustainable energy. Historically, people think renewable energy is the only choice for the future, but I think this idea is misleading. Actually, we need a diversity of energy sources, rather than just one source. New renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are developing rapidly and the share of hydroelectric power remains stable.


2015年CATTI一级笔译英译汉试题 原文: Conventional business wisdom is big on perfection. We are constantly exhorted to give 100 per cent – or even a mathematically impossible 110 per cent. But is this really the absolute virtue it is held up to be? Or is there a case to be made for doing a “good enough” job most of the time? There are two well-known rules that suggest the latter is valid. The first is the Pareto Principle (or the 80-20 rule), which states that 80 per cent of consequences stem from 20 per cent of causes. The second is the law of diminishing returns, which suggests that, as you near 100 per cent, you expend proportionally more effort on the remaining work. Graham Allcott, author of How to be a Productivity Ninja, says that people often look at tasks the wrong way – they focus on the detail of what they are doing, rather than the impact it has. “It is actually far more practical to think in terms of the 80-20 rule and focus ruthlessly on doing things that have the greatest impact.” He also recommends that you delegate the mundane parts of tasks that anyone can do. However, many people find this difficult because they are wedded to the idea of delivering their very best. As business psychologist Karen Moloney says: “Perfection is how they define themselves and to let anything out of their hands that isn’t 100 per cent goes against their sense of professional pride.” She says the trick is to remember it is about delivering what the business needs, not what you want to give. People who are natural perfectionists tend to see not giving 100 per cent as a failing. But you can reframe this by telling yourself that knowing which tasks do not need 100 per cent demonstrates good judgment. Holding on to a task or project by forever adding that extra 1 per cent can sometimes be driven by a fear of being judged on the end result. It is therefore worth reminding yourself of the Steve Jo bs quote: “Real artists ship.” One way to avoid running up against the law of diminishing returns is to set yourself deadlines. But rather than set fake deadlines that you know can be moved, Mr Allcott recommends making yourself accountable to someone else. That way, you will shift from “I could deliver any time next week” to “I’ll look bad in front of my boss i f I don’t deliver by Tuesday”. Perhaps the most difficult thing to deal with, however, is not your own desire to give 100 per cent but your boss’s desire to see you give 100 per cent . Again, says Ms Moloney, you need to make it about what you deliver: “Explain to your boss you can accomplish far more if you don’t dot every I and cross every T.”


文章一:人事部翻译考试出题规律 规律1:多考社会热点内容 近几年真题出现过的内容: 外国人看中国文化;伦敦文化和中国春节;姚明在美国NBA;中国人和外国人对麦当劳不同的看法;新一代居民身份证;上海和上海世博会;讨论世界地球日 考试根源: 中西方文化交流和冲突,以及社会关注的热点话题是一名外事工作者,在中低层次的翻译工作中必然面临的工作内容,这就是以实用为原则的人事部考试出这种题材的原因。 规律2:多考大会的发言 近几年真题出现过的内容: 中国在世界舞台上的崛起;环境保护和自然资源;全球气候变暖;亚洲的价值与繁荣;科学、信息和社会;介绍艾滋病;英国王妃戴安娜的新闻 复习建议: 最早的考试可以忽略不计,戴安娜为新闻体,艾滋病过于专业,因此最近5次考试再也没有重复过这样的题型。因此,复习时应该紧紧扣住大会英语,背记有关大会英语的词汇和高频句子。人事部指定教材的英译汉内容基本都是大会的演讲,尤其是外国人来到中国参加各种大会的演讲,以及世界重大会议的基调发言。 规律3:多考中国政策和特色 近几年真题出现过的内容: 北京市新春致词;香港和香港经济;介绍秦始皇兵马俑;新加坡和新加坡经济;亚洲经济和中国经济;中英外交关系;中美外交关系

复习建议: 这部分的内容最为稳定,复习时抓住指定教材中大而空的汉译英内容,这毕竟是三级考试,不必在语言的细枝末节方面或所谓的"地道"方面太计较。 文章二:三级笔译考试,字典准备,成功的开始 根据两年来我们几个老师在笔译班授课的经验、人事部出题专家的建议和同学们参加考试后反馈回来的意见,刚与杨军老师再次确认,参加三级笔译考试的保险字典应为: 英译汉(以下两本选一本) ● ●译文出版社的《英汉大词典》,主编陆谷孙,老版148元,新版178元,收词20万,是 目前我国最大的单本英译汉辞典,尤其录有大量人名地名等专有名词,这对于考试尤其重要。缺点是单解,但对考试影响不大。 ● ●商务印书馆的《朗文当代英语大辞典》,大字本129元,小字本98元,这是英汉双解的 唯一一本百科全书式的字典,单词量10万,但收有一些人名地名等专有名词,比同类字典较多。同类双解字典基本没有人名地名的译文,个别附录少量收入。 汉译英(以下两本选一本) ● ●外研社出版的《新世纪汉英大词典》,收词14万,同类字典收词最多,大字本188元, 小字本99元,尤其收入大量新词,正对考试胃口。


人事部管理评审报告 报告部门:人事部 报告人:刘文飚 报告时间:2004年9月17日 一、审核和组织自我评定的结果 1、人事部通过人才引进、招聘,完成了公司各部门、各岗位人力资源的统筹配置;并优化人力资源,协助各部门进行岗位考核,筛选配备最合适的人选,迫使每位员工始终保持竞争状态。 2、人事部参照各部门培训需求,年初制定了公司《年度培训计划表》;组织实施了公司全员GMP培训、厂务部等(生产、品控、设备、PET、物流)各关键岗位SOP强化培训及HACCP、ISO9000质量体系知识培训;通过教育、培训、技能考评,确保各岗位员工符合其职位要求。 3、根据质量体系要求,人事部建全了全体员工培训档案,负责起保存培训材料、实施记录、考核成绩、特殊工种上岗资格证书、技能证书复印件等相应记录的各项工作;并确保教育、培训、技能和经历的最新记录。 4、人事部多次组织员工专项健康体检,确保全体上岗人员执《食品卫生健康证》达100%。 5、通过九月十四日公司内审,人事部发现一个一般不符合项(没有确定各岗位出职责要求)及两个观察项(〈年度培训计划〉无编号、无审批,转岗位人员没有在〈特殊人员清单〉中注明)。 二、相关方特别是顾客满意程度的反馈,甚至可能是他们提出的观点 根据公司发展需要,分步完成了公司、部门的组织架构变更,以适应管理和质量体系的需求。 通过与部门沟通、讨论,人事部完成了各部门定岗、定员的重新评估和修改工作。 三、过程的业绩和产品的符合性 提拔任用了一批管理干部,提拔经理助理8人;完成薪资结构的调整,通过全员普调薪资,增强了公司整体的凝聚力,提高了企业竞争力。 四、不合格的过程和产品的控制 完善新员工培训制度,特别对上岗前的技能操作规范考核,由原“师带徒”形式提升与为SOP文件书面考核相结合方式。 基层部门通过班前会进行员工行为规范教育、规章制度细化要求,提高员工整体素质。 各岗位需加强阶段性复训,配合岗位职责制订复训计划,落实考核记录。


人事部CATTI三级口译实务考试出题规律 规律1:对话部分考社会热点内容,多与中西方文化交流有关 真题倒排: 2006年11月外国人看中国文化 2006年5月伦敦文化和中国春节 2005年11月姚明在美国NBA 2005年5月中国人和外国人对麦当劳不同的看法 2004年11月新一代居民身份证 2004年5月上海和上海世博会 2003年11月讨论世界地球日 复习建议: 这部分考试难度最低,不是考翻译,而是考察的学生的基本听力和口语的能力。这20分是学生必须要抢的20分。复习时要紧紧扣住热门词汇和近期热门话题,对于中国和英美一些特有的背景词汇要特别突击一下,比如这次考试出现的中国"古钱",上次考试出现的"春联",和更早考试出现的"麦当劳"。 考试根源: 中西方文化交流和冲突,以及社会关注的热点话题是一名外事工作者,在中低层次的口译工作中必然面临的工作内容,这就是以实用为原则的人事部考试出这种题材的原因。 规律2:英译汉部分考大会发言,多为大会的基调发言。 真题倒排:

2006年11月中国在世界舞台上的崛起 2006年5月环境保护和自然资源 2005年11月全球气候变暖 2005年5月亚洲的价值与繁荣 2004年11月科学、信息和社会 2004年5月介绍艾滋病 2003年11月英国王妃戴安娜的新闻 复习建议: 最早的考试可以忽略不计,戴安娜为新闻体,艾滋病过于专业,因此最近5次考试再也没有重复过这样的题型。因此,复习时应该紧紧扣住大会英语,背记有关大会英语的词汇和高频句子。人事部指定教材的英译汉内容基本都是大会的演讲,尤其是外国人来到中国参加各种大会的演讲,以及世界重大会议的基调发言外国人来到中国参加各种大会的演讲,以及世界重大会议的基调发言,广大同学应用听译-视译-听译的办法复习,相信指定教材对考试的指向性。不要过分偏离教材,按照自己的想象复习。考试时的策略是,这40分拿到一半就是胜利,把标准调低一点,努力坚持,不要被不会的东西吓住,从而产生放弃的心理,或彻底地胡说八道。 考试根源: 人事部三级口译考试是为社会提供职业的口译员,尤其是在各种会议上从事交替传译工作的口译员,因此其英译汉的题型必然以大会的背景为依托。但毕竟只是三级,所以内容不可能过于专业和深奥,只能选择相对泛泛的内容,也就是用相对严肃的词汇讲大而空的内容,这正是会议基调发言的特点。对话部分考题针对一般性外事活动中的听说能力,英译汉部分则是针对具体会议中的口译能力。口译员基本不会坐在电视边翻译新闻,所以戴安娜那样的题目不会再出了。换句话说,复习时不可把太多注意力放在新闻听力方面,因为这不是口译的话题和题材。 规律3:汉译英部分考外交式的严肃讲话或介绍中国政策和特色

人事部翻译资格证书(CATTI)2004 年 11 月英语二级《笔译实务》试题及参考答案

Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)( 60 point ) This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional Translations" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". Translate the passage in Part A and your choice from passage in Part B into Chinese. Write "Compulsory Translation" above your translation of Part A and write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" above your translation of the passage from Part B. The time for this section is 100 minutes. Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(30 points) Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. Now, with the benefit of technology that allows for deeper exploration, researchers have uncovered a remarkable array of species inhabiting the ocean floor at depths of more than 660 feet, or about 200 meters. At the same time, however, technology has also enabled fishermen to reach far deeper than ever before, into areas where bottom trawls can destroy in minutes what has taken nature hundreds and in some cases thousands of years to build. Many of the world's coral species, for example, are found at depths of more than 200 meters. It is also estimated that roughly half of the world's highest seamounts - areas that rise from the ocean floor and are particularly rich in marine life - are also found in the deep ocean. These deep sea ecosystems provide shelter, spawning and breeding areas for fish and other creatures, as well as protection from strong currents and predators. Moreover, they are believed to harbor some of the most extensive reservoirs of life on earth, with estimates ranging from 500,000 to 100 million species inhabiting these largely unexplored and highly fragile ecosystems. Yet just as we are beginning to recognize the tremendous diversity of life in these areas, along with the potential benefits newly found species may hold for human society in the form of potential food products and new medicines, they are at risk of being lost forever. With enhanced ability both to identify where these species-rich areas are located and to trawl in deeper water than before, commercial fishing vessels are now beginning to reach down with nets the size of football fields, catching everything in their path while simultaneously crushing fragile corals and breaking up the delicate structure of reefs and seamounts that provide critical habitat to the countless species of fish and other marine life that inhabit the deep ocean floor. Because deep sea bottom trawling is a recent phenomenon, the damage that has been done is still limited. If steps are taken quickly to prevent this kind of destructive activity from occurring on the high seas, the benefits both to the marine environment and to future generations are incalculable. And they far outweigh the short-term costs


人事部三级笔译(CATTI)2007.11英译汉真题 One of the biggest decisions Andy Blevins has ever made, and one of the few he now regrets, never seemed like much of a decision at all. It just felt like the natural thing to do. 安迪布莱文思曾做过的最大的、同时也是他现在极少为之后悔的决定之一,看起来一点也不像个决定。倒像是自然而然做的事。 In the summer of 1995, he was moving boxes of soup cans, paper towels and dog food across the floor of a supermarket warehouse, one of the biggest buildings here in southwest Virginia. The heat was brutal. The job had sounded impossible when he arrived fresh off his first year of college, looking to make some summer money, still a skinny teenager with sandy blond hair and a narrow, freckled face. 1995年夏天,他在一家超市的仓库上班,把汤罐头、纸巾和狗粮箱子在地板上搬来搬去,这家超市是弗吉尼亚西南部最大的建筑物之一。天气酷热。他刚到这开始第一个学年时,希望在暑期挣点外快,这份工作在那时显得不可思议。当时他还是个瘦得皮包骨的十几岁的小伙子,有着沙质金发和瘦削的布满雀斑的脸。 But hard work done well was something he understood, even if he was the first college boy in his family. Soon he was making bonuses on top of his $6.75 an hour, more money than either of his parents made. His girlfriend was around, and so were his hometown buddies. Andy acted more outgoing with them, more relaxed. People in Chilhowie noticed that. 但是,他明白应该把坚苦的工作干好,即使他是他家族的第一个大学生。很快,他挣的钱高达6.75美元一小时,比他父母挣得都多。他有女友和同乡作伴。安迪待他们更友好宽容。芝尔豪伊镇的人注意到了。 It was just about the perfect summer. So the thought crossed his mind: maybe it did not have to end. Maybe he would take a break from college and keep working. He had been getting C’s and D’s, and college never felt like home, anyway. 这只是个完美的夏天。于是一丝念头闪过他的脑海,兴许这一切不必结束,兴许他可以暂时休学继续工作。他的学业成绩得了一些C和D,无论如何,大学从来不像家里。 "I enjoyed working hard, getting the job done, getting a paycheck," Mr. Blevins recalled. "I just knew I didn’t want to quit." “我喜欢努力干活,完成工作,挣一份薪水,”布莱文思回忆说。“我只知道我不想离开。” So he quit college instead, and with that, Andy Blevins joined one of the largest and fastest-growing groups of young adults in America. He became a college dropout, though nongraduate may be the more precise term. 于是他反而退了学,随之加入了美国最大和成长最快的年轻人群体之一。他成了辍学生,尽管未毕业也许是更准确的定义。 Many people like him plan to return to get their degrees, even if few actually do. Almost one in three Americans in their mid-20’s now fall into this group, up from one in five in the late 1960’s, when the Census


2006年5月人事部三级笔译真题 第一部分英译汉471 (比新大纲要求的要少) 第一遍译文: 在北极圈,由于气候变暖,冰层下的水正在融化,这困扰着沿岸的居民。 在俄罗斯北部海岸,有个叫贝科夫斯基的村子,其共有村民457人。这里的海岸线正在塌陷,以每年15-18英尺的速度慢慢逼近民宅和燃料桶。 所有的冰和冻土都是有实际作用的。现在他们却在融化。对于居住在北极圈北部的居民来说,虽然气候变化是个新的契机,但同时也在威胁着他们的生存环境,家庭,以及那些依存于冰上荒原生活产生的传统文化。 随着北极圈不断融化,人们加快了对北极圈的开发。这对于生活在这一区域的居民来说是利弊共存的。在巴伦支海和喀拉海发现了油田。这让人们对可能发生的灾难性事故产生了恐慌。因为,很快,满载着石油,液化气罐的货轮将穿过斯堪的纳维亚的捕鱼区,前往欧洲和北美的销售市场。那些尚未开发的土地,也可能会被发电机,烟囱,大型交通工具散发出来的废物所污染。而这些都是都是用来发展能源产业的。 在阿拉斯加,海岸侵蚀也成为了一个大问题,美国政府不得不重新安置几个纽因特人的村落,这个项目为每个村落的花费高达一亿美元甚至更多。 在整个北极地带,生存着许多原始部落,他们的文化形成于几个世纪以来的极端寒冷环境下的冰上生活。他们已经注意到了气候和野生生物都发生了变化。这些居民们正在适应这些变化,但是这个过程很让人沮丧。 在挪威北部的纽马克省,深冬时节,北极的美景在这里一览无遗。无尽的高原,白雪皑皑,寂静无声,但能听到驯鹿的叫声,以及偶尔传来的雪地车的声音,这些车是放牧用的。然而北极的变化在这里也有所体现,31岁的牧民伊萨特艾勒说:“驯鹿变得越来越不安了。” 挪威将进行环境和文化保护,少有国家能与之竞争。这一区域的石油大量开采,萨米文化得到复兴。 艾勒的生计是与驯鹿密切相关的,但政府不能提供任何帮助来保持艾勒的生活不变。像德克萨斯的一位牧场主一样,艾勒偷偷的保有一定数量的鹿群。但他说秋天气候温暖,泉水将最上层的雪融化,这些雪水会再次结冰,这使得驯鹿很难挖开冰层找到他们吃的地衣。 “做决定的这些人都是住在南部和城市”艾勒坐在鹿皮搭建的房子里说:“他们感受不到气候的变化。只有那些生活在自然界,从自然界中得到资源的人才能意识到气候的变化。” 第二遍译文: 在北极圈,由于气候变暖,冰层下的一些海域正在融化,这困扰着沿岸的居民。


行政人事部管理评审输入报告 汇报部门:行政人事部 通过几年来的质量体系运行,行政人事部始终坚持贯彻 执行质量方针:“顾客为根、质量为本,诚信守法、锐意创新”,确保在体系方针的规范引导下,高质量、高效率的完成部门内的相关工作内容、流程的制作,以满足顾客需求。现对部门内体系的执行运作情况汇报分析如下: 一、部门质量目标达成情况: 行政人事部在人才、资金、信息等方面积极配合公司各项实际工作运作,以确保各部门得到相应的资源保证。同时 根据企业的发展方向,加强了营销、管理的相关人员培训工作。一

是与外部培训机构建立长期的合作伙伴关系,办理外训学习套卡以支持企业管理、营销及生产等方面的培训工作的展开;二是积极开展企业内训工作,坚持根据企业实际需求,以贯穿企业各部门的内训目标,积极组织开展相关内训课程,大大加强了企业的受训人员范围,增强了企业人才的整体技能和素质,整体程度上保证和推进了企业的良性发展。 二、部门体系运行情况: 本部门在体系运行中可分为三部分工作: O年度工作环境管理的加强;2014 1 、对办公相关软硬件设施、设备进行了全面的翻新和更a 换,以创造良好的企业工作和生活学习环境; 、加强了环境卫生保洁工作,让员工有一个干净舒适的b 工作坏境; 、逐步使用集团人力资源管理系统,大大改进了相关工c 作质量; 、在完善相关硬件设施的基础上,积极开展适度创新管d 理模式,为营造健康、和谐的企业文化而积极组织开展相关 活动;

()年度人事管理的完善;2014 2 、面对大环境下出现的普遍招工难、难招工的情况,积a 极组织开展各渠道的人才甄选工作,一定程度上保障了企业 各部门在各阶段的用工需求。 、严格按照岗位说明书要求进行人才的招聘选拔,从2014b 年全年招聘并录用的情况看,基层员工基本满足各部门阶段 需求,中层及高层管理的文化素质水平已很大程度上上一个 新台阶,普遍大专以上文化,达到公司相关岗位素质要求, 能够胜任相应的岗位工作。 、相应岗位人员要求具备相关岗位证书,严格执行执证上C 岗标准。 ()年度人员培训的强化;2014 3


人事部翻译资格证书(CATTI)2004年5月英语二级《笔译实务》试 题及参考答案 Section 1: English-Chinese Translation(英译汉)(60 point) This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional Translations" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". Translate the passage in Part A and your choice from passage in Part B into Chinese. Write "Compulsory Translation" above your translation of Part A and write "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" above your translation of the passage from Part B. The time for this section is 100 minutes. Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(30 points) The first outline of The Ascent of Man was written in July 1969and the last foot of film was shot in December 1972. An undertaking as large as this, though wonderfully exhilarating, is not entered lightly. It demands an unflagging intellectual and physical vigour, a total immersion, which I had to be sure that I could sustain with pleasure; for instance, I had to put off researches that I had already begun; and I ought to explain what moved me to do so. There has been a deep change in the temper of science in the last20 years: the focus of attention has shifted from the physical to the life sciences. As a result, science is drawn more and more to the study of individuality. But the interested spectator is hardly aware yet how far-reaching the effect is in changing the image of man that science moulds. As a mathematician trained in physics, I too would have been unaware, had not a series of lucky chances taken me into the life sciences in middle age. I owe a debt for the good fortune that carried me into two seminal fields of science in one lifetime; and though I do not know to whom the debt is due, I conceived The Ascent of Man in gratitude to repay it. The invitation to me from the British Broadcasting Corporation was to present the development of science in a series of television programmes to match those of Lord Clark on Civilisation. Television is an admirable medium- for exposition in several ways: powerful and immediate to the eye, able to take the spectator bodily into the places and processes that are described, and conversational enough to make him conscious that what he witnesses are not events but the actions of people. The last of these merits is to my mind the most cogent, and it weighed most with me in agreeing to cast a personal biography of ideas in the form of television essays. The point is that knowledge in general and science in particular does not consist of abstract but of man-made ideas, all the way from its beginnings to its modern and idiosyncratic models. Therefore the underlying concepts that unlock nature must be shown to arise early and in the simplest cultures of man from his basic and specific faculties. And the development of science which joins them in more and more complex conjunctions must be seen to be equally human: discoveries are made by men, not merely by minds, so that they are alive and charged with individuality. If television is not used to make these thoughts concrete, it is wasted. Part B Optional Translations (二选一题)(30 points) Topic 1 (选题一) It's not that we are afraid of seeing him stumble, of scribbling a mustache over his career. Sure, the nice part of us wants Mike to know we appreciate him, that he still reigns, at least in our memory. The truth, though, is that we don't want him to come back because even for Michael Jordan, this would be an act of hubris so monumental as to make his trademark confidence twist

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