当前位置:文档之家› 2008年5月份人事部三级笔译题英译汉



A year ago, this lush coastal field near Rome was filled with rows of delicate durum wheat, used to make high-quality pasta. Today it overflows with rapeseed, a tall, gnarled weedlike plant bursting with coarse yellow flowers that has become a new manna for European farmers: rapeseed can be turned into biofuel.

Motivated by generous subsidies to develop alternative energy sources — and a measure of concern about the future of the planet —Europe’s farmers are beginning to grow crops that can be turned into fuels meant to produce fewer emissions than gas or oil. They are chasing their counterparts in the Americas who have been raising crops for biofuel for more than five years.“This is a much-needed boost to our economy, our farms,” said Marcello Pini, a fa rmer, standing in front of the rapeseed he planted for the first time. “Of course, we hope it helps the environment, too.”

In March, the European Commission, disappointed by the slow growth of the biofuels industry, approved a directive that included a “binding target” requiring member countries to use 10 percent biofuel for transport by 2020 — the most ambitious and specific goal in the world.

Most European countries are far from achieving the target, and are introducing incentives and subsidies to bolster production.

As a result, bioenergy crops have replaced food as the most profitable crop in several European countries. In this part of Italy, for example, the government guarantees the purchase of biofuel crops at 22 euros for 100 kilograms, or $13.42 for 100 pounds — nearly twice the 11 to 12 euros for 100 kilograms of wheat on the open market in 2006. Better still, farmers can plant biofuel crops on “set-aside” fields, land that Europe’s agriculture policy would otherwise require be left fallow.

But an expert panel convened by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization pointed out that the biofuels boom produces benefits as well as risks — including higher and wildly fluctuating food prices. In some markets, grain prices have nearly doubled.

“At a time when agricultural prices are low, in comes biofuel and improves the lot of farmers and injects life into rural areas,” said Gustavo Bes t, an expert at the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. “But as the scale grows and the demand for biofuel crops seems to be infinite, we’re seeing some negative effects and we need to hold up a yellow light.”

Josette Sheeran, the new head of the United Nations World Food program, which fed nearly 90 million people in 2006, said that biofuels created new problems. “An increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food,” she said. “So biofuels are both a challenge an d an opportunity.”

In Europe, the rapid conversion of fields that once grew wheat or barley to biofuel crops like rapeseed is already leading to shortages of the ingredients for making pasta and brewing beer, suppliers say. That could translate into higher prices in supermarkets.

In the developing world, the shift to more lucrative biofuel crops destined for richer countries

could create serious hunger and damage the environment if wild land is converted to biofuel cultivation, the agriculture panel concluded.


第10章Division(拆译法) 10.1 复习笔记 In division, we have to determine where to divide, how to divide, what the subject or the predicate of the new clause or sentence should be, and how to rearrange various parts of the original sentence. These may involve such techniques as Conversion, Addition and Inversion. 拆分时要注意以下问题:在哪里拆分,怎样拆分,新的从句或句子的主语、谓语分别是什么,以及如何重新组织这些部分。这里涉及到的技巧有转换法、增补法和倒置法。 一、Picking Out of Words(拆译单词) It is advisable to pick out those words which are hard to reproduce in the original structure and expand them into Chinese word groups, clauses or sentences. There are usually three steps to deal with such words: 翻译过程中,如果一个单词的意义很难用汉语在原有句法框架下表达出来,就可以把该单词抽取出来,并将其扩展为汉语词组、从句或句子。具体操作步骤如下: 1. Determine which word(s) to pick out; 确定需要抽取出来的单词; 2. Apply Conversion or Addition, if necessary, to make the translated version smooth and well-connected; 必要时运用转换法或增补法,使译文流畅、通顺;


Unit1 种族或民族的传承就如性别和社会等级一样对塑造身份很重要,并且种族还能影响一个人的生活质量、教育机会和职场晋升。长期以来美国社会挣扎着去面对和克服基于民族的种族主义和种族歧视问题。远在内战开始前,美国各反奴隶制群体就开始反对奴役美国黑人并致力于废除全美奴隶制度的工作,不光是美国黑人因肤色和民族而遭受不公的待遇和歧视,这些群体还包括:19世纪被运到美国修建穿越全美铁路的中国人,19世纪后期为了寻求更好生活的欧洲移民,20世纪为了养家而赴美做苦力的日本人以及从北部移居美国的拉美人。由于人们对种族,阶级和性别之间相互影响的意识增强,从小学到研究生各个层次的学校课程都包含了关于种族、等级和性别的内容或者说开设了致力于我们个人身份和个人历史重要成分的整套课程。 UNIT 2 毋庸置疑,语言也是一种政治工具、手段,以及权利的证明。它是个人身份的最鲜明而又最重要的特征: 它揭示了个人身份,使一个人与公众或社区的身份相关联或分离。在某些特定的时间和地点,讲某种语言是危险的,甚至是致命的。再或者,一个人也许和其他人说同一种语言,但是他说话的方式会使他的家世被暴露,或(也有可能正如他所期望的)被隐藏起来。这一点在法国如此,在英格兰也更是如此: 在那个潮湿小岛上的(占主导地位的)方言,使得英格兰人完全理解英格兰岛上所使用的英语,但对于其他岛外的人来说,却完全无法理解这种语言。在英格兰开口讲话,就相当于(如果我可以用一句黑人英语来说的话)”把你的一切公诸于世”: 你已经对人坦白了你的父母双亲,你的青年时代,你的教育背景,你的个人收入,你的自尊,甚至还有你的前途。 UNIT

4.除了立法之外,国会听证会在没有来自市民的群众团体的压力下是不可能取得任何成就的。最终,你的信件、电话和传真才能成为反抗电视暴力的最好武器,并可以抑制犯罪,保障你在宪法第二修正案中的权益。当你在电视节目中看到一些毫无意义而又不必要的暴力时,给相关的电视网络管理人写信,让他们了解你的感受。更好的方法是记下在暴力节目播出的间隙有哪些产品和服务在广告中播出,并且对那些公司的领导讲出你的愤怒和不满。最后,只有作为消费者、电视观众和选民的你,可以要求消除那些使我们社会的充满血腥暴力的电视节目。如果所有的美国来福枪协会成员和持枪者在这场反抗中能尽到他们的本分,我们就可以消除那些威胁到孩子和我们的权利法案的电视暴力节目。 UNIT 5 我父亲是芝加哥学派的一名经济学家,所以我的儿时记忆都是有关科斯定理,施蒂格勒经济法则和买卖排放权的重要性等内容。当其他孩子还在地毯上玩耍,对怪兽充满恐惧的时候,我却在和那些貌似浮动而实际上很稳定的竞争性货币打交道,还时不时地做着有关美联储将要破坏商业周期的噩梦。我是女生的这个事实从未被真正提到过,就像拥有一双蓝眼睛也仅仅是我的一个事实一样。有时,我会把作为女孩当作是一种特殊的奖励: 比如说成为啦啦队队员,被带去参加正式舞会。对于我来说,参加所谓的“女性”活动并不意味着我受到了某种压迫或是这类活动阻碍了我的思想或妨碍了我做其他我想做的事。毕竟,当我从舞会回来的时候,可以为自己所做出的任何选择与父亲一起讨论。事实上,我也听到过一些人说作为一名女性并不都意味为着享受快乐和游戏,但是这些人一般都被称作女权主义者,正如每个新进的保守派所知道的那样,女权主义者往往都是夸张的。 实际上,也正因如此你才能分辨出他们是女权主义者——因为他们一直都在夸大其词。不要问我如何知道的这些或是这些对于我思想有什么影响。正如任何一个有自己思想体系的人所知道的那样,你不是在提出问题而仅仅是在为你的信念寻找证据。拥有自己的思想体系指的就是这个。 UNIT


2015年CATTI一级笔译英译汉试题 原文: Conventional business wisdom is big on perfection. We are constantly exhorted to give 100 per cent – or even a mathematically impossible 110 per cent. But is this really the absolute virtue it is held up to be? Or is there a case to be made for doing a “good enough” job most of the time? There are two well-known rules that suggest the latter is valid. The first is the Pareto Principle (or the 80-20 rule), which states that 80 per cent of consequences stem from 20 per cent of causes. The second is the law of diminishing returns, which suggests that, as you near 100 per cent, you expend proportionally more effort on the remaining work. Graham Allcott, author of How to be a Productivity Ninja, says that people often look at tasks the wrong way – they focus on the detail of what they are doing, rather than the impact it has. “It is actually far more practical to think in terms of the 80-20 rule and focus ruthlessly on doing things that have the greatest impact.” He also recommends that you delegate the mundane parts of tasks that anyone can do. However, many people find this difficult because they are wedded to the idea of delivering their very best. As business psychologist Karen Moloney says: “Perfection is how they define themselves and to let anything out of their hands that isn’t 100 per cent goes against their sense of professional pride.” She says the trick is to remember it is about delivering what the business needs, not what you want to give. People who are natural perfectionists tend to see not giving 100 per cent as a failing. But you can reframe this by telling yourself that knowing which tasks do not need 100 per cent demonstrates good judgment. Holding on to a task or project by forever adding that extra 1 per cent can sometimes be driven by a fear of being judged on the end result. It is therefore worth reminding yourself of the Steve Jo bs quote: “Real artists ship.” One way to avoid running up against the law of diminishing returns is to set yourself deadlines. But rather than set fake deadlines that you know can be moved, Mr Allcott recommends making yourself accountable to someone else. That way, you will shift from “I could deliver any time next week” to “I’ll look bad in front of my boss i f I don’t deliver by Tuesday”. Perhaps the most difficult thing to deal with, however, is not your own desire to give 100 per cent but your boss’s desire to see you give 100 per cent . Again, says Ms Moloney, you need to make it about what you deliver: “Explain to your boss you can accomplish far more if you don’t dot every I and cross every T.”


文章一:人事部翻译考试出题规律 规律1:多考社会热点内容 近几年真题出现过的内容: 外国人看中国文化;伦敦文化和中国春节;姚明在美国NBA;中国人和外国人对麦当劳不同的看法;新一代居民身份证;上海和上海世博会;讨论世界地球日 考试根源: 中西方文化交流和冲突,以及社会关注的热点话题是一名外事工作者,在中低层次的翻译工作中必然面临的工作内容,这就是以实用为原则的人事部考试出这种题材的原因。 规律2:多考大会的发言 近几年真题出现过的内容: 中国在世界舞台上的崛起;环境保护和自然资源;全球气候变暖;亚洲的价值与繁荣;科学、信息和社会;介绍艾滋病;英国王妃戴安娜的新闻 复习建议: 最早的考试可以忽略不计,戴安娜为新闻体,艾滋病过于专业,因此最近5次考试再也没有重复过这样的题型。因此,复习时应该紧紧扣住大会英语,背记有关大会英语的词汇和高频句子。人事部指定教材的英译汉内容基本都是大会的演讲,尤其是外国人来到中国参加各种大会的演讲,以及世界重大会议的基调发言。 规律3:多考中国政策和特色 近几年真题出现过的内容: 北京市新春致词;香港和香港经济;介绍秦始皇兵马俑;新加坡和新加坡经济;亚洲经济和中国经济;中英外交关系;中美外交关系

复习建议: 这部分的内容最为稳定,复习时抓住指定教材中大而空的汉译英内容,这毕竟是三级考试,不必在语言的细枝末节方面或所谓的"地道"方面太计较。 文章二:三级笔译考试,字典准备,成功的开始 根据两年来我们几个老师在笔译班授课的经验、人事部出题专家的建议和同学们参加考试后反馈回来的意见,刚与杨军老师再次确认,参加三级笔译考试的保险字典应为: 英译汉(以下两本选一本) ● ●译文出版社的《英汉大词典》,主编陆谷孙,老版148元,新版178元,收词20万,是 目前我国最大的单本英译汉辞典,尤其录有大量人名地名等专有名词,这对于考试尤其重要。缺点是单解,但对考试影响不大。 ● ●商务印书馆的《朗文当代英语大辞典》,大字本129元,小字本98元,这是英汉双解的 唯一一本百科全书式的字典,单词量10万,但收有一些人名地名等专有名词,比同类字典较多。同类双解字典基本没有人名地名的译文,个别附录少量收入。 汉译英(以下两本选一本) ● ●外研社出版的《新世纪汉英大词典》,收词14万,同类字典收词最多,大字本188元, 小字本99元,尤其收入大量新词,正对考试胃口。


全国翻译资格考试笔译模拟练习及答案 各成员领导人指示部长们于2002年部长级会议前确定具体的行动和措施,与私营部门密切合作,在2006年前将APEC贸易便利化原则付诸实施。目标是力争在未来5年内将APEC地区的贸易交易费用降低5%。 领导人还指示部长们探讨为贸易便利化确定客观标准的可能性,在这一过程中要充分考虑APEC成员的多样性,以及各成员已经取得的进展。同时,领导人一致认为,开展援助项目来提高发展中成员实施贸易便利化的能力非常重要。 [参考译文] Leaders instruct Ministers to identify,by Ministerial Meeting in 2002,concrete actions and measures to implement the APEC Trade Facilitation Principles by 2006 in close partnership with the private sector. The objective is to realize a significant reduction in the transaction costs by endeavoring to reduce them by 5% across the APEC region over the next 5 years. Leaders also instruct Ministers to explore the possibility of setting objective criteria on trade facilitation, taking fully into account the diversity among the members as well as progress achieved in respective economies so far. Leaders also agree that assistance programmes to help build the capacity of developing economies in trade facilitation is particularly important. Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) This section consists of two parts, Part A - "Compulsory Translation"


Just as Adam was cast out of Eden, I was kicked out of university; but while his transgression was eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, my sin was ignoring the tree. After my dismal performance in my first year of university, I contemplated the reasons for my failure. Now, I understand the two factors that contributed to my downfall: the lack of a career goal and premature independence. 正如亚当被逐出伊甸园,我被撵出了大学校门:亚当违反的戒律是偷吃了善恶之树的禁果,我的罪恶就是无视知识之树。在我大学第一年差劲表现之后,我仔细考虑自己被逐出大学的原因。现在我意识造成我被逐出校园的两个因素:缺乏职业目标和过早的独立。 Without a career goal, I lacked direction and motivation. About halfway through my final year of high school, I was hounded by my parents to enroll in university, but until that time had not given any thought to what career I wanted to pursue. To silence their nagging, I told them I wanted to be an engineer. Though I got high marks in math, physics, and chemistry, I was bored with them, and my dislike of the science became apparent in the first four months of university. I failed all my science courses. 没有职业目标,我缺乏方向和动机,大约在中学最后一年过了一半时,我被父母追逼着到大学注册,但直到那时候我还未考虑我想追求什么职业。为了让他们不再说我,我告诉他们我想当一名工程师。虽然我在数学、物理和化学上得了高分,但是我对这些课感到厌倦,接着在大学的最初四个月里我不喜欢这些理科课程变得明显了。所有的理科课程都不及格。B. (1) 当他向朋友借钱时,又一次遭到拒绝,顿时勃然大怒。(fury)When he went to borrow money from his friend and was refused again, he flew into fury. (2) 在这次战役中,除了偶尔的无线电联络之外,麦克同部队之间的其它联系都被切断了。 (cut off) Mike was cut off from all but occasional radio communications with his armies in the campaign. (3) 我们正在向前走着,看到一只兔子突然从洞里跳出来,穿过田野。(pop up) As we walked along,we saw a rabbit pop up from it's burrow and scurry across the field. (4) 有人认为对加拿大整个地区的独家经销商来说,三百架钢琴的年销售量未免太保守了。 (sole) Someone thinks the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative. (5) 有人认为,要结婚就应结为终身伴侣;法律对离婚者太宽大了。(lenient) Some people think if people marry, it ought to be for life, the laws are altogether too lenient with divorcees. (6) 在头四圈里,本杰明一直与那名德国赛车手并驾齐驱。(stay abreast of)Over the first four laps, Benjamin stay ed abreast of the German driver. (7) 速度、耐力和战术是选手在比赛中夺冠的重要因素。(tactics) Speed, endurance and tactics are important factors in gaining the victory. (8) 一支球队能够在常年锦标赛中不断的蝉联冠军,关键是临场状态奇佳、合作无间、斗志 高昂。(morale) A soccer team that remains championship year after year must have kept up it's extraordinary performance with close coordination among its high-morale members. Unit 4 英译汉:The capital account is a record of investment and capital transactions between a


人事部三级笔译(CATTI)2007.11英译汉真题 One of the biggest decisions Andy Blevins has ever made, and one of the few he now regrets, never seemed like much of a decision at all. It just felt like the natural thing to do. 安迪布莱文思曾做过的最大的、同时也是他现在极少为之后悔的决定之一,看起来一点也不像个决定。倒像是自然而然做的事。 In the summer of 1995, he was moving boxes of soup cans, paper towels and dog food across the floor of a supermarket warehouse, one of the biggest buildings here in southwest Virginia. The heat was brutal. The job had sounded impossible when he arrived fresh off his first year of college, looking to make some summer money, still a skinny teenager with sandy blond hair and a narrow, freckled face. 1995年夏天,他在一家超市的仓库上班,把汤罐头、纸巾和狗粮箱子在地板上搬来搬去,这家超市是弗吉尼亚西南部最大的建筑物之一。天气酷热。他刚到这开始第一个学年时,希望在暑期挣点外快,这份工作在那时显得不可思议。当时他还是个瘦得皮包骨的十几岁的小伙子,有着沙质金发和瘦削的布满雀斑的脸。 But hard work done well was something he understood, even if he was the first college boy in his family. Soon he was making bonuses on top of his $6.75 an hour, more money than either of his parents made. His girlfriend was around, and so were his hometown buddies. Andy acted more outgoing with them, more relaxed. People in Chilhowie noticed that. 但是,他明白应该把坚苦的工作干好,即使他是他家族的第一个大学生。很快,他挣的钱高达6.75美元一小时,比他父母挣得都多。他有女友和同乡作伴。安迪待他们更友好宽容。芝尔豪伊镇的人注意到了。 It was just about the perfect summer. So the thought crossed his mind: maybe it did not have to end. Maybe he would take a break from college and keep working. He had been getting C’s and D’s, and college never felt like home, anyway. 这只是个完美的夏天。于是一丝念头闪过他的脑海,兴许这一切不必结束,兴许他可以暂时休学继续工作。他的学业成绩得了一些C和D,无论如何,大学从来不像家里。 "I enjoyed working hard, getting the job done, getting a paycheck," Mr. Blevins recalled. "I just knew I didn’t want to quit." “我喜欢努力干活,完成工作,挣一份薪水,”布莱文思回忆说。“我只知道我不想离开。” So he quit college instead, and with that, Andy Blevins joined one of the largest and fastest-growing groups of young adults in America. He became a college dropout, though nongraduate may be the more precise term. 于是他反而退了学,随之加入了美国最大和成长最快的年轻人群体之一。他成了辍学生,尽管未毕业也许是更准确的定义。 Many people like him plan to return to get their degrees, even if few actually do. Almost one in three Americans in their mid-20’s now fall into this group, up from one in five in the late 1960’s, when the Census


2006年5月人事部三级笔译真题 第一部分英译汉471 (比新大纲要求的要少) 第一遍译文: 在北极圈,由于气候变暖,冰层下的水正在融化,这困扰着沿岸的居民。 在俄罗斯北部海岸,有个叫贝科夫斯基的村子,其共有村民457人。这里的海岸线正在塌陷,以每年15-18英尺的速度慢慢逼近民宅和燃料桶。 所有的冰和冻土都是有实际作用的。现在他们却在融化。对于居住在北极圈北部的居民来说,虽然气候变化是个新的契机,但同时也在威胁着他们的生存环境,家庭,以及那些依存于冰上荒原生活产生的传统文化。 随着北极圈不断融化,人们加快了对北极圈的开发。这对于生活在这一区域的居民来说是利弊共存的。在巴伦支海和喀拉海发现了油田。这让人们对可能发生的灾难性事故产生了恐慌。因为,很快,满载着石油,液化气罐的货轮将穿过斯堪的纳维亚的捕鱼区,前往欧洲和北美的销售市场。那些尚未开发的土地,也可能会被发电机,烟囱,大型交通工具散发出来的废物所污染。而这些都是都是用来发展能源产业的。 在阿拉斯加,海岸侵蚀也成为了一个大问题,美国政府不得不重新安置几个纽因特人的村落,这个项目为每个村落的花费高达一亿美元甚至更多。 在整个北极地带,生存着许多原始部落,他们的文化形成于几个世纪以来的极端寒冷环境下的冰上生活。他们已经注意到了气候和野生生物都发生了变化。这些居民们正在适应这些变化,但是这个过程很让人沮丧。 在挪威北部的纽马克省,深冬时节,北极的美景在这里一览无遗。无尽的高原,白雪皑皑,寂静无声,但能听到驯鹿的叫声,以及偶尔传来的雪地车的声音,这些车是放牧用的。然而北极的变化在这里也有所体现,31岁的牧民伊萨特艾勒说:“驯鹿变得越来越不安了。” 挪威将进行环境和文化保护,少有国家能与之竞争。这一区域的石油大量开采,萨米文化得到复兴。 艾勒的生计是与驯鹿密切相关的,但政府不能提供任何帮助来保持艾勒的生活不变。像德克萨斯的一位牧场主一样,艾勒偷偷的保有一定数量的鹿群。但他说秋天气候温暖,泉水将最上层的雪融化,这些雪水会再次结冰,这使得驯鹿很难挖开冰层找到他们吃的地衣。 “做决定的这些人都是住在南部和城市”艾勒坐在鹿皮搭建的房子里说:“他们感受不到气候的变化。只有那些生活在自然界,从自然界中得到资源的人才能意识到气候的变化。” 第二遍译文: 在北极圈,由于气候变暖,冰层下的一些海域正在融化,这困扰着沿岸的居民。


CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题2016年5月 (总分:60.00,做题时间:60分钟) 一、English-Chinese Translation (60 points) (总题数:1,分数:30.00) 1.【Passage 1】 Jane Goodall was already on a London dock in March 1957 when she realized that her passport was missing. In just a few hours, she was due to depart on her first trip to Africa. A school friend had moved to a farm outside Nairobi and, knowing Goodall’s chil dhood dream was to live among the African wildlife, invited her to stay with the family for a while. Goodall, then 22, saved for two years to pay for her passage to Kenya: waitressing, doing secretarial work, temping at the post office in her hometown, Bou rnemouth, on England’s southern coast. Now all this was for naught, it seemed. It’s hard not to wonder how subsequent events in her life —rather consequential as they have turned out to be to conservation, to science, to our sense of ourselves as a species — might have unfolded differently had someone not found her passport, along with an itinerary from Cook’s, the travel agency, folded inside, and delivered it to the Cook’s office. An agency representative, documents in hand, found her on the dock. “Incredible,” Goodall told me last month, recalling that day. “Amazing.” Within two months of her arrival, Goodall met the paleontologist Louis Leakey — Nairobi was a small town for its white population in those days — and he immediately offered her a job at the natural-history museum where he was curator. He spent much of the next three years testing her capacity for repetitive work. He believed in a hypothesis first put forth by Charles Darwin that humans and chimpanzees share an evolutionary ancestor. Close study of chimpanzees in the wild, he thought, might tell us something about that common progenitor. He was, in other words, looking for someone to live among Africa’s wild animals. One night, he told Goodall that he knew just the place where she could do it: Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve, in the British colony of Tanganyika (now Tanzania). In July 1960, Goodall boarded a boat and after a few hours motoring over the warm, deep waters of Lake Tanganyika, she stepped onto the pebbly beach at Gombe. Her finding, published in Nature in 1964, that chimpanzees use tools —extracting insects from a termite mound with leaves of grass —drastically and forever altered humanity’s understanding of itself; man was no longer the natural world’s only user of tools. After two and a half decades of living out her childhood dream, Goodall made an abrupt career shift, from scientist to conservationist. (分数:30.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(1957年3月,当珍妮?古道尔(Jane Goodall)在伦敦码头候船时,她发现护照不见了。再有 几个小时,她就要出发第一次前往非洲。古道尔有个已经迁往非洲内罗毕郊外农场生活的校友,知道古道 尔从小的愿望就是要到非洲与野生动物朝夕相伴,遂邀请古道尔到内罗毕自己家小住一阵。那年,古道尔 22岁,为了攒够肯尼亚之行的旅费,过去两年,她在英国南部海滨城市伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)老家做 过服务生、文秘和邮局临时工。现在,她的一切努力似乎都要白费了。幸亏有人捡到她的护照,连同护照 夹着折好了的由库克(Cook)旅行社出具的行程单,一并送回到了库克旅行社。一名库克旅行社代表拿着 这些证件材料,在码头找到了古道尔。这才有了古道尔后来的自然保护工作和科学研究,并改变了我们对 人类自身这个物种的认识。如果没人捡到,很难想象古道尔的人生轨迹会是哪般,“失而复得,真难以置信,”古道尔上个月告诉我时说,“这太神奇了。” 内罗毕当年还是一座小镇。在古道尔到达后不到两个月,她见到了时任自然历史博物馆馆长的人类学家路易士?李基(Louis Leakey),李基请她到馆里工作。在随后的三年里,李基花了许多时间,检验古道尔开展重复性工作的能力。李基相信查尔斯?达尔文最先 提出的假设:即人类与黑猩猩都由同一个祖先进化而来。李基认为,在野外对黑猩猩进行详细研究,或许 会有一些关于这个共同祖先的发现。换句话说,他正在寻找一位可以与黑猩猩一起生活的人。一天晚上, 李基告诉古道尔,他知道一个刚好可以研究黑猩猩的地方:位于英国殖民地坦噶尼喀(今坦桑尼亚)的贡 贝溪黑猩猩保护区(Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve)。 1960年7月,古道尔登上了一艘小船,在温 暖的坦噶尼喀深湖上航行数小时后,在贡贝的一个鹅卵石沙滩登陆。古道尔的研究发现刊登在1964年的

英语专业 综合英语翻译句子答案

1.Our big old house was closely related with the joys and sorrows of four generations. 2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was born. 3.Many sons left home to fight against the Fascist Nazi. 4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart. 1.He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2.His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.The two of them are walking hand in hand along the river bank, chatting, laughing, and looking happy. 4.When he heart the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.Although we have parted from eah other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10.At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.A gracious manner adds the greatest splendour to your image. 2.I firmly believed the note my guest sent me didn’t take long to write. 3.The simple phrase “Excuse me.” made most of your irritation disappear. 4.Being on time is a virtue which belongs not only to the past but also to the present. 5.Y ou shouldn’t accept the other person’s presence without thinking of its importance. 6.Good manners produce the same feelings or actions in others. 1.I am sorry I am late; I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away. 2.At the concert whnever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation. 3.As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 4.The nurse tells me that the doctors have done wonders for your heart disease. 5.When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind. 6.This problem has bothered the experts for many years. 7.The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived. 8.Since punctuality is a good habit, we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to cultivate this good habit. 9.The old man cherishes that girl, as if she were his own daughter. 10.It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.

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