当前位置:文档之家› 英文论仿生设计在服装设计中的应用



stimulate creativity in their lives, so pay attention to training and meticulous "insight" is particularly important, for keen insight into the surrounding environment and life, temper and explore the creation of design thinking consciousness. Only express design intent is not enough, there must be some strong modeling capabilities and comprehensive artistic accomplishment, so fashion designers in the creation, the idea of the time, on the one hand reflect their own distinct personality style, on the other hand to the natural social life has a unique understanding of the two mutually harmonious.

Keywords: Consumer imitate nature unique spirit

First,speculative, modelling beauty

Clothing modelling is performed the thoughts of spirit, is the result of the thoughts of the mind. This beauty makes people to dress and nature in a harmonious, unified and harmonious state. French philosopher Rene Descartes once said: "this kind of beauty, a particular part of the flash, and all parts in total, there is a proper coordination between each other and moderate, not part of the outstanding trump the other part, damage to the structure of the perfect", that is to say, clothing is a kind of whole the United States, people's temperament, psychological, personality and body structure factors and the overall unity of clothing.

Second, the nature, life and bionic design

1. Learn from natural biological modelling

When an imitating biological appearance of fashion design, a lot of people in wonder at the same time is also has a modern and original cave life setback question... Ancient times, humans struggling for survival and nature produced dependence on god illusion, ancient plants and animals have become a primitive human creation, the source of ideas. The ancient egyptians see scarabs, cobra, such as symbol of animals and plants for the gods, Greece, the prototype for the architectural modeling art of ancient Rome is associated with laurel, ivy and other biological nature. For a long time, the development of human, it is always the nature of the form as the first art form, which explains the nature reserves the endless beauty, and so it is with the clothing design field. From emulate swallow cocktail dress, bat batwing coat, to imitate the amaryllis a-shaped trumpet skirt, modeled after the fashions of the biological modelling nature more and more get the welcome of people. We call this kind of imitation design "bionic design". "Bionic design" source of popular charm has three aspects, one is in recent years, the fashion popular agitation to blow the wind "ecological", because the deterioration of industrialization has brought human living space, natural ecology is destroyed, human is more and more beautiful nature before, so people just awakening should attach importance to environmental protection, performance in the clothing design is formed with "nature" and "green leisure" and so on the ecology of boom, and has gradually become the mainstream of fashion. So the

designer under the guidance of this trend and consciousness, there is no doubt the inspiration to learn from the nature.

2. The bionic is the product of the era

Nature itself has special and bottomless charm. The function of the bionic modelling art and design in garment form structure, external shape, movement, and even its expression and sensors and actuators, and the environment of unity and coordination were simulated. "Bionic design" philosophy connotation and the development of the 2 l century dress culture connotation. Clothing "bionic design" is an imitation of natural biological factors such as modelling, colour design activities, the theme is "nature", the theme of the 21st century is the theme of regression, advocates the unity of man and nature. The "nature" and "nature and humanity" is the essence of Chinese traditional philosophy, at the same time is also the "bionic design" as an eternal subject for the development of costume design in the future. Therefore bionic design in the design of clothing heat by fashion gurus bionic design makes people experience to the existence of nature design should first try to obey the laws of nature, we must learn from nature, making it and the human intellect.

Third, the bionic design costumes

In our early Eastern Han Dynasty, Tuo in its creation. "Wuqinxi" and began imitating animal movements human motion design, to modern times, "Dayan Qigong" has even more vividly the use of bionics. First bionic design from the beginning of human motion. Nature, animals, plants, community life, three-dimensional shape of the buildings and costumes are designed to draw objects. Peacock dress, tuxedo, lotus leaf collar, pants, etc. is quite common. International fashion designer Christian Dior introduced the "dome style," Eiffel Tower appearance and Pierre Cardin draw inspiration from China's cornice, designed to fly shrug sleeve styling, these are the characteristics of the natural shape of imitation.

Fourth, clothing materials, biomimetic

Clothing materials is an important factor in fashion design. Its bionic design can be divided into two aspects: First Bionic fabric. Currently bionic fabric has reached the point where real ones, using natural materials such as birds and feathers, leaves and other plant directly for costume design, with man-made imitation of natural fiber fabrics, such as silk, fake fur used directly for costume design. The second is the pattern, texture bionic design. Russian famous designer Zaitsev will plant leaf patterns decorated on the men, the perfect combination of feminine men and masculine women.

Soft, structured, smooth lines design with warm natural flower-shaped, more mature beauty. There using a special printing method (such as chemical printing, embossing) and weaving techniques can express a variety of different natural beauty of texture effects, fabric bionic design has been further developed.

Fifth, cultural connotation embodies

Reflect the "Heaven," the overall notion that "unity of man and nature" view that man is part of nature, "Equality of Zhuangzi?" In the statement: "I was born with the world,

and all things and I are one . " Limited by the form of understanding of the laws of nature into the freedom of expression, and ultimately produce a unique work of art - integration with nature in one, with a strong decorative and aesthetic art.

In addition, we can also shape the pattern forms by natural factors, molded into the image of the internal and external communication and the size of the environment, the specific circumstances and implication as a means to shape the perception of an expression, add charm to the entire design factors, such as the Chinese culture have special meaning plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum and other natural patterns, we can appreciate from modeling style similar to the stuff with us, kind of yearning for a better life and a simple, pure beauty, Westerners tend to be difficult to give all sincere . In recent years, the design community filled with a desire for "home", this "natural wind" for the modern design of standardization, extreme pursuit of mechanization, people find themselves in an unfamiliar environment but no human feelings in life is not full of vitality and full of change, just sinking in the plane of the monotony. As designers as artists and people's emotional needs of high-tech blend, designed to reflect the coordination of human reason and emotion, gives a "return", "home" of intimacy, thus modeling simple, in line with the laws of the natural ecology design exactly coincides with the trend in the information age, this design trend to make a return to the concept of people-centered design deeper meaning.


The era of Art and Design in the handling of the relationship between Chinese and Western cultures should adhere to Western integration, oppose any form of cultural conservatism and cultural nihilism, efforts to carry forward the two cultures and to exercise good component integration, in order to fit the information age to create a cultural ideas needed .

Everything is based on the nature of the bionic design as a reference, to be refined into can be applied to clothing, to become beautiful in clothes, clothes for the history of human civilization wonderful gift, but also in line with the general public, in line with the trend of social development, more appropriate consumer psychology, industrial technology relies on perfect coordination support traditional cultural origins and exquisite craft of art, in order to achieve innovation, and cater to the cultural mindset of the community.


外文文献原文+译文 原文 The study on the design of neuter clothing H ous e W Abstract Social and economic development, social thought, opening up and the progress of science and technology, men and women style presented the diversified pattern of neuter the fuzzy gender differences in style, from the beginning of non-mainstream des ign till n ow has develop ed i nt o on e of the mains t ream fas hi on d es ign style. Fashion brands have launched in recent years, the neutral flavor of fashion, neuter clothing market share of more and more, neutral fashion, with its broad group of sex leads the urban street fashion. Neutralization of free and open way of life style, gave people a comfortable and enjoyable. K ey words: Neut e r; Cl ot hing; Gender roles; Design 1 Introduction The beginning of the 20th century the rise of the feminist movement, make the neutral clothing as a kind of style into the line of sight of people. In the 90 s, the neutral clothing has used by each big brand clothing as one of the fashionable e lement s, s uc h a s dust coa t w i th a ne ut ral style, s ui ts, t-shirt s and j e ans have bec om e people like everyday clothes. Neuter clothing style is a simple, pure; reject all multifarious mincing, personalized style. As a special kind of clothing style, neuter clothing fashion has been intensified in the social life, so it is necessary for us to study the clothing neutralization phenomenon, to study its causes and the development of sociology. This article mainly from the sociological association as well as the relationship between men and women clothing and gender status in the society, which is based on analyzing the change of the study the social basis of the neutral clothing appear; Again from the social system, economic development, cultural trend and fashion designers to the influence of the neutral clothing style, etc., it is concluded that the neuter clothing phenomenon is the development of social consciousness, the sexual role transformation, the new clothing design trends are affecting the results.

服装设计专业 职业生涯规划

职业生涯规划书 迈入大学,我们迎来了人生的一个转折点,也是一个新的起点。大学对于我们这些大一的来说,还只是陌生,还有太多的新鲜感,然而,我们活着不应该庸庸碌碌,要有理想,有勇气,有追求梦想的毅力与恒心。 大学是人生中最灿烂美好的年华。为了不虚度光阴,为了不使以后自己为这四年的碌碌无为而后悔,为了不让自己被现在这安逸的生活冲昏了头脑,所以,我决定,以冷静的头脑,高度的热情,为我将来的职业生涯做一个全面的规划。在《事业的境界》这本大学生人文读本中,我曾经读过一段关于事业的经典论述,是这样说的:“人在做事中一旦作出兴趣来做出情感来,做出味道来,做出意义来,那么所做的事就成为了事业。事业是人与事在做中的一种美妙的契合。事业是人生的一种境界。事之成为事业,从客观方面来说,在于人认识到了此事与一种更大的社会意义、思想意义、人类意义、宇宙意义相关联,从主观方面来说,在于这一事最适合这一人的个性、脾气、爱好、兴趣。”今天我对自己的大学四年生活作一系列的规划,找到自己喜欢做的事,通过自己的努力拼搏,将所做的事发展成一生的事业。 既然选择了东华大学,选择了艺术设计,更直接的说是选择了服装设计这条道路,那么我想,这一点是很明确的,我将为了服装事业而发展而去努力。从小时候,我就有个梦想就是能给自己给别人设计衣服,做漂亮的衣服,小时候就乐于给手边的娃娃和小宠物缝缝衣服换换装扮。学习的的道路一路走来,给自己定的目标或者说是理想总是与服装设计搭边,虽然也曾迷茫过,但是最后还是能够不偏离地走下来了。选择东华是我一直以来的目标,进入东华大学的服装设计系是我的职业生涯要走的第一步路。我的未来有无法预测的可能,但是我的理想职业就是服装设计师或者搭配师,再或者就是时尚杂志的编辑或者时尚买手。为了理想的实现,我的计划是在本科四年后申请国外的知名设计学院进行研究生深造,接下来,如果能在名设计公司、服装设计工作室有实习或者工作机会的话那么希望能进行二到三年的锻炼机会。有了经验和实践的机会,接下来我想尝试的是自己成立工作室进行独立创作,或者是成为一个专业搭配师和时尚买手,到世界各地搜罗各种时尚潮流物品,为客户进行专业的独特的形象设计。 对于时尚或者说是艺术文化行业,灵感永远是第一位的,同时,扎实的基础也是必不可少。为此,我要牢牢把握住大学的学习机会,好好学习基础知识,为以后的实践做好理论铺垫。在这大学四年中,我的目标是学好理论,牢牢掌握各种专业知识,在课余进行实习,自己操作,锻炼动手能力。在大学毕竟还是学生,所以学习永远是第一位的。作为大学生,



“绚影”女装设计说明 服装是人类在这个世界上的第一层外壳,服装已经不是传统意义上的服装穿着,它是一种文化,需要消费者对服装进行第二次设计,通过相应的裁剪技术和缝纫工艺,将设计构思做成实物,让艺术美达到最高点。 追求生活、追求时尚是现代人们对生活的一种体现,时尚永远不曾过去,永远都在重现,文明的精华、视觉的经典,无论主张冷漠还是热情,奢华还是简约,都在生活中展现的淋漓尽致。 一、“绚影”的设计主题 本系列灵感来源于对生活的品味,在现实生活中时尚在变幻着它的角色,在复杂多彩的现实生活中上演着戏剧,融合现代时尚造型优雅、精致。展现了对明天的憧憬,表现了对过去的追忆。单一色彩对人的视觉赋予亲和力,接近于大自然,把服装展现的更生活化。 二、“绚影”的设计步骤 (一)款式设计 这个系列的服装简约而不失潮流,线条流畅而简单。服装整体简约、优雅、大方,简单而不

失单调,体现了服装的经典,重现逝去的简约风格。裙的上下分割看似简单的分割而整体的重点也在于此,整体的服装造型体现出服装的经美绝纶。局部上的设计给人视觉的撞击带来了不一样的感觉。这个系列的服装运用的比例与分割、对称与均衡、多样与统一等造型艺术来达到服装的和谐与完美。 在服装用料上以单一的颜色主面料,网眼布与纱为辅料,在前胸设计上,开口在胸高点下,突出了女性的柔美,性感的一面,优雅而大方。款式以宽松型,没有女性的曲线美,突出了整体的休闲美感。但在服装的局部进行点缀,在前裙片的贴块上烫上烫钻,修饰了服装整体的单一,在贴块的细部用珠片再加以点缀,金色卓而不郡,点缀的部位有规律而不张扬。身体的曲线、浪漫的细节,充分的展现出了都市之时尚精神。 (二)结构设计 服装结构设计是服装的整体体现。款式设计的构思与服装结构设计是相互补的。服装结构设计决定了服装的整体造型,造型的好与坏取决于服装的结构设计。本系列服装的结构简单以上下裙片的分割。分割的部位的异域抽成细褶来达到整


服装设计自我介绍文档3篇Self introduction document of fashion design

服装设计自我介绍文档3篇 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:服装设计自我介绍文档 2、篇章2:服装设计毕业生求职文档 3、篇章3:服装设计专业大学生求职的自我介绍文档 篇章1:服装设计自我介绍文档 我是×××,XX年毕业于×××术设计学院。主修专业方向是服装设计,大学四年是我思想、知识结构及心理、生长成熟的四年。在大学期间,我自己认真学习专业技能,所以我掌握了较强的专业知识。

大学期间我担任了校团支书一职,锻炼了我做事勤奋务实、不拘一格的习惯,加强了我的事业心、责任感、培养了我善于团结、勇于创新的精神。在假期实习当中,通过时间与理论相结合,我学到了许多书本上没有的服装专业知识,提高了综合素质,让我对服装物料、服装工艺、服装的纸样制作等大开眼界,让我掌握了好多的知识,从而更坚定了我对干服装这一行业的浓厚兴趣。我将不断充实自己,使自己努力成为服装行业中的专业人才。平时我注重组织、交际、协作、创新等综合能力的培养,积极参与学生工作和集体活动,在这过程中,全面锻炼了我的思维能力,创新能力,发现问题、分析问题,解决问题和与人沟通的能力,培养了我吃苦耐劳,不怕困难的科学精神,丰富了我的专业知识。 专业方面我具有良好的美术绘画基础及艺术素养,手绘 功底好;通过正规服装教学学习,受到良好的专业训练和能力的培养,在服装设计及服装纸样等各方面有着扎实的理论基础和实践经验。具有品牌女装设计经验,能把握货品的风格定位、搭配特色;熟悉面、辅料市场,懂钉珠、印花、绣花、洗水等设计辅助工艺;有一定的计算机操作能力,会使用coreldraw、photoshop等图形设计软件,绘制服装效果图、款式图;具备


文献信息: 文献标题:Evolution of Fashion Design in the Era of High-Tech Culture (高科技文化时代服装设计的演变) 国外作者:Galina Mihaleva,C.Koh 文献出处:《International Scholarly and Scientific Research and Innovation》,2016,10(7):2447-2451 字数统计:英文2079单词,11462字符;中文3549汉字 外文文献: Evolution of Fashion Design in the Era of High-Tech Culture Abstract Fashion, like many other design fields, undergoes numerous evolutions throughout the ages. This paper aims to recognize and evaluate the significance of advance technology in fashion design and examine how it changes the role of modern fashion designers by modifying the creation process. It also touches on how modern culture is involved in such developments and how it affects fashion design in terms of conceptualizing and fabrication. By comparing case studies, existing fashion design examples and crafting method experimentations; we then spot patterns in which to predict the direction of future developments in the field. A breakdown on the elements of technology in fashion design helps us understand the driving force behind such a trend. The results from explorations in the paper have shown that there is an observed pattern of a distinct increase in interest and progress in the field of fashion technology, which leads to the birth of hybrid crafting methods. In conclusion, it is shown that as fashion technology continues to evolve, their role in clothing crafting becomes more prominent and grows far beyond the humble sewing machine. Keywords: Fashion design, functional aesthetics, smart textiles, 3D printing. INTRODUCTION It is common knowledge that the environment we live in greatly influences the


编号:YB-JH-0961 ( 工作计划) 部门:_____________________ 姓名:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ WORD文档/ A4打印/ 可编辑 服装设计工作计划范文(通用 版) Frequently formulating work plans can make people’s life, work and study more regular, and develop good habits, which is a habit necessary for success in doing things

服装设计工作计划范文(通用版) 摘要:经常制订工作计划,可以使人的生活、工作和学习比较有规律性,养成良好的习惯,因为习惯了制订工作计划,于是让人变得不拖拉、不懒惰、不推诿、不依赖,养成一种做事成功必须具备的习惯。本内容可以放心修改调整或直接使用。 【篇一】 一、行业分析 1、宏观环境分析 国家成功的经济改革,灵活的市场推动政策,使得国内的服装 市场如火如荼。GDP、国民消费指数不断攀升,人们消费意识的不 断增强,为服装行业展示了一个广阔的发展空间。 2、服装行业的发展趋势分析 服装行业在中国自古以来就是一大行业,发展至今,随着政策 的开放与经济的发展,中国现已成为全世界的服装加工基地与品牌 发展的战略阵地。中国是服装消费大国,也是出口大国,我国的服 装出口额占到整个纺织产品出口总额的2/3左右,世界上所有的品 牌产品60%的生产和销售有与中国有关,而中国内地市场每年的消 费额在1000亿左右,且有不断增长的需求,市场潜力巨大。这就为


服装设计基本介绍 服装设计基本介绍 概念定义 服装设计是一个总称,根据不同的工作内容及工作性质可以分为服装造型设计,结构设计,工艺设计,设计的原意是指“针对一个 特定的目标,在计划的过程中求得一种问题的解决和策略,进而满 足人们的某种需求”。设计所涉及的范围十分广泛,包括社会规划、理论模型、产品设计和工程组织方案的制定等等。当然,设计的目 标体现了人类文化演进的机制,是创造审美的重要手段。服装设计 顾名思义是设计服装款式的一种行业,服装设计过程“即根据设计 对象的要求进行构思,并绘制出效果图、平面图,再根据图纸进行 制作,达到完成设计的全过程”。 设计同时具有"事实要素和“价值要素”。前者说明事态的状况,后者则用理论和审美的命题来进行表述,即是“好坏和美丑”。 不同类型的设计侧重的思维类型往往有所差异。例如,在工程设计中更重视理性分析,而在产品造型设计和工业设计则重视整体的 过程,需要运用形象思维的因素,在服装设计方面则更注重“美感”等等。 设计的任务不仅仅的满足个人需求,它同时需要兼顾社会的、经济的、技术的、情感的、审美的需要。由于这些众多的需要中本身 存在一定的矛盾,所以设计任务本身就包括各种需要之间的协调和 对立关系。现代的设计理念在更新中,同样要遵循设计的规范,要 考虑这众多的“需要”。 设计是物质生产和文化创造的首要环节。它总是以一定的文化形态为中介。例如,运用大致相同的建制材料进行建筑工程的设计,

不同的社会文化会诞生不同的建筑形式;运用相似的服装设计构思,不同的社会规范也会产生完全不同的设计风格。 设计过程 一服装设计创作过程 服装设计是一个艺术创作的过程,是艺术构思与艺术表达的统一体。设计师一般先有一个构思和设想,然后收集资料,确定设计方案。其方案主要内容包括:服装整体风格、主题、造型、色彩、面料、服饰品的配套设计等。同时对内结构设计、尺寸确定以及具体 的裁剪缝制和加工工艺等等也要进行周密严谨的考虑,以确保最终 完成的作品能够充分体现最初的`设计意图。 服装设计的构思是一种十分活跃的思维活动,构思通常要经过一段时间的思想酝酿而逐渐形成,也可能由某一方面的触发激起灵感 而突然产生。自然界的花草虫鱼、高山流水、历史古迹、文艺领域 的绘画雕塑,舞蹈音乐以及民族风情等社会生活中的一切都可给设 计者以无穷的灵感来源。新的材质不断涌现,不断丰富着设计师的 表现风格。大千世界为服装设计构思提供了无限宽广的素材,设计 师可以从各个方面挖掘题材。在构思过程中设计者可通过勾勒服装 草图借以表达思维过程,通过修改补充,在考虑较成熟后,再绘制 出详细的服装设计图。 二绘制服装设计图 绘制服装效果图是表达设计构思的重要手段,因此服装设计者需要有良好的美术基础,通过各种绘画手法来体现人体的着装效果。 服装效果图被看作是衡量服装设计师创作能力、设计水平和艺术修 养的重要标志,越来越多地引起设计者的普遍关注和重视。 服装设计中的绘画形成有两种:一类是服装画,属于商业性绘画,用于广告宣传,强调绘画技巧,突出整体的艺术气氛与视觉效果。 另一类是服装效果图用于表达服装艺术构思和工艺构思的效果与要求。服装效果图强调设计的新意,注重服装的着装具体形态以及细 节描写,便于在制作中准确把握,以保证成衣在艺术和工艺上都能 完美地体现设计意图。


英文翻译: The unique expression in fashion design Abstract: With the social progress and people's aesthetic awareness, clothing design requirements are constantly changing, not only beautiful, comfortable, personalized for different purposes, and more and more people started to pay attention the unique design of the clothing. unique expression of the clothing design has something in common, in common, there are three factors most typical one of the means of the use of the plastic arts; is to follow the basic rules of the plastic arts; the pursuit of art content and beauty of form harmony and unity. The face of increasingly fierce competition in society, from clothing unique starting to play to their strengths, so that the costume design perfected. Key words: aesthetic sense; costume design; uniqueness; expression Introduction With the rich substance of social development, improved quality of life, the pursuit of unique clothing is also more than plus strong, the face of the popularity and unity to the mass production of clothing has become a problem to be solved in order to fashion designers. An important design point, then become a unique expression of the costume design costume design costume design unique refers to the characteristics of the presentation of the representative from the clothing on the whole, it is unique content and form unity. China fashion design unique expression as a complete system of disciplines to study the ancient times to now there, but the uniqueness of expression in fashion design is not perfect, therefore, the uniqueness of this study fashion design to express Modern fashion design is of great significance. 1. The unique overview of clothing In short, The unique nature of the clothing is the clothing unique. In a broad sense refers to the presentation of the representative characteristics from the whole of the clothing works, it is one of the unique form and the objectivity of the unity of the unity of content, costume designer on the subjective aspect of creative and clothing subject matter difficult to find words to express, but it is not difficult to make us feel unique style. The unique nature of the clothing, but also refers to the values, artistic characteristics and inherent character of a nation, an era, a genre or a person's clothing in the content and format of the show out. The unique nature of the appearance of the mind, the pursuit of the realm of fashion design in the final analysis is unique in design and positioning, the unique expression of the costume design also reflects the designer's unique creative thinking and the pursuit of art also reflects the distinctive character.


服装设计企划方案 服装设计企划方案 一、设计风格 舒适性和随意性。注意童装款式的宽松、尺寸的适度和色彩的搭配。同时,改变了原来在童装上绣花、嵌珠等繁琐的设计,设计出让儿童喜欢的具有简洁、朴实、自然风格的休闲童装。这将是未来童装设计的主流。注意花卉、动物等图案的创新。设计出儿童喜爱的卡通、q版的字母、可爱的品牌形象等新图案,并在童装配套的装饰上有较大改进,如配内衣、太阳帽、鸭舌帽、船型帽、马甲、背带、腰包等。 二、面料 面料大多采用全棉布、水洗布、双面绒、灯芯绒、牛仔布、格条布等吸汗、透气、无刺激皮肤的织物。在面料色彩上,采用中性色调、单一色调,如: 白、黄、灰、黑、淡绿、浅黄等,易于被儿童接受 三、目标消费群 (1) 0岁至5岁的学前儿童 (2)6岁至10岁的儿童 四、价格 童装与成人装不同,儿童是消费者,家长却是消费的决策者,这加大了市场行销复杂性。随着独生子女人数的增加,家长在子女消费的支出将会越来越大。为适应大众消费,价格多为中档价位,套装约在240元上下,上衣、裤子约为150元左右。

五、营销策略 1、店面布置 店内配有电脑、音响等设备,可播放儿童歌曲、讲故事等。还可播放家长喜欢听的曲子。狂的士高也要播放,顾客的情绪高涨,容易达成购买行为。 收银台附近要摆放价位较低的商品,袜子或小玩具,单价10元左右,这些东西利于顾客交款时顺便购买。 2、广告宣传 0岁至5岁的学前儿童,几乎完全依赖父母的决策。在策划儿童服装广告时,应把父母作为主要的讨求对象,告诉他们你的产品能使宝宝更快更健康地成长,使他们相信购买你的产品是一种正确的选择。 6岁至10岁。是一群喜欢流行的群体,也是最重量级的电视观众。随着年龄的增长和消费地位的不断提升,他们影响父母购物行为的能力越来越强。广告要想取宠于这群体,就必须了解他们到底是喜欢“萝卜”,还是喜欢“青菜”,把广告诉求的基本构架建筑在他们的消费心理和消费行为需求之上,以其认同和接受。 3、促销活动 (1)以旧换新: 开展以旧换新活动,旧衣或旧儿童用品可在购买新童装时折价。 (2)生日促销: 中国人很多,每天都有好多过生日的儿童,我们可规定在本店为儿童购买生日礼物的家长,购物满一定金额元,可享受价值一定金额


品牌服装设计教学大纲 服装设计方向) 176学时) 课程名称:《品牌服装设计》 参考教材:《品牌服装设计》刘晓刚编著东华大学出版社2006 年出版《服装商品企划学》李俊主编中国纺织出版社2005 年出版 《现代展示艺术设计》李喻军主编湖南科学技术出版社2002 年出版开课部门:服装系 学时:总176 (理论12 学时,实训154 学时) 适用专业:服装设计专业 职业标准:服装设计师助理 一、课程性质与任务 本课程是高职高专服装类专业学生的必修课程之一,也是服装类专业的核心能力课程。 课程设置 是根据企业的用人需求,毕业生的主要就业岗位包括服装设计师、服装设计师助理、服装陈列师等。 本课程的实施需在学生掌握一定的版型、设计和制作知识的基础上,结合企业的实际 开发项目, 以品牌服装为主线,以品牌服装设计为核心内容,从设计的角度出发,综合运用所学知识展开教学。

二、教学目的与要求 通过本课程的学习,学生奠定了良好的综合运用知识的能力,保证综合实训以及毕业 设计能够顺 利完成。 《品牌服装设计》课程教学是以培养服装行业高级实用人才为目标,要有一定的岗位 针对性和 实用性,学生通过对品牌服装设计基础的学习,可以将掌握的服装设计基本知识和基本技 能充分运用 到市场设计实践中去,也可以熟悉和掌握品牌企业的运做方式以及业内动态,有利于促进 学生专业技 能和综合技能的提高,对学生职业能力、职业素质的养成具有重要的作用,使学生毕业后能够迅速投入企业的岗位角色,担当起产品设计的重任。 三、教学内容 课业一:目标品牌市场调研工作任务——对已有目标市场进行调研与市场分析。确定新产品的设计方向。 学习目标——学习本课程后学生应该能够根据新产品设计开发任务书,在规定时间内制定详细完 整的调研计划、合理分配调研任务、确定采取什么调研方法、及如何按计划实施调研,并 对获得的调 研信息的进一步分析比较。培养调研过程中发现问题、解决问题的能力、以及对调研中出现的意外情 况的应对能力。培养团队的沟通与合作精神。以及学生独立完成工作记录的存档、资料收 集整理分析, 并最终完成一个完整的调研报告书的任务。 学习组织形式与方法——在规定时间内,以分组的形式进行市场调研。教师在调研过程中主要起 指导作用.以学生为主体,选出组长,采取分工合作的方式。团队合作任务的分配按企业设计师助理的工 作内容进行划分。 评价要求——明确过程确认制度, 每完成一个环节需要下一个工作环节对其进行确认。调研报告


服装设计师的自我介绍 应聘者自我介绍时,通常会想,我怎样做自我介绍才能让面试官记住我,这时如果有一篇应聘面试自我介绍范文来参考一下,那该多好啊,不用急,小编这就例出一篇服装设计师的自我介绍,希望大家能从中有所收获! 我是xxx,**年毕业于xxx术设计学院。主修专业方向是服装设计,通过四年的不懈努力和刻苦学习,我完成了学业并且走上了社会。通过大学的学习,我学到了很多有关服装的知识。怀着对专业的热爱,对提高自身素质的渴望,学习中我投入了巨大的热情和精力,并取得了优秀的成绩,获得了多次奖学金。 大学期间我担任了校团支书一职,锻炼了我做事勤奋务实、不拘一格的习惯,加强了我的事业心、责任感、培养了我善于团结、勇于创新的精神。在假期实习当中,通过时间与理论相结合,我学到了许多书本上没有的服装专业知识,提高了综合素质,让我对服装物料、服装工艺、服装的纸样制作等大开眼界,让我掌握了好多的知识,从而更坚定了我对干服装这一行业的浓厚兴趣。我将不断充实自己,使自己努力成为服装行业中的专业人才。平时我注重组织、交际、协作、创新等综合能力的培养,积极参与学生工作和集体活动,在这过程中,全面锻炼了我的思维能力,创新能力,发现问题、分析问题,解决问题和与人沟通的能力,培养了我吃苦耐劳,不怕困难的科学精神,丰富了我的专业知识。 专业方面我具有良好的美术绘画基础及艺术素养,手绘功底好;通过正规服装教学学习,受到良好的专业训练和能力的培养,在服装设计及服装纸样等各方面有着扎实的理论基础和实践经验。具有品牌女装设计经验,能把握货品的风格定位、搭配特色;熟悉面、辅料市场,懂钉珠、印花、绣花、洗水等设计辅助工艺;有一定的计算机操作能力,会使用coreldraw、photoshop等图形设计软件,绘制服装效果图、款式图;具备一定的创新求变的设计意识和一定的策划、协调能力,能够根据需要独立完成季节性和系列性款式开发,高效地完成工作。


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2020年服装设计师工作计划 ★工作计划是行政活动中使用范围很广的重要公文。机关、团体、企事业单位的各级机构,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时, 都要制定工作计划。工作计划实际上有很多不同种类,它们不但有时 间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。 以下是###工作计划频道为大家整理的2020年服装设计师工作计划,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站频道。 本工作室是一个智囊型的产品规划设计制作团体,是专业化、市场 化的服装设计师创办组建,致力于服装企业品牌之产品设计开发与DI 策划等(包括男女休闲装年龄(18-35岁)、针织、牛仔装、个性时尚的手绘图案设计);本工作室一定要把“N2”建成一个服装品牌工作室. 本工作室的设计师凭借多年的丰富行业经验和现代管理理念,除 实行总体风格的全面把握之外,亦亲力亲为参与具体的设计工作,并 定期培训设计师、工艺师等,整合群体智慧的精华共同服务于企业, 并以客户的市场效益为准则,熟知并重视品牌形象及市场定位,适时 推出每季最适合的货品及其营销与VI工作的跟进,服装设计工作计划。 本工作室能以“最快速度”获取市场信息;流行资讯,实行快速 应对。可提供最新的面、辅料、工艺及渠道,限度地为品牌“N2”服务,巩固市场份额,达到在全国的时尚城市建立起分店。 本工作室将逐步建立成一整套完善的经营模式和管理架构的设计 公司,并将建立中国设计师与品牌长期稳定合作的模式。解决了中国 品牌长期以来设计师频繁跳槽的不稳定性,给品牌带来的压力与损失,品牌与设计师面临最头痛的“设计师换了,产品的风格亦变了”的尴 尬局面。在中国能够彻底解决,协助自己有生命力的品牌、品牌都能 持续的发展下去,令更多的设计师更好地服务于品牌,营造品牌与设 计师双赢的大好局面!


服装英语论文 文章一 Change Of Chinese Clothing Tradition An outstanding characteristic of traditional Chinese clothing is not only an external expression of elegance, but also an internal symbolism. Each and every piece oftraditionalclothing communicates a vitality of its own. This combination of external form with internal symbolism is clearly exemplified in the pair of fighting pheasant feathers used in head wear originating in the battle wear of the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.). Two feathers of a ho bird (a type pheasant good at fighting) were inserted into the head wear of warriors of this period to symbolize a bold and warlike spirit. Archaeological findings of 18,000 year-old artifacts such as bone sewing needles and stone beads and shells with holes bored in them attest to the existence of ornamentation and of sewing extremely early in Chinese civilization. Variety and consistency in clothing were roughly established by the era of the Yellow Emperor and the Emperors Yao and Shun (about 4,500 years ago). Remains of woven silk and hemp articles and ancient ceramic figures further demonstrate the sophistication and refinement of clothing in the Shang Dynasty (16th to 11th century B.C.). The three main types of traditional Chinese clothing are the pien-fu, the ch'ang-p'ao, and the shen-i. The pien-fu is an ancient two-piece ceremonial costume of a tunic-like top extending to the knees and a skirt or trousers extending to the ankles. The ch'ang-p'ao is a one-piece garment extending from the shoulders all the way to the heels. The shen-i is a cross between the pien-fu and the ch'ang-p'ao; it consists of a tunic and a skirt or trousers like the pien-fu, but the tunic and the skirt are sewed together and essentially one piece like the chang-pao. Consequently, the shen-i was the most widely worn of the three types. Typical of these three types of clothing were wide and voluminous sleeves and a very loose fit. Tunic and trousers or tunic and skirt, utilized a very minimum number of stitches for the amount of cloth used. So because of their relatively plain design and structure, embroidered edgings, decorated bands, draped cloth or silks, patterns on the shoulders, and sashes were often added as ornamentation. These varied designs came to be one of the unique features of traditional Chinese dress. Darker colors were favored over lighter ones in traditional Chinese clothing, so the main color of ceremonial clothing tended to be dark while bright, elaborate tapestry designs accented. Lighter colored clothing was worn more frequently by the common people for everyday and around the house use. The Chinese associate certain colors with specific seasons: green represents spring, red symbolizes summer, white represents autumn, and

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