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2019考研英语二小作文话题预测及范文指导【六篇】 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:能够使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——It depends 呼语:特定的写信对象:Dear XX 不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern 2、正文 三段(8句):写作目的段、细化段、感谢或者期待。 3、各种信函内容安排 A.基本结构 Dear…, 发出邀请; 为何邀请细节; 期望参加。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming B.常用句型

We are having a farewell party/a gather together/meeting/senar in (place) on (date) at (time). Would you like to come? (不太正式) It is my honor to inform you that there is an academic meeting in (place) on (date) at (time). We would be too glad to invite you as… (正式) I very much hope that you will accept the invitation. And I am looking forward to hearing back from you. C.下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例: Dear Jane, We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We’ll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don’t disappoint us! Warmest regards. Alice 【必备表达】 1、邀请目的 On behalf of…, I have the honor to invite you to… It is with the great pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to… It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to… We should be very grateful if you could… 2、活动安排


必背范文四感谢信 模板一 Dear ________(对象), I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for________________________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in________________________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been________________________________(没有对方帮助会产生的后果). Everyone agrees that it was you who ________________________________(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 模板二 Dear ______, to express my thanks for your _____(感谢的原因). If it had not How about your life/ study/ work? I’m writing been your assistance in _____(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_____ (没有对方帮助时的后果). During the ______, you gave me generous help and continuous guidance by _____. First, you _____.What’s more, you ______. There is still one thing that I can’t forget. That is _______. (原因) Thanks a lot for your kindness again. (再次致谢) Give my best regards to ______. (祝愿) Yours sincerely _______ 感谢信是用于致谢他人的馈赠、款待、帮助、以及对慰问信和祝贺信的回复。信件不适宜过长,只需 写明感谢他人的理由,信文要感情真挚,措辞得体。 感谢信一般分为三个部分: 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。


考研英语历年图表作文范文 图表作文是英语二大作文的考察形式,由一张图表和两段提纲构成,图表又分为4种类型来考察,包括柱形图,饼图,曲线图和表格。当然,同学在复习时,无需每种图表都各自准备,我们可以寻找图表中存在的共性,出万能的表达,化繁为简。以下就是图表作文的谋篇要点和万能表达。 首段为图表阐释段,也就是用文字描述图表中的相关数据。在本段中包括四大信息要点,图表标题,整体表现,极值和过渡句。在本段中将图表归为两类,动态图和静态图,在此同学们不必太过纠结,只需注意图表中反映的内容有无时间跨度,存在时间的变化为动态图,没有时间上的跨度称为静态图。 动态图和静态图在图表标题和过渡句上表达是一致的。首先图表标题是汉译英,具体的方法我们会在强化课程上讲解。在整体表现上,主要体现的是全部指数的变化或差异。动态图的表达为“As is clearly reflected by the chart, 全部指数witnessed some changes from 时间 to 时间.”静态图为As is clearly reflected by the chart, 全部指数show totally different attitudes towards 话题。

到了极值描述,就是反映出数据的最大变化和差异,它们都是趋势,所以,可以用这样的表达, Especially, 某指数 shows the most obvious tendency that 具体表现.在具体表现的描述中一定要包含具体数字,最后过渡句的通用句式是Obviously, the inclinations, clearly reflected by the chart, should be given more consideration. 中段为分析论证段,主要是从原因或者影响方面找切入点分析这种现象。 在这里只说原因方面,影响的切入点会在强化课程中具体介绍。段落包含两大要点-中心句和具体原因。中心句的作用就是承上启下,也就是承接上文提出的问题,开启下文阐释的原因。大家看看以下表达,Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the trend that 最大变化/差异, but the following two, for my part, could aount for the prevalence of the phenomenon mentioned above.接下来就是具体原因的介绍了,不建议同学们套用小作文中的分条写模板,第一字数太少,第二语言不够优秀。 “To begin with, it is universally admitted that +原因一. So long as you regard this analysis reasonable, I may go further. Another special consideration in this case is that+原因二.”这样的表达不仅吸睛,同学们自己需要写的内容也不多,避免了字数不够的尴尬。第三段为总结预测段,就是总结上


2019全国8套高考英语作文真题及范文指导 1.全国Ⅰ卷 【题目要求】 假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1.写信目的:2.个人优势:3.能做的事情。 注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语已为你写好。 【参考范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position. The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form. All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, 1


考研英语一小作文真题及范文3篇 英语一小作文真题:51.direction You are to write an email to James Cooka newly-arrived Australia professorrecommending some tourist attraction in your city .Please give reason for your recommendation. You should write nearly on the answer/sheet. Dot not sign your own name at the end of the email .use "li ming"instead Do not write the address.(10 points) 参考范文1(网友版): Dear Prof. James Cook Welcome to China. I know you love tra veling so I’m writing this letter to recommend to you one of my favorite scen I think you must like it for the reasons as follows. To begin with there are an amount of beautiful scenic spots such as the Ice and Snow Kingdom in winter the Sun island the Central Street and so on. In addition you could taste a great number of snacks on the average street. Last but not least the people of Harbin are overwhelmingly hospitable and enthusiastic which is famous all over China. Owing to the reasons discuss ed above I won’t hesitate to recommend this scenic spot to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes for you! 【参考范文2(网友版)】 Dear Mr. Cook I am writing this letter to recommend you one of the tourist attractions in my city —The Great Wall. The detailed reasons for my recommendation are listed as the following. At the top of the list the Great Wall is one of the oldest historic interests in China. In addition there are a large number of tourists in China and abroad touring the Great Wall and appreciating its grandness and


考研英语作文范文和模板:图表作文 图表作文 1.写作攻略图表作文是考研英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式,考生应该具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时会运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的整体情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等做出有条理的分析比较,第三段做出总结或给以简单的评论。表格和图表题型写作要点:(1)考生应仔细研究题目以及提示信息,认清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,抓住其主要特点,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定内容层次以及主题句。(2)考生应该仔细研究图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息。切忌简单



对于参加2017高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,小简老师推荐你高考英语写作优秀范文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了满分吗? 1.感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的)help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是李华,因弟弟生病住院,你不能参加你好友下星期四晚的生日晚会,请写一封道歉信解释原因,并祝福他生日快乐。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为)the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party. Cordially, (sincerely) Li Hua 3. 申请信 假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1.年龄:18. 2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好 3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐4.性格特点:积极向上 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行为连贯; 3.开头语和结束语己为你写好。【优秀满分范文】Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends. I hope I may be granted(授予)an interview, when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件)more fully. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely/Yours, LiHua 4. 通知 假如你是校学生会主席。新年即将到来,为了帮助你校的外国留学生更好地了解中国文化,学生会将


考研英语二图表作文预测:全国出境游 Topic 3: The boom of overseas traveling industry From the bar chart given above, we can observe that the number of people traveling abroad experienced some changes during the past several years. From 1999 to 2000, the number of Chinese people traveling abroad increased rapidly from 7.5 million to 10 million, and then to 12.1 million in 2001. The bar chart reveals that people in mounting numbers are going to travel abroad. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, the authorities have issued some preferential policies to promote the development of the overseas tourism industry, which encourages a sudden emergence of travel agencies that can provide customers with convenient overseas tourism services. Additionally, with the improvement of financial status and purchasing power, a considerable number of Chinese people can afford the once-deemed-expensive traveling expenses. Last but not least, as there exists huge difference in cultures, customs and landscapes between China and overseas countries, quite a few people hold that overseas traveling is not only a perfect way to relax oneself, but also enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. By observing the past trends, we may forecast that the growth tendency will continue. However,it is also a highly variable industry


2019年高考英语作文20篇经典范文 (1) 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1.本人简介 2.求助内容 3.约定时间 4.你的联系方式(Email: lihua@https://www.doczj.com/doc/051426078.html, ; Phone:12345678) 范文: Dear Sir , I’m LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me . Here are my email address and phone number :lihua@https://www.doczj.com/doc/051426078.html, ; 1234567. Look forward to your reply . Yours , Li Hua (2) 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。内容包括:1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼 2.希望能够体谅父母的苦衷 3.建议与父母进行交流沟通 范文: Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it , but there’s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble . They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them .If you don’t think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it . Thank you! (3) 假定你是李华,在一位名叫TigerMom的学生家长的博客上,你看到以下内容。请你根据博客内容,写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。


下载毙考题APP 免费领取考试干货资料,还有资料商城等你入驻 2019考研英语小作文之备忘录写作指导 考研英语写作水平提升就是要练,要积累素材。小作文其实拿分不难,大家不妨多训练训练,小编为大家指导备忘录写作技巧,一起来学习: 2019考研英语小作文之备忘录写作指导 Directions: Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory. Your Memo should include: (1)Your purpose. (2) The reasons. (3)Your sincere hope. Memo Date: Aug. 8, 2013 To: The leader of student service department From: Li Ming Subject: Telephone fixing I would like to remind you that we are in need of a telephone for each dormitory. As university students, we need to cope with the daily increasing communications with teachers, friends and people outside the campus. We need a telephone to get and send message, which is important for us. Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication. I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible. 考试使用毙考题,不用再报培训班 邀请码:8806


考研英语大作文写作攻略:图表作文 .写作攻略 图表作文是考研英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式,考生应该具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时会运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的整体情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等做出有条理的分析比较,第三段做出总结或给以简单的评论。表格和图表题型写作要点: (1)考生应仔细研究题目以及提示信息,认清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,抓住其主要特点,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定内容层次以及主题句。 (2)考生应该仔细研究图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息。切忌简单地罗列图表所给出的信息。 (3)图表作文一般采用的时态为一般现在时,但如果图表中给出了具体时间参照,考生则应对时态进行相应的调整。 (4)图表作文有一些固定句型和表达法,考生应对此融会贯通。 (5)图表作文可以细分为表格,曲线图、柱形图和饼形图。除了上述共同要点,考生还应了解这四种图在写作方面的不同特点。 -- 表格可以表示多种事物的相互关系,所以考生要对表格中所给出的大量数字进行比较分析,从中找出其变化规律。 -- 曲线图常表示事物的变化趋势,考生应认真观察坐标系所显示的数据信息,并且密切注意交汇在坐标横轴和纵轴上的数字及单位。 -- 柱形图用来表示各种事物的变化情况及相互关系,要求考生通过宽度相等的柱形的高度或长度差别来判断事物的动态发展趋势,因此考生应密切关注坐标线上的刻度单位及图表旁边的提示说明与文字。 -- 饼形图表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系,旨在要求考生准确理解并阐


【题目要求】 假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括:1.写信目的: 2.个人优势: 3.能做的事情。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语已为你写好。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that vol unteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position. The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form. All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, Li Hua 【写作解析】 这篇书面表达属于应用文中的申请信类型,可以按照申请信的思路来写,同时要注意电子邮件的写作需要体现交际性。首先要进行自我介绍,简要交代写作背景,阐明写信目的。 第二段是文章的主题,要把题干给到的提示完整地体现出来,文章用First of all,What’s more, The most important factor is that 等过渡性结构自然地串联三个要点。同时要注意句式的多样化与高级词汇的应用。 最后需要使用求职信的常用套话及书信的常用套话结尾。



考研英语写作 三段论:第一段---描述图画或图表 第二段---解释寓意 第三段---给出评论 第一段: 第一句 1、As is shown above , 描述图画(倒装).There has been a heated discussion about a 报纸上有一张图画引起人们广泛的关注。 描述图画注意: 第一步:寻找图画的中心事物,并确定中心事物的位置。 第二部:描述中心事物,可以从动作和状态两个方面来描述。第三部; 寻找中心事物周围相关的事物,并进行简单的描述。模式: 在图画中央有------(倒装,它-------(主谓一致、现在分词、非限定性定语从句),周围有-----(独立主格作状语) 第二句----总结 ① The picture , at the fist glimpse , seems to be simple , but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning. 这幅画初看好像很简单,但是只有具有洞察力的人才能看穿其肤浅的含义。 ② The author’s real purpose is not the fact itself , but to lead us to find what hides behind the ice burg.作者的真实目的

···in large measure detrimental. 第二句----进一步讲解人们的态度(重视/不重视) (1 The public fails to attach due attention to 有害主题 . (2 The public attach due attention to 重要主题 . give priority to···优先考虑··· attach attention to···对··注意 emphasize the importance of···强调···的重要性 stress the fundamental role of···强调···的根本作用第三句---对主题进行展开(3-4句) By doing so , 十一个角度平行展开···(也可用科学论据法或举例法) (一、十一个万能理由(角度) 物质回报: ①主题 can provide (offer people with not only delicious food but fashionable clothes and such benefits as comfortable dwellings and handsome automobiles. ② The industrious and insightful people will never fail to profits from (benefit from doing 主题. 时间角度 节约时间 ① It can make the mo st of one ’s time , chance and


对于参加2019高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,小简老师推荐你高考英语写作优秀范文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了满分吗? 1.感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid (极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报) your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是李华,因弟弟生病住院,你不能参加你好友下星期四晚的生日晚会,请写一封道歉信解释原因,并祝福他生日快乐。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party. Cordially, (sincerely) Li Hua 3. 申请信 假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点: 1.年龄:18. 2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好 3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐

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