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高一英语 Unit 4《Reading》说课稿 新人教版

高一英语 Unit 4《Reading》说课稿 新人教版
高一英语 Unit 4《Reading》说课稿 新人教版

高三英语Unit 4 Reading说课稿

A Talk On How To Teach The Reading Material In Unit 4 (SS3)

——The Birth of a Science (说课稿)


在人教版高一英语的下册的Unit 19,曾经谈论过一些关于农业的话题,学生对中国早期的出名的农业家贾思勰有了一定的了解。人教版高三英语的Unit 4这个单元以Green World 为话题,让学生初步了解一些植物学方面的内容,如植物的分类、栽培以及植物学的发展的历程等等;语言技能和很多的语言点几乎都是围绕介绍绿色世界这一中心话题而展开的。要求学生能够运用所学的内容对相关话题进行流利的表述。


在POST-READING 部分,针对READING部分的相关内容设计了5个练习。第1个练习以选择填空的形式考查学生对课文细节内容的了解。第2-5小题以问句的形式进一步考查学生对课文重点内容的了解。

二。说教学目标(Teaching goals)





5.加深对阅读技巧(Scanning and skimming method)的理解及运用。

1. Target language语言目标

1)。Learn some important words and phrases(学习一些有用的词汇和短语)merely,classify,identification,male,promote,botanical,privilege,cosy,wealth,expense reward,appetite output,accumulate,abandon,distinguish,appoint,calculate ,astronomy,enterprise,settlement,abandon,on a large scale,look out for2)。Learn some important sentences(学习一些重要句子)A. Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups,but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus. P30

B. In 1768,the Royal Navy appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeavor to take members of the Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti. P31

C. He also looked out for new economic species:plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold. P31

D. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large scale,helping to develop local economies with these new imports. P31

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to talk about “Botany”and say something about the development history of botany. Help the students to know the contribution of the three important persons to the science of botany. Try to improve the reading ability of the students.三。Teaching important and difficult points说教学重点及教学难点

Help students to understand the whole passage. Help students to know how to use some key words and understand the meaning of some difficult sentences.

四。说教学方法和学法指导Teaching methods and study guide

在本单元的Reading当中,文章比较长,有很多有的新单词,个别的句子非常难理解,学生在阅读当中一定会遇到一定的困难。因此,我采用了一些灵活的实用的教学方法(如Scanning and skimming method和Task-based method),帮助学生理解文章的内容,努力提高阅读课的教学效果。具体做法如下:

解读标题The Birth of a Science. 这能帮助学生快速了解文章的内容。对提高阅读效果有很大的帮助。老师可向学生设问:What is Botany?让学生思考并回答。通读课文,了解细节。老师可向学生提出问题:How many people are mentioned in the passage?让学生快速阅读并寻找此问题的答案。

深层了解,归纳课文大意。What is the main idea of the passage?让学生归纳文章的大意,从而帮助学生理解整篇文章的内容。

升华主题。What can we learn from the passage?让学生能联系实际,学有所获。让学生进行分组(Pair work/ Group work)的讨论(Discussion),加深学生对课文的理解,进一步调动学生学习的积极性。

五。说教具准备Teaching aids

A recorder,a notebook computer and a projector.

六。说教学过程Teaching procedures

Step 1.Presentation

Step 2 Fast reading

Step 3 Listening

Step 4 Exercises

Step 5 Post reading

Step 6 Language points

Step 7 Homework

Step 1.Presentation

What is Botany?Science of studying plants is called Botany

Step 2 Fast reading (Reading material):

A. Pre-reading questions:

B. Fast-reading questions:(3minutes)

§主旨大意■The text“The Birth of a Science”mainly tells us

_________ .A.the importance of botanyB.how to classify plant species into groupsC.the history and development of botanyD.Linnaeus‘discoveries about different species

§推理判断●Captain Cook made ________voyages altogether around the world.A.one B.two C.three D. four

C .Intensive-reading questions:(5-10minutes)(ppt. is better for students to understand)

What were the goals of James Cook‘s first voyage around the world?

Key:three goals:the first goal was to observe the planet Venus when it passed across the sun. This would get theastronomers to have a chance to work out the

distance between the earth and the sun. The second goal was to record,classify and describe all plants and animal life observed during the trip. The third goal was that Captain Cook was given secret instructions to search for an unknown southern continents.

Step 3 Listening

How many people are mentioned in the passage?Who were they?

Carl Linnaeus

Daniel Solander

Joseph Banks

Captain Cook

Step 4 Exercises

1.Before Linnaeus,botany was ________.A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyoneC.fully developed D.a branch of medicine

2. Some economic species plants such as____could help to develop local economies.A.rose and peony B.tea and appleC.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon

3. It was ____ who made Kew(地方名)a centre of scientific and economic research.A.Joseph Banks B.Captain CookC.Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .A.the importance of botany B.how to classify plant species into groupsC.Linnaeus‘ contribution to botany

D.Linnaeus’ discoveries about different species

5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world.A.one B.two C.three


Step 5 Post reading

1.Why was Karl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?Because his idea of grouping plants in families was ______. The identification of different species was based on the arrangement of the female and male organs in the flowers.

2.How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

They classified plants into _____ and herds according to the shape of the _____ and whether they had flowers or not.

3 What were the goals of James Cook‘s first voyage around the world?There are _____. First ,it was to study the passing of the planet Venus. Second,it was to record and classify all plant and animal life. Third,it was to search for unknown southern land.

4 Why did Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?Because the __________ would not pay for all the equipment and expenses.

5 What did Banks do in his later life?

He was involved in enterprise exploration of Africa and settlement of Australia. He developed a

great botanical _______ and so on.


外研版高一英语必修一 Moduel 1Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High说课稿 一、教材分析 本课题是外研版高一英语必修1 Moduel 1的第一部分。本模块主要讨论的话题是开学第一天,其宗旨是让学生通过学习来了解我们的新学校,了解初、高中的不同。因此,作为模块1的第一部分,非常重要,不仅要能激发起学生的学习兴趣,更重要的是位后面的学习做好铺垫。所以,如何巧妙的引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣同时掌握所学知识。 二、学情分析 刚刚入学的新生,对周围的事物充满了好奇,想要了解新学校的各方各面,正是培养学习兴趣和习惯的好时机,所以课堂要充分调动学生的积极性,感受学习英语的乐趣。 三、教学目标 依据课程标准要求、本节教材特点以及学生现有的认知水平,确定本课的教学目标为: 知识与技能目标1)学习掌握与学科相关的词汇并学会表达自己 的喜好。 2)培养学生的阅读能力,学习、应用如何在阅 读中寻找关键词。 过程与方法目标1)通过听、读、小游戏等活动学习词汇。

2)小组活动完成对课文的分析。 情感态度与价值观目标 通过这一课的学习,激发学习的积极性,克服部分同学学英语的畏难心理,为今后的学习打下好的基础。 教学重点、难点 依据课程标准要求和本节教材实际,并结合学生的实际,本节课一是要兴趣为主,二是开始学习阅读方法。由于初中对阅读方法的涉及不是很多,这一方面可能是刚开始接触,所以一定要把握好难易程度,这是本课的难点。 四、教学方法 由身边的事物开始,通过游戏的方式让每个学生参与进来,有话可说,培养学习兴趣和主动性。由分组讨论,激发动机,培养学生的学习积极性。 五、教学过程 导入:In your new school, you must see many new things. Please find out some new things in our classroom…… Introduction: 1)Say the names of your textbooks. 2)Game: work in pairs. Do 1) again as quickly as you can. 3)Group your textbooks. 4)Ask some students write their answers on the blackboard.


Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is ( ) book______ 一、教材分析analysis of the teaching material 二、教学目标teaching aims and demands 三、教学重难点teaching keys and difficulties 四、教学方法teaching methods 五、教学工具teaching aids 六、教学过程teaching procedures 七、板书设计blackboard design 八、教学评价与反思 Now, let me talk about the teaching material first. 本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修 2 mudule6。本模块介绍了----------------------------这节课学习的是listening and vocabulary 和speaking 部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking 讨论了--------------------在这节课之前,学生学习了reading and vocabulary, 通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分------------------的词汇,本课由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对-------------------这一主题进行了延伸和拓展。 Therefore, on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of students growing of mind, I put forward the teaching objectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard. I will talk about it from knowledge objects, ability objects and emotion objects: 知识目标:见教参 能力目标: 见教参 德育目标见教参 (1)----------------------------------------- (2)------------------------------------------ Next, according to the new teachingstand and the teaching content, I made out the key points and the difficult points of this lesson. (1)掌握重点词汇与短语,如---------------- (2)语法方面掌握-------------------------------以及一些有用的表达式和句子结构。 (3)加深学生对于文章的理解,发展学生听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步 应用英语进行交际的能力,侧重提高阅读能力。 Well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods; I’ll talk about my teaching methods below. According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.


Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for Module 1, SEFC Book 1 I. Teaching Material Analysis This is the first unit in SEFC Book 1, and the topic is “My First Day at Senior High”. One of the main characteristics of this teaching material is to stimulate students’ English learning interests and to develop students’ language ability, thinking ability. This text is a diary, in which Li Kang’s first day at his high school, his thoughts and feelings are all showed. After learning this diary, students can express their thoughts and feelings about their first day at senior high school. II. Teaching Objectives 1. Language Objectives (1) New words: embarrassed, amazing, enthusiastic, instruction. (2) New phrases: as…as, nothing like, look forward to. (3) Important sentence patterns: I’m looking forward to doing it. 2. Ability Objectives (1) Get Ss to express their first day at senior high.(express their own feelings and thoughts.) (2)Enable students to develop reading skills (skimming for the main idea of the text and scanning for specific information, summarizing information) 3. Moral Objectives (1) To e nhance student’s awareness of positive attitude towards the new knowledge of senior high. (2) To call for students’ attention to the different school life between junior high school and senior high school. III. Important Points and Difficult Points 1.Ss compare the difference between junior school and high school and know all the difference between junior school and high school. 2.Ss Learn different forms and phrases relatively of one word. 3.Ss know how to find the main idea of the passage quickly. 4.Master the usage of v-ing and v-ed.


2019年外研版英语说课稿 说课也是教师资格证考试和教师招聘考试中必需的环节。如下就为大家收集了外研版英语说课稿,欢迎阅读! LadiesandGentlemen,It’smygreatpleasuretobeheresharingmylessonwithyou. Thecontentofmylessonis 《foreignlanguageteachingandresearchpress》 Book,.letmetalkaboutthislesssonasthefollowing: 一、教材分析:AnalysisoftheTeachingmaterial 二、教学目标:Teachingalmsanddemands: 三、教学重难点:Teachingkeysanddifficulties: 四、教学方法:Teachingmethods: 五、教学工具:Teachingaids: 六、教学过程:Teachingprocedures: 七、板书设计:BlackboardDesign. 八教学评价与反思 Now,letmetalkabouttheteachingmaterialfirst. 本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修2Mudule6。本模块介绍了 ------------------------------------------------------------------这节课学习的是listeningandvocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关

----------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论了 ------------------------------在这节课之前,学生学习了readingandvocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分 ------------------------的词汇,本课由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对 --------------------------------------这一主题进行延伸和拓展。 Therefore,onstudyingtheteachingmaterialandanalyzingtheregul ationofstudentsgrowingofmind,Iputforwardtheteachingobjectiv esaccordingtoEnglishsyllabusandnewlessonstandard.Iwilltalka boutitfromKnowledgeobjects,Abilityobjectsandemotionobjects: 知识目标:见教参 能力目标:见教参 德育目标见教参 (1)----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------


高中英语说课稿 Good #, teachers and judges. I'm candidate, NO.#. I'm honored to be here to share my teaching design with you. Today my topic is #. I'm going to interpret my teaching design from six aspects: analysis of teaching material, the teaching aims, important and difficult points, the teaching methods, the teaching procedure, and blackboard design. Now, I'll start with analysis of teaching material. This passage comes from New Senior English for China Student's Book #, Unit #. The topic is about #. By studying this passage, we'll enable students to master the skills of reading, and to lay the foundation for the whole unit. Then, the teaching aims. According

to the analysis of teaching material, the teaching aims can be achieved as follow. First, knowledge aims. Get students to understand the content of the passage, and the important words and expressions, such as #. Second, ability aims. Improve students' reading ability, and guide students to apply the key words and expressions into speaking and writing. Third, emotional aims. Broaden students' international view and raise their interest in English learning. Next, the important and difficult points. The important points. Get students to master the usage of the important words and expressions, and help students understand some key sentences in the passage, for example #.


外研版高中英语必修二Module Two No Drugs 说课稿Period 3___Listening and Speaking 一.说教材 1.教材简析: 本单元的中心话题是“远离毒品”,谈论有关吸毒,吸烟及其危害的话题,教育学生养成良好生活习惯,培养学生关爱社会、关爱他人的情感价值观,并了解我国和一些国家中通过公益服务帮助沾染坏习惯的弱势群体的情况。 这是在阅读课的基础上所开展的一堂听说课。本课主题是围绕“远离毒品,珍爱生命”(No Drugs Enjoy a Healthy Life)而设计展开的。 2.教学目标: 新教学目标指出学习英语要通过任务活动来完成,要从英语 学科特点出发,激发学生兴趣,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心,克服学习中产生的畏惧心理和困难,结合语言的文化教育,掌握语言基本知识和技能。 A.知识目标: 掌握词汇,如activity break the law burglary connection crime criminal illegal shoplifting shopping center treatment B.能力目标: 发展学生听、说、写的基本技能,提高学生运用英语进

行交际的能力,侧重提高听的能力。 C.情感、态度与价值观: 通过对本课的学习,使学生更多的了解毒品及其危害,呼吁人们立即停止吸烟吸毒,以便养成良好的生活习惯 3.教学重点: (1)掌握本课所学词汇并能熟练运用。 (2)学生听说能力的培养。 (3)深刻认识戒烟、戒毒的重要性。 4.教学难点: (1)如何学会提取、筛选所听重要信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中。(2)激发学生参与课堂活动的积极性。 二.学生情况分析: 本单元的设计与实施是建立在学生经过高一上半学期的新教材学习基础之上。学生已初步适应了在活动与任务中学习英语以及处理语言知识。并且他们也亦应形成并培养了一定的小组学习和自主学习的能力。 三.说教法: “新课标”强调课程要从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发采用体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极地情感态度、主动思维、大胆实践和形成自主学习能了的过程。结合我班学生的实际情况,我将在教学中采用多媒体辅助教学,任务


Unit 1 Friendship说课稿 各位老师: 大家好! 我是XX号考生XX,来自XX。我今天所说的课题是高中一年级英语上册第1单元friendship. 我说课的内容包括五部分,包括教材分析,学生分析,教 1.教材内容分析 今天我说课的内容是高一英语必修1第一单元friendship的reading部分的学习,本单元的中心话题是friendship,本话题对学生来说比较熟悉,让学生能在与之相关的听说读写活动中有话可说、有情可表。课文是犹太女孩安妮的一篇日记,描述了自己对大自然的渴望,比较抽象。课文内容难易适中,学生学习起来难度不大。高一的学生刚入学不久,渴望与同学之间的了解、沟通,建立新的友谊。作为教师引导他们建立正确的交友观显得十分重要,因此学习这篇文章意义重大。 2、教学目标分析 新课标提出了立体三维教学目标,本课我设计的教学目标如下: 1)知识目标: 熟悉本课的一些新单词和短语—outdoors, spellbound, entirely, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, face to face, in order to,etc,语法方面掌握直接引语和间接引语的用法及其之间的转换,以及他们的陈述句与疑问句形式。 2)能力目标: 训练学生的阅读技巧(略读、寻读等),形成用英语获取信息、处理分析信息的能力。并鼓励学生开口说英语。 3)情感态度目标: ①通过讨论友谊激发学生对英语学习的浓厚兴趣; ②使学生了解友谊的深层内涵,帮助他们树立正确的价值观和处事原则; ③通过对课文学习的小组讨论等形式,帮助学生养成团结、协作的品质。 3、教学重点、难点: 1)教学重点:①让学生熟悉与本话题相关的一些重点单词、短语。 ②提高学生的阅读能力,掌握多种阅读方法,如寻读,精读,理解等。 2)教学难点:对阅读中所获取的信息进行加工学习,形成有效的学习策略。鼓励学生开口说英语。 二、学生分析


高一英语外研版必修book1and book2 说课稿 B1 M1 My first day at senior high 一教材内容 本模块介绍一位高中新生第一天到校观察和接触到的人和事物,以及个人感受,内容紧密结合学生的现实生活,通过此部分的学习,使学生们通过课本所描述的生活对比感知自己高一第一天的生活,激发学习兴趣。 二学生分析 学生刚进入高一学习,还不适应新的老师新的环境新的教学方法,更不适应高中全英语教学,很多学生存在胆怯害羞不敢开口的情况,所以老师上课时要通过问候,师生自我介绍等方式消除学生的害怕心理。 三教学重点难点 1掌握重点词汇|、词组、及句型结构 2比较一般现在时与现在进行时的用法 3描述学校的情况 四教学方法 任务型教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法、启发式教学法 五教学手段:多媒体教学 六教学步骤 Period 1 Introduction +listening +vocabulary Pictures –words---listen1----listen2---act out

更新时间:2012-05-19 20:36:00 说课稿 各位老师大家好,今天我说课的内容为外研社普通高中课程标准实验教学用书必修1,module3 My first ride on a train。我上的是一堂听说课。 一教材分析:: 1.新教材特点介绍: 高中必修阶段教材模块内容分为,Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Writing, Grammar, Function, Everyday English, Pronunciation, Culture Corner, Task and Module File, 听说读写,词汇,语法等基本成对出线,各项技能均为综合性训练,注重语境化和语用化。 从模块内容上看,第一增加了Function, Everyday English 和 Pronunciation,这三部分是与模块听力或阅读材料有关的常见和典型的英语习惯用语。可见本套教材更加注重在特定语境中的口语练习,而且难度相对不高。第二增加了单元任务,更加强调任务教学。 从模块内容分布上来看,与人教版教材的最大区别是将阅读部分提前到技能和语言项目学习的前面,即热身之后就开展阅读。而且值得注意的还有阅读篇幅明显缩短,文章难度明显下降。本套教材以阅读为中心向其他语言技能扩散,所有单元涉及的语言技能都与阅读密不可分。我认为本教材之所以这样编排是因为在听、说、读、写这四个环节中,学生对于读的技巧掌握最好,所以通过在热身之后就开展阅读,可以让学生对单...... 外研版高中英语必修1说课稿 module3 My first ride on a train


高中英语全英文说课稿 Lesson Plan Presentation Good morning, everyone! I’m glad to be here to give my lesson plan presentation. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is the reading part of Unit 4 Wildlife Protection in the book NSEFC BOOK1. Now I’ll explain my lesson plan from the following aspects——analysis of teaching material, learning condition, teaching objectives, important and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procure and blackboard design. Analysis of teaching material and learning condition First, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. The reading material is entitled How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife. It talks about how Daisy learned the importance of wildlife protection through her communication with some animals in her dream. It is closely connected with this unit’s topic——the importance of wildlife protection. The passage is clearly organized by Daisy’s 3 trips in which she communicates with several endangered animals, and there are not so much new words in this passage Now let’s move on to the analysis of learning condition, students must be very familiar with the topic and


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人教版高一英语教学课件 人教版高一英语教学课件 ? 英语教学的顺利开展离不开教师们制定的教学课件。 下面就随小编一起去阅读人教版高一英语教学课件,相信能带给大家帮助。 ? 一、学生分析 ? 教学对象为高中三年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。 他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此我特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。 他们学习英语方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。 通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。 学生已经完成了高中英语第一个模块的学习,渐渐习惯了我的教法。 虽然一开始他们觉得与初中教学很不相同(初中老师注重手把手式的语法教学),但经过半个学期后,他们适应得很快,而且还取得一定的进步。 1 / 6

他们会对课文内容提出自己的疑惑和勇于阐述见解,并且从课内知识拓展到课外,通过多种渠道获取学习资源。 不过,本班学生的水平参差不齐,有些差距还相当大。 因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。 ? 二、教材分析 ? 这一课是本单元第一个课时。 在上这一节课前并没有让他们了解太多的与课文内容相关的知识,只是由于这课出现的人名和地方名比较多,我在课前教他们读了一下。 我在备这一课时,发现它的 warming-up 部分会花费比较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了4到5分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。 我觉得在今后也必须合理使用手中的教材,根据学生水平和教学设计进行整合或增减,让不同层次的学生在课堂上都有所收获。 ? 三、教学目标 ? 本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关俄罗斯遗失琥珀屋的轶事。 通过阅读使学生了解世界文化遗产,学会描述他们的起源、发展和保护等方面的情况。 教师根据课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技能。 由于这课讲述国外文化遗产,学生会感到陌生,为了引起共鸣,


人教版高一英语课件 人教版高一英语课件 了解奥运会,培养全球意识,认识世界一体化以及国际合作的趋势;通过对比古现代奥运会,加深对奥运会的了解。以下内容是小编为您精心整理的人教版高一英语课件,欢迎参考! 人教版高一英语课件 Understanding of the teaching material(语篇分析) 本单元以世界性的'体育盛会──Olympic Games 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨、比赛项目以及古现代奥运会的异同。学会用英语表达自己的兴趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好,同时培养学生对体育运动的爱好。 本单元课时安排: The 1st period: Warming up and listening The 2nd period: Speaking The 3rd period: Reading The 4th period: Reading The 5th period: Language study

The 6th period: Integrating skills Teaching objectives: 一.Learning objectives: Ability Objects: 1.Foster the Ss’ ability of comprehending passages ,especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles. Help the Ss learn how to scan the text and get detailed information 2.Offer the Ss chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about Helen Thayer’s of traveling alone to the Antarctica . 3.Enable the students to conclude Helen Thayer’s qualities by reading the context and find the suitable words to describe her . 4.Learn to describe people 5. Learn to write an essay about people Knowledge Objects: 1.Help the Ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly. And enable the Ss to master the grammarof Subject-verb agreement .


高一英语说课稿优秀范文五篇 高一英语说课稿1 一、说教材 (一)教材内容及分析 我说课的内容是外研版《英语》(新标准)高中第一册(必修 1)Module 2 My New Teachers 的Reading and Vocabulary的短文阅读。本模块以My New Teachers 为话题,介绍了具有不同教学风格和个性特征的教师,旨在通过模块的教学使学生学会描述教师及校园生活,并能运用所学词汇、句型来表达自己的喜好,同时通过学习制定好教师的标准使师生之间相互了解。 Introduction 部分已主要介绍表示个性特征的形容词,并通过听力活动对描述教师风格的陈述进行判断;Reading and Vocabulary部分要求学生利用提供的词汇阅读三篇短文,了解不同教师的教学风格。训练学生围绕学校生活对教师个性特征、教学风格进行由浅入深的描写。 (二)教学目标 根据《新课标》总目标的描述,结合本课的内容,我把本节课的教学目标系统化,分别是:语言知识,能力目标,情感目

标,文化意识,和学习策略。 1.语言知识目标 掌握并能运用下列词汇: tient,serious,intelligent,energetic,amusing,nervous ,shy,strict,impression,respect,organise,appreciate,admi t… 2.语言技能目标 运用表示个性特征的词汇描述熟悉的人物;理解介绍教师风格的短文,了解不同教师的个性特征和教学风格,获取信息并掌握和理解作者的观点;简单描写自己身边的老师。 3.学习策略目标 搜集和运用所学词汇、短语;对介绍教学风格的材料进行理解、分析、比较和总结;体现自主合作探究相结合。 4.文化意识和情感态度目标 加深对老师的了解和热爱, 既发挥学习主动性也配合教师的教学工作,实现感情交流,使师生关系更加融洽。 (三)教学重点与难点 重点:围绕学校生活对教师个性特征、教学风格进行描写。 难点:了解不同教师的教学风格,并运用于实际。 二、说学情

外研版必修一module 1说课稿

Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High说课稿 一、教材分析 本课题是外研版高一英语必修1 Moduel 1的第一部分。本模块主要讨论的话题是开学第一天,其宗旨是让学生通过学习来了解我们的新学校,了解初、高中的不同。因此,作为模块1的第一部分,非常重要,不仅要能激发起学生的学习兴趣,更重要的是位后面的学习做好铺垫。所以,如何巧妙的引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣同时掌握所学知识。 二、学情分析 刚刚入学的新生,对周围的事物充满了好奇,想要了解新学校的各方各面,正是培养学习兴趣和习惯的好时机,所以课堂要充分调动学生的积极性,感受学习英语的乐趣。 三、教学目标 依据课程标准要求、本节教材特点以及学生现有的认知水平,确定本课的教学目标为: 知识与技能目标1)学习掌握与学科相关的词汇并学会表达自己 的喜好。 2)培养学生的阅读能力,学习、应用如何在阅 读中寻找关键词。 过程与方法目标1)通过听、读、小游戏等活动学习词汇。 2)小组活动完成对课文的分析。

情感态度与价值观目标 通过这一课的学习,激发学习的积极性,克服部分同学学英语的畏难心理,为今后的学习打下好的基础。 教学重点、难点 依据课程标准要求和本节教材实际,并结合学生的实际,本节课一是要兴趣为主,二是开始学习阅读方法。由于初中对阅读方法的涉及不是很多,这一方面可能是刚开始接触,所以一定要把握好难易程度,这是本课的难点。 四、教学方法 由身边的事物开始,通过游戏的方式让每个学生参与进来,有话可说,培养学习兴趣和主动性。由分组讨论,激发动机,培养学生的学习积极性。 五、教学过程 导入:In your new school, you must see many new things. Please find out some new things in our classroom…… Introduction: 1)Say the names of your textbooks. 2)Game: work in pairs. Do 1) again as quickly as you can. 3)Group your textbooks. 4)Ask some students write their answers on the blackboard. 5)Game.


Interpretation Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. I’m Sun Tiejun from SJY Middle School. I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure. Part 1 Teaching Material The content of my lesson is FLTRP Book___ Module____________________. This Module is about____________________ (topics). By studying of this Module, (As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great influence on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this Module. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this Module. Part 2 Teaching Aims According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are as follows: 1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题) (1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions. (2)The Ss can use the g rammar in the proper situation. (3)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about ________________ (information). 2.Ability objects (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading a nd writing (2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies. (3) To i mprove the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability. (4) To train the Ss’ abilit ies of studying by themselves and cooperating . 3.Emotional or moral objects (1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in _________________. put the moral education in the language study. Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus. The important point is How to understand the text better.. The difficult point is to Use their own words to retell the text.. Part 4 Teaching Methods As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) . https://www.doczj.com/doc/045682487.html,municative Approach(交际教学法) 2.Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法) 3.Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法) 4.Total Situational Action (情景教学) teaching method , it establishes a real

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