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69.Translation of Guide Words in Tourism English论导游词在旅游英语中的翻译

70.Skills and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisement英语广告中双关语的运用技巧


71.Translation and Business-oriented Terms经贸术语及其翻译

72.On the Development of English New Words英语新词的发展

73.On the Usage of English Abbreviations on the Internet谈网络英语中的缩略语

https://www.doczj.com/doc/045679258.html,age and Reason of Foreignism in Chinese汉语中外来词的使用现状及原因

75.Characteristics of American Slang美国俚语特点初探

https://www.doczj.com/doc/045679258.html,parison and Contrast between English and Chinese Proverbs

77.Differences between American English and British English

78.Analysis of Language Features in English News

79.A Study of Complimenting

80.The Polite Language in the English Language

81.An Account of Advertising Language广告用语一瞥

82.A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation

83.Characteristics and Purpose of English Intonation

https://www.doczj.com/doc/045679258.html,parison and Contrast of English and Chinese Intonation

85.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions

86.Different Method of learning Phonetics

87.On the English Negative Sentences



















106.浅谈二语习得中的社会因素Thesis on the Social Factors and Second Language Acquisition 107.论英语语言教学中的文化教学On Culture Teaching in English Language Teaching

108.中英文常用修辞格对比研究 A Contrastive Study between Frequently Used Figures of Speech in English and Chinese

109.浅析英语委婉语的语用功能A Study of Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemisms 110.浅谈广告英语中的修辞A study of Rhetorical Features of English Advertisements

111.浅谈英语影视作品中的英语词汇和习语Practical Application of V ocabulary and Idioms in English Films and Televisions

112.英汉复合词的对比分析Contrast between English Compounds and Chinese Compounds 113.英语商业广告的词法特点分析An Analysis of Morphological Features of English Commercial Advertisements

114.英语习语在日常生活中的运用Application of English Idioms in Daily Life

115.场依赖性和场独立性对英语学习者听力的影响The Effect of Field Dependence and Field

Independence on English Learners’ Listening Ability

116.论英汉翻译中汉语方言的正迁移Positive Transfer of Chinese Dialect on English-Chinese Translation

117.中式英文在中国流行的分析An Analysis of the Popularity of Chinglish in China

118.英语中的性别差异及性别歧视Sexual Differentiation and Sexism in the English Language 119.论第二语言学习的态度及动机On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning 120.试论因特网在第二语言习得中的辅助作用The Assisting Function of the Internet in Second Language Acquisition

121.英语缩略语在汉语语境中的功能分析Functional analysis of English acronyms in Chinese context

122.汉语新闻报道中英语缩略语的语用优势Pragmatic advantages of English acronyms in Chinese reports

123.非语言因素在第二语言习得中的作用The Function of non-linguistic factors in Second Language Acquisition

124.汉语方言口音对英语发音的影响Influences of Chinese Dialectic Accents on English Pronunciation

125.英语动物隐喻研究A Study on Animal Metaphors in English

126.英语体育新闻语篇文体特征浅析Stylistic Features of Sports News English

127.英语与汉语中暗喻的对比Contrast between English Metaphor and Chinese Metaphor 128.英汉语言禁忌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Verbal Taboo in Chinese and English 129.英汉拒绝语的对比研究 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Expressions in Refusing or Declining

130.语言模糊现象在语言交际中的运用An Analysis of the Application of Fuzzy Language in Communication

131.On Politeness Norms and Mistakes in Interactive Communication of Spoken English英汉口语中互动性交际的礼貌规范与失误

132.Pragmatic Analysis on the Approximating Quantities with Numbers数词模糊语的语用分析133.刻意曲解(Deliberate Misinterpretation)的语用动机和功能

134. A Study of the Elements in Improving English Listening Ability under Computer- and- Internet- Assisted Circumstance计算机网络下的英语听力能力提高的元素

135.A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Color Terms in English and Chinese


136. A Study of Symbolic Meanings of English and Chinese Numeral Words



A Comparative Study of Ambiguous Sentences in English and Chinese


A Comparative Study of Humor in English and Chinese


A Study of Diction-Choosing Strategies in English Majors’ Compositions


An Analysis of the Characteristics of Abbreviations and Their Original Words in Online Chatroom

141.The Phenomenon of Mother Tongue Transfer in English Writing


142. A survey of the Use of Reading Strategies by College Students


143.A Survey of the Use of Writing Strategies by College Students


144.A Comparison between English and Chinese Analogic Rhetoric


145.Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误

146.Cross-culture Failures by Chinese Learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区

147.Error Analysis in Learning English as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究148.Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法

149.英语语言在男女性别中的差异Language Differences between Males and Females –An Analysis of English Language Features From the Perspective of Gender

150.中英思维差异对英语学习的影响The Effects of Differences in Thinking between Chinese and English on English Learning

151.中英思维差异对英语写作的影响及其应对策略The Effects of Thinking Differences between Chinese and English on EFL Writing and the Solutions

152.文化差异对初学者习得英语句法的影响The Effects of Culture Differ ences on Beginners’EFL Syntactical Study

153.电子语料库对英语学习的革命Electronic Corpus – An Evolution of EFL Learning

154.英语词汇记忆方法归纳On How to Memorize English Vocabulary

155.法语对英语词汇的影响Influence of French upon English Vocabulary

156.对中式英语产生的成因的初步研究和对策A Tentative Study of the Causes of Chinglish and Solutions

157.语音形状在语篇中的作用Phonology in English Discourse

158.Culture Features in American Slang美国俚语中的文化特点

159.通过女权主义分析一部英文著作(例如《秃头歌女》)Analysis of an English novel from the perspective of feminism (for example, The Bald Soprano)

160.通过东方主义分析一部英文著作(例如《黑暗的心》)Analysis of an English novel from the perspective of Orientalism (for example, Heart of Darkness)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/045679258.html,dy Gaga的流行看当今年轻人的反叛元素The prevailing Lady Gaga phenomenon – the rebelling spirit of today’s younger generation

162.从《美国达人》到全球热播的选秀节目看美国文化的影响力From America's Got Talent to the worldwide-flourishing talent shows – the influence of American culture

163.从英语谚语看圣经的文化影响力The Cultural Influence of the Bible on English Proverbs 164.英语中的汉语词汇——论汉语对英语的反哺作用Chinese V ocabulary in the English language –back feeding of Chinese to English

165.A Tentative Study of English Proverbs

166.Negation in the English Language

167.A Study of English Euphemism

168.A Comparison between English and Chinese Politeness Principles

169.Noun-verb Conversion in Contemporary English

170.Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts

171.On Intercultural Nonverbal Communication

172.The Effect of Context in the Meaning of Words

173.Influence of Science and Technology on English V ocabulary 174.A Study of English Word-Formation Rules

175.Ambiguity and Puns in English

176.On New Coinage in Contemporary English


英语语言学毕业论文(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语专业毕业论文:社会语言学the definition of sociolinguistics and its characteristic 外语系06接本6班尹珊珊24号 [abstract]sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. it ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another. sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language. [key words] sociolinguisticssociolinguistics variationsocial function [content]sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used. it also studies how lects differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individual socio-economic classes. as the usage of a language varies from place to place, and language usage varies among social classes. it is socialists that sociolinguistics studies.


《英语语言学概论》复习纲要 1.复习的基本原则:第一,理解和吃透各章的重点内容。第二,以 各章的题目为统领,理解各章节下的具体内容。第三,动手书写和记忆重要内容,部分语言学理论会应用到实际中。 2.各章节复习要点如下 Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics Definitions of the following terms: language, linguistics, arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement, descriptive VS prescriptive, synchronic VS diachronic, langue VS parole, competence VS performance Study of the origin of language What are the functions of language Which subjects are included in macrolinguistics Chapter 2 Speech Sounds Definitions of the following terms: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics, phonetics, phonology, consonants, vowels, allophones, broad transcription VS narrow transcription Analyze the complementary distribution, free variation with examples The classification of English consonants and English vowels and the features involved in the classification Understand some processes of phonology: nasalization, dentalization, velarization


英语专业论文题目大全 好的论文题目既是研究的方向,也是一个新的学习领域。你会像一叶小舟,尽情游弋在知识的海洋中。 确定选题 写论文,首先要有选题。我们要从当前英语教学实践中亟待解决的和对英语教学改革实践起指导作用的问题中确定选题。题目是文章的眼睛,应该让读者一看题目就能洞察出文章的内容范围。感受深则写之顺,驾轻就熟,容易出成果。(1)选题要新颖 创新是论文的生命线。尽量写别人未总结过的东西,要有创造性、新颖性,做到人无我有、人有我新,以爆“冷门”,增强发表的命中率。选题要新颖,就要把握时代的脉搏,关注学科教学改革的动态。捕捉、探讨本学科的信息,以科学性为前提,言他人所未言,发他人所未见,示读者所未知,不是一味地标新立异。新颖性还指选题的写作角度新、立意新,别人写过的老题目,如兴趣教学、课文教学等,我们可以从新的角度去写,另辟蹊径,写出自己新的经验、观点,写出自己的真知灼见,只要能予人以新的启示,同样能取胜。 (2)从小处着眼 大题目的论文并非不能写,但题目过大,会不着边际,捉襟见肘,往往要说的东西太多,结果是什么也讲不深道不透,两、三千字无法包容其内涵。从小处着眼,把题域缩小一些,使题目变得具体、实在,有利于作者更集中、深入地搜集材料、出示论据,写起来得心应手,做到“小题大作”,从而给读者更多有益的东西。在取得一定的写作经验之后,一旦有大的选题而且有迫切的写作欲望,我们同样可以着手撰写。 以下是从网络上搜集到的题目,供大家参考: 语言与语言学类 从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变 英诗中常用的修辞 英语谚语的修辞手法 委婉语种 英语中的缩略语 英语词汇中的外来语单词 英语新词新意探究 美国英语的特色 如何正确把握英语定语从句(或其他各种从句或语法形式)在句子中的确切含义Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication Ambiguity and Puns in English Some basic consideration of style English by Newspaper


英语专业本科毕业论文选题方向 A 英国文学(英国文学的文化研究、作品分析等); ?国别文学研究和地域文学研究 ?文学流派研究(如:浪漫主义,现实主义,自然主义,超现实主义,存在主义,黑 色幽默,意识流,女性主义文学等) ?作家研究和文本分析 ?中外比较文学研究 B 美国文学(美国文学的文化研究、作品分析等); ?国别文学研究和地域文学研究 ?文学流派研究(如:浪漫主义,现实主义,自然主义,超现实主义,存在主义,黑 色幽默,意识流,女性主义文学等) ?作家研究和文本分析 ?中外比较文学研究 C西方文化(英美加澳新等西方国家文化以及与汉文化的比较研究); ?文化与外语学习 ?中西方文化比较 ?地域文化研究(如:“美国60年代的摇滚学--社会的晴雨表”) D语言学(语言学一般理论的研究); ?语言学研究(如:语言研究,文字研究,词汇研究,短语和句子研究,语篇研究, 语言与文化等) E教学法(英语教学法、测试学等方面的研究); ?语言教学研究,教学法研究,教学方法和技巧研究(如:语言研究与语言习惯,测 试与评估研究,课堂教学管理研究,教育技术的使用与开展研究) ?英语学习个体差异研究(如:不同性格的学生的口语能力有何不同?) F翻译学(翻译理论与实践探讨、译本研究以及名家名著翻译作品对比研究等); ?翻译学理论研究 ?翻译方法个案研究(如:“从海明威的短篇小说《一个干净、的地方》看简洁句的翻 译”) ?中外翻译比较 G 商务英语 ?国际贸易与实务等 ?旅游与旅游管理等 H其它类 ?其他(如:国际关系类论文等)

附:英语专业论文参考选题 (以下选题仅供参考,毕业论文题目的最终确立请与指导教师认真磋商。)1. A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre 《简爱》的主人翁个性分析 2. A Brief Comment on O’Henry Short Stories 亨利的短篇小说述评 3. A Comment on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论 4. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress 《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较 5. A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre 《简爱》男女平等思想的探索 6. A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究 7. A Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary Teaching 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学 8. A Study of the Translation of Sports Terms 体育专有名词的翻译 9. A Study of Transitional Words and Expressions 过渡词及表达法的研究 10. About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby 从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的破碎 11. About the Quality-oriented Education in English Language Teaching 英语教学中的素质教育 12. About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 论翻译中词性的转换 13. Application of English Idioms in Daily Life 英语习语在日常生活中的运用 14. Body Language Difference in Meaning in Cross-cultural Communication 体态语在跨文化交际中的意义差异 15. Characterization in Charles Dickens’ Novels 狄更斯小说中的人物塑造 16. Choice of Correct Words in Translation在翻译中如何准确选词 17. Comment on Berna rd Shaw’s Dramatic Art 评肖伯纳的戏剧艺术 18. Comparing First and Second Language Acquisitions 二语习得与母语的比较研究 19. Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English 中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区


语言学方向论文选题 1.浅谈英汉句子结构差异 2.诗意的美和喜剧性幽默 3.英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对比研究 4.英汉数字习语的对比研究 5.词义演变的原因与方式 6.名词化的语篇功能 7.诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响 8.浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能 9.隐喻与一词多义的关系 10.英汉被动句对比研究 11.英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因 12.英汉动词非谓语用法比较研究 13.英汉否定问句的答句对比研究 14.英汉合成词构词对比研究 15.英汉名词短语修饰模式比较 16.英汉拟声词异同探讨 17.英汉人称代词运用对比研究 18.英语复合词的语义分析及其类型 19.英语委婉语的使用原则与策略 20.语境对词义的制约作用 21.汉英色彩词汇的对比研究及其象征意义 22.中英恭维语对比研究 23.委婉语的礼貌原则研究及策略 24.汉英“山丘”对比研究 25.英汉颜色词跨域对比分析—以RED和红为例 26.英语道歉方式的策略及研究 27.英语拒绝言语行为研究 28.英语委婉语的寒暄功能 29.英语请求言语的策略研究

30.英语课堂教师提问的策略研究 31.会话得体:会话者的立场语境运用研究 32.英语课堂学生提问的策略研究 33.英语课堂的焦虑现象及策略研究 34.广告口号语的语言特点 35.从礼貌原则看短信语言 36.从合作原则看课堂师生互动 37.浅析中英言语行为中的礼貌原则 38.中英政治新闻报道中的模糊语言研究 39.言语错误分析理论在教学中的应用 40.英汉颜色词的引申义的文化差别 41.外语学习中应该重视中介语的作用 42.浅谈英汉句子结构差异 43.副词EVER的句法环境和语义特征 44.论文化差异与英语教学中的文化导入 45.学习者的动机因素对外语学习的影响 46.浅谈词汇搭配错误分析及其应对策略 47.浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象 48.礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的应用 49.中英文性别歧视习语的对比研究 50.称谓语使用中的性别差异 51.从认知角度看隐喻在经济语篇中的应用 52.浅析广告语言的特点 53.浅谈英语新词的产生、构成及翻译 54.浅谈网络英语中的缩略语。 55.论中英文化对隐喻的影响 56.礼貌原则在商务谈判中的作用 57.浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源 58.英诗中的常用修辞研究 59.英语词汇中的外来语单词


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版第1-3章练习题参考答案 Chapter 1 Introduction P13 1. How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of language? 答:Linguistics is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, the linguists has to collect and observe language facts first, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. The hypotheses thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation, that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. 2. What are the major branches of linguistics? What does each of them study? 答:The major branches of linguistics are: (1) phonetics: it studies the sounds used in linguistic communication; (2) phonology: it studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication; (3) morphology: it studies the way in which linguistic symbols representing sounds are arranged and combined to form words; (4) syntax: it studies the rules which govern how words are combined to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages; (5) semantics: it studies meaning conveyed by language; (6) pragmatics: it studies the meaning in the context of language use. 3. In what basic ways does modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar? 答:The general approach thus traditionally formed to the study of language over the years is roughly referred to as “t raditional gramma r.” Modern linguistics differs from traditional g rammar in several basic ways. Firstly, linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive. Second, modem linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. Traditional grammarians, on the other hand, tended to emphasize, maybe over-emphasize, the importance of the written word, partly because of its permanence. Then, modem linguistics differs from traditional grammar also in that it does not force languages into a Latin-based framework. 4. Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic or diachronic? Why? 答:In modem linguistics, a synchronic approach seems to enjoy priority over a diachronic one. Because people believed that unless the various states of a language in different historical periods are successfully studied, it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical development. 5. For what reasons does modern linguistics give priority to speech rather than to writing? 答:Speech and writing are the two major media of linguistic communication. Modem linguistics regards the spoken language as the natural or the primary medium of human language for some obvious reasons. From the point of view of linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any langu age is always “invented” by its users to record speech when the need arises. Even in today's world there are still many languages that can only be spoken but not written. Then in everyday communication, speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyed. And also, speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mother tongue, and writing is learned and taught later when he goes to school. For modern linguists, spoken language reveals many true features of human speech while written language is only the “revised” record of spe ech. Thus their data for investigation and analysis are mostly drawn from everyday speech, which they regard as authentic.


英语论文题目大全_最新英语专业毕业论文题目 下面是学术堂整理的英语论文题目大全,供选题使用,如有更多需求可以联系本站客服。 英语论文题目大全导航: 英语毕业论文题目英语专业论文题目英语教学法论文题目英语语言论文题目商务英语论文题目旅游英语论文题目英语论文题目(英美文学)英语论文题目(文化研究)英语翻译论文题目英语语言学论文题目 英语教学论文题目 英文论文题目选择可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向。 英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文题目选择可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究。语言学:选择语言学的毕业论文题目选择可以在两个大的方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学。普通语言学的研究就是对于英语语言的任何一个方面的研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面的研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”)。应用语言学包括教学法的研究和其它

一些新兴的应用语言学分支的研究。师范专业或本身从事教师职业的学生选择教学法方向的较多。在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围的选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要的是要结合教学实践或实验。这个方向的好的选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习的影响”等。 翻译学:翻译学的选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动。对翻译理论的研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等。相比之下,对翻译活动的研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象的翻译、或一种修辞格的翻译的研究(如“汉语成语的英译”)。应该注意的是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子的罗列。【扩展阅读】:完成英语毕业论文的撰写可以分两个步骤,即选择课题和研究课题。 首先是选择课题选题是英语论文撰写成败的关键。要选择有科学价值和现实意义的、切实可行的课题。可以说选好课题是毕业论文成功的一半。 第一、要坚持选择有科学价值和现实意义的课题。 科学研究的目的是为了更好地认识世界、改造世界,以推动社会的不断进步和发展。因此,毕业论文的选题,必须紧密结合社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要,以促进科学事业发展和解决现实存在问题作为出发点和落脚点。选题要符合科学研究的正确方向,要具有新颖性,有创新、有理论价值和现实的指导意义或推动


论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术 Tom Jones, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man 放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯 The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost 《失乐园》中的自由意志和反叛精神 On the Development of Shylock’s Character 论夏洛克的性格发展 Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones 评《汤姆?琼斯》中的道德观与批评观 On Imogen,the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline 论《辛白林》中伊慕琴的新女性形象 Burns’View on Love and Friendship 论彭斯的爱情友谊观 The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale 《希腊古瓮颂》与《夜莺颂》中艺术与生活的对照 The Womanism in "The Color Purple" On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication 谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异 On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War 美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 On American Black English 浅谈美国黑人英语 On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American 浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries On the Ideological Content in Bacon’s Essays 论培根散文的思想性 Women's Movement in 1960s in American 美国六十年代的妇女运动 Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children 浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响 The Influence of Chinese Cultural Circumstances on English Learning 汉语环境对英语学习的影响 A Comprehension of Male Centrad Literature through A Doll’s House 黑色的坚毅——小说《飘》主人公的性格分析Black Determination——An Analysis of the Personalities of the Main Character in Gone with the Wind 从浪漫走向世俗的新型女性——《理智与情感》中玛丽安的性格分析 人性的扭曲信任的危机--重读《奥》剧杂感Random Thoughts on Othello


英语教学论文题目参考在教学中发挥学生的主体作用 英语教学中的交际性原则 新课程理念下初中英语课堂教学中合作学习的运用 高中英语教学中学生主体能动性的发挥 初中英语课文阅读教学策略探讨 连动式、兼语式的汉英比较 新教材新特点引发新思考新探索 英语非谓语动词的表层结构与深层意义 高中英语问题式教学初探 三段式在中学英语阅读教学中的运用 英语教学“课堂导入”的原则和方法 参与、合作、探究的英语教学模式 浅谈中学英语兴趣教学 构建基于信息技术的多维互动的思想品德课教学体系 初中英语教学中自主与合作学习方式的结合应用 词汇法教学在英语教学实践中的应用 高中学生英语会话能力薄弱的原因及解决办法 在外语教学中培养为交际而运用英语的能力 英语教学要体现人文关怀 练习在英语课堂教学中的运用 浅谈英语教学中对学生主体意识的开掘 中学初级阶段英语教学浅谈 英语探究性课堂教学法例谈 浅谈提高英语听力教学的方法 英语教师应把握学生作为学习主体的相关因素 初中英语口试的紧迫性和可行性研究

浅谈中小学生英语学习与心理素质的关系 浅谈高中英语如何运用启发式教学激发学生积极思维 浅谈如何培养中学生英语的兴趣 构建适合学生的教学模式发展学生综合运用语言的能力中学生英语听力障碍及克服方法初探 英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈 关于英语后阶段复习冲刺的学习策略与建议 英语课堂创设教学活动情境的途径 注意英语学习策略培训提高学生自主学习能力 如何在英语教学中培养学生良好的语感 注重方法培养能力提高质量——谈高中英语的复习试谈思政课中案例与活动教学的有效整合 中学英语教学与“学困生”心理素质教育 语境设置与中学英语教学 外语教学中如何使用语言实验室 在英语学习中培养学生的创新能力 初中英语的句型教学 预制语块与中学英语口语教学 多媒体技术在英语情景教学中的应用 英语课堂教学中的创新教育 初中英语课堂教学应体现“四化” 试析母语在外语教学中的作用 新课程体系下中学生英语学习能力的培养 初中英语新教材的特点及教法初探 浅谈初中生学习英语过程中的两极分化 开发中学英语校本课程资源的若干原则 运用任务型教学进行初中英语写作训练


英语语言文学专业毕业论文题目大全 1 The Instructive Meaning of Inter-language Pragmatics for foreign Language Teaching 2 Pedagogical Translation and Translation Teaching 3 Fuzzy Words and Their Uses in Human Communication 4 Ambiguity and Puns in English 5 Some basic consideration of style 6 English by Newspaper 7 English Personal Pronouns: a Preliminary Textual Analysis 8 Thematic Network and Text Types 9 An Inquiry into Speech Act Theory 10 On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing 11 The Inferences of Conversational Implications 12 Context and Meaning 13 The Construction and Interpretation of Cohesion in Texts 14 The Instructive Meaning of Inter-language Pragmatics for foreign Language Teaching

15 Pedagogical Translation and Translation Teaching 16 The Importance of Cultural Authenticity in Teaching Materials 17 Micro-teaching and Student Teacher Training 18 How to Evaluate the Teacher Performance - A Case Study 19 English Test Design 20 The Interference of Native Language in English Writing or Translation 21 Translation Methods and English Teaching 22 Importance of Meaning Group in Translation 23 Language and Culture 24 Sexism in English Language 25 Cultural Differences of English and Chinese 27 Loanwords in English 28 Brand Names and Their Characteristics 30 Vagueness of the English Language 31 Characteristics of Humor 32 An Analysis of Language Features


Chapter 5 Semantics ?Semantics----the study of language meaning. ?Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the only linguistic discipline that studies meaning. ?Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In other w ords, it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences out of context. ?Meaning is central to the study of communication. ?Classification of lexical meanings. Here are G. Leech’s seven types of meaning. ( British linguist) ? 1. Conceptual meaning (also called denotative or cognitive meaning) is the essential and inextricable part of what language is, and is widely regarded as the central factor in verbal communication. It means that the meaning of words may be discussed in terms of what they denote or refer to. ? 2. Connotative meaning – the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, embraces the properties of the referent, peripheral ? 3. Social meaning (stylistic meaning) –what is conveyed about the social circumstances of the use of a linguistic expression ? 4. Affective meaning (affected meaning)– what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of the speaker/writer towards what is referred to ? 5. Reflected meaning – what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression ?Taboos ? 6. Collocative meaning – the associated meaning a word acquires in line with the meaning of words which tend to co-occur with it ?(2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be together called associative meaning–meaning that hinges on referential meaning, less stable, more culture-specific ) 7. Thematic meaning—what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order ?What is meaning?---- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning. Some views concerning the study of meaning ?Naming theory (Plato) ?The conceptualist view ?Contextualism (Bloomfield) ?Behaviorism Naming theory (Plato): Words are names or labels for things. The linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for; words are just names or labels for things ?Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… 3) There are nouns that do not refer to physical objects but abstract notions, e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…


注: 1、学生可自定选题,但须根据所选方向对照学院所提供的题目,不能重复选题; 2、每位同学只能选择一个题目; 3、可能提供的题目中也存在重复,为尽量避免重复,论文题目选定后可以在导师的指导 下进行微调,但选题方向不可更改。 一、翻译方向选题(编号为FY+序号) (预计导师16人,约可指导90人) 1.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 2.On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English 3.On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation 4.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-Phrase 5.On Translating the Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English into Chinese 6.The Application of Semiotic Approach in Translation 7.On the Translation of Advertisement and Brand Name 8.Discourse Analysis of the Dialogues in Films 9.On Cultural Impact on Translation of Idioms 10.The Comparison of English and Chinese Euphemisms for Death 11.On Translating English Negative Sentence into Chinese 12.A Study on Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese 13.On Foreignization and Domestication of Cultural Factors in Translation 14.An Approach to the Translation of Poetic Image 15.A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Films 16.On Culture Translation under Foreignization 17.On Fidelity and Expressiveness in Translation 18.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 19.On Transformation between Parts of Speech in E-C Translation 20.A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Allusions 21.On Translation of Humor in Pride and Prejudice 22.On Cultural Discrepancies in Translation 23.On the Translation of English Pun into Chinese 24.On Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from Cultural Perceptives 25.Cultural Connotation and Translation for Color Words 26.Lexical Rhetorical Devices in English-Chinese Translation 27.Social-cultural Context and the Translator’s Choice Words ——A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre 28.On the Translation Strategy of Chinese Classics----With Special Reference to Arthur Waley’s English Version of THE ANALECTS 29.On the Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication 30.Cross-cultural Awareness in Translating Tourist Materials from Chinese into English

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