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新课标 人教版Unit 2 Robots高二英语选修7

新课标 人教版Unit 2 Robots高二英语选修7
新课标 人教版Unit 2 Robots高二英语选修7

Unit 2 Robots I.单元教学目标




本单元以机器人和科幻小说为话题,介绍了20世纪世界知名的科幻小说家Isaac Asimov写于1951的Satisfaction Guaranteed 和作者的生平。通过本单元的教学,旨在让学生了解科幻小说最大的特征在于,它赋予了“幻想”依靠科技在未来得以实现的极大可能,甚至有些“科学幻想”在多年以后,的确在科学上成为了现实。如Isaac Asimov1951年描述的机器人的部分功能已经被应用于现实生活和工作中。在教学中,要鼓励学生敢于幻想,大胆创新,发挥自己丰富的想象力和创作力,写


1.1 WARMING UP介绍了什么是机器人,和不同种类及不同形状的机器人。

1.2 PRE-READING 通过讨论机器人是否像人类一样有自己的思维,是否有感情引出

Isaac Asimov的科幻小说Satisfaction Guaranteed。为本单元的READING 做好了铺垫。

1.3 READING课文是Isaac Asimov写于1951的科幻小说Satisfaction


1.4 COMPREHENDING共有2部分,第一部分是关于课文内容的5个问答题,旨在考

察学生对课文的理解。第二部分要求学生比较机器人Tony在physical, mental, emotional 三方面与人的异同。与PRE-READING 部分的问题相呼应。

1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 分为两部分,Discovering useful words and

expressions是本单元词汇练习题;Discovering useful structures是本单元语法练习题,通过本单元的学习,要求学生熟练掌握不定式的被动语态。1.6 USING LANGUAGE分为两部分,Listening ,discussing and writing部分内容

是Molly 和Kate 讨论Satisfaction Guaranteed的对话录音,要求学生根据对话内容学会运用表达自己观点的常用句型。这部分教学内容还要求学生以机器人为话题,充分发挥自己的想象力,谈论机器人做家务的利与弊。并且要求自己动手设计机器人,附上文字说明。Reading and discussing 部分的内容是科幻小说家Isaac Asimov的生平介绍。文章后附有练习题。第一题要求学生根据时间线,了解在作者生命中发生的重要事件。第二、三题要求学生讨论Isaac Asimov的“机器人三定律”。

2. 教材重组



2.2 把LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 和WORKBOOK 的Using words and expressions

及Using structures整合在一起上一节词汇语法。

2.3 根据USING LANGUAGE 内容上一节听说读写综合技能课。

2.4 将WORKBOOK 的Listening 和Reading task 设计为一节阅读课写作课。

2.5 将WORKBOOK的Speaking task, Listening task 和Writing task 整合在一


3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用5课时教完)

1st Period Reading

2nd Period Learning about language

3rd Period Using language

4th Period Listening and Reading task

5th Period Speaking, listening and writing task

IV. 分课时教案

The First Period Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful,affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone

b. 重点句型

1. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.

2. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.

3. By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.

2. Ability goals能力目标: Help students to learn about robots and science


3. Learning ability goals学能目标:

Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand.

Teaching important points教学重点

Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. Help students to sum up characteristics of science fiction. Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How Claire’s emotion developed during Tony’s stay at her house. Teaching methods教学方

Discussing, explaining, reading and practising

Teaching aids教具准备

The multimedia computer

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Warming up

Deal with Warming up. Present photos of different kinds of robots. Then ask them to say something about his or her favorite robot.

T: Good morning /afternoon, class!

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /Ms…

T: In this class we are going to learn about robots. Who would like to tell me what a robot is?

S1:A robot is a machine.

T: What kind of machine?

S2: A robot is a kind of machine that can do a variety of often complex human tasks.

T: How can a robot perform human tasks?

S3: A robot is controlled by a computer.

T: You are right. Then we can give the definition of a robot like this: A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. Now look at some pictures. Divide them into different types and decide your favorite one.

Step II Pre-reading

Ask students to discuss the questions in pre-reading in groups. Students are encouraged to speak out their opinion freely, no matter what it is. Teacher should encourage students to use their imagination.

Step III Reading

Deal with the reading part.


Ask the students to scan the text and find out what Tony looks like.

T: Ok. I’m glad you had a heated discussion. Now I’d like you to meet Tony-- a robot that looks exactly like a human being. He is a character in the science fiction Satisfaction Guaranteed by Isaac Asimov. Please read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

Show the following questions on the PowerPoint.

1. What did Tony look like?

2. What did Tony do to make Claire and her home elegant?

Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answer:

1. He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.

2. Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. He also suggested Claire buy new curtains, cushions, a carpet and paint for the house and new dresses for herself. He made improvements on the house so that the house looked very elegant.

Careful reading

Comprehending questions on Page 12

Ask students to read the text carefully and then discuss the comprehending questions on Page 12 in groups.

T: Now let’s read the text carefully and then do the comprehending exercises on Page 12.

Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1.1. He opened the curtains so that the other women—Clai re‘s guests could

see them.

1.2 He had prevented Claire from harming herself through her own sense of failure.

1.3 Because the company (designers) cannot have women falling in love with machines.

1.4 Various answers can be accepted.

1.5 When she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. Tony didn’t look like

a machine at all.

She felt embarrassed when Tony asked her whether she needed help dressing.

Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.

She was amazed by the fingernails and the softness and warmth of his skin.

She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.

What a sweet victory to be envied by those women. She might not as beautiful as them, but none of them had such a handsome lover. Then she remembered—Tony was just a machine. She cried all night.


Claire’s emotion development

After dealing with the comprehending exercises, ask students to work together to find how Claire’s emotion developed.

Suggested answer:

At first refused to have Tony at her house---accept him----trust him---- proud of him----love him---sad to remember he was just a machine

T: From her emotion development, we can see Tony was designed as a Mr. Perfect. He is designed not to harm Claire or allow her to be harmed. This is one of Isaac’s three laws for robots. Later in this unit we will learn more about his three laws.

Characteristics of science fiction

T: As you know, the story was written in 1951. With the development of science, some of the functions performed by Tony have come true. From this story we can draw a conclusion:

Science fiction is often based on scientific principles and technology. Science fiction may make predictions about life in the future.

Please remember these are some characteristics of science fiction. If you are interested, you may write short science fictions in your spare time.


During this procedure Teacher will play the tape recording for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, Teacher will explain the text and deal with language problems.

T: Now we will deal with some difficult language focuses. Now I will play the recording of the text for you. Please make a mark where you have difficulties.

After listening to the recording, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the difficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text on Page88-89.

T: Do you have any difficulties with the text?

S1:Could you please explain the sentence to us:She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. T: Because Tony didn’t look like a machine at all, when Tony offered to help her get dressed, she was embarrassed, perhaps shy to get a “man” help her dressing.

S2: How to understand this sentence: Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.

T: In spite of the fact that Tony looked so human, he was just a machine. So Claire thought it was foolish that Tony offered her sympathy. Do you have any other questions?

Ss: No.

T: Maybe someday we will have robots that have feelings and can also think for themselves. Please remember science fiction reflects scientific thought; things-to-come based on things-on-hand. Ok, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to surf the internet to learn more about the great writer and his stories. Of course you will learn more about robots.

Step IV Homework:

Remember the characteristics of science fiction.

Surf the internet to learn more about robots and science fiction.

Surf the internet to learn about Isaac Asimov.


高中英语教案教学反思 【篇一:高中英语教学设计与反思】 高中英语教学设计与反思 1 2 4 5 【篇二:高中英语教师教学反思(共6篇)】 篇一:高一英语教师教学反思 高一英语教师教学反思 高一学生入校,学生英语水平参差不齐,这一点是客观存在的。但 不管怎样,所有学生有新的打算、有学好英语的决心和信心,也怀 有极大兴趣和强烈的求知欲,作为教师应最大限度保护和激发学生 英语学习的动力。学习成功与失败的关键因素是情感教育,而情感 教育的实质是爱心教育。情感教育是一种温馨和谐的情感交流,是 一种智慧潜能的研发。所以,作为高一教师要尽快建立和谐民主的 师生关系、尊重、信任、期待和欣赏学生。赏识教育在教育艺术中 具有独特魅力,教师要从开始让每一个学生都有机会在课堂展现自我,肯定自我,要让全班学生都树立信心和兴趣,对学生一视同仁,热情鼓励和表扬学生,从学习和生活方面关爱他们,不歧视和挖苦 学生,帮助和培养学生的自信以及健康的心理品质的形成。一句话,在英语教学中时刻渗透情感教育是搞好教育教学的基石和前提。 其次,抓好初高中知识的衔接。新生入校通过学月测试了解每个学 生的大致学情,及时给学生查漏补缺,巩固初中的语音,词汇、语法、句型及基础知识。教师可以暂以初中教材为主线,高中教材为 辅线,温故而知新,以旧带新。在课堂中形式多样复习初中知识, 根据教学大纲主要内容抓好基本知识和能力“双基”工程,根据各班 学生学习水平情况实行初高中学习的“缓冲期”。教师一定不要为了 赶进度匆忙教学,而忽视了重书本,重规范,重过手,重基础的“四重”原则。再次,加强学生学习方法指导和良好学习习惯的养成。教 师在教育教学过程中除了传授知识外,更重要是督促学生学习好习 惯的养成。如何引导学生预习课本,听课,完成作业,复习总结, 作笔记等方面都是我们教师应考虑的话题。所以教师在平日的工作


选修6 Unit 1 Art-Reading A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD. The Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created feeling of respect and love for God. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way. The Renaissance (15th to 16th century) During the Renaissance, new ideas and values graduallv replaced those held in the Middle Ages.People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were. Rich people wanted to possess t heir own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements. One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective. This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428. When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene. If the roles of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper. Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous. Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century) In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal. from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one. Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities. There were many new inventions and social changes. Naturally, these changes also led to new painting styles. Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.


外研版高中英语选修七重点短语 Module 1 1. defend sb./sth. from... 保护某人免遭……defend sb./sth. against…保护某人抵御…… 2. of value=valuable 有价值的,有用的value sth at+价钱, 给……估价为……value sth 重视 3. on(an/the) average 平均起来above / below the average 在一般水平以上/以下 4. deserve sth /to do 应得/理应…… deserve to be done=deserve doing 值得被,应该 5. at one point 曾经,一度on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事之时 off the point 离题,偏题to the point 中肯,扼要 There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有用,没必要 6. There is no doubt that... 对……没有疑问There is no doubt about sth. 对某事没有疑问 There is much doubt whether... 有人怀疑…… I don't doubt that... 我不怀疑…… I doubt whether / if... 我怀疑…… without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问 7. rely on/upon...= depend on/upon... 依赖,依靠…… rely on sb. to do sth.= rely on sb. / one’s doing sth. 指望某人干某事 rely on sb. for sth. 指望某人某事rely on it that... 相信…… 8. for an instant 片刻,一瞬间in an instant 立即,马上 the instant... 一……就…… = the moment = the minute = as soon as 9. appoint sb.(to be)/(as)... 任命某人为…… appoint sb. to do sth. 委任某人做某事 appoint some time / some place for sth. 为某事确定某时间/ 地点 make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会keep / break an appointment 守约/失约 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0412202688.html,mit suicide 自杀commit a mistake 犯错commit sth. to sb. 把某物托付给某人 11. apologise to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉 12. take possession of 占有,占据,拥有 in possession of 拥有,占有in the possession of 被……占有/控制 come into possession of 占有…… come into one's possession 被某人占有 13. be based on/upon 根据,以……为基础 14. if so 如果这样的话if any 假如有的话 if not 如果不是这样if possible 如果可能的话 15. grow up 长大 16. rescue …from… 把…某种状况下解救出来 17. set (up) a record 创记录 18. name sb. after … 用……给某人命名 Module 2 1.settle down 坐下;定居;(使)安静下来 settle down to sth. 开始认真对待;定下心来做 settle sth. with sb. 与某人解决某事 2.elect sb.+ (as) n./ 职位推选某人为…… 3.be suitable for... 适合…… 4.attract/draw one's attention 吸引某人的注意力


高一英语教学心得反思 转眼间,新学期已经临近一半,回顾这两个月在广西希望高中的教学历程,发现体验颇深,这包括在教学上以及和学生的交流相处。总的来说,感受最深的两点是:高中英语教学要一气呵成,不能忽视其中任何一个环节;要注重与学生的交流,密切注意学生的思想变化。下面从几方面谈谈这两个月来的反思。 一.教学方面 常规教学中求创新 1、注意高一年级与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期伊始,我们及时给学生弥补初中的缺漏知识。利用一个星期左右的时间从语言、词汇、语法、句型等方面帮助学生系统复习。尽快使学生适应了高中英语教学。 2、高中英语教学要始终贯彻交际性原则,强化学生主体意识 “让游泳者到水中去。”这是交际语言教学理论的思想核心。语言学家毛鲁(KE Morrow)曾说过:“To learn it, do it… only by practising communicative activities can we learn to communicate.” 意思是,要学,就得实践。贯彻交际性原则亦就是要把教学活化为实际。 3、培养学生的自学能力 只有通过辅导学生掌握一套科学的学习方法,并培养学生的自学能力,才能使学生的学习积极性和主动性得以发挥。我的具体做法是:培养学生的预习能力、各种方法掌握英语基本知识的能力、学生自己整理所学知识的能力。另外,自学能力的提高还得益于学生课外大量的独立的阅读,于是高一我们就求学生人人尽量买本英汉词典、高考必备作为工具书,让他们勤查字典,熟悉解题方法及加强预习。 4、每周实行周测制度,对每周所学的知识点进行针对性的练习和巩固。 5、激发学生学习英语的兴趣 在教学中培养学生的学习兴趣,增强教学效果,才能避免在以后的学习中产生两极分化。我的做法是把语言教学与日常生活联系起来,上课时有目的讲解一些西方背景知识和趣事。课后我还多和学生交流接触,了解学生的需要,适当和学生一起参加活动。 6.实行“周周清”教学方法。由老师检查科代表、科代表检查各小组组长,然后由各小组组长检查本小组的其他同学,这样层层过关,层层检查,有利于合作学习的开展及学习气氛的创造。 二.备课方面 我们高一备课组共5位老师。其中有两位是有着丰富的教育教学经验而且有着带过几届高中班经验的高级教师。这给我的学习带来很大的便利及好处。我们在个人钻研教材的基础上加强集体备课,发挥群体优势,进一步明确教学目标,重点解决怎样教会学生,突出教法。每堂研讨课突出一个主题,让学生在高一起始阶段打好基础的问题。尽量摈弃老的,不符合潮流的教法。尽量激发学生的学


Unit1 课内练习答案(P3Ex.1) P3Ex.3 1F2T3T4T5T6T P4Ex.1 1superb2aim3ridiculous4faith5evident 6conventional7gallery8abstract9technique10sculpture P4Ex.2 possess a great deal By coincidence adopt attempted On the other hand predict 详解: 翻译:《这些作品是凡高的真迹吗?》最受欢迎的艺术风格在西方国家就是印象派,许多人想拥有一幅印象派作品并且不惜花巨资去买一幅,巧合的事是,一些采用印象派画法的画家也可以画出不为人知的“杰作”,有一位画家,奥托?沃森,用凡高的风格作画并且迅速赚了很多钱,许多评论家都觉得它是凡高的真迹,一方面,一些评论家发现了,另一方面,一些评论家好奇是否有许多“杰作”被挂在画廊上,一位膜拜凡高作品的人说:“如果这种杰作的数量超过200,我也不会惊奇.”于是有人预言下一幅“杰作”在什么地方什么地点会被发现? P5Ex.2 1W2F3W4F 5.If he had right to choose his holiday,he would go to Mexico. 6.If I were not allergic to shellfish,I would enjoy eating them. 7.If the marble statue were not big for her garden,the housewife would

8.If we knew more about the disease,we would be able to treat the patients very effectively. P5Ex.3 1were would make2were would be3were would be 4could would paint5were would help6could take 7knew would send8could9were would be 10would come could P7Ex.2


20. rent sth. (out) to sb. 将某物出租 /租给某人 高中英语选修 7 重点短语 选修 7 Unit 1 1. adapt to 3. at least 5. get annoyed 7. live a normal life 适应 至少 恼火 9. cut out 切掉 , 删掉 11. depend on 依靠 13. in particular 特别地 15. adapt sb./oneself to sth 17. have a word with sb. 19. be accessible at all 根本就不 to do 过去常常 of breath 上气不接下气 fun of 取笑 过着正常的生活 other words 换句话说 in all 总而言之 the best 一切顺利 from 辞去…职务 使某人 / 自己适应于 16. cut in 插嘴 与某人谈话 words with sb. 与某人吵架 to 能 接 近 … 可到 达 的, 易受 影 响的 , 可 理 解 的 21. be to do sth. 准备做某事 22. be about to do whe n … 表示即将发生 选修 7 Unit 2 1. test out 考验 2. allow sb. to do 3. write out 写下 4. fall in love with 7. fall off 从'、' 掉下来 允许某人做某事 8. Ieave'、'al one 9. be pleased with 对…感到满意 爱上 10. search for 寻找 不打扰 5. give up 放弃 11. set aside 将''' 放在一边 6. ring up 打电话给 12. turn around 转向 必修 7 Unit3 1. ahead of (表示空间)在 前面;(表示时间)先,预先,比 提前, 比…… 更早 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 7. 1 8. 1 9. aim at 向……瞄准 help out 帮助 .... (摆脱困难或危难);协助;使 ..... 脱离困境 be/become aware of 对 ...... 知道,明白; 意识至U .. (be) scared to death sort out 整理;挑出 look forward to stop sb. (from) doing sth. 吓死了 7. float up to 浮至 渴望……,盼望 阻止某人做某人 上来 in the meantime upside down in the distance get close to a witness to sth. reflect on/upon sth. a reflection on be/become ware of be/become aware that rent sth. from sb. 在此期间,与此同时 上下翻转过来 在远处 靠近 ....... ,接近 ..... 某事的证人 认真思考某事,沉思某事 是……的反映 知道……;明白;意识到 明 白……;意识到…… 从某人 哪里租用某物


高中英语选修7重点短语 选修7 Unit 1 1. adapt to 适应 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0412202688.html,ed to do 过去常常 3. at least 至少 4.out of breath 上气不接下气 5. get annoyed 恼火 6.make fun of 取笑 7. live a normal life 过着正常的生活8.in other words 换句话说 9. cut out 切掉,删掉10.all in all 总而言之 11. depend on 依靠12.all the best 一切顺利 13. in particular 特别地14.resign from 辞去…职务 15. adapt sb./oneself to sth 使某人/自己适应于16. cut in 插嘴 17. have a word with sb. 与某人谈话18.have words with sb. 与某人吵架 19. be accessible to 能接近…可到达的, 易受影响的, 可理解的 20.not at all 根本就不 21. be to do sth. 准备做某事 表示即将发生 22. be about to do when…  选修7 Unit 2 1. test out 考验7. fall off 从```掉下来 2. allow sb. to do 允许某人做某事8. leave```alone 不打扰 3. write out 写下9. be pleased with 对…感到满意 4. fall in love with 爱上10. search for 寻找 5. give up 放弃11. set aside 将```放在一边 6. ring up 打电话给12. turn around 转向 必修7 Unit3 1. ahead of (表示空间)在……前面;(表示时间)先,预先,比……提前,比…… 更早 2. aim at 向……瞄准 3. help out 帮助……(摆脱困难或危难);协助;使……脱离困境 4. be/become aware of 对……知道,明白;意识到…… 5. (be) scared to death 吓死了 6. sort out 整理;挑出 7. float up to 浮到……上来 8. look forward to 渴望……,盼望 9. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某人 10. in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时 11. upside down 上下翻转过来 12. in the distance 在远处 13. get close to 靠近……,接近…… 14. a witness to sth. 某事的证人 15. reflect on/upon sth. 认真思考某事,沉思某事 16. a reflection on 是……的反映 17. be/become ware of 知道……;明白;意识到 18. be/become aware that 明白……;意识到…… 19. rent sth. from sb. 从某人哪里租用某物 20. rent sth. (out) to sb. 将某物出租/租给某人 21. be scared of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某物


高中英语教学反思大全 关于高中英语教学反思大全 篇一:高中英语教学反思 1、学习外语与情意的关系。外语课堂教学既是一个掌握外语的认知过程,也是一个激励情意的过程。课堂教学中的情意因素包括情意和意志。情意包括动机、兴趣、态度、气质、性格和良好的习惯等。学生在学习、掌握外语的过程中伴随着传递情意的活动,学习外语和交流情意相互间紧密联系,相互促进,组成一个整体。情意的产生受学习外语认知活动的影响,学习外语的认知活动能促进情意由低级向高级发展,由低层次向深层次发展。学生初学外语时,会产生一种好奇心,好奇心不断获得满足,从而又产生了求知欲;求知欲不断获得满足,进而树立了自信心;自信心不断增强,并与崇高远大的理想相联系和强化,可使兴趣发展得更丰富,从而形成认知兴趣。因此,教师在外语课堂教学过程中,既要重视掌握语言知识和运用语言能力目标的完成,又要重视情意目标的实现。但是,当前有些外语课堂教学还未把情意目标提到教学议事日程上来,或者有意无意地把它忽视了。 2、语言知识与交际能力的关系。语言是重要的交际工具。学习英语的目的,不仅仅是掌握语言知识,更是为了提高运用语言进行交际的能力。英语教学的最终目的是获得为交际运用语言的能力,这种能力只能通过实践训练才能获得。语言知识的传授不能代替听说读写技能训练和为交际运用语言能力的培养,我们应在教学中将掌握语言知识、

培养言语技能和为交际运用语言的能力有机地结合起来,达到学以致用的目的。例如,在学习了“天气预报”这一课后,我除了在课堂上让学生用所学句型自由对话外,还找来多期chinadaily,让学生参阅天气预报这一版进行对话。学生在自由交谈中既巩固了所学知识,又扩大吸收了书本外相关的语言知识,更重要的是,在交际活动中还提高了他们的听、说、读、写和语言交际的能力,达到了多元培养目标。(二)教学理念的反思 面对新教材,首先思想观念要转变,有了新的观念才能接受新事物。如果观念没有更新,新教材、新课程都只能是空谈,无非是“穿新鞋,走老路”,新课程的实施简单地被视为换一个大纲、换一套教材、调整一些课程内容。对生动活泼的课程内容进行肢解,使其成为不胜其烦的“知识点”的堆砌,把“reading”当成讲解知识点的例子。教师的教育思想是在长期受应试教育的影响下形成的,很多人崇尚“苦读”、“勤教”,不以人为本,“应试第一,分数至上”,把学生基本上看成是挣分的机器,对学生“乐学”的潜能几乎没有开发,英语教学过程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养。这种教学观念与新课程的要求极不相适应。因此,为了适应新课程,要突出“以学生为主体”的思想,教师在教学活动中要做到:本文由一起去留学编辑整理。 1、建立“以学生为中心”的主体观。教学活动以学生在课堂上做事为主,教师的作用是负责组织、引导、帮助和监控,引导学生学会认知、学


Module 6 Unit 4 1. There are many such organizations under _______ of the government ______ are ______ of the poor people across the world. A. the umbrella; as; for the purpose B. the charge; that; for the purpose C. the charge; as; to the purpose D. the umbrella; that; to the purpose 2. A Goodwill Ambassador’s visits to countries ________ the UN has program mes to help people will encourage people working on the projects and _______ local people’s attention to the situation. A. in which; to draw B. in which; drawing C. where; draw D. where; drew 3. The girl ______ forward to buying a new gold watch. A. referred to look B. refers to looking C. referred to looks D. referring to look 4. It is required that the students _______ mobile phones in their school, so seldom ______ them using one. A. s houldn’t use; you will see B. not use; will you see C. don’t use; will you see D. shan’t use; you will see 5. _____ in experience, she didn’t manage to pass the interview. A. Lack B. For lack of C. Lack of D. Lacking 6. We need ____ knowledge. We also need skills on how to use knowledge in reality. A. no more than B. more than C. less than D. not more than 7. It has been ______ cold this week .He went three ____ to see his grandma yesterday. A. specially; especially B. especially; specially C. specially; specially D. especially; especially 8. Children are not ________ of the fact that life is hard for their parents to send them to school. A. known B. awake C. idea D. aware 9. But for the help of my English teacher, I the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won 10. They demanded that the books __________ to the school library at once. A. return B. should return C. be returned D. would be returned 11. _____ not to miss the flight at 18:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 12. The doctor that will _________ him is attempting to _________ the facilities/equipment for operation. A. operate on; operate on B. operate; operate C. operate on; operate D. operate; operate on 13. Chinese people _______ the largest percentage of the population of Macao. A. add up B. make up C. set up D. hold up 14. ________ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B. When C. What D. As 15. When you come across a new word, you can _________ the dictionary. Which is NOT true A. look up B. refer to C. turn to D. look it up in 16. I have kept that picture __ I can see it every day as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. in which B. where C. whether D. when 17. It is agreed that constant arguing doesn’t _____ a happy marriage. A. make out B. make for C. make up D. make up for 18. My former boss ________ us ________ a new company. A. helped; in setting up B. assisted; in setting up C. assisted; into setting up D. helped; into setting up 19. ---- We ________ to have you here tonight. --- Thank you and it is ______ for me to be invited. A. honour; honourable B. honour; an honour C. are honoured; honourable D. are honoured; an honour 20. China's National Earthquake Disaster Emergency Rescue Team to Haiti _____ 60 search and rescue personnel and three sniffer dogs. A. makes up of B. consists of C. made up of D. consisting of 21. --- Do you really want to go out --- It may rain. _________, I shall go out; I don’t mind the


选修七 Unit1 n.收益;利润;盈利→ profitable adj. 有益的;有利可图的 n.同伴;伙伴→ company n. 公司;商号;陪伴;同伴 vt.使适应;改编→adaptation n.[U,C]适应;改编;改编的作品 n.[C,U]缺席;[U]缺乏→absent adj.缺席的;缺乏的→(present adj.出席的;在场的 n.[U](接近的)方法;通路;可接近性(熟词生义) vt.进入;使用→accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 vt.使……不悦;惹恼→annoyed adj.颇为生气的→annoying adj.使人烦恼的→annoyance n.[U]恼火 《 vt.祝贺;庆贺→congratulation n.[C]祝贺;贺词 adj.有益的;受益的→benefit n.& v.利益;好处;使受益 n.[U,C]赞成;认可→approve v.支持;赞成;同意→(disapprove v.不赞成→approving adj.赞许的n.[U,C]鼓励;奖励→encourage v.鼓励;鼓舞→encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的→encouraged adj.受到鼓舞的→courage n.[U]勇气;胆量 n.[U,C]伤残;无力;无能→disable vt.使残废;使失去能力→disabled adj.伤残的 n.[U,C]雄心;野心→ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的 adj.吵闹的;喧闹的→noisily ad v.吵闹地→noise n.[U,C]噪音 vi.& vt.辞职;辞去 】 n.[U]行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持→ conductive adj. 传导性的;有传导力的→ conduction n.传导;输送 n.项目;进入;入口→ entrance n. 入口;进入;登场→ enter v.进入 vt.废除;废止→ abolition n.废除;废止 vi. & vt.辞职;辞去(工作;职位等)→ resignation n.辞职;辞呈 n.奴隶制→slave n.奴隶 n.协助;援助→ assist vt. 帮助;协助→ assistant n.助手,助理 n. 建筑师→ architecture n. 建筑学 adj.足够的;充分的→ adequately adv.足够地;充分地→ adequacy n. 足够;适当 ^ adj.方便的;有用的→hand n.手;协助;手艺v. 给;传


选修7短语 Module 1 1.defend sb./sth.from... 保护某人免遭…… defend sb.against... 保护某人抵御…… 2.be of value= be valuable 有价 值的,有用的 value sth.at+价钱给……估价为…… value sth. 重视 3.on(an/the) average 平均起来 above / below the average 在一般水平以上/以下 4.Sb deserve sth./to do 理应…… Sth deserve to be done=deserve doing 值得被,应该 need,want,require, be worth doing 5.There is no doubt that... 对……没有疑问 There is much doubt whether... I don't doubt that... 我不怀疑…… I doubt whether / if... 我怀疑…… without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问6.rely on/upon...=depend on/upon... 依赖,依靠…… rely on sb. to do sth. 指望某人干某事rely on it that... 相信…… 7.the instant... 一……就…… = the moment = the minute = as soon as 8.appoint sb.(to be)/(as)...任命某人 为…… appoint sb. to do sth. 委任某人做某事appoint some time / some place for sth. make/fix an appointment with sb. 与某人约会 keep / break an appointment 守约/失约https://www.doczj.com/doc/0412202688.html,mit a mistake 犯错 commit sth. to sb. 把某物托付给某人commitment 奉献,承诺 10.apologise to sb.for sth. 因某事 向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 11.take possession of 占有,占据, 拥有 in possession of 拥有,占有 in the possession of 被……占有/控制12.be based on/upon 根据,以……为基础 13.if so 如果这样的话 if any 假如有的话 14.rescue … from… 把… 某种状况下解救出来 15. name sb. after…用…给某人命名 16. sb. be absorbed in sth=sth absorb sb 使全神贯注 17. get rich 变富 go bad/blind/hungry 变坏/变瞎/挨饿18.attend on 照料 attend to 注意;处理 19.on a tie 平局 tie…to…系到…之上 20. It is not in one’s nature to do sth. 某人天生不做某事 21 by design 故意地 23.dip… into把……浸入(液体)中; 浏览,翻阅一下; 22.scores of 许多 23.be rude to对……粗鲁 /friendly/kind/cruel Module 2 1.settle down坐下;定居;(使) 安静下来 settle down to sth. 开始认真对待;定下 心来做 settle sth. with sb. 与某人解决某事 2.elect sb.+ (as) n./ 职位 推选某人为…… 3.be suitable for... 适合…… 4.attract/draw one's attention 吸引某人的注意力 attract sb. to sth. 把某人吸引到某事上去 attraction 景点 5. consider sth./doing 考虑做某事 consider+sb./sth.+ (as)名词认 为……是…… consider + sb./sth.+ (to be)名词/形 容词认为……是…… consider + it +形容词或名词+不 定式认为…… consider sb. to have done... 认为 某人做了某事 5.look back at = look back on 回顾,回忆 bring back sth.使回忆起,回想起 call sth. to mind回想起某事 keep ......in mind 牢记在心 6.have fun doing sth./with sth. 开心地做,愉快地做 make fun of sb. 开某人的玩笑 for fun 为了娱乐,为了好玩 What fun it is ! 7.in my view 我认为,在我看来 in view of 鉴于…,考虑到…, 由于… in my opinion 我认为;在我看来 8.sb. is likely to do sth. 某人可能要做某事 9.seem to do... 好像……,似乎…… It seems (to sb.) that... (在某人看 来)好像…… It seem as if/as though... 看样子似乎是 There seems (to be)... 似乎有 10. What a pity! 真可惜 What a pity (that) ... 真是遗憾 11. cheer on sb. 为某人加油 cheer up. 高兴起来,振作起来 12. in a few days’ time = in a few days 过几天 13. find oneself ... 突然发觉自己处于某种处境/在做某事 14. have sth. done 使某事被某人做 have sth./sb. doing 使某事正在发 生;使某人正在做某事 have sth./sb. do使某人做某事 have sth. to do 有事要做 15. It is worthwhile doing/to do… 做某 事值得 Worth it 值得花费时间(精力) Module 3 1.feed sb.with/on sth 用某物喂养某人 feed sth.to sb 把食物给某人吃 be fed up with 感到厌烦 feed on 以…为主食 2. serve sb. with sth. 用某物招待某 人,给你端上 = serve sth. to sb. serve as(=work as,act as) 担任,当 作,起…作用 3. be eager for 渴望得到… be eager to do sth. 渴望做… be eager that… 渴望… 4. whisper sth.to sb.= whisper sb.sth 向某人密谈某事 whisper in one’s ear 跟某人耳语 in a whisper/in whispers 耳语地,低 声地 5. in reward 作为报答,作为奖赏 in reward for 作为报答… 作为奖赏… reward sb.with sth 用…酬谢某人 rewarding 有回报的 6. hold on to 紧紧抓住,抱住,守住 7. in a …voice 用…声音说 at the top of one’s voice 高声地,大 声地 be in good voice 嗓子好,声音嘹亮 raise one’s voice 提高嗓门说话 8. in need of 需要… 9. (1)intend to do sth 打算做某事 intend sb.to do sth 打算要某人 做某事 (2)had intended to do 本来打算做 =intended to have done (3)be intend for 为…打算/设计 10. be of concern(to sb) 令(某人)感 到担心的 11.in huge amount of 大量的(修饰不 可数名词) 12. bring sth.to the attention of sb 使某 人关注某事 fix/focus one’s attention on sth 把注 意力集中到… pay attention to sth. 注意某事 13. stare at 盯着看 14. in one’s twenties 在某人二十多岁 时 15.in astonishment 吃惊地;经验地 16. suffer from 受…折磨 17. feel at home 舒适自在 18. let go of sb/sth 放开 19. hang 挂起来、绞死 hang about 闲荡 hang back 退缩 hang on 别挂断(电话) hang up 挂,中止,搁置,拖延 20. starve to death饿死

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