当前位置:文档之家› 高分“背出”六级、考研写作必备短文一



1. Perseverance

Of all the advantageous characteristics to have, I think that perseverance plays the greatest role in one’s success. Other characteristics, such as intelligence, confidence, and honesty, are no doubt important, but they do not necessarily guarantee success. Perseverance offers no guarantees either, but I believe that this trait offers one more opportunity to succeed.

There are several reasons why perseverance often leads to success. First of all, a man who has perseverance does not give up after a failure. He tries again and can, therefore, learn from his mistakes. Second, a persistent person is usually a hard worker, and hard work is an important ingredient in success. Last, with perseverance comes a certain amount of confidence —the confidence that one will eventually succeed.

For all of these reasons, I believe that perseverance is the most important characteristic to have. It is easily combined with other traits such as diligence and confidence to increase the chances of success. Howev er, without perseverance, one’s success may be more dependent on luck than anything else.






2. Learning about Life

As we grow, we learn many things about life. Some of these lessons are easy and some are difficult. What is the best way to learn them? Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while some people believe that it is better to learn through personal experience. Both methods have their advantages.

In the first case, learning by listening to others, we have the benefit of learning from others’ mistakes and are thus being able to avoid them ourselves. We can take advantage of the experience and wisdom of our friends and family. This will help us to make better decisions and avoid costly errors. Furthermore, the people who know us well can advise us effectively because they understand our strengths and weak nesses. At the same time, they are sometimes able to see situations more objectively than we are.

In the second case, learning through doing, we have the advantage of gaining

meaningful experience. We will no doubt better remember the lessons we learn when we enjoy the rewards or suffer the consequences ourselves. Moreover, we can often develop other skills through personal experience and can learn from our mistakes. Finally, no two people are exactly alike. Therefore, what family and friends think may be suitable for them, but not appropriate for us.

Given a choice between these two ways of learning about life, I would still choose the former, learning through the advice of others. This is because I believe I should take advantage of all the resources available, and the experiences of my family and friends are a valuable resource. For example, if I were preparing to take my first trip abroad on my own, the advice of others who have already experienced such a trip could only help me. Just as we can learn from history, we can learn from the past actions of those close to us.

In conclusion, I find advantages in both ways of learning. Although I prefer to learn by listening to the advice of others, that does not mean I will forgo learning through my own experiences. It does mean, however, that I will approach new experiences with the added benefit of my family and friends’ good advice.








3. Keeping Customs

When people move to another country, they not only face a different environment and language, but also different customs. Every culture has its own customs, and all of them aver valuable. However, deciding how to deal with the problem of unfamiliar customs is a challenge for many immigrants. Some choose to follow the customs of their new country, while others prefer to adhere to their own customs. Each of these choices has some advantages as explained below.

When people choose to follow the customs of their adopted country, they may find that it helps them to adapt more quickly to the new society. They have something to discuss and share with their new neighbors, and sharing customs is one way for people to feel closer to one another. Thus, following the new customs may help immigrants feel more at home. It may also help them to see the positive things in their new environment and do forget their feelings of homesickness.

On the other hand, those who choose to continue following their own customs may also find that it helps them feel more at home. There are many things to adjust to in another country, and following their traditional customs may help people feel more secure in the new surroundings. More importantly, our customs are a part of us. They are an expression of the culture that has shaped us. This is something that most of us would like to pass down to our children and share with others. Sharing our old customs can also bring us closer to our new neighbors.

To sum up, our customs have value and are an important part of our culture. Ther efore, I don’t believe that we should abandon our traditional customs when we move to another country. At the same time, I believe that we should learn about the customs of our new home and follow those that appeal to us. In this way, we can remember and celebrate our old culture while adapting to our new one.







4. Planning Activities

In this busy society, our free time is very valuable to us. It is important that we take some time to relax and renew our energy in order to face the challenges ahead of us. Different people like to spend their leisure time in different ways. Some like to plan their activities so that they can make the most of the time available while others prefer not to plan anything. Both schools of thought have their advantages.

When people carefully plan their leisure time, they will not waste any time on

decision making or last-minute preparations. This saves them time and, therefore, makes them feel that they have more free time to enjoy. Planning ahead also allows people to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in certain restricted activities. For example, by planning ahead, they can buy tickets for a concert or play that may later be sold out. Finally, being better prepared for an activity not only saves time but can make the outing more fun and more meaningful. It is not much fun to make a spontaneous trip to the beach only to find you have left your swimsuit at home.

However, unplanned leisure time also has its advantages. With no commitment to take part in a certain activity or meet a friend at a certain hour, the non-planner can take advantage of last minute changes and opportunities. Furthermore, he will not be disappointed should his plans fall through, because he has made none. On the other hand, if someone has looked forward to a baseball game all week, it is very disappointing if it is cancelled due to rain. Last but not least, unplanned leisure time can be more relaxing. During the work week, we must all be punctual and face deadlines. Some people prefer to make their free time as different from that as possible.

Although both planned and unplanned leisure time have their benefits, I still prefer to plan my free time activities. My free time is limited, and so I want to make the best use of it. By planning ahead, I can take part in the activities that I want and spend time with the people I want to see. And in case my plans should be changed by unforeseen circumstances, I can always go to Plan B.







5. Learning by Doing

Learning is an essential part of growing, and there are many ways in which we can learn. We can learn from our parents, from our teachers in school and from our

friends. In addition to learning by listening to others, we can also learn by reading or by doing things for ourselves. All of these learning methods have their advantages, but the one that is most effective for me is to learn by doing.

One reason I prefer to learn by doing things is because I believe that experience is the best teacher. Knowledge that I gain through experience is the knowledge that I remember best. A second reason is that practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when dealing with problems in everyday life. Third, I can learn from the process itself. Even when I make mistakes, I can learn something from them. Finally, learning by doing allows me to make my own discoveries and, in this way, I not only have a more meaningful learning experience, but often learn things I never expected.

In conclusion, learning through experience is the best method for me because I can acquire practical knowledge and remember my lessons well. In addition, the knowledge I gain is not only meaningful, but also wider than that I can get from other learning methods. Therefore, I will continue to try to learn as much as possible by doing things myself.






6. The Influence of Clothes

Most people wear different types of clothing for different occasions. They may wear a uniform to school or work, a formal suit to a party, and sportswear on the weekends. Does what people wear affect their behavior? I believe it does, as can be illustrated by the following examples.

First of all, more formal clothing reminds us that we must behave in a polite and formal way. When we wear a business suit, we may think about our actions more seriously. We not only command more respect, but also give it. The example of “casual Fridays” at many companies shows us that more informal clothing can make us behave more informally as well. This practice encourages employees to relax at the office and express themselves more. In addition, when we attend a formal social occasion, such as a wedding, our special clothing makes the event seem more special. We are certain to behave in a more polite manner. Finally, wearing a costume allows us to behave in a completely different manner. We may take on the persona of the

character we are dressed as, or just let ourselves go while we are “someone else”.

Given the above examples, I think it is clear that our clothing influences the way that we behave. This may be because of the way we feel in the clothing itself, or because of the way our clothing leads others to treat us. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that we feel more comfortable when appropriately dressed for the occasion. 参考译文:





7. Quick Decisions

Everyone must make many decisions every day of his life. They range from the trivial — tea or coffee for breakfast — to issues of life-changing importance, such as who to marry. Some people make decisions quickly, while others take as much time as possible to consider all their options. They tend to think that quick decisions are always wrong, but I disagree with this opinion.

As a matter of fact, quick decisions are sometimes the best ones. When faced with a difficult choice, it is often our first instinct that is the best. This is why people are sometimes told to “go with your gut”. Moreover, when we think too long about a decision we may become confused. And if we worry too much we may become so anxious that we are unable to make any decision at all. Last but not least, some decisions are simply too trivial to spend any time worrying about. When the consequences of making the “wrong” decision are slight, whether our decision is right or wrong is irrelevant.

For all of these reasons, I cannot agree with the statement that quick decisions are always wrong. Long consideration does not guarantee that the choice we make will be the right one, and sometimes too much deliberation can even lead us astray. Therefore, I believe it is all right to make a quick decision now and then, for it cannot always be wrong.







8. People Are Never Satisfied

No matter how much we have, it seems that there is always something more to strive for. It is a rare person who is truly content with his life just as it is. However, I believe that a certain amount of dissatisfaction is a natural part of human nature and is actually beneficial to mankind. After all, it is dissatisfaction with the way things are that pushes us to improve. In my opinion, people will always want something more or something different than what they have.

Take Edison for example. He was not satisfied with the knowledge he gained from the books and teachers of his time. He still had many questions to which he could not find satisfactory answers. This dissatisfaction led him to make many important discoveries and they, in turn, contributed greatly to the advancement of mankind. There are many other examples like Edison throughout history. In addition, people are competitive. They like to keep up with others, so when one person acquires something desirable, those who know him will want to do the same. Furthermore, people like to express themselves and differentiate themselves from others. This leads people to strike out on their own in some way and do or invent something new, which in turn lead to a new fad for the others to follow.

For all of the above reasons, I believe that people will never be truly satisfied with what they have. They will always be striving for something new or better, and it is this process that leads to progress. In the end, some dissatisfaction can be good for us.






9. The Importance of Science and Mathematics

A classical education often emphasizes the importance of history and literature. There is no doubt that these are important subjects for all students to study; however, I do not believe that they are any more important than science and mathematics are today. Ideally, a student would receive a well-rounded education in which all of these subjects play an important part. Therefore, I cannot agree with the statement that literature and history are more important than science and mathematics.

In fact, it can be argued that science and mathematics are becoming increasingly important. In today’s society, technological advances occur rapidly and are usually the result of developments in the fields of science and mathematics. If they do not study these two subjects, students will not be able to contribute to the further development of technology. Furthermore, technological advances affect everyone’s life. Without a basic understanding of math and science, it is difficult for people to take full advantage of new products and tools. So n o matter what one’s field, it is important to study these two subjects.

In my opinion, all subjects can contribute to a good education. No matter what one’s interests or future career, it is best to gain some basic knowledge in as many areas as possible. And finally, given the rapid pace of technological advances in our society, the study of science and mathematics is essential.






10. The Pleasure of Reading Fiction

These days there are many forms of entertainment for us to choose from. Watching movies and reading fiction are two of the most popular free time activities. I enjoy both of them, but given the choice, I usually prefer to read fiction than watch a movie for the following reasons.

First of all, I can read a novel or short story at any time. I do not have to be at a

theater or in front of a TV set at a certain time. I can even read when I have only a few spare minutes, for example, while on a bus. I do not have to read the book from start to finish in one sitting. Second, I can read anywhere because books are portable. If the weather is fine, I can take my book outdoors, and when it is raining I can go to a coffee shop. Most importantly, I can take a more active part when reading a book than when watching a movie. The descriptions in the book require me to use my imagination to visualize the scene and the characters. When reading a book, I create my own interpretation of it, but when watching a movie I can only see the moviemaker’s version of the events.

In conclusion, I prefer reading books to watching movies in my free time because reading gives me greater freedom and inspires my imagination more. Both activities allow me to experience a different world, but reading lets me make that world my own.






11. Money and Success

Most people dream of being a success in life. However, this does not mean the same thing to everyone. Many equate success with financial success and believe that only those who earn a lot of money can be considered successful. But there are other ways to measure success. In my opinion, it is definitely possible to be successful without earning a lot of money as long as one lives a meaningful life.

Some people find meaning in life simply by doing something they enjoy. They may or may not become wealthy, but they are very likely to lead a happy life. Others find meaning by making a contribution to the society. They may set a world record, cure a disease, create a beautiful work of art, or bring more convenience to everyday life. Still others find satisfaction in educating others, helping the poor, or raising a family. When the ones they nurture do well, they feel successful. Riches, on the other hand, do not guarantee happiness or meaning. No matter how wealthy a man is, he is unlikely to feel his life has been a true success if he is unhealthy, alone, or simply bored.

To sum up, there are many ways to measur e a person’s success, and material wealth is just one of them. Some people really do find satisfaction and meaning in

amassing a fortune for themselves and their heirs, and for them, this is a good way to measure their success. But for other people, it is important to adhere to a more personal definition of success. However, we measure our won success, we must set our own goals and then strive to reach them. Only in this w ay can we truly consider ourselves successful.






12. School Uniforms

Some high schools require their students to wear uniforms, while other schools allow students to wear what they like. Both of these policies have certain advantages and disadvantages. However, I believe that it is better to require students to wear uniforms to school for the following reasons.

First, requiring school uniforms equalizes students. Those who come from poorer families and cannot afford expensive and fashionable clothes will not feel uncomfortable among their peers. Second, when students are dressed the same way, they feel more as though they are part of a group. This can encourage pride in their school and in each other. Third, students do not have to worry about what to wear to school, which can save them time and help them focus on their studies. And finally, school uniforms can save students and their families money as well.

Given the above, I think most people would agree that requiring school uniforms is a good idea. Although students are not as free to express themselves through their clothing, I believe that the advantages of uniforms outweigh this concern. School uniforms allow students to worry less about their appearance and concentrate more on their schoolwork.







13. Elective Courses

The requirements of school systems differ from place to place. In some high schools students follow a strict program of study, while in others they have the freedom to choose some of their courses. In my opinion, elective courses are an important part of a complete high school education. Therefore, I believe that it would be beneficial for all students to be able to choose some of their courses.

One reason for my belief is that choosing from a variety of courses would allow students to explore new areas of study. They may discover a new talent or interest and broaden their horizons. Another reason is that when students choose their own courses they take more responsibility for them and really try to do well. They will be more motivated to learn the material they want to learn. A final reason is that making such choices in high school will help to prepare the students for their university lives, when they will have to make many such decisions.

In conclusion, it is my belief that students benefit from being able to choose courses they are interested in. of course, they must still take some required subjects, but the addition of elective courses would enable them to receive a more well-rounded education. Furthermore, they might be fortunate enough to discover a lifelong interest at an early age.






14. An Important Change at School

A school is an important place to student. It is where they spend the majority of their time during their school years. Therefore, it is important that the school provide a good environment for the students to develop both mentally and physically. For this

reasons, if I could make one change to the school I attend, I would add a large, modern gymnasium.

One reason I support the building of a modern gym is that physical education class is very important to the well-being of students. It provides us not only with exercise, but with a break from the mental rigors of our studies. However, without a large enough gym, we must often cancel our P.E. class when the weather is bad and more classes must share the indoor space. A new gym would solve this problem. Another reason I would like to have a new gym is that more modern athletic facilities would allow us to practice a wider variety of sports. This would appeal to those students who are not physically active because they find the current sports that we play boring or difficult. In developing the lifelong habit of exercise, it is important for everyone to find something he enjoys. Finally, a big, new gymnasium could be used for other events as well, such as class assemblies and performances.

For the reasons given above, I believe that a large, modern gymnasium would be a valuable addition to my school. It would encourage more students to exercise and allow them to do so on a more regular basis. In addition, it could be used by many school organizations and clubs for a variety of purposes. Therefore, I believe it is a practical suggestion.






15. Advertising

Advertising is a very big business these days. Billions of dollars are spent every year to persuade customers to buy one brand of product rather than another. We are all exposed to such advertisements every day and their effect on us cannot be denied. While it is true that some advertisements do provide useful information about new products, I believe that their primary effect is to encourage people to buy things that they don’t really need.

First of all, most advertising does not introduce a brand-new product. Instead, it is designed to persuade consumers that one company’s product is superior to that of

another company. Second, when a product is new, the advertising is often designed to create demand for it. In other words, its goal is to convince potential buyers that this new product is really necessary, whether or not it actually is. Third, many advertisements are image ads, designed to sell people luxury products. The ads imply that by buying such products the consumer will gain something else such as happiness, respect or love. These ads not only try to sell things that people do not really need, but promise something that cannot be bought. Finally, if there is new information about a product or development, people will hear about it through word of mouth, and in my opinion, this is a more reliable source of information.

While it can be argued that advertising is sometimes useful to consumers who may want to compare different brands, I believe its overall effect is to get people to buy things that they don’t need. That is not to say that the advertisements are deceptive. They are simply designed to create a need for the product among consumers. Therefore, we should all look at advertisements with a critical eye in order to avoid buying things that are not necessary.






16. Playing Games Teaches Us about Life

Games have played an important role in nearly every culture throughout history. They are not only a source of amusement, but also an important way of learning. Long ago, games simulated real-life situations and developed skills useful in hunting and warfare, important activities at that time. Today, games can still teach us a lot about life.

For example, children often play games in which they take on adult roles. This kind of play helps them to prepare for their future lives. Move organized games can teach us how to work as a team and get along with others. Games can also teach us how to win and lose gracefully. In addition, they can instill a sense of sportsmanship and fair play in young people that will be useful in all their future endeavors. Finally,

although hunting and fighting techniques are no longer as essential, games can still help us develop certain practical skills. These skills may be physical or intellectual, such as the logical thinking developed by more mentally challenging games.

In short, whatever type of game people play, they get more from it than just entertainment and relaxation. Games can help us develop abilities that will assist us in other activities in life. Therefore, they are an invaluable way of learning about life.






17. Save the Forests

These days we often talk about the importance of our natural resources. In many countries they are disappearing at a rapid rate and environmentalists are urging people everywhere to protect their air, water, forests, wildlife, and so on. It is difficult to choose just one natural resource to save, but in my opinion, saving the forests should be the top priority.

First of all, forests help to preserve other natural resources such as water, air, and animals. Without forests, the land cannot hold water as well. This means that in a heavy rain hillsides will collapse, causing great damage. Not only that, but without the protection of trees, the nutrient-rich topsoil will be washed away and nothing will be able to grow on the land. Trees also help to clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. And, of course, forests are the natural habitat of many wild animals. Without them, these animals will not be able to survive. Another reason to preserve our forests is that large numbers of trees can help to mitigate the greenhouse effect by absorbing solar radiation. And finally, forests are a place where people can get close to nature, and if they learn to love nature, they will want to preserve all the earth’s natural resources.

All of the earth’s natural resources are important, and we should all work to save them. The reason that I choose the forests as most important is because they help us in so many ways. By saving the forests, I believe we can save the planet.







18. The Most Important Change of the 20th Century

There were a great many changes in the twentieth century. They affected everything from the political composition of the world to how long we can expect to live. As a result, our lives are very different from those of our great-grandparents. It is difficult to say which of these great changes should be remembered most but, in my opinion, the invention of the computer is a good candidate, for it has affected our lives in so many ways.

One effect of the computer has been its impact on communication. Thanks to the Internet and computer-controlled satellites, it is now quick and cost-effective to communicate over great distances. This has made the world smaller and has had a great influence on business, leading to greater productivity worldwide. Another great effect of the computer is that it has changed the way we live our daily lives. It has made it a simple task to find and manage information and has brought us countless conveniences. Most of us deal with computers in one way or another every day. Finally, the development of computer technology has made possible a host of other scientific advances. Computers are used to save lives in hospitals, find new sources of energy under the sea and explore outer space. There seems to be no end to what computers can help us do.

In short, the computer has had such a great impact on so many areas of our lives that I feel its invention was the most memorable change of the twentieth century. No other product or event has affected so many people. Its influence is felt around the world and will only continue to grow in the future.






19. Staying Healthy

There is no denying the importance of health. Without it, it is difficult to live a happy life no matter how much money or success one has. However, many people neglect their health. They develop unhealthy habits such as smoking or overeating, lead sedentary lives or succumb to the pressures of modern life. As a result, they develop serious but preventable diseases. In order to maintain our good health and lead lives that are as fulfilling as possible, it is important to take some steps. Those mentioned below are what do to stay healthy.

The first step I take is to keep regular hours and stick to a healthy, balanced diet. This is not always easy to do in today’s fas t-paced society, but it is the basis of good health. Our bodies need sufficient nutrition and rest in order to function well and resist illness. The second step I recommend is to get regular exercise. This does not mean we have to run marathons or join expensive fitness centers. Studies have shown that even moderate exercise, such as walking, can have great benefits for our health if done on a regular basis. Third, I suggest seeing a doctor for an annual checkup. Most of us not think too much about our health until we feel that something is wrong. However, a doctor can often diagnose problems before they become serious enough to be apparent to us. Last but not least, I take time to relax and renew my spirits and mental energy every day. This is just as essential as physical exercise because or mental state often has a profound influence on our physical health. As the saying goes, “A sound mind in a sound body.”

There are many things that we can do to stay healthy. The above steps are only a few suggestions. The important thing is to value our health and not neglect it. This means making healthy habits a part of our everyday life. There is no need to dwell on our health or take precautions against every disease known to man. If we simply develop a healthy way of living we are bound to live healthier, more satisfying lives. 参考译文:






20. Volunteering

A community is made up of a group of people. And it depends on those people for its existence. It is possible for people to live in close proximity and fail to be a community. That is because the word community implies communal action. It is neighbors working together to create a better place to live. Therefore, it is important for us all to contribute our efforts to our community. If I have several hours of time each month to do so, I will work toward creating and preserving green spaces in my community.

I feel that preserving green space is a worthy endeavor that would be of great value to my community. It is especially important because I live in an urban community. The open spaces and parks are limited in the city and are too often sacrificed for further development. Working to protect these spaces and to establish new parks would be a way to conserve one of the community’s scarce resources. Furthermore, providing green spaces for the residents of my neighborhood would increase the feeling of community and improve relationships among neighbors. This is because attractive parks would encourage people to get out and socialize with others in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, by beautifying the neighborhood, it would provide the residents with more contact with nature. This would encourage them to exercise and lead healthier lives.

The above are just some of the advantages of having green spaces and parks in a community. Because it is so beneficial to the community, that is how I will choose to devote my free time. In this way, I hope to make a meaningful contribution to my neighborhood and to my neighbors.







2016考研英语:真题经典长难句必背(一) 一篇考研阅读理解文章中一般会出现3-5句长难句,而且还至少有一道针对长难句理解 的考题,因此很有必要熟悉长难句的种类以及它们各自的重点。 1、主从复合句 When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. [参考译文] 当艺术上的一项新运动达到一定流行程度时,最好先弄清该运动倡导者的目的,因为, 无论他们的创作原则在今天看来多么牵强、多么荒谬,在未来这些理论有可能会被视为正常 的东西。 [结构分析] 本句的主干是it is advisable to find out... for... it is possible that...,句首的When引导一个时间状语从句,句中的for... it is possible... (至句末)是一个并列分句,表示原因,其中for后面的however +形容词farfetched and unreasonable引导状语从句,表示让步。在主干it is advisable to find out... 中,it是形式主语,后面的不定式结构to find out what its advocates are aiming at是真正的主语。 2、并列句 While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your "wares" and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner. [参考译文] 与你谈话时,可能成为你未来老板的人会考虑你所受的教育、你的经历和你的其他资历 是否在雇佣你以后会给他带来好处。你的"资历"和能力必须有条不紊、合理连贯地展示出来。 [结构分析] 这也是一个并列句,包含两个分句。第一个分句的主干是your could-be employer is deciding whether...,其中whether引导一个宾语从句whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you;第二个分句的主干是your "wares" and abilities must be displayed...。注意:pay sb. to do sth.此处的意思是"做…对…有利";"wares"的本义是"商品、货物",但在本文中,作者认为找工作就是推销自己,所以结合本文的背景,


2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3) As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others. With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than that of people's view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful. To sum up, one's view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well. 以上是中公考研为大家准备整理的2018考研英语作文模板必背20篇:大作文(3)的内容。中公考研提醒大家2018考研招生简章、2018考研招生目录、2018考研参考书目以及2018考研大纲已陆续公布,中公考研将为大家及时提供相关资讯。另外,为了帮助考生更 好地复习,中公考研为广大学子推出2018考研VIP1对1、秋季集训营、保研课程系列备考专题,针对每一个科目要点进行深入的指导分析,还会根据每年的考研大纲进行针对性的分析哦~欢迎各位考生了解咨询。同时,中公考研一直为大家推出考研直播课堂,足不出户就可以边听课边学习,为大家的考研梦想助力!


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/034918776.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Obligations We all encounter obligations in life, from spending time with family and friends to being present at important functions in the lives of the people who form our community. Many times, the obligations are actually fun and fulfilling, and we want to be there. At the same time, we all sometimes experience resistance to meeting these obligations, especially when they pile up all at once and we begin to feel exhausted, longing for nothing so much as a quiet evening at home. At times like these, we may want to say no but feel too guilty at the idea of not being there. Still, our primary obligation is to take care of ourselves, and if saying no to someone else is what we have to do, then we do not need to feel bad about it. There is a skill to balancing our obligations, and it starts with simply becoming aware of our schedule. We may notice that three invitations have arisen in one weekend, and we know that we will pay energetically if we attempt to fulfill all three. At this point, we can take the time to weigh the repercussions of not going to each event, considering how we will feel if we miss it and how our absence might affect other people. Most of the time, it will be clear which obligation we can most easily let go and which one we simply can’t miss. Sometimes we have to miss something really important to us, and that can be painful for everyone concerned. At times like this, reaching out with a phone call, a thoughtful card, or a gift lets people know that you are there in spirit and that your absence is by no means a result of you not caring. Meeting our obligations to others is an important part of being human and not one to take lightly. At the same time, we cannot meet every obligation without neglecting our primary duty to take care of ourselves. We can navigate this quandary by being conscious of what we choose to do and not do and by finding concrete ways to extend our caring when we are not able to be there in person.YouTheme Recreational Activities In the era of information and technology, there are all kinds of recreational activities. Some people think those recreational activities are great and necessary, because they can help people relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging, can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally. However, some people think that so many kinds of recreational activities may have a bad effect on our lives. Some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge themselves in those activities. At last they are lured away from their study or their work. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them. Meanwhile, we should learn how to use those activities positively, and make them a helpful tool for our development. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline

英语六级考试写作分段逐句指导(English six test writing, paragraph by sentence guidance)

英语六级考试写作分段逐句指导(English six test writing, paragraph by sentence guidance) This paper contributed by superzhantao. Doc document may at the WAP end of the browsing experience poor. Suggest you select TXT, or download the source file to the machine view. English CET six sentence 1. topic sentence writing section guide topic sentence (topic sentence) is expressed in paragraph topic sentence. It is used to generalize the meaning of the passage, the other words are intact requirements around it. Please see the following example: My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Don't argue with parents they will think you don't; love them. Don't argue with children they will think themselves victimized. Don't; argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Don't argue with strangers they will think you are; not friendly. My mother's rules, in fact, can be summed up in what is two words: Don't argue. topic sentence proposed "certain rules" means? Start by four sentence "Don't argue," explained one by one. From a structural point of view, this is a typical paragraph, it includes the promotion of topic sentence, sentence and conclusion (i.e. the period at the end of the sentence). The 1.1 theme theme of the sentence is usually placed on the paragraph beginning, its characteristic is straight out, and then a detailed description. Its role is to make the structure more clear, more convincing, convenient for readers to quickly grasp the theme and imagine the contents intact. The topic sentence can be put to play the role of the link in the segment,


书信类一 (一) 2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


大学英语六级写作专项训练及参考范文 Directions: Write a composition entitled Fast Food. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映; 2. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因。然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意; 3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜。 【范文】 Fast Food Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today、it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that mirrors the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal —saving time, and fast food well serves this purpose. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food. However From the nutritional point of view. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. Therefore, fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in a while. (157 words)

考研 (英语一)写作大作文范文及思路

一、图画作文 1.写作攻略 图画作文是较难的题型之一,近几年考研英语写作试题均为图画题型,因此考生应该特别认真地对待。这类题一般要求考生仔细看图,根据题目要求写成自己的作文。实际上,图画作文也可以当作三段式的提纲作文来写。第一段用来描述图画并揭示其寓意(寓意一般用一句话来概括就可以),第二段分析原因,最后一段发表评论或提出建议,其中第二、三段应该是写作的重点。面对此类题型,考生应首先确定主题,然后再动笔。具体写作要点: (1) 仔细研究作文指令,弄清楚作文的要求,是否有标题?是否有提纲?然后从题目中找出中心词,分析修饰词,准确地抓住题目的中心思想。 (2)认真解读图画,因为图画是作文的信息基础。考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其要注意图画中人或物(人与物)的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。 (3)如果图画以系列形式(既两幅以上)出现,考生除需掌握每一幅图画的信息外,还应该对图画之间的相互联系有所理解,在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。 (4)面对图画作文,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思、所想、所感。 (5)注意图画作文中的文字说明。文字说明非常重要,通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点,考生在看说明时要看清主、谓、宾,正确理解说明的意义。 (6)草拟提纲,合理组织材料。根据图画内容的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。如图画式作文写作多要求进行描写图画。对于漫画式写作,漫画描写本身并不重要,但文章的寓意却要力求准确,不要拖泥带水。 (7)系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,最好能围绕每一段的主题句进行。 (8)检查与修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。 2.必背模版句型 As is described in the picture... 这幅图描述了…… The purpose of the picture is to show us that... 这幅图的目的是为了给我们展示…… We can deduce form this picture that... 从这幅图中我们可以推断…… The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that 这幅图指出/传达…… More and more people have come to realize... 越来越多的人已经意识到…… Now it is commonly held that... but I doubt whether... 现在大家都普遍认为……,但我怀疑…… As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between... and ... 从图中我们可以清楚的看到……和……的关系。 No wonder most see the problem of... as that of ... rather than that of... 难怪大多数人把……看成……的问题,而不是……的问题。


20篇必背范文: 小作文4篇书信,3篇告示,3篇摘要。大作文1篇提纲,2篇情景,2篇图表, 5篇图画【1998,2001,2002,2003,2004】 小作文(一)2005-2009大纲样题: Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books. Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these books. Secondly, I also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service. Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 2008. I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 尊敬的先生或女士: 由于我计划参加全国硕士研究生入学考试英语考试,充分考虑到贵书店的良好声誉和书籍的优良品质,我决定订购一些考研英语书籍。 首先,请给我关于这些书的书名、作者、出版社、价格的详细信息。其次,我也想知道付款方式和售后服务。第三,我想知道您是否方便把这些书通过特快邮政专递在2008年9月1日前送到北京新东方学校总部。 非常感谢您好心考虑我的请求。期待着尽快得到您的答复。 您真诚的, 李明 (二)2005: Dear Mr. Wang, I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine Design & Fashions. I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life. However, as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength. I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that may conform to my former preparation. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my leaving may occur. Yours truly, Li Ming 尊敬的王先生: 十分感激您两个月之前聘用我为杂志《设计与时尚》的编辑。我非常珍惜这个和您以及其他同事共事的机会。这将是我一生中的难忘经历。 但是,对于一个喜欢计算机科学远多于时尚设计的年轻人来说,我认识到目前的工作并不符合我的教育背景与个人能力。因此,我决定辞职,找一份与我从前教育背景相关的工作。 我为离开可能造成的不便深表歉意。 您真诚的, 李明 (三)2006:


2011年6月英语六级范文 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同 3.在我看来 Certificate Craze The pursuit for certificate is a time-honored phenomenon in the colleges and universities;however, faced with the tough job market, the certificate craze has swept people from all walks of life in recent years. People vary from one another in their purposes for acquiring certificates. Some of them hold that professional certificates are important supplement for their school work because the employer values professional competence, while the school courses lay particular stress on the imparting of knowledge. Besides, diplomas and vocational credentials can effectively enhance the competitiveness of university graduates. Professional certificates will improve the chances of employment, without a doubt. But there is no lack of people, who hold down quite a good job, taking professional certificates to enhance their self-worth. In my opinion, people should avoid blindness in their pursuit for professional certificates because the capabilities outweigh the certificates when the enterprises recruit staff. Therefore, choosing certificates in accordance with ones career development is wise move. 2010年12月英语六级范文 1. 现在有很多高校评级 2. 人们对此看法各异 3. 你认为 My View on University Ranking Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that university ranking has gained increasing popularity --- institutions home and abroad are always interested in it; newspapers and magazines are fond of carrying the news. Unfortunately, it has also given rise to some problems never thought of. Confronted with the dilemma, should we carry on the practice? When it comes to this question, people’s views vary from one to another. People who support ranking have their reasons. They are convinced that it can stimulate people, teachers and students alike, to work harder so that they can climb on the ladder or at least maintain their position. In this way, universities can produce more talents and knowledge demanded by our society. Also, supporters of university ranking maintain that it can act as a guide for employers when they decide where to find right employees.. But others may not agree. These people would argue that university ranking might force universities to care more about their position in the ranking but not about research that they are expected to do. For instance, it is often reported that some professors spend more time in bribing than in labs in order to have an edge in the fierce competition. Another good case in point is that some scholars even sacrifice their integrity to plagiarize under the pressure of “publish or perish”. Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. As far as I am concerned, we might as well stop the practice for the good of universities and society. Universities are a place for free academic study. Only when scholars are free to in their pursuits, can they make contribution to society. 2010年6月英语六级作文题 Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese 1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象; 2.出现这种现象的原因和后果; 3.我认为…


英语六级考试作文题型及其写作构思 根据历年考试的情况和考试大纲及新教学大纲的规定,六级考试短文写作大抵有以下几种题型:①提纲作文;②提示作文;③图表作文;④关键词作文;⑤写文章摘要或大意;⑥信函;⑦个人简历等。 一、提纲作文 这是一种限制性命题作文,先给出英文作文标题,然后再用英语或汉语列出提纲,要求考生根据所给出的提纲确定写作主题,构思段落模式,写出符合要求、一定字数的短文。提纲作文省却了考生立提纲的构思过程,但从另一角度给考生提出了新的要求:考生必须既紧扣标题,又严格遵守提纲,不能脱离或漏掉提纲规定的作文要点。一般提纲作文给出的提纲有几点,短文就写几段,但如果提纲中仅有二点,则考生可以在构思时增加一个终结段。考生的构思过程主要可从以下几个方面进行: 1.根据提纲要求设计每段的主题句,注意最好不要逐字翻译提纲。 2.根据提纲及主题句自由搜索写作素材。 3.从所搜列的原始素材中为每段选取最能说明问题,也即与短文标题、提纲及主题句最为密切的2~3个要点,注意也要选择考生本人感到最容易下笔的内容。 二、提示作文 提示作文也是一种限制性命题作文,给出英文作文标题后,以中文或英文给出一段关于这篇短文写作内容的提示,要求考生按照提示范围 确定短文主题,先构思写作提纲,再构思短文及段落的展开模式,最后搜索写作素材,选取写作要点。提示作文的提示方式多种多样,除了下面要分节专门讨论的图示和关键词形式外,主要还有①提供几个供选择的建议或方案;②提出几个提示性问题;③提供短文要包含的一些要点;④阐述问题或现象的小段文字。 三、图表作文 示的信息隐含在图表之中。考生必须先仔细研读图表,使图表中的数据、曲线、图形等成为与短文标题相关并能为我所用的有意义的信息。 生对图表深层次信息(原因、根源、发展可能等)的挖掘和阐述。 这类作文都可以采用下列统一的标准提纲: 1.现状——图表揭示的表面现象 2.原因——引起图表表面现象的深层次社会根源 3.发展趋势或启示——图表所表述的现象的发展前景(或趋势)及从中我们得到的启示 四、关键词作文


小作文冲刺必背十篇 1. direction:you want to invite your friends to participate your solo concert, write an invitation letter to them individually; 1)invite them to the concert 2)what activities will be arranged after the concert 说明:你想邀请你的朋友参加你的个人演唱会,单独写一个邀请函给他们; 1)邀请他们去听音乐会 2)什么活动将安排在演唱会之后 Dear Xiao Li, I will be holding a solo concert in the largest concert hall in our university at 16:30 next Sunday to celebrate my graduation. With you being my intimate friend, I would very much like you to participate in the concert, which, I assure you, will be wonderful and will definitely become one of the most unforgettable and precious memories in our heart. I will play some music you love most. After the concert, I have also arranged a dinner party and I have invited the distinguished experts, our teachers and our best friends. At the dinner party, we can share each other’s life. I am looking forward to your coming urgently. Your sincerely, Liming 亲爱的小李, 我将举行个人演唱会在我们大学最大的音乐厅下周日下午来庆祝我的毕业。你是我的亲密朋友,我非常喜欢你参加音乐会,,我向你保证,将是美好的,一定会成为最难忘和珍贵的回忆在我们的心。我将玩一些你最喜欢的音乐。 音乐会结束后,我也安排了一个晚宴,邀请了著名的专家,我们的老师和我们最好的朋友。在宴会上,我们可以分享彼此的生活。 我迫切期待着你的到来。 2. Directions: You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books. Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for: 1)detailed information about the books you want, 2)methods of payment, 3)time and way of delivery 你正在准备一个英语考试,需要一些参考书。写一封信给书店的销售部门要求: 1)详细的信息关于你想要的书, 2)付款方法, 3)交货的时间和方式 Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) , I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books.

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