当前位置:文档之家› 雅思大作文分类保护动物意义讲义




1 维护生态系统Maintain natural ecosystems 保持生态平衡,确保可持续发展, consistent with the principle of sustainable development

2 人类可以从动物身上获得灵感inspiration

3 人类可以探知物种的起源,the origin of life, 进行科学研究scientific research

4 动物有生存的权利


1 动物,植物和人是生态系统的组成部分,如果不保护好动物,那么生态系统中其他环节,如植物,水源,土壤等的保存就会受损,从而给人类带来伤害

2 动物是非常重要的资源,有多种用途

3 动物的生存权利应该受到保护

Some people hold that we should spend money and time on the protection of wild animals while others suggest that the money should be spent on populations living in the poorest areas of the world. What is your opinion?


1动物没有能力做道德上的选择have no capacity to make moral choices,因此动物比人类低等,不能够等同于人类

2 人类目前找不到替代动物的实验品replacement

3 动物的神经系统不如人类发达,痛楚已经最小化,minimise pain, 而如果在人体上做实验是不人道的is inhumane, 动物和人相似,bear a resemblance to humans,对外部的影响和人类反应类似respond similarly to external disturbances 因此最适宜做人类的替代品

4人类的利益应该建立在动物权益之上,human interests should be places above animal welfare



1 动物的生存权right of life 需要被保护,禁止虐待行为the prohibition of torture

2 很多时候,动物实验的目的只是为了一些商业用途,这是不道德的

3 动物实验的结果和信息是不可靠的,具有误导性,unreliable and misleading,毕竟人类和动物有很大的不同many difference between humans and animals


雅思培训丨剖析雅思大作文之广告类话题 朗阁雅思培训中心唐娜星 本文中,朗阁雅思培训中心的老师将和大家一起来梳理一下历年广告类话题的考点,补充相关的词汇、观点,并提供高分段落。 (一)关键词区分 在进行广告类话题的书写时,朗阁雅思培训中心的老师发现,很多考生对于advertisement 以及advertising这两个词一直会出现用法错误的情况。首先我们先来辨别一下这2个极易混淆的单词,我们先来看一下牛津字典对于这2个词是如何区分的。 ①Advertisement: a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service E.g. She scanned the job/property advertisement in the paper.(她在报纸上 浏览求职广告) ②Advertising: the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, on the internet, etc. E.g. Fiona works in advertising.(Fiona从事广告工作) 通过上述定义和例句展示,相信各位考生能够很明确的看出,advertisement注重的是一则一则的具体广告,而advertising是指广告业的抽象说法,所以大家在写的时候要注意不要把这2个词用错了。 (二)广告的分类 明确了广告的2个易混淆词之后,我们再来帮助大家补充一下广告的具体种类。一般来讲,广告分为两种类型,分别为公益广告(public service advertisement/ non-profit advertisement)和商业广告(commercial advertisement)。前者是以社会大众的社会意


雅思大作文写作步骤整理 如何合理安排写作时间和写作步骤,今天给大家带来了雅思大作文写作步骤整理,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思大作文写作步骤整理 写作部分两篇*的字数要求是不一样的。大作文必须完成250字以上写作任务,而小作文150字以上。根据这一指令,从机械地写字速度来看,考生较为合理的时间分配为大作文40分钟,小作文20分钟。另外,大作文占写作总值的60%,小作文为40%,从这分值的权重来看,时间上2:1的分配也是相当合理的。 所以,要想成功完成大作文任务一定要把时间控制在40分钟左右,前后不超出5分钟。 那么如何充分利用这40分钟,完成一篇基本令人满意的*呢? ◆步骤一:审题(3 分钟) 审题是有效完成任务的第一步,也是最关键的一步。从评分标准看,审题的正确与否与"Task Response"有着直接的联系。而在当前模板泛滥,*千篇一律的大环境下,有效审题是突破六分

的一条准绳。不少考生在审题时,要么蜻蜓点水、草草一读,要么只关注题目中词的同义转换。如此读题,都有可能对之后的*撰写方向造成偏差。而有效的读题方法应为: →通读题目,了解大意。 →细读题目,分析句子间的逻辑关系。 →再读题目,辨别关键词,区分主题词和限定词,推测考官的出题意图。 由于大部分考生只作到了读题的第一步,所以出现离题或部分离题的可能性很大。现以20XX年11月15日的考题为例:There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because the computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?(题目为考生回忆,与原题可能有少许出入) →通读题目,了解大意。 当前有越来越多的工人在家里工作,有越来越多的学生在家里学习。这是因为电脑技术越来越容易获得,也越来越便宜了。你认为这是个正面的还是负面的发展趋势?


15句逻辑框架 Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace rather than pure knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 第1句:背景介绍

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education. 现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。 Explanation: ●Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that … ●Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves. ●Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities. ●Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. 如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。 ●I agree with this opinion. Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是……原因如下。 第2句:交代辩论话题 A. “是否应该……” However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue. 但是,大学是否应该主要提供给学生工作相关的技能是一个饱受争议的话题。


雅思写作的论证方法 一方面,对于绝大多数考生而言,完成议论文正文的论证部分并不容易:他们的作文明显表现出论证单薄﹑内容空洞等问题。另一方面,写作的评分标准中有两项针对考生论证实力的检测,分别为写作任务的完成度和表达的连贯统一性。因此,如何全面掌握和正确使用各种论证方法是考生写作备考中亟待解决的问题。接下来介绍一些议论文的主要论证方法以及考生应该如何使用这些方法。 一.举例论证 举例论证是最有利于增强论述的可靠性与说服力的方法,同时,也是考官建议考生使用的。在雅思考题下方总会有这样一句话:“Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.” 1. 常见表达方式 ①关联词 优势:关联词能够较为方便的引出例子,主要是因为用这种方法引出的例子多是独立的句子,语法上的束缚少些。 关联词:as a proof, as an illustration, as an example, for example, for instance, in particular, just as, namely, specifically, to illustrate, to demonstrate. ②句型 优势:句型引出例子,能够保证表达的书面度与学术性。但是在使用时,考生需要特别注意语法正确。 句型:A good case in point is that …. A typical example can be found in …. Take … for example. …, which may include …. 2. 使用注意事项 ①选择典型的例子


雅思考试大作文题目素材运用范例(8) 抽象类: Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic s uccess .Others argue that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both side s and give your opinion? 有人认为幸福来自经济成功,有人认为幸福来之其他源泉,讨论两种观点再给出你的意见?(2009年12月12日) 相关题目: Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic s uccess. Others argue that happiness depends on health. Discuss both of the view s and give your own opinion.幸福和经济成功关联,幸福来自健康,讨论再结论?(2012年10月11日) 老师思路拓展: 财富为何是幸福的源泉: 1. 财富可以使的人的生活自由,舒适以及帮助人去实现诸多的梦想,例如:环游世界旅行,接受最好的教育,享受世间美食。 2. 财富是社会资源的象征,可以赢得别人的尊敬以及羡慕,可以带来成就感。 幸福的其他源泉: 1. 健康是幸福生活的源泉,失去健康,拥有再多的财富,名声和地位都是没有任何意义的。生活中很多的例子,企业家富可敌国,但是,健康每况愈下,身体的负担带来心灵的压力,他们很难幸福。 2. 有了健康的保障,人会更加容易事业成功家庭幸福,因为健康可以使人精力充沛地应对事业的挑战以及乐观地实现家庭的和谐。 3. 一个身心健康的人一定是一个乐观自信的人,他开朗的性格会帮助他扩大交友圈,好友的增加自然带来生活的乐趣。


2014年AD类大作文 2014.1.9 The best way to solve traffic congestions in cities is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.1.25 The international community must act immediately to ensure that all the countries red uce the consumption of fossil fuels such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.1 Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.13 Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better places to live in. Agree or disagree? 2014.3.1 Living in big city is bad for people’s health. Do you agree or disagree? 2014.3.8 Some people think that all young people should be required to have full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To some extent do you agree or disagree 2014.5.10 Nowadays both women and men work full-time. Therefore, they have to share household tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.5.15 Employers should give their staff at least four weeks’ holiday. It can make them perform better in their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.5.17 Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.6.7 Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, it can encourage a higher level of violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20140821 During the 20th century, contact between different parts of the world developed quickly, thanks to air travel and telecommunication. To what extent do you agree societies benefit from increased contact and closer relationship with foreigners brought about by international tourism and business? 20141002 Government funding for universities should only be provided to the best students as scholarship and all other funding for universities should come from tuition fees and private organizations. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20141011


【06】全文翻译练习题目 Some people think schools should only teach students academic subjects.Others think schools should also teach students how to discriminate between right and wrong.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 介绍段 背景句 1.学校一直被认为是一个帮助年轻人提高知识和增加就业能力的地方。 阐述立场 2.在我看来,学术课程很重要,但是学生如果不懂得对错的区别,也很难事业成功。 主体部分第一段 中心句 3.很多老师认为学生应该关注主科,因这些课程决定了他们以后是否可以进大学。解释 4.这些课程学到的知识可以给大学打下好基础(a firm grounding for university),以后找到好的工作。 举例 5.如果中学好数,那么他们以后可在大里建立模型去分析数据,成为金融分析师和工程师。 对比 6.如果学生需要花时间习道德准则和行为规范,他们可能就不关注主科。 主体部分第二段 中心句7.学校可以灌输一些重要的美德(virtue),让他们可以利用好自己的知识,成为对社会有用的人。 正确句子: Schools can instill some important virtues into student and enco urage them to make good use of their knowledge to contribute p ositively to society.(句7以这个答案为准) 举例8.如果一个人懂得忠诚,那么就不会将公司的机密材料卖给竞争者。 举例29.如果一个工程师有社会责任,就会设计出能够让消费者安全使用的产品。 对比10.一个学生即便在校的表现很好,如果不能够遵循道德规则,他也很难成功。 主体部分第三段 中心句11.我个人觉得,学生能够分辨对错才可能成功。 举例112.学生在学校里要懂得尊重老师,和同学很好相处。 举例213.一些小孩可能喜欢吃快餐,这样会引起肥胖。 对比14.如果他们不意识这些问题,这些问题不仅影响学习,也影响以后的工作。


满分雅思大作文赏析 对于雅思写作的复习,一些雅思大作文范文,例文还是很有必要自己观摩的,为此小编特收集整理了这篇雅思大作文九分例文点评,分享给大家。希望考生能从中总结出对自己有用的知识点。 满分雅思大作文赏析 范文第一段: C h i l d r e n w h o g r o w u p i n f a m i l i e s w h i c h a r e s h o r t o f m o n e y a r e b e t t e r p r e p a r e d t o d e a l w i t h t h e p r o b l e m s o f a d u l t l i f e t h a n c h i l d r e n w h o a r e b r o u g h t u p b y w e a l t h y p a r e n t s.T o w h a t e x t e n t d o y o u a g r e e o r d i s a g r e e? S o m e f e e l t h a t t h e c h i l d r e n o f l o w i n c o m e f a m i l i e s a r e b e t t e r e q u i p p e d t o d e a l w i t h d i f f i c u l t i e s p o s e d b y t h e r e a l w o r l d w h e n t h e y g r o w u p a n d t h e y a l s o b e l i e v e t h e p r i v i l e g e d c h i l d r e n o f w e a l t h y f a m i l i e s a r e l e s s f i t t o d e a l w i t h t h e s e d i f f i c u l t i e s .T h e i m p l i c a t i o n s a n d v e r a c i t y o f t h i s a r g u m e n t s e e m s e l f-e v i d e n t,b u t i n f a c t r e q u i r e c l o s e r e x a m i n a t i o n.(58w o r d s) 名师点评:


雅思大作文-----主体段的论证方法 对于考生来说,对于某一话题说出一两个分论点并不是难点,而对这些分论点进行论述的展开部分(extend and support main ideas) 却是一个必修的部分。 在议论文中常用的论证方法主要有四种。 一,举例论证法 二,因果论证法 三,对比论证法 四,反证法 一,举例论证法 例如,你想证明一个事情的坏处,可以把这些坏处罗列出来。 However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never return to their studies or finding it difficult to re-adapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue a particular job or perhaps they may do something completely different from a university courses. 常用引导词 for example, for instance, ...as follows such as that is to say just as including in particular, to be specific, 练习1: Only under the supervision of a teacher can students study effectively. To be specific, a teacher always tries to draw students' attention during class and assign them homework to do after school. Generally teachers keep in touch with the parents in order to ensure that proper learning is taking place.


同意与否文体 There is no denying that the specific issue of srh./ 或接*whetker 从句has become controlersial. Howoer, in spite of those who are against-' for ?“ I approve ■wholeheartedK- of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that ??? Those who hold negach e/ positive aniiude co^ ards ??. "belie1e chsu ... mayexen ad^erse/ significant effect on us. ... isal^\ ays top of the list of their argument. Fnr nampl^...(滴用举洌子的方法*軽).Rxirlz, rhnw crirics/ ad vncar^^ alm claim that ...(就处写第二个原因〉for the reason dial …. It is often the case lhat…(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to .... .... and…:(此处先总结写你所支持的几个锂由户an increasing number of people inducing me are com-inc ed that.. .For one thing ... ? The ev idence rec ent h presented in research journah av a liable to the public confhmw tha.t ???it 处写谓查结果■通过敎字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Stnulariy.. should also deserve our special attention In other words, ...(^种说法解⑥。If .not ..(S过来在说一o Last but not least.... ObY?u$ly t ir is hard for both sides to coiue to an agreement on this coKuplicaced issue, butl srill commit to the notion that <..(HI申你的立场)。


大作文的题目类型以及写作策应的不同 总体分为两种:说明文和议论文 说明文: it is / there is/ there are (it is true that many people eat junk food everyday.) 议论文:I think that there are too many junk foods in our society. I think = I believe = I hold the opinion that = my view is 说明文一般描述的是关于社会现象或者问题,包括了或者是一个趋势的优点或者是缺点,这类文章通常都是以描述为主,基于事实描述,比较客观,不代有任何的特殊性。就是一般我们这个社会都能够接受的论点。 议论文一般针对的是题目中的一个话题 (some people think),以及部分人对这个话题的想法(some people think, while others believe, 有些人认为。。。当另外一些人认为),然后要求你是不是同意或者是发表你自己的看法(I think this is correct/true; I disagree with this)。这类题目通常会在题目中引述一个观点,然后要求你针对那个观点,进行写作。议论文比较基于主观事实描述,一般来说,文章的主体是以为什么而展开,,作者需要通过解释,论证从而达到一个比较合理的能够具有说服力的一个层次。作者要展开自己的想法,并要通过论证,让读者认为你所写的是正确的,合理的。 议论文通常只有两种问法: To what extent do you agree or disagree?? (你从多大程度上同意这个观点) 》》》题目中一部分人只会提出对于某个问题所产生的一个看法。作者所要进行论证就是你是否同意这么一个看法 无论是采取同意的,还是不同意的写作手法,再论述的过程中必须从不同角度去验证你为什么同意或者不同意的理由。(正面论证,反面论证,假设论证,比较论证,例子论证,数据论证) 正面论证: computers are good for children. 比较论证:Dragon Palace has only one prawn for their prawn dumpling; while LIUFU has two prawns. 假设论证:Without computers, it is very hard for people to find information quickly.(如果没有电脑,人们找需要的信息将会是十分困难的) 例子论证: Bill Gates is a classic example about this. 数据论证: Around 55% people like the Yum Cha from LIUFU restaurant in Perth.


雅思写作G类作文讲义 主讲:张弛新 随笔分类: 雅思写作互动及欣赏区 新闻“报”料 雅友大联盟 必下载文件: 小新课堂笔记version 8.0 雅思冋家复习计划 插入雅思写作答题纸 Task 1 (G) ? Types of Letter https://www.doczj.com/doc/016173877.html,plaint 2.Enquiry 3.Request 4.Apology 5.Acknowledgement 6.Suggestion 7.Job application 8.Recommendation 9.Self-introduction 10.Invitation Tactics for Task 1 (General Training) Structure Dear Sir or Madam, ------- unknown authority/stranger Dear Mr./Ms./Prof/Dr (Surname), --------known authority Dear (name), ------- fYicndi'relative Re: (position) only for application letter 」As one of your (identity) s, I am writing this letter to express my (emotion) fonnll I am)(name), writing to you for (purpose) informal

" -Question 1&2 --------- e xplanation of the whole event and expression of some emotion '" Question 3 offer your own solution Looking fonvard to your early reply and thanks for your great effort to deal with it. Yours sincerely (English name) Emotion Words Complain Request Thanks Apology Invitation App/Recom Junk Words discomfort concern thanks regret invitation confidence dissatisfaction confiision appreciation sorrow disturbance interest thankfulness grief annoyance enquiry irritatio n Medium Words uneasiness perplexity remorse request selPassurance discomposure bewildeiTnent repentance boldness Favorable words disconcertion solicitude chagrin proposition aplomb perturbation bafflement contrition solicitation poise vexation compunction lamentation ? Complaint-说明意图+解释情况+解决方案 彳列:You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Office at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons. 】?I am writing to complain about.../that??? 2.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with somebody about something


雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮 雅思写作除了词汇量要达到以外,还有很多提分点的哦。出guo 为雅思栏目大家带来雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮,希望对大家备考雅思有所帮助! 正所谓好的开始是成功的一半,雅思大作文的写作也一次次验证了这个道理。很多同学往往不重视雅思大作文开头段的写作,只是简单套用一些现成的模板,殊不知这样已经给考官留下“背诵模板”的印象,这样一来,不仅给后面的主体段带来了巨大压力,而且人的第一印象往往是很难改变的。大作文开头段往往要包含如下几个关键内容,即,介绍背景,引出有争议的话题,阐述对立观点和陈述作者自己的观点。无论使用还是不使用模板,这几个关键信息是一定要包含在开头段落当中的,不然云里雾里,只能是适得其反。 根据这些信息,备战过的考生们一定都熟悉下面这一套开头写作流程,首先It is quite mon these days...介绍背景,或者用The issue of ... is a plex and sensitive one.这样的句型来引出有争议话题,然后千篇一律地分别介绍对立双方观点,如Some individuals believe that..., while others hold the view that...最终用Personally, I agree with...至此,内容上完美无

瑕,但恐怕考官心中已经大大打下“模板”两个字的烙印,这无疑对于想取得6分及以上的同学最不利的事情。 例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(如计算机和商科课程)还是传统课程(如历史和地理)。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their viewpoint.(作者观点)这一段写得非常灵巧,第一句结合题目背景,介绍现如今有一种趋势,即大学毕业生很难找到工作,紧接着作者陈述有许多人认为这是由于学生缺少实用性的知识,并因此提出大学应该更多关注于教授实用性的知识,这一句将有争议话题的其中一方观点用因果链条清晰阐述。最后一句表达作者自己的立场,就是支持前面大多数人的想法。总的来看,这一段只提及了对立双方的其中一方观点,然后表达自己支持这一方观点。这就是一种对于开头段模板的超越,简单可行,只对其中一方观点清晰论


解读雅思大作文之问题解决类论证方法 在雅思写作中我相信,考生在遇到问题解决类题目时,如果只是想到原因,却提不出任何解决策略,那么这篇文章即使有了大体结构也终会散架。今天,前程百利小编为大家解读如何论证解读雅思大作文中的问题解决类题目。 问题解决类常见论证方法有两种,大体框架为:问题+原因+措施。 第一种段落框架: 第一段:背景句+引出话题 第二段:原因1+措施1 第三段:原因2+措施2….可以有更多段落 第四段:总结建议+预测 第二种段落框架: 第一段:背景句+引出话题 第二段:原因1;原因2;原因3 第三段:措施1;措施2;措施3….可以有更多段落 第四段:总结建议+预测 第一种结构条理较为清晰,提出原因后紧随着解决措施,而第二种是提出全部原因后再提出各自的解决方法。如果考生逻辑性不强的话,很容易混淆。因此,考生要

结合自身实际情况采取不同的写作方法。 备考雅思大作文之问题解决类需要考生在平时多积累一些相关素材,以免在考试中没有思路,无从下手。 接下来就让我们来练一练吧! 例:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it? 题目中的关键词为stressful。不管是学生还是职场人,或多或少都会有一定的压力,这就要看我们在面对压力的时候如何解决了。 因此,我们可以从以下角度去考虑原因以及解决策略。 Causes: 1. people's living rhythm has been promoted 2. social competition deprives their spare time 3. people have to shoulder the responsibility Solutions: 1. go in for some sports games 2. communicate with others frequently 3. find a balance between money and health


雅思考试大作文题目素材运用范例(5) 科技类: Some people think that museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet, to what extent do you agree or disa gree? 有人认为博物馆不重要,我们可以在网络上获得信息(参观博物馆),是否认同? 相关提问: Now, people can use Internet to see historic objects freely. People think w e don’t need museum in the future. To what extend do you agree or disagree. (2 010年12月4日) Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historic objects and works of art by using a computer. D o you agree or disagree with this opinion? (2007年6月7日) 很多人使用网络免费欣赏文物,有人认为在未来我们不再需要博物馆,是否同意? 有人认为我们可以用网络欣赏文物和艺术品,博物馆和艺术馆在未来不在被需要,是否认同? 老师思路拓展: 让步段: 1. 对于短时内没有时间,没有钱去博物馆和美术馆的人来说,可以先在电脑上一饱眼福,间接的欣赏也会很有乐趣的。 2. 对于可以去亲自参观的人来说,可以用计算机去收集一些博物以及美术馆的信息,去目的地的时候,印象更加深刻。 反驳段:


雅思大作文万能模板「精华」 1. Introduction的作用: An introduction is crucial, not just for what it says about the topic, but for what it tells the reader about writers style and approach. Unless you can introduce the subject clearly the reader may not wish to continue. For a relatively short essay written under exam conditions, the following are worth including, in this order. a. Definitions of any terms in the title those are unclear b. Some background information c. Reference to other writers who have discussed this topic d. Your purpose in writing and the importance of the subject e. A summary of the main points you intend to cover 2.雅思大作文写作类型: 雅思task 2一共有两种类型,第一种为Argumentation, 第二种为Report。

Argumentation: 1)给出一种观点-------Do you agree or disagree? Nowadays computer are widely used in education. As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2)给出两种对立的观点-------Discuss both views and give your own opinions. Some people argue that there are no basic differences between the way men and women approach academic study. Others insist that there are big differences in areas such as organization, attitude and ambition. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 3)分析优缺点-------Do you think the advantages/ benefits outweigh its disadvantages/ problems? Some people agree to adopt a new language (Such as English) that can be used by people all of the world for international communication. Do you think the benefits of this would

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