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最新人教版单元检测题:(必修5)Unit 4 Making the news(含答案)

最新人教版单元检测题:(必修5)Unit 4 Making the news(含答案)
最新人教版单元检测题:(必修5)Unit 4 Making the news(含答案)

课时训练24 Unit 4 Making the news



concentrate on; accuse...of...; keep in mind; inform...of; set to work; depend on; be supposed to; to tell the truth; look forward to; ahead of

1.I am ________ hearing about your amazing trip to Hawaii.

答案looking forward to

2.She burst into tears when she ________ cheating in the exam.

答案was accused of

3.The task will be finished ________ schedule if nothing prevents.

答案ahead of

4.I was sleeping badly and finding it hard to ________ my work.

答案concentrate on

5.It is not easy for a pupil to ________ so many English words in such a short time.

答案keep in mind

6.The manager promised to keep me ________ how our business was going on.

答案informed of

7.It ________ have been sunny today, but it is raining.

答案was supposed to


高中新课标配套测评卷[新课标卷] ――英语[必修5]卷(一) Unit 1 Great scientists 学校:______________ 班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 考号:_______________ 第I卷 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节洪15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A When leaving school, I was pleased that my exam results mean tthatlcouldstudy engin eeri ng at uni versity.But I also wan ted to travel before start ing my course.A friend of mine told me about the Schools Exploring Society, an organization which helps students take a gap year (a year between leaving school and going to college). It has three foreign journeys a year, tak ing 16-20-year-olds on scie nee and n ature trips .I love being outdoors , and a mountaineering trip to Alaska was on offer.So I signed up (报 名)immediately. There was one problem , though .I had to raise a large amount of money for the trip .It was a big task, but I man aged to make it.I washed cars , worked in a cafe and also sold off some of my old books , clothes and CDs.The n, just before start ing out , I started worry in g.Ca n I do this ? Am I fit eno ugh ? What if I see a bear? Seventy of us traveled to Alaska.The first two days after arrival were spent in a school hall preparing our equipment and five tons of food.Then we left for the beautiful Talkeetna Mountain.On the trip we dug paths and recognized plant species.Then we climbed a mountain that was over 6,000 feet high .It was tiri ng but excit ing. Looking back, a gap year was so right for me.I learned a lot about accepting other people for what they are.We had to help each other and it made me less selfish.My gap year has also made me more able to concen trate (专心).Now, when ever I ' m worried about any thingI thi nk I did Alaska— I can do this! 21. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the author _______ A. hadn ' t taken foreign trips before B. made the trip together with his friends C. was not satisfied with his exam results D. was going to study engineering at a college


U5(BX5) First aid Language points 1 Aid (v)帮助; 援助=help sb 帮助某人去做…. aid sb to do 在…事帮助某人aid sb in … He aided me in business. I aided her to continue her study. At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor. n /U/帮助; 援助 在某人的帮助下with the aid of 为了帮助… in ai d of Teachers give their lessons with the aid of computers. He raised money in aid of the sick. 知识拓展: give/offer aid 援助 come to sb.'s aid 帮助某人 cut off aid (突然)终止援助 a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护 2. temporary 暂时的,临时的 temporary relief from pain短暂的解痛 temporary work/ solution临时工作/解决办法 3. fall ill fall+ adj. ill asleep awake sick silent His wife suddenly _______ ________ last week. She has _______ ________ for a week. fell ill been ill 4 get+过去分词表被动或状态 The computer got damaged when we were moving. My bike is getting repaired now. My glasses got broken while I was playing basketball. Peter and Mary got married last year. get done get injured受伤 get dressed穿衣服


高二语文(必修5)第二单元测试卷 一、文言选择题。(20分) 1.下列各句中没有 ..通假字的一项是() A.乃瞻衡宇B.穷睇眄于中天 C.零丁孤苦D.北冥有鱼,其名为鲲 2.下列各句中加点字没有 ..古今异义的一项是() A.阮籍猖狂 ..不许 ..B.欲苟顺私情,则告诉 C.腹犹果然 ..蓬蒿之间 ..D.翱翔 3.下列各句中加点字活用类型与其他三项不同 ..的是是() A.当敛裳宵.逝B.俊采星.驰 C.宾主尽东南之美.D.则刘病日.笃 4.下列各句中“之”字意义与用法不同 ..于.其他三项的是() A.老当益壮,宁移白首之.心B.悦亲戚之.情话 C.是臣尽节于陛下之.日长D.奚以之.九万里而南为 5.下列各项中对相同句式的分类正确的一项是() ①海运则将徙于南冥②《齐谐》者,志怪者也。③彼且奚适也④杨意不逢 ⑤都督阎公之雅望⑥问征夫以前路⑦今臣亡国贱俘⑧而莫之夭阏者 A.①/②⑦/③④⑥/⑤⑧B.①⑥/②③⑦/④/⑤⑧ C.①⑥/②⑦/③④⑧/⑤D.①⑥/②⑦⑧/③④/⑤ 二、按课文内容默写。(26分) (1),知来者之可追。(8),物换星移几度秋。(2),鸟倦飞而知还。(9),命途多舛。(3),抚孤松而盘桓。(10)穷且益坚,。(4)登东皋以舒啸,。(11),桑榆非晚。(5)木欣欣以向荣,。(12)外无期功强近之亲,。(6),彩彻区明。(13),形影相吊。(7),秋水共长天一色。 三、文言文阅读题。(共44分) (一)阅读下面文言文语段,回答6—9题。(20分) 小知不及大知,小年不及大年。奚以知其然也?朝菌不知晦朔,蟪蛄不知春秋,此小年也。楚之南有冥灵者,以五百岁为春,五百岁为秋;上古有大椿者,以八千岁为春,八千岁为秋。而彭祖乃今以久特闻,众人匹之,不亦悲乎?汤之问棘也是已。“穷发之北有冥海者,天池也。有鱼焉,其广数千里,未有知其修者,其名曰鲲。有鸟焉,其名为鹏,背若太山,翼若垂天之云;抟扶摇羊角而上者九万里,绝云气,负青天,然后图南,且适南冥也。斥鴳笑之曰:‘彼且奚适也?我腾跃而上,不过数仞而下,翱翔蓬蒿之间,此亦飞之至也。而彼且奚适也?’”此小大之辩也。


高一数学月考试题 一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.已知数列{a n }中,21=a ,*11()2 n n a a n N +=+∈,则101a 的值为 ( ) A .49 B .50 C .51 D .52 211,两数的等比中项是( ) A .1 B .1- C .1± D .12 3.在三角形ABC 中,如果()()3a b c b c a bc +++-=,那么A 等于( ) A .030 B .060 C .0120 D .0150 4.在⊿ABC 中,B C b c cos cos =,则此三角形为 ( ) A . 直角三角形; B. 等腰直角三角形 C. 等腰三角形 D. 等腰或直角三角形 5.已知{}n a 是等差数列,且a 2+ a 3+ a 10+ a 11=48,则a 6+ a 7= ( ) A .12 B .16 C .20 D .24 6.在各项均为正数的等比数列 {}n b 中,若783b b ?=, 则31 32log log b b ++……314log b +等于( ) (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D)8 7.已知b a ρρ,满足:a ρ=3,b ρ=2,b a ρρ+=4,则b a ρρ-=( ) A B C .3 D 10 8.一个等比数列}{n a 的前n 项和为48,前2n 项和为60,则前3n 项和为( ) A 、63 B 、108 C 、75 D 、83 9.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4的值为( ). A .4 B .8 C .15 D .31 10.已知△ABC 中,∠A =60°,a =6,b =4,那么满足条件的△ABC 的形状大小 ( ). A .有一种情形 B .有两种情形

人教版新课标必修五unit5 知识复习与答案

高二英语复习Book5 Unit5 First aid I. 单词拼写 1.There are wide _____________of flowers in the park.(各种各样的) 2.As in China , the climate in Canana __________from area to area. (变化,使多样化) 3.He has collected a large number of coins of _________shapes and colors.(各种各样的,不同种类的) 4.Some mushrooms contain a deadly _____________(毒素) 5.Industrial wastes are ______________children’s health,both physically and mentally.(污染) 6.The natives use ___________arrows to kill big game.(下了毒的) 7.This kind of plant has _______________roots.(有毒的) 8.Many common ____________ often happen in our house every day. (伤害) 9.Don’t play with the knif, or you will get ___________.(受伤) 10.The nurse is ___________some medicine to his wound.(敷,涂) 11.This was the first time I had been __________with such respect.(款待,礼遇) 12.Which doctor is __________ you for your trouble?(治疗) 13.There is still no _____________ for AIDS.(治疗) 14.It is my ___________. What would you like to eat?(请客) 15.They ______ the poor country with money.(援助,帮助) 16.Dictionaries are a great ________in learning languages.(帮助) 17.He need to use a hearing ___________in his daily life.(辅助设备) 18.A small business ___________into a big company.(发展成) 19.Her face was____________ with toothache.(肿胀,鼓起) 20.The boss ___________out tha last drop of blood of the worker.(榨干) I1用选出合适短语的正确形式填空 2. Having been told _______________, he still made the same mistakes, which made his parents crazy. 3. When I cut one of my fingers yesterday, I couldn’t _______________ any bandages at home. 4. _______________ white snow in winter, the Songhua River has a different view. 5. All the arrangements are now _______________ for their visit. 6.There are other times when giving ___________________quickly can save lives. 7.My wife and daughter ________________me for their living. 8.She had a hard time_________________. 9.I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but _____________________in it. III. 完成句子 1.正是他的奇怪行为引起了我的注意。 _______ ________ his strange behaviour ________ drew my attention. 2.当你过马路的时候,你应该认真遵守交通规则以防交通事故。 ________ ________ the road, you should carefully observe the traffic rules in case of traffic accidents. 3.I seemed to have told you the way to run the machine. ________ _______ _________I had told you how to operate the machine.4.我的教授帮助我继续做研究。 My professor__________me _________ _______my study. 5. 这个小男孩想去公园打篮球,但是他妈妈不让他去。 The boy wanted to play basketball in the park, but his mother told him ________ ________. 6. 尽管一出生就被分开,那对双胞胎兄弟正期望见到对方。 ________ __________ at birth, the twin brothers are looking forward to seeing each other. 7. 我的车正在被修。 My bike__________ __________ ____________ now. 8. 我们需要饮食多样化. We need __________ __________our diet. 9. 你是如何挤出更多时间来做你想做的事情? How can you _________ __________more time to do what you want? 10.她仍在医院接受治疗. She’s still ______ ___________in hospital. 11.The temple is worth visiting. (同义句转换) ______________ to visit the temple. 12.我不怀疑他能按时完成任务。(doubt) I ________ _________ __________ he can finish the task on time. 13. 用胶带固定好绷带。 Hold the bandage_________ __________ with tape. 14. 我正在街上走,突然听到一声尖叫。 I _________________________________someone called me from behind. 15 She stood at the gate as if she was waiting for someone.(改为省略句) ______________________________________________________________. 16.毫无疑问我们对中国市场感兴趣。 _________ ________ __________ ________ ________the Chinese market is very interesting for us. IV. 课文缩写语法填空 (I)There are three types of burns.They are called first,second or third degree burns,depending _______which layers of the skin are burned.First degree burns affect only _______top layer of the skin.These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day______two.Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by ___________(touch)a hot pan,stove aor iron for a moment.Second degree burns affect __________the top and the second __________ __________(heal).Examples include severe sunburn and burns __________(cause)by hot liquids.Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs _________the skin.Examples include burns caused by electricshocks,burning clothes,or severe petrol_________(fire)。These burns cause very severe __________(injure)and the victim must go to hospital at once. (II) Seventeen-year-old John Janson was (1)________ (award) a prize for doing lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a (2)________ (shock) knife attack at a (3)________,where another nine people were also praised (4)________ their bravery.John was studying in his room (5)________ he heard screaming.Seeing that Anne Slade (6)__________ (stab) with a knife, John reacted quickly and tried


第2单元 综合测试 (满分120分,时间120分钟) 一、积累运用(18分,每小题3分) 1.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是( ) A.物华天宝钟明鼎食老当益壮高山流水 B.人杰地灵淹淹一息穷且益坚青云之志 C.千里逢迎天高地迥桑榆非晚皇天后土 D.高朋满座萍水相逢一芥书生形影相吊 2.下列各句都有通假字的一项是( ) ①问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微 ②云销雨霁,彩彻区明 ③我决起而飞,抢榆枋而止 ④而征一国者,其自视也,亦若此矣 ⑤若夫乘天地之正,而御六气之辩 ⑥臣密言:臣以险衅,夙遭闵凶 A.①②⑤⑥ B.②③④⑤ C.②④⑤⑥ D.③④⑤⑥ 3.下列各句中加点词语的意义和用法与现代汉语相同的一项是( ) A.于是..怅然慷慨,深愧平身之志 B.三餐而反,腹犹果然.. C.零丁孤苦,至于成立.. D.欲苟顺私情,则告诉.. 不许 4.下列各句中加点词语的用法相同的一项是…( ) A.?? ?????为奚以之九万里而南乎遑欲何之为故)2()1( B.?? ?????辞不赴命供养无主以臣遂见用于小邑余贫苦以家叔,)2(,)1( C.?? ?????亦若此矣其自视也征一国者而控于地而已矣而时则不至,,)2(,)1( D.?? ?????已是汤之问棘也而昨非是觉今实迷途其未远)2(,)1( 5.下面对文学常识的表述不正确的一项是( ) A.辞,是介乎诗歌和散文之间的一种文体。因为起源于战国时的楚国,也叫楚辞、楚辞体;又因为《离骚》为这种文体的代表作,所以又称骚体。到了汉代,人们一般将辞赋并称。 B.《滕王阁序》是一篇骈体文,其特点是:讲求对仗,一般是用四字句和六字句;平仄相对;多用典故,讲求藻饰。 C.《逍遥游》是《庄子》中的代表作品。逍遥游,即超然物外、无拘无束、绝对


数学必修5试题 (满分:150分 时间:120分钟) 一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分) 1、数列1,-3,5,-7,9,…的一个通项公式为 ( ) A .12-=n a n B.)21()1(n a n n --= C .)12()1(--=n a n n D.)12()1(+-=n a n n 2.已知{}n a 是等比数列,4 1 252==a a ,,则公比q =( ) A .2 1- B .2- C .2 D .2 1 3.已知ABC ?中,?=∠==60,3,4BAC AC AB ,则=BC ( ) A. 13 B. 13 C.5 D.10 4.在△ABC 中,若 2sin b B a =,则A 等于( ) A .006030或 B .006045或 C .0060120或 D .0015030或 5. 在ABC ?中,若cos cos a B b A =,则ABC ?的形状一定是( ) A .锐角三角形 B .钝角三角形 C .直角三角形 D .等腰三角形 6.若?ABC 中,sin A :sin B :sin C =2:3:4,那么cos C =( ) A. 14 - B. 14 C. 23 - D. 23 7.设数}{n a 是单调递增的等差数列,前三项的和为12,前三项的积为 48,则它的首项是( ) A .1 B .2 C .2± D .4 8.等差数列}{n a 和{}n b 的前n 项和分别为S n 和T n ,且 1 32+= n n T S n n , 则 5 5 b a =( ) A 32 B 149 C 3120 D 9 7 9.已知{}n a 为公比q >1的等比数列,若20052006a a 和是方程24830x x -+=的两根,

必修五Unit 5单元测试

高中英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid 单元测试题 第一部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。 1. Visitors _____ not to touch the exhibits (A). will request (B). request (C). are requesting (D). are requested 2. You should have come to the meeting. What ___ the reason for your absence. (A). is (B). will be (C). was (D). would be 3. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ______ advertisements showing happy families. (A). will often see (B). often see (C). are often seeing (D). have often seen 4. A this time tomorrow ____ over the Atlantic. (A). we’re going to fly (B). we’ll be flying (C). we’ll fly (D). we’re to fly 5. It has been decided that all the students ____ stay in he classrooms even on Saturday evening in case they go to the Internet bars. (A). must (B). can (C). need (D). shall 6. He’s going to ____, ____ to take his own measure. (A)tailor’s, not Smith’s (B)the tailor’s, not the Smiths’ (C)the tailors’, not the Smiths’(D)tailors’, not Smiths’ 7. “What about the weather here in winter?” “It’s ____ warmer than in the north of this country.” (A)fairly (B)rather (C)quite (D)very 8. _______________ the school when the bell rang. (A) Hardly did I reach (B) I hardly reached (C) Hardly had I reached (D) I hardly had 9. If you _________ here a minute, the manager will be here in a moment. (A) will wait (B) wait (C) are going to wait (D) are waiting 10. Does it matter ______ it rains tomorrow? (A) if (B) that (C) whether (D) as 11. _________ and __________, they ran out of the room. (A) Excited, happily (B) Exciting, happy (C) Excitedly, happily (D) Exciting. happily 12. During the days ________, he worked as a servant. (A) following (B) followed (C) that followed (D) to follow 13. Tony is going camping with ______ boys. (A) little two other (B) two little other


Unit 5 First aid 1.aid n. vt.帮助;援助;资助with the aid of…在……的帮助下 in aid of sth/sb.以支援或帮助某物/某人 be a great aid to s b 对某人有极大的帮助come to one’s aid来帮助某人 first aid急救 aid sb in sth/doing sth 在某方面帮助某人 aid sb to do sth帮助某人做某事 aid sb with sth在某方面帮助某人 (1)We’re collecting money in aid of cancer research. (2)He aided me in business/with money. (3)My professor aided me to continue my study. (4)This new medicine may aid your recovery. (5)A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language. (6)We’re collecting money in aid of cancer research. (7)# (8)He aided me in business/with money. (9)This new dictionary is a great aid to me. (10)He was too busy to come to my aid. (11)They are collecting money in aid of rare-earth research. (12)With the aid of a compass, the traveller can find his direction. (13)Thank you for aiding me in/with the work. 2.fall ill生病;病倒 fall asleep 睡着 fall silent安静下来fall in love with…爱上…… fall to pieces崩溃 fall down摔倒fall behind落后,落在……后fall off质量下降;跌落;减少 fall over倒下;摔倒 (1)She had to stay at home because her son fell ill. (2)? (3)They fell in love with each other at first sight. (4)It took him a long time to fall asleep. (5)Babies often fall down when they learn to walk. (6)His mother has been ill for a month. (7)I must have fallen asleep because it took me a long time to realize that the telephone was ringing. (8)He fell asleep while watching TV. (9)He didn’t want to fall behind others in his studies. (10)Having been working too hard in the last few months, he fell ill suddeny. 3.^ 4.injury n. [c,u]损伤;伤害 do an injury to对……造成伤害 injure vt.伤害;损伤 injured adj. 受伤的; 受损伤的 the injured 伤员;受伤的人 injure强调对身体的伤害,多指在意外事故或天灾中受伤,有时也用于指对精神的伤害。 wound 指战争中刀或枪造成的创伤、伤口。 hurt 指一般的肉体伤害,尤指精神或感情上的伤害。 harm 指精神或肉体上的极大伤害,多用于有生命的东西,也可用于抽象事物、如健康、权利、事业等。 (1)He survived in spite of suffering serious injuries. (2)Your words do an injury to the little girl. (3)After the big earthquake, the injured had no access to the medical rescue immediately. (4)I hope I didn’t hurt her feelings. (5)You must be very strong to be a firefighter, or you might not be able to carry the injured. (6)Peter was wounded in the war. After leaving the army, he was injured by a car, which harmed his job. Shortly afterwards his wife died. He was hurt badly and got mad. (7)The driver of the car received serious injuries to the legs and arms. (8)【 (9)The experience left me with a deep hurt. (10)He had a bullet wound in his chest. (11)Two soldiers died and three others were wounded in the attack.


Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅲ. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子 1. Mr Smith our English teacher when she was sick. A. took the place of B. took place C. took his place D. in place of 2. The hotel has a restaurant for the guests’. A. comfort B. benefit C. convenience D. appreciation 3. Her health under the pressure of work. The doctor advised her to have a good rest. A. broke up B. broke down C. broke off D. broke away 4. The boy looked at me with a ______ expression. Maybe the explanation was quite . A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzled; puzzled C. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzling; puzzled 5. When considering what to take, he an important factor: the weather. A. left over B. left out C. left behind D. left alone 6. The best solution to this task is to unite as many people as we can. A. undertaking B. performing C. accomplishing D. conducting 7. The main of this town is its beautiful springs. A. construction B. collection C. attraction D. building 8. The teacher our class four groups before we started the discussion. A. divided; up B. divided; into C. separated; into D. separated; from 9. Entering the classroom, I found Mary at the table and a composition. A. seated; writing B. seated; write C. seating; writing D. seating; written 10. It was a pity that the great artist died with his works . A. leaving unfinished B. left unfinishing C. leaving unfinishing D. left unfinished 11. They need to have my house thoroughly before they move in. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning


期末测试题 考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分 一、选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分. 在每小题的4个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.在等差数列3,7,11…中,第5项为( ). A .15 B .18 C .19 D .23 2.数列{}n a 中,如果n a =3n (n =1,2,3,…) ,那么这个数列是( ). A .公差为2的等差数列 B .公差为3的等差数列 C .首项为3的等比数列 D .首项为1的等比数列 3.等差数列{a n }中,a 2+a 6=8,a 3+a 4=3,那么它的公差是( ). A .4 B .5 C .6 D .7 4.△ABC 中,∠A ,∠B ,∠C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .若a =3,b =4,∠C =60°, 则c 的值等于( ). A .5 B .13 C .13 D .37 5.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4的值为( ). A .4 B .8 C .15 D .31 6.△ABC 中,如果A a tan =B b tan =C c tan ,那么△ABC 是( ). A .直角三角形 B .等边三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .钝角三角形 7.如果a >b >0,t >0,设M =b a ,N =t b t a ++,那么( ). A .M >N B .M <N C .M =N D .M 与N 的大小关系随t 的变化而变化 8.如果{a n }为递增数列,则{a n }的通项公式可以为( ). A .a n =-2n +3 B .a n =-n 2-3n +1 C .a n = n 21 D .a n =1+log 2n


模块五第五单元测验试卷 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:语言知识和语言运用: I. 语言结构:(15) Last Sunday I (21) (see) the worst storm in years. It came suddenly in the mid-afternoon and lasted more than three hours. At first, the sky grew dark all of a sudden. (22) (介词) minutes, forks of lightning forced (23) (冠词) way into the sky. Then it was followed by the boom-boom-boom of thunder. A very strong wind blew into my room. My valuable notes, lying on my desk in the room, (24) (fly) high into the air. I jumped up to catch them but (25) (luck) a few sheets sailed out of the open window. As I ran out of to get the notes, big drops of rain began to fall. (26) (连词) I ran back into the house, the rain began to pour in waves. I fought to close the windows. I did it (27) (连词) was wet all over. I dried myself with a towel. Then I heard a sudden loud sound from the back of the house. I ran out of the room to find out (28) (引导词) it was. A tree was broken. Part of its big branch lay across the floor. The table was (29) (短语动词) pieces. (30) (代词) would take a lot of work rebuild it. However, we were thankful that nobody was hurt.

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