当前位置:文档之家› 1天10个英语专八核心词汇





1.tutelage:n. 1. 保护,监护,守护

2. 指导,教导

He made good progress under her tutelage.(他在她的教导下进步很大。)

2.twitch:n. & v. 痉挛,抽搐

The child's mouthtwitched as if she were about to cry.(这小孩的嘴抽动着, 像是要哭。)

3.typographical:a. 印刷上的

4.typography:n. 活版印刷,排字及印刷

5.tyrannize:v. 虐待,施行暴政

He tyrannizes his family.(他在家里称王称霸.)


1.shriek:v. 尖叫n. 尖叫声

They were allshrieking with laughter.(他们都发出了尖锐的笑声。)

2.shrimp:n. 1. 小虾2. 矮小的人

3.shutter:n. 1.(照相机的)快门2. 百叶窗

4.signet:n. 图章,私章

5.silicon:n. 硅

6.silt:n. 淤泥

7.simmer:v. 1. 炖,煨2. 充满(难以控制的怒火等)3.(指争吵、争辩等)处于即将爆发的状态

Papa had been quietly simmering over the situation for years.(爸爸对这种状况早有不满。)8.simpleton:n. 傻瓜,笨蛋

9.simulate:v. 1. 假装,冒充2.模拟,模仿

A sheet of metal was shaken to simulate the noise of thunder.(猛力抖动金属片以模仿雷声。)

10.simultaneous:a. 同时发生的

The two simultaneous shots sounded like one.(那同时发出的两声枪响听起来像是一响。)


1.pounce:v. 猛扑,忽然攫住

pounce on 急忙抓住

2.precipitate:v. 1. 使突然发生2. 猛然抛下

2. 使沉淀n. 沉淀物

Falling sales precipitated the failure of the company.(销售额下降促使该公司倒闭。)

3.preclude:v. 阻止,排除

We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.(我们努力排除任何误解的可能性。)

4.predicament:n. 困境,穷途

5.premature:a. 1. 提前的2. 早熟的3.仓促的

A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.(火灾迫使展览会提前结束。)

6.prenatal:a. 出生前的,胎儿期的

7.prerequisite:n. 先决条件,前提

8.presidium:n. 常务委员会,主席团

9.pretentious:a. 1. 自负的2. 做作的

It sounds a bit pretentious.(这听上去有些狂妄。)

10.pro:n. 赞成的论点或理由

the pros andcons赞成和反对的两方面的意见


1.slug:v. 重击,猛打

I raised a fist to slug Eddie.(我举拳重击埃迪。)

I raised a fist to slug Eddie.(我举拳重击埃迪。)

2. sluggish:a. 1. 无精打采的2. (商业)不景气的,清淡的

This humid heat makes you feel rather sluggish.(这种湿热的天气使人感到懒洋洋的。)

3.slum:n. 贫民区

4.slumber:v. & n. 睡眠,沉睡

The baby slumbered in his cradle.(那婴儿安然地睡在摇篮中。)

5.slur:v. 1. 含糊不清地念或说2. 诋毁,诽谤n. 中伤

You could tell from his slurred speech that he was drunk.(从他那含糊不清的话语中你就知道他喝醉了。)

6.sly:a. 1. 狡猾的2. 淘气的

on the sly 秘密地,偷偷地

7.smog:n. 烟雾

8.smother:v. 1. 使窒息2. 覆盖,笼罩3. 忍住

Don't put that cloth over the baby's face, you'll smother him!(不要把布盖在那个婴儿脸上, 会使他窒息的!)

9.smoulder:v. 焖烧The mat was smouldering where the burning log had fallen.(燃烧的木棒落下的地方垫子慢慢燃烧起来。)

10.smudge:n. 污点v. 弄脏

The signature was smudged.(签名被弄污了。)


1.probation:n.1. 试用期

2. 缓刑

2.prodigy:n. 奇才,天才2. 奇观

3.profiteer:n. 暴发户,发横财的人,投机商v. 投机倒把

Profiteering in a time of shortage is wrong.(乘物资缺乏牟取暴利是不对的。)

4.prolific:a. 多产的

a prolific author(多产的作家)

5.prologue:n. 1. 开场白,序言2. 开端,序幕

6.propagate:v. 1. 传播,宣传2. (使)繁殖

The political party started the newspaper to propagate its ideas.(那个政党创办一份报纸来宣传该党的观点。)

7.propel:v. 推进

A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky.(火山爆发, 把无数的石块抛向天空。)

8.prophesy:v. 预示

She prophesied the tragic outcome.(她预言有悲惨的结果。)

9.provident:a. 有先见之明的,节俭的

He is provident of his money.(他用钱很节


10.prowess:n. 英勇,杰出的才能


1.smuggle:v. 走私,偷运

Heroin has been smuggled out by sea.(海洛因已从海上偷运出境。)

2.snail:n. 蜗牛

at asnail’s pace 极慢的

3.snapshot:n. 快照

4.solidary:n. 团结,一致


6.soluble:a. 1. 可溶的2. 可解答的

These tablets are soluble in water.(这些药片可在水中溶解。)

7.sombre:a. 1. 暗淡的,阴沉的2. 忧郁的,严峻的

A funeral is asombre occasion.(葬礼是个忧郁的场合。)

8.sore:a. 疼痛的n. 溃疡

Losing the election was a sore disappointment.(竞选失败令人痛心失望。)

9.spade:n. 1. 铲,铁锹2. 纸牌中的黑桃call a spade a spade 直言不讳

10.sparse:a. 零散的,稀疏的

As we drove towards the desert, the vegetation became sparse.(我们驱车前往沙漠,沿途的草木渐渐变得稀疏。)

P开头的单词(完结篇) 1.purge:n. 1. (政治上)清洗,整肃2. 洗涤3. 泻药v. 整肃

The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department.(市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。)

2.purport:n. 主要大意,要领;v. 声称是…

Shepurports to represent the whole group.(她自称代表整个团体。)

3.python:n. 蟒蛇

4.pupil:n. 1. 小学生2. 瞳孔

5.pursue:v. 1. 追捕2. 追求3. 实行

The policemenpursued the bank robbers.(警察追捕银行抢劫犯。)



1.spasm:n. 1. 痉挛,发作

2. (活动、情感等的)突发,发作

2.spate:n. 大批,大量

3.spatter:v. 1. 洒、溅活泼在(某人或某物)2.滴下。洒落

Blood spattered the seats of the vehicle.(鲜血把车上的座位都溅污了。)

4.spearhead:n. 先头部队

5.spew:v. (使)喷出,呕吐

The volcano spewed molten lava.(火山喷出了熔岩。)

6.sphere:n. 1. 球体2. 范围

7.spite:n. 怨恨,恶意v. 刁难

inspite of 不管,不顾

8.spleen:n. 1. 脾脏2. 坏脾气

9.spook:n. 鬼v. 吓唬

Something in the bushes spooked her horse.(矮树林里有东西惊了她的马。)

10.sporadic:a. 偶发的,零星的

There were reports of sporadic fighting in the streets.(有报道说街上有零星战斗。)


1.rouge:n. 胭脂,口红v. 在…上擦口红Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty.(女人往面颊上涂胭脂, 使脸更漂亮。)

2.rouse:v. 1. 唤醒,弄醒2. 激励,激起

I usually rouse at six in the morning.(我通常在早晨6点钟醒来。)

3.rove:v. 1. 漂泊,漫游2.(指眼睛)环顾My grandfather loved to rove the countryside.(我祖父喜欢到乡下走一走。)

4.rowdy:a. 吵闹的,混乱的

A rowdy group of boys ran through the streets.(一群吵闹的男孩跑过街道。)

5.rudimentary:a. 1. 初步的,基本的2. 未发育成熟的

He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.(他对这一科只有初步的认识。)

6.rue:v. 对(某事物)感到懊悔

He rued the day that he rode the motorcycle because he fell off and broke his leg.(他懊悔那天开摩托车时摔断了腿。)7.ruffian:n. 无法无天的暴徒

8.ruffle:v. 1. 使变皱2. 滋扰,惹怒

His boss yelled at him and ruffled his feathers.(老板冲他叫嚷, 使他怒不可遏。)

9.rupture:n. 1. 破裂,断裂2. (友好关系的)绝交v. (使)破裂

10.rut:n. 1. 车辙,犁沟2. 生活方式

be stuck/in a rut 刻板而乏味的生活方式



1.spouse:n. 配偶

2.sprain:v. 扭伤

Shesprained her ankle playing squash.(她在打软式墙网球时扭伤了脚踝。)

3.stalwart:a. 1. 强壮的,结实的

Stalwart policemen stood guard outside.(强壮的警察在外面警戒。)

4.stamina:n. 体力,耐力

5.stammer:v. 结巴

She stammers when she feels nervous.(她紧张时就口吃。)

6.stardom:n. 明星的身份或地位

7.startle:v. 使惊愕,使吃惊

I yelled in my dream, whichstartled my roommate out of his sleep.(我梦中的喊叫声惊醒了同屋伙伴。)

8.staunch:a. 坚定而忠实可靠的

She’s a staunch advocate of free trade.(是自由贸易的忠实拥护者。)

9.stealth:n. 秘密的、悄悄的行动

10.steep:a. 1. 陡峭的2. (指价格)太高的

2. 过分的v. 浸泡

A car is climbing the steep hill slowly.(一辆汽车正在陡峭的山坡上缓缓爬行。)


1.iterate:v. 反复说,一再提出

iterate a warning(反复予以警告)

iterate an objection(再三表示反对)

2.itinerant:a. 巡回的,流动的

In the past itinerant merchants sold harmful products.( 过去,流动的商人出售有毒的产品。)

3.itinerary:n. 旅行路线

4.ivy:n. 常春藤

ivy league 美国高校联盟


It’s irreverent for a man not to take his hat off in church.(在教堂里不脱帽子是无礼的。)

6.irritable:a. 易怒的,急躁的,过敏的

He gets irritable when he’s got toothache.(他牙一疼就很容易发脾气。)

7.isle:n. 岛

8.isotope:n. 同位素

9.issuance:n. 发行,发放

Theissuance of too much currency had led to major price rises. (货币发得多了一点,物价波动大了一点。)

10.ivory:n. 1. 象牙,牙质2. 乳白色


1.type:n. 1. 典型,模范

2. 样式,类型

3. 活字,铅字v. 打字

a type of一种

2.typhoon:n. 台风

The typhoon sank a ferry, drowning over 200 people.(那场台风使一条渡船沉没, 淹死200多人。)

3.tyranny:n. 1. 暴政,专制2. 专横

They came to America in order to escape political tyranny.(他们为逃避暴政而来到美洲。)

4.tyre/tire:n. 轮胎,车胎


1.sterilize:v.1. 为…消毒或杀菌

2. 使绝育All surgical instruments must besterilized before use.(所有的外科手术器械在使用之前,必须消毒。)

2.stint:n. 定额工作,定量,任期v.限制,节制

Don’t stint yourself; take all you want.(不要限制自己, 想要多少拿多少。)

3.stipend:n. 薪俸,薪金(尤指牧师的)

4.stipulate:v. 讲明,规定(某要求)Some manufacturers stipulate the price at which their goods are to be sold.(有些制造商规定出售他们生产的商品的价格。)

5.stoical:a. 坚忍自持的

a stoical response to pain(对疼痛能忍)

6.stoke:v. 给(炉子)添燃料,烧火

He was stoking the fire with wood.(他正在给火添木头。)

7.straggle:v. 1.蔓生,蔓延2. 掉队

Keep up with the rest of us and don’t straggle.(要跟上我们的人, 别掉队。)

8.strained:a.1. 勉强的2. 心力交瘁的Relations are rather strained at present.(目前关系有些紧张。)

9.stricture:n. 谴责,苛评

10.subjection:n. 征服,臣服


1.submission:n.1. 归顺,屈从

2. 提交

2.subscribe:v. 1.认捐,捐助2. 订阅(to),预约(for)

3. 签署

He subscribed liberally to charities.(他向慈善事业慷慨捐款。)

3.subtract:v. 减去,扣除

Please subtract a quarter of the money for your own use.(请从你的零用钱中扣除四分之一。)

4.subversion:n. 1. 颠覆

5.suction:n. 吸,吸力

6.sufferance:n. 宽容,容忍

on sufferance:出于宽容,勉强答应

7.suffocate:v. (使)窒息而死,把…闷死The smoke and fumes almostsuffocated me.(烟雾差点儿把我闷死了。)

8.suffrage:n. (政治性选举的)选举权

9.suitor:n. 追求某女子的人

10.sulk:n./v. 怄气

He is in the sulks today.(他今天在生闷气.) S开头的单词(10)

1.spout:n. 1. 喷口

2. 水柱v. 1.喷射2. 滔滔不绝

up the spout 在绝境中2. 怀孕的

2.sprint:v. 疾跑

He had tosprint to catch the bus.(他得猛跑一阵才能赶上公共汽车。)

3.spurious:a. 1. 不合逻辑的,谬误的2. 假的,欺骗性的

There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem, which were added later.(这首诗中有几行假托的诗句是后人加上去的。)

4.squabble:v. & n. (为琐事)争吵,口角The boys were squabbling about who was the best runner.(孩子们在争论谁跑得最快。)

5.squash:v. 1. 把…压扁2. 挤进3. 压制,平息n. 壁球

I sat on my hat and squashed it.(我坐在自己的帽子上, 把它给)压扁了。

6.squeamish:a. 1.(因胃过敏)易恶心的2. 神经质的

squeamish about dirty things(对脏东西反胃)

7.squirm:v. 1. 蠕动,扭动2. 羞愧,不舒服The little boy squirmed with shame.(这个小男孩因羞愧而局促不安。)

8.staccato:a. & ad. 断续的(地)

Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top.(她用铅笔断断续续地敲击着桌面。)

9.staid:a. (指人、外表、行为、爱好等)古板的,保守的

The locals were a very staid lot.(当地居民非常保守。)

10.stalemate:n. (国际象棋中的)僵局,

和棋v. 使…陷入僵局


1.right-wing:a. 右翼的

2.rigid:a. 1. 僵硬的,坚挺的2. 严厉的

She was rigid with fear.(她害怕得全身僵住了。)

3.ripple:v. (使)起微波,(使)起涟漪n.1. 细浪,涟漪2. 水的潺潺声

The lake rippled gently.(湖面轻轻地泛起涟漪。)

4.rip-roaring:a. 1. 喧闹的,吵嚷的2. 巨大的

The film was a rip-roaring success. (这部影片极为成功.)

5.ritual:a. 仪式的n. 祭典2. 惯例

Many of the tribe's customs and rituals are as old as the hills.(这部落的许多风俗、仪式都极其古老。)

6.robbery:n. 抢夺,剥夺

7.robust:a. 强健的,充满活力的

That chair's not very robust; don't sit on it.(那把椅子不太结实, 别坐它了。)

8.rolling-pin:n. 擀面杖

9.rookie:n. 新兵,生手,新来的人

10.rostrum:n. 演讲台


上学期第10单元同步验收练习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词,判断每组单词是否含有相同的元音音素。相同的写"S", 不同的写"D"。(5分) 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ II. 听句子,补全句中所缺的单词。(5分) 1. You find your bike ________. 2. Wang Lei is very ________. He is going to buy a car for his son. 3. We must ________our classroom clean. 4. Does she want to be a ________? 5. Mrs Li hasn't come here ________. III. 听对话,选出与其内容相符的图画。(5分) 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ IV. 听短文,根据其内容判断下列句子正(T)、误 (F)。(5分) 1. Betty is Helen's sister. 2. Betty and Helen don't want to buy anything. 3. Betty wants to buy some things for school. 4. The shops aren't open when they get there. 5. Betty and Helen can't buy anything because the shops are closed. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 语音与词汇。(20分) A) 读下列各组单词,判断各组单词划线部分有几种读音。(10分) A. 一种读音 B. 两种读音 C. 三种读音 D. 四种读音 1. pilot single machine April 2. engineer athlete sentence garden 3. resolution question station examination 4. retire fire tired wire 5. build June cup student B) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。(10分) 6. It is well known that Yao Ming is a p______ basketball player. 7. Little Tom lives s________ near our school. 8. Beijing will h________ the 29th Olympic Games.


1.同意(某人) 2.对…意见一致(事情) 3.同意去做 4.全世界(2种) 5.一位八岁的男孩 6.看起来一样 7.向某人说再见 8.希望去做某事 9.祝愿某人成功 10.五米高 11.在二月十四日 12.在中秋节那天 13.去看电影(3种) 14.照顾(2种) 15.上网 16.健康的生活方式 17.去滑板 18.锻炼()4种 19.饮食习惯 20.做更多的越动 21.与什么相同 22.一月一次 23.吃药一天两次 24.与…不同 25.一周两次 26.对什么有好处 27.多久一次 28.大多数学生 29.购物 30.至于 31.活动调查的结果 32.组家务(2种) 33.吃更少的肉 34.垃圾食物 35.对什么有害 36.与某人相处的好(3种) 37.想做某事 38.想某人做某事 39.尽量做某事40.放学回家 41.当然 42.取的好成绩 43.一些建议 44.帮助某人做某事 45.许多蔬菜 46.保持健康(4种) 47.感冒(2种) 48.背痛(2种) 49.并驾齐驱 50.我胃疼 51.怎麽了?(4种) 52.咽喉痛 53.躺下休息 54.口渴 55.做某事有麻烦(2种) 56.看牙医 57.多喝水 58.加蜂蜜的热茶 59.好主意 60.太糟糕了 61.我认为如此 62.我觉得不太舒服 63.有压力 64.一些建议(2种) 65.采纳某人的建议(2种) 66.我不知道该什么做(2种) 67.听说 68.收到某人的来信(2种) 69.听到某人做某事 70.在一些西方国家 71.生某人的气(2种) 72.坏的饮食习惯 73.健康的生活方式 74.擅长做某事(2种) 75.在某方面弱 76.传统中医 77.阴阳调和 78.你阴气太盛 79.保持饮食平衡 80.健康食品 81.玩得高兴(3种) 82.(名词)喜欢某物 83.喜欢做某事 84.练习做某事 85.建议做某事 86.完成某事 87.放弃做某事 88.忍不住做某事 89.等不及做某事 90.坚持做某事 91.此刻 92.东道家庭 93.会话练习 94.听到此事我很难过 95.照顾妹妹 96.看望奶奶 97.和朋友在一起度过时光 98.看望表弟 99.去运动野营 100.去海滩 101.去野营 102.去买东西 103.去游泳 104.去划船 105.去溜冰 106.去散步 107.去登山 108.去跳舞 109.去徒步远足 110.去观光 111.骑自行车旅行 112.买东西(2种) 113.洗衣服(2种) 114.一些不同点 115.读书(2种) 116.练习英语口语 117.取的好成绩


八年级英语上学期重点短语及句型Name:____________ Unit 1 1.watch TV 看电视 2.go to the movies 去看电影 3.on weekends 在周末 4.hardly ever 几乎不 5.how often 多久一次 6.every day 每天 7.once a week 一周一次 8.twice a month 一月两次 9.do homework 做家庭作业 10.the result of……的结果 11.as for 至于,对于 12.read a book 看书 13.junk food 垃圾食品 14.be good/bad for 对…有益/害 15.eating habits 饮食习惯 16.try to do sth.尽力做某事 17.lots of=a lot of许多 18.of course/Sure当然 https://www.doczj.com/doc/004833978.html,e home from school从学校来到家

20.look after=take care of 照看;照顾 21.a healthy lifestyle 一种健康的生活方式 22.the same as…和…相同 23.be different from…和…不同 24.want to do sth.想要做某事 25.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 26.want=would like 想要 27.health---healthy<形> 28.healthy 健康的----unhealthy<反义> 29.different 不同的—difference<名> 30.keep healthy = stay healthy = keep in good health 保持健康 31.although = though 虽然<不能与but连用> 32.surf the Internet上网 33.three times a week一周三次 34.get good grades 取得好成绩 35.How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡多少个小时? 36.What do you/they usually do on weekends? 你/他们通常在周末做什么? 37.I usually go to the movies. 我通常去看电影. 38.What does he/she often do on Sundays?他/她常常在星


八下单词和知识点英文表 Unit 1 1. matter ’s the matter 3. sore 4. have a cold \had a cold 5. stomachache 6. have a stomachache 7. foot 8. neck 9. stomach 10. throat 11. fever 12. lie 13. lie down lay down 14. rest 15. cough 16 X-ray 17. toothache 18. take one’s temperature \took 19. headache 20. have a fever 21. break \broke 22. take breaks (take a break) 23. hurt 24. passenger 25. ...... off 26. get off 27. to one’s surprise 28. onto 29. trouble 30. hit 31. right away \at once 32. get into \ herself 34. bandage 35. sick 36. knee 37. nosebleed 38. breathe 39. sunburned \ ourselves 41. climber 42 be used to(doing)sth 43. risk 44. take risks 45. accident 46. situation 47. kilo 48. rock 49. run out (of) 50. knife 51. cut off 52. blood 53. mean 54 get out of... 55. importance the importance of... 56. decision


2009学年第一学期八年级英语单元检测卷 Unit Ten 班级__________ 姓名___________ 一、翻译词组。(10分) 1. 全世界 2. 一两年 3. 取得好成绩 4. 上表演课 5. 保持健康 6. 同时 7. 找一个兼职工作 8. 举办艺术展览 9. 攒些钱10. 制订新年决心 二、单项选择(15分) ( ) 11. Some parents want to communicate better __________their kids. A. with B. on C. in D. for ( ) 12. There _____________a match this afternoon. A. will have B. are going to have C. is going to have D. is going to be ( ) 13. What are you going to do_____________? A. last night B. yesterday C. just now D. this evening ( ) 14. What he said made her_____________. A. happily B. happy C. happiness D .sadly ( ) 15.She is going to write some articles and___________ magazines and newspapers. A. send it to B. send them to C. send to them D. send to it ( ) 16. Lucy’s going to learn to play __________instrument. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填( ) 17. —_______ are you going to get good grades. — I’m going to study harder. A. How B. Where C. What D. Why ( ) 18. There are ________ people in the street. It’s raining heavily. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few


八年级上英语短语集锦 Unit1. 1.短语听写 1.呆在家里stayathome 2.去纽约城gotoNewYorkCity 3.看望祖父母visitgrandparents 4.去夏令营gotosummercamp 5.去山里gotothemountains 6.去海滩gotothebeach 7.参观博物馆visitmuseums 8.和...去...gowith... 9.买特殊的东西buysthspecial 10.遇见有趣的人meetsomeoneinteresting 11.备考studyfortests 12.某个有趣的地方somewhereinteresting 13.相当多的quiteafew 14.去度假goonvacation 15.在度假beonvacation 16.无事可做havenothingtodo\nothingmuch 17.看起来似乎无聊seemtobebored 18.记日记keepadiary 19.给某人买东西buysbsth\buysthforsb 20.到达\抵达arrivein\at=getto=reach 21.决定做...decidetodo 22.感觉像feellike 23.在过去inthepast 24.直走到顶端walkuptothetop 25.开始做...startdoing\todo 26.因为...becauseof 27.足够的钱enoughmoney 28.一碗米饭abowlofrice 29.尝起来好吃tastegood 30.忘记做...forgettodo 31.山顶thetopofthehill 32.再2个小时another2hours\2morehours 33.天安门广场Tian’anmenSquare 34.故宫thePalaceMuseum 35.带回来bringbacksth 36.坚持做...keepdoing 37.如此...以至于so...that 39.太...而不能too...to 40.至于asfor Unit2 短语听写: 1.多久一次howoften 2.帮助做家务helpwithhousework 3.几乎不hardly\hardlyever 4.购物goshopping/gototheshop/gotothemall 5.看电影gotothemovie 6.每周一次onceaweek 7.每周两次twiceaweek 8.每周三次threetimesaweek 9.使用因特网usetheInternet 10.看英语书readEnglishbooks 11.最喜爱的节目favoriteprogram 12.空闲befree 13.十分忙bequitefull 14.什么种类的舞蹈whatkindofdance 15.上钢琴课take\havepianolessons 16.看电影gothemovies\seeafilm 17.熬夜stayup 18.至少atleast 19.有利于…begoodfor 20.好习惯goodhabits 21.健康的食物healthfood 22.垃圾食品junkfood 23.空闲时间freetime 24.百分之十伍fifteenpercentof 25.一点也不not...atall 26….的答案theanswerto 27.比赛节目gameshows 28.最好的方法thebestway 29.例如forexample\asfor 30.度过时光spendtime 31.一个一十六岁的高中生 asixteen-year-oldhighschoolstudent 32.看牙医seeadentist 33.害怕beafraid 34.害怕…beafraidof 35.害怕做…beafraidofdoing 36.健康习惯healthhabits 37.不要着急Don’tworry. 38.想让...做wantsbtodo Unit3 短语听写: 1.跑得快runfast 2.跳得高jumphigh 3.起得早getupearly 4.和...一样as…as 5.唱歌比赛thesingingcompetition 6.比...好betterthan 7.想要赢wanttowin 8.某个新事somethingnew 9.有趣havefun 10.更外向moreoutgoing 11.比较努力workharder 12.两年以前twoyearsago 13.很酷的衣服coolclothes 14.和...一样thesameas 15.擅长begoodat 16.关心careabout/for 17.使某人笑makesblaugh 18.使得某人...makesbadj


33. because of 由于 34. get out of 离开;从 .... 出萍 35. hurt on eself 受伤 36. put a bandage on sth.用绷带包扎 37. fall dow n 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a no sebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰 42. have problems breath ing 呼吸困难 43. mou nta in climbi ng 登山运动 44. be used to doi ng sth.习惯做某事 45. run out (of)用完;用尽 46. so that 以便 47. so. . . that 如此 .... 以至于… 48. be in control of 掌管;管理 49. in a difficult situation 在闲境屮 50. keep on doi ng sth.继续或坚持做某事 51. make a decisi on 做出决定 52. take risks 冒险 's the trouble with you?= What ' s wr 下体温吗? 主语 + should/should n't+ 动词原形... ① You should lie dow n and rest 你应该躺下休息一会儿。 ② You shouldn'tgo out at night 你晚上不应该出去。 3. Do you think it comes from a n ewspaper or a book? 你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢? 4. I thi nk I sat in the same way for too long without moving. 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍 X 光片 14. take onestemperature 量体温 15. put some medici ne on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sou nd like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着 .... 走 22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without thinking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 53. give up 放弃 二、重点句型 1. What ' s the matter? What ' s the matter with you?= What 八年级下册英语重点短语句子 Uni ts1~10 Unit 1 What ' s the matter? 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one's surprise 使 ... 惊讶的 28. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于 29. in time 及时 30. save a life 挽救生命 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(第一单元到第十单元) 第一单元 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone ['eniw?n] pron.任何人 anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv.任何地方 n.任何(一个)地方wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj.精彩的;极好的 few [fju?] adj.很少的;n.少量 most [m??st] adj.最多的;大多数的; something ['s?mθ??] pron.某事物; pron.没有什么n.没有nothing(=not…anything) ['n?θ??] myself [ma?'self] pron.我自己 everyone ['evriw?n] pron.每人;人人 yourself [j??'self] pron.你自己;你亲自 hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽 bored [b??d] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 pig n.猪 diary ['da??ri] n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) seem [si?m] vi.似乎;好像 someone ['s?mw?n] pron.某人;有人 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) of course [?vk??s] 当然 activity [?k't?v?ti] n.活动;活跃 decide [d?'sa?d] v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try [tra?] v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird [b??d] n.鸟;禽 paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n.空中滑翔跳伞 bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n.自行车 building ['b?ld??] n.建筑物 trader ['tre?d?(r)] n.商人;商船 wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 difference ['d?fr?ns] n.差异;不同



24、inthe end 在最后, 25、be angry at/aboutsth因某事而生气, 26、makemistakes弄错/出差错, 27、in the future 在将来, 28、runaway逃跑, 29、the first step第一步, 30、inhalf 成半, 31、solve a problem解决难题, 32、school clean-up学校大扫除 二、习惯用法、搭配 1、ask sb.to do sth请某人做某事, 2、give sb sth.给某人某物, 3、tell sb. todo sth 告诉某人做某事, 4、too…to dosth太…不能做某事, 5、be afraidto dosth.害怕做某事, 6、advise sbto dosth劝说某人做某事, 7、It’s best (not)todo sth.做某事最好。 8、need to dosth需要做某事, 三、重要句子(语法) 1、Ithink I’ll take the bus to the party. 2、If you do,you’ll belate. 3、What will happen if they have theparty today? 4、If they have it today,halfthe class won’t come. 5、Shouldwe askpeople tobring food? 6、If weask peopleto bring food, 7、They’lljust bringpotatochips and chocolate 语法小结 1. if条件句 2. 现在进行时表示将来的时间 一. if条件句 1. if条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中if 是“如果”的意思。构成条件从句主句 时态If+一般现在时主语+shall/will+动词原形 例句If he comes,he will take us to the zoo. 2. 用法:


新人教版八年级英语(上)重点单词短语句子归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、重点短语 1.去度假go on vacation 2.待在家里stay at home 3.去爬山go to the mountains 4.去海滩go to the beach 5.参观博物馆visit museums 6.去参观夏令营go to summer camp 7.相当多quite a few 8.为……而学习study for 9.出去go out 10.大部分时间most of the time 11.尝起来很好吃taste good 12.玩得高兴have a good time 13.当然of course 14.给……的感觉;感受到feel like 15.去购物go shopping 16. 在过去in the past 17.四处走走walk around 18.因为because of 19.一碗……one bowl of…20.第二天the next day 21.喝茶drink tea 22.找出;查明find out 23.继续go on 24.照相take photos 25.重要的事something important 26.上上下下up and down 27.出来come up 二、重点句型及考点 1. 为某人买某物buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 2. 尝起来……taste + adj. 3. 看起来……look+ adj. 4. 除了……之外什么都没有nothing…but+动词原形 5.看起来……seem+(to be)+ adj. 6. 到达某地arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点 7. 决定去做某事decide to do sth. 8. 尝试做某事try doing sth . 尽力去做某事try to do sth. 9. 忘记做过某事forget doing sth. 忘记做某事forget to do sth. 10. 喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 11. 想去做某事want to do sth. 12. 开始做某事start doing sth. 13. 停止做某事stop doing sth. 14. 不喜欢做某事dislike doing sth. 15. 继续做某事keep doing sth. 16. 为什么不做……呢?Why not do. sth.? 17. 如此……以至于……so+adj.+that+从句18. 告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 一、根据汉语写短语。 1. 多久一次how often 2. 几乎不hardly ever 3. 至少;不少于at least 4. 摇摆舞swing dance 5. 垃圾食品junk food 6. 多少how many 7. 例如;像……这样such as 8. 少于less than 9. 百分之十五fifteen percent 10. 上网go online 11. 对……有好处be good for 12. 多余more than 13. 看电视watch TV 14. 许多好习惯a lot of good habits 15. 去看牙医go to the dentist 16. 一周一两次once or twice a week 二、根据所给英语翻译句子。 1. ---你周末通常都干些什么?---我总是锻炼。(weekend; exercise) ---What do you usually do on weekends? ---I always exercise. 2. 他们经常帮忙做家务。(housework) They often help with housework. 3. ---他多久看一次电视?---他几乎不看电视。(how often) ---How often does he watch TV. --- He hardly ever watches TV.


2013学年八年级上学期英语知识汇总Unit1 1. go to the movies=go to the cinema =see a film 看电影 2. look after=take care of = babysit 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去玩划板 6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy 身体健康 7. keep / stay healthy=keep / stay in good health 保持健康 8. as for至于 9. take/do exercise = play/ do sports 锻炼,做运动 10. eating habits 饮食习惯 11. be the same as 与……相同 12. once a month一月一次 13. be different from 不同 14. twice a week一周两次 15. make a difference to 对……有影响 16. how often 多久一次 17. hardly ever 18. most of the students=most students大多数学生 19. activity survey活动调查 20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物 21. do homework做家庭作业 22. do housework做家务事 23. junk food垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 对……有益(害) 25. on/at weekends 在周末 26. want to do sth. = would like to do sth. = feel like doing sth. 想要做某事27. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 28. try to do sth 尽量做某事 try doing sth.试着做某 try one’s best to do sth.尽力做某事 29. come home from school放学回家 30. of course= certainly= sure当然 31. get good grades取得好成绩32.help sb. ( to )do sth. 帮助某人做某事, 33.help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 34. a lot of = lots of = many + 可数名词。许多,大量的 35. a lot of =lots of= much + 不可数名词。许多,大量的 36. the results of … ……的结果 37. a health lifestyle 健康的生活方式 38. two or three times a week 一周两三次 39. a healthy habit 一个健康的习惯 40. kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 41. How often do you exercise ? 42. What’s your favorite program ? 43. Good food and exercise help me to study better . 44. How many hours do you sleep every night ? Unit 2 1. have/ catch a cold = have got a cold 感冒 2. have a sore throat = have a pain in one’s throat咽喉痛 3. have a stomachache = have a sore stomach = have a pain in one’s stomach胃痛 4. lie down and rest 躺下休息 5. see a dentist 看牙医 6. drink lots of water 多喝水 7. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 8. That sounds like a good idea. 听起来像个好主意. 9. stressed out 紧张,有压力感,11. traditional Chinese doctors 传统中医 12. a balance of yin and yang 阴阳平衡 13. too much yin 阴气过盛 14. a balanced diet饮食平衡 15. healthy/yin/yang food 健康(阴性,阳性)食品


教师讲义 副校长/组长签字:签字日期: 课题Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 课型□预习课□同步课□复习课□习题课 授课日期及时段2014 年月日 教学目的 重难点 教学内容 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 一、书本重要语法点梳理 一、词组、短语: 1、go to the party 参加晚会, 2、have a great /good time 玩的开心, 3、stay at home,呆在家, 4、take the bus乘公交车, 5、tomorrow night明天晚上, 6、have a class party 开班级晚会, 7、have a class meeting 开班会, 8、half the class 全班一半人, 9、make some food 做食物, 10、at the party 在晚会上, 11、order food 预定食物, 12、potato chips薯条, 13、be angry with sb.对某人生气, 14、give sb some advice给某人建议/劝告, 15、travel around the world 周游世界, 16、go to college 上大学, 17、make(a lot of)money 挣钱/赚钱 18、get an education上学/受教育, 19、work hard 努力工作/努力学习, 20、a soccer player 一个足球运动员, 21、keep…to oneself 把…留给自己/独处/避免与人交往, 22、talk to sb.与某人谈话, 23、in life在一生中, 24、in the end 在最后, 25、be angry at/about sth 因某事而生气,


八年级上册英语短语句 型集锦 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

新目标英语八年级上各个单元重点词组与句型归纳Unit1 1. go to the movies=go to the cinema =see a film 看电影 2. look after=take care of = babysit 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去划板 6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy身体健康 7. keep / stay healthy=keep / stay in good health 保持健康 8. as for至于 9. take/do exercise = play/ do sports锻炼,做运动 10. eating habits 饮食习惯 11. be the same as 与……相同 12. once a month一月一次 13. be different from 不同 14. twice a week一周两次 15. make a difference to 对什么有影响 16. how often 多久一次 17. hardly ever几乎不 18. most of the students=most students大多数学生 19. activity survey活动调查 20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物 21. do homework做家庭作业 22. do housework做家务事 23. junk food垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 对……有益(害)be good at 擅长be good to 对某人友好be good with 与某人相处融洽 25. on/at weekends 在周末 26. want to do sth. = would like to do sth.= feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 27. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 28. try to do sth 尽量做某事 try doing sth.试着做某 try one`s best to do sth.尽力做某事 29. come home from school放学回家 30. of course= certainly= sure当然 31. get good grades取得好成绩 32. help sb. ( to )do sth. 帮助某人做某事, 33. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 34. a lot of = lots of = many + 可数名词。许多,大量的 35. a lot of =lots of= much + 不可数名词许多,大量的 36. the results of … ……的结果 37. a healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 38. two or three times a week 一周两三次39. a healthy habit 一个健康的习惯 40. kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 41. How often do you exercise 42. What`s your favorite program 43. Good food and exercise help me to study better . 44. How many hours do you sleep every night Unit 2 1. have/ catch a cold = have got a cold 感冒 2. have a sore throat = have a pain in one`s throat 咽喉痛 3. have a stomachache = have a sore stomach = have a pain in one`s stomach胃痛 4. lie down and rest 躺下休息 5. see a dentist 看牙医 6. drink lots of water 多喝水 7. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 8. That sounds like a good idea. 听起来像个好主意. 9. stressed out 紧张,有压力感, 10. traditional Chinese doctors传统中医 11. a balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡 12. too much yin 阴气过盛 13. a balanced diet饮食平衡 14. healthy/yin/yang food 健康(阴性,阳性)食品 15. at the moment = now 此刻 16. enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun = have a wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 18. host family 寄宿家庭 19. conversation practice会话练习 20. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事, like doing sth 喜欢做某事, practice doing sth. 练习做某事, mind doing sth. 介意做某事, finish doing sth. 完成某事, give up doing sth. 放弃做某事, keep doing sth. 坚持做某事. can`t stand doing sth.忍不住做某事 have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 即:practice, mind, finish, give up, keep, can`t stand, have fun等与enjoy用法相似。 21. It`s + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样。 22. have a lot of headaches. 经常头痛。 23.What`s the matter(with Gina)(蒂娜)怎么啦? 24.Maybe you should see a dentist.也许你该看看牙医。 25.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.传统中医认为,保持身体健康需要体内阴阳二气的平衡。26.You should eat hot yang foods, like beef .

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