当前位置:文档之家› 必背的托福口语教育类话题及高频词汇





1. What can parents do to help their children succeed in school? Please include details and examples in your answer。

2. What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach children?


课外活动extracurricular activities/after-school activities

体育运动physical activities

体育俱乐部sports clubs

提升健康improve one’s health

与他人社交socialize with others

与他人相处get along with others

好的社交者a good mixer

沟通技能communication skills


有礼貌: courteous(adj.) /courtesy(n.)/good manners 合理安排每日任务:

时间管理time management

根据重要程度给任务安排优先顺序prioritize tasks according to degree of importance

创建任务清单create a do-do list

提升效率improve efficiency

带领/导致某人做某事lead sb. to do


跟进孩子在校表现track children’s performance at school

学术表现/学习成绩academic performance



向目标奋斗strive for goals



3. Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The success of a good school depends on experienced teachers.

传授知识convey/impart knowledge

遇到困难encounter difficulties

向…求助turn to sb. for help


(可供学习的)榜样role model

激励某人做某事motivate sb. to do


5. Which of the following three courses would you choose to take? A. Art history B. Science history C. 20th century history

6. What is your favorite subject at school?

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should learn to draw or paint.

促进大脑活动boost brain activity

…是一种放松减压的方式: …is a way to loosen up and let go of stress 专业major(n.)/major in(v.)

跨学科课程interdisciplinary course

审美beauty appreciation

获得对…的深刻理解gain a deep understanding of…

颜色搭配match colors

增强艺术技能enhance artistic skills

科学研究scientific research


7. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that a student must do well in high school in order to receive college education.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? University education is more important than it was in the past.

9. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? To be successful, one has to study in university.

10. Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will be more successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

为…奠定基础lay a foundation for

未来职业future career

体面的工作a decent job

高薪工作a well-paying job

光明的未来promising future

挣钱多的人people paid well/people with a high paycheck 开拓眼界broaden one’s horizons/perspectives

大范围的a wide range of

学知识gain/obtain/acquire knowledge

追求pursue/in pursuit(n.) of


竞争越发激烈的increasingly competitive

脱颖而出stand out


学士学位bachelor’s degree


11. Talk about the best aspect of the education system in your country.

12. Talk about one thing government can do to improve education in your country.

教育公平education equality

缩小…之间的差距narrow the gap between

上学attend school

有受教育机会have access to an education

通识教育general education

改革教育体系revolutionize/reform the curriculum system


13. Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation?

把知识应用于实践apply knowledge to practice

发展各种能力develop diverse abilities and skills

任务完成task completion




A break with 分开a departure from Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful Accelerated 加速increased Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Accordingly 因此,从而consequently Accordingly 因此for that reason Account for 解释,说明explain Accumulated 积聚,积累built up Acute 敏锐的,剧烈的intense Adequate 充分的,足够的sufficient Adhere 坚持stick Administered 管理managed Adorned 装修decorated Advent 出现,到来arrival Adversely 逆向/反的negatively Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的artistically Affront 侮辱,冒犯insult Agents 动因,代理人causes Aided 帮助的helped Alert 警惕ware Allay 减轻,减少reduce Altered 改变changed Alternative 选择:option Altogether 完全的completely Annihilate 消灭,征服conquer Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as Appeal 吸引attraction Appealing吸引人的attractive Apply to 应用于used for Appreciated赏识,意识到recognized Aptly 恰当的appropriately Article 物品object Ascribed to 归功于,认为assumed to be true of Assembling 聚集gathering Assortment 种类variety Astounding 惊讶的surprising At any rate 无论如何regardless 不管Attachment to 倾向于preference for Attained 达到,获得achieved Attained 达到,获得achieved Attained 获得reached Attendant 伴随的accompanying Attests to 证明give evidence of Attire 服装clothing Avail themselves 利用make use Barren 贫瘠的:infertile Besides 除此之外in addition to Bias 偏见prejudice Biting 尖锐的sharp Boosted 鼓舞raised Boosted推进raised Bound 系,绑tied Bounds 限制:limits Bring about 引起cause Brittle易碎的,脆弱的easily broken By virtue of 由于because of Calculated 计算,决定determined Came of age 出现了,成名了established itself Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要became important Carried on 继续continued Carry 承担:support Ceased 停止stop Celestial 天文学的:astronomical Chance 偶然的:unplanned Chronicle 记载,记录,编年史describe Circumscribed 限制restricted Classified 分类categorized Cluster 成群group Coarse 粗糙的crude Coarser 粗糙的rougher Cohesion 凝聚力unity Coincided with 一致,符合happened at the same time Coined 组成,创造:created Comparably 相似地:similarly Compelling 强迫地,又说服力的forceful Components 组成部分parts Concealed 隐藏covered Concentrated 集中:clustered Conclusive 总结性的definitive Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的in conjunction with Confine 限制restrict Confined 局限:limited Conflicting 对立的:apposing Conjectural 猜测的based on guessing Consciously 有意识地,故意地purposely Consequence 结果result Conserve 维持,保留retain Consist 一致的,协调的constant Consorted 交往associated Conspicuous 明显的noticeable Constant 持续的,一致的consistent Constituents 组成部分components Constituting 组成making up Consumed消耗,吃eaten Consumption 消费,吃eating


20150110: T1: Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don 't like it. T2: Do you think universities in the future will one day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead. 20150111: T1: Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Attending sports event, cooking your favorite dishes at home, or visiting your friends? T2: Some people prefer to live in old buildings, others prefer to live in new and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why? 20150125: T1: Which of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning the city park. T2: Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks on a job. Which do you prefer? 20150131: CN T1: Which of the following activities would you like do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending sometime with families. T2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint? 20150131: NA T1: When visiting a new city, which of the following would you choose to better learn about the place. Visiting a museum, walking through streets, or take an organized trip. T2: Some people like surprise visits from their friends, other prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer? 20150201: T1: Which of the following study methods do you think is the most productive? Having discussions with friends, reading textbooks, or writing reports. T2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people should dress following fashion trends. 20150307A: T1: If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the following would you choose to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport, or playing a musical instrument.


托福口语喜好类话题必备词汇及常见题目 在托福考试中,有这样一类很口语话题会经常出现。而且,在日常的聊天中也会经常用到。它们就是——喜好类话题 ! Which of the following types of book you do not enjoy, science fiction, biography, or romantic book? Explain why you do not enjoy it. 话题简介: 小伙伴们开心地在家度过了寒假,也和家人一起过了春节和元宵节。那么,接下来,等待我的便是学校了。有些童鞋想快点儿回到学校和自己的小伙伴们玩耍,聊天。 有些童鞋觉得假期还没有享受够,还想和家人在一起,不想回学校。但是,有些事是我们不想做又必须做的。所以,我们还是应该积极面对这些事情。那么,开学在即,你准备好了吗 ? 必备词汇: register登记、报到 compulsory course 必修课 optional course 选修课 credit 学分 scholarship奖学金 school uniform校服 military training 军训 curriculum schedule 课程表 department 系

major 专业 be interested in对有兴趣 be keen on热衷于 take a pleasure in 以... 乐; 喜爱 have a fancy for 看上,入迷 take enjoyment in喜爱,享受;从获得乐趣 have a mark on喜爱,爱好 repugnant讨厌的 disagreeable 不愉快的 ; 厌恶的 disgusting令人厌恶的 detest 厌恶; 憎恨 Want/ Enjoy/ Like/ Dislike 1.Describe time when you are asked to do something you do not want to do, and what happened as a result. 2.Talk about a thing you always wanted to do but didn ’t have time to yet. Explain why you want to do it, give examples and details in your explanation. 3.Describe a job you have done in the past or a job pecific you’d like to do in the future. Please include s details in your answer. 4.If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study what would youchoose? Explain your choice using specific reasons and details.


托福口语黄金话题二(英文版) 21. Some people prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work to home. Which do you prefer and explain why. 22. Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation. 23. Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why? 24. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely. 25. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation. 26. Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details. 27. Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will be more successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. 28. Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement. 29. Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion, explain why. 30. To be a leader or a follower, which do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examples and details. 31. Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why. 32. Some believe that TV, newspaper and radio have more influence on individuals than their relatives and friends, while others believe not. Which statement do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examples and details. 33. If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What’s your reason for choosing this job? Please give your statement and include specific examples and details in your opinion.


托福考试高频词汇1000 A a pivotal figure a pivotal figure (关键)人物pivot 轴心 premium premium n.保险金a.高级的,高价的 a premium student a premium student 优秀学生 a range of a range of 一系列的东西(有顺序)a range from sth. to sth. 从...到...范围,排列不等 abandon abandon 抛弃,放纵abandonment n. abbreviate abbreviate v. 缩短,缩写abbreviation n. abrasion abrasion n.磨损 abstract abstract (ab-去掉,stract 拉)a.抽象的n.概要 absurd absurd a.荒谬的 abundance abundance (und-波浪) n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚'undulate/fluctuate 波动 accelerate accelerate (celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长celerity速度decelerate v.减速 have access to have access to 能够接触,靠近you have access to the library accessible accessible a.可靠近的 acclaim acclaim v.欢呼,欢迎acclaimed a.受人欢迎的 accommodate accommodate v.给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应(commod- 方便commodity 商品 accommodating accommodating a.乐于助人的 accompany accompany v.陪伴,伴奏accompanist 伴奏者accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏 accord accord v.和谐一致(-ion琴)accordion 手风琴 accumulate accumulate(cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积cumulus 积云 accustom accustom v.使习惯get accustomed to sth. 海关custom 关税tariff acquaintance acquaintance n.熟悉,认识 acronym acronym(acr-高,-onym词)n.首字母缩略词 acute acute a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic慢性病 adapt adapt v.适应环境adaptable 能适应的adaptation 适应,改写本 addictive addictive a.(吸毒)上瘾的addict (dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷 additive additive (add-加)添加剂,附加的 adept adept a.老练的 adjoining/adjacent adjoining/ adjacent a.邻近的,毗邻的 adjust adjust (just-正确)v.调整,校准adjustment n. adobe adobe n.土坯,印第安人造房原料 abode abode n.住所,住房 adopt adopt (opt-选择)v.收养,采纳adoption n. adornment adornment (orn-饰)n. 装饰ornamentation 饰品 advent advent n.来到adventure n.冒险with the advent of 21 century 随着21世纪的到来 adverse adverse(-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的~wind 逆风~influence 不利影响adversity n.灾难,不幸,逆境adversary n.对手,敌手advocate advocate v./n.支持,拥护(者) anesthetic esthetic a.感觉的anesthetic (an-无)a.麻醉的aesthetic a.美感的,美学的 affect affect v.影响,假装severe strom adversely affect our study affected affected a.装模作样的affection n.友爱,友情 affectation affectation n.假装 affiliate affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成...的儿子,和...联合,加盟进去,附加filiale 子公司filial 子女的,孝顺的 afflict afflict(flict-打击)v.折磨conflict n.冲突

托福口语: 高频同类词汇完全整理

托福口语:高频同类词汇完全整理 1.解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle 2.损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize 3.给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford 4.培养:Develop, cultivate, foster 5.优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength 6.缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness 7.使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle 8.重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative 9.认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 10.保护:Protect, conserve, preserve 11.确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge 12.有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental 13.要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition


托福分类词汇表(共17类863个常用单词) 一、 psychology 心理 1. mental 心理的 2. physical 身体的,物质的,物理的 3. spiritual 心灵的 4. conformity 从众 5. majority 多数人 6. minority 少数人 7. threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断 8. subject 受实验对象 9. 心理学psychology 10. 心理现象mental phenomenon 11. 心理过程mental process 12. 心理状态mental state 13. 心理活动mental activity 14. 意识consciousness 15. 内部活动internal activity 16. 普通心理学general psychology 17. 实验心理学experimental psychology 18. 行为科学behavioral science 19. 心身关系mind-body relation 20. 遗传heredity 21. 活动理论activity theory 22. 中央处理器模型central processor model 23. 信息储存information storage 24. 人工智能artificial intelligence, AI 25. 计算机类比computer analogy 26. 计算机模拟computer simulation 27. 计算机模型computer

model 28. 测谎器lie detector 29. 预期误差anticipation error 30. 正误法method of right and wrong cases 31. 反应response 32. 访谈法interview method 33. 问卷法questionnaire 34. 表情法method of expression 35. 提示法anticipation method 36. 视觉vision 37. 瞳孔pupil 38. 可见光visible light 39. 颜色匹配color matching 40. 颜色对比color contrast 41. 颜色混合color mixture 42. 加色混合additive color mixture 43. 色弱color weakness 44. 红色弱red weakness 45. 色盲color blindness 46. 红色盲red blindness 47. 蓝黄色盲blue-yellow blindness 48. 内耳inner ear 49. 中耳middle ear 50. 反映reflection 二、geography 地理 1. geography 地理 2. geographer 地理学家 3. hemisphere 半球 4. meridian 子午线,经线 5. parallel 平行圈,纬线 6. latitude 经度 7. longitude 精度 8. elevation 海拔 9. altitude 高度 10. temperate latitudes 温带地区


托福口语常考话题模板集锦 1.说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。 Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the national library based on following reasons. Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Reading does good to our mind. As a student, we should always recharge ourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in this society. Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know, it's a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to the library not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote our friendship to some degree. 2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。 As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day's work. What's more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 【托福口语】2020年托福口语常考话题模板集锦


paragraph ['p?r?ɡrɑ:f] n.段落vt.将…分段 follow ['f?l?u] v.跟随,接着,沿着,遵循 increase [in'kri:s] n./v.增加,增长,提高 begin [b?'ɡ?n] v.开始,着手 period ['pi?ri?d] n.一段时间,时期,周期 human ['hju:m?n] n.人,人类 species ['spi:?i:z] n.种类,物种 information [?inf?'mei∫?n] n.信息,消息,通知 small [sm?:l] a.小的,少的 different ['dif?r?nt] a.不同的,个别的 during ['dju?ri?] prep.在...的期间, 在…的时候 refer [ri'f?:] v.提及,把…归因于,求助于,查阅 answer ['ɑ:ns?] n.答案.v.回答,响应 surface ['s?:fis] n.表面.v.浮现,对...进行表面处理adj. 肤浅的live [liv] /[laiv] v.活着,居住.a.活的,直播的[laiv] idea [ai'di?] n.想法,思想,概念 part [pɑ:t] n.部分,角色,零件.v.分开,分离 land [l?nd] n.陆地,国土.v.靠岸,着陆 development [di'vel?pm?nt] n.发展,研制,新社区,开发 up [?p] ad./a.向上(的).prep.沿…往上n.上升,繁荣grow [ɡr?u] v.生长,成长,种植,发展 support [s?'p?:t] vt./n.支持,支撑,供养 take [teik] v.拿,取,带,接受,吃 number ['n?mb?] n.数(字).v.遍号码,计算 material [m?'t??r??l] n.材料,原料.a.物质的,重要的 product ['pr?d?kt] n.产品,产物.n.乘积 her [h?:;?:?h?,?] pron.她(的) often ['?(:)fn,'?:ft?n] ad.常常,经常 through [θru:] prep.穿过,凭借.ad./a.自始至终 place [pleis] n.地方.vt.放置,任命.n.名次 develop [di'vel?p] v.发展,制订,开发 sea [si:] n.海,海域 body ['b?di] n.身体,主体 child [t∫aild] n.孩子,产物 world [w?:ld] n.世界,界,领域 show [∫?u] v.证明,显现,说明.n.表演 1


https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe971361.html, 40个托福口语必备词语以及造句整理 天道留学

https://www.doczj.com/doc/fe971361.html, 想要说好托福口语就必须要掌握一些必备的名词词汇,因为只有名词词汇才能成为整个句子的中中心。为大家总结了托福口语必备名词词汇集锦,供大家参考。 1.account I have an account with the bank. 我在银行开有户头。 He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他对西班牙语文的知识。 Don‘t stay away on account of John. 为了约翰,不要离开。 2.act Don‘t take him seriously ——it’s just an act. 不要把他看得太认真——他只是假装那样而已。 In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正当其拾球之际,他失足跌倒。 3.addition They‘ve just had an addition to t he family. 他们家里刚又增加一口。 4.adjustment They do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 为了达到目标,他们调整了人员。 5.advertisement Advertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于销路。 6.agreement I‘m quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所说的话。 7.air My plans are still quite in the air. 我的计划还未定案。


托福口语Task1四类话题整合及思路整理 托福口语当中,task 1,2作为independent tasks,是很多考生比较头疼的问题。虽然它相较于后面的integrated tasks来说形式简单,给你一句话的题目直接说出你的思路即可,但是它所涉及到的知识面是非常广泛的,甚至会涉及到我们之前完全没有思考过的领域,甚至是不熟悉的领域。这就要求着我们在复习的时候对于不同话题的思路整理,包括相似话题的整合、以及陌生话题的思路扩展。 Task 1无非就是让我们描述一个与我们生活息息相关的一些事物,我们较为常见的一些话题可以简单来说归纳为四个字母——“OPPE”,及O(object), P(person), P(place), E(event)。 一、object类话题 根据以往常出的题目总结来看,object往往可以分为tangible object(有形物体)以及intangible object(无形无体)。 Tangible object,顾名思义我们能够看得见摸得着的实物,除了一些比较常规的special gift,meaning object之外,还包括出题者最爱考的一些关于book类的话题,即让我们描述最喜欢看的、或是读过的最有意义的一本书。另外,较为常见的一些题目还包括描述a song, a film, a painting, a photograph等题目。在这样的题目当中,很多同学因为不知道要说什么或是不熟悉这样的事物导致完全说不出或是表述不流利,结结巴巴说不到重点。在遇到此类题目,一个比较简单的思路就是不要纠结于一些大家都要知道的名著,我们完全可以从自己比较熟悉的一些话题展开,如自己画的第一幅全家福。另外,尽量避免每个人都在讲的一些话题,比如大部分人都在说《Harry Potter》,那我们如果换成《How to win friends》会不会好很多呢?一定不要给自己挖坑,怎么便于表述怎么来。 至于intangible object,较为常考的有让我们去描述positive invention,favorite subject,important characteristic等话题。在这里还是一样,就我们容易表述的说,每个想法列出两个关键词,再去展开就可以了,在这里表述以简单易懂为主,千万不要说一些高深曲折的大道理。掌握了这些素材之后,object类题目就没问题了。所以建议在考试之前,先把所有可能会考到的题目先过一遍,想到要说什么就已经成功了一半了。 二、person类话题 Person类话题在task 1的考试中形式不多,总结起来无非两类人,一种是我们比较熟悉的在我们身边的人,例如family member, best friend, favorite teacher, an old person you respect 等,由于这些都是我们较为熟悉的,所以比较容易想到,在表述的时候也较为简单。相对来说会有一定难度的就是第二类人——famous person名人了。在task 1,它有可能让你去描述一位你钦佩、喜欢或是想见面的名人,甚至给你规定一定领域。这是如果碰到一些不关注这一领域的就不太好说了。比如一些女生平时对体育不感兴趣,但考试的时候让你去描述一个你最喜欢的足球选手,那可能一下子就懵圈了。但是遇到这样的题目也不用怕,在我们备考时完全可以提前准备好相关素材,在考试的时候也不是任何领域都会考我们,常见的也就actor/actress, singer, spotsman, business man, leader这几类,所以就算我们不喜欢不感兴趣,只要我每个领域都想出来一个人就完全没有问题啦。 在这里给到两个我们凡事涉及到人都非常通用的一些素材思路,一是表述ta在专业领域上的卓越表现。比如ta是歌手,我们说ta歌唱得好,是演员我们说ta演技精湛,是商人我们说ta把公司


托福口语备课资料: Task 1 I.话题分类及相关词汇,固定搭配 两种描述手法:describe,narrate 1.人(people) 2.活动(activity) 3.事件(event) 1.1人(people) 人的种类: 身份: family and friends, celebrity 社会: parents, son or daughter, boss, leader, team player, co-worker, roommate 职业: teacher, doctor, engineer, artist, scientist, politician, 描述人的词汇与句型: 外貌(look/appearance): General : She/he is gorgeous. She has a/an _______ face with _________ complexion, and her hair is ___________ . Her two _______ eyes twinkle like stars when she winkles. Face Shape (have/has, with) ?Square ?Oval ?Round/moon ?Triangular ?Heart-shaped Skin/Face/Complexion (Complexion is the natural appearance and color of the skin, especially of the face; e.g. Mary has a soft, creamy complexion. ?Freckled: sprinkled or covered with light brown spots ?Rosy: pink-cheeked; fair complexion that glows with a hint of pink ?Ruddy: skin that has a healthy reddish tint; may have the appearance of sunburn


托福常考高频词汇题 enroll to one = combine complement = supplement = add to substitute = replace so far = until present = up to now rooted in = based on make their way = travel vulnerable--open to break—open to attack -- weak --susceptible perishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoil Seething 沸腾的 --- overflowing / excited/active float = stay on the top be consistent with = be compatible with property 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (名词意为“特征,属性”) simulated ---- artificial sort --- type -- kind staggering摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的(多数) =overwhelming string线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =series swell -- enlargement --- expand tract- area – terrain symmetric 对称的,均衡的 --- balance taper 逐渐变小 --- diminish --- 收缩 tenet --- principle / belief

turn = change vast - immense - extensive with the ordinary citizen's pocketbook = affordable advent = arrival affair = matter chronic --- constant – confirmed 慢性的;证实的 consequence = result / importance counter = oppose countervail 补偿,抵消; 对抗 = compensate / oppose distinction = differentiation / excellence / honor distribution = dispersion = dispersal embed = implant euphoric = extremely happy flake = fragment hinder 阻碍,打扰= interfere with ladings 船货= cargos shipment mandatory = required, obligatory mundane 世俗的,平凡的= ordinary prerequisite = something required (something needed to happen) rather = instead 相反地/ in some degree在某种程度上,相当地 reap 收割,收获= obtain sank (sink的过去式)= descended; dropped to the bottom

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