当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语校本教材《英语美文阅读与欣赏》



















(1)文学作品 1 The Little Match Girl / 2 A Perfect Day/ 3 The Pied Piper of Hamelin

(2)人物故事 1 Louis Armstrong/ 2 Special Fund in Honor of Hong Zhanhui/ 3 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong

(3)历史文化 1 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt/ 2 Studying difference/ 3 Spring Festival’s Symbols/

(4)社会风情 1 International Left-hander’s Day/ 2 The Origin of Kiss/ 3 Make Sports a Kind of Culture

(5)科学与经济 1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Years Ago/ 2 China’s

launching plans for Shenzhou 7/ 3 China’s New “Four Great


(6)人生态度与理想1 You Are the World/ 2 Honesty/ 3 Facing Life Positively

(7)异域风情1An strange experience 2 The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) 3 Organic- a legal meaning








注: 优秀(A)良好(B)合格(C)待改进(D)

Module 1 Literature

Lesson 1 The Little Match Girl

Once upon a time, a little girl tried to make a living by selling matches in the street.

It was New Year’s Eve and the snow clad streets we re deserted. From brightly lit windows came the tinkle (发出清脆的声响)of laughter and the sound of singing. People were getting ready to bring in the New Year. But the poor little match seller sat sadly beside the fountain. Her ragged dress and worn scarf did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. She hadn’t sold one box of matches all day and she was frightened to go home, for her father would certainly be angry. It wouldn’t be much warmer anyway, in the draugh ty attic (阁楼) that was her home. The little girl’s fingers were frozen with cold. If only she could light a match! But what would her father say at such a waste! Falteringly (迟疑地)she took out a match and lit it. What a nice warm flame! The little match seller cupped her hand over it, and as she did so, she magically saw in its light a big brightly burning stove.

She held out her hands to the heat, but just then the match went out and the vision faded. The night seemed blacker than before and it was getting colder. A shiver (寒噤) ran through the little girl’s thin body. After hesitating for a long time, she struck another match on the wall, and this time, the glimmer turned the wall into a great sheet of crystal. Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick. Holding out her arms towards the plates, the little match seller seemed to pass through the glass, but then the match went out and the magic faded. Poor thing: in just a few seconds she had caught a glimpse of everything that life had denied her: warmth and good things to eat. Her eyes were filled with tears and she lifted her gaze to the lit windows, praying that she too might know a little of such happiness.

She lit the third match and an even more wonderful thing happened. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering (闪烁) with tinsel (金属箔) and colored balls. “Oh. How lovely!” shouted the little match seller, holding up the match. Then, the match burned her finger and went out. The light from the Christmas candles rose higher and higher, then one of the lights fell, leaving a trail behind it. “Someone is dying,” murmured the little girl, as she remembered her beloved Granny who used to say: “When a star falls, a heart stops beating!”

Scarcely aware of what she was doing, the little match seller lit another match. This time, she saw her grandmother.

“Granny, stay with me!” she pleaded, as she lit one match after the other, so that her grandmother could not disappear like all the other visions. However, Granny did not disappear but gazed smilingly at her. Then she opened her arms and the little girl hugged her crying: “Granny, take me away with you!”

A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road. Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches.

“Poor little thing!” exclaimed the passers-by. “She was trying to keep warm!”

But by that time, the little match seller was far away where there is neither cold, hunger nor pain.

I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求)

To learn a story about the little match girl written by Anderson.

ⅡKey Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点)

Key points: to grasp some useful words and expressions

deserted, fade, strike, hesitate, deny, exclaim, glimpse, aware, be frozen with, go out, strike a match, catch a glimpse of

Special difficulties:

1) to learn Inversion.

2) to learn v-ed phrases used as modifiers

ⅢTeaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法)

Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach

ⅣBrief Teaching Procedures(教学过程)

Step1 Background information(背景知识)

Do you know about the great tale writer Anderson?

Can you list some of his masterpieces?

Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读)

Read the passage quickly and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题):

1) Why didn’t the little girl strike a match to keep herself warm?

2) What did the little girl see when the last vision appeared?


1) She was afraid that her father would be angry.

2) She saw her beloved grandmother who had died.

Step3 Careful reading(细读)

1. What visions did the little match seller see? What did they mean to her?

(a big brightly burning stove→warmth; a fine table laden with food→good things to eat; a Christmas tree hung with candles→joy and happiness; her grandmother→love and care)

2. Translate the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1) From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing.

2) Her ragged dress and worn scarf did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground.

3) Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick.

4) Her eyes were filled with tears and she lifted her gaze to the lit windows, praying that she too might know a little of such happiness.

5) There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering with tinsel and colored balls.

6) Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches.

7) If only she could light a match!

8) A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road.

9) But by that time, the little match seller was far away where there is neither cold, hunger nor pain.

What characteristics do the underlined parts have? What function?

(They are all v-ed phrases, which are used as modifiers.)

Step4 Key patterns(主要句型)

Analyze the sentence below:

From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing.

This is an inverted sentence. The subject of the sentence is “the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing”, and “came” functions as the predicate.

Find out more similar sentence structures in the passage.

(Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick.

There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles…

Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches.)

Step5 Homework(作业)

Rewrite the story. (With about 200 words.)

Step6 Assessment(评价)

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. deserted adj.冷清清的

2. draughty adj. 漏风的

3. vision n.景象

4. fade v .消逝,消失

5. strike vt. 擦(火柴);击打

6. hesitate v. 迟疑,犹豫

7. glimpse n .v. 一瞥8. deny v.否定,否认

9. pray v. n. 祈祷10. aware adj.意识到,觉察

11. exclaim v.呼喊,惊叫

Lesson 2 A Perfect Day

Carrie Jacobs-Bond

When you come to the end of a perfect day ,

And you sit alone with your thought,

While the chimes ring out with a carol gay

For the joy that the day has brought,

Do you think what the end of a prefect day

Can mean to a tired heart,

When the sun goes down with a flaming ray,

And the dear friends have to part?

Well,this is the end of a perfect day,

Near the end of a journey too;

But it leaves a thought that is big and strong,

With a wish that is kind and true.

For memory has painted this perfect day,

With colours that never fade,

And we find at the end of a prefect day ,

The soul of a friend we've made.

I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求)

Enjoy English poems and have a basic knowledge of poetry, such as images, rhyme and limerick.

ⅡKey Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点)

Have a thorough understanding of the emotional elements displayed in the poem.

Ⅲ Teaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法)

Multi-media, listening, reading, practice and performance.

Ⅳ Teaching Procedures(教学过程)

Step1 Lead-in

Read poetry in English ,you are supposed to focus on the themes of the original work. Generally speaking, what are the themes of the poems?

Love VS Hatred

Life VS Death

War VS Peace

Anger VS Delight

Loneliness VS Sociability

Friendliness VS Revenge

Step2 Listening and reading

Listen to the tape and answer: what’s the theme of this poem?

Loneliness VS Sociability

Step3 Read and practice

1.Read the poem by yourself and get some detailed information.

(1). What happened in the day?

(2) What was the writer doing at the end of the day?

(3) How is the writer’s mood developed?

Joy-----------the parting with friends------------Depression

2. Find the images in the poem.

A perfect day: a carol gay/ the chimes/ the sun/ the flaming ray

The end of a perfect day: a tired heart/ the sun which goes down/ the end of a journey Step4. Analyse the structure of the poem

Rhyme:/ei/ day,gay,ray,fade,made

/a:/ heart,part

/u:/ too,true

Step5 Discussion

What should you do in your daily life?

To value friendship

To face partition of friends and relatives in a positive way.

Step6 Performance

Suppose you are the writer and his friends, make a performance about your perfect day. Work in a group of four.

Step7 Assignment

1. Recite the poem.

2. Write a limerick.

Words and expressions(词和短语)

Carol 颂歌flaming 燃烧的fade 褪色,凋谢

Lesson 3 The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Once upon a time, on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin. The citizens of Hamelin were honest people who lived contentedly in their grey stone houses. The years went by, and the town grew very rich. Then one day, an extraordinary thing happened to disturb the peace. Hamelin had always had rats, and a lot too. But they had never been a danger, for the cats had always solved the rat problem in the usual way—by killing them. All at once, however, the rats began to multiply.

In the end, a black sea of rats swarmed over the whole town. First, they attacked the barns and storehouses then, for lack of anything better, they gnawed(啃)the wood, cloth or anything at all. The one thing they didn’t eat was metal. The terrified citizens flocked to plead with the town councilors(委员会)to free them from the plague of rats(鼠疫). But the council had, for a long time, been sitting in the Mayor’s room, trying to think of a plan.

“What we need is an army of cats!”

But all the cats were dead.

“We’ll put down poisoned food then…”

But most of the food was already gone and no poison stopped the rats.

“It just can’t be done without help!” said the Mayor sadly.

Just then, while the citizens milled around outside, there was a loud knock at the door. “Who can that be?”the city fathers wondered uneasily, mindful of the angry crowds. They gingerly opened the door. And to their surprise, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes, with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them.

“I’ve freed other towns of beetles and bats,”the stranger announced, “and for a thousand florins, I’ll rid you of your rats.”

“A thousand florins!” exclaimed the Mayor. “We’ll give you fifty thousand if you succeed!” At once the stranger hurried away, saying, “It’s late now, but at dawn tomorrow, there won’t be a rat left in Hamelin!”

The sun was still below the horizon, when the sound of a pipe wafted through the streets of Hamelin. The pied piper slowly made his way through the houses and behind him flocked the rats. Out they scampered from doors, windows and gutters (沟), rats of every size, all after the piper. And as he played, the stranger marched down to the river and straight into the water, up to his middle. Behind him swarmed the rats and every one was drowned and swept away by the current.

By the time the sun was high in the sky, there was not a single rat in the town. There was even greater delight at the town hall, until the piper tried to claim his payment. “Fifty thousand florins?”exclaimed the councilors, “Never…”

“A thousand florins at least!” cried the pied piper angrily. But the Mayor broke in. “The rats are all dead now and they can never come back. So be grateful for fifty florins, or you’ll not get even that…”

His eyes flashing with anger, the pied piper pointed a threatening finger at the Mayor.

“You’ll bitterly regret ever breaking your promise,” he said, and disappeared.

A shiver of fear ran through the councilors, but the Mayor shrugged and said excitedly, “We’ve saved fifty thousand florins!”

That night, freed from the nightmare of the rats, the citizens of Hamelin slept more soundly than ever. And when the strange sound of piping wafted through the streets at dawn, only the children heard it. Drawn as by magic, they hurried out of their homes. Again, the pied piper paced through the town, this time, it was children of all sizes that flocked at his heels to the sound of his strange piping. The long procession soon left the town and made its way through the wood and across the forest till it reached the foot of a huge mountain. When the piper came to the dark rock, he played his pipe even louder still and a great door creaked open. Beyond lay a cave. In trooped the children behind the pied piper, and when the last child had gone into the darkness, the door creaked shut. A great landslide(山崩)came down the mountain blocking the entrance to the cave forever. Only one little lame boy escaped this fate. It was he who told the anxious citizens, searching for their children, what had happened. And no matter what people did, the mountain never gave up its victims. Many years were to pass before the merry voices of other children would ring through the streets of Hamelin but the memory of the harsh lesson lingered in everyone’s heart and was passed down from father to son through the centuries.

I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求)

To learn a tale--The Pied Piper of Hamelin and get the students to know the importance of honesty. ⅡKey Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点)

Key points: to grasp some useful expressions

all at once, free sb. from…, rid…of…, make one’s way, break in

Special difficulties: to understand Inversion.

ⅢTeaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法)

Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach

ⅣBrief Teaching Procedures(教学过程)

Step1 Fast reading(快速阅读)

Read the passage quickly and answer some questions(快速阅读并回答下列问题):

1) What trouble did the citizens of Hamelin have?

2) What was the result of their breaking the promise?


1) There were too many rats in the town for them to live a normal life.

2) All the children but one were drawn into the cave and killed.

Step2 Careful reading(细读)

1. What words did the author use to indicate that the plague of rats was too terrible?

(a black sea, swarmed the whole town, gnawed everything except metal, need an army of cats…)

2. Find out inverted sentences in the passage.

(…, on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin.

…, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes…

Behind him swarmed the rats….

The pied piper slowly made his way through the houses and behind him flocked the rats. Beyond lay a cave.

In trooped the children behind the pied piper.)

3. Key expressions (要点表达)

1) all at once = all of a sudden/ suddenly 突然

2)And to their surprise, there stood a tall thin man dressed in brightly colored clothes, with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them.

“dressed in brightly colored clothes, with a long feather in his hat, and waving a gold pipe at them” is used to modify the subject “a tall thin man”.

3)There was even greater delight at the town hall, until the piper tried to claim his payment. “claim” in the sentence means “ask for”.

4) His eyes flashing with anger, the pied piper pointed a threatening finger at the Mayor.

“His eyes flashing with anger”是独立主格结构,在句中用作状语。

5) It was he who told the anxious citizens, searching for their children, what had happened.

该句为强调句型, searching for their children为现在分词短语作定语修饰the anxious citizens。Step3 Classroom activities(课堂活动)

Divide the class into groups of four and discuss:

What lesson can we learn from the passage?

What do you think is very important in getting along well with others?

Step4. Homework(作业)

Get the students to tell the story to their family members.

Step5 Assessment(评价)

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. multiply v.增加

2. content adj. 满足

3. swarm v.密集

4. flock v. 聚集

5. uneasily adv.不安地

6. threaten v.威胁

7. claim v.索取,索赔8. current n. 水流

9. procession n.队伍10. troop v. 群集

11. harsh adj. 严厉的12. block v. 封锁

13. all at once 突然14. rid sb. of sth.使某人摆脱……

15. make one’s way 前进16. break in 插嘴,插话

Module 2 Figure stories

Lesson 4 Louis Armstrong

Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong (1900—1971), an African-American musician, is one of the most important figures in the history of jazz. In the 1920s, this trumpeter, singer and bandleader began exploring the boundaries of jazz technique and style. Masters of jazz today admit their debt to this pioneer.

Armstrong’s gift was obvious from the start of his career. His earliest recordings first with a band led by his former teacher, Joe “King” Oliver, and then with his own band earned Armstrong international fame for technical originality. He freed his playing from the ordinary rhythms (节奏) of early jazz by creating musical phrases that seemed to go against the pulse of a song, only to combine them in the place later. His deep and rough voice became as special as his cornet (短号)playing, especially in his scat performances. Scat is a singing style in which meaningless syllables (音节) are repeated without preparation. Armstrong’s scat was among the earliest ever recorded.

By 1930, Armstrong had turned to more commercial, less experimental jazz. Some musicians criticized him for this. But others insisted that the real power of Armstrong’s art lay in its grace and sensitivity, fine qualities of the heart which remained in his music.

In the following years, Armstrong traveled around the world as the leading “goodwill ambassador” of American jazz music. The gentleness and great attraction of “Satchmo” filled his music and made him one of the world’s most beloved performers for over forty years.

I Aims and Demands(教学目的和要求)

To learn a passage about Armstrong, the pioneer of jazz and let the students know what contributions Armstrong made to jazz.

ⅡKey Points and Special Difficulties(重点和难点)

Key points: the contributions Armstrong made to the development of jazz

Special difficulties: the reasons for his popularity

ⅢTeaching Aids and Approaches(教具及教学方法)

Multi-media, Task-based approach and the integrated approach

ⅣBrief Teaching Procedures(教学过程)

Step1 Lead-in(导入新课)

Have you ever heard about Louis Armstrong?

Step2 Fast reading(快速阅读)

Read fast and answer(快速阅读并回答下列问题):

1) Why was Armstrong called “pioneer of jazz”?

2) Why was “Satchmo” criticized by some musicians in the 1930s?

3) What made Armstrong the “good will ambassador” of American jazz music?


1) He created musical phrases and freed his playing from the ordinary rhythms of early jazz.

2) For turning his attention away from making changes.

2) His attraction and sensitivity.

Step3 Careful reading (细读)

1. What is the passage mainly about?

(A praise of Armstrong’s contribution to jazz.)

2. Pick up some words from the passage to describe Louis Armstrong.

(one of the most important figures in the history of jazz, bandleader, pioneer, grace and sensitivity, fine qualities of the heart, gentleness and great attraction, one of most beloved performers…)

3. Translate the sentences below.

1) Masters of jazz today admit their debt to this pioneer.

Masters of jazz today think that Armstrong made a lot of contributions to the development of jazz and that they should thank him for this.

2) By 1930, Armstrong had turned to more commercial, less experimental jazz.

By 1930, Armstrong had turned his attention away from making changes and his music had become more commercial.

Step4Classroom activities(课堂活动)

Work in groups of four and discuss:

What were the reasons for Armstrong’s success?

(His early experiences in “King” Oliver’s band, his technical originality and his personality.) What qualities should a successful musician have?

Step5. Homework (作业)

Rewrite the passage. (Around 150 words.)

Step6 Assessment(评价)

Words and expressions(词和短语)

1. explore v.探索

2. boundary n.边界,界线

3. former adj.原先的,前面的

4. originality n. 创造力,独创性

5. commercial adj.商业的

6. criticize v.批评

7. grace n.优雅8. ambassador n.大使

9. go against 违背,违反10. turn to 转向

Lesson 5 Special Fund in Honor of Hong Zhanhui

A special fund has been set up to support students who are suffering hardships in honor of a young man named Hong Zhanhui, a 23-year-old college student in Huaihua of Hunan Province. Hong was born in a poor rural family in Xihua County in 1982. When he was 12 years old, his father caught a mental illness and killed his sister. Later, the family adopted a girl, naming her Chenchen. A year later, Hong’s mother walked out because she couldn’t stand the beatings from her husband.

Hong has since shouldered all the burdens on his own. He had to split his time and energy into earning money, looking after Chenchen, treating his father, and educating himself. He took on a lot of part-time jobs, such as selling instant noodles(方便面), selling ball-point pens, books, potatoes, and so on. “Many people looked down upon me for selling then,” Hong recalled, “But I didn’t care.”

After his stories were known by the public, he received a large amount of donation. He thought he himself had passed the worst time and there were many other people who needed help much more than him. “I think it is more important for a man to support himself and be strong. I want to be such a man, who brings opportunities to other people instead of myself.”

He tried his best to return all of them. He put those from the donators who didn’t leave their names into the fund to help others. But he insists that those who accept help from the fund must pay back the money after they pass the hardships. He says that the help which doesn’t need to be


参评学科:高中英语 高中英语选修课程的建设 摘要 选修课程是高中英语课程建设中的一项重要方式。当前,我国很多高中没有构建相应的平台去开发,实施和管理选修课程,由于英语教师没有开设选修课程的能力,很多学生根本没有真正选择课程的机会。如今英语选修课程都有必修化、应试化、活动化和重负化的特征。为了互补必修课程和选修课程的优势,老师们应该积极地探索选修课程开发本土化、内容优质化和教学多元化,从而充分发挥选修课的潜在功能。 关键词:高中英语;选修课程;建设

一、高中英语选修课程建设中存在的弊端 (一)选修课程的必修趋势 在现代的英语教育中,必修课程和选修课程要相互结合。而普通高中的选修课程大致分为“选修I”(重要选修课程)和“选修II”(随意选修课程)两种。重要选修课程是当地政府为发展学生除书本之外的知识而设立的,而随意选修课程是学校设立的[1]。开设选修课程的最初目标是使潜力和兴趣各不相同的学生都能够实现自身能力的发展。然而,很多学校的选修课程,特别是随意选修课程都必修课占据了时间。就重要选修课来说,各种各样的教材供应商为学校提供了现成的教材,学校和教师可以省心省力地让学生学习这些选秀课程。因为社会依然把“升学率”当成评价高中教学质量的主要依据,所以学校在选取教材的时候,依然会让学生选修与必修课类似的课程。就随意选修来说,很多学校由于教学管理、师资力量、教室资源等因素不能为学生提供大量的选修课程,这在客观上导致“大部分的学校和教师仅仅只将精力放在必修课和高考中一定会涉及的重要选修课程上”[2]。 (二)选修课程的应试趋势 面对高考升学率的压力,很多高中仍然拼命地实施“填鸭式”教学和“题海”战术,所以英语选修课程仅仅是单纯地列在课程表上以应付教育局的检查。学校领导对选修课程不够重视,教师经常占据选修课的时间,大部分的学生对选修课也是心不在焉,极度缺乏主动性和积极性,因此在学生和老师眼中,选修课被通常是可有可无。有些老师竟然将重要选修课当成应试教育的复习课或补习课;绝大多数的老师在随意选修课程上强化学生当天所学的知识或者是组织他们做练习题。[3];更有甚者开设了“高考改错专题”、“作文例析”等选修课,让人啼笑皆非。很多学校从高一的时候就通过“月考”和“周练”等办法来提高学生的外语竞争力;有些学校在高二的时候增加听说读写等语言知识与技能类的选修课程,其实只是还是为了提高学生的考试能力,学生的实践能力,例如对英美文化的了解和口语能力并没有得到提高。这种设计选修课的方式仅仅只是停留在应试教育的模式中,既脱离了语言学习与社会接轨的原则,也没有激发学生的兴趣,是高中英语选修课程建设中的一大败笔[4]。(三)选修课程随意化 选修课程是一种特殊的教学模式,但又不同于必修的课堂教学。然而,很多学校没有区分选修课程与传统教学活动。例如,有的学校将选修课程定义为在全校范围内定期或不定期举办“English corner(英语角)”、drama play(话剧)、speech competition(演讲)、英语歌曲比赛(The Singing Contest);有的学校甚至认为在各大年级开展英语诗朗诵、阅读竞赛、英语书写、英语板报就是开设选修课;更有学校在选修课上将学生的“错题集”进行展示。这


在新课程标准中,它对写所提出的教学目的是-----表述与表达事实、观点、情感、想象力、交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。同时它对材料的选择也提出了这样的要求----与学生水平相当,贴近学生生活,话题具体,目的明确;有利于合作;有趣味性和真实性。 应用文总体写作要求是:格式正确;语言简洁、精练,无语法及词语搭配错误。 一、中考应用文写作主要考查内容:通知、书信、海报、留言、电子邮件、个人简介、天气预报及日记。 二、应用文评分标准: (一)符合下列要求的为满分 1、突出应用文的写作特点 2、信息完整 3、语言准确 4、可读性强 5、不少于五句话 (二)不符合五个条件的,每一个扣一分。 三、写作指导 1、掌握一些写作思路和技巧 (1)构思:审清题目要求,确定写作思路 (2)遣词; 根据题目要求,列出表达要点,找出能体现文章主题的关键词或短语 (3)造句:即把所列要点句型化。英文的句型是“S+V”型,即一个句子首先考虑主语和谓语,然后才是其他成分。要学会套用地道的、现成的句型。 (4)谋篇:将要写的句子表达成文,首先要确定表达的时态主线,其次要学会使用一些过渡词。如and, at first, at last, then, for example等,是文章更加自然通顺。 (5)润色:通读文章几遍,看行文是否通畅,于题意是否一致,要点是否齐全,有无语法、拼写和标点错误,尽量将丢分的肯能性降到最低。 2、应该做好以下几点: (1)抓紧时间,提前审题 (2)加强词汇、语法等基本功的学习 (3)掌握教材中有关日记、书信、便条、通知等的书写格式,并模仿范例,进行尝试 四、实战演练 通知 英文通知的基本写作技巧 通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某种事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。 书面通知格式的写法有点类似于书信的写法。其格式为: 通知是传达将要做的事,因此,写通知多用一般现在时和将来时态。书写通知的正文时,语言应简洁明了,把通知的对象、事由、时间、地点、内容有条理地说清楚即可。简单地说,就是"某人(单位)某时在某地干某事,加上注意事项"即可。当然,必须注意句子之间的安排,使之符合逻辑,条理清楚。 写通知的一些常用句子: 1. May I have/call your attention, please? 请注意啦!


高中英语读写校本课程 ----“英语美文阅读与欣赏” 东营市河口第一中学 开发教师:王芳

高中英语读写校本教材 ----“英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程纲要 一、课程基本概况 1、课程名称:英语美文阅读与欣赏 2、课程类型:校本课程(选修) 3、教学材料:选编、改编 4、授课时间:高一下学期 5、授课对象:高一学生 6、开发教师:王芳 二、课程内容: 1、课程背景: 1)高中人教版英语教材(现在学生用课本)有着丰富而鲜活的语言素材,是一套很理想的教材,但对于河口一中来自区县的优秀生群体来说,内容还显得不足,学生学力有余。英语文化丰富且博大精深,从莎士比亚英语到如今网络英语,英语语言随着人们生活的变化、时代的进步而不断发展,如果不能充分地利用这种时代英语资源,充分开发学生潜力,既是浪费资源,也是错失教育良机。 2)新课程改革提倡国家、地方、学校三级课程,鼓励教师进行校本教研,提高使用教材和开发教材的能力。 2、课程目标: “英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程是国家课程的校本化,旨在根据学生英语学习水平的实际情况补充适量、相当的阅读素材,弥补牛津英语教材的不足,扩大学生的阅读量和阅读视野,丰富学生的词汇,使得学生更广泛地了解英语国家的文化,在语言学习的同

时,陶冶情操,提高文学素养和人文素养。 3、课程内容与任务 课程内容主要涉及六个方面,即文学作品中的神话、童话及传说,名人故事或生平介绍,不同国家、地区的社会习俗、风土人情,对于人生的看法、态度及理想,国家、地区历史及文化差异,科学与经济发展。 主要任务是通过篇章阅读,获取信息,了解相关知识,增强文化意识;掌握不同题材文章的阅读技巧,形成相应的阅读策略;掌握关键词、短语和句型,扩大词汇量,重点发展学生阅读和写作能力。 4、科目安排:18课时,每个话题(六个话题)各3课时 (1)神话传说1 Apollo / 2 The Little Match Girl /3 The Pied Piper of Hamelin (2)人物故事1 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong/2 Special Fund in Honor of Hong Zhanhui/3 Louis Armstrong (3)社会风情1 The Origin of Kiss/2 International Left-hander’s Day/3 Make Sports a Kind of Culture (4)人生态度与理想1You Are the World/2 Facing Life Positively/ 3 Honesty (5)历史文化1 Studying difference/2 Spring Festival’s Symbols/3 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (6)科学与经济1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Years Ago/2 China’s New “Four Great Inventions”/3 China’s launching plans for Shenzhou 7 三、课程形式:课堂教学 1、教学方法:任务交际法 2、教具:多媒体、音像资料等 四、教学评价: 教师评价与学生评价相结合 附1)阅读自我评价表:(每节课下前学生自我评价) Name Date 注: 优秀(A)良好


高考英语应用文写作 在新课程标准中,它对写所提出的教学目的是-----表述与表达事实、观点、情感、想象力、交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯。同时它对材料的选择也提出了这样的要求----与学生水平相当,贴近学生生活,话题具体,目的明确;有利于合作;有趣味性和真实性。 应用文总体写作要求是:格式正确;语言简洁、精练,无语法及词语搭配错误。 一、中考应用文写作主要考查内容:通知、书信、海报、留言、电子邮件、个人简介、天气预报及日记。 二、应用文评分标准: (一)符合下列要求的为满分 1、突出应用文的写作特点 2、信息完整 3、语言准确 4、可读性强 5、不少于五句话 (二)不符合五个条件的,每一个扣一分。 三、写作指导 1、掌握一些写作思路和技巧 (1)构思:审清题目要求,确定写作思路 (2)遣词; 根据题目要求,列出表达要点,找出能体现文章主题的关键词或短语 (3)造句:即把所列要点句型化。英文的句型是“S+V”型,即一个句子首先考虑主语和谓语,然后才是其他成分。要学会套用地道的、现成的句型。 (4)谋篇:将要写的句子表达成文,首先要确定表达的时态主线,其次要学会使用一些过渡词。如and, at first, at last, then, for example等,是文章更加自然通顺。 (5)润色:通读文章几遍,看行文是否通畅,于题意是否一致,要点是否齐全,有无语法、拼写和标点错误,尽量将丢分的肯能性降到最低。 2、应该做好以下几点: (1)抓紧时间,提前审题 (2)加强词汇、语法等基本功的学习 (3)掌握教材中有关日记、书信、便条、通知等的书写格式,并模仿范例,进行尝试 四、实战演练 通知 英文通知的基本写作技巧 通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某种事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。 书面通知格式的写法有点类似于书信的写法。其格式为: 通知是传达将要做的事,因此,写通知多用一般现在时和将来时态。书写通知的正文时,语言应简洁明了,把通知的对象、事由、时间、地点、内容有条理地说清楚即可。简单地说,就是"某人(单位)某时在某地干某事,加上注意事项"即可。当然,必须注意句子之间的安排,使之符合逻辑,条理清楚。


英语教学论文题目参考在教学中发挥学生的主体作用 英语教学中的交际性原则 新课程理念下初中英语课堂教学中合作学习的运用 高中英语教学中学生主体能动性的发挥 初中英语课文阅读教学策略探讨 连动式、兼语式的汉英比较 新教材新特点引发新思考新探索 英语非谓语动词的表层结构与深层意义 高中英语问题式教学初探 三段式在中学英语阅读教学中的运用 英语教学“课堂导入”的原则和方法 参与、合作、探究的英语教学模式 浅谈中学英语兴趣教学 构建基于信息技术的多维互动的思想品德课教学体系初中英语教学中自主与合作学习方式的结合应用 词汇法教学在英语教学实践中的应用 高中学生英语会话能力薄弱的原因及解决办法 在外语教学中培养为交际而运用英语的能力 英语教学要体现人文关怀 练习在英语课堂教学中的运用 浅谈英语教学中对学生主体意识的开掘 中学初级阶段英语教学浅谈

浅谈提高英语听力教学的方法 英语教师应把握学生作为学习主体的相关因素 初中英语口试的紧迫性和可行性研究 浅谈中小学生英语学习与心理素质的关系 浅谈高中英语如何运用启发式教学激发学生积极思维 浅谈如何培养中学生英语的兴趣 构建适合学生的教学模式发展学生综合运用语言的能力中学生英语听力障碍及克服方法初探 英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈 关于英语后阶段复习冲刺的学习策略与建议 英语课堂创设教学活动情境的途径 注意英语学习策略培训提高学生自主学习能力 如何在英语教学中培养学生良好的语感 注重方法培养能力提高质量——谈高中英语的复习试谈思政课中案例与活动教学的有效整合 中学英语教学与“学困生”心理素质教育 语境设置与中学英语教学 外语教学中如何使用语言实验室 在英语学习中培养学生的创新能力 初中英语的句型教学 预制语块与中学英语口语教学 多媒体技术在英语情景教学中的应用


1.[food]Hot Dry Noodles Introduction Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles (rè gān miàn 热干面), together with Shanxi Sliced Noodles (dāo xiāo miàn 刀削面), Guangxi , Guangdong and Hainan Yifu noodles (yī fǔ miàn 伊府面), Sichuan Dan Dan noodles (dàn dàn miàn 担担面)and Noodles with Soy Bean Paste (zhá jiàng miàn 炸酱面) in the North, are known as one of the five famous noodles in China. Hot and Dry Noodles are the most popular food for breakfast in Wuhan. It enjoys a high reputation for its low price and delicious taste, eaten by almost Wuhan natives daily at breakfast time. When in Wuhan, be sure to try a bowl of the hot dry noodles. They are truly delicious. History Hot Dry Noodles is a traditional snack in Wuhan with a long history of 50 years. It was said that in early 1930s, there was a person named Libao in Hankou District of Wuhan, who sold Noodles. One day, it was hot and there were a lot of noodles left, he was afraid the noodles became mold and turned worse. So he boiled noodles left, took it out, dried it on the chopping board, But he splashed sesame oil over noodles because of carelessness. A good idea came to his mind that Libao mixed and stirred noodles with sesame oil, then cooled it. How to produce Hot Dry Noodles ? Ingredients: noodles, dried turnip , minced scallion (1 tablespoon), oil, sesame paste, salt, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and red chili oil. Step 1 Cooking noodles (approximately 3 minutes). Step 2 Cooling down hot noodles while putting oil and stirring them well. Step 3 Putting into a large cone-shaped strainer and lowering into a pot of boiling water. Make sure they are heated evenly, until the cooking process is completed (approximately 30 seconds). Step 4 straining with a few shakes and served in a bowl topped with peanut oil (or other kinds of vegetable oils, such as sesame oil), soy sauce, sesame paste, salt, dried turnip , and vinegar.



Contents Part I Myths and Tales神话传说 Lesson 1 The Little Match Girl (2) Lesson 2 The Pied Piper of Hamelin (8) Lesson 3 Pangu Separates Sky fro m Earth (15) PartⅡFigure stories人物故事 Lesson 1自由斗士曼德拉 (17) Lesson 2 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong (20) Lesson 3 Louis Armstrong (24)

Part ⅢSocial customs社会风情 Lesson 1 The Origin of Kiss (27) Lesson 2 International Left-hander’s Day (31) Lesson 3 Make Sports a Kind of Culture (34) Part ⅣLife attitudes and ambitions人生态度与理想 Lesson 1 You Are the World (39) Lesson 2 Facing Life Positively (44) Lesson 3 Honesty (49) PartⅤ History and Culture历史文化 Lesson 1 Studying difference (52) Lesson 2 Spring Festival’s Symbols (56) Lesson 3 Cleopatra, Queen (60) PartⅥScience and Economy科学与经济 Lesson 1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Years Ago (63) Lesson 2 China’s New “Four Great Inventions” (69) Lesson 3 China’s launching plans for Shenzhou 7 (73) Part I Myths and Tales神话传说


高中英语校本教材 ----“英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程纲要 一、课程基本概况 1、课程名称:英语美文阅读与欣赏 2、课程类型:校本课程(选修) 3、教学材料:选编、改编 4、授课时间:21课时 5、授课对象:高一学生 二、课程内容: 1、课程背景: 高中新课标英语教材(现在学生用课本)有着丰富而鲜活的语言素材,是一套很理想的教材,但对于优秀生群体来说,内容还显得不足,学生学力有余。新课程改革提倡国家、地方、学校三级课程,鼓励教师进行校本教研,提高使用教材和开发教材的能力。 随着新课改的推进,阅读在英语中比重加大,且考查方式也由以前单一的选择题变成了阅读填空、信息匹配题、翻译句子等多种方式。而课本上的阅读材料有限,为了扩大学生的阅读量,提高学生的阅读能力和技巧,开发阅读校本课程势在必行。 2、课程目标: “英语美文阅读与欣赏”课程是国家课程的校本化,旨在根据学生英语学习水平的实际情况补充适量、相当的阅读素材,弥补英语教材的不足,扩大学生的阅读量和阅读视野,丰富学生的词汇,使得学生更广泛地了解英语国家的文化,在语言学习的同时,陶冶情操,提高文学素养和人文素养。 3、课程内容与任务 课程内容主要涉及七个方面,即文学作品,人物传记,历史文化,社会风情,科学经济以及人生态度与理想,异域风情。主要任务是通过篇章阅读,获取信息,了解相关知识,增强文化意识;掌握不同题材文章的阅读技巧,形成相应的阅读策略;掌握关键词、短语和句型,扩大词汇量,重点发展学生阅读和写作能力。 4、科目安排:分七个模块,每个模块各3课时,共计21课时。 (1)文学作品1 The Little Match Girl /2 APerfect Day/ 3 The Pied Piper of Hamelin (2)人物故事1 Louis Armstrong/ 2Special Fund in Honor of Hong Zhanhui/3 Pop Star and Songwriter: Han Hong (3)历史文化 1 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt/ 2 Studying difference/ 3 Spring Festival’sSymbols/ (4)社会风情 1International Left-hander’s Day/ 2 The Origin of Kiss/ 3 Make Sports a Kind of Culture (5)科学与经济 1 Greenhouse Effect Occurred 5,000 Years Ago/ 2China’s launching plans for Shenzhou 7/ 3 China’s New “Four Great Inventions” (6)人生态度与理想1You Are the World/2 Honesty/ 3 Facing Life Positively (7)异域风情1An strange experience 2 The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) 3 Organic-a legal meaning 三、课程形式:课堂教学 1、教学方法:任务交际法 2、教具:多媒体、音像资料等 四、教学评价: 教师评价与学生评价相结合 附1)阅读自我评价表:(每节课下前学生自我评价)


对新高中英语教材的新探索一、引言 现如今,倡导“素质教育、培养学生的创新精神和实践能力”的新一轮的教学改革正在全国各地如火如荼地进行着;2003年秋季教育部又开始在全国各地颁布执行新的教学大纲和与之相配套的以话题为形式、功能与结构相结合的“任务型”新教材。该教材要求课堂以结构和功能为主线,组织学生进行听、说、读、写的活动。教材要求教师教学应该以启发启发学生思考为主,提倡创新,给学生思维和想象的空间。在培养听、说、读、写等各项能力的基础上,着力提高学生分析和解决问题的能力,以培养学生英语的综合能力作为主要目标。新的教材和课程不仅要求教师向学生传授知识,更要面授记忆,提高学生的英语应用的能力。因此,教师有必要对课堂上的教学内容、教学效果、学生反应等一系列的教学环节进行系统的思维创新,才能及时发现学生学习中的困难和教学过程中的不足,才能提高课堂质量,提高学生的英语能力,探索出一条适应新教材的要求和学生特点的全新教学模式。 二、教学理念的反思 面对新教材,首先思想观念要转变,有了新的观念才能接受新事物。才能避免“穿新鞋,走老路”;新课程的实施不能简单地被视为换一个大纲、换一套教材、调整一些课程内容。在语言环境的欠缺中不仅要崇尚“苦读”、“勤教”,更要以人为本;对学生“乐学”的潜能大力的开发,英语教学过程既重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,更要对学生实际语言运用能力的培养。这样才能使教学观念与新课程标准要求相适应。因此,要突出“以学生为主体”的思想,教师在教学活动中要做到: 1 .培养学生自我激励学习动机。学生英语学习动机对学习兴趣的形成起着积极的促进作用,它是促进学生学习兴趣形成的基本条件。学习英语的兴趣越浓,学习的积极性就越高,学习


高中英语校本教材开发实践与探讨 摘要:校本教材一般是指以教师为主体,为有效实现因材施教,达到教育的目的,对教学内容进行研究,然后开发与制定出的教学素材,是校本课程实施的媒介。而高中是学生学习中的重要阶段,高中英语是高中阶段的重要课程之一。因 为高中的学生即将要面临高考,而英语占的比分又比较重。因此,在高中英语教 学中,教师应慎重编写教材,让校本教材补充与完善高中英语课本,成为统编教 材知识的延伸。本文就是对高中英语校本教材的开发实践与探讨进行的一些分析。 关键词:高中英语校本教材开发实践探讨 随着新课改的不断深入,高中英语教材系统也变得越来越完整。因此,为满 足不同层次高中学生的学习英语的需要,教师应补充与完善统编教材,编制适合 不同层次学生学习的校本教材,然后对校本教材进行充分的开发与利用。 一、应遵循科学性、合理性的原则 在高中英语校本教材开发实践中,教师开发的校本教材应遵循科学性、合理 性的原则,教师编制的各个要素应齐全,保证校本教材的完整性。教师在编制校 本教材时应注意,针对教学中种种教材上的不足进行补充与纠正。同时,教师在 校本教材编制中还应注意以学生的实际需要为主导,以发展学生的个性特长为目标。而不是对专家编写的英语教材进行模仿,完全没有自己的思路,这无疑是给 学生上重复的课程,增加学生学习英语的负担。 任何一种教材首先都应注意内容应准确,然后应注意编排应合理,最后语言 应规范。因此,教师在编制校本教材时,教师首先应提高自身的英语素养,教师 可以:翻阅资料、阅读书籍、思考教法,钻研学生的学情,与专家进行沟通交流等。然后设置编制目标,积极思考,把握校本教材的结构,保证校本教材的准确性、合理性。另外,应注意校本教材编写结构与顺序(如:前言、目录、章节、 概要、提示、小结、插图、练习、思考题、单元复习、总复习等)。同时,教师 在编制校本教材时,还应注意难度应适合高中生的英语水平,不能让学生学无所得,也不能让学生有压力感,应由浅入深、由易到难,循序渐进地让学生掌握更 多知识。 二、应重视时代性、趣味性的趋势 时代性是校本教材发展的趋势,学校的教育就是为学生的未来做准备的。因此,教师在编制校本教材时应注意时代的发展,着眼于学生的未来的发展,开发 学生的潜力,促进学生的个性发展。而英语是一种世界性的语言,本身就与世界 接轨。因此,教师在开发过程中,应添加新思想、新的教育理念,注重对教学知 识的选择,多了解学生,发现新鲜的话题、科学合理又新颖的教学方法,逐渐解 决统编教材中陈旧落后与时代脱轨的弊端,提高英语的教学质量。 在高中教育阶段,学生的学习任务非常繁重,学习压力也非常大。因此,在 校本教材编制中,教师应考虑学生接受知识的程度和学生的英语基础,尽量添加 课程中的趣味性,设计一些能够激发学生学习英语兴趣的内容,调节学生的学习 压力,让学生在英语的学习中体验到乐趣。同时,教师在编制校本教材过程中, 可以在教材中体现出学校的办学特色,融入自己的教育思想哲学。然后,还应满 足学生间的差异,优化学生的学习方法,让学生在自主学习中,发挥自己的学习 潜能,提高自己的学习能力。 三、校本教材教学的具体实践策略 在高中英语校本教材教学的实践中,教师应培养学生的自学能力,激发学生


新课标下的高中英语写作教学英语教学论文 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》对高中学生的英语写作有明确的要求:①能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要;②能根据文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告;③能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度;④能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺。《课标》既强调了对学生写作能力方面的要求,又强调了对外交流信息,表达观点和态度等方面的要求。 但是,我国目前高中英语教学往往忽视“写”这一环节的有效训练。现行教材越来越重视“听、”“说”的训练,对“写”的内容安排相对较少,且缺乏相应的指导。很多教师在英语教学中疲于赶进度,无暇顾及写作这一费时又费力的教学活动,或把教学重点放在语言知识方面,一味地在语言形式上下工夫,对学生进行孤立、繁琐和机械的字、词、句的讲解与训练。因此,学生普遍缺乏英文写作兴趣,写作能力不高。那么,在新课标下,如何进行高中英语写作教学?笔者于2003年参加了“因能施教”课题的英语写作教学课改,在高中英语写作教学中进行了一些有益的尝试。 一、开发学生的非智力因素,激发学生的写作兴趣 在教学实践过程中,我了解到许多学生对英文写作表现出消极的态度,敷衍了事,有的学生甚至以不会写为借口,拒绝英文写作。要改变这一现象,就必须努力激发学生的写作兴趣。 学生喜欢听流行英文歌曲,我的英文写作就从听写英文歌词开始。例如学生喜欢听“Take Me ToYour Heart”,我就让学生在课堂上多听,并迅速记下歌词,记得最快最好的前3名同学有奖。学生就是在这种快乐的气氛中开始练习写简单的英文句子。 接着对教材进行必要的重组。例如高一第15单元是剧本单元。学生写简单的短文都难,就别提写剧本了。为此,在具体教学中,我根据学生的认知规律和自己的教学思路进行任务重组,创造性地使用教材激活学生的思维。通过任务重组,使学生兴致勃勃地完成了这一单元的写作任务:本单元的第一个任务Warming up,要求学生讨论图片中的故事及情节发展,想象编故事,然后将所编的故事表演出来。学生大多对英语剧本非常陌生,这个任务对他们来说难度较大。根据学生的实际情况,我打破原有体系,进行任务重组。开始的任务是听故事(Listening),让学生反复听一个三幕短剧,提醒学生注意故事的开始、发展,并注意故事悬念的设计(文中没有提供故事的结局)。通过完成听的任务,训练学生有效获取信息、处理信息并根据所掌握的信息,分析问题和处理问题的能力,也使学生对英语剧本有个初步的了解。为了让学生对英语剧本有进一步的了解,我跳过课文中Speaking的创作三个故事的任务,设定第二个任务为Reading,先学“Necklace”的剧本,和学生一起分析人物性格特点,讨论设计故事应有的结尾。通过阅读、讨论和表演,使学生全面地了解英语戏剧体裁。这两个任务的完成,激发了学生对英语剧本的写作和表演的兴趣。接着,我设计的第三个任务是“Writing”,让学生把Warming up和Speaking中给出的四个带有神秘、悬念的情景,自编成剧本并表演。学生以小组为单位任选一个题材,利用课余时间自编、自导、自演。在表演这个环节中,每个学生都有任务。他们集体创作,表演并选派同学作评委,和老师一起评出最佳男、女演员,最佳剧本及最佳合作小组等奖项。这样创造性的重组打破了照本宣科的单调性,教师从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动,使学生的学习活动具有明确的目标,并构成一个有梯度的连续活动。使学生同时得到听、说、读、写的训练,充分调动了学生积极性,让学生充分享受参与和表演的乐趣及成就感,为课堂注入新鲜的活力,也对学生的自主学习英语产生了积极影响,学生的英文写作兴趣在不知不觉中就被调动起来。 二、加强小组合作学习,提高学生的写作兴趣 “写作不能仅仅理解成个人的行为,因此在教学中不宜总是采取学生单独写出作文来让教师批改的模式,而应该提倡学生开展两人或数人小活动,通过讨论合作完成写作”(刘道义,2000)。合作学习是一种策

高中英语校本课程话题写作 Topic5 Expository writing教案1

Topic5 Expository writing Step One Revise How to write an expository essay Step Two Analyze a good example Li Gang, a boy student of 21, is now studying in the English Department of Beijing Foreign Languag es University. He likes sports and games, singing and dancing, and can speak English fluently. As a League secretary, he is highly spoken of by the teachers and students and regarded as an outstanding student with great ability. Li Gang is from Shandong Province. His parents are both teachers. hospital. Li Gang has made up his mind to be a good translator after graduation and serve the four modernizations”of our country. 分析:a boy student of 21 ;a famous d octor同位语 高级词汇运用 fluently is highly spoken of regarded as an outstanding student with great ability has made up his mind serve the four modernizations”of our country. Step Three Writi ng 联合国教科文组织某考察团正在我国某乡村参观考察。假定你是接待人员,请根据下列提示以发言稿的形式简要介绍这个村的情况: 1)大小:近100户人家,约500口人。 2)变化:过去很穷,78年后变化很大。人们生活比以前好多了。现已旧貌换新颜。 3)教育:原来的学校很小,现已经过改建。新建的教学楼有4层,是村里最美的建筑物。村所有学龄儿童在此免费就读。 注意: 1)要点齐全,前后连贯。 2)词数:100-120之间。 分析: 1.发言稿 2. 关键词:大小变化教育 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our school ! ①This village is a small one which has taking on a new look. In the past, the scho ol here was very small ⑤ and mo st children couldn’t afford to go to school. ⑥But now it has been rebuilt ⑦ and the newly built teaching buildi ng ⑧ which has 4 storeys is the most beautiful one in the village. All the school-age children can study here. ⑨ What’s more, they enjoy free education.


新课程理念下普通高中英语校本课程开发的认识与实践 浙江省湖州中学吴雅平 【摘要】本文根据新课程的基本理念和英语课程标准,深入探讨和阐述了对此理念的认识,呈现了开发中学英语校本课程以来的教学实践成果,并在此基础上进行了深刻的反思与经验的总结。 【关键词】新校本课程实践创新评价反思 一.引言 根据《新课程的基本理念》,创造富有个性的课程制度和学校文化,要克服“整齐划一”、“千校一面”、“千人一面”的状况,促进每位高中生的全面而有个性的发展,需要有具有活力的学校课程制度。普通高中新课程要求增强课程对每位高中生的适应性,主张不同的学生学习不同的类型的课程,不同的学生学习不同程度的课程,客观地要求学校建立起具有学校特色的学生选修制度。( 教育部基础教育司教育部师范教育司组织2004) 因此,我校结合本校的情况和优势以及学生的兴趣和需要,开发并选用了适合本校的课程。经过多年的探索与实践,我校在开发校本英语课程方面进行了一些研究并积累了一些经验。 二.开发英语校本课程的目标 根据新的《英语课程标准》及我校实际情况,制定本校的英语校本课程目标如下: 为了重视学生的发展,尊重学生的情感,鼓励学生的个性,同时为了进一步提升全校英语教育水平,深化英语课程教学改革,全方位、多层次地导入新的英语教学模式,培养学生的创新精神和交际能力,营造良好的英语学习氛围,丰富校园文化,实现学习互动,激发英语兴趣,我校便对传统的英语教学方式进行了改革和创新,开设了丰富多彩的校本课程。

三.开发英语校本课程的保障 1.师资源保障 开设英语校本课程,教师面临极大的挑战。教师应转变教育教学观念,要以学生为本,树立学生观与教育观,不断学习提高自己的专业素质。我校的英语教研组是一支在中年教师的带领下,以青年教师为主体的队伍,他们大多有较好的听、说、读、写能力,具有丰富的教学经验,熟悉多媒体及网络资源的利用,是英语校本课程的开发的有利保障。并且以往我校英语组开设的选修课也为英语校本课程的开发准备了良好的土壤条件。 2.教学材料保障 英语校本课程所选用的教材为教师自编、收集和整理的课程资源,注意与课本知识的联系以及选材内容的多样性,趣味性。我们选用的资源主要是三类:一是注重背景知识和阅读技能、策略培养的教材,包括《英语畅谈中国文化50主题》、《思维体操》、《英汉幽默词典》、《英语文体学》、《世界名诗精选·生命的驿车》及各类杂志、书刊上的优美短文等。二是丰富的视听材料,有英文歌曲、原版英文电影、原声演讲及各类视频,实用的VOA的Special English,还有经典的美语音像教材《走遍美国》等。三是网络英语。 3.教学方法保障 (1)学生的外语基础知识与听、说、读、写技能主要是通过课堂教学来获得的。校本课程是课堂教学的延伸与补充,因此必须以学生自愿自主为基础,要让学生根据自己的兴趣、爱好和特长,自愿选择、主动参与,让学生的潜力得到发挥,长处得到发扬,才能得到施展。 我校教师重视对学生能力及素质的培养,采用提问式、谈话式、辩论式、讨论式、表演等教学方法,努力给学生提供选择空间和交流机会,鼓励学生独立思考、合作探究。 (2)教师关注学生的情感,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。因为学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化、对英语学习有积极的情感,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。因此,在本课程实施过程中,教师应将学生的情感放在第一位,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围,建立良好的师生关系。同时教师通过丰富多彩、形式多样的英语活动,激发学生学习音标的好奇心和自信心,使学生形成一定的学习动力。 (3)教师加强对学生学习策略的指导,使他们养成良好的学习惯。因为使学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略是英语课程的重要任务之一,本课程在实施过程中也应做到这一点。在学生学习字母发音规则的过程中,教师要通过比较、绕口令、游戏等方法让学生体会到不同的学习及记忆方法,并通过评一评、查一查活动让学生懂得自我评价对学习的帮助。 4.选修形式保障 我校在初步了解学生的兴趣爱好和对课程需求的基础上,根据本地区和本校的实际,充分挖掘了老师们的课程资源,开发了三十多门校本课程,供同学们选择。其中英语就占了1/3。各课英语教师上交校本课程的纲要,包括课程的内容、课时安排、活动形式、评价手段和标准等方面。这样学生可以认真阅读每门课的课程纲要,了解它们的内容和教学目标,然后根据自己的兴趣和发展需要进行选课。学校每学期初确定课题并打印成册,供学生选择参考。并开展走班制、学分制教学,设立专用教室,教师固定教室,学生流动上课。 下表为我校学生自主选择校本课程选修的志愿表:


高中英语教学论文8篇 第一篇 一、激发学生的学习兴趣 高中英语教师可以利用有效提问的方式提高学生的学习兴趣。教师要善于在教学中找到学生感兴趣的点,进行发散性、层次性、趣味性、探究性提问,让学生集中注意力,对问题材料进行感知、思考和想象,加强对问题的思考、分析和总结,进而提高学习效果。此外,在提问的过程中,教师可以通过与学生的互动,得到一定的有用信息,对教学进度、步骤等的安排给出了指导性意见。高中英语教师可以创设教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。英语是一门语言性学科,能够被运用到生活实践中来,将教学情境融入到课堂教学中,不仅可以提高学生的学习兴趣,还可以提高学生的语言运用能力。但是,在创设教学情境的时候教师应该注意学生的心理特征、认知水平和教学内容,创设学生感兴趣,能理解,与教学内容相关的情境。 二、实施个性化教学 新课程标准下的高中英语教学应该是面向全体学生的,但是,因为每一个学生的学习能力、语言水平、认知结构、性格特征等都不一样,统一化的教学不仅很难激发每一个学生的兴趣,而且很难促进每一个学生学习能力的提升。因此,高中教师应该立足于学生的具体情况,结合教学大纲的要求实施分层教学与个性化教学,促进每一个学生都学有所成。首先,教师应该对学生实行合理分层。例如,根据学生的英语基础水平、学习能力因素进行分层,可以将学生分成英语基础水平较高、学习能力较强的A类学生,英语基础水平一般、学习能力一般的B类学生和英语基

础书评较差、学习能力较差的C类学生,此外还应该在每一个学生中按照性格进行再分类,以便 在教学中实施个性化教学。其次,对教学目标进行分层。根据学生分层情况和教学大纲的要求, 进行目标分层,如基础性目标、提高性目标和拓展性目标等。再次,对课堂教学内容进行分层。 在课堂教学中,为了满足所有层次学生的需求,可以实行课前预习、课后作业分层的策略,并在 课堂中成立互帮互助小组、不同层次学生回答不同问题、不同层次学生进行不同的情景对话等方式,充分照顾到每一个学生。 三、引导学生合作交流 英语是一门语言性学科,实践性非常强,只有让学生在语言交流实践中才能提高学生综合运 用语言的水平。随着经济全球化的发展,提高学生的英语合作交流能力已经成为了新课程标准的 教学目标之一。通过合作交流学习,实行师生互动、生生互动,学生可以在交互交流中运用语言 知识、促进语言知识的学习,也能活跃课堂气氛,提高教学质量。 首先,教师要指导学生进行合理分组,根据学生的兴趣爱好、知识水平、特长缺点等实际情 况分成实力相当、优势互补的小组,建立起良好的合作氛围和竞争氛围。其次,教师要充分发挥 引导者的作用,在交流合作的前期引导学生进行主题、内容和形式进行设计,发挥学生的主观能 动性,并在课堂合作交流中放手让学生进行小组合作交流,教师仅进行必要的查看和指导。再次,在小组合作交流中,教师要对学生的合作能力进行指导,教学生学会倾听、积极表达自己观点、 善于总结和归纳、学会分工配合等,进而为合作交流效果的提升做好铺垫。最后,在小组合作交

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