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1)anniversary n. (ANNI- + VERS turn + -ARY) 周年纪念

My parents celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last month.

2)annual adj. (ANNU + AL) 每年的,年度的

Some businesses give an annual bonus to the employees at the end of December.

3)biennial adj. (BI- two + ENNI + -AL) 两年一次的

Our company is only two years old; we just published our first biennial report.

4) centennial n./ adj. (CENT- hundred + ENNI + -AL) 一百周年,一百周年纪念

Next year in March we will celebrate our school’s centennial.

That was our centennial celebration.

5) tricentennial n./ adj. (TRI- three + ECNT- hundred + ENNI + AL)

The US will celebrate its tricentennial in the year 2076, which will be three hundred years

after the Declaration of Independence.

6) sesquicentennial n. / adj. (SESQUI-1.5 times + CENT- + ENNI + -AL) 一百五十年

Our city was 150 years old in 1988; we celebrated our sesquicentennial that year.

7) millennial adj. (MILL- thousand + ENNI + -AL) 一千年的,千福年的

During the years 2000, there will be many a millennial observance in the celebration of the end of a one-thousand year period and the beginning of another.

8)millennium n. (MILL- thousand + ENNI + -um) 一千年,千周年纪念日

The third Millennium after the birth of Chrit will begin on 1 January 2001 A.D.


1) aquanaut n. (AQUA- + -NAUT-person) 潜水员,海底工作人员

Today, underwater exploration is carried out by aquanauts.

2)aquarium n. (AQUS + -RIUM place) 水族馆,养鱼池

Children enjoy looking at the huge aquarium which holds hundreds of species of fish and sea animals.

3) aqua pura n.(拉丁短语)纯水

These days many people buy aqua pura because tap water is not pure or healthy to drink.

4)aquatic adj. having to do with water 水生的,水产的,水上的

The Olympic Games always includes aquatic sports such as swimming, diving and water ballet.

1)disaster n. (DIS- away + ASTER) 灾难,不幸

During the Classical Age of Greece, people believed that a disaster was caused by Fate or the gods of the underworld.

2)astrology n. (ASTER + OLOGY the study of …) 占星术,星相学

Even today, many people throughout the world still believe in astrology.

3)astronaut n. (ASTER + -NAUT people) 宇航员

The first man to walk on the moon was the astronaut Neil Armstrong.

4) astronomy n. (ASTRO + -NOMY law) 天文学

Our professor of astronomy took us to the planetarium to look through the huge

telescope at the planets.


1)audible adj. (AUDI + BLE able) 可听见的

The noise of her voice was barely audible; I could hardly hear her speak in class.

2) audience n. (AUDI + ENCE) 听众,观众

When we perform our drama, we hope the audience will be able to hear our voices well.

3) audiolingual adj. (AUDIO + LINGU tongue + AL) 听与说的

Most of the listeners of a language must take an audiolingual course, which helps them

to hear and speak the new language.

4) audiology n. (AUDI + -OLOGY the study of …) 听觉学

Audiology is a science which should be able to help those people who have hearing


5)audiovisual adj. (AUDIO + VIAUAL see) 视听的

Most language laboratories have modern audiovisual equipment to help the students to learn by hearing and seeing at the same time.

6)audit n. literally, the act of hearing 审听,审计,查账

The accountant will make the yearly audit in December.

audit vt.①to make an accounting 审计,查账

At the end of the year, a business needs to audit the records of assets.

②to listen to a school course without receiving credit 旁听

Chen decided to audit the course in American literature because of that famous

professor in the course.