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承重骨架 load carrying frame

结构工程 structural engineering

钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete

稳定性 stability

岩土工程 geotechnical engineering

楼板、平板 slab

结构性能 structural behavior

测量 Survey

均匀沉降 uniform settlement

浇筑 pour


Surveying is defined an art of collecting data for mapping the relative positions of points on the surface of earth in a horizontal plane.

摩天大厦的存在归功于19世纪的两大发明:钢结构和载人电梯The skyscraper owes it is existence to two developments of the 19th century:steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator.


When a project begins,the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement water,sewer,and power lines.

1.excavate 开挖

2.Structural engineering 结构工程

3. water and sewage systems 给排水工程

4. settlement 沉降

5. heating and cooling systems 供暖、制冷系统

6. cantilever beam 悬臂梁

7. balustrade 栏杆

8. decoration 装饰

9. span 跨度

10. pour 浇筑

11. blank wall 围墙、挡墙

12. budget 预算

13. plan 计划、方案、规划

14. partition 隔墙

15. lintel 过梁

16. skin 外墙

17. allocate 分配

18. bearing wall 承重墙

19. superstructure 上部结构

20. substructure 下部结构

21.mechanical and electrical systems 机电系统

22. slab-column system 板柱系统

23. time-dependent 截止日期

24. outline 外观

25. Parlance 术语

26. Depth 进深

27. reservoir 水库

28. high-rise building 高层建筑

29. tube in tube 筒中筒

30. spillway 泄洪道

31. water-to-cement ratio 水灰比

32. asphalt 沥青

33. predominate 主导

34. hydroelectric 水电

35 . tension 应力

36 . compression 压缩

37. simply supported beam 简单支撑梁

38. elevator 电梯

39. reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土

40. truss 桁架

41. rigid frames 刚性框架

42. maintenance 养护

43. Arch bridge 拱桥

44. bridge piers 桥墩

45. abutment 桥台

46. auxiliary 附加的

47. embankment 坝

48 . permeability 渗透性

49. arch dam 拱坝

50. shaft 轴

1. 工程管理 Engineering management

2. 动力厂(发电厂) power plant;power station

3. 连续梁 continuous beam

4. 力 force

5. 混凝土 concrete

6. 公路工程 highway engineering

7. 支配的,统治的,占优势 dominant

8. 说法,术语 parlance

9. 隐蔽处,躲避处,避难所 shelter

10. 抗剪强度 shearing strength

11. 建筑物 building

12. 建筑学 architecture

13. 建筑的组成 components of a building

14. 承重框架load-carrying frame/ load-bearing frame

15. 直升电梯 elevator/lift

16. 砖石、砌体masonry

17. 桁架truss

18. 粉土silt

19. 不均匀沉降uneven settlement

20. 均匀沉降 uniform settlement

21.基础 foundation

22.过梁柱 post and lintel/ post and beam

23. 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete

24. 荷载 load

25. 剪力墙 shear wall

26. 筒中筒tube in tube