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keen adj. eager, active, sensitive 渴望的,敏锐的,精明的

词组be keen on ,be keen to do 对…有强烈兴趣

keen edges 锋利的刀刃keen eyes 敏锐的眼光

keep v (keep-kept-kept) cause somebody/something to remain in a specific state / position保持

词组keep a seat / position / money 留座位/ 位臵/ 钱

keep a restaurant 经营饭店keep a large family 养活一大家子

keep chickens 养鸡keep one’s promise遵守诺言

keep the law 遵守法律keep a door 看门keep a diary记日记

结构保持…状态: keep + adj.

keep somebody doing: keep us standing for a long time;

keep something done

keep us informed of what’s happening in the world;

keep something /somebody + adj. : keep the room clean; keep us healthy;

key n. instrument for moving the bolt of a lock 钥匙

词组key to something(to为介词)

The key to being successful is to work hard.

kind adj. having, showing thoughtfulness, sympathy or love for others 和蔼的n. race, natural group of animals, plants, etc 种,类

词组be kind to 对…友好的

it i s kind of somebody to do… 某人做…真是太好了!

kind of有点…

of…kind…种类的people of that kind 那种人

Books of this kind sell well.


a kind of trees / people / chocolate / problems / books

type指的常是特定的某类事物: blood type, a new type of cars

knee n. joint between the thigh and the lower part of the leg in man膝盖

词组go down on one’s knees跪下kneel on one knee单膝下跪

know v. have in the mind as the result of experience or of being informed, or because one has learned 知道

词组be known as 公认为be known for 因…而出名know about 了解be known to somebody 为…所熟悉

know by heart 背出know of 听说过

know what to do 知道做什么know it to be useless 认为它无用

know you exhausted 知道你累坏了know each other 认识,熟悉

know good food, know good horses 认出,区分好坏

Wan AnYi, known as the famous writer in China, will come and give us the lecture.

Not knowing what to do, she went to Jack for help.

Having known Mary for years, Jack decided to tell her the truth.

As is known to all, this song is written by a new composer.

It is known to all that the song is written by a new composer.

The best known song by that young man is XXX.

knowledge n. familiarity gained by experience 知识

展开泛指的知识不可数: Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量.

当出现形容词时,常可用不定冠词: a good knowledge of English 英语方面知识

lack n. & vt. have less than enough of 缺乏,没有

词组somebody lack something---vt;

be lacking in something (lacking: adj.)

my lack ( n. ) of money---

例句He failed the experiment for lack of experience.

Lacking experience, he failed in the experiment. 由于缺乏经验, 他实验失败了.

late adj. after the right, fixed or usual time 迟的

词组be late for something迟到

be late with something 做…晚了= be late in doing

Work late into the night; come late for the meeting; his late wife; 辨析late 意思是晚到的,迟到的later 晚些时候,以后

We can do it later. 我们可以迟些做.

lately adv.= recently 最近

How are you doing lately? 最近你在做什么?

latter adj. the second of things or people already mentioned后面的

词组the former… the latter 前者…后者; my former head teacher 我的前任班主任

laugh v. / n. make sounds and movements of the face and body, showing amusement, joy, contempt笑,笑声

词组laugh at somebody嘲笑; give a loud laugh 大笑

burst into laughter; burst out laughing;

law n. rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a community or society or for correct conduct in life 法律

词组break the law 违法; major in law; set the laws to do something;

make strict laws to do something;