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馨雪于 2003/04/03 22:51:15 发表在汉英02


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o fyi - auditor20030403234123

o typos - fyi20030403234325

o补充说明 - fyi20030404132801

o Collgeiate SB Collegiate - fyi20030404132914


作者(Author):auditor - 2003/04/03 23:41:23 ***

A. General Dictionaries

1. Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, 1889-1891, enlarged ed. 1909, last revised in 1914

2. Oxford English Dictionary, 1st ed. 1878-1928, 2nd ed. 1989

3. Webster's 3rd New International, 1961 (alternatively, Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Ed. 1934)

4. World Book Dictionary, 1st ed. 1964, 2nd ed. 1976

B. Etymological dictionaries:

1. Chamber's Dictionary of Etymology, 1988

2. Cassell Dictionary of Word History 1999

3. Origins, A short etymological dictionary of modern English

4. A Comprehensive Dictionary of The English Language (2 vol. set)

5. The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 1st ed. 1985, 2nd ed. 2000, more accessibly in the form of the appendix to "American Heritage Dictionary" 1st. ed. 1966, 2nd. ed. 1988, 3rd. ed. 1993, 4th ed. 2000.

C. Begninner's Textbook:

1. "The Origins of English Words", a discursive dictionary of Indo-European Roots, by Joseph T. Shipley, 1984.

ISBN: 0-8018-3004-4, personal obsersations: Mr. Shipley does NOT understand Classic Greek at all, nor does he care to look them up in ANY authoratative bilingual Greek dictionary, period. As a result, many glaring/flagrant errors about Classic Greek permeated throughout his most celebrated works. Nevertheless, Mr. Shipley showed his diligence in using and familarity with OED (1st ed.)--he probably had spent over 10,000 working hours pouring over OED1 in more than 2 decades.

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作者(Author):fyi - 2003/04/03 23:43:25 ***

2nd. ed. 1988, SB "2nd ed. 1982"

C. Begninner's Textbook: SB "Beginner's Textbook"

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作者(Author):fyi - 2003/04/04 13:28:01 ***

A. General Dictionaries



Webster's New World Dictionary, 1st Ed. 1953, 2nd Ed. 1970, 3rd ed. 1988, 4th ed. 2000 在词源方面颇多可取.

Random House系列则优点不突出.

小型词典: Macmillan Dictionary for Students 虽然只提供了大约18,000词的词源, 但是写得深入浅出, addle ("风蛋" 如何变成了"臭蛋") 等词源介绍显得丝毫不比大中型语文词典逊色. Scott, Foresman Advanced Dictionary 风格接近, 可以视为World Book Dictionary简写本.

B. Etymological dictionaries:

由于疏忽, Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology (简称DEE)被遗漏, 收录24,000 entries

Skeat: An Etymological dictionary of the English Language, 1910 (somewhat dated)

Weekley: Etymological dictionary of Modern English--just another name, 不如 Patridge's "Origin" user-friendly.

1. Chamber's Dictionary of Etymology, 1988 VERY EXCELLENT (如果你是语言专家的专家, 你可能认为该书有点浅)

2. Cassell Dictionary of Word History 1999, 简明实用, 但不搞旁征博引.

3. Origins, A short etymological dictionary of modern English. One of my personal favorites.

4. A Comprehensive Dictionary of The English Language (1966, 2 vol. set) 作者有以色列/捷克血统, 少年时代移民加拿大, 对英语词源尤其感兴趣, 花数十年时间编成此书, 在多伦多出版, 为加拿大自己出版的英语词源辞书中最大规模, 但是此书并不是特别为专门学习词源的学生考虑的, 仅为一般翻检适用. 作者Ernest Klein对英语词源钻研至深, 可视为"日耳曼"人以外屈指可数的少数人之一.