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一,如果抽到的话题是关于Job interview

(一人简短开场白)大家晚上好(good evening, every one),我们的两人小组(The topic Our two-person team choose is about job interview)所抽到的话题是关于面试找工作的,经过我们两人的商议,(after the discussion of us) (we decided that he plays the interviewer and I am the person who is interviewed)决定他作为面试官,我作为被面试人,下面开始我们两人之间的面试对话。(Now let us start the conversations)

应聘者:晚上好,先生。(Good evening, sir)

面试官:晚上好。(Good evening)

应聘者:我是来贵公司面试的,(I have come to your interview,and here is my 这是我的简历。(This is my resume)


面试官:你的简历写得很好(Your profile is very good, now I have some questions to ask you.),下面我有几个问题想问问你。

首先请你自我介绍一下(Please introduce yourself)


回答一:我叫张敏,来自湖北(My name is xxxx,I come from Hubei province),是厦门大学信息科学与技术学院自动化系毕业的本科生(I graduate from xxxxx

University School of Information Science and Technology Department

of Automation,)我兴趣爱好比较广泛,(I have many hobbies, such as

running, swimming, playing badminton我喜欢跑步,游泳,打羽毛球。


面试官:你觉得你个性中最大的优点是什么?(What’s your biggest advantage in your personalities?)

应聘者:乐于助人(To be ready to help others,沉着冷静(keeping calm all the time),踏实勤奋,(practical ,diligent做事细致入微,careful具有很强的责任感have a strong responsibility

面试官:说说你对加班的看法?(Talk about your views on working overtime

应聘者:如果公司需要,我会加班(If the company needs, I will work overtime),但同时我会

提高工作效率,(but I will improve my efficiency, try my best to reduce overtime尽量减少加班面试官:你对薪水的要求?I want to know your salary requirements

应聘者:我具有很强的专业能力,I have a strong specialized ability)而且我相信我很愿意为公司奉献,(and I am willing to contribute to the company, so my I think 4,000 is


面试官:你五年内的规划?(What’s your plan within the 5 years?)

应聘者:我希望能在贵公司扎实工作(I will work hard in the company),进一步提升自己的实际动手操作(improve my practical ability,solving problems’ ability解决问题的能力,

做一个本领过硬的高级技术人员。(become a senior technical staff with excellent


面试官:说说你的朋友对你的看法。(Tell your friends think of you)

应聘者:朋友都认为我是一个可以依赖的人,(Friends think I am a person can rely on (我答应过得事一定会认真做到(I will try my best to accomplish the things I promised to

others,否则我就不轻易答应Otherwise, I do not easily promise。我性格很随和,

I am very easy-going , and can get along well with others (能和大家融洽相处,

而且做事总是为别人考虑。(and always considerate others first)

面试官:如果这次你没有被录用,你会怎么办?(If you do not have to be hired this, what you will do?)

应聘者:那只能说明我还不够优秀,(It only shows that I have are not good enough)我希望贵公司能告诉我不能被录用的原因,I hope that your company can tell me the

reason can not be hired (从而使我发现自身所存在的不足,(so I can find what I

am lack, and I will improve myself and become better) 努力改进,使自己变得更优


面试官:总体来说(Generally speaking,我觉得你的回答都挺不错(I think all your answers are very good,我对你的印象也挺好(and you have made a good impression on me,面试

结果我们会在三天之内通过电话通知你,Interview results we will inform you by

phone within three days(我很希望你能成功应聘到我们的公司。(I hope you

can successfully become one of the stuffs of our company

应聘者:谢谢。(Thank you)