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1、see, hear, feel, watch, l ook, catch, notice, find, listen to, smell, seem, taste等感官动词后可接d o或d oing。后接动词原形(do)表示动作的完整性,真实性;+d oing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。

I saw him work in the gard en yesterday.


I saw him working in the gard en. (强调“我见他正干活”这个动作) 我看见他正在花园里干活。

★感官动词中sound, feel, l ook, smell, taste还可以做系动词,后可接形容词。This soup tastes d elicious. The id ea sounds great.

This cl oth feels soft. She l ooks beautiful in red.

The fl owers smell sweet.


使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意义的动词,主要有make (使,令),l et (让),help (帮助),have (叫),get 等。

(1)役动词make, l et后可以接动词原形,表示让某人做某事。

He mad e me (宾格) laugh.


注意:变为被动语态时,要加上to:I was mad e to laugh by him.


get +宾语+ to d o,表示让某人做某事。

例:The teacher mad e John copy the lesson ten times.

= The teacher had John copy the lesson ten times.

= The teacher got John to copy the lesson ten times.

例:I had him mend my watch.

= I got him to mend my watch.


help sb (to) d o sth / help sb with sth

例:He helps me to study Chinese.

Mary helps him with his pronunciation.


1). have somebody d o sth让某人去做某事

I had him arrange for a car.

2). have somebody d oing sth.让某人持续做某事。

He had us laughing all through lunch.

3) have sth d one 某事让别人去做

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