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--The author will have to modify the manuscript a fourth time.作者要第四次修改那部书稿

--A cat may look at a king.小人物也有同等的权利

--A little bird told me the news.消息灵通人士将这个消息告诉了我

--Angela is a man of a woman.安吉拉是个象男人一样的女人

--Mark is a man of his word.马克是个守信的人

--He is very glad that his wife is going to get a visit from the stork.他为妻子即将生产感到高兴

--My sister is expecting. 我姐姐怀孕了

--Mary is in labor.玛丽在分娩

--Is there a world of difference between Kenneth and Louie?肯尼斯和路易有极大的不同吗?

--That ABC hopes to settle in China. (American Broadcasting Company/ America-born Chinese)

--This reading matter is above him.这种读物超出了他


--Laziness is his Achilles’heel.懒惰是他的唯一致命的弱点

--All are very well. Set your mind at rest.大家都很好,你放心吧

--Her opinion is all my eye.她的主张是胡说八道

--Mr. Smith is an American China trader.史密斯先生是一个对华贸易的美国商人

--The China policy has been formulated.对华政策已经制定

--He is anything but a teacher. 他决不是个教师

--The bank is open around the clock. 银行24小时营业--Mr. Potter was a baby-kisser when he ran for the presidency.波特先生在竞选总体的时候到处拉选票

--They bagged this plan.他们将这项计划搁置起来了

--Do you know Barry is at home in German?你知道巴里精通德语吗?

--He enjoys himself on a bed of flower/rose.他过着安逸舒适的生活

--A Cotton was sent behind bars.一个姓科顿的人进了监狱

--Mr. Lynd went to the bar at the age of 25.林德先生25岁就当上了律师

--Robert was the best man at the wedding.罗伯特在婚礼上是伴郎

--Mr. Lu issued a statement in black and white.卢先生发表了书面的声明

--The child was in his birthday suit and ran about the yard. 那个小孩光着身子在院子里到处跑

--Benson is the black sheep of the company.本森是公司的害群之马

--Mr. Blair has blue blood in his veins.布莱尔先生有贵族血统

--Derek was born in the purple.德里克出身于王室

--You should bring the harmfulness of mad dogs home to your naughty boy.你应该让你那个调皮的孩子明白疯狗的危害

--The old woman always buries her head in the sand.那个老妇人总是逃避现实

--There is no man but hates her.没有人不恨她

--Did John buy your story?约翰相信你的话吗?

--The old man cannot but sell his car.老人不得不卖掉他的车

--Nolan cannot oppose that suggestion more.诺兰非常反对那个建议

--We cannot be too patient with others.对别人越有耐心越好

--It is impossible to exaggerate its importance.无论怎么强调它的重要性都不过分

--The talent comes before funds for a company.对于一个公司来说,人才比资金更重要

--The incident shocked the drawing rooms.这个事件使上流社会为之震惊

--Harry found himself a father at thirty.哈里在30岁那年做了父亲

--Some fast talkers come from families where there is a lot of competition for the floor.有些人说话快是应为其家中的人总是抢着说话

--The policeman pointed the gun at Barry and said,