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(William Wordsworth) Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
(William Shakespeare) My heart is like a singing bird 我的心就象正在唱歌的小鸟。
I wondered lonely as a cloud
小组成员: 陈迪 吴红 连花琼 陈文非 朱方梅
Definition Of Simile
Simile is a kind of rhetorical method connecting two different things which have some common features by using the words “as” or “like”. In general, simile is a figure of speech that expresses a resemblance between things of different kinds (usually formed with “like” or “as”)
Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世 界比作舞台。
Life has often been likened to a journey. 人生常被喻为一段旅 程。
She was the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life sitting in a small stool. It was as if a sack of grain was supported by a matchbox.
• Army and people are as inseparable as fish and water.
• 军队和人民像鱼水一 样不可分离.
• Soldiers like the country’s steel wall, guarding the frontier
of frontier
• Our village is no less beautiful than this picture.
• 我们的乡村同这幅画一样美丽。
• There is no more dependence to be placed on his words than there is on the wind.
1. 用A is to B what C is to D表示比喻关 系 在这个结构中,what作连接词,是just as (恰似、好比、正如)的意思, to是介词, 有“对于”的意思。 前后呼应起来就是“A 对于B正如C对于D一样”。特点是通过简单 具体的形象说明复杂抽象的概念或过程。 The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter. Etiquette [‘etiket] to society is what apparel ([ə’pærəl] 衣服, 服装) is to the individual. 礼节之于社会,犹如衣服之于个人。
• 他的话不可信就像一阵风吹过,消失殆尽。
• A home without love is no more a home than a body without soul is a man.
• 一个没有爱的家庭不能称之为家庭,正如一 个没有灵魂的躯体不能称之为人一样。
• 5. 用and结构表示比喻关系(用于谚语中)
• You might as well expect a river to flow backward as hope to move me.
• 你不能动摇我的心,正如不能使河水倒流 一样。
• 4. 用no more\less…than…或not…any more than…表示比喻关系(和/正如……一样)
(1)本体和喻体分属不同性质的事物并同时出 现在句中;
猫的眼睛像老虎的眼睛。 The tiger is as brave as the lion. It is not a simile, because the things compared have too many points of resemblance. (2) 主体和喻体必须在某一点上(声色、形状、 性质、 功能等)相似,即有所谓的相似点; (similarity) The diamond is as blue as the great
• A word and a stone let go cannot be called back. 一言既出,如同抛石,无法收回.
• The strong man and the waterfall channel their own path. 强者像瀑布,总是自辟蹊 径。
• Truth and oil are ever above. • 真理如油一样,总是要占上方的。 • Time and tide wait for no man. • 时光如流水,岁月不饶人。 • Fish and visitors stink in three days. • 鱼肉易臭,访客难久.
As…as, more …than句型与形容词同级比较、 比较级的比较在语法和结构上是一致的,但它 们不是简单的比较,而是属于两类不同性质事 物之间的比较,在形容同级和比较级的结构中, 虽然也用as …as 或more …than把二者联系起 来,但它只是一种简单的比较,而不是比喻。
He is as tall as his father. He us taller than his father.
这个女人叫他做这做那,简 直把他当作一条纽芬兰的大 狗。
The ruby shall be
redder than a red rose, And the sapphire
shall be as blue as the
great sea. (O. Wilde) 红宝石将比红玖瑰还要 红, 蓝宝石像大海一样蓝。
明喻(Simile)是常用as或like等词将具有某种共同特征的两种不 同事物连接起来的一种修辞手法。明喻的表达方法是:A像B。 说甲像乙,也就是说本体像喻体。 明喻的本体、喻体、比喻词 都出现,能明显地看出是在打比方的比喻词:“像(如、 若……”、“(如、若……似的”、“像(如、若)……一般”、 “好比(好像、犹如、仿佛)……”等。
读书和吃饭一样,得益 的是实际在吃的人,而 不是在一旁观望的人。
• 3. 用may\might as well…as表示比喻关系 (正如不能……也不能……一样)
• You might as well throw your money away as spend it in gambling.
• 你把钱花在赌博上,wk.baidu.com不如丢掉的好。
她是我平生所见过的最胖 的女人,坐在一把直背椅 子上打瞌睡,那简直就像 一口袋粮食放在一个火柴 盒上
As if/ as though 引导的启发型 明喻,其特点是通过暗示性的联 想引发人们洞察深层的内涵,所 设的比喻或许不一定能直接理解, 但是一经思索,必达豁然,因此 这一比喻有言近意远的效果。
The woman made him fetch and carry just as if he was a great Newfoundland dog.
My love is like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June; My love is like a melody That’s sweetly played in tune
(Robert Burns) 啊,我爱人象红红的玫瑰, 在六月里苞放; 啊,我爱人象一支乐曲, 乐声美妙、悠扬。
• 英语中有时也用所有格(The Genitive)表示比 喻
When I was your age ,I used to get up early in the morning, doing some physical exercises outdoors. • 有些复合词(some compound words)也有比喻 之意,最常见的就是加---like 表示“像……” • Childlike(像孩子般的) dreamlike(像梦一般的) • Snow-white(像雪般白的) paper-thin(纸一般薄的)
My heart is like a singing bird. (我的心像一只歌唱的小鸟。)
• The expression method is: a is like b. It is said that ontology is like metaphors. Usually, it contains three parts: the ontology(本体),metaphors(喻体) and the metaphor words(比喻词).It can be clearly seen in terms of parable word like “such as, if...”, “such as though, if…” or “like…”, “as if”, “as though” ,“as…as” ,“as it were”
• 战士就像国家的钢铁 长城一样,守卫祖国 的边疆
• 在英语中,也有很多习语也属于明喻 • As busy as a bee (极为忙碌) • As cross as a bear(怒气冲冲) • Like the bolt from the blue(晴天霹雳) • To follow like sheep(盲从) • To spring up like mushrooms(雨后春笋)
上面的句型还可以作如下的替换: What C is to D, that A is to B或者As C is to D, so A is to B. What sculpture [‘skʌlptʃə] is to a block of marble[‘mɑ:bl],(that) education is to the soul.教育之于心 灵,犹如雕刻术之于大理石。 As the lion is king of beasts,so is the eagle king of birds.
本体是the eagle, 喻体是the lion
2. 用It is in\with…as in\ with表示比喻关系 It is in life as in a journey.
It is in studying as in eating;he who does it gets the benefits, and not he who sees it done.
Some patterns of simile
"like" pattern: My mind goes round and round like the earth. 我的大脑像地球一样不停地转动。 He was like a cat on hot bricks before his driving test. 在驾驶考试之前,他紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 Soccer is spreading like wildfire through all the States. 足球像野火一样迅速传遍美国。 Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不 离。 They will never be able to save money to buy a new house they both spend money like water. 他们将永远积 攒不起钱买新房子——他们两人都花钱如水。
(3) 用比喻词之类的引导方式引导。 I wondered lonely as a cloud. 常见的比喻词: like; unlike; it was a bit like; can be likened to ; as ; as if ; as though; as it were; as comparable to ; may be compared to ; similar to; akin to ; be analogous to ; etc.
