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• 单词形容词有得仅一 个自由词素构成
• eg:big,small,bad,good,hot ,cold • You got good grades. • That made it impossible for us to fulfil the task on time. • You’re so lovely • It’s unthinkable that he did that thing to you.
答案C. 表示“(两者中)较…的那一个”用“the+比较 级”,排除A和B。far只能紧靠在所修饰的比较 级之前,by far一般放在比较级之后,若有冠词 时,要放在冠词之前或比较级之后。
1.He is ____ than bad. A. more good B. better C. much better D. best 答案A 比较级+than是针对同一性质进行比较,more+ 该词原级+than是对一人或一物两种不同性质较. 2. Are you pleased with what he has done? It couldn’t be ________ . Why didn’t he put more effort into his work? A. any worse B. much better C. so bad D. the best 答案A. 因为It couldn’t be any worse. 意为“ (他的工作做得)非常差”,与后文内容相符。
• 简单形容词和复合形容词 (One-word Adjective & Compound-Adjective) • 中心形容词和外围形容词(Central Adjective &Peripheral Adjective ) • 动态形容词和静态形容词(Dynamic Adjective & Stative Adjective ) • 等级形容词和非等级形容词(Gradable Adjective &Non-gradable Adjective )
The greatest gifts in life are not purchased,
but acquired through hard work and determination.
中文:生命中最珍贵的礼物不是花钱买来的, 而是通过努力和决心而获取的。
• 23.1 形容词分类
×this is an asleep child
动态形容词(少数) 动态形容词
Dynamic adjective 定义:动态形容词带有动作含义 1.有以-able结尾的形容词,大多数 有被动含义:adorable, disagreeable, reasonable … 2.有以-ous,-ful,-some,-ive 结尾的 形容词:tiresome, generous, helpful, creative…. 3.有分词转化来的形容词:irritating, wicked , conceited(自负的)….. 4.表人性格特征的形容词:greedy, witty, stupid…..
n + v.ed suntanned
a/ad+v.ed Well meant
n+ v.ing Ocean-going
n+a grassgreen
• I have lots of bitter-sweet memories. • There was a deer-caught-in-the-headlights look in her eyes. • The well-known and iron-willed statesman made a speech which was well-grounded and carefully worded, and would have farreaching influence on the world.
中心形容词 (central adjective)
这种形容词 构成本词类的主体
能做名词修饰语 None attribute
&主语补语 Subject complement
&宾语补语 Object completment
• Green apples are sour. ( 作名词修饰语) • Pillar-boxes are green . (作主语补语) • They have painted the windows green. )做宾语 补语)
• Be careful ! • ×Be tall !
3.动形可以Biblioteka Baidu于使役 结构,静否
• I persuaded her to be generous. • ×I persuaded her to be pretty.
1.what he did was to be _________. A. tall B. pretty C. careful D. white 答案C. 静态形容词不能用于What he did was to be 这类句型后作表语,而动态形容词可以。 2.this is a (an) _______ child. A. asleep B . happy C. award D. alive 答案B. (ACD是外围形容词且以前缀-a开首的形容词作 后置定语,如本身带有副词修饰,则可作前 置定语。)
• 有的由自由词根加前 缀或后缀或前后缀构 成
eg:unkind,impossible,love ly,voiceless,monolingual, unthinkable
a+a Light-blue a +n.ed Kind-hearted a/ad+v.ing Hard-working
• 1.等级形容(gradable 1.非等级形容词(nongradable adjective) adjective)的首要特 2.有一些静态形容词,特别是 征:具有比较等级 某些由名词转化来的表示类 • tall-taller-tallest 别,来源或出处的形容词是不 • 2.可以接受强调词的修 可等级的。 饰 atomic scientist (原子科学家) • So beautiful French food 9(法国食品)
3.本身已带有“极度”的意思 perfect , excellent , extreme
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.-er和-est型(单音节形容词和部分双音节 在词尾 和 单音节形容词和部分双音节a.在词尾 型 单音节形容词和部分双音节 在词尾+) thin——thinner——thinnest 2.more和most型(多音节形容词在原级前 ) 和 型 多音节形容词在原级前+) Important——more important——most important 3.不规则 不规则 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best bad / ill worse worst old/ eld older/elder oldest/eldest much/ many more most little less/lesser(次要的 ) least 次要的 far father/further farthest/furthest 4.加后缀 加后缀most 加后缀 up- upper- uppermost
(peripheral adjective) • Definition: • A few adjectives can be only used as modifier or complement.
• 外围形容词指少数只能做 修饰语或者只能作补语的 形容词。
• Utter(只修不补 只修不补) 只修不补 This is utter nonsense ×The nonsense is utter • Asleep(只补不前修 只补不前修) 只补不前修 • This child is asleep
• 静态形容词 静态形容词(多数) • Stative adjective
• 定义:描绘人或物的静态特征 • tall , short, big, small, ugly, • beautiful, shallow, deep, blue • white, straight……
A bit more information
4.The children are behaving well.They are_____ well-behaved 5.Dick is more cautious than is necessary. He is _____ over-cautious 6.The room was filled with smoke. I don’t like to stay long in such a ___room. smoke-filled
1.The teacher favored my applying for a scholarship. His opinion is___ • favorable 2. Andy was always deep in thought .He was very ___boy • thoughtful 3.He seldom asks for help .He is very ___ • independent
3.I think this exhibition is ____ of the two. I have never seen _____ exhibition. A. by far better; the better B. far better; a better C. by far the better; a better D. far the better; a better
• 4.动态形容词常用于“it’s + a.+ of…” • 静态形容词常用于“it’s + a. + for…” • Eg:It’s kind of you to do that. • it’s easy for you to finish the work. • 5.动态形容词作表语可与for…sake(为了… 的缘故)结构连用,静态形容词不可以。 • She was polite for his sake.
The differences
区别 • She is being witty.(她在耍小聪明) • ×She is being beautiful. • She’s tall. • ×She’s being tall.
1. 1.动形可与be动词的 be 进行时搭配,静否
2.动形可用于be动词 开头的祈使句,静否