第五章 酸碱平衡

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5.1 酸碱理论

5.2 水的自耦电离平衡5.3 弱酸弱碱的电离平衡5.4 酸碱电离平衡的移动5.5 缓冲溶液

5.6 酸碱中和反应

5.7 前沿话题

Acid Rain:The lines on the map are pH isopleths, which identify regions in which the precipitation has the same pH, as indicated by the numbers. Notice that precipitation gradually becomes more acidic going from west to east, especially in industrialized areas of the Nor theast. This acid rain may be a result of the release of nitrogen and su lfur oxides

into the atmosphere.

5.1 酸碱理论

(1) 酸碱理论发展小史

1) 酸碱的早期定义:有酸味,能使蓝色石蕊变红的物质叫酸;


2) Arrhenius酸碱电离理论(1887)

3) Brφnsted-Lowry酸碱质子理论(1923)

4) Lewis酸碱电子理论(1923)

5) Pearson软硬酸碱理论(1963)

(2) Arrhenius酸碱电离理论(1887)



Hydronium ion, hydrated proton, H3O+

Electrostatic potential map of the hydronium ion. The proton is always associated with water molecules in aqueous solution.

The H

3O+ion is the simplest formula of a hydrated proton.

HCl(强酸) HF(弱酸)

HCl(aq) + H2O (l) H3O+(aq) + Cl−(aq) HF + H2O H3O++ F−

2. Oxoacids having the same central atom (Z) but different numbers of attached groups.

Acid strength increases as the oxidation number of Z increases.


4> HClO


> HClO


> HClO

3) Lewis酸碱是着眼于物质的结构。但由于很多无机及有机化合物都存在配位共价键,所以Lewis酸碱概念显得过于广泛,有时不易掌握酸碱特征。

(5) Pearson 软硬酸碱理论(1963)

1963年,Pearson 在Lewis 酸碱理论基础上,提出软硬酸碱理论。根据Lewis 酸碱得失电子对的难易程度,将酸分为软、硬酸,碱分为软、硬碱,以体现各酸碱的特性。

硬酸包括Al 3+、Ti 4+等a 类金属元素,硬碱为F −、Cl −、H 2O …;软酸包括Ag +、Pt 2+、Hg 2+等b 类金属元素,软碱为I −、S 2−…;(介于两者之间)交界酸包括Cu 2+、Fe 2+等,交界碱为NO 2−、SO 32−等。


(6) 各酸碱理论的适用范围





(2) 溶液酸度和碱度的常用表示法(pH,pOH)

O+] 和[OH−],常溶液的酸度和碱度分别指水溶液中的净[H



pH = −lg[H3O+]

pOH= −lg[OH−]

p K w= −lg K w

= 14

显然,pH + pOH = p K


pH和pOH的使用范围一般在0 −14之间。在这个范围以外,用物质的量浓度表示酸度和碱度反而更方便。

The pH of rainwater collected in a certain region of the northeastern United States on a particular day was 4.82. What i s the H+ion concentration of the rainwater?

pH = −log [H3O+]

[H3O+] = 10−pH= 10−4.82= 1.5 ×10−5M

The OH−ion concentration of a blood sample is 2.5 ×10−7 M. What is the pH of the blood?

pH + pOH= 14.00

pOH= −log [OH−] = −log (2.5 ×10−7) = 6.60

pH = 14.00 −pOH= 14.00 −6.60 = 7.40