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Lesson 5 Is there a zoo near here 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说,能掌握there be 句型的肯否问答形式,并会替换词造句。 2、学习词组:at the zoo, near here, get there 3、培养学生的观察能力和想象能力 4、培养学生的合作、交流意识教学重点: 教学难点: 在肯定句、疑问句中some any 的区别教学准备:录音机图片 教学过程: 一、Free talk 二、New lesson 1、根据教室里的东西引入新课T: Is there a TV in our classroom Yes, there is.\No, there is not. T: Are there any books on the desk Yes, there are.\No, there are not. (各种方法练习) 2、简笔画出示动物园及熊猫 3、学习课文的前半部分Excuse me. Is there a zoo near here Yes, there is. Are there any pandas in the zoo Yes, there are two. 4、学习课文后半部分How can I get there Go down this street. You can see it at the end. 5、听录音,跟读课文。 6、游戏。Guess: who is on your left\right 7、练习:做复习练习题第五题。 三、Homework: Make a new dialogue. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Today we’ll learn lesson 5 Is there a zoo near here T: First, let’s free talk, who wants to try (Choose some pupils to come to the front and free talk.) T: You did a good job. Now I speak English and you do actions. Ok Ss: Ok. T: Stand up, please. Turn left \ turn right \ turn right\ turn right, let’s say “Good afternoon “to the teachers. Ss: Good afternoon teachers!Tt: Good afternoon class! T: You did a good job! Sit down please. T: Look! There is a big TV near here. Is there a TV near here Ss: Yes, there is. T: There isn’t a pig near here. If I ask you: Is there a pig near here How can answer Ss: No, there isn’t. T: Now, look at our classroom ,what can you see in it S: There are some teachers. T: Is there any teachers in the classroom S: Yes, there are. T: Are there any pandas in our classroom S: No, there aren’t. T: I know many of you like animals, let’s go to the zoo, Ok Ss: Ok. T: ( Draw a zoo on the blackboard) Look! Is there a zoo near here Ss: Yes, there is. T: ( Draw two pandas in the zoo) Are there any pandas n the zoo Ss: Yes, there are two. T: Look, if we stand here, how can I get to the zoo

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