高中英语 模块一讲解 教案 牛津版

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contest, replace, possession, complete, include, programme, present(v), event, item, venue, timetable, compare, issue, order, dynasty, professor, unnecessary, attractive, underline, approve, generation, require, scary, design, draft, wording, previous, finalize, poem, poet, confident, run(manage,operate), host, hostess, advertise,vote.

二.词组:1. a time of hard work 努力工作的时代 2. low-rise buildings 低矮的建筑

3. (be) at ease with … (与某人在一起)自由自在

4. dream school life 理想的校园生活

5. have no exp erience in doing … 没有…的经验

6. be happy with … 对…很高兴、满意

7. attend assembly / a meeting 参加集会、会议

8. the best way to do 做…的最好方法

9. earn respect from …赢得…的尊敬10. achieve high grades 取得好的成绩、高分11. sound like (a good idea) 听起来好像12. on average 平均

13. used to do …过去常常(现在不这样了)14. a bit challenging 有点挑战性

15. spend … (in) doing …/on …在…上花费…(时间、金钱)

16. at lunchtime 在午餐时间17. for free 免费的

18. on Monday evenings 在星期一晚上19. such as …/for example比如、例如

20. on school field/in the field of …在操场上、在…领域

21. get a general idea of …掌握…的大意22. word by word 逐字逐句地

23. encourage … to do …鼓励…做…24. would like to do …想、要做…

25. first of all 首先26. introduce … to …向…介绍…

27. surf the internet 上网28. prepare to do …准备做…

29. have chances to do …有机会做…30. (be) available (for …) 可利用的

31. far away (from …) 远离…32. make sure that/of …确信、弄清楚

33. on campus 校园里34. during break time 在休息时间

35. graduate from …毕业于…36. develop an interest in doing …培养…(方面)的兴趣

37. thank … for one’s kindness感谢…的仁慈、善良

38. make a speech about/on …做关于…的演讲39. in this case 在这种情况下

40. leave out …省略41. instead of …代替、而不是

42. pay attention to …注意43. in short form 以简短的形式

44. compare … and …比较A与B 45. regret to do (say/tell)…遗憾、抱歉地说、告知46. make preparations for …为…做些准备47. be responsible for …对…负责

48. do research on …做研究


refer to 指 , function as当作…使用, 具有…的功能 , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short form用宿略的形式, take place发生, make decisions作决定, make comparison作比较, take turns 轮流, follow the outline按照纲要, be responsible for对…负责, consist of包含,由…构成, come up with想出, base on根据, have it approved by…征得…的同意, inform sb of sth告知, sign up签名参加.


1. 考点出处:Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (P2)


Studying English is very important. 学英语很重要。

考点串联:动名词作主语时,常用以下的结构:It’s no use / no good / a waste of time doing sth.。如:It’s no use crying for what has been done.为已做过的事哭泣是于事无补的。

考点例析:Fishing is his favourite hobby, and ________ . (2001 上海)

A. he’d like to collect coins as well

B. he feels like collecting coins, too

C. to collect coins is also his hobby

D. collecting coins also gives him great pleasure



误:To smoke is a very difficult habit to give up.

正:Smoking is a very difficult habit to give up.

2. 考点出处:This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. (P2)



引导的从句;当表示“想要,打算”时,后常接动词不定式,相当于want to do sth.。

Missing this bus means waiting for the next one.

I mean to go tomorrow. 我打算明天走。

考点例析:—You should have thanked her before you left.

—I meant ________ , but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere. (2000上海春季)

A. to do

B. to


doing D. doing so

解析: mean作为“打算,想要……”,后接动词不定式。另外,本题还考查动词不定式的省略结构。


误:What do you mean to say that? 正:What do you mean by saying that

考点提醒:What do you mean by doing sth.? 你那样做是什么意思?