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SECTION 1: Example Exercise Outcomes SECTION 2: Competencies and Behavioural Indicators Case Study Exercise Candidate Guidance Booklet

Page 2 Document last updated 25-04-2014 In this case study exercise we present some example responses and discussion points. These pointers are designed to get you thinking about your own responses and how you might approach your case study exercise. This guide should not be considered a model answer because there will be numerous other suggestions and outcomes from the same case study exercise which in a real exercise will be equally appropriate. Indeed, case study exercises rarely have one right answer; they are designed to allow multiple approaches from multiple ideas. Importantly, they also assess your ability to convey your suggestions to the assessors. You may well come up with other ideas to ours given here. The important thing is that you can justify your ideas using evidence from the exercise items and clearly explain them to assessors. This guidance text is structured by item title, followed by an analysis of the issue, and/or numbered recommendations given in brackets. 1 - HR Manager Introductory Note (1) The first key action is to keep the HR Manager informed, thereby allowing her to escalate any issues to Petra King, the Operations Manager. (2) A second key point is the need to thank the business heads for providing you with the necessary information and to start to build relationships with these key personnel. You will need their cooperation once you have a clearer idea of your recommendations - any change across the business will be driven by these business heads. Tip: if you wouldnt have thought of this, try to immerse yourself in the exercise more. For example, if you were in this situation in real life, what would you do? The chances are you would want to seek more information and possibly ask other people. These heads of business contacts sound like they would be useful to get to know. (3) Another important action is to find ways to promote company values, particularly as Susan (the HR Manager) makes it clear in her Introductory Note that this is an on-going priority for her. You want to make a good first impression with the business owner of your first strategic review. Tip: check to see if you have been given an organomgram (or organisational chart). If not, sketch out your own so that you know who is who in the fictional company; this will help when deciding which person is more senior and who works with who.

Page 3 Document last updated 25-04-2014 2 - Rheuters Stats and News Note the share price drop (of 6%) on announcing sharper fall in profits than analysts had predicted means there was an expectation gap between investors and company performance. Is this normal for this company, or

is there something more to this disappointment? (4) The online news excerpts explain that the on-going business environment is one of great economic uncertainty. PF therefore needs a cautious approach to business strategy; thereby avoiding taking substantial risks (such as new investments) and to cut costs wherever possible. (5) Note the quote from the Chief Executive of PF which says that its key staff can justify their high bonuses on the basis of the profits that their client accounts bring

in for the company. It is recommended to investigate whether these profits are sustainable. (6) Note the quote Questions have been asked about PFs customer segmentation strategy... Is this external analysis of PF strategy collaborated by a second source of information found elsewhere?

If so, services and products need to be matched more effectively to customer segments. (7) PF's recent bad publicity needs to be urgently addressed. For example, by consolidating the role of any current/future media campaigns. Perhaps a press release or comment article is needed.

(8) Apparently there is a threat to future profits posed by new entrants, based originally in the Far east, who are eroding the market share that PFs traditional businesses currently have. One analysis of the companys recent results is that the focus of the currency services needs to be rethought. Which currencies are most customers trading in? Consider focusing solely on those (dollars?) and dropping the least popular currencies (Euros?). What would you do to get more information on the profitability of the ETF sector generally and how PFs performance compares?

(9) The poor earnings results for the ETFs: should PF withdraw from this market? Raising such questions shows that you have analysed the information provided, even if you have yet to make a more specific recommendation.

Page 4 Document last updated 25-04-2014 3 - Customer Feedback Scores A good overall strategy when analysing written exercise items is to identify key trends in the data where you can recommend making business improvements. Thus, the key feedback figures (from this sample of PFs survey of its highest paying clients) are the Team Overall stats: Team Beta is performing well overall in terms of customer service. The lowest Overall score (2.1) was achieved by Team Alpha for the survey question Knowledge of customer's business. This question is also where Team Beta perform their lowest Overall score. Each mean value for the individual Team Beta Customer Reps is around the overall average so there

is a consistent good performance across Reps a, b and c; i.e. there is

little variation within the team. Compare this with Team Alpha whose scores tend to have a wider spread. The highest Overall score (4) is for the survey question Day-to-day quality of response. Team Alpha which scores lower than Team Beta on each of the 3 customer service survey questions is clearly under-performing. Team Betas results show that significantly higher scores are possible in the same work environment. Whilst this data is interesting, it would be useful to know what proportion of the companys revenue comes from their highest paying clients (i.e. who the survey was sent to) compared to other clients. If for example the bulk of income comes from a large long tail of smaller clients, then arguably survey data from those smaller clients would be more useful. It is recommended to ask one of the directors for this information. (10) First priority is to improve Team Alpha Reps' scores, ideally before the next customer service survey is conducted. This represents a particularly serious issue given that the negative feedback is from PFs highest paying clients - as the HR Manager has pointed out. As far as such customers are concerned higher fees are only justifiable on the basis that they will continue to receive a better level of service than their competitors.

(11) Investigate what specific tasks the Team Alpha Reps are doing differently to Team Beta, then pass on any effective customer service approaches using an internal coaching programme. Dont rule out the possibility that the clients of each team may just have different expectations and therefore score the same performance differently. Consider how Team Alpha might feel being told to effectively be more like their colleagues in Team Beta; what is the dynamic between the two teams?

(12) Better targeted training interventions might also benefit Team Alphas Reps. For example, a programme of role play sessions run by external consultants to improve the way that customers are serviced.

Page 5 Document last updated 25-04-2014 4 - Employee Engagement Survey Grouping the Strongly Disagree/Disagree and the Agree/Strongly Agree responses together, the following general conclusions can be drawn: The 54% of respondents who Strongly Disagreed/Disagreed with the statement I can speak openly with my manager is high for PF and an area for development. The 45% of respondents who Strongly

Disagreed/Disagreed with the statement Senior management has provided supportive coaching opportunities is high for PF. There is an improved response for the London respondents to the employee survey on the following two elements of organisational culture: Senior management communicates the organizational strategy clearly to me and My team is fully engaged with the organisations sales procedures. Results for the last 2 statements My team has an innovation strategy and My team is fully committed to our organizational values are more mixed. Given Susans interest in instilling PF Consulting company values, and her recent

training programme, she would be interested to see these results and to be consulted on the possible solution. Before acting on any of these responses, it would be worth double-checking the motivation of each Benchmark Question. Who has written them, why are they important, will improving their responses necessarily improve the business, or are they out-dated questions which have lost relevance. Again, a small caveat on the analysis of this data is that we first need to find out what London subsample results means, and how many people are in the company compared with the 655 respondents to the survey. Ask Susan about this. (13) It is recommended to provide more coaching opportunities to employees. This could take the form of a programme of events throughout the year (say four or five), which people can register for. Third party coaching providers are to be researched in terms of cost and offering. Some could even be delivered internally. (14) A culture change programme is recommended, to include the following: training to improve internal communication; and running an off-site team building event. Also, asking senior management to communicate the organisational strategy could be fairly easy to implement. This could take the form of a monthly presentation from managers to employees. This is also likely to help improve some of the negative publicity mentioned in the news clippings. (15) Group target setting would be an easy way to improve the engagement with the sales process, so this should be implemented.

Page 6 Document last updated 25-04-2014 5 - FiVe VALUES Flyer The FiVe VALUES Flyer looks like it contains useful background information on what PF Consulting values. However on first impressions it looks as though it needs either updating or a renewed focus on the most important messages. Would employees take this flyer seriously? If this were a more punchy, targeted message, it might carry more weight. It is also necessary to get some context to this flyer before acting on it. For example, when was it produced and for who was it intended. Tip: Before you start to make recommendations on this item, read through the next couple of items to help put this one into perspective. With all exercises it is good practice to read through all items before starting to make recommendations as they often interlink or build on separate information.

(16) Get Senior managers to check that the values presented are up-to-date and are held to be important by the company. Once the new values are confirmed, then put this information to practical use by arranging workshops focussed on actions that managers and staff can take, such as promoting ways to bring the company values to life.

Page 7 Document last updated 25-04-2014 6 (a) and 6 (b) - Employee Survey of FiVe VALUES Framework The company values survey results are best analysed at the level of individual values. The survey comments are

less useful since these only provide anecdotal evidence. In fact, overall, its very difficult to draw firm conclusions from this item's data. This is worth highlighting in your answer together with these reason(s) why: the pie-charts are poorly labelled; the make-up of the two samples is not explained adequately; a different description is given for each sample; there appears to be an overlap across the two samples of those managers aged 30-40 years; the rating scale is poorly explained and its unclear what response data is being included in this excerpt from the survey report; the use of pie-charts is itself questionable for representing the most informative survey findings; and the Conclusions section draws inaccurate conclusions. Whilst a positive overall picture is portrayed this is wrong for two reasons: firstly it cannot be concluded from just two pie-charts and secondly the data is poorly represented. The Additional Comments section is only anecdotal. Tip: sometimes in assessment exercises, redundant, confusing or irrelevant information is included to obfuscate your analysis and thus be a closer reflection on a real life job role. On an overview analysis of the bar charts, there doesnt appear to be a significant area of concern, but perhaps the first aspect to investigate is Team Bs strong disagreement to Only Engage in Quality Actions. This may indicate problems with delivery, or more serious issues such as compliance. (17) Speak to the author of this survey to check if they can elaborate on the data or improve its presentation in order to make it more useful. This might also reveal why the conclusions dont obviously follow from the data. If the data cannot be reorganised, it would still be useful to know how people felt about the FiVe VALUES, so as a compromise between full data and pestering employees with a return questionnaire, it is recommended to conduct a brief anecdotal-level survey. The results of this will determine whether the message needs focusing, reinforcing or revamped entirely. The note from Vikram (Finance Manager) includes a request for you to respond on why company values are important to the bottom line. It is up to you whether you respond to Vikram as the tone of the note could be a rhetorical question. It is recommended to respond to Vikram, perhaps even give him a call, simply to get his buy-in to these values as he sounds sceptical. It will be difficult to have these values taken seriously if managers are critical of them, so try to win him round. (18) Respond to Vikram explaining that you will be investigating the survey responses, and more generally that strong company values are important for helping employees all pull in the same direction. Strong company values also help instil pride and enthusiasm in peoples work, which ultimately means they go the extra mile and make more money.

Page 8 Document last updated 25-04-2014 7 - Commission Fees 2012 (London Office) The earlier Rheuters news item indicates that Quarter

1 and

2 trading was affected by a combination of recent economic uncertainty and PFs business strategy. Establish where there has been under or over performance for each financial service by calculating the % of target achieved. Under-performance in corporate bonds (80% of target); interest rate hedges (84% of target); financial advisory services (77%). Exceeding targets in: gilts (117.7%); investment trusts (116.7%) For the new services it is too early to tell for sure how they are performing. The Exchange Trade Funds for Q2 is more than half the target already, suggesting its performing well but without further information we cannot tell for sure. Likewise the Currency Trading is under performing based on a half-way mark but again we cant say at this stage how the target was built and whether a half figure is a useful approximation. (19) It is recommended that the target figures are reviewed before action is taken. Where did the targets come from and how realistic/stretching are they? Assuming the targets are accurate, PF could focus on expanding its specialism in the strong performing areas of Gilts and Investment Trusts and look into how to develop performance in other areas such as corporate bonds, interest rate hedges and financial advisory services. Whilst there is no significance to this fact yet, it is worth noting the relative size of the different areas. FAS brings in a lot more than IRHs for example.

Page 9 Document last updated 25-04-2014 8 - Client Liaison Manager Statistics A summary of this item's first table of data follows: Client Liaison Team No. of Staff Total No. of Accounts No. of Accounts per team member Average Client Turnover (m) Alpha 4 41 10.25 118.9 million Beta 4 22 5.50 65.9 million Gamma 4 21 5.25 50.4 million Team Alpha has considerably more client accounts than Teams Beta and Gamma. Team Alphas average Annual Client Turnover is also significantly higher (118.9 million) than that of Team Beta (65.9 million) and Team Gamma (50.4 million). These two findings may explain the earlier indications that Team Alpha's reps were underperforming. With more client accounts as well as accounts of higher valued companies - Team Alpha staff have more complex customer relationships to manage. Employees with higher lengths of service are concentrated in Team Alpha (mean = 45 months compared to Team Betas 26.5 months and Team Gammas 26.25 months). This may be why these employees have so many more client accounts and clients with higher annual turnovers. (20) The second and third tables of data are less informative, although its worth demonstrating that you understand that where there is missing data (i.e. the highest performing sales agents) it's difficult to draw valid conclusions. To overcome this, ask the HR Manager for the complete sets of employee data - or for a more representative set of data. (21) Team Alpha and Beta employees appear to be on higher salaries and excessive bonuses when compared to Team Gamma.

Perhaps there is a legitimate reason such as past performance, however

a review is needed to ensure that pay is linked reliably to performance,

and to demonstrate the fairness of company policies to all employees to discourage resentment or a feeling of injustice. (22) Redistribute the number and financial importance of client accounts more evenly across Teams Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. (23) Reallocate staff more evenly across

the Teams, so that older staff can learn from newer entrants and


Page 10 Document last updated 25-04-2014 9 - PF Company results The company results, covering the last three tax years, reveal these trends:

A marked decline each year in the Profits before tax of 1million per year The above has occurred despite increases in Revenue as follows: 8.2% (2011/10); and 3.2% (2011/12). So profitability has declined. Profit

margin (crudely) is as follows: 2012: 12.3% 2011: 13.9% 2010: 14.4% Non-current assets have decreased, while cash at bank and

in hand have increased. There doesnt appear to be anything significant

about this observation though. Tip: the level of financial knowledge candidates require for reading and interpreting documents in the exercise

will be in-line with the role they are applying for. For example if it

is for a graduate role, they will not expect candidates to be able to pick

apart an intricate set of accounts. This is especially true if they are

trying to compare candidates from non-financial degrees. If on the other

hand you are applying for a senior role where specific technical knowledge

is assumed, you will be assessed on having that knowledge.

Page 11 Document last updated 25-04-2014 10 - Competitor Financial Summaries (conducted by PF Analysts) You need to compare PFs most recent

2011 and 2012 revenue and profit with these three competitors. Present

a clear summary, such as: Wuckle Inc. Derward Pendletons 31-Mar-2012 Revenue Roughly comparable Much higher Slightly lower 31-Mar-2012 Profit Roughly comparable (13.1%) Higher (9.6%) Much lower (8.1%) Wuckle Inc. Derward Pendletons 31-Mar-2011 Revenue Roughly comparable Much higher Slightly lower 31-Mar-2011 Profit Roughly comparable (13.3%) Higher (8.8%) Much lower (8.2%) Derwerd is the largest competitor in terms of Revenue, which is four times that of Wuckle and Pendletons. Wuckel Inc.

has similar specialisms to PFs traditional service offerings. Whilst Pendletons is already the most established player of the 4 competitors

in currency trading, its operations are not as profitable. Similarly, PF

failed to achieve its recent currency trading target. It is interesting

to see that the profit margins for these competitors isnt drastically different from PFs. This is reassuring in that any margin improvement to

be carried out at PF will likely be merely incremental, not disruptively fundamental. (24) Commission market research into each of these

competitors, and use the results to feed into PFs future growth strategy. For example: what areas of their trading are the most profitable; what areas are they retreating from and why; what areas have been steadily growing.

Page 12 Document last updated 25-04-2014 11 - Invest Magazines Best Customer awards (Summer 2012) Overall, PF and Wuckle Inc. have a more impressive awards record than competitors Pendletons and Derward. Other summary findings: Pendeletons' multiple 1st and 2nd place awards place their Value for money, Range of Services and Customer Focus above PFs. Whilst PF can take some credit for beating competitor Derward this was only by one place - in the categories of Value for money and Customer Focus. PF was been rated 4th in terms of its Range of Services. (25) This industry feedback would suggest that PF needs to focus on improving its range of services as the priority. There is room for improvement in the other services: Value for Money and Customer Focus. It is recommended to commission research into why the other firms performed better in these areas, or ask if the magazine would be happy to help provide a breakdown

or insight into their data. 12 - Email Chain (a) These emails highlight poor inter-managerial communication around the new IT developments for the ETFs and currency trading services. (26) The poor project management of the IT contract has severely affected delivery of the service updates. It is not clear whether it is the internal IT departments failure or the external consultant IKY Consultants. Arthur mentions that some of the complications are a result of incorporating the clients additional product features. Find out more about these from Arthur.

(27) Arthur is suggesting switching to a new contractor. This sounds a risky move and one which should be taken only if the current contractor

is really worth dropping. Investigate what break clauses or compensation entitlement is covered in the contract with the current provider. The problem seems to stem largely with the external contractor IKY Consultants; they really ought to be asked to fix the problem if they have failed to deliver. (28) On a small scale, it is recommended to have a word with Sally about her tone with Arthur and also with Arthur about disseminating information in future. Staff need to get along and collaborate, so this needs to be resolved. There is an overall communications issue here, so

as a more drastic measure consider recommending that an overall Communications Strategy needs to be developed. This would include such issues as the company-wide dissemination of important information, timescales, changes to work practices etc.

Page 13 Document last updated 25-04-2014 13 - Email Chain (b) (29) Firstly - need to arrange financial product / customer service training.

It appears the training needs to focus on the older members of staff or

those unfamiliar with the new ETF platform. (30) Secondly - to address the possibility of a compliance breach - set-up a meeting with the Compliance Manager (Simon King) to find out the outcome of his FSA discussions. (31) James Delaney (Sales Manager) describes these as niche services which he clearly didnt see the need for. Meet with James (who signs off as Jim) to get more information to inform your own analysis

of the market for these services (to supplement the data you have from competitors offering these services). Are these services too niche for the customer base, are they generating profit, do the sales reps and staff fully understand them, is there training required? 14 - Project Update (new online services) Here you are provided with vital project-related information on the new online trading platform for ETF and currency services. This item ties in closely with the next item (the gantt chart). Reading these together we should note: The Additional Note that the IT costs for external supplier higher than expected is an area to resolve. The Suggested Resolutions might not be viable: the stakeholder meeting date is too far in the future and changing to a new subcontractor at this stage will be risky. The Risk Description relates to an earlier issue that delayed the Go Live date, but is no longer relevant to the projects current status. A more accurate risk would be that the delays elongate.

(32) Find out why the costs for the external supplier are higher than expected and decide how it can be reduced. (33) Find out why the delays have occurred and look to bring the programme back in line. Is this a case

of scope creep, in which case the client may be more understanding, or

is it a case of over promising and under delivering?

Page 14 Document last updated 25-04-2014 15 - GANTT Chart for

Spread-Betting IT Platform A common project management tool, the Gantt chart shows you a project timeline for designing the additional online functionary that the new services require. Your analysis should note that: Training is scheduled too late for maximum benefit since it appears after the site goes live i.e. once Client Reps have to start dealing with customers using such new services. Site build started before the spec was completely agreed. This is understandable for time reasons, but is perhaps the cause of the current delays and changes. (34) Investigate whether the training can be brought forward. Also check that the three teams can be trained simultaneously as assumed on the gantt chart. To reduce any delays, also critique the length of time required for staff training; can this be reduced? -- End of Candidate Guidance Document --


[标签:标题] 篇一:在面试时,面试官必问问题以及如何巧妙的回答 面试时,面试官必问问题 面试时,HR提出来的问题,总会有那么几个比较奇怪的问题,但是他们问的每一个问题 背后都有要考察的原因。当然除了一些专业性比较强的问题之外,还有一些公共问题是在面 试时,HR经常会提到了,面对这些问题,我们必须要有充足的准备,并对问题后面的含义 有所了解。这样才不至于在面试时,被问的哑口。下面的问题就是HR经常问求职者的问题。 1、你为什么选择这份工作? 相信其实大家心中一定都有答案了吧!每个人的价值观不同,自然评断的标准也会不同, 但是,在回答HR这个问题时可不能太直接就把自己心理的话说出来,尤其是薪资方面的问题,不过一些无伤大雅的回答是不错的考虑,如交通方便,工作性质及内容颇能符合自己的 兴趣等等都是不错的答案,不过如果这时自己能仔细思考出这份工作的与众不同之处,相信在面试上会大大加分。 这是HR用来测试应聘者对工作理解度的问题,藉以了解求职者只是基于对工作的憧憬或 是确实的兴趣来应征这份工作,此时之前所强调的事先研究功夫又再度派上用场,建议你的回答应以个人的兴趣配合工作内容特质,表现出高度的诚意,这样才可以为自己铺下迈向成 功之路。 2、对工作有什么期望和目标? 这是面试者用来评断求职者是否对自己有一定程度的期望、对这份工作是否了解的问题。 对于工作有确实学习目标的人通常学习较快,对于新工作自然较容易进入状况,这时建议你,最好针对工作的性质找出一个确实的答案,如业务员的工作可以这样回答:“我的目标是能成为一个超级业务员,将公司的产品广泛的推销出去,达到最好的业绩成效;为了达到这个目标,我一定会努力学习,而我相信以我认真负责的态度,一定可以达到这个目标。”其他类的工作也可以比照,只要在目标方面稍微修改一下就可以了? 3、对我们公司的有过了解吗? 这时准备的功夫就派上用场,将你之前所吸收的信息发挥出来吧!至少也要知道公司的产 品是哪些,提供哪些服务等等,不然HR一问当场傻在那儿就糗大了,所以一定要事前准备! 4、为什么选择我们公司? 这通常是HR最先问到的问题。此时HR就开始评断录用与否了,建议大家先判断自己去 应征的工作性质,是专业能力导向呢,或是需要沟通能力,其实现在市场多以服务为方向, 所以口才被视为基本能力之一,所以在此时就要好好表现自己的口才,而口才较差者就务必 表现 出自己的专业能力即诚意,弥补口才不足的部帧? 回答这个问题时,一定要积极正面,如想要使自己能有更好的发展空间,希望能在相关领域中有所发展,希望能在公司多多学习等等?此时可以稍稍夸一下面试公司,但切记一定要 诚恳,不然可是会画蛇添足,得不偿失哦!对于社会新鲜人的建议则是,由于之前没有工作 经验,所以建议你可以坦承的说出自己的动机,不过用语还是要思考一下。 5、谈谈自己的缺点? 有许多HR都喜欢问这个问题,目的是在于检视人才是否适当,求职者的诚恳度等等,在 这之前应该好好分析自己,将自己的优点与缺点列张单子,在其中挑选亦是缺点亦是优点的 部分,在回答问题时,以优点作为主要诉求,强调可以为公司带来利益的优点,如积极,肯


外企面试英语的常见问题 最近发表了一篇名为《外企面试英语的常见问题》的范文,觉得有用就收藏了,这里给大家转摘到范文参考网。 想在英语面试中给面试官留下”一个非常好的印象吗?首先要听懂对方的”问题。为了避免误解面试官的问题,我们为你准备了一张问题清单,不妨先来看看。 Tell us about yourself. 这是一个有关你个性、背景、学习以及工作经历的非常宽泛的问题。你可以准备一个简洁的回答。 Why should we hire you?招聘者正在问有关你的特点和强项的问题。当然,对求职的公司也要有所了解,你的加入要给对方带来效益才好。 Why did you leave your last job?面试人员想要知道你是辞职的,还是被辞退的,或是下岗的,并希望了解原因。你最好实话实说,职场讲究诚信。 Are you willing to relocate?这代表着你是否愿意移居另一个城市或国家。 Tell me about your scholastic record. 这是指你在学校及大学所学的学科和成绩。本文来自:中国求职简历网 Tell me about your extra-cur-ricular activities and interests. 这是在问你业余都做些什么和你的兴趣,例如”运动、音乐或旅游等。一个热爱生活的人也会以很好的热情投入工作。现在,很多企业都比较注意了解求职者的爱好,从外围来考察一个人的综合素质。 How would your last **** describe you?这句话的意思是你的上个老板是如何看待你的。最好作客观陈述,包括前任老板对你的工作和为人的评价。 What salary are you expecting?招聘者想要知道你对薪资的最低要求。恭喜你,hotnews/huibao” target=“_blank” title=“最新思想汇报范文专题”>思想汇报专题话谈到这里,说明对方对你已经很有兴趣了。别狮子大开口,也别委屈了


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 外企面试笔试问题 篇一:最新外企面试题 最新外企面试题 外企面试题 问:告诉我一些有关你自己的但在你的简历上又没有反 答:你可能不知道我16岁就开始管理自己的投资组合,我认为你能理解我对投资销售方面的兴趣是重要的。在过去的8年里我平均每年获得12%的盈利。 不要只是重复简历上已有的东西,讲讲那些虽与你过去的从业经验无关但能反映你的个(:外企面试笔试问题)性和 Q:TellmesomethingaboutyourselfthatIdidntknowfromrea dingyourresume. A:Youwouldn tknowthatI vemanagedmyownsmallportfoliosinceIwassixteen,

butIbelievethatit simportantforyoutounderstandmyinterestininvestments ales.I veaverageda12percentreturnoverthepasteightyears. 答:去年夏天我作为一个实习的餐馆分析员与所有牛排连锁店联系密切。 你们做得特别好的是集中精力在有限的品种上,使各地能保持高度统一。商业游客都信任你们在美国任一个店的产品。但我特别感兴趣的是你们的不动产资金小组和扩展计划。 描述你第一次或是近来邂逅该公司或其产品及其服务 的情况。是什么促使你想在那里工作而不是在另一家不同的公司里做同样类型的工作呢?招聘者会仔细观察反映你真 正兴趣的方面,而不仅是你对该公司所做的一些表面上的调查了解。把公司的年度报告背出来不大可能会给招聘者留下印象,但把来自顾客和员工的一些反馈意见说出来可能会给 A:Iservedasaninternanalysttoarestaurantlastsummer,soIfollowedallthesteak housechainsclosely.whatyou vedoneespeciallywellisfocusonalimitedmenuwithgreatc



招聘流程: 职务说明书——招聘计划(时间、岗位、人数、任职资格)——招幕;了解市场;发布信息;接受申请——选拔;初步筛选;笔试;面试;其它测试——录用(作出决策、发出通知)——评价;程序;技能;效率 招聘前要知道的几件事: What-------------------------------工作职责 Who-------------------------------任职资格 For whom------------------------上下级 Where-----------------------------工作场所 When------------------------------工作时间 Why-------------------------------理由 How-------------------------------工作方式 招聘方式: 结构式面试-------案例组合、开放式提问、案例与提问相结合 非结构式面试 混合式面试 行为描述式面试

人才测评各种工具 四种面试招式:激将式;诱导式;挑斗式;引君入瓮式。 招聘面试的方法: 1.Star面试法(行为描述面试法) 2.BEI面试法(行为事件面试法) 3.非结构化面试 4.结构化面试 5.压力面试 6.情景面试 7.角色扮演 8.即席演讲与问答 9.无领导小组面试 10.公文筐测验 11.管理游戏 人才测评工具: 1、MBTI性格类型测试 用于考察参测人员在组织中的贡献、领导风

格、偏好的工作环境、潜在的缺陷等个体特征和潜力,属于类型学测验。 2、霍兰德职业性向测试 用于考察参测人员职业兴趣和能力特长,以便确定其职业倾向。该测试对于考察参测人员是否符合用人单位职位需求具有参考价值。 3、菲尔人格倾向测试 4、LIFO人生取向和职业价值观测试 5、普林顿个人创造力测试 6、卡特尔十六种价格因素测验<16PF> 7、爱德华氏个人偏好量表 8、48类人基本性格分析 9、笔迹分析 10、血型分析 11、DISC 〈人才性格测评工具〉 12、FIT IN〈人才性格测试〉 招聘要知道的几个公式: 1.总成本效用=录用人数/招聘总成本 2.招募成本效用=应聘人数/招募期间费用3.选拔成本效用=被选人数/选拔期间费用4.人员录用效用=正式录用人数/录用期间费用


笔试与面试 目录 一、销售人员笔试试题 二、行政秘书笔试试题 三、行政人事笔试试题 四、基层管理人员笔试试题 五、销售人员面试试题 六、采购人员面试试题 七、管理人员面试试题 八、文秘助理人员面试试题 九、客户服务人员面试试题 十、面试评估表 十一、面试综合考核表 十二、招聘笔试管理制度 十三、面试实施管理细则 一、销售人员笔试试题 一、选择题 1—13题为单选题,14—15为多选题。 1.2、4、6、8、(A) A.10 B.11 C.12 D.14 2.找出不同类的一项(B) A.铁锅B.米饭C.勺子D.盘子 3.一个西瓜切三刀最多能切成(C)块 A.4 B.6 C.8 D.16 4.现要在马路的一侧种树,马路长50米,每隔5米种一棵树,那么请问,一共需要种植(D )棵树 A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11 5.组合策略(4P)不包含哪一项(A) A.广告策略B.价格策略C.渠道策略D.促销策略 6.企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上满足尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是(A) A.无差异市场营销战略B.密集市场营销战略 C.差异市场营销战略D.集中市场营销战略 7.指出下列哪种市场是不可扩张市场(D) A.儿童玩具市场B.家用电器市场C.烟草市场D.食盐市场 8.中国服装设计师李萍设计的女士服装以典雅、高贵享誉中外,在国际市场上,一件“李萍”牌中式旗袍售价高达1千美元,这种定价策略属于(A) A.声望定价B.基点定价C.招徕定价D.需求导向定价 9.产业购买者往往这样选择供应商:你买我的产品,我也买你的产品,这种习惯做法称为(D) A、直接购买 B、冲动购买 C、往返购买 D、互惠购买 10.企业产品的市场表现优于(劣于)主要竞争对手的核心原因是(D)


外企面试最常见的八大 英文问题 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

外企面试最常见的八大英文问题 Tag: 很多人从接到面试通知的电话起,心里就开始紧张,不用说想到要用英语面试、老外老板亲切却又让人紧张的微笑、看似简单而又机关重重的问题……其实,只要提前准备一下,就可以避免因胡言乱语而失去你梦想工作的可能。 如何把握住问题的要点,猜透老外老板的问题,给出漂亮的回答,是面试的重要环节。来自EF英孚教育Career Service部总监及资深职业规划顾问铁芸女士一直致力于帮助学员规划职业生涯,成功找到自己理想中的工作。以下就是她对于面试中常见问题的回答方面的一些建议,希望能够给您一些启示,助您顺利拿到聘书。 me about yourself. 这是一个面试问题中的经典开题。这个问题主要考察求职者的个性是否符合公司的企业文化,所以回答的时候要尽量贴近这个公司的情况来推销自己的特点。比如这个公司是属于汽车行业,那么你就该回答:"Driving is my hobby. I really love the feeling of driving on the road. Cars are my best friends. ." 总之就是要找到自己跟这个公司的一个切合点,让面试官了解你充分适合这个环境。 2. What are your three greatest strengths 回答这个问题的时候不可以含混不清,不可以只是简单回答 "I'm really organized, punctu al and get along well with others." 简洁、精炼,找到这个公司所看重的特长,是回答这个问题的关键。比如要应聘金融行业,可是说 "I think my three biggest strengths are details-oriental, patient and cautious." 但是如果应聘者是一个销售精英,可以说:"I think my biggest strengths ar e that I am aggressive, hard working and communicative."总之,需要考虑到应聘公司及职务的需要来选择表现自己的优势。 3. What are your three greatest weaknesses



1 did you have any trouble finding us? 2 how do you know about this job and organization? 3 what kind of work do you want to do? 4 how would your friends describe you? your professors? 5 what else should i know about you? 6 what are your expectations of your future employer? 7 what two or three things are important to you in your new position? 8 what goals have you set for yourself and how are you planning to achieve them? 9 who has had the greatest influence on the development of your career interests? 10 would your supervisor be surprised to learn that you are seeking new employment?

11 how long have you been looking for a job? 12 why do you want to leave your current position? 13 have you received any offers so far? 14 how far can you advance with your current employer? 15 if you are so happy where you are, why are you looking for another job? 16 do you know much about our company, department, team? 17 why would you like to work for us? 18 how does this job compare with others you’ve applied for? 19 what is the ideal position for you in any company? 20 based on what you know about our industry right now, how does your ideal job stack up against the descriptio n of the job you’re applying for?


情商测试 情商测试50题(试题纸) 1.对自己的性格类比有比较清晰的了解? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 2.无法确知自己是在为何生气、高兴、伤心或忌妒? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 3.知道自己在什么样的情况下容易发生情绪波动? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 4.即使有生气、高兴、伤心、忌妒的事也不愿或不能表达出来? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 5.懂得从他人的言谈与表情中发现自己的情绪变化? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 6.起伏很大,自己都不了解是为什么? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 7.有扪心自问的反思习惯? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 8.不知道自己的感情是脆弱还是坚强? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 9.性情不够开朗,很少展露笑容? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 10.很难找到表达情绪的适当方式,要么表示愤怒,要么隐忍或委屈? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 11.遇有不顺心的事能够抑制自己的情绪? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 12.情绪波动起伏,往往不能自控? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 13.遇到意想不到的突发事件,能够冷静应对? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。

14.精神处于紧张状态,不能自我放松? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 15.受到挫折或委屈,能够保持能屈能伸的乐观心态? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 16.对自己期望很高,达不到标准时会很生气或发脾气? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 17.出现感情冲动或发怒时,能够较快地“自我熄火”? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 18.做什么事都很急,觉得自己属于耐不住性子的人? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 19.听取批评意见包括与实际情况不相符的意见时,没有耿耿于怀或不乐意? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 20.对人对事不喜欢深思熟虑,主张“跟着感觉走”? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 21.在人生道路上的拼搏中,相信自己能够成功? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 22.不愿尝试所谓新事物,对自己不会的事情会感到无聊、低级趣味? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 23.决定了要做的事不轻言放弃? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 24.一次想做很多事,因此显得不够专心? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 25.工作或学习上遇到困难,能够自我鼓励克服困难? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 26.对于自己该做的事,很难主动地负责到底? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 27.相信“失败乃成功之母”? A.总是。 B.有时。 C.从不。 28.没有必要要求自己什么,觉得自己做不到的事不如干脆放弃?


笔试题目大全 目录 一、销售人员笔试试题 二、行政秘书笔试试题 三、行政人事笔试试题 四、基层管理人员笔试试题 五、销售人员面试试题 六、采购人员面试试题 七、管理人员面试试题 八、文秘助理人员面试试题 九、客户服务人员面试试题 十、面试评估表 十一、面试综合考核表 十二、招聘笔试管理制度 十三、面试实施管理细则 一、销售人员笔试试题 一、选择题 1—13题为单选题,14—15为多选题。 1.2、4、6、8、(A) A.10 B.11 C.12 D.14 2.找出不同类的一项(B) A.铁锅B.米饭C.勺子D.盘子 3.一个西瓜切三刀最多能切成(C)块 A.4 B.6 C.8 D.16 4.现要在马路的一侧种树,马路长50米,每隔5米种一棵树,那么请问,一共需要种植(D )棵树 A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11 5.组合策略(4P)不包含哪一项(A) A.广告策略B.价格策略C.渠道策略D.促销策略 6.企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上满足尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是(A) A.无差异市场营销战略B.密集市场营销战略 C.差异市场营销战略D.集中市场营销战略 7.指出下列哪种市场是不可扩张市场(D) A.儿童玩具市场B.家用电器市场C.烟草市场D.食盐市场 8.中国服装设计师李萍设计的女士服装以典雅、高贵享誉中外,在国际市场上,一件“李萍”牌中式旗袍售价高达1千美元,这种定价策略属于(A) A.声望定价B.基点定价C.招徕定价D.需求导向定价 9.产业购买者往往这样选择供应商:你买我的产品,我也买你的产品,这种习惯做法称为(D)

A、直接购买 B、冲动购买 C、往返购买 D、互惠购买 10.企业产品的市场表现优于(劣于)主要竞争对手的核心原因是(D) A.产品价格低于(高于)主要竞争对手产品 B.产品功能多于(劣于)主要竞争对手产品 C.本企业市场宣传优于(劣于)主要竞争对手企业 D.对主要客户群偏好的掌握优于(劣于)主要竞争对手 11.当客户出现有规律的投诉时,应该优先从哪些环节着手系统性解决问题(A)A.售后服务人员的素质和严格规范的流程B.营销方案的调整 C.制订完善的索赔补充计划D.产品研发 12.企业产品的市场份额主要是由以下哪个因素决定的(A) A.具有共同特征的客户数量B.企业产品价格的竞争力 C.企业产品特征优异程度D.企业投放广告数量 13.企业在调整和优化产品组合时,依据情况不同可选择以下策略(ABCD)A.扩大产品组合B.缩减产品组合C.产品延伸D.产品大类现代化14.根据消费者消费习惯划分,消费品可分为以下几类(BCDE) A、公用品 B、便利品 C、选购品 D、特殊品 E、非渴求品 二、简答题 1.作为销售人员,你认为自己应该具备何种能力? 2.在促销力度不强的情况下,你如何销售品牌知名度不高而价位又与知名品牌同类竞品相差无几的中高档新产品? 3.公司派小张到北美的某一个小岛上推销鞋,小张回来说:“推销不了鞋,那个小岛上的人们根本就不穿鞋。”公司又派小李去了,小李回来说:“那个小岛上的人们都不穿鞋,市场好大呀!”作为销售人员,你会得到什么启示? 4.刘老板已经同意经销公司产品,并答应你三天内可以打款进货,但到第四天他还没有打款.当你打电话或上门拜访他时,他又以种种原因推脱说这几天很忙过几天就打款.请问你该怎么让刘老板尽快打款? 5.你对自己的人生是如何规划的,你预计在公司工作多长时间? 三、论述题 1.请您介绍一个您认为以前工作、生活、学习中最成功的案例,并详细分析成功的原因。


外企常见12道英文面试题 外企各大类型题考察意图烂熟于心,英文面试易如反掌。以下举例说明: 1、Tell me about yourself这是面试官惯用的开场白。千万不要长篇大论背诵简历。你可以在这时将最突出的优点概括性地总结,并引导面试官向你早已准备好的方面发问。 -- I studied computer in 1999-2003. After that I joined ... and worked as a ... .I am fluent at oral english... 2、What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do?主要考察应聘者会否对工作中的很多地方感到厌倦;另外还考察你对自己的喜好是否诚实,你是否了解这份工作的基本职责;你是否认识到任何职业都会包含一些枯燥无味的日常工作。 3、What is your greatest weakness?不要把那些明显是优点的品行当成缺点说,这种落入俗套的方式早已被面试官厌倦。可以说一些对于你应聘这个职位没有影响的缺点,对于那些在面试中已经表现出的明显弱点,你可以利用这个问题加以弥补,显示你早已意识到,并且正在改进,已经取得了较大进展。 4、What do you plan to be doing five years from now?主要考察你的职业目标是否符合公司的要求;这份职业是否是你达到目的的合理选择;你是否有继续发展的热情;你的野心是否和这份职业的要求相契合;你的发展潜力有多大。如果你应聘大企业,千万不要提你想创业,如果应聘小企业,这倒是个合理的回答。 5、What college subjects did you like best and least? Why?这个


浅析中小型企业在人才招聘面试中的问题【内容摘要】:面试时目前企业招聘、选拔人才的最主要工具,但是现实工作中,尤其是人力资源管理专业性不强的中小型企业,往往由于没有系统的研究面试的方式及技巧,在招聘面试中出现种种问题,使得面试无法取得良好的效果。本文主要研究中小型企业在人才招聘在的问题,针对面试过程中存在的缺乏客观标准及依据、实施程序不规范、形式单一、缺乏专业知识及团队等问题,提出改善面试效果的一些措施及对策。 【关键词】:中小型企业招聘面试措施及对策 招聘面试是一种经过组织者精心设计,在特定场合下,以考官与考生的面对面交流与观察为主要手段,测评考生的知识、能力、经验等有关素质的一种考试活动。招聘是企业一切工作的开始,如果招错人,那之后的培训、绩效和晋升都是错的,更不用说产品研发和市场营销了。有效招聘可以确保录用人员的质量,提高企业的核心竞争力;降低招聘成本,提高招聘的工作效率;为企业注入新的活力,带来新的思想和创新力;减少离职,增强企业内部的凝聚力;有利于人员的合理流动,提高人力资源潜能发挥的水平。 招聘的最佳效果,是在恰当的时机招聘到适合公司需要的人才,实际操作中,想在招聘过程中选对人才,是招聘工作的难点,如果没有准确的把握,会失去招聘的意义,甚至会造成公司资源的浪费。下面本文就中小型企业在招聘面试中存在的问题及相应的措施进行研究。 一、中小型企业招聘面试工作中存在的主要问题 (一)忽视招聘的基础工作 中小型企业招聘时不重视人力资源管理的基础工作,未进行人力资源规划及工作分析,不少岗位的调查及说明短缺,由于企业没有明确的发展战略,人力资源管理与企业发展战略不匹配,只有缺少合格员工时,才考虑招聘,在人员素质不符合企业发展需要时,才考虑培训,人力部门人员也会设计出与实际工作要求不符的工作要求,在招


外企面试常见问题及回答技巧 x我们为什么要聘用你?(目的:测试沉静与自信) 给一个简短、有礼貌的回答:“我能做好我要做的事情”、“我相信自己,我想得到这份工作”。x为什么你想到这里来工作?(目的:测试对一项工作的准备能力和自我表达能力)事实上,面试是求职者入公司所做的第一件工作,那么,为此项工作所做的准备,就可以反映出一个人对工作的准备能力。因为你在此前必须进行大量的准备来了解这家公司。组织几个原因,最好是简短而切合实际的。x这个职位最吸引你的是什么?(目的:让你表现对这个公司、这份工作的看法)回答应使考官确认你具备他要求的素质。x你是否喜欢你老板的职位?(目的:测试你对未来的设计能力) 回答当然是“YES”,如你不满意,可补充:“当我有这个评测能力时”,或“有这样一个空缺时吧”。x是否愿意去公司派你去的那个地方?(目的:公司希望能找多面准备的员工)如果你回答“NO”,你可能会因此而失掉这份工作,记住:你被雇用后,你可以和公司就这个问题再行谈判。x谁曾经给你最大的影响?(目的:了解你的手段)选一个名字即可,最好是你过去的老师等,再简短准备几句说明



外企面试常见问题及答案 对于求职者们来说,我们面试最多的还是国内企业,但 是也不排除某一天我们也会去外企面试,而外企面试也是需要回 答面试官的问题的。下面是收集整理的外企面试常见问题及答案,欢迎大家阅读参考,希望有所帮助。 1.Where are you from? Where is your hometown? 你 的家乡在什么地方? 问题分析:外企的面试官有很多对中国有所了解,问这 个问题是想缓和一下紧张的气氛。 回答示范:My hometown is a city you've never heard of. My hometown name is Xihua, located in the vast North China Plain, my hometown is the main crop of wheat, people put noodles as food. The Yellow River flows through my hometown and is the mother river of the Chinese nation. 2.Why did you leave your last job? 你为什么离职呢? 回答示范:Well I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks I will take it. 回答示范:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. 3.What’s the meaning of your email address? 你的 电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?


医生招聘常见面试题及答案 近几年来,社会上频频出现因食品卫生引发的事件,你作为一个报考公共卫生部门的考生,请谈谈你认为应该如何提高食品安全水平? 答案 食品安全是一个关乎民生的大问题,从“大头奶粉”到“苏丹红”,从“雀巢奶粉”到“福寿螺”,无不一次次刺激着人们的神经,也在拷问着商家的责任心。我认为,要提高食品安全卫生,一 定要注意以下几个方面: (1)积极开展农产品标准制定工作。20xx年,农业部门以制定促 进农产品公平贸易的标准、保证质量安全的市场准入标准和方法标准、主要农产品生产准则等通则类标准为重点,加快农业国家标准、行业标准体系建设。推动基地建设规模化、产地环境无害化、生产 过程标准化、质量控制制度化、产品流通品牌化、生产经营产品化。 (2)积极推动农产品检验检测体系建设。农业部门按照国家“十 一五”发展规划纲要的重点工程,落实农产品质量安全检验检测体 系规划,进一步加强物质体系建设和完善,全面提高检验检测能力 和水平。 (3)继续强化农业投入品监管。控制农产品源头污染是搞好农产 品质量安全监管的第一道关口。农业部门据点农业投入品监管与农 产品质量安全管理有机结合起来,完善农业投入品监管制度,深入 开展农业投入品专项整治工作,坚决打击制售和使用假冒伪劣农业 投入品行为,净化农业投入品市场。采用连锁经营等现代流通方式,提高优质投入品的市场占有率。 (4)大力推进农产品市场准入制度建设。农产品市场准入制度是 新形势下推进“无公害食品行动计划”、切实强化农产品质量安全 监管的主攻方向和有效途径。

(5)突出抓好农村食品安全。要加强把农村食品安全工作作为建 设社会主义新农村的重要任务,努力建立农村食品市场质量安全防 控体系,不断完善和规范农村食品销售的设施和条件,促进农村食 品市场的繁荣稳定与安全。 安徽华源生物药业公司生产的“欣弗”不仅没有给患者带来幸福,反而掀起了全社会对于药品质量管理的质问。对这件事,你有什么 看法? 答案 近年来,医药领域大案要案频发,已经成为全社会关注的焦点问题。我们也由此认识到医药领域存在的问题并不是某一个环节的问题,而可能是系统性的,也就是整个医药管理体系、制度乃至从业 者二监管者观念的问题,具体到药品质量管理领域也是如此。药品 质量管理问题的解决,必须转变药品质量管理的传统观念,明确药 品管理各环节相关主体的责任,理顺整个医药管理的机制。当然, 国家的监管并不是质量管理体系的全部,生产经营乃至医疗机构及 其医疗工作者都必须对药品质量担负起应有的责任。只有在责任明 确的基础上,才能提高相关主体的责任意识,从而促使责任人在所 负责的环节上真正起到药品质量监督的作用,将对规模庞大的药品 质量监督检查工作分解落实到各个环节、各个主体身上。因此,只 有从根本上理顺药品监管机关、生产经营者、医疗机构及医疗工作 者之间的利益关系、权责关系,才能让老百姓用上放心药,才能防 止各种类似事件的频繁发生。 手术后护士发现,只剩下六块纱布,而她记得明明是七块,医生却说我是主任还是你是主任,谈谈你的看法? 答案 首先应该肯定护士这种认真负责的态度是正确的,如果一块纱布真的被遗忘在病人体内,后果将是不堪设想的。而对病人负责的态 度就是医生应该具备的基本医德。对于医生来说在自己没有十分把 握的情况下要验证护士所说的话的正确性,本着为病人着想的态度。医生和护士的关系就相当于领导和下属的关系,由此引申出作为领


X X集团招聘专员岗位测试题(本试题为闭卷测试,答题时限为60分钟,满分为100分)姓名:应聘职位:得分: 尊敬的先生/小姐:您好! 非常感谢您参加本公司的面试,为保证面试质量,真实地反映各位应聘者的水平,科学、客观的进行人才招聘和选拔,我公司专门编辑了本测试题。本测试题共分为两部分,同时测试得分将不会公开,仅作为我们决定是否录用的重要参考信息,请您合理分配笔试时间认真作答。谢谢! 第一部分:专业知识测试(分值50分) 一、单项选择题(以下题目只有一个答案是正确的,请把您认为正确的答案选项填写在题号前的括号 内,每小题2分,共13题,总26分) ( D ) 1.狭义的人力资源规划实质上是 A. 企业人力资源开发规划 B. 企业人力资源制度改革规划 C. 企业组织变革与组织发展规划 D. 企业各类人员需求的补充规划 ( D ) 2.一般来说,人员招聘的来源可以分为()两个渠道。 A. 自我推荐与他人引荐 B. 学校与社会 C. 广告招聘与机构推荐 D. 内部来源与外部来源 ( D ) 3.面试中的“晕轮效应”表现为 A. 面试官根据开始几分钟得到印象对应聘者作出评价 B. 面试官相对于前一个接受面试的应聘者来评价正在接受面试的应聘者 C. 面试官个人的偏爱和过去的经历对面试的影响 D. 面试官从某一优点或缺陷出发去评价应聘者 ( A ) 4.为了获得过去行为的写照,面试考官应当避免提出的问题是 A.“你是怎样看待部门之间出现的不合作现象的” B.“当你的工作得到了不好的反馈时,你是怎么做的” C.“请举一个你亲身经历过的部门合并中人员重组的事例。” D.“在你所承担的项目中,你是怎样获得技术部的支持和帮助的” ( D ) 5.面试官提问:“如果公司派你出差,而这个时候你母亲病危,你怎么处理”,这是什么类型的面试 A. 经验性面试 B. 投射性面试 C. 描述性面试 D. 情景性面试 ( D ) 6.人力测评中了解人际关系能力最有效的方法是 A. 集体面试 B. 资历审核 C. 文件筐测验 D. 无领导小组讨论 ( A )7.当代人力资源管理中识别有才能的管理者最有效的工具是 A. 评价中心 B. 笔试 C. 结构化面试 D. 面试 ( A )8.在逐级淘汰的情况下,成本收益较高的招聘流程是 A. 履历审核——专业知识测验——心理测验——结构化面试 B. 履历审核——心理测试——专业知识测验——结构化面试 C. 履历审核——专业知识测验——结构化面试——心理测试 D. 履历审核——结构化面试——专业知识测验——心理测试

某外企公司高级经理面试问题(doc 6页)

某外企公司高级经理面试问题(doc 6页)

外企高级经理面试问题 这是外企公司招聘高级经理的真实试题: 1.你新到这家公司,公司上下都讲人事部主管是“老板的人”;人事部主管的权利很大,也很有号召力,你调动不了的人和事他都可以调动得了,你明显的感觉到这位主管对你在这家企业的发展是个“绊脚石”。某天,人事部主管向你报告,人事部的公章在他的抽屉里不翼而飞,丢了。你将会如何处理公章事件和人事部主管这个难题? 2.你向老板递交了一份新的公司管理方案,老板很欣赏并让你推行新的管理方案。公司个别高层老职员对你的这套方案的推行进行软抵抗。你将如何工作? 3.公司有名女工偷了同事10快钱,按厂规应予开除。人事主管找你,向你汇报了调查经过:这个女工没有父母,是她哥哥把她养大,他哥哥要结婚了,她手里只有40快钱,她想凑够50快钱寄给她的哥哥表示心意。人事主管请求不要开除这个女工,给这个女工一次改过的机会。你所了解的情况与人事部掌握的情况根本不符,这个女工的父母都还健在。你是否会批准人事主管的请示? 4.老板已把公司的食堂承包了出去。员工们一直对公司食堂的伙食有意见,这些意见已形成员工对公司不满的焦点。你为此事汇报给老板,老板说一切交给你处理。你打算怎样处理食堂之事?

5.业务部小赵和司机小钱出去送货,到目的地客户工厂刚好是下班时间,要等下午上班后才能卸货。客户工厂收货员小孙对小赵开玩笑的说要小赵请他吃饭;小赵是个直爽大方的人,热情的拉着小孙非得请小孙吃饭不可,三人共花了68快钱;第二天小赵来找你签字报销招待费。公司规定业务人员未经公司批准不得对客户请客送礼。老板告诉过你,3000元以下的费用审批由你全权处理,不用请示老板。你是否会给小赵签字报销? 6.老板出国考察要4月10回国,临走前安排你处理公司的一切事务。供应商李总和老板是好朋友,两家公司一直合作的很好。3月9日李总来找你,说他最近资金周转较困难,请求将我公司本应4月15日付他公司的货款十五万多元提前付给他,李总3月11日前着急用钱。你询问了财务部,李总公司的对账单已核对无误,我公司账户资金充裕,近一个星期内没有计划外应付账款。你批示财务部,付给李总此项货款。财务部主管提出了异议,说不可以破坏规定,不同意提前支付。你是否会坚持并落实你的决定? 7.冬至到了,按惯例公司会请主管级以上职员和办公室全体职员去酒楼聚餐。最近公司订单排满,全公司上下员工很是辛苦,特别是生产车间工人更是接连加班加点。为此你改变惯例邀请了拉长以上的职员去酒楼聚餐,并给车间员工每人发了一斤苹果。事后老板对这件事很不满意,并电话里和你的助理说,超出计划的3800多元钱不可以入帐。你将会怎样处理这件事情? 8.某种生产用原材料,用月结结算方式和用现款结算方式购买到的价格相差近2元钱;物控部向你请示要求用现款购买此原材料,以降低产品成本。公司制度


面试题库 一、价值需求测评试题 请回答下面问题:完全如此,请打2分,基本符合,请打1分,完全不是,请打0分。 1、我满脑子创业,并有所行动 2、我会理财,让钱能生钱 3、我比其它朋友或同学收入相对较高 4、我有独特的项目并形成了行动力 5、我对未来的事情分析较准 6、我为团队成功可以得罪人 7、我善于外交 8、我经常做而不是经常说 9、我吃饭很在意营养而且并不多吃 10、我一天睡眠平均不少于七小时 11、我很平淡看待钱 12、我时常忘记苦恼的事情 13、我几乎没有仇人,我不恨别人,并不报怨社会制度 14、我每周都运动,不少于二小时 15、我可以为了身体停下工作 16、我明白不良的习惯对身体的危害 17、我认为生命是艳丽的,我可以着装与众不同 18、我没有手机简直不能生活 19、我知道很多种时尚品牌 20、我经常参加娱乐活动 21、我身上至少有二件饰品,包括美丽的包 22、我对一件物品动情即买之 23、我经常没钱,并借钱,一年至少一次 24、我对度假与玩有兴趣 25、我想有更多的压力,只要事业可以更好 26、我强调付出,从不强调收入 27、我认为只要是为公司着想,突破制度也有必要 28、我想一生都不停工作 29、我常常为公司的发展写出报告或文字 30、我经常谈出我对公司发展的看法 31、我没有吃过回扣等公司严防的事情 32、我经常做家务或公司事务,别人并没有要求的前提下 33、我与别人谈话是为了影响或控制别人 34、我没有给别人进行情感性打过分 35、我不会拍马屁 36、我能控制混乱的局面 37、我喜欢人力资源管理胜过研究与技术 38、我想做管官的官,让下级为此而快乐 39、我喜欢哲学,并了解宗教 40、我认为能处理好下级的分配问题,让他们没有怨言 41、我喜欢物理 42、我有特殊的创意,并尝试有效果 43、我有专利或专利级的产品或技术


HR,别再问这些“愚蠢”的招聘面试问题了 发布时间:2016-09-06编辑:晓玲手机版 引导语:作为一名优秀的HR,在招聘员工的时候问那些问题可以找到你需要的人才你们知道?小编分享下文给大家,也许会有所了解了。 HR,别再问这些“愚蠢”的招聘面试问题了 人和机器一个最重要的区别就是,不管在什么地方,人都应该受到人应有的尊重。 我们都知道怎么跟人聊天,怎么显得自然和友好,怎么讲笑话,怎么像一个自然的人和别人相处。 但问题在于很多人,甚至包括管理者,陷入过时的思维定势,他们认为在工作中,我们必修表现得很“正式”。 这些人在工作中,没有让自己像人一样工作的信心,他们坚持着老掉牙的商务风,包括那些糟糕的,陈旧的面试题目。 他们用很“古老”的面试表单提问,这对一些有点个性的求职者来说,真的很无礼,这些面试官在面试的表格上涂写着你的答案,甚至都很少看你一眼。这压根就不是在面试。我录用过数以千计的优秀求职者,但是我从来没有用过这种东西。 如果我不能够坐下来和别人进行温暖的和人性化的交流,我怎么能够代表公司去去面试求职者呢? 面试官,既要求职者能力进行判断,又要赢得面试者的好感,只会审查而不会赢得求职者好感的人,不应该成为面试官。 在销售人员学会如何与人交流之前,我们不会让他们去接触顾客。如果客服人员不能通过一个简单的电话来达到他们的目的,我们也不会让他们负责接听电话。 相比顾客和潜在顾客,我们对求职者的态度差远啦,唯一的原因就是因为雇主认为求职者多得很,所以面试就很不人性。 即使雇主们整天哭着喊着说人才难求,但是在招聘的环节上他们仍然坚持“虐待”求职者,即使这样做对公司,对HR,对管理者,对企业公关当然对业务都是非常糟糕的。 标准的面试套路还是五十年以前的!!!对求职者来说,这些面试套路根本没有用,甚至带有侮辱性,但是依旧被广泛使用。 如果你最近在参加面试,并且你知道你不得不准备回答下面这些蠢问题,那么这里有应对这些可笑的问题的参考答案。

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