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文化事业 cultural undertaking
跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication
文化冲击 culture shock
民族/都市文化 national/folk/urban culture
乡土文化 native/rural/country culture
表演/舞台艺术 performance/stage art
流行艺术 popular/pop art
高雅艺术 elegant/refined/high art
电影艺术 cinematographic art
象形文字 hieroglyph; pictograph
汉字的笔画与部首 stroke and radical of a Chinese character
阴/阳文 characters cut in intaglio/relief
八股文 eight-part essay; stereotyped writing
五言绝句 five-character quatrain
七言律诗 seven-character octave
十四行诗 sonnet
抒情诗 lyric; lyric poem
三幕六场剧 three-act and six-scene play
音乐舞台剧 musical
木偶剧 puppet show
独角戏 monodrama; one-man play
皮影戏 shadow play; leather-silhouette show
折子戏 opera highlights
喜剧小品 skit
哑剧 dumb show; mime; mummery; pantomime
单口相声 monologue comic talk
对口相声 witty dialogue; comic cross talk
口技 vocal imitation; ventriloquism
说书 monologue story-telling
杂技表演 acrobatic performance
特技 stunt
碟罗汉 make a human pyramid
踩高跷 stilt walk
马戏 circus performance
传说 legend
神话 mythology
寓言 fable
二十四节气 twenty-four solar terms
天干地支 heavenly stems and earthly branches
清明节 Pure Brightness Day
元宵节 Lantern Festival
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
情人节 Valentine’s Day
武术 martial arts
气功 controlled breathing exercise
春联 spring couplet
戏剧脸谱 theatrical mask
国画 traditional Chinese painting
奥林匹克圣火 the holy flame of the Olympics
批判地吸收与继承文化遗产 critically assimilate and inherit cultural legacies
古为今用,洋为中用 make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China
China is a multi-national country with a long history and splendid culture.

Culture is the spirit and soul of a nation, and is the power to propel development of a country and the revitalization of a nation.

Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the seal character, official script, regular script and running script. Chinese calligraphy usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty.


A Chinese painting master tends to enter the best state of creation when he is partially intoxicated and partially sober, a state that will yield an embodiment of obscure beauty with flowing beauty, obscure but no murky as the result of mixing ink and color. The Chinese calligraphic painting contributes to the flowing rhythm of the work, achieving an artistic effect of integrating rigidity with docility, mobility with serenity, and clarity with opacity.

The pursuit of openness and inclusiveness is the only way leading a country or a nation to strength and prosperity. It is therefore our inherent mission to promote interaction and integration of different cultures and strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

It is the everlasting aspiration of the Chinese nation to build a harmonious world that values peace and puts people first, a world that is based on mutual respect and love among people and embraces harmonious co-existence of man and nature.

As an old Chinese saying goes, “Harmony makes us close to each other and differences make us respect each other.” We should be more tolerant to one another and live together in harmony. Communication and exchange, tolerance and assimilation among different civilizations constitute an inexhaustible source of strength for social progress.

The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound. Harmony, the supreme value cherished in ancient China, lies at the heart of the Chinese culture. The Book of History, an ancient classic in China, advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations.
The World Expo is a great event showcasing the fruits of human civilization. Each World Expo is an important stag

that bears witness to the development of human civilization. The history of the World Expo is a his
tory of mankind moving from backwardness to progress, from seclusion to openness, from conflict to cooperation and from material worship to science adoration.

The exposition offers a platform for countries, international organizations and enterprises to showcase innovative products and enhance exchange and cooperation. It is an inspiring pantheon sparking with a pool of global wisdom and international perspectives. The exposition features products of cutting-edge technology and ingenious creation as well as distinctive regional traditions and multi-cultural characteristics.

There are many similarities between Chinese and American culture. Both cultures treasures the family, believe strongly in the importance of education and acknowledge hard work as a path to success.

In Asian society, doing what is best for the group is stressed, while Western society, individual achievement is prized, promoted and emphasized. Asian culture emphasizes self-effacement and sacrifice, while in western society, one needs to be one’s own best advocate. Asian culture teaches the values of harmony and stability, while in western society, finding new and better ways of doing things is highly valued and change is the norm.

The diversity of the world’s civilization is a hallmark of human society and an important driving force behind human progress.

We should respect and maintain the diversity of the world’s civilizations, and let different civilizations and models of development draw on each other’s strength through competition and comparison and achieve common development by seeking common ground while reserving difference.


Having solemnly pondered and acknowledged the wisdom of our ancestors, we advocat
e harmony, loving-kindness, tolerance, decorum, civility, faithfulness and reliability. We advocate the principle of loving all creatures as we would love ourselves and achieving the unity of Heaven and humanity. We advocate the practice that while we enjoy the beauty of our own culture, we also appreciate the beauty of other civilizations. With a conviction of a world of harmony with diversity, we advocate the belief that “within the fours seas, all people are brothers and sisters.”


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