当前位置:文档之家› 高起专《英语》模拟题








1 A. measure B. message C. treasure D. pleasure

2 A. noise B. wise C. fascination D. lose

3 A. virtue B. success C. supply D. subjective

4 A. border B. north C. world D. force

5 A. eager B. campaign C. vinegar D. organize


6. He is bad _____ remembering faces.

A. at

B. in

C. with

D. on

7 He did not know _____ or go home.

A. to wait

B. if that he should wait

C. if to wait

D. whether to wait

8 The students _____ their hands every time when I ask a question.

A. get out

B. get up

C. rise

D. put up

9 He never goes swimming. _____

A. Tom doesn’t that either

B. Tom doesn’t too

C. Neither does Tom

D. Tom does neither

10. If you have read my book, please _____ to me.

A. give it again

B. give again it

C. give it back

D. give back it

11 _____ it is mining, we will stay at home.

A. As

B. Like

C. How

D. Because of

12. I want to leave my ear. Can you tell me _____ ?

A. if there is a car park

B. is there a car park

C. there is a car park

D. is there a parking

13. I cannot stop. I _____

A. am going running

B. am at a run

C. am in a hurry

D. have a hurry

14 I am going to the hairdresser’s to _____

A. cut my hair

B. have my hair cut

C. have cut my hair

D. cut me my hair

15. He has spent a large ____ of money on his clothes.

A. deal

B. amount

C. number

D. piece

16. The question is _____ difficult for me to answer.

A. so much

B. too much

C. too

D. enough

17. He finally _____ the driving test after failing three times.

A. succeeded in passing

B. succeeded to pass

C. could pass

D. managed passing

18. If you don’t _____ smoking, you will never get better.

A. give off

B. give out

C. give from

D. give up

19. I know it is not important for me, but I still cannot help _____ about it.

A. except think

B. thinking

C. think

D. to think

20. That is the hotel _____ last year.

A. which we stayed

B. at which we stayed at

C. where we stayed at

D. where we stayed



Like almost anything else, television has its good and its bad sides. One should surely thank its inventions for the joy and 21 that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick and the 22

In truth, television 23 windows in everybody’s life. No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what 24 right now in their own country and 25 . TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures -- more powerful than newspapers. It can be said that TV has brought reality to public.

26 , television's influence (影响)has been 27 harmful to the young. Children who do not have 28 to realize that TV shows present an unreal world and 29 advertisements lie in order to sell products. They believe and begin to learn what they see. They do believe that they will make 30 if they use a certain soap or 31 products. They do believe what they see is normal and acceptable. By the time they are 32 high school, most young people 33 about 15,000 34 of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence(暴力). How could they be 35 to see the same in real life?

21. A. interesting B. interested C. interestingly D. interest

22. A. lone B. along C. loneliness D. lonely

23. A. have opened B. had opened C. has opened D. will open

24. A. was happening B. had happened C. would happen D. happened

25. A. everywhere else B. somewhere else C. nowhere else D. anywhere else

26. A. Pity B. Pitifully C. Unfortunately D. Fortunately

27. A. extremely B. / C. extreme D. serious

28. A. enough experience B. experiences enough

C. experienced enough

D. experiencing enough

29. A. / B. which C. that D. whose

30. A. friends with B. friends with them C. more friends D. much friends

31. A. any other B. some other C. any else D. much else

32. A. out of the B. out of C. from the D. from

33. A. have watched B. has watched C. had watched D. watched

34. A. hour B. hour’s C. hours D. an hour

35. A. shocked B. moved C. touched D. impressed




Finding enough meat was a problem for primitive man, keeping it for times when it was scarce was just as hard. Three ways were found to keep meat from spoiling: salting, drying and freezing.

People near salty waters salted their meat. At first they probably rubbed dry salt on it, but this only preserved(保存) the outside. Later they may have pickled(腌制) their meat by laying it in salty water. In hot, dry lands, men found that they could eat meat that had dried while it was still on the bones. They later learned to cut meat into thin strips and hang it up to dry in the hot air. Men in cold climates found that frozen meat did not spoil. They could leave their meat outside and eat it when they pleased.

36. Which of the following is needed while pickling meat?

A. Salt.

B. Sunlight.

C. Temperature.

D. Hot air.

37. People in the desert learned to keep meat by ____

A. leaving it outside the house to get it frozen

B. laying it in salty water

C. hanging it up in the air

D. robbing salt outside the meat

38. The methods used to keep meat from spoiling depended on ____

A. the weather

B. how large the meat was

C. where people live

D. both B and C

39. It seems true that ____

A. freezing was one of the earliest ways to keep meat

B. pickling was the best way to keep meat

C. dried meat stayed fresh the longest

D. none of these statements was a good way to keep meat

40. The best title of this passage is ____

A. How to Preserve Meat

B. Finding Enough Meat

C. Primitive Man

D. Man learns to Preserve Meat


If you have chosen the right, fairly easy sort of book for your speed reading practice, you will not need to use a dictionary for such an exercise. If you really must know the dictionary meaning of all the words you meet, write them down on a piece of paper to look up later. Actually, the meanings of many words will be clear from the sentences around them---what we called the “context”. Here is an example. Do you know the word “sou’wester”? It has two meanings in English as the following sentences indicate:

A. In spite of the fact that the fishermen were wearing sou’wester, the storm was so heavy that they were wet through.

B. An east or north-east wind brings cold, dry weather to England, but a sou’wester usually brings rain.

You should have guessed very easily that in sentence A, the word refers to some kind of waterproof clothing, presumably quite thick and heavy since it is worn by fishermen in storms. In sentence B, it is clearly a kind of wind, coming from a south-westerly direction. Incidentally, you would have had the greatest difficulty in finding this word in most dictionaries since it often appears a long way down among the secondary meanings of “south”. If you did not know that “sou” meant “south”, you could only have found the word by the merest chance.

41. The use of a dictionary is ____

A. advisable for speed reading practice

B. unnecessary for speed reading practice

C. essential for speed reading practice

D. of no help in improving general reading ability

42. If you really want to know what all the words mean, ____

A. make a note and check later

B. use a bigger dictionary

C. ask your teacher

D. read more slowly

43. To understand a general reading book, a knowledge of the meaning of every word in the passage is ____

A. doubtfully necessary

B. absolutely unnecessary

C. absolutely necessary

D. most advisable

44. Even if you do not know a word you can often get the meaning by ____

A. wild guessing

B. working it out mathematically

C. working it out from the context

D. comparing it with similar words

45. Words like “sou’wester” are often difficult even to find in a dictionary. They may be ____

A. spelled wrongly

B. listed under another word

C. only put in by chance

D. taken from another language


All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The sun heats and feeds mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored up energy from the sun. Some was collected by this season’s plants as carbon compounds(碳水化合物). Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago. Even water-power derives (得来) from the sun. Water turned into vapor(蒸汽) by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy that c omes from the sun’s outer layers(外层), and much of this energy that is directed toward the earth never arrives. About nineteenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half - billionth of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy.

46. All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes ____

A. directly from the sun

B. from the sun’s activity

C. from energy stored by the sun

D. from radiation of the sun

47. The sun’s e nergy indirectly provides the earth with ____

A. atmosphere

B. water

C. light

D. fuels

48. ____, water produces electric power.

A. when it is turned into vapor

B. when it runs down the mountains

C. when it falls as rain

D. when it runs smoothly in the rivers

49. The largest part of the radiant energy directed toward the earth is ____

A. stored by the current season’s plants

B. turned into fuel

C. absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere

D. used for electric power

50. Of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy, the earth receives ____

A. nearly all

B. about half

C. all that comes from the sun’s outer layers

D. a very small portion





Mary: ____51____ next Friday?.

Jane: Yes, I am free. Any suggestion?

Mary: Next Friday is my birthday, I will ____52____ at home, will you come?

Jane: Certainly, I’d love to, but ___53_____?

Mary: My birthday party will begin at five o’clock in the afternoon. Will it be OK for you? Jane: Yes, ____54____. I’ll see you then.

Mary: ___55_____.


写一篇100词左右的短文,题目为《我的同班同学》(My Classmate)。描述一下你的同班同学的学习和课外活动的情况及其为人处世的精神面貌。































































A.泥沙 B. 填土C.岩石 D. 巨型弹簧













15. ____________________,清泉石上流。




























(2)“楚人一炬,可怜焦土”指:(3分) 23.试归纳概括后一段作者所表达的观点。(5分)




















武汉大学网络教育入学考试 高起专语文模拟试题 一、单项选择题 1.下列各组词语中,加点字的注意没有错误的一组是 A.自缢.(yì)伶俜.(pīn)编纂.(zuǎn)载.(zǎi)笑载言B.契.(qiè)阔婀娜.(nuó)修茸.(qì)渐.(jiàn)车帷裳 C.诘.(jié)问诟.(ɡòn)厉詈.(lì)骂不可遏.(è)制 D.解剖.(pāo)吐哺.(pǔ)煦.(xū)暖熠.(yì)熠发光 2.下列各组词语中,字形全对的一组是 A.锐智禅让厘定原墙周庭才华卓著 B.发祥国萃遨翔与世常辞皇恩浩荡 C.恬退对现逡巡有目共堵泰然自若 D.社稷鬻卖嗜好心悦诚服鼎鼎大名 3.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 ①科学传播不可能起到立竿见影的效果,如果谁这样想,谁就会科学,最终将会危害科学。 ②近几年我国出土了大量先秦时期的典籍,使我们有可能对过去被判为伪书的作品重新加以。 ③每天赛季开始之前,足球队有关人员都要欧洲各国,耗费大量的精力和财力去请外援。 A.误解甄别周游 B.曲解鉴别漫游 C.误解鉴别漫游 D.曲解甄别周游 4.下列各句中加点的成语使用正确的一句是 A.这次试验眼着就要成功了,大家一定要坚持下去,千万不要懈怠,如果功亏 .. 一篑 ..,实在可惜。 B.这些年来,他多次看到那些信誓旦旦 ....的人物,一遇危难,就甩开朋友,甚至落井下石。 C.去年海淀区的六所学校申报高中示范校获得批准,今年又有四所学校申报, 真是蒸蒸日上 ....,形势喜人。 D.他这个人急公好义,性情耿直,见到一些低俗、丑陋的事情,绝不轻易放过, 不可愤世嫉俗 ....了。 5.下列各句中没有 ..语病的一句是 A.继互联网、基因等名词成为人们关注的热点后,作为一种长度单位,“纳米”一词也越来越多地跃入人们的眼帘。 B.近几年来,青少年真、假性近视和眼病的大幅度上升与大屏幕彩电、电脑、游戏机的关系很大。 C.改革开放以来,我国在经济体制方面采取了一系列卓有成效的改革,取得了很大的成绩。D.由光明日报报业集团主办的《书摘》月刊,是献给爱书的众多朋友们的一道精美的“图书套餐”。

专升本英语模拟试题 6范文

模拟试题(六) Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 %) Directions: Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices marked A), B), C) and D), choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _________ some money from their mother's purse. A. to steal B. to stealing C. into steal D. into stealing 2. I was ________ to find his article on such an ________ topic so _________ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boring C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored 3. It was in 1777 ________Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth. A. when B. that C. in which D. which 4. a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Charles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States. A. While B. Being C. Although D. He was 5. He didn't and so he failed the examination. A. work enough hard B. work hard enough C. hard work enough D. hard enough work 6. The two boys had so in common that they soon became good friends. A. little B. few C. much D. many 7. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and . A. so did the airlines B. nor did the airlines C. so the airlines did D. nor the airlines did 8. mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf. A. He is remembered B. To remember C. While remembering D. Though remembered 9. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, in last month's marathon race. A. she would participate B. she might participate C. she would have participated D. she must have participated 10. James Joyce's novels are difficult to understand and impossible into another language. A .to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translated 11. Sports help to build character and competitiveness. A. cultivate B. accomplish C. assist D. restore 12. The breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work. A. continuous B. continued C. continuing D. continual 13. At such a time of crisis, we must try to all differences of party or class and stick together. A. set forth B. set back C. set down D. set aside 14.I have told her on occasions that George is not a man to be trusted. A. ridiculous B. numerous C. sentimental D. alternative 15. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its was not. A. intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity 16. While the doctors analyzed the patient's condition, his family waited outside in


2018成人高考英语模拟试题 一、语音知识:共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。在下列每组单词中。有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1.A.handsome B.candle C.distance https://www.doczj.com/doc/d614885711.html,nd 2.A.meat B.ready C.heat D.seat 3.A.bottom B.colou C.Monday D.ton 4.A.billion https://www.doczj.com/doc/d614885711.html,b C.table https://www.doczj.com/doc/d614885711.html,b 5.A.tooth B.month C.father D.method 二、词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6.Johnson will phone his mother as soon as he in Kunming. A.arrived B.arrives C.will arrive D.iS arriving 7.The young policeman asked her name was. A.when B.who C.why D.what 3.This song is very with young people. A.pleasant B.popular C.favourite D.beautiful 9.The family at a small hotel for the night. A.put up B.went up C.got up D.jumped up 10.“We can't go out jin this weather.”said Bob,ou of the window. A.to have looked B.looked C.looking D.to look 11.-Let'S go to the concert tonight.Mary. -Sorry.I.I have to help my mom with the housework.


2018年全国1卷高考语文模拟试题及答 案 一、现代文阅读(35分) (一)论述类文本阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完 成1~3题。 先秦儒家已形成比较立体、丰富的生态伦理思想。 验进 这种思想首先体现为“乐”。孔子非常擅长在观察自然现象时对自身 社会经 ,从而引,自然之道和其处世之道在某个合适的时间节点产生共鸣 行审视和升华 。 认知自然、体验自 厚 渐浓 发孔子深层的思考,其生态情怀也在类似的体悟中逐 然、进而体悟人生哲理,让孔子得出“知者乐水,仁者乐山”这样的结论。 由“乐”而生“畏”。孔子说:“天何言哉?四时行焉,百物生焉。天何言哉!” 在孔子看来,四季的轮回、万物的生长都有其运行轨迹和规律,这种力量非人力所能干涉,孔子对自然的敬畏之情也在这种感慨中毕现。荀子则认为:“天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。”既然这种“常”的力量如此强大,非人力所能改变, 聪明的做法就是顺应这种力量并对之合理利用,即荀子所讲的“制天命而用之”。那么,该如何“制”呢?荀子较为强调见微知著、因循借力、顺时守 天、因地制 宜。这种总结比起孔子体验式思维多了些理性,已试图对联系自然与人类社会的“道”进行理性阐释和总结。 在此基础上,“推人及物”的思想就产生了。“人皆有不忍人之心”是孟子生态道德的基础,“不忍心”推广于自然万物就成了推人及物的生态道德。如果说“老 吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼,??故推恩足以保四海,不推恩无以保妻子”是简单适用于人类社会的推恩思维,是简单的换位思考、推己及人,那么, 孟子的“亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物”则已拓展为推人及物了。荀子也说:“物也者,大共名也??推而别之,别则有别,至于无别然后至。”他认为自然万物有 着千丝万缕的联系,有共性,有同质性;同时,根据某种特质,又可在共性的基 基 辑 础上区分差异,剥离出异质性。这种异质性基础上的同质性是推人及物的逻 石。 在生态实践中,先秦儒者非常强调“时禁”与适度消费。孟子和荀子都注意到“时禁”的良好效益,可保证后续消费的“不可胜食”“不可胜用”。除了“时禁”, 。孔子主张“钓而不纲,弋不射宿”, 先秦儒者也意识到适度消费的重要生态价值 在以传统工具和方法捕获猎物、适度消费和以“先进”工具和方法大量获取猎物、过度消费两者之间,孔子选择了前者,这和孔子“乐山乐水”的生态情怀是契合 重 超出自然 的。孟子也注意到,人类对自然资源的过度消费和连续性破坏已经严 的可承受范围,破坏了自然界生息繁衍的内在规律,使其自我修复能力失效,这样的过度消费当然会“无物不消”。 (摘编自赵麦茹《先秦儒家的生态伦理思想》) 1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是(3分) A.孔子认知自然、体验自然、进而体悟人生哲理的直觉式体悟式思维方式缺少 理性。 B.荀子对自然界“常”的力量认识深刻,他提出顺应自然并对自然合理利用的 观点。 C.孔子与荀子都表达了他们对自然的“敬畏”之心,都认为应该顺应自然并合 理利用。 合他“乐山乐水” 却契 D.孔子以传统工具和方法捕获猎物适度消费的主张虽 消极 情怀。


2018年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试高起点 语文 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共40分) 一、语文知识与语言运用。(24分,每小题4分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音全都不相同 .....的一组是() A.拙.笨黜.免咄.咄逼人 B.蕴.藏瘟.疫不温.不火 C.臭.氧铜臭.乳臭.未干 D.渎.职案牍.买椟.还珠 2.下列各组词语中没有 ..错别字的一项是() A.绵密幅射不付众望 B.砥励藐视一愁莫展 C.凭据挑畔赏心悦目 D.贻误履历闻名遐途 3.填入下面文字中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是()对创业者与资本来说,在商业的同时,更应该注重线下服务,尤其是向用户提供良好,否则辛苦抢占的有可能得而复失。 A.体验布局先机 B.布局体验先机 C.布局先机体验 D.先机体验布局 4.下列句子中,加点成语使用不正确的一项是() A.虽然工作难度很大,但只要我们齐心协力 ....,坚持不懈,就一定能实现年度目标。 B.目前,我国击剑运动的发展面临着青黄不接 ....的局面,后备力量的培养刻不容缓。 C.商业活动要讲诚信,商家一旦答应客户全额退款,就应该一言九鼎 ....,不能反悔。 D.完善基础设施建设,增加充电站点,就能够有条不紊 ....地推动电动汽车的发展。5.下列各句中,有语病的一项是()A.这次机械工业成就展览分导言、起步、发展、曲折、成就、期待等六部分组成,有极好的社会宣传效应。 B.市图书馆发布公告说,在启用全新的透视全息图像防伪阅览证后,之前办理的阅览证仍然可以使用。 C.这些运动员心里清楚,本场比赛的输赢不仅关乎自己所在俱乐部的荣誉,也将影响个人的职业前景。 D.今年暑期档电影类型多样,题材广泛,颇受欢迎,一些年轻导演的作品也取得了不错的票房收入。 6.填人下面横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是()华夏大地上的古村落民居,作为乡土建筑的精华,具有很高的文物价值,,


模拟试题二 1 C Section B(每题1分) 6 C , Section C(每题1分) . 11. before Christmas . 13. a wife 14 11 O’clock 、train PartII Structure SectionA (每题分) 16 D 19 A SectionB(每题】分).: elected 29. exist 32. pleased 33 to hear 34.(should)beset 35. taking Part III Reading Comprehension Taskl(每题2分) 36. B 38 D 40 D Task 2(每题2分) 41. D 44 A Task 3(每题1分) 46. (the) Arthritis Foundation 48 individuals 49. fill out or fax Task5(每题1分) 56. sightseeing and destination 57. travel-related 58. 59. hotels and tickets 60. Hong Kong PartIV Translation ----English to Chinese 61. BCAD 62. ADCB 63. CBDA 65.评分时将段落分成5部分,每部分2分;给总的印象分2分。(本题12分) 参考译文:精明的消费者在接触到具有高质量标准的商店或餐馆时,都能领会到它的价值和心满意足。为此,香港旅游团发展局推出了“优质旅游服务”计划。这个计划使旅客很容易便能找到信得过的商店和餐馆。旅客只要寻找具有这种重要资质的商店和餐馆明显地挂有“优质旅游服务”的标志就万无一失了。 Part V Writing Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Lin. I learn from the newspaper that your company is recruiting an accountant. I think I’m the right person for the position because I graduated from Shanghai Lixing, accounting College majoring in accounting in 2003. And I’ve been working as an accountant in a company since then. Thanks to my study in the famous college, I performed very well there and gained rich experience in my field. Although I have been working in the company, I’d like to take the opportunity to have a change. I’m very much interest in your company and hoping one day I can


2017年成人高等学校高起点招生全国统一考试 英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(选择题,共105分) 一、语音知识:共5小题;每题分,共分。在下列每组单词中。有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1. A. handsome D. land 2. A. meat B. ready C. heat D. seat 3. A. bottom B. colou C. Monday D. ton 4. A. billion B. lab C. table D. comb 5. A. tooth B. month C. father D. method 二、词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题分,共分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 will phone his mother as soon as he in Kunming. A. arrived B. arrives C. will arrive D. iS arriving young policeman asked her name was. A. when B. who C. why D. what 3. This song is very with young people. A. pleasant B. popular C. favourite D. beautiful 9. The family at a small hotel for the night. A. put up B. went up C. got up D. jumped up 10.“We can't go out jin this weather.”said Bob, ou of the window. A. to have looked B. looked C. looking D. to look 'S go to the concert tonight. Mary. .I have to help my mom with the housework. A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. shouldn't chose this coat in the end because ones were all too expensive. A. the others B. another C. others D. the other got to the cinema late the heavy taffic. A. because of of C. according to D. except for 14. David has decided football at the end of this season. A. give up B. giving up C. to give up given up , object of the game is to improve children's math skills. A.不填;the B. an;the C.不填;不填 D. the;不填 16. arriving home she found her old friend alrendy there. B. For D. With 17. He says he has the T-shirt, I've never seed him wear it. A. after B. since C. although 18. When Anna the room,a group of young men were talking eagerly round the table. A. enters B. has entered C. was entering D. entered 19. -Do you mind if I open the window?


普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(II) 一、现代文阅读(36分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 所谓“被遗忘权”,即数据主体有权要求数据控制者永久删除有关数据主体的个人数据,有权被互联网遗忘,除非数据的保留有合法的理由。在大数据时代,数字化、廉价的存储器、易于提取,全球性覆盖作为数字化记忆发展的四大驱动力,改变了记忆的经济学,使得海量的数字化记忆不仅唾手可得,甚至比选择性删除所耗费的成本更低,记忆和遗忘的平衡反转。往事正像刺青一样刻在我们的数字肌肤上:遗忘变得困难,而记忆却成了常态,“被遗忘权”的出现,意在改变数据主体难以“被遗忘”的格局,赋于数据主体对信息进行自决控制的权利,并且有着更深的调节、修复大数据时代数字化记忆伦理的意义。 首先,“被遗忘权”不是消极地防御自己的隐私不被侵犯,而是主体能动地控制个人信息,并界定个人隐私的边界,进一步说,是主体争取主动建构个人数字化记忆与遗忘的权利。与纯粹的“隐私权”不同,“被遗忘权”更是一项主动性的权利,其权利主体可自主决定是否行使该项权利对网络上已经被公开的有关个人信息进行删除,是数据主体对自己的个人信息所享有的排除他人非法利用的权利。 其次,在数据快速流转且难以被遗忘的大数据时代,“被遗忘权”对调和人类记忆与遗忘的平衡具有重要的意义。如果在大数据时代不能“被遗忘”,那意味着人们容易被囚禁在数字化记忆的监狱之中。不论是个人的遗忘还是社会的遗忘,在某种程度上都是一种个人及社会修复和更新的机制,让我们能够从过去经验中吸取教训,面对现实,想象未来,而不仅仅被过去的记忆所束缚。 最后,大数据技术加速了人的主体身份的“被数据化”,人成为数据的表征,个人生活的方方面面都在以数据的形式被记忆。大数据所建构的主体身份会导致一种危险,即“我是”与“我喜欢”变成了“你是”与“你将会喜欢”;大数据的力量可以利用信息去推动、劝服、影响甚至限制我们的认同,也就是说,不是主体想把自身塑造成什么样的人,而是客观的数据来显示主体是什么样的人,技术过程和结果反而成为支配人、压抑人的力量,进一步说,数字化记忆与认同背后的核心问题在于权力不由数据主体掌握,而是数据控制者选择和建构关于我们的数字化记忆,并塑造我们的认同。这种大数据的分类系统并不是客观中立的,而是指向特定的目的,因此,适度的、合理的遗忘,是对这种数字化记忆霸权的抵抗。(摘编自袁梦倩《“被遗忘权”之争:大数据时代的数字化记忆与隐私边界》) 1. 下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是(3分) A.由于数字化记忆的发展,记忆与遗忘的平衡发生了反转,记忆变得更加容易。 B.人的主体身份所有被数据化,是因为个人信息选择性删除所耗费的成本太高。 C. “被遗忘权”和“隐私权”的提出都是为了对抗大数据,不过前者更积极一些。 D.我们要对抗数字化记忆霸权,就要成为数据控制者并构建他人的数字化记忆。 2. 下列对原文论证的相关分析,不正确的一项是(3分) A. 文章以数字化记忆带来的威胁为立论的事实基础,论证了人被数据控制的危险。 B. 通过讨论大数据对隐私、记忆及主体身份等的影响,文章把论证推向了深入。 C. 与重视个人隐私的写作动机有关,文章着重论证了大数据对个人权利的影响。


北京语言大学网络教育学院 高起专入学测试模拟题 语文 一、【单项选择题】在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在空白处。 1.和《离骚》并称为“风骚”的是()。 [A] 《风》 [B] 《雅》 [C] 《颂》 [D] 《诗经》 2.《论语》主要记载()。 [A] 孔子的言行 [B] 孔子弟子的言行 [C] 孔子及其弟子的言行 [D] 孔子弟子及再传弟子的言行 3.称《史记》为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”的作者是()。 [A] 班固 [B] 苏轼 [C] 郭沫若 [D] 鲁迅 4.《春江花月夜》作者是()。 [A] 李白 [B] 张若虚 [C] 陈子昂 [D] 杜甫 5.下列不属于“初唐四杰”的诗人是()。 [A] 卢照邻 [B] 杨炯 [C] 陈子昂 [D] 骆宾王 6.“唐宋八大家”指()。 [A] 韩愈、杜牧、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、曾巩、王安石、欧阳修 [B] 韩愈、柳宗元、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、辛弃疾、陆游、高适 [C] 韩愈、柳宗元、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、曾巩、王安石、陈子昂 [D] 韩愈、柳宗元、欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、曾巩、王安石 7.中国第一部白话新诗集是()。 [A] 《繁星》 [B] 《春水》 [C] 《死水》 [D] 《尝试集》

8.唐代文学最突出的成就是()。 [A] 词 [B] 诗歌 [C] 散文 [D] 辞赋 9.被苏东坡誉为“诗中有画、画中有诗”的作家是()。 [A] 王维 [B] 李白 [C] 杜甫 [D] 杜牧 10.北宋时期以词开豪放一派的作家是()。 [A] 柳永 [B] 苏轼 [C] 李清照 [D] 辛弃疾 11.《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》的作者是()。 [A] 李白 [B] 杜甫 [C] 苏轼 [D] 周瑜 12.曹雪芹是()。 [A] 清代文学家 [B] 明代文学家 [C] 宋代文学家 [D] 元代现实主义作家 13.我国小说史上最杰出的长篇章回体历史小说是()。 [A] 《西游记》 [B] 《水浒传》 [C] 《红楼梦》 [D] 《三国演义》 14.《狂人日记》中运用了()的叙事方式。 [A] 第一人称 [B] 第二人称 [C] 第三人称 [D] 第一人称与第三人称结合 15.巴金的《激流三部曲》包括()。 [A] 《雾》、《雨》、《电》 [B] 《家》、《春》、《秋》 [C] 《子夜》、《雨》、《电》 [D] 《幻灭》、《动摇》、《追求》 16.“人生有许多事情,正如船后的波纹,总要过后才觉得美的”,这句话所使用的修辞方法是()。 [A] 借代 [B] 比喻


专升本英语模拟试题 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure Section A Vocabulary 1. People are ______ (like) to have more confidence in a company if they know something about it. 2. Although I do not share his religious ______ (believe), I respect him. 3. The fresh seaside air is ______(profit) to her recovery. 4. It is known that computers can help to raise ______(efficient). 5. The ______(complain) department was crowded with angry customers. 6. Many a student ______(ask) the same questions by the teacher in yesterday’s class. 7. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ______(excite). 8. This suit is rather dirty now. It’s been some time since it ______(wash). 9. It was ______(reluctant) that Susan agreed to help. 10. Everything would be all right if he ______(be) here. Section B Structure 11. Weather ______, we’ll start our journey tomorrow. A. is permitting B. permitting C. is permitted D. being permitting 12. The residents, ______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all whose homes B. all their homes C. all of whose homes D. all of their homes 13. My new shoes cost me $20. The price was ______ that of the last pair I bought a month ago. A. more than twice B. twice as much as C. as twice D. as much as twice 14. Since the mountain is white, it ______ last night. A. must be snowed B. must snow C. must have snowed D. must have been snowed 15. ______, he would feel exhausted after a whole day’s work. A. As strong is he B. As he is strong C. Strong if he is D. Strong as he is 16. ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work. A. There had B. They had C. There existed D. It existed 17. You mustn’t delay ______ the medicine over. A. to send B. send C. sent D. sending 18. An old friend from abroad, ______ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 19. Judges must be independent ______ political pressure. A. to B. of C. under D. on 20. I, not you, ______ to blame. A. are B. is C. am D. be Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of


2021年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试课标卷模拟试题 一、现代文阅读 (一)论述文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 唐诗中的“浊汴清淮”意象 滕汉洋汴河是一条古老的运河,与淮水本来并不直接相通。自隋炀帝开通济渠,汴水始自陈留偏离旧道汇入淮水。 汴河引黄河水为源,因此也便成为一条浊河。唐人多关注这一特殊的水质现象。高适的《东征赋》云:“出东苑而遂行,沿浊河而兹始。”这里所谓的“浊河”,即汴河。日僧圆仁取道汴河回国时记:“汴州以来,傍河路次人心急恶不善,能似所吃汴河水之急流浑浊也。”以汴水喻人心的急恶不善,可谓能近取譬。 浑浊是汴河留给唐人最为深刻的印象,唐人因此常以“浊水”代指汴河,并将其引为诗歌意象。白居易《茅城驿》云:“汴河无景思,秋日又凄凄。地薄桑麻瘦,村贫屋舍低。早苗多间草,浊水半和泥。最是萧条处,茅城驿向西。”茅城驿是汴河上的水驿。汴河两岸本多平原,如白居易所言,真可谓“无景思”也。加上秋日凄清,此时又正是汴河水浅难行之时,“浊水半和泥”的汴河也自然成为这种凄凉萧条的一部分。此外,汴水浑浊既是常态,则汴水澄清也便成为一种瑞象。姚合《寄汴州令狐相公》云:“汴水从今不复浑,秋风鼙鼓动城根……诗好四方谁敢和,政成三郡自无冤。”以汴水澄清比喻令狐楚治理汴州的政绩,堪称“浊汴”意象的绝妙反用。 至唐代,“清淮”成为具有吟咏价值的诗歌意象。杨谏《月映清淮流》赋、徐敞及佚名的《月映清淮流》诗,皆唐人的省试作品。“清淮”这一意象被引入省试诗赋,说明其文学审美价值已经逐步经典化。唐诗中大量与运河行旅相关的“清淮”意象,既是这种经典化过程中的一部分,也可以视为这种经典文学意象对文学创作所产生的扩散性影响。 独立来看,唐代运河行旅诗中的“浊汴”与“清淮”意象各有其意义承载。而从唐代的运河交通来看,汴河、淮河与邗沟连接两京和东南地区,汴、淮交汇处作为不同文化区域的分界线,最易引发“秦地故人成远梦,楚天凉雨在孤舟”(李端《宿淮浦忆司空文明》)的感叹。从运河行旅的角度来看,由淮入汴或是由汴入淮所引起诗人情感的波动,无疑是传统的地域分野观念借助运河交通所产生的文化影响。 由淮入汴或由汴入淮的情感波动固然与“山川地脉分”等传统文化认知相关,但更直接的是与行旅之人的旅途观感相联系。如李嘉祐《游徐城河忽见清淮因寄赵八》云:“自缘迟暮忆沧洲,翻爱南河浊水流。初过重阳惜残菊,行看旧浦识群鸥。朝霞映日同归处,暝柳揺风欲别秋。长恨相逢即分首,含情掩泪独回头。”诗由“忽见清淮”而引发,由浊汴与清淮交汇处的特殊水质现象,引起“长恨相逢即分首”的感叹。在这首诗里,“浊汴”和“清淮”两个诗歌意象结合在一起,已经超越了两者各自独立时候的内涵指向,重新生发新的意蕴。 除了具象地表现汴淮交汇处的地理现象及抒写由此引发的心理感受,唐人相关的浊汴清淮意象还进一步引申。如刘禹锡《浪淘沙九首》其三:“汴水东流虎眼文,清淮晓色鸭头春。君看渡口淘沙处,渡却人间多少人。”诗由汴淮交汇处渡口的不同水质现象,表达世事人生流变不常之理。孟郊《憩淮上观公法堂》云:“淮水色不污,汴流徒浑黄。且将琉璃意,净缀芙蓉章。”用浊汴清淮交汇而淮水自清的现象,喻清净之心不染尘俗的佛理。这些诗歌中的意象,超越了对运河交通地理的书写,是“浊汴清淮”这一文学意象的合理拓展。 (选自2021年2月8日《光明日报》,有删改)1.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,不正确的一项是(3分)


2016年成人高考语文模拟试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共40分) 一、语言知识与语言运用(24分,每小题4分) 1.下列各组词语中,注音没有错误的一组是( ) A.自缢(yì) 伶俜(pīn) 编纂(zuǎn) 载(zǎi)笑载言 B.契(qiè)阔婀娜(nuó) 修茸(qì) 渐(jiàn)车帷裳 C.诘(jié)问诟(ɡòn)厉詈(lì)骂不可遏(è)制 D.解剖(pāo) 吐哺(pǔ) 煦(xū)暖熠(yì)熠发光 2.下列各组词语中,字形全对的一组是( ) A.锐智禅让厘定原墙周庭才华卓著 B.发祥国萃遨翔与世常辞皇恩浩荡 C.恬退对现逡巡有目共堵泰然自若 D.社稷鬻卖嗜好心悦诚服鼎鼎大名 3.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( ) ①科学传播不可能起到立竿见影的效果,如果谁这样想,谁就会科学,最终将会危害科学。 ②近几年我国出土了大量先秦时期的典籍,使我们有可能对过去被判为伪书的作品重新加以。 ③每天赛季开始之前,足球队有关人员都要欧洲各国,耗费大量的精力和财力去请外援。 A.误解甄别周游 B.曲解鉴别漫游 C.误解鉴别漫游 D.曲解甄别周游 4.下列各句中加横线的成语使用正确的一句是( ) A.这次试验眼看就要成功了,大家一定要坚持下去,千万不要懈怠,如果功亏一篑,实在可惜。 B.大家赞扬这个方案犹如抱薪救火,一定会把这次改革的“三把火”烧得更加旺盛。 C.去年海淀区的六所学校申报高中示范校获得批准,今年又有四所学校申报,真是蒸蒸日上,形势喜人。

D.他这个人急公好义,性情耿直,见到一些低俗、丑陋的事情,绝不轻易放过,不可愤世嫉俗了。 5.下列各句中没有语病的一句是( ) A.继互联网、基因等名词成为人们关注的热点后,作为一种长度单位,“纳米”一词也越来越多地跃入人们的眼帘。 B.近几年来,青少年真、假性近视和眼病的大幅度上升与大屏幕彩电、电脑、游戏机的关系很大。 C.改革开放以来,我国在经济体制方面采取了一系列卓有成效的改革,取得了很大的成绩。 D.由光明日报报业集团主办的《书摘》月刊,是献给爱书的众多朋友们的一道精美的“图书套餐”。 6.下列句子的排列顺序,正确的一项是( ) ①读书应采用精读与泛读相结合的方法 ②因此这两种读书方法,不但不可以偏废,而且应该讲究巧妙的结合 ③如果对可以泛读的,采用精读的方法 ④又会浪费大量的时间,而只能吸收到司怜的一点点 ⑤就可能对必须精读的东西囫囵吞枣 ⑥如果对应该精读的,采用泛读的方法 ⑦读后只有浮光掠影的印象 A.①③④⑦⑥⑤② B.①②⑥⑤③④⑦ C.①②③④⑤⑥⑦ D.①⑥⑤⑦③④② 二、阅读下面文字,完成7—10题。(16分,每小题4分) 电磁波已成为一种新的污染源。它看不见、摸不着,穿透力强,充斥着整个空间,令人防不胜防。 电磁污染源主要包括两大类,即自然型电磁污染源与人工型电磁污染源。前者来源于某些自然现象,以天电所产生的电磁污染最为突出。后者产生于人工制造的若干系统(如高压系统)、电子设备与电气装置。 人体处在一定强度的电磁场下,会吸收辐射能量,发生生物学作用,包括热作用和非热作用。 所谓热作用,就是高频电磁波对生物机体细胞的“加热”作用。人体接受电磁辐射后,体内的分子会受到磁场的影响而重新排列,在重排过程中,分子间相互碰撞、摩擦而产生热能,引起热作用。人体内电解质溶液的离子因受到电场的作用而发生移动(传导电流),也能使电解质变热。另外,由于人体内某些成分(如体液等)为导体,还可产生局部性感应涡流,也会产生热。如果人体吸收的辐射能太多,靠体温的调节无法把热量散发出去,就会引起体温升高,进而引发各种病症。由于电磁波是穿透生物表层直接对内部组织“加热”,往往机体表面看不出什么,而内部组织却已严重“烧伤”。 至于电磁波的非热作用问题,正在进一步研究之中,一般认为是低频波产生的影响。人体被电磁波辐射后,体体温并未明显升高,但已经干扰了人体的固有微弱电磁场,造成细胞内遗传基因发生畸形突变,进而诱发白血病和肿瘤,还会引发胚胎染色体改变,导致婴儿的畸形或孕妇的自然流产。 鉴于电磁辐射对人体的危害,联合国人类环境会议已将防治电磁辐射污染列为环境保护项目。


(专科起点升本科) 英语备考试题库 一、词汇与语法知识 练习(一) 1.Is the Changjiang River river in the world? A. the third longest B. the third longer C. the three longest D. the three longer 2.We must not to know when we do not know. A. intend B. prevent C. prepare D. pretend 3.Only in this way the foreign language well. A.can we learn B.can learn we C.should we learn D.we can learn 4.He wished he more about the subject, so he could talk about it. A.had known B.knew C.would know D.knows 5.Is this book you borrowed from the library last week? A.that B.×C.the one D.which 6. The professor last week will give us a report this Saturday afternoon. A. returning B. returned C. who returned D. having returned 7. About of the workers in that steel works are young people. A. third fifths B. three fives C. three fifths D. three fifth 8. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________ in 2001 as the year before. A. as twice many machines B. twice many as machines C. twice as many machines D. as many machines twice 9. Because the man's gift was too expensive, the girl to accept it. A. rejected B. denied C. refused D. unwilling 10. —Why are you looking pleased? —Oh, I've just had a job _______ A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered 11.wants the book may have it. A. Anyone B. Someone C. Those D. Whoever

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