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To Kill a Mockingbird.《杀死一只知更鸟》

Harper Lee's 1960 paean to the South is one of the most beloved American novels ever written. Some of that is due to the 1962 classic film adapted from it, which stars Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch, a small-town lawyer who also happens to be the most upstanding and sympathetic father ever. But much of the respect accorded the novel (the author's only book) has to do with its memorable main characters, brother and sister duo Jem and Scout. With its competing subplots about a black man on trial for allegedly raping a white woman and the children's attempts to learn about their reclusive neighbor Boo Radley, the novel is perfectly structured to provide half a dozen lessons about history and acceptance and injustice and compassion. No wonder it's the staple of all middle-school staples. Happy 50th, Mockingbird!


Of Mice and Men.《人鼠之间》

The Great Depression and the hardship it caused spawned many classics of American literature that have since become fodder for high school English classes across the nation. Topping the list is John Steinbeck's novella Of Mice and Men. The plot traces the journey of George and Lennie, two migrant workers in California farm country. We meet them after they've been forced to leave their previous ranch in a chain of events chalked up to Lennie's odd behavior. Upon arriving at their new farm, owned and run by a character known simply as "The Boss," George and Lennie once again find themselves in crosshairs. The strong and complicated bond between the pair forces George to take weak Lennie's life into his own hands. Along the way, their pursuit of the American Dream (and the attendant prospect of land ownership) falls by the wayside, the victim of a harsh economic downturn, a freak accident and mob hysteria.


A Separate Peace.《独自和解》(20世纪美国最经典校园小说)

One of the great coming-of-age tales, A Separate Peace is also one of the darker novels assigned to teenagers. The plot revolves around two roommates at Devon, a New England boarding school, during the summer and winter of 1942. The narrator, Gene, an introverted, studious Southerner, recalls his relationship with his best friend Phineas, known as "Finny," a charismatic, gregarious athlete. Over the course of the summer, Gene becomes envious of Finny's graceful, easy demeanor and takes part in an accident that ends Finny's athletic career. During the winter, as the country descends into World War II, the boys of Devon wage their own battles against each other to determine whether Gene intentionally harmed Finny. The novel chronicles the boys' maturation as the war encroaches further and further into their lives. While Knowles' tale of the journey from innocence to experience has been described as depressing, his capture of youthful emotion, surprising maturity and reactions to life's great tragedies make it a must-read during those awkward teenage years.


Catcher in the Rye.《在麦田里的守望者》

Published in 1951, Catcher has long been a literary touchstone for alienated high school students. Main character Holden Caulfield is the ultimate whiner — everyone's a phony, everyone's a crumbum, and the only person who is really worth a damn is his little sister. Because Catcher is a fairly glum tale about a screwup of a kid who may be going crazy following the death of his brother, it's really easy to forget that it's kind of the ultimate high school fantasy — Holden roams around New York City for a couple of days, gets into bars, dances with older women and gets beaten up while trying to procure a lady of ill repute. While it may seem like the boy is just drifting, that sounds like living! For those very reasons, though, many of today's teens are having trouble relating to the book, according to a June 2009 New York Times article. "I can't really feel bad for this rich kid with a weekend free in New York City," said one teacher, paraphrasing some of her students. But despite the generational gap, this book won't be leaving classrooms anytime soon.



Animal Farm.《动物农场》

This classic tale of an animal revolution gone rogue is George Orwell's allegorical take on Stalinism. Under two pigs named Snowball and Napoleon, a group of farm animals overthrow their drunken human caretaker and establish a new community based on seven commandments, including the tenet that all animals are equal. Soon after, Snowball and Napoleon engage in a power struggle to control the farm, with Napoleon emerging on top. He quickly turns Snowball into a scapegoat for a failed windmill project and kills any animals who appear to have an allegiance to his opponent. As time passes, the swine adopt human traits, soon wearing clothes and walking on two legs. Before long, the lowly farm animals can no longer distinguish between the pigs and the people.


Lord of the Flies.《蝇王》

Prominently featured on the American Library Association's list of the most banned books ever, Lord of the Flies is a complex allegory packed into a tale of struggle and survival. The book begins when a plane carrying a group of British boarding-school students crashes on an isolated island. The boys (in the truest meaning of the word; the oldest is 13) establish a working society, with Ralph as their charismatic yet humble leader. Order breaks down as Ralph battles with Jack, the leader of the school's choir, and the entire group slowly descends into chaos. The end, a brutal literal and figurative shattering of humanity, has served as the book's chief teaching point and mark of contention for half a century. Often seen as a cautionary tale about the breakdown of civilization, the book details "the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart" and the horrific possibilities that lie within us all.



The Great Gatsby.《了不起的盖茨比》

Every school takes a field trip to Long Island, New York, at some point, visiting the Roaring '20s as only F. Scott Fitzgerald could write them. Thanks to its evocative setting, rich themes and masterly prose, The Great Gatsby has secured its standing as a reading-list staple as well as one of the greatest American novels ever written. Here, the moneyed East meets the modest Midwest, and Fitzgerald's memorable characters — Jay Gatsby, Daisy and Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker — perpetuate a lavish lifestyle that, alas, doesn't offer much of a life. The enigmatic Gatsby has the best parties, but it's Daisy he really wants. He may have no shortage of party guests, but he's sorely lacking in funeral attendees. Narrator Nick Carraway is witness to the glitz that ultimately reflects emptiness, not success.


A Farewell to Arms.《永别了,武器》

When Ernest Hemingway combined his "consciously bald" style with his experiences as a World War I ambulance driver, the resulting novel was an immediate success. Published in 1929, A Farewell to Arms not only revisits the conflict that had ended just a decade earlier; it also tells of romance. Sadly — not that dutiful American-lit students would expect to be cheered up by Hemingway — the love story isn't any less tragic than the war. Lieutenant Frederic Henry and English nurse Catherine Barkley have to face the fact that death can make its presence known off the battlefield as well as on.


The Scarlet Letter.《红字》

Nathaniel Hawthorne's best-known work opens in Puritan Boston, with young Hester Prynne on trial for adultery. Because she refuses to name the father of her infant daughter Pearl, Hester is ostracized by the community and forced to wear a scarlet piece of cloth in the shape of an "A" on her chest — an enduring symbol throughout the book. This central conflict is the basis for all the themes the novel examines: sin, repentance, moral purity, forgiveness.


Macbeth. 《麦克白》

As high school students, we may have been drawn to Macbeth because it's known as the shortest of the Shakespearean tragedies. But the tersely written play spares no human frailty — and few characters — on the battlefield of 11th century Scotland. Whereas decisiveness, the lack thereof and revenge drive the other Great High School Shakespearean Play, Hamlet, ambition and personal morality are at the center of the plot of Macbeth. The play's title character finds himself pitted against a fellow lord, Banquo, when the two are made privy to a series of prophecies from a trio of witches. The toiling witches forecast a future royal line, and the will to power is soon unleashed. Upon losing his wife in the fray, Macbeth delivers his epic "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" soliloquy, which captures the sensation of despair as well as any other verse in the English language:


外国文学作品推荐阅读书目 骨灰级

1、外国文学名著丛书俗称“网格本”(人民文学出版社/上海译文出版社)带*的是上海译文出版社的,其它的是人民文学出版社的。 摩诃婆罗多插话选[印度] 赵国华译 五卷书[印度] 季羡林译 沙恭达罗[印度] 迦梨陀娑著季羡林译 诗选[印度] 泰戈尔著石真谢冰心译 戈拉[印度] 泰戈尔著刘寿康译 万叶集选[日本] 李芒译 小说选[日] 二叶亭四迷著巩长金石坚白译 破戒[日] 岛崎藤村著柯毅文陈德文译 阿拉伯古代诗选[阿拉伯] 仲跻昆译 波斯古代诗选张鸿年等译 列王纪选* [波斯] 费而多西著张鸿年译 蔷薇园[波斯] 萨迪著水建馥译 小说戏剧选[俄] 果戈理著满涛译 死魂灵[俄] 果戈里著满涛许庆道译 奥勃洛摩夫*[俄] 冈察落夫著齐蜀夫译 诗选*[俄] 莱蒙托夫著余振译 当代英雄* [俄] 莱蒙托夫著草婴译 猎人笔记[俄] 屠格涅夫著丰子恺译 前夜父与子[俄] 屠格涅夫著丽尼巴金译 谁在俄罗斯能过好日子[俄] 涅克拉索夫著飞白译 罪与罚*[俄] 陀思妥耶夫斯基著岳麟译 亚.奥斯特洛夫斯基戏剧选(俄)奥斯特洛夫斯基臧仲伦译 谢德林童话集* [俄] 谢德林著张孟恢译 寓言选[俄] 克雷洛夫著辛未艾译 怎么办[俄] 车尔尼雪夫斯基著蒋路译 安娜.卡列尼娜[俄]列夫.托尔斯泰著周扬谢素台译 复活* [俄] 列夫.托尔斯泰著草婴译 中短篇小说选*[俄] 列夫.托尔斯泰著草婴译 契诃夫小说选[俄] 契诃夫著汝龙译 蕾莉与马杰农[阿塞拜疆] 内扎米卢水译 法尔哈德和希琳[乌兹别克] 纳沃依 诗选* [乌克兰]谢甫琴科著戈宝权张铁弦梦海任溶溶译 高尔基短篇小说选瞿秋白巴金耿济之伊信译 傀儡* [波兰] 普鲁斯著庄瑞源译 十字军骑士*[波兰] 显克微支著陈冠商译 诗选* [匈牙利] 裴多菲著兴万生译 鲵鱼之乱[捷克] 恰佩克著贝京译 金人[匈牙利] 约卡依.莫尔著柯青译 轭下[保] 伐佐夫著施蛰存译 奥德修纪* [希腊] 荷马著杨宪益译 伊索寓言[希腊] 伊索著罗念生译


适合高中生阅读的文史书目 四大名著是必读的经典,每个人都知道的。除此之外,选了以下若干种,没有先后顺序,随意排列如下: 1、黄仁宇《中国大历史》中国人应知中国的历史。黄仁宇这部书以短短的二十余万字的篇幅,勾画了整个中国历史长达数千年的全貌。他没有像教科书那样堆砌历史事件,其独特的“大历史”观,让读者读得很轻松,感觉很新鲜,又能把握历史的全貌。 2、高罗佩《大唐狄公案》高罗佩是一个荷兰外交官,疯狂地迷恋东方文化。不过他可不像大山之类的只会唱唱歌、说说相声,他是琴棋书画样样精通,还能用汉语写做诗文,甚至对中国文化、长臂猿都有研究,出过专著。《大唐狄公案》是他写的一系列关于狄仁杰的侦探小说,是西方中学生课外必读书,狄仁杰因此在西方家喻户晓,被誉为“中国的福尔摩斯”。不光侦探故事写的精彩,里面关于中国古代文化的东西,写得比中国人还地道呢,你看了就知道的。 3、金庸《天龙八部》、《笑傲江湖》作为一个人,应该有童话般的幻想;作为一个男孩子,应该有对英雄气概的崇拜。金庸的书有中国最大的读者群,上至学者政客,下至贩夫走卒。书里有历史、有英雄、有爱情、有传统文化,更何况可读性强,恨不能一口气就读完。这样的书岂能不读? 4、房龙《地理》地理课本很枯燥,可房龙《地理》却写得通俗而又有趣味,让你能看下去,这就是这本书的最大优点,也是他的所有书的优点。 5、房龙《人类的故事》房龙关于世界历史和文明史的一本通俗读物,影响甚大。上下五千年,纵横数万里。房龙给了我们一双观看浓澜壮阔的历史长河的眼睛——理性、睿智而宽容。都说历史是枯燥的,看这本书,相信你不会有这种感觉。 6、余秋雨《文化苦旅》虽然我不喜欢余秋雨这个人,也不喜欢他的雕琢与堆砌,但我不得不承认,他的文章很有文化味儿,也得很好,很适合年轻人看。当然,当你书读得再多些,年龄再大些,你可能更喜欢周作人的文化散文。 7、辛丰年《乐迷闲话》这个八旬老人不是音乐家,也不是乐评家,只是一个业余古典音乐迷,却写出了许多音乐家或乐评家们根本写不出的音乐随笔。文章里充满对音乐的真爱,也充满古典音乐方面的知识,喜欢西洋古典音乐的人不容错过。 8、《古文观止注译》清代吴楚材、吴调侯编选,所选文章语言凝练、短小精悍、大多是千古传诵之作。是300年来影响最大的古代散文选本,至今无法超越。这本书里有注释,有译文,可以带你轻松地进入传统文化之门。对于里面喜欢的名篇,是需要背诵的。 9、传世经典文白对照《聊斋志异》《聊斋志异》应该是符合时下年轻人的口味的,有鬼狐神怪之类的魔幻元素,有各式各样的爱情故事,还有对当时(其实也是现在)社会丑恶的批判。


美国文学部分(American Literature) 一.独立革命前后的文学(The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1).殖民地时期的文学的特点 2).主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品 2.独立革命前后时期的主要作家 本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草―独立宣言。 《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanack 《致富之道》The Way to Wealth 《自传》The Autobiography 托马斯·潘恩Thomas Paine托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。 《税务员问题》The Case of the Officers of Excise 《常识》Common Sense 《美国危机》American Crisis 《人的权利》Rights of Man 《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism 《理性时代》The Age of Reason 菲利普·弗伦诺Philip Freneau菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的―革命诗人‖。 《蒸蒸日上的美洲》―The Rising Glory of America‖

《英国囚船》―The British Prison Ship‖ 《纪念美国勇士》同类诗中最佳―To the Memory of the Brave Americans‖ 《野生的金银花》―The Wild Honeysuckle‖ 《印第安人殡葬地》―The Indian Burying Ground‖ 1二.美国浪漫主义文学(American Romanticism) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1).美国浪漫主义文学产生的社会历史及文化背景 2).主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画和语言风格 3).清教主义、超验主义、象征主义、自由诗等名词的解释 2.美国浪漫主义时期的主要作家 华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文,美国著名小说家,被称为―美国文学之父‖.《瑞普·凡·温可尔》Rip Van Winkle 《纽约外史》A History of New York 《见闻札记》The Sketch Book 《睡谷的传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀开创了以《皮裹腿故事集》为代表的边疆传奇小说,其中最为重要的一部是《最后的莫西干人》。 《皮裹腿故事集》Leatherstocking Tales 《间谍》The Spy 《领航者》The Pilot


美国文学史作品作家汇总美国文学 Part 1. Colonial America Thomas Paine托马斯潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代Philip Freneau菲利普弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地 .Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will 论意志自由The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended论原罪The Nature of True Virtue论真是德行的本原Benjamin Franklin本杰明富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money; Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传 Part 2. American Romanticism Washington Irving华盛顿欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Brace bridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travelers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉


1. The Soul Selects Her Own Society The Soul selects her own Society--- Then---shuts the door--- To her divine Majority--- Present no more--- Unmoved ---she notes the Chariots---pausing--- At her low Gate--- Unmoved---an Emperor be kneeling Upon her Mat--- I’ve known her---from an ample nation--- Choose One--- Then---close the Valves or her attention--- Like Stone--- 1) the soul made its choice and wanted no more. This showed her resolution and determination. 2) Unmoved by any other temptation

3) Since I have made my choice, I will stick to it and will never be tempted by other things. Soul, one: art , poetry, love, ideal 2. Anecdote(奇闻,轶事) of the Jar I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar round upon the ground And tall and of a port in air It took dominion everywhere. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird or bush Like nothing else in Tennessee.


《外国文学史》推荐阅读书目 在阅读时,请大家注意版本,这对于 无法直接阅读原文的初学者来说尤 为重要。 1、荷马史诗*伊利亚特 (希)荷马/ 2001-09 / 人民文学出版社/ 26.00 / 平装/ 罗念生,王焕生/ 推荐罗念生翻译的版本,译文较准确。陈中梅版次之。 2、索福克勒斯悲剧二种 (古希腊)索福克勒斯/ 1961-01-01 / 人民文学出版社/ 外国文学名著丛书/ 0.46元/ 精装/ 罗念生 悲剧是古希腊人留给后人的经典,尤其是索氏的悲剧。 3、神曲 但丁/ 2004-05 / 人民文学出版社/ 地狱篇·炼狱篇·天国篇(三册) / 43.00 / 平装/ 田德望恩格斯的评价,中世纪的最后一位也是新时代的第一位诗人。 4、浮士德 (德)歌德/ 1994-11-1 / 人民文学出版社/ 19.5 / 平装/ 绿原 5、堂吉诃德 塞万提斯/ 2001-11-01 / 人民文学出版社/ 38.0 / 平装/ 杨绛/ 全2册 昆德拉把现代小说称为:塞万提斯的遗产。 6、莎士比亚全集 莎士比亚/ 人民文学出版社/ 平装 如果你想追求畅快的阅读感受,朱生豪的译本无疑是最好的选择;但如果你想从事研究,梁实秋的译本做到了忠于原著。没有莎士比亚,就没有欧洲的文明,不是戏言。 7、失乐园 (英)弥尔顿/ 1996-3-1 / 天津人民出版社/ 28.0 / 精装/ 朱维之 宗教文学,可以加深对基督教教义的理解。朱维之的译本。 8、鲁滨孙飘流记 (英)笛福/ 2003-01 / 人民文学出版社/ 11.00 / 平装/ 徐霞村 冒险小说。现在看来很让人费解这部艺术水准不高的作品,何以吸引了当时的读者。联系当时的时代状况你便会明白,殖民主义思想最早在这部作品中有所表现。

美国文学史作品作家汇总 全

美国文学史作品作家汇总 美国文学 Part 1. Colonial America Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代 Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle 野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地 .Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will 论意志自由The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended论原罪The Nature of True Virtue论真是德行的本原 Benjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money; Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传 Part 2. American Romanticism Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Brace bridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travelers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 Jamie Fennimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Little page Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leather stocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deer slayer杀鹿者 Part 3.New England Transcendentalism Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar 论美国学者;Divinity; The Over soul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits 英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说 Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhoda杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日


外国文学作品阅读书目 (一)诗歌 荷马△《伊利昂纪》、《奥德修纪》 维吉尔《埃涅阿斯纪》 但丁△《神曲·地狱篇》 彼特拉克《歌集》 弥尔顿《失乐园》 歌德△《浮士德》 拜伦△《唐璜》、《恰尔德?哈洛尔德游记》 雪莱《雪莱抒情诗选》《解放了的普罗米修斯》海涅《德国——一个冬天的童话》 惠特曼《草叶集选》 波德莱尔《恶之花》 普希金《普希金诗选》 马雅可夫斯基《列宁》、 瓦雷里《海滨墓园》 里尔克《杜伊洛哀歌》 艾略特△《荒原》 印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》、《罗摩衍那》 泰戈尔△《吉檀迦利》 (二)小说 斯威布《希腊的神话和传说》 塞万提斯△《堂吉诃德》 薄伽丘《十日谈》 拉伯雷《巨人传》 笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》 菲尔丁△《汤姆·琼斯》 斯威夫特《格列佛游记》 伏尔泰《老实人》 卢梭《新爱洛依丝》、《忏悔录》 狄德罗《拉摩的侄儿》 歌德《少年维特之烦恼》 雨果△《巴黎圣母院》、《悲惨世界》 梅里美《嘉尔曼》 斯丹达尔△《红与黑》 巴尔扎克《欧也妮·葛朗台》、△《高老头》 萨克雷《名利场》 福楼拜△《包法利夫人》 狄更斯△《双城记》 夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简爱》 爱米莉·勃朗特《呼啸山庄》 左拉△《萌芽》

莫泊桑△《羊脂球》《漂亮朋友》 哈代△《德伯家的苔丝》 普希金△《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》 莱蒙托夫《当代英雄》 果戈理△《死魂灵》 屠格涅夫《前夜》△《父与子》 陀思妥耶夫斯基△《罪与罚》 列夫·托尔斯泰△《安娜·卡列尼娜》、△《复活》 契诃夫《契诃夫小说选》 高尔基△《母亲》、 法捷耶夫《青年近卫军》 尼·奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 肖洛霍夫△《静静的顿河》、《一个人的遭遇》 索尔仁尼琴《伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天》 帕斯捷尔纳克△《日瓦戈医生》 艾特玛托夫△《断头台》 罗曼·罗兰△《约翰·克里斯朵夫》 托马斯?曼《布登勃洛克一家》 马克·吐温《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 德莱塞△《美国的悲剧》 海明威△《永别了,武器》、△《老人与海》 索尔·贝娄△《洪堡的礼物》 米兰·昆德拉《生命中不能承受之轻》 卡夫卡《城堡》、△《变形记》 乔伊斯△《尤利西斯》 乔伊斯《尤利西斯》 福克纳《喧哗与骚动》 加缪△《局外人》、《鼠疫》 海勒△《第二十二条军规》 鲁尔弗《佩德罗·帕拉莫》 马尔克斯△《百年孤独》 《圣经故事》 紫式部△《源氏物语》 △《一千零一夜》 泰戈尔△《戈拉》 夏目漱石《我是猫》 普列姆昌德《戈丹》 川端康成《雪国》 迈哈富兹《宫间街》 (三)戏剧 埃斯库罗斯《被缚的普罗米修斯》 索福克勒斯△《俄狄浦斯王》 欧里庇得斯《美狄亚》 莎士比亚△《威尼斯商人》、△《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、△《哈姆莱特》、《奥瑟罗》、《李


朝阳中学中学生(主要指高中生)必读作品推荐 ——朝阳高中学语文教研组 传记类 外国 《名人传》《假如给我三天光明》《忏悔录》 《贝多芬传》《梵高传——对生活的渴求》 《巴尔扎克传》《我生活的故事》《约翰逊传》 《萨特传》《我的爱,我的自由》《罗素自传》 《罗曼·罗兰传》《我妹妹与我》《真爱让我如此幸福》《卡夫卡传》 《牛犊顶橡树》《拿破仑传》 《富兰克林自传》《萨尔瓦多·达利的秘密生活》 《荣格的生活与工作》 《巴赫传》 《华盛顿全传》《我毕生的故事》《房龙传》 《无尽的探索》《卓别林自传》 《阿加莎·克里斯蒂自传》《杰克·韦尔奇自传》 《洛克菲勒的忠告》 《滚雪球:巴菲特和他的财富人生》《卡内基自传》 中国 《苏东坡传》林语堂《从文自传》《毛泽东传》(罗斯·特里尔)《周恩来与他的世纪》韩素音《邓小平时代》(傅高义) 《胡雪岩》《唐骏:我的成功可以复制》 《马云如是说》《巨人不死密码》史玉柱《李嘉诚传》 文学作品 散文类: 《秋天的况味》林语堂 《朝花夕拾》/[现代]鲁迅《朱自清散文精选》/[现代]朱自清 《梁实秋散文》/[现代]梁实秋《杨绛散文选》/[当代]杨绛 《毕淑敏散文集》/[当代]毕淑敏《纪伯伦散文诗选》/[黎巴嫩]纪伯伦《莱茵河》/[法]雨果 周国平——《各自的朝圣路》《安静》《善良丰富高贵》 余光中——《听听那冷雨》 余秋雨——《文化苦旅》《行者无疆》《千年一叹》 林清玄——《林泉》《清欢》《玄想》《在云上》 张晓风《一一风荷举》 席慕容《丰饶的森林》《在黑暗的河流上》《透明的哀伤》 小说: 1.凡尔纳的激流三部曲《格兰特船长的儿女》,《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》, 2.雨果的《悲惨的世界》, 3.斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》 4.《呐喊》/[现代]鲁迅:对现代中国历史命运的洞察 5.《西游记》《三国演义》《水浒传》 6.《红楼梦》


一.The Colonial Period (1607-1765) 二.二. The Period of enlightenment and the Independence War (1765-1800) (一) Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林 1,Poor Richard’s Almanac《格言历书》 2,The Autobiography《自传》 (二)Thomas Paine 潘恩 1,Common Sense《常识》 (三) Thomas Jefferson 杰斐逊 1,Declaration of Independence《独立宣言》 (四)Alexander Hamilton汉密尔顿James Madison麦迪逊John Jay 杰伊1, The Federalist Papers《论联邦》(三人联作) (五)William Hill Brown 威廉.希尔.布朗 1,The Power of Sympathy《同情的力量》 三.The Romantic Period (1800-1865) (一)Washington Irving 欧文(Romanticism) 1,The Legend of Sleepy Hollow《睡谷的传说》 2,Rip Van Winkle 《瑞普.凡温.克尔》 3,The Sketch Book 《见闻札记》 (二)James Fenimore Cooper 库伯(Romanticism) 1,The Leather-stocking Tales 《皮袜子故事集》 (三)William Cullen Bryant 布莱恩特(Romanticism)first 1,To a Waterfowl 《致水鸟》 2,The Yellow Violet 《黄色的堇香花》 (四)Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生(Transcendentalism) 1,The Dial 《日晷》 2,Nature 《论自然》 3,Self-Reliance 《伦自立》 4,The American Scholar《论美国学者》 (五)Henry David Thoreau 梭罗(Transcendentalism) 1,Walden《沃尔登》 2,On the Duty of Civil Disobedience 《论公民的不服从》 (六)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 郎费罗 1,The Song of Hiawatha 《海华沙之门》 (七)John Greenleaf Whittier 惠蒂埃 1,Snow-Bound《大雪封门》 (八)Walt Whitman 惠特曼(Romanticism) 1, Leaves of Grass《草叶集》 (九)Emily Dickinson 狄金森 1,The Poetry of Emily Dickinson《狄金森诗集》 (十)Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑non-transcendentalism,Gothic novel 1,The Blithedale Romance 《福谷传奇》 2,The Scarlet Letter 《红字》 3, The House of the Seven Gables 《带有七个尖角阁的房子》


作品选读分析: Passage 1 …Suddenly there shot along the path a wild light, and I turned to see whence a gleam so unusual could have issued—for the vast house and its shadows where alone behind me. The radiance was that of the full, setting, and blood-re moon, which now shone vividly through that once barely-discernible fissure, of which I have before spoken, as extending from the roof of the building, in a zigzag direction, to the base. … Questions: 1.From which short story is this passage taken? Who is the author of this short story? 2.what kind of story is it? What’s features of this kind of story? 3.What’s the symbolic meaning of the “House” and the “Fissure”? Passage 2 “Standing on the bare ground, -- my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space, -- all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.”Questions: 1. Which work is this fragment taken from? Who’s the author? 2. What does “Universal Being” refer to? 3. How to appreciate it? Passage 3 The runaway slave came to my house and stopt outside, I heard his motions crackling the twigs of the woodpile, Through the swung half-door of the kitchen I saw him limpsy and weak, And went where he sat on a log and led him in and assured him, And brought water and fill’d a tub for his sweated body and bruis’d feet, And gave him a room that enter’d from my own, and gave him some coarse clean clothes, … Questions: 1. What’s the title of the poem? From which collection of poetry is the poem taken from? 2. What’s the form of the poem? What’s the poet’s writing technique? 3. What’s the symbolic meaning of the title of the collection? What’s the theme of the poem? Passage 4 Because I could not stop for Death— He kindly stopped for me— The Carriage held but just Ourselves— And Immortality. …


美国文学史作品作家汇总【常耀信】 美国文学 Part 1. Colonial America Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代 Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended The Nature of True Virtue Benjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money;Poor Richard’s Almanack穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传 Part 2. American Romanticism Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者 Part 3.New England Transcendentalism Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar论美国学者;Divinity;The Oversoul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说 Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhodo杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日子-首开自由诗之先河 Henry David Threau亨利?大卫?梭罗1817-1862 Wadden,or Life in the Woods华腾湖或林中生活;Resistance to Civil Government/Civil Disobedience抵制公民政府;A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利?沃兹沃思?朗费罗1807-1882 The Song of Hiawatha海华沙之歌----美国人写的第一部印第安人史诗;V oices of the Night夜吟;Ballads and Other Poens民谣及其他诗;Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems布鲁茨的钟楼及其他诗;Tales of a Wayside Inn 路边客栈的故事---诗集:An April Day四月的一天/A Psalm of Life人生礼物/Paul Revere’s Ride保罗?里维尔的夜奔;Evangeline伊凡吉琳;The Courtship of Miles Standish迈尔斯?斯坦迪什的求婚----叙事长诗;Poems on Slavery奴役篇---反蓄奴组诗 Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔?霍桑1804-1864 Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事;Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔:Young Goodman Brown年轻的古德曼?布朗;The Scarlet Letter红字;The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子--------心理若们罗曼史;The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇;The Marble Faun玉石雕像


外国文学课程学生阅读书目 第一部分:必读 ㈠欧美部分 荷马《伊利昂记》、《奥德修记》 埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、欧里庇得斯悲剧和斯托芬喜剧。 但丁《神曲》 卜伽丘《十日谈》 塞万提斯《堂·吉诃德》 莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《威尼斯商人》、《哈姆莱特》、《奥塞罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》 莫里哀《伪君子》 笛福《鲁宾逊飘流记》 菲尔丁《汤姆·琼斯记》 卢梭《新爱洛绮思》 歌德《浮士德》 雨果《巴黎圣母院》、《悲惨世界》 拜伦《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》 普希金《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》 司汤达《红与黑》 巴尔扎克《高老头》、《欧也妮·葛朗台》 左拉《萌芽》 福楼拜《包法利夫人》 狄更斯《双城记》 夏绿蒂《简爱》 艾米利《呼啸山庄》 易卜生《玩偶之家》

马克·吐温《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 果戈里《钦差大臣》、《死魂灵》 陀思妥也夫斯基《罪与罚》 列·托尔斯泰《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《复活》契诃夫《套中人》 高尔基《母亲》 肖洛霍夫《静静的顿河》 奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 德莱塞《美国悲剧》 哈代《德伯家的苔丝》 艾略特《荒原》 卡夫卡《变形记》 乔伊斯《尤利西斯》 福克纳《喧哗与骚动》 海明威《老人与海》 萨特《禁闭》 海勒《第二十二条军规》 贝克特《等待戈多》 马尔克斯《百年孤独》 ㈡亚非部分 伽梨陀娑《云使》、《沙恭达罗》 紫式部《源氏物语》 萨迪《蔷薇园》 阿拉伯故事集《一千零一夜》(《天方夜谭》)夏目漱石《我是猫》 泰戈尔《吉檀迦利》、《戈拉》

普列姆昌德《戈丹》 小林多喜二《蟹工船》、《党生活者》 川端康成《雪国》 斐迪南·奥德诺《老黑人和奖章》 纳吉布·马哈福兹《宫间街》 第二部分:选读 ㈠欧美部分 斯威布《希腊神话和传说》(上、下) 伊索《伊索寓言》 亚里士多德《诗学》 维吉尔《伊尼德》 法国故事《列那狐故事》 拉伯雷《巨人传》 乔叟《坎特伯雷故事》 莎士比亚《亨利四世》、《温莎的风流娘儿们》、《暴风雨》弥尔顿《失乐园》 高乃依《熙德》 拉辛《安德洛马克》 布瓦洛《诗的艺术》 莫里哀《悭吝人》 斯威夫特《格列佛游记》 狄德罗《修女》、《拉摩的侄儿》 席勒《阴谋与爱情》 歌德《少年维特之烦恼》 雪莱《解放了的普罗米修斯》、《西风颂》


书名作者出版社译者编者小说:《茶花女》【法】亚历山大·小仲马人民文学出版社王振孙《尘埃落定》阿来作家出版社 《骆驼祥子》老舍人民文学出版社 《红与黑》【法】司汤达上海文艺出版社罗玉君《安娜·卡列尼娜》【俄】列夫·托尔斯泰上海文艺出版社草婴《傲慢与偏见》【英】奥斯丁译林出版社孙致礼 《契诃夫短篇小说精选》【俄】契诃夫人民文学出版社汝龙 《欧也妮?葛朗台》【法】巴尔扎克人民文学出版社张冠尧 诗歌:《女神》郭沫若人民文学出版社 《泰戈尔诗选》泰戈尔人民文学出版社冰心郑振铎等译 散文:《心灵百合》毕淑敏 《我与地坛》史铁生人民文学出版社 《蒙田随笔》【法】蒙田上海三联书店李林戴兴伟 戏剧:《莎士比亚戏剧全集》【英】莎士比亚中国出版集团付雅丽诸葛英良张艳霞人物传记:《马克思传》【德】海因里希·格姆科夫三联书店 《名人传》【法】罗曼?罗兰安徽人民出版社傅雷 1、三毛:《雨季不再来》《撒哈拉的故事》《梦里花落知多少》 本名陈懋平,因为学不会写“懋"字,就自己改名为陈平。 十三岁就跷家去小琉球玩,初中时逃学去坟墓堆读闲书。 旅行和读书是她生命中的两颗一级星,最快乐与最疼痛都夹杂其中。 她没有数字观念,不肯为金钱工作,写作之初纯粹是为了让父母开心。 她看到一张撒哈拉沙漠的照片,感应到前世的乡愁,于是决定搬去住,苦恋她的荷西也二话不说地跟着去了。 然后她和荷西在沙漠结婚了,从此写出一系列风靡华文世界的散文作品,把大漠的狂野温柔和活力四射的婚姻生活,淋漓尽致展现在大家面前,“三毛热"迅速的从台港横扫整个华文世界,而“流浪文学"更成为一种文化现象! 接着,安定的归属却突然急转直下,与挚爱的荷西锥心的死别,让她差点要放弃生命,直到去了一趟中南美旅游,才终于重新提笔写作。接着她尝试写剧本、填歌词,每次出手必定撼动人心。 最终,她又像儿时那样不按常理出牌,逃离到没人知道的远方,继续以自由不羁的灵魂浪迹天涯。 当三毛还是二毛的时候,她写下了《雨季不再来》,这些在她17~22岁之间所发表的文字,真实地呈现出从青涩敏感的二毛,蜕变为智慧成熟的三毛的成长的过程。而《雨季不再来》中透露的纯情和美感,可以清楚地印证她传奇般性格的痕迹。 三毛作品中最脍炙人口当属《撒哈拉的故事》,本书由十几篇精彩动人的散文结合而成,其中《沙漠中的饭店》,是三毛适应荒凉单调的沙漠生活后,重新拾笔的第一篇文章,从此之后,三毛便写出一系列以沙漠为背景的故事,倾倒了全世界的华文读者。 《梦里花落知多少》:书中先是记录了三毛与荷西在撒哈拉沙漠结婚,白手成家的生活,而此时她的文学创作生涯也随之开启;后来移居加纳利群岛后,三毛的生活渐趋安定,她的创作也达到了很高的水平;再后来,荷西在一次潜水时意外去世,三毛的心灵受到巨大创伤,


一 I heard the merry grasshopper then sing, The black-clad cricket bear a second part, They kept one tune, and played on the same string, Seeming to glory in their little art、 Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise? And in their kind resound their m aker’s praise, Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays? “Under the cooling shadow of a stately Elm, Close state I by a goodly River’s side, Where gliding streams the Rocks did overwhelm; A lonely place with pleasures dignifi’d、 I once that lov’d the shady woods so well, Now thought the rivers did the trees excel, And if the sun would ever shine there would I dwell、“While musing thus with contemplation fed, And thousand fancies buzzing in my brain, The sweet tongu’d Philomel percht o’er my head, And chanted forth a most melodious strain, Which rapt me so with wonder and delight, I judg’d my hearing better than my sight、 题目:the 9th of Contemplations 作者:Anne Bradstreet 赏析: 1、Rhyme royal: sevenline iambic petametre 七行五步抑扬格 2、Rhyme: ababccc 3、Theme: religion 4、象征:black-clad=death; abject=admitting defeat; maker= god 5、A genuine expression of poetic feeling in the presence of nature、 The poem offers the reader an insight into the mentality of the early Puritan pioneering in a new world、The poet heard the grasshopper and the cricket sing, and she searched for her own soul accordingly、 6、She saw sth metaphysical inhering in the physical, a mode of perception which was singularly Puritan 二 It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection、I wished to live without mitting any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or pany might lead me into、As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other、But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined、While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason、I concluded, at length, that the mere speculative conviction that it was our interest to be pletely virtuous was not sufficient to prevent our slipping and that the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct、For this purpose I therefore contrived the following method、 In the various enumerations of the moral virtues I had met with in my reading, I found the catalog more or less numerous, as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name、Temperance, for example, was by some confined to eating and drinking, while by others it was extended to mean the moderating every other pleasure, appetite, inclination, or passion bodily or mental, even to our avarice and ambition, I proposed to myself, for the sake of clearness, to use rather more names, with fewer ideas annexed to each, than a few names with more ideas; and I included under thirteen names of virtues all that at that time occurred to me as necessary or desirable, and annexed to each a short precept, which fully expressed the extent I gave to its meaning、 题目:Autobiography 作者:Benjamin Franklin 赏析: 1、One of Benjamin Franklin’s l iterary successes、1771-1788, inplete when he died、 2、Purpose: to make the experience of his own career, the conduct and habit of life which had

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