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Aa[ei,ə]Bb[bi:]Cc[si:]Dd[di:]Ee[i:]Ff[ef] Gg[dʒi:]Hh[eitʃ]Ii[ai]Jj[dʒei]Kk[kei] Ll[el]Mm[em]Nn[en]Oo[əu]Pp[pi:]Qq[kju:]Rr[ɑ:]Ss[es]Tt[ti:]Uu[ju:]Vv[vi:] Ww['dʌblju:]Xx[eks]Yy[wai]Zz[zed,zi:]



[i:]—eat [i:t] 吃,week[wi:k]星期,tree[tri:]树

①My mother and I eat at home most of the time.我妈妈和我多数时间都在家吃饭。

②I have a week to colds.我患感冒有一个星期了。

③There's a big tree in front of my house.有一棵大树在我家房子前面。

[ɑ:]---path[pɑ:θ]路径,pass [pɑ:s]通过

①The path down to the village.这条小径向下通往村庄。

②I passed the test.我通过了这次测验。

[ɔ:] ---all [ɔ:l]全部,hall[hɔ:l]礼堂,jaw[dʒɔ:]颌

①On Sunday we all go on a picnic.在星期天我们全家去野餐。

②This afternoon we in the hall.今天下午我们在礼堂开会。

③Under the mouth is jaws.嘴巴下面有下颌。

[u:]—you[ju:]你,goose [gu:s]鹅,student ['stju:dənt]学生

①What are you doing?你在干嘛?

I'm doing my homework.我正在做家庭作业。

②A goose swimming in the pool.一只鹅在池塘里游泳。

③We are students in grade six. 我们是六年级的学生。

[ə:]—early['ə:li]早的,nurse [nə:s]护士,girl [ gə:l ]女孩

①Every day I got up very early.我每天都起得很早。

②The nurse attended the patients daily. 护士每日照顾病人。

③She is a lovely girl。她是一个很可爱的女孩子。


[i]—if[if]如果,milk [milk]牛奶,fish [fiʃ]鱼

①If you don't finish your homework, you don't watch TV.如果你不写完你的作业,你就不要看电视。

②I forgot to Buy milk and need to go to the store once more。我忘记买牛奶而得再去商店。

③I like to eat fish.我喜欢吃鱼。

[e]-- bread [bred]面包,egg [eg]蛋,dress [dres]连衣裙

①The bread is very fresh。这些面包很新鲜。

②Meat doesn't cook as quickly as an egg。肉不能像蛋煮熟得那么快。

③Today she is wearing a purple dress.她今天穿着一条紫色的连衣裙。

[æ]-- sandals ['sændls]凉鞋, van [væn]小货车

①In summer we like to wear sandals.夏天我们喜欢穿凉鞋。

②A van ran on the highway.一辆小货车在公路上跑着。

[ʌ]-- up [ʌp]向上,money['mʌni]钱,study ['stʌdi]学习

①The cat crept up on the bird。猫咪悄悄地向那只鸟爬过去。

②Time is money, money is not time. 时间是金钱,金钱却不是时间。

③We can study in the classroom。我们可以在教室里学习。

[ɒ]-- hospital ['hɒspitl]医院,box [bɒks]盒子

①They drive to the hospital。他们开车去了医院。

②Mike: Dad I need your tool box.。迈克:爸爸,我需要你的工具箱。

[ʊ]-- book [bʊk]书,foot [fʊt]脚,woman ['wʊmən]女人

①What color is your phone book? 你电话簿是什么颜色的?

It's yellow。它是黄色的。

②The last bus has gone,and I'll have to foot it。末班车已经开走,我只得步行了。

③Can you recognize that woman? 你能认出那个女人吗?

Yes, I can.是的,我能。

[ə]-- visitor ['vizitə]参观者,doctor ['dɒktə]医生

①Mike: We have another visitor? 迈克:我们又来了位客人?

②His wish is to become a doctor。他的愿望是想成为一名医生。


[eI]-- eraser[I'reIzə]橡皮, crayon ['kre Iən]蜡笔

①Yaoyao, can I use your eraser? 瑶瑶,我能用你的橡皮吗?

②Where is my crayon? It's under the chair。我的蜡笔在哪里?它在椅子下面。[aI]-- eye[a I]眼睛,white [hwa I t]白色的,lion['la Iən]狮子

①Open that eye and close the other。睁开那只眼睛并闭上另一只。

②Thanks. I want the white one。谢谢。我想要那件白色的。

③The lion evaded the hunter。那狮子躲开了猎人。

[ɔI]-- boy [bɔI]男孩,toy[tɔI]玩具,soil[sɔIl]土壤

①The boy with long hair is Tom。那个留长头发的男孩是汤姆。

②Her favourite toy was a rag doll。她心爱的玩具是一个布娃娃。

③Plants need soil, water and light。植物需要泥土、水和阳光。