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1. 通常,单音节词和部分双音节词在词尾加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级。以-e 结尾的词一般加-r和-st构成其比较级和最高级形式。以“辅音+-y”结尾的词,通常变y 为i,然后加-er和-est构成其比较级和最高级形式。以一个辅音字母结尾的词,将这字母双写,再加-er和-est构成其比较级和最高级形式。

e.g. small – smaller – smallest; large – larger –largest; heavy – heavier – heaviest; big –

bigger – biggest

2. 三音节及以上的词只能在词前加more构成比较级,加most构成最高级。

e.g. careful -- more careful -- most careful; important -- more important -- most important

3. 加前缀un-而产生的的三音节词仍可以在词尾加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级。

e.g. unhappy – unhappier – unhappiest

4. 由-ed分词转化成的单音节形容词,通常只能加more/most构成比较级和最高级。

e.g. pleased – more pleased – most pleased; tired – more tired – most tired

5. 特殊变化形式


【注1】farther,farthest 不同于further,furthest。前者主要表示距离,后者主要表示程度。

【注2】older 和oldest不同于elder 和eldest,前者多指年龄、时间、年代的长久,后者指兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系。另外,elder还有“老资格的,具有权威的”等



1. 比较级形容词和副词前可用much, far, hardly, no, a lot, still, ever, a little, twice, five times 等表示程度的状语修饰。

e.g. I) He is fat, but his brother is still fatter.

II) He is a great deal taller than I.

2. 最高级形容词或副词与序数词及far, by far等连用,可加强语气。

e.g. I) It’s Japan’s third largest city.

II) Football has become by far the most popular sport in the world.

3. 在相同程度比较中,前一个as 前面可加just, quite, nearly, almost和一些表示倍数的词如twice,three times,half等。

e.g. I) The house is about three times as big as ours.

II) We have a third as many students as we had last semester (学期).


1. 比较级一般用来表示“比……更……一些”这类概念,通常用一个由连词than引起的状语从句来表示和什么相比。为了避免重复,从句中有些成分可以省略,而把相比的部分突显出来。

e.g. I) He is more concerned about others than about himsel

f. 他关心别人甚于关心他自


II) It takes less time to go there by bus than by boat.

【注】在用比较级时,一定要注意比较对象的对应性。为了避免重复,我们常常用that, those, one和ones这样的代词,可数名词单数可以用that或the one代替,复数名词可以用those或ones来替换,不可数名词可以用that代替。

e.g.I) The suggestion (建议) you made is more practical (实用的) than the one Mary


II) The girls in your class are more active than those in our class.

2. 比较级形容词前面加the,后跟of 短语,表示两者间“较……的一个”。

e.g. I) He is the stronger of the two?

II) Dorothea was the more beautiful of the two.

3. 几个特殊的比较级结构

a) more and more …: 越来越……

e.g. I) Your English is getting better and better.

II) I walked faster and faster.

b) The more …, the more …: 越是……就越……

e.g. I) The busier he is, the happier he feels.

II) The more you practice, the easier you get.

c) more or less: 大体上,或多或少

e.g. It is an hour’s journey, more or less.

d) more … than …: 与其说……,不如说……

e.g. Music is more a way of life than an interest. 音乐与其说是一种兴趣,不如说是一种


e) more than: 不止,不仅仅

e.g. He is more than a friend to me.

f) no more … than …: 不比……更……,和……一样不……

e.g. Mary is no more diligent than Helen (is). 玛丽和海伦一样都不用功。

【比较】Mary is not more diligent than Helen (is). 玛丽不如海伦用功。

g) 有些形容词后要用to 不用than, 且本身没有比较级和最高级形式。这类词有:senior

(年长的,资格较老的), junior ( 年少的,地位低的), superior (更优越的), inferior (劣


e.g. This product is superior to that one.
