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Unit 1 The Modern Hospital

1. Medicare is a federally funded and administered program that provides health insurance for older Americans and those who are disabled.

2. Medicaid is a health insurance program financed and run jointly by the federal and state governments for low-income people of all ages who do not have the money or insurance to pay for health care. 医疗救助项目

1. 医院部门及科室名称

out-patient department 门诊部

In-patient department 住院部

Nursing department 护理部

Admission office 住院处

Discharge office 出院处

Registration office 挂号处

Reception /waiting room 侯诊室

Consultation room 诊察室

Isolation room 隔离室

Delivery room 分娩室

Emergency room 急诊室

Ward 病室

内科Department of internal medicine

外科Department of surgery

儿科Department of pediatrics

神经科Department of neurology

眼科Department of ophthalmology [,ɔfθæl'mɔlədʒi, ,ɔp-]


口腔科Department of stomatology [,stəumə'tɔlədʒi; ,stɔ-]

泌尿科Department of urology

骨科Department of orthopedic

创伤科Department of traumatology [,trɔ:mə'tɔlədʒi, ,trau-]

2. 各类医院

综合医院general hospital, polyclinic

麻风病院hospital for lepers

产科医院maternity hospital,

精神病院mental hospital, mental home

整形外科医院plastic surgery hospital

口腔医院stomatological hospital [,stəumə'tɔlədʒi; ,stɔ-]

肿瘤医院tumour hospital

3. 人员staff

院长director of the hospital

门诊部主任head of out-patient department

主治医生physician in charge, surgeon in charge,

化验员laboratory technician

麻醉师anaesthetist [æ'ni:sθətist, ə'nes-]

药剂师pharmacist['fɑ:məsist], druggist

脑科专家brain specialist

心外科医生cardiac surgeon

Unit 2 Hypertension

Idiopathic[,idiə'pæθik]: 自发/原发的

hypertrophy: n. 肥大/过度生长

coarctation[,kəua:k'teiʃən]:n. congenital narrowing of the aorta 先天性主动脉狭窄

Renin: 肾素

Angiotensin: 血管紧张素


Stenosis[sti'nəusis]: 狭窄

myocardial: adj. 心肌的

Inflate: v. distend (swell 使膨胀/扩张) with air (使气球等)充气

aldosterone[,ældəu'sterəun] (醛固酮):a corticosteroid hormone which stimulates absorption of sodium(钠)by the kidneys and so regulates water and salt balance


Stethoscope: n. 听诊器

Thump: v. beat strongly 怦怦跳动

Tinnitus:n. a ringing in the ears 耳鸣

Unit 3 TCM

Treatment determination based on syndrome differentiation 辨证论治

materia medica (Latin): 药物学;药物;药品


Auscultation(闻/听诊)/ and Olfaction 闻诊/嗅诊)

Interrogation (问诊)


TCM Pediatrics:中医儿科

The TCM Science of the Five Sense Organs(五官科)

TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology(骨伤科):

TCM Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针灸学) :

Chinese Massage(推拿学)

Unit 4 Diabetes

1.gestational: adj. 怀孕的;妊娠的

2. pasta: 意大利面制品

3. confectionery: sweet food 甜食

4.retina: 视网膜